What gift to choose for March 8th. Great gifts for colleagues at work, classmates and girlfriends

Hello dear readers! With the arrival of spring, everyone rejoices at the end of the hateful frost, but men are not laughing - it's time to choose presents for International Women's Day. And indeed, what to give to all the surrounding women on March 8 in order to please them and not forget about anyone: wife or girlfriend, girlfriend, mother, grandmother, sister, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter, colleague ...

And for each you will have to choose something special, interesting, suitable. It is a matter of increased complexity, but such a quest continues from year to year, and fresh ideas are gradually coming to an end. Let's come up with new gift options together.

Having celebrated February 23, all CIS men are seriously thinking about gifts for March 8 to beloved and dear women, but there are a lot of them in the life of every guy, and you simply cannot forget anyone! Yes, here you will have to break your head, choosing for each lady your own, universal gift. Fortunately, on the eve of the holiday, themed gifts appear on store shelves, from which you can easily choose both cute trinkets and truly luxurious gifts.

Of course, the price range and type of gift is different for different women. For example, a colleague and girlfriend can be presented with a pleasant trifle, but a beloved girlfriend or wife - a good, solid present, otherwise you can forget about a calm personal life.

Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, mother of a boyfriend or girlfriend can be presented as a gift:

  • good bedding,
  • useful kitchen utensils,
  • quality cosmetics,
  • decor items (vases, figurines, paintings, photo frames).

Grandma will like a new handbag, a beautiful picture, a warm blanket, various little things for the house, for those who love a garden and a garden - country accessories.

My daughter will like:

  • beautiful jewelry suitable for her age,
  • cosmetics (now they produce safe products even for the smallest ones, and girls love to be beautiful so much!),
  • a diary with a lock to keep her secrets,
  • good book.

And for an older girl, a photo session, a certificate for a dance lesson, horse riding, a parachute jump, a master class in photography, handicrafts, and cooking are already suitable.

List of unusual and pleasant gifts for a girl

Your beloved girl deserves the perfect gift for March 8, and if your relationship does not last so long, you will have to work as a real spy, finding out the wishes of your beloved and her preferences. As a last resort, you can ask her directly, but then there won't be a surprise, so it's better to try to guess with a present. So, what gift would suit your beloved one?

  • jewelry, because “best friends are diamonds”, and even if the budget does not allow purchasing these precious stones, a girl will definitely like a beautiful pendant, bracelet or pendant, the main thing is to guess with the style and material. After all, some recognize only gold, others prefer silver, and some like beautiful jewelry
  • useful accessories are also always relevant, it can be an umbrella, wallet, bag, scarf or watch
  • if the relationship is close enough, you can present your beloved with beautiful underwear, having previously determined its size by tags on clothes
  • write a song, verse, picture for your beloved
  • girls who do not keep track of every calorie can be presented with a good box of chocolates or even a bouquet of sweets, so to speak, two in one - flowers and a treat
  • a great idea would be to purchase a certificate in the spa salon, where she can experience various cosmetic procedures or exotic massage for herself and feel like a queen
  • you can order a professional photo session for your beloved, perhaps even a joint one in a romantic style - so you will have a great time, and the girl will get good photos that she will be proud of
  • don't forget about romance - book a table at a nice restaurant, cook a great dinner at home, organize a quiet weekend getaway
  • it is quite permissible to just invite your beloved for a walk in the shops to purchase the thing she needs, she will rejoice at your dedication (everyone knows how men do not like shopping), you will not have to rack your brains when choosing a gift, and the girl will have a useful thing, for example, a handbag or boots.

Inexpensive, tasteful gifts for March 8 to colleagues at work

After an active discussion, men in a team with a clear face give their colleagues on March 8 ... flowers and sweets every year. Do you want to surprise your employees and be more original? It's not that hard, here are some ideas:

  • bouquets of sweets or a combination of buds with sweets, ladies will definitely appreciate and massively begin to replace the photos on the avka with frames with a gift, in a hurry to boast of the attention of colleagues to their acquaintances
  • it is perfectly acceptable to give employees a bottle of a good light drink, for example, liqueur or champagne. You can even pre-print funny greeting labels on your work printer and stick on top of the factory ones.
  • if you do not want to deviate from the "sweet" tradition, you can order the ladies personalized candy boxes- and there is little trouble, and each one will feel special
  • office workers will come in handy with various small stationery and little things: pens, flash cards, phone holders, notebooks, calendars. Most of these products on the eve of the holiday are offered in the appropriate design, and if you wish, you can order a personalized engraving for each employee separately.
  • and don't forget to sign the postcards. It is good if you have a person in your team who skillfully owns rhyme. If not, then use
  • The boss can be presented with a certificate for spa procedures, a beautiful decoration for her office (should be combined with the style of the room), a portrait of the woman herself painted in oil from her photograph, a set of expensive sweets or fruits if she is on a diet, a bottle of good wine, an orchid or bonsai tree in a pot.

Inexpensive, but pleasant surprises for a friend on women's day

Girlfriends also deserve gifts for March 8th for their boundless care and patience. Moreover, many options are inexpensive:

  • terry towels that can be decorated in an original way, for example, in the form of a cake or fruit
  • cup with the words "best friend"
  • order her favorite piece of music on the radio and make sure her friend hears it
  • choose her favorite perfume
  • aroma lamp for making the room cozy and improving health
  • soft cozy pajamas will always come in handy too
  • you can congratulate a dear person with a photograph made in the form of a picture, puzzle or embroidery, or simply present a beautiful photo frame.

What gift to choose for a wife on a women's holiday

A wife is the closest person to a married man, and a gift for her on March 8 should be special. Fortunately, most of the ladies are very wise, helping spouses in determining the best present with light hints, hints, reservations, they say, "Masha has such a cool phone", or "a cute red handbag appeared in the store."

You just have to listen to the chatter of your beloved and remember her dreams, and then, like a real magician, fulfill them on a grand scale. I offer such universal ideas:

  • jewelry is always held in high esteem, even if you donate it from year to year
  • travel has the same property, if the budget allows - present your beloved a ticket to warm countries or beautiful cities, or better go together
  • fashionable gadgets are perfect: phones, tablets, e-books, watches for sports and other equipment
  • Household ladies will love gifts that make their housework easier, for example, a dishwasher or washing machine, a robot vacuum cleaner, a multicooker, a food processor
  • money can be a gift, you just need to twist it into tubes, put it in a beautiful jar and sprinkle it with sweets
  • remind your beloved that she is a desirable, beautiful woman by giving her a beautiful handbag, fur coat, shoes or simply by offering her joint shopping
  • fulfill her dream of learning something new, for example, by presenting a certificate for courses in photography, makeup, sewing, sushi making, horse riding or even driving, because for all the worries our ladies often simply do not have time for self-development.

What can you give a teacher on March 8

Teachers-ladies on this beautiful day also have the right to count on attention, because all year they took care of the students in a motherly way, praised, scolded, and took care. As a rule, one present is purchased from the whole class, but it must also be chosen wisely and presented correctly. For a teacher or educators from a kindergarten group, the following are suitable:

  • flowers, although trite, but always pleasant, in addition to them it is worth buying a beautiful vase
  • office, for example, a flash drive for storing work files, or a good leather-framed notebook where a lady can enter all her numerous notes
  • household appliances, home textiles, wall clocks, beautiful figurines, vases, because the teacher in any case remains a woman, mistress, keeper of the home, and she will appreciate the students' attempt to decorate her life
  • coffee lover's set or good tea
  • a certificate for the purchase of cosmetics and personal care products, because it is almost impossible to choose, say, perfume or mascara correctly.

Inexpensive gifts for classmates

A limited budget is not a reason to be upset, because you can always choose inexpensive but cute gifts for March 8th. Especially such things will appeal to schoolchildren and students who, in preparation for the holiday, can only rely on saved pocket money. Inexpensive congratulations will help you organize:

  • cute frame for photos, which is useful for any girl, because they love to admire themselves so much
  • jewelry box
  • soft towel in a beautiful package or decorated in the form of a dessert or animal
  • figurine, scented lamp
  • soft toys for little girls and teenagers
  • name mug
  • mouse pad.

Original DIY gifts for mom and grandmother

As a rule, boys make gifts with their own hands, who do not yet have money for ready-made presents, but some ideas are also suitable for adult, independent men. So, you can:

  • , fabrics, beads, bows and other jewelry, and it will be relevant at any age, because you have invested your strength and love in it, videos of master classes on the network will help to realize the idea
  • if a man really knows how to work with his hands, for example, make and assemble a kitchen set, cut a box out of wood, forge a rose or sew a dress, then such a present will be much more pleasant than soulless things from the store
  • together with the children, you can draw or craft, or even cooler - create a real
  • everyone will be able to surprise their woman on this wonderful day, simply by showing their care: a romantic breakfast, coffee in bed, a bath with a foam cap and scented candles, a quiet dinner for two and simple attention, believe me, your beloved will appreciate it!

As a child, we had three females in our house - me, my mother and my grandmother. Therefore, every year my dad prepared a wonderful treat for us. No wonder they say that the best chefs are men. And every year the menu was new. He knew how to surprise.

What to give kindergarten teachers from parents

With a little imagination, you can choose original gifts for March 8 and for educators. An excellent solution would be to search on Aliexpress - there is a large selection. And if you're familiar with the doe's hobbies, it's even easier to search by category. Here's a short list of different options:

  • if your teacher is fond of cooking, then order various molds, accessories for desserts and pastries, thermometers
  • entertaining alarms with vertical takeoff
  • interior decorations - modular paintings, vases, figurines, beautiful candlesticks
  • gift certificate to a cosmetic store
  • unusual designer jewelry
  • the humidifier is especially suitable in dry indoor climates
  • bouquets of fruits look unusual, they are tasty, healthy, and will be remembered for a long time;
  • Well, what a holiday without a bouquet - order or make yourself a candy bouquet.

What to give on March 8 to each of the surrounding women? It's not an easy question, but with our tips, I hope you will have new fresh ideas for congratulating beautiful ladies. Subscribe to the blog, stay tuned for new articles and give your women gifts and attention every day, not just on March 8!

It has become a good tradition to be sure to give women gifts on March 8th. Neither a loving couple / married couple, nor a single collective can do without such presentations, children give souvenirs to mothers, grandmothers, classmates, teachers - examples of who are given gifts on March 8 can be continued for a long time. Everyone seeks to decide on the most interesting, beautiful, wonderful presentation, expressing attention, respect, love.

How to choose what to give for the day of March 8

Do you think what kind of souvenir can become the most pleasant, cute, fascinating for the gifted person? Be sure to remember what she is interested in, who works / where she studies, her hobbies, hobbies, in general - everything that will make the present as individual as possible. After all, the main question is not to buy some kind of gift for March 8, what to give in order to bring joy, to cause a smile - that is what is important. Sometimes it starts to seem that there were already an incredibly many gifts, so it is unrealistic to pick up something original, non-trivial. In this case, you should immediately involve professionals in the search for a surprise - employees of the specialized portal MillionPodarkov. They will tell you what you can donate for March 8, they will advise you how beautiful, stylish, and inspired to present the purchase. So their help will be even more helpful than you might have hoped. As for the opinions of visitors to our portal, choosing which gift to make on March 8, so that it turns out to be ideal, the most popular, most frequently chosen presentations are:
  • Floriana "Bonsai".
  • Gift set "Pearl of desires".
  • Jewelry box "Luciana".
  • Frying pan "Smile".
  • Decorative figurine "Rose".

    Features MillionGifts

    If you understand perfectly well that it is important not only what to give for March 8, but also where to buy it so that the purchase is successful, get acquainted with the catalog of our service. Cooperation with us has many advantages:
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  • With the spring holiday approaching, men are thinking about buying gifts for their relatives and friends. We must congratulate mom, sister, daughter, colleague. And for each individual to choose an individual gift that will cause a satisfied smile and pleasure. Women need to be presented with individual and interesting souvenirs, no triviality! We offer 40 ideas of what to give a woman on March 8, we tried to take into account the different financial capabilities of men, the interests and hobbies of women.

    What gift can you buy for a woman on March 8? Choose:

    1. Brand perfume. Always a win-win. Mom, sister, daughter, wife will be delighted with this gift. Not suitable for congratulating a colleague, as it is too personal.
    2. A huge bouquet. Flowers can be an independent gift or one of the elements of a congratulation. Do not give one unfortunate flower at a time, splurge on a large bouquet, it looks great, women are very fond of such gifts. What flowers are best for March 8? Of course, the first spring: tulips, hyacinths, mimosa, alstroemeria. Contact the experts, they will compose an original composition.
    3. Flower in a pot. Do not give an ordinary petunia, choose something exotic. For example, orchid, pineapple, wisteria, brillantasia. This is a very original gift for a woman on March 8, especially if she is fond of plant growing.
    4. Floriana. An unusual arrangement of plants in a small glass vessel or even an aquarium is an interesting option for a presentation. It can be safely added to the list of the best gifts for women on March 8th. Suitable for both relatives / loved ones and colleagues.
    5. Umbrella with a fun print. This stylish accessory will take its rightful place in your wardrobe. Focus on your wife's fashion and preferences. You can buy a double-sided umbrella with fruits or berries on the inside, with dachshunds, cats, changing color under the influence of water, etc.
    6. Tickets for a concert, to the theater. Each lady will be glad to receive tickets for a concert of her favorite performer or for an interesting performance as a gift. This is a great idea to please both an elderly mother and a young daughter.
    7. Gift Certificate. On March 8, a girl can be presented with a certificate for purchases in a cosmetic store or brand boutique. If you do not know what to choose, you are afraid not to guess with the brand, color, size, feel free to buy a certificate, let her choose what she needs. Plus, shopping is another great gift for a woman.
    8. SPA visit. Pamper your beloved, sister, daughter with a massage session or a care program in a good spa. Alternatively, you can purchase a certificate for a visit, let him choose procedures within the limit.
    9. Master Class. If a lady is fond of making exotic rolls, beading, postcards using the scrapbooking technique or buccal massage, attending a master class on interests is an original and pleasant gift for a woman.
    10. Business diaries in leather covers, stylish handles, original desktop accessories. These are gift options for women at work. Stationery little things are always needed, just approach the purchase with imagination and creativity. Look for unusual notebooks, pick up pens to match. Buy an individual set for each employee.
    11. Gift sets of tea and coffee. Not sure what to give your colleague a woman on March 8? Finding a beautiful set of tea or coffee is not difficult, they are sold in regular stores and virtual souvenir shops. A useful and tasty gift will also appeal to close women: mother, sister, aunt. We do not recommend giving to the second half, she will like diamond earrings more J
    12. Decorations. Of course, a girl's best friend is diamonds, but beautiful stylish jewelry will do. Choose jewelry that the lady prefers: one loves bracelets and does not wear brooches, the other will not leave the house without five rings on each finger.
    13. Island tours. Organize your dream trip, or at least an interesting excursion. You can give a vacation on the ocean or a visit to memorable and interesting places.
    14. Emotions and impressions. The choice of an interesting gift for a woman is not limited to something material. Skydiving, camel riding, track racing, hot air ballooning, etc. are good options. Got the idea? Give her the emotion and adventure she has dreamed of!
    15. Handbag. There are never many bags, a true lady will never refuse a new copy. You can present an evening or everyday clutch bag, a shopper bag, a stylish backpack to a woman on March 8. Take a closer look at what models she prefers, if anything, ask for help from another woman (mother, sister, beloved).
    16. Gadget. A new smartphone or tablet is a great option for the second half and daughter. The girls will be insanely happy. Do not forget to buy original covers, of course, in feminine design.
    17. Nice underwear. On March 8, a close and beloved woman can be presented with sexy underwear in a hat box with ribbons. This gift will be appreciated by liberated women who completely trust their husband and are not averse to playing pranks.
    18. Peignoir. A similar option, a beautiful night dressing gown will appeal to a modern girl or woman who takes care of herself and even remains a sexy kitty for morning coffee. You can add cute slippers with a pompom or brooch to the negligee.
    19. Automobile. This is one of the best options, of course, the lady will squeal with delight. If financial possibilities permit, timed the purchase of a new typewriter on International Women's Day!
    20. Wallet, key holder, card holder or other accessories. A good gift for any lady. You can present each accessory separately or create an elegant set of business card holder, key holder, wallet. Don't forget about beautiful packaging!
    21. Cosmetic set of a famous brand. When choosing cosmetics, a man makes a mistake in 98% of cases. To avoid an annoying misunderstanding, buy a ready-made set that has everything you need. Women love these things, especially when the logo of a famous brand is applied to the box.
    22. Sand portrait. A creative and original gift that will decorate a room or office and will delight the eye. Do you think that you can give a woman on March 8? Order her portrait from a photo, she has never received such a gift!
    23. PHOTOSESSION. A photoset with a professional photographer is every lady's dream. Neither the girl nor the grandmother will give up such an experience. The lady will be able to reincarnate and see herself in a completely new way.
    24. Wrist watch. A stylish accessory is a good option for a gift. A sports lady can be presented with a smart watch, an elegant one - an accessory with a sophisticated gold bracelet, etc.
    25. Jewelry box. In the arsenal of every woman there are jewelry, watches, nice little things. They need to be stored somewhere. This is where a beautiful box will come in handy, in which rings, bracelets and watches will fit.
    26. Handmade soap set. A very inexpensive gift for a woman on March 8, but very nice. Soap with natural additives takes good care of delicate or problem skin, looks original and unusual. It can be a set of "chocolates" sweets, cakes, flowers, etc. Need a nice box and ribbon.
    27. Fireworks. Arrange a champagne fireworks display in honor of the women you love. Let this day be remembered for a long time!
    28. Live butterflies. An original surprise for your beloved. Can be released early in the morning. When she wakes up, she will be surprised by the exotic in her own room. The gift is appropriate if a woman is not afraid of insects.
    29. Composition from sweets. A universal gift that will be appropriate both at home and at work. If you don’t know what you can give your colleagues, make an individual composition for each in the form of a pineapple, a bouquet, a carriage, etc.
    30. Set for notes "Little female secrets". Also a good gift for colleagues, necessary and original. Tear-off sheets are packed in a beautiful, feminine box.
    31. Bouquet-shaped USB hub. A creative and useful gift for a modern woman. Will help out on the road and at work.
    32. A hobby gift. If a lady is fond of something, she will be glad to receive a present from this area.
    33. Car accessory. For an auto lady, pick up accessories for your car. This can be a pillow, a thermal cup, a holder for a gadget, a steering wheel cover with butterflies, etc.
    34. Congratulations on the billboard. A romantic and pleasant gift for a beloved woman and family.
    35. Luminaire with control panel. Such a present can be presented to a mother or sister. Convenient and simple control will allow you to turn on / off the light with one touch.
    36. EBook. A suitable souvenir for those who cannot live without reading. A convenient compact gadget you can take with you on trips and to work.
    37. Eco-friendly shopping bag. A modern and inexpensive solution. A familiar woman can be presented with a compact shopper bag. Mom, aunt, sister will like it - this is a win-win versatile option.
    38. Flash drive with rhinestones. Needed by every lady who deals with computer technology. This beautiful and stylish accessory can also be worn as a keychain on a keychain.
    39. Garden set in a case. A good gift for a woman who loves gardening or home gardening.
    40. Set for a sauna or bath. Does the lady like to take a steam bath in a sauna or a bathhouse? Bring a set that includes everything you need for the session: towels, a hat, a broom, brushes, sponges, aromatic oils, etc.

    We hope our gift ideas for March 8 for women helped to choose the right one and please their loved ones, loved ones and just acquaintances ladies!

    The editors of the site share their plans for gifts for March 8. Men talk about what they plan to give, and ladies - what they would like to receive as a gift.

    Eldar Murtazin

    What to give for March 8? The question is as complex as the attitude towards this holiday, which varies greatly from city to city, from person to person. It seems to me that here it is necessary to choose based not on the production necessity, the routine of what is so accepted. Rather, you have to choose the way you feel. If you want to give a gift, do it. Moreover, it can be both electronics and something else. If you do look at electronics, then avoid things that are necessary and useful in the household. Try to do something nice. Something that only the gifted person and no one else will need. And it all depends on how much you know the person.

    The holiday is not too big, so look at pedometers, programs or gifts in the form of certificates for the purchase of software. These are the most popular things for which they will thank you. In general, I advise you to think about what a person will be pleased to receive and build on it. These are the "harmful" tips for March 8th. Girls, Happy Holidays!

    Sergey Kuzmin

    I am not suggesting to believe me or not - on March 8, girls must be given flowers and something completely unrelated to technology. No smartphones, no phones, no laptops or tablets. Lingerie, perfumery, cosmetics (only here you have to be very careful), jewelry, accessories - anything you want, just not technology. Believe me, you will not be understood if you bring a smartphone to the holiday, be it at least three times the flagship. This is not a holiday. And in general, it is better for girls to give equipment just like that, without being tied to dates. This behavior will be perceived absolutely correctly. Any guy will love a new iPhone for his birthday. And the girl will be glad. But he will think - why didn't he buy me a scarf, a purse or a ring.

    So, if we talk about any kind of technique, then I myself decided the question as follows. Flowers, well, that's understandable. One non-tech gift. And Casio G-shock from the Baby-G line. It's just that we are constantly engaged in all sorts of semi-sports or sports matters. Squash, skates. Karting. Bicycle soon. Such a watch will always come in handy.

    The model, as in the photo, is the simplest, but I have not yet decided on the color. The price is about five thousand rubles.

    I repeat, do not forget about flowers and about a "woman's" gift! This also applies to March 8 and any other days. I think the girls will support me.

    Artem Lutfullin

    If the number of gifts for my significant other meant anything, I would probably name something like flowers, a book, jewelry or travel. That is, the standard set is incremental. But I would like to present something from technology that can be given to a girl, while maintaining the meaning of this gift (a smartphone as a gift is great, but somehow wrong for March 8, in my opinion). Therefore, my theoretical gift for March 8 will consist of accessories from the Chinese company Xiaomi.

    Firstly, because Xiaomi is one of the few brands in the world, apart from Apple, of course, whose accessories, in addition to practical use, are also aesthetic - they are simple and at the same time beautiful and stylish.

    Secondly, because among Xiaomi products there are many funny things, at the same time inexpensive, so for a relatively small amount you can choose not just a few things useful in everyday life, but also some pleasant trifle in the form of a bonus.

    Now I will show with an example what I mean.

    Xiaomi Mi Bank 5000 mAh with a branded case

    Very thin (10 mm) and beautiful battery in a silver aluminum case with a capacity of 5000 mAh. Perfect for a couple of times to charge the fourth and fifth "iPhone" or one and a half times - the sixth or Xiaomi Mi4, for example. The accessory is really beautiful, this distinguishes Mi Bank from most external batteries.

    For the battery, you can immediately buy a branded case made of dense material with a soft outer side (similar to a velvet surface), for example, bright red. As a gift, such a set is very suitable, in my opinion, it is beautiful, useful and at the same time inexpensive.

    The accessory costs 50 yuan, the case costs 20, for a total of 70 yuan, or about 700 rubles if you buy it all in a company store or on the official website. It will be twice as expensive through online stores, but, you see, even 1,500 rubles for this set is quite sane.

    Case for Xiaomi Mi4

    The second gift implies that the girl has a corresponding smartphone from Xiaomi - Mi4. For him, the company has recently started selling covers with a textured pattern. There is only one drawing, there are two colors to choose from, an accessory exclusively for girls, so just in the theme of the spring holiday.

    Such a case costs 50 yuan (about 500 rubles) and performs three useful tasks at once - it protects the "back" of the smartphone from damage, makes the device more comfortable to grip (in Xiaomi Mi4, the cover is glossy) and, finally, turns the smartphone into a kind of girlish accessory.

    Xiaomi Mi Band with replaceable bracelet

    I talked about the Mi Band fitness module in the review. The thing is cool: simple, neat, with software that is not yet completely brought to mind, but this is fixable. Now Mi Band is sold only with a black bracelet included, so if you decide to order this accessory for your girlfriend, it is better to immediately buy a replacement silicone bracelet for it, one, two or three, as you decide. The colors are bright, juicy, beautiful. There is one drawback - colored bracelets get dirty quickly, but they can always be washed with soap, so the problem is not too serious.

    Replacement bracelets can be viewed on the official website, they cost very little (20 yuan).


    Finally, the cutest and funniest gift, which is also the symbol of Xiaomi - a branded hare. All my acquaintances who saw these rabbits with me live, then ask me to bring the same one. Moreover, most of them are not only fans of Xiaomi, but do not even use the company's devices, and some have not even heard of it. Nevertheless, everyone wants a hare. The Xiaomi store has a large selection of hares, from plastic key rings and small stuffed toys to huge ones, almost a meter high. Such a hare will come up by March 8, it seems to me.

    There is also such a cool one, for example, but now for some reason it is not among those available on the official website, so you need to look in online stores. It may still be on sale there.

    And yet, all the accessories described above are not so easy to buy: there are no official sales in Russia, some things are in online stores, but two to three times more expensive than their original cost, there is an option of ordering through major global online stores with delivery. On the other hand, it gives such a gift more originality points, doesn't it?

    Roman Belykh

    To begin with, we published two large articles on our website on the topic of gifts for February 14 (an alien holiday of St. Valentine, whose roots go back to ancient Rome) and for the Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23. The articles listed the most interesting devices that can be gifted to both a man and a woman or girl. And if you remember the material about New Year's gifts, you will have a complete list of things for all occasions, including for March 8th.

    In the text “Buyer's Guide: Gifts for February 23,” Svetlana Leonova wrote: “... it is not customary for our small two-person family to celebrate the so-called gender holidays”. Our situation is essentially the same: on the 23rd, my spouse, mother and mother-in-law congratulate me mainly orally, and on March 8 I give them flowers. Perhaps, when a couple meets and they still have a candy-bouquet period, young people give each other, in addition to flowers, something more meaningful to them. In short, you already understood that I am a boring and boring guy =)

    If you have enough funds, then I recommend buying any high-quality smartphone with unusual colors. The phone is never superfluous. Some time ago I gave my future wife a Fly Q200i for her birthday. Believe it or not, she still walks with him, she likes him, and she is not going to change him to another.

    Now you can buy the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 in pink, while the Galaxy Note 3 in red will cost a little less. Alternatively - purple Sony Xperia Z3. Fans of the Windows Phone operating system are a little easier: Nokia and Microsoft have released a large number of devices with multi-colored bodies in any price segment.

    The purchase of an inexpensive but nice MP4-player will become a less expensive event, although, of course, now people listen to music on their phones more often. And if your beloved women are not too big music lovers, then give any simple bright music player. For example, Apple iPod shuffle, Sony NWZ-B183, Ritmix RF-4850, Explay Hit and others.

    By the way, it is best to donate headphones to the player: for example, big red or green Beats Studio, or pink Pioneer SE-MJ502, or Beats Solo 2.

    Among the plugs there are also funny colors: BBK EP-1170S, BBK EP-1160S, JBL T200a, Sennheiser CX 686i Sports, Sennheiser CX 215 and so on.

    And I congratulate all our wonderful women in advance on the upcoming spring holiday on March 8!

    Evgeny Vildyaev

    Girls are usually more emotional than guys, so the gift should be appropriate. I know not so many gadgets that evoke emotions, among the latter I can highlight, of course, something from Apple. And although the iPhone / iPad now cost a lot of money, nothing prevents you from making your soul mate happy with a good player, the same iPod Shuffle can be purchased for 3,000 rubles, and the iPod nano 7 will cost you 9,000-10,000 rubles.

    Another good gift, in my opinion, can be a multicooker. Not to hint your significant other to cook more often, but rather to make cooking easier. I know that ladies often eat porridge for breakfast, which is much easier to cook in it. And in principle, cooking any dish in a multicooker becomes an easier task. I will not recommend a specific model, the main thing is to look at the power and take the one that is more powerful.

    Also, the beautiful half of humanity is usually much more responsible in tracking her figure, so if you see that a girl regularly weighs herself and records the results, then you can give her smart scales, for example, Withings WS-30 or WS-50.

    First of all, I would like to note that the choice of a gift for a girl is usually more individual and balanced than for a young man. It is very difficult to choose something universal, since it is important to take into account the character of the second half. If you present the scales - you may be offended, a multicooker - "I don't cook a lot?" etc. Therefore, for a start, I recommend finding out what the lady herself wants. Surely the girl could say that she has long dreamed of getting this or that thing. And of course, whatever you choose, do not forget to buy flowers, because this is one of the most emotional gifts.

    Svetlana Leonova

    I do not plan to celebrate the eighth of March. I have nothing against this holiday, just for me personally this event is no more significant than, for example, the day of Ivan Kupala. What will I do? I will meet guests, but on the occasion, I have nothing to do with International Women's Day. All of the above, however, does not mean that I don’t like gifts and don’t think about pleasant things. There are many constructive (and not so) desires. At the top of the list are.

    First, an e-book. I read a lot from my smartphone screen. I only use my time on the subway to read books, which is about 50 minutes five days a week. At home, too, it turns out at least half an hour every day. There are no complaints about the display of the phone, but, in an amicable way, it is small for reading. However, I don’t want to change the device just because of the size of the display, I am satisfied with all other points. How much more convenient it is to read from electronic paper, I know firsthand, I have been using an electronic book for a long time. Now its capabilities are not enough, you need a touch screen, since one of the books is in English and you often need to translate individual words. And the question of dimensions is very relevant, there are always a lot of things in a bag, and you want to minimize the additional weight. As a conclusion to all of the above, you need a thin compact e-book with a touch screen and built-in dictionaries. Of the current proposals, I would probably stop at the PocketBook 630 Fashion model. The last book was also from the same company, and the principle of its organization was completely satisfactory. The 630th model has an updated interface, judging by the descriptions and screenshots, it is quite intuitive. As for the dimensions, the 630 is a rather thin and light model (more compact than most devices with a display of the same size), plus a cover is included in the kit, which immediately solves the problem of finding one. From a recent review, Artema learned that the E Ink display has a higher contrast and, in general, even better than what the manufacturer offered in earlier models. Six inches will be sufficient for daily use. I also see the ability to upload from Dropbox useful. Books, like many other things useful for daily use, I keep there. For me personally, this is not a decisive moment, however, when describing the PocketBook 630 Fashion model as a gift option, one cannot ignore the fact that the complete case was developed by Kenzo and has a crocodile embossing.

    Next in the rating of actual desires is the GorillaPod Hybrid tripod. First, it is lightweight and compact. This means that I will no longer be lazy to put it in my bag when traveling and walking. How many worthwhile frames were missed due to the lack of a tripod, it's scary to remember. Secondly, if you believe the descriptions and reviews, the tripod can be easily placed on uneven surfaces and tightly fixed on a wide variety of objects. This means that bridges, benches, trees are suitable as a fulcrum, and it is not at all necessary to look for a flat area. Weighing only 191 grams, this tripod can be used to mount a camera weighing up to 1 kg. I guess I'll get this fantastic accessory anyway.

    And in conclusion, I will give a couple of gift options that are most likely to please any girl.

    Manicure set. For example, this one is the Rowenta MP7018. The device allows you to quickly and efficiently put your nails in order at home. An irreplaceable thing for girls who are constantly experiencing a lack of time.

    Illuminated mirror. A very common problem in any room is the lack of good lighting. In order to properly see yourself in the mirror, the light should not be too weak or too intense. An excessively warm or, on the contrary, a cold shade is also a problem - the shades of cosmetics are distorted, and you can get a rather strange make-up at the end. An excellent solution to the problem would be an illuminated cosmetic mirror, for example, this one.

    Konstantin Ivanov

    In general, giving gadget gifts to girls is not so easy. More precisely, at first it is easy, and then it becomes more and more difficult. It is more difficult to find a thing that would be useful not for a man's view, but for a woman's. For some reason, the opposite sex often appreciates more that the device is simple, and even better, that it exactly repeats the maximum features of its predecessor. Conservatism, of course, is reasonably good, but in a couple of years any gadget can change beyond recognition. For example, they will remove the pale turquoise version from the line, replacing it with aqua, and that's it. It is funny for someone, but for someone it does not fit the style, so you don't even have to think about giving.

    Some relief is experienced by those whose wife or girlfriend is fond of sports. Firstly, the amortization of all sports gadgets is higher than that of those simply living in a woman's purse. Secondly, all sorts of calorie-counting bracelets are quite simple and understandable, and their development does not require long-term addiction. Thirdly, it is sports accessories that usually have the widest range of colors.

    For example, I'm thinking of making my half happy with a waterproof Walkman. The NWZ-W273 / NWZ-W274S. Basically, the player is like the simplest iPods. All he can do is play music according to the list or in random order. But it has an undeniable advantage over "apple" (and almost any other) products. When you come to the pool with any other player, you will have to leave it in the dressing room, and with the NWZ-W273 you can safely dive! Swim and listen to your music. And the player will also save your ears from getting water in them, which is also a nice little thing. But the most important thing is not to forget to attach a pool pass to the player. So he will definitely like it, regardless of the choice of color.

    Olga Ivanova

    Every year on the eve of March 8, I sincerely sympathize with men who are actively looking for a worthy gift. This is not an easy matter - both because of the changeability of the female nature, and because there are no universal recipes here. Maybe someone from the fair sex will be happy to receive, for example, a "smart" scale as a gift, and someone will put the donor out the door, considering the gift as a bad hint. And the bouquet will fly in pursuit. Someone simply adores various things for the kitchen and does not represent a better gift for themselves, and someone, at the very thought of such a present, will run to scribble another angry post on the network about a difficult woman's lot.

    I also sympathize with those who choose a gift for me - no matter how you try to facilitate the search, no matter how you make up the wish lists, the problem arises every year. For example, my husband, an inveterate coffee maker, has been offering me a coffee maker for a year now. However, I have arguments against it all the time - not very convincing. After all, how can you say in plain text that if you do not have to spend more time meditatively standing with a Turk at the stove, I will start drinking coffee in quantities that greatly exceed the norm. However, fans of manual preparation of the drink are quite understandable, and up to this moment I belonged to them.

    And yet I gave up, now I expect a coffee maker as a gift, I settled on the Bosch SUNY TAS3203 model. Among its advantages are quite an affordable price (about 4000 rubles) in combination with a proven brand and a compact size. Another selection criterion was the possibility of home-made cappuccino - perhaps this is my favorite type of coffee. Also, the coffee maker, when preparing a drink, reads information from the barcode on the package, and the height of the stand is adjusted depending on the size of the cup. The latter is also very important for me with my small collection of my favorite cups. But I will not ask anyone to replenish this collection on the occasion of the holiday - there is already no room left in the kitchen.


    The best gift for mom is your concern, which the device for massage of the neck, shoulders and back will quite adequately express. Let your loved one have the opportunity to rest and relax after a hard day: after all, sometimes everyone wants to escape from problems for at least a few minutes. And a rested mother is a happy mother.

    What to buy

    Another present that will make my mother's life better. The excessively dry air in the apartment has some problems: the mucous membranes suffer, the skin dries. A humidifier will help keep the room at an optimal level. And if you add essential oil to a container of water, your home will be filled with a pleasant and relaxing scent.

    What to buy

    • Air humidifier with a compartment for essential oils from Hyundai, 6 490 rubles →
    • Air humidifier with a compartment for essential oils and lighting from Zanussi, 3 990 rubles →

    It seems that the ideal blanket should be just that: big, beautiful and warm. It is embarrassing to even compare it with the multi-colored fleece rags that are sold in our stores.

    What to buy

    For mothers who value home comfort and gifts, you need to choose the appropriate ones. For example, a tablecloth decorated with lace. Or with an unusual color in colored peas. After all, even an ordinary tea party will make such a gift more pleasant.

    What to buy

    • Tablecloth with floral print and lace from AliExpress, from 459 rubles →

    The gift is not cheap, but saving money on mom is the last thing. Stop wasting her entire weekend cleaning - let smart technology do it. The robot does not care what cleaning: it can cope with both hard surfaces and a fairly dusty carpet.

    What to buy

    What to give your beloved woman on March 8

    The eyeliner stencil came to this world to end women's suffering. And if you add to it a gel eyeliner with a decent brush, the sister's gratitude will be endless.

    What to buy


    Everyone should have good headphones. And if your sister has not yet acquired them, you can please her with an unusual model with ears.

    What to buy

    • In-ear headphones with elf ears from AliExpress, 1,514 rubles →
    • In-ear headphones with a neckband and elf ears from AliExpress, 402 rubles →

    What to give your daughter on March 8

    So that you do not have to be nervous about the fact that your daughter's smartphone is discharged again, give it to her. It weighs a little, so you can take it with you wherever you go without any problems. The child is happy, but you are calm: now the child will always be in touch.

    What to buy

    Probably every girl kept a diary at least once in her life. A cute notebook with a lock is an excellent and reliable repository of girlish secrets. After all, a personal diary is called personal because there is nothing for outsiders to do there.

    What to buy

    Large set of colored pencils

    A great gift for young artists. Painting with watercolors can be difficult at first: subtle details blur, and colors spontaneously mix with each other. Watercolor pencils are a good intermediate option with which you can master a new drawing technique. The line drawn by them can be easily blurred with water and make the shade more transparent.

    What to buy

    • A set of watercolor pencils 72 colors from AliExpress, from 1 003 rubles →
    • A set of watercolor pencils of 36 colors and a brush from Noris Club, 1 180 rubles →
    • A set of watercolor pencils of 24 colors and brushes from Faber-Castell, 1 101 rubles →

    If your daughter is from 7 to 10 years old and she is addicted, this set will surely delight her. This is understandable. Just imagine how many cool bracelets and beads you can make with it.

    What to buy

    • A set for creating jewelry from beads from AliExpress, 520 rubles →
    • A set for creating leather jewelry from Creative, 1 450 rubles →
    • A set for creating jewelry from beads and threads from Alex, 1 178 rubles →

    Organizer for cosmetics

    And this thing will be appreciated by older girls. Everything is ordered, everything is in sight: here are the brushes, here are the cream, here are the nail polishes. A very convenient option for storing cosmetic riches.

    What to buy

    What to give a colleague on March 8

    Tea is a great way out of a situation when you have no idea what to give. This often happens with colleagues: not everyone is inclined to tell colleagues about their hobbies. Well, tasty and invigorating is a simple and elegant solution.

    What to buy

    • Green tea with Moroccan mint from The Tao of Tea, 670 rubles →
    • Green tea with mango and rose petals from Royal Forest, 168 rubles →

    If you are not sure that your colleague will like the tea you have chosen, present a mug. Let him drink what he wants. Nice bonus: original design or funny inscription.

    What to buy

    • Mug in the shape of a panda and with a compartment for cookies from Fizz, 690 rubles →

    Well, for those who already have a mug, this gadget will come in handy. A typical situation: as soon as you make yourself hot tea, as some urgent business is found. As a result, you remember about the drink in a couple of hours. Its original temperature will be carefully maintained by the mug warmer.

    What to buy