Treating urinus in gynecology. Several recipes for the treatment of hair urinotherapy. The essence of therapeutic practice

Urinotherapy - True and False

Periodically, on the pages of our site, we consider with you the methods of treatment of alternative medicine, discuss their advantages and disadvantages ..., Fitotherapy ... However, today we want to talk about the area of \u200b\u200balternative medicine, in which the role of medicine performs a human body . No, we are not talking about blood, but oh ... urine.

About the treatment of urine and all the secrets of urinotherapy, the benefits and dangers of such a direction in alternative medicine and who and why it is categorically forbidden to be treated urin - About this on the pages of our article ...

What is urinotherapy

Urinotherapy is called one of the methods of alternative medicine, the essence of which is internal or in the outer use of Urin (urine) as a therapeutic agent. In order for you to understand that what is written above is absolutely serious, we give some facts. So, for example,

in Russia, in 1930, the institution of urbeldanotherapy was opened - the truth was opened very quickly, since the studies carried out in it, as medicines, showed the complete absence of a clinical effect from this fluid.

All this could be called the fruit of a sick fantasy of scientists, if not a certificate that the treatment of Urina was fond of ancient India, by the way, it was from there to us and urinotherapy came to us, as an area of \u200b\u200balternative medicine.

As we have already written above, the only medication is hardly almost from all diseases in urinotherapy is considered to be urine itself or urine, which is evaporated by a special way. Moreover, the followers of this direction are sacred believe that only due to this "golden" fluid they live on Earth.

Before putting your verdict about what is actually the treatment of urine - the next way of charlatans to pull out money from gullible people, or maybe an innovative and universal method of treatment, we suggest to understand what the man's urine is . What is in it such a special, which can make her medicine ...

Man urine - like medicine from diseases

The blood plasma, which is formed in the process of passing through the kidneys, is a complex solution from catabolites and metabolites and alien substances that cannot be in our organism. This is our urine or urine. So,

for one day through the vessels of our kidneys, there is a circulation of up to 1,500 liters of blood, and at the same time the kidneys produce filtering throughout this blood mass. The result of such filtration becomes primary urine - it produces up to 180 liters.

In its composition, it is very similar to the composition of blood plasma. Moving the renal channels valuables and water from it back into our blood, but poisonous substances that are dissolved in water, form a secondary urine, which our body displays naturally outwards. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the urine even the most healthy person you can find urea, ammonia, urinary acid, creatinine, and if we are talking about the urine of a sick person, then there can be detected pathogenic bacteria, salts of heavy metals, acetone and other pathological impurities.

The composition of Urin

Types of urnotherapy

Properties of urinotherapy

In order for us to finally make your verdict with you - whether the treatment of urine is useful or it only harms the human body, we suggest familiarizing yourself with some properties of urinotherapy. So, in particular, today it uses many people's healers as an effective method of cleansing the body and for the treatment of many diseases. Moreover, in recent times, folk cosmetologists say that it is not necessary to use any rejuvenating creams and serums, it will be enough to use Urim as a cosmetic tool that cleans the skin and cares for her.

And how is Science? May ask someone. Is it standing aside? No, the latest studies of scientists say that

as part of human urine, there are metabolites of steroid hormones, which makes it possible to conclude that hormone therapy and urinotherapy are two native sisters that have a lot in common in their method of impact on the body.

Moreover, when a person uses the number of Urin, which allocated his body per day, it provides it with an average drug dose of hormones they need, and the need for additional reception of hormonal drugs is eliminated by itself.

And, now we suggest you to figure out what is true of all this true, and what is not.

Urina benefit

In some scientific and accurate circles, it is the opinion that all the water, which is located in the human body, including urine (as a form of liquid), is distinguished by its special structure, and its molecules are ordered in a certain way. In order for the ordinary water that we drink with you (find out, it could purchase such a structure, our body with you needs to spend a lot of energy in order to convert it. But, if you drink Urim, then your body will not need to transform water, which means you will save his strength, it will be slower to wear out, respectively, you can live a long and happy life.

Doubt? But, experts say that 200 different substances can be found as part of Urin, which are able to clean our body and even become an alternative to medicines and badies. Moreover, diseases such as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, colds and infectious, fungal lesions, eye diseases - all this can be treated with urin.

However, we would still like to remind you that today there is still no pharmacological or folk medicine that could help get rid of all diseases immediately. Therefore, to consider Urin such a panacea would be very bold. Yes,

this specific fluid affects the body, like the influence of hormonal drugs, and can temporarily alleviate pain, but to predict the further course of the disease in the event of such treatment - no specialist will take place, since today the effectiveness of urinotherapy is not scientifically justified and has not been proven, And those cases when Urin still helps - they are more likely to refer to the effect of placebo and self-sustainment, or to a favorable coincidence.

No side effects when urinotherapy

Many medicines, despite their effectiveness, possess an impressive list of side effects, which can scare even the most desperate. Urin is not an exception. Moreover, experts say that treatment urine has a whole list of possible complications, and this is despite the fact that there are steroid hormones that have a pronounced antibacterial effect.. And, the most serious complication lies in the high probability that with long-term treatment with urine (which is an analogue of hormones), your hormonal system can stop working normally, or even completely disconnect. As a result, it would seem harmless treatment you can become disabled.

Urina - Natural Hormones

The followers of urinotherapy are holy believe that the human body cannot harm those hormones that he produces himself. But it is not so. The number of hormones in the human body controls the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, but only until the moment they are in the blood. As soon as the hormones are processed and outlined with urine - they are reset from the balance. But, if you continue to drink your urine or rub it into the skin, then your body receives a portion of unrecorded hormones, which violate all the processes of hormonal secretion of the body, which is fraught with serious disorders and failures. More information about the symptoms of hormonal disorders in the body you can find out.

Many believe that urinotherapy is orally orally. Alas, they are very mistaken. Urinotherapy is a whole branch of traditional medicine and drinking urine it does not end. There are many forms of its manifestation and varieties, it is used both inside and make compresses, baths, washing and many more other procedures that we tell you in this article. We will talk about its types and forms of manifestation, also affect the topics of benefit and harm the procedures.

What is treated with urinotherapy? Areas of application and form of treatment with urine

Supporters of urinotherapy are trying to her in all holes. Where they just do not pour urine - in the ass, in the mouth, in the eyes and even ears. It is wash her hair, the throat and teeth also clean the teeth too.

So, if you have ended a toothpaste - not trouble, you can reflore yourself in your mouth and rinse. Connoisseurs of urinotherapy declare that after urine, your teeth will become much cleaner, besides, it has a whitening effect. And why give money to dentologists for a Hollywood smile? After all, it is possible for some kind of snow-white teeth.

Conditionally urinotherapy can be divided into two groups:

  • Internal. In this case, I drink urine, make various rinsing, rinsing, enema, etc. In order to extort the body from the inside.
  • Outdoor. This variety includes various types of baths, compresses, kneading, there was also a place and cosmetology in this matter.

In general, with the help of urins, almost everything is treated, from cold to gangrene. Although official sources and medical practice approves the opposite. But we'll talk about it just below.

Methods of treatment urine

Now let's talk about the basic methods of treatment with urine. How to apply this miraculous drug that can get rid of all diseases.

Urnotherapy in the treatment of internal organs

For urinotherapy, it is recommended to use the middle jet of urine. What does it mean? First you need to pull a little in the toilet, and then collect urin for preventive action. Also use it immediately after collecting. Also, do not begin treatment urin, if you use the drug therapy. At the minimum, you need to completely abandon the reception of any drugs and only after 3-4 days you can begin treatment with urine.

  • Oral.
  • Anal.

With an oral way, we have the throat and.

With rinse nothing special. Type fresh urine in your mouth and start a rinse for 2-3 minutes. If you want to pass your teeth with a medicine of our own production, then get the mouth of 30 minutes. The main thing is not to shine, otherwise you break the acid balance and will have to start again, but only the next day.

When drinking, you must comply with the diet. And before the course to prepare an organism. You need to take urine on an empty stomach with small sips, a little savoring. It is not necessary to swallow right away and drink a volley too. It is necessary to fully feel all the charms and tastes of Urin.

In the case of the anal method of introducing urine into the body, as well as in the oral method you need to use fresh urine. For the washing of the intestine, we will need a murmur. Before Introduction, urine needs to boil and cool so that it is barely warm, but not cold. Enter as the rules from the half-liter to the head of urine for the procedure. Urino-enema should be done only after empty. The course lasts a month, 15 repetitions every other day. It follows the second stage of washing. Urina Urina is already used here. A course of 100 ml of diopranted urine begins, then with each time we increase the dose by 50-100 ml. Having reached up to 500 ml, we begin to reduce the dose with the same step, as at the increase. Gourmets Urinovy \u200b\u200benema in the second year add herbal tea into the urine, and in time the downtrend add marine cabbage.


Urinotherapy experts believe that the urine can be cleaned with a brain. To do this, you need to bury 10-20 drops of urin into the nose. You can even make various kinds of additives in the urine for cleaning the brain, to taste. This recipe, in addition to cleansing the brain, is suitable for the restoration of vision, smell and memory. True, if you decide to resort to urinotherapy, the cure of the first is not guaranteed.

Outdoor treatment urine

The outer form of urine use is the various kinds of baths and compresses. You can put it in the bath and lie down, thereby providing a comprehensive effect on the body. You will need about 500 ml sac for one bathroom if you want strict compliance with the recipe. In such a bath you can bathe from 15 minutes to 2 hours. Just do not be surprised later, if the surrounding people begin to sniff and turn the nose to you with your approximation.

Urim massages are also actively practiced - rubbing urine. At the same time, if you have irritation in the form of a rash, it is considered a good sign. If the rash is too strong, then the procedures should be discontinued - re-dose.

In Urinovy \u200b\u200bBaths, hands and feet are filled, for this, the chickens are pre-evaporated.

If you have, and the face appeared pimples, then do not disappoint, it does not mean that you need to run to the store or to the beautician. Urinotherapy and here succeeded. Lubricate your face with urine and everything will pass. But do not be surprised if the rash increases, it is only a reverse side of the coin. If you just appeared irritation, please rejoice that it is not an infectious infection.

In the phases of the first and third lunar cycle, I better drink urine. And in the second and fourth phases of the moon, the region of use urin is moving out to the outside - we face and bathe.

About the dangers and benefits of urotherapy

The benefits of urinotherapy and its miraculous medical properties are not written. You can find quite a lot of articles on the Internet about wonderful recovery and the like things. That's just these information unites one important fact - the absence of any evidence base and logical explanation, at least at the level of school chemistry and biology.

Perhaps the negative consequences of treatment with urine much more than cases of wonderful healing. Think, people who practice urinotherapy all their lives are treated, but just for some reason they will not cure.

With the help of feces and urine from the body, harmful substances are derived. Although uriopractors argue that there are vitamins and other useful substances in it. Yes, they are, but their content is so zado, which will not have absolutely no positive effect on your health. At the same time, it contains various kinds of toxins, salts and metals that are able to harm your body. Especially if you consume any drugs, you have incorrect meals, and also considering other external influences on the body, the content of toxins in the urine can be essential. In the same leadership in urinotherapy, it is said that drinking, and it is possible to be treated as a whole only by the urine of a healthy person. In addition, it is not recommended to use someone else's. And if you are going to be treated, then you are sick, right? And your urine is also not better quality. And all that infection that your body is trying to bring off you pour back. Paradox.

Assembly to treat acne Urina, you risk getting an infectious infection that can lead to immediate surgical interventions. Of course, it will leave a trace and reminder of yourself for life.

If you are going to treat the intestines of urine, then there is a reason to think about it. In the intestine, its microflora, Introducing my urine there, which is rich in various kinds of bacteria, you risk disrupting the intestinal microflora. What will entail a number of other consequences in the form of disorders of digestion and dysfunction of internal organs.

There is also a medical practice, where there are cases of gangrene's development, as a result of the treatment of urine and various kinds of complications of many diseases.

Finally, urinotherapy is effective only under the observance of a number of conditions, up to lunar phases, which is no doubt about the effectiveness of treatment.

But she still possesses one positive property - this is an impeller. It also treats you against the fact that the body is poisoned by urine. You program yourself on recovery sincerely believing in healing.

As you can see urinotherapy, this is a fairly complex set of procedures requiring a solid approach. In addition to basic knowledge and 0.5 l urine, you will need a lunar calendar, otherwise the treatment may be ineffective.

On the feasibility, efficiency and safety of treatment of urinotherapy, judge yourself. The evidence base of negative impacts of these procedures is, but useful qualities are not scientifically confirmed. Doctors' reviews are also not in favor of urinotherapy.

On the air site -, health and longevity to you and your loved ones.


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Practice of urotherapy

Most people are still convinced of infant age that urine is a kind of bad liquid, garbage of the body. Before starting to use Urin in his treatment, it is necessary to clearly determine that its quality will safely affect you, because your negativity will have an adverse effect. So, we turn to a more detailed study of urinotherapy.

Reception through the mouth. If you get into the mouth, the urine immediately begins to provide a disinfecting effect, suppressing various rotary processes in the oral cavity, contributes to the improvement of almonds, stops carious processes in the teeth, strengthens the mucous membrane of the mouth. Some people who are seriously and long engaged in urinotherapy, use urine instead of toothpaste. Further, urine enters the stomach, while the rehabilitation and cleansing of the mucous membrane of the esophagus occurs. An adopted emina on an empty stomach, as a rule, is not long delayed and has a beneficial effect - cleanses the stomach from pathological mucus. Due to osmosis, the secretory cells of the stomach begins to function better, heal the peptic processes. Part of Urin from the stomach enters the duodenum, and then in thin. At the expense of osmosis there is a cleansing of the duodenum, and microvilles that are there, more actively perform their function. As a rule, further than the delicious intestine, Urina does not go, but when taking large quantities has a relaxing effect. In the small intestine, Urina is absorbed and falls into the blood, thanks to which there is already a direct positive and therapeutic effect.

What techniques are possible when using urins through the mouth?

There are certain rules for use Urin:

1) Morning Urina is the most useful, especially between 3 and 4 h;

2) if the urine is the morning, the middle jet of urins should be used;

3) per day you need to drink at least one liter of water (especially prothiyeva);

4) If medicated treatment is carried out, urin is best not to apply. Must pass at least 2-3 days after treatment, and then you can move to urinotherapy;

5) It is necessary to eliminate the table salt, a large number of proteins, during this period you need to avoid synthetic products, such as flour of fine grinding, sugar, sausages, cheeses, canned food, dairy products, various spices, as they make urine unpleasant taste.

For the reservation of the oral cavity and almonds, it is necessary to rinse the mouth for 1-3 minutes. With follicular angina, it is recommended to rinse the mouth by the urine in an amount of 50 g, pre-urine is put in the refrigerator, and then heated to the state of pair milk.

In order to make the enamel of the teeth, the mouth is rinsed for 30 minutes with fresh urine. When rehabilitation, the stomach and duodenum takes 100 g of urine until eating several times a day. With different polyps and neoplasms in the stomach and duodenum urine, urin is used in a paired form. It is necessary to alternate fresh urine with a divided, for example, in 10 g of remarmed and 90 g of fresh. During this period, it is necessary to abandon the cooking salts and various artificial, refined products, use only natural products. When dysbacteriosis of the small intestine, before starting urinotherapy, you need to abandon yeast products. As a rule, in this case, we use fresh urine of children in a cold form, several times a day before meals for 50-100 g. To treat the liver disease, urine needs to drink up to eating 50-100 g immediately, without interrupting. In case of any infectious processes, they drink 50-100 g at once in the acute period.

How can urin can be used as an enema?

In order to start urinotherapy, you need to remember the following caution. If you have hemorrhoidal nodes, it is impossible to purify the intestines to purify the intestine, as this can lead to their falling out. So, back to the cleansing enema. To do this, prepare two types of urine: fresh uriman and old (they need to alternate among themselves). First make 15-20 procedures with fresh urine, and then with the old, during treatment, the dosage gradually increases to 500 g. After that, they begin to reduce the dose. In the future, this cleansing is carried out with various types of urin, while it is necessary to take into account the condition of the body and experiment. For the prevention of constipation use microclides with diopranted urinous. It should be borne in mind that such an application is no harm and does not cause anything, since natural components are used here.

Methods of using urin through the nose and ears

1. To restore hearing and the prevention of ear diseases, urin are used in various kinds, 7-10 drops burst into the ears several times a day.

2. Inhalation of vapors. Urina with a small ammonia odor is used for the stimulating ability of the body. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton swab and sniff for a while. For the treatment of acute infectious and pulmonary diseases, the old urine is used (within 5-15 minutes it is necessary to inhale its pairs). For the activity of sexual processes, you need to use fresh urine from the other floor. As we know, the smell affects many instinctive centers that stimulate the various needs of the body. Capulins are a component that stands out with the secret of the genital glands of women. They stimulate the attraction of the opposite sex. When this component enters Urim, he gives it an exciting effect.

Take urin and through the skin. In practice, this method is found much more often. Much attention is paid to lubricating the skin, during the massage, use part of the diopranted urine.

Various methods of using urin through the skin. In order to clean the body, massage is suitable, as well as the trituration of the body. During the cleansing process, a rash should appear on the skin. This is a normal phenomenon that says slags through the skin. In addition to this type of purification, there are paired procedures.

In cosmetic purposes Lubricate urinous face, neck, hands. In such cases, fresh urine is used. After the urine in certain areas dried, this procedure is repeated several times, and then wash off with warm water, only without the use of soap. Last washing is carried out with cold water. In order to improve hair growth, you can use the old children's uriman. After washing the hair rubs Urin in the roots of the hair with massage movements, you can make compresses for the night.

What you need to know and why need to be a ready person who practices urinotherapy? Some people have an effect may appear immediately, in some - after long-term use. A person who is still not ready for the use of Urin, believes that he poisoned himself. Many, not knowing about urinotherapy, refer to the health worker. Since this question has never understood in detail, doctors convince the patient in the dangers of this method. There are crisis moments that arise during Urin's use. We all know that in the gastrointestinal tract, many people have a large amount of mucus and pathological substances. Of course, they are not even suspected of them. After taking urin, they begin to braid and derived from the body. It is this process that will be a cleansing crisis.

Using urins in specific cases. There are several techniques of use of urin, and in various combinations, for example: urinotherapy - mlainking, urinotherapy - starvation. In order to start practicing urinotherapy, you need to know a lot about various methods, directly remove the psychological barrier, understand that this therapy is not as terrible. It is quite safe, effective and easy to use in the treatment of various diseases. Urim can be applied at any age, there are no specific restrictions. Urina has interference and nosodic effects, it is widely applicable for various infectious diseases. Reception Urin in this case is very simple: 50-100 g of a volley. A highly concentrated urine is formed during a fever, such a urin is unpleasant.

Diseases of kidneys and urinotherapy. In order to start urinotherapy, you must first of all clarify the cause of the occurrence of kidney disease. If this is not found out, the results may not justify hopes. Intestinal wand most often contributes to the emergence of various infections of the Moshydivative system. The infection falls there from a large intestine when it is started to progress the putrefactive processes, and this contributes to improper power. Treatment Urin is very simple: take 50 g before meals, a volley, compresses are imposed on the kidney.

Liver disease and urinotherapy. The best procedure is a drinking urine 2-4 times to 50-100 g, they make compress on the liver area for the night, additionally drink a hamberry decoction, which can be safely replaced by conventional boiled water. When hepatitis, biliary roads are blocked, therefore, bile enters the blood, and then in the urine. The person is experiencing unbearable flour: pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting. To cure these aids, you need to use your own urine. It contains enzymes that repeatedly circulate in the body.

With diabetes Underotherapy is very useful. Urine takes several times a day at 100 g, which contributes to the purification of the intestine and the liver. You can use as a compression remedy for the pancreas area, which makes a positive effect. Consider one example. The man was sick diabetes for 7 years, on the advice of his friends began to apply Urim 3 times a day, made a massage of his palms, neck, stop, in 25 days, well-being improved significantly. In continuation of the entire course, you must carefully follow the diet, use only natural products, drink more water.

Cardiovascular system and urinotherapy. We all know that to normalize any system it is necessary to clean the body. So we purify the cardiovascular system using clearative procedures. First of all, it is necessary to clean the blood and remove all possible blockages. To do this, it is necessary to clean the intestines, remove the portal hyper-strain, i.e., clean the liver. Urin take 50-100 g of odd sips, it is very important. Gradually, Urin dissolves the thrombus and restores cardiac activity.

Ophthalmology and urinotherapy. With different eye diseases, it is necessary to either wash the urine eyes, or to bury it. Very good apply compresses. For treatment, as a rule, use children's or activated urine. If Belmo is in the eye, take dishes, necessarily copper, pour around 100 g of urine and 50 g of honey, all boiled and evaporated to half. Then get cold and download 5 drops. The initial dosage is 1 drop.

Oncological diseases and urinotherapy. It is not surprising, but in the treatment of various tumor processes, Urina is the best tool. To do this, you need to apply compresses on the affected areas, as well as take urin inside and massaging her body. With deeper lesions, such a combination is used as urinotherapy and minting or urinotherapy and starvation.

Acute respiratory diseases and urinotherapy. With colds, the use of urin helps very well, it can just drink it or rinse the throat. When rinted, it is additionally washed with a nasopharynk, at the same time they can clean the sinuses to warn sinuses.

If you want to treat diseases associated with vessels, head, heart, lungs, leather, first of all, you need to clean the intestines and the liver, it is important to establish normal nutrition. It is necessary to resort to medical procedures if one or another does not pass, but the best of all, of course, the use of urinotherapy.

Dermatological diseases and urinotherapy. To start the correct treatment of urinous, you must first clean the liver and a thick bowel, since all skin diseases are associated with pollution in the intestine. Then proceed directly to the cleansing, for this you need urin to take inside. After cleaning, we turn to treatment, we begin to make a row from urin and apply to various areas of lesion. Good make compresses or rubbing. It is necessary to clearly know why the disease arose, and eliminate the cause.

Urin is used for various purposes, for example, in the treatment of a holochy, to reject dead cells. For wound healing, it is good to use children's uriman, as well as a fallen and activated, and freshly empty natural urine is used to mitigate the wound.

Deposition of salts and urinotherapy. Urina is a wonderful means of cleansing the body from salts. The principle is very simple. Used old urin, impose on the affected areas in the form of compresses, urine begins to affect the affected areas and thereby contributes to rapid resorption. Drink urine several times a day. It is very important not to forget the therapy to clean the liver, since it is precisely in it a violation of mineral metabolism, which contributes to salt deposits, so it is very important to comply with the diet (use vegetables, fruits, porridge on site), and take hot baths and immediately lubricate Skin olive or shallow oil.

Underotherapy and gynecological diseases. Most often, gynecological diseases are the result of non-compliance with various rules, such as improper refined nutrition, use of unnatural products. As for constipation, for women they are the most common problem. Because of the wrong power, the contents in the intestine have a long time accumulate and in the future begins to rot. This, naturally, poisoning our body and over time leads to inflammation near the arranged organs, develop various female diseases. As you have already noticed, all urinotherapy begins with cleaning the intestines and liver. Drink Uriman Vullet to 50-100 g. Some of the important procedures - drew and use hot baths. With the disorders of the menstrual cycle and many other hormonal disorders they drink urin 4-5 times, lubricate the body. In some cases, an empty stomach can be taken Urin to 100 g. All these procedures contribute to the rapid restoration of hormonal shifts and prevent various troubles. With infertility of various genesis, there are several ways to treat:

1) infertility, which is associated with a disease of the sexual system, it is advisable to treat everyday douching and cleansing a large intestine;

2) infertility that developed against the background of some hormonal shifts or underdevelopment of the sexual system is treated with seating baths, direct urine use inside and thoroughly rubbing it into the body. Such a method contributes to the establishment of hormonal functions and contributes to the normal course of pregnancy;

3) If a woman already has a child, and the second does not work out, it is very good to apply starvation in Urin for 2-3 weeks. This method stimulates a childbearing function and ultimately leads to a positive result.

If a woman still comes a pregnancy, but there is no full-fledged hatching, that is, the spontaneous miscarriage occurs, in this case, it is necessary to start from the most important - purification of the body. Then to establish proper nutrition, it is advisable to take a sprouted wheat in a clean form or a little bread of it. For treatment, as a rule, use activated urine, namely rubbing it into the body. As soon as fertilization comes, you need to actively engage in physical education, run, use contrast baths. You can take Urim during the baby tooling only once a day and only 100 g.

Dear women, if you want to be healthy, you should always follow your intestines. Try not to create stressful situations for him, otherwise he will give himself a felt, poisoning your body and leading to genital diseases. Hence, there are pain in menstruation, and the reception of any painkillers can only aggravate the position, causing poisoning. I urge you to use Urin at various illnesses of the female organism, for it will help you solve health problems.

Pulmonology and urinotherapy. In our body there is an excessive accumulation of mucus. In its structure, she is a pupil. Such a mucus can lead to different complications. To avoid this, you need to use Urin in order to dissolve it. In a complex with a taking urin, nice treatment and warm baths are applied. The best tried method is the reception of Urin 3-4 times a day in the amount of 150 g. Also, 2 hours wrap in a chest of some wool fabric, pre-dipped in the diureau, so that the patient carefully opened, then the sputum will be left. Depending on how much the defeat is used fasting on Urin. It is best to use children's urine that is saturated with immune bodies.

Venereology and urinotherapy. Consider the most banal disease - syphilis. For his treatment, you must first starve and add our own urine into water, the results will be positive. Improve vision, rumor, smell and taste receptors are restored. There is still a dangerous disease as the inflammation of the egg. It may arise against the background of various circumstances, for example, after transferring gonorrhea, as a result of injury or infectious disease. The process follows according to the scheme: inflammation, which leads to the formation of a pus, and in the subsequent - pain, swelling, etc. For treatment, it is necessary to be treated, it is recommended to receive urins several times a day. Therapy needs to be carried out until the complete disappearance of all symptoms.

How does urinotherapy copes with non-surging wounds, bite, burns, bruises, other illnesses? With antiquity it is believed that the addition of the ashes to Urin contributes to rapid recovery of wounds and burns. In the treatment of such ailments, urine needs to be used in the morning every day, it is advisable to make massages and compresses on the affected area from the diuregon. Consider one simple example. A woman (46 years) at the attending physician was offered a leg amputation. In addition, she complained about constipation, ancient, hemorrhoids, insomnia, general depression, the whole mouth cavity was sought, including language. The condition has increasingly deteriorated, the gangrenous sections began to increase. She found strength in herself and moved to urinotherapy, the result justified hope. The patient took Urim for five days in a cold form, up to 1.5 liters per day. The condition has improved markedly. He stopped disturbing insomnia, the mood improved, the work of the intestines and kidneys began to be established, by the end of the second week all the signs of hemorrhoids almost disappeared. After four weeks of urinotherapy, the traces of gangrene disappeared, the foot fully found the former look.

Cosmetoglow and urinotherapy. Since the urine contains a large amount of ammonia and urea, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. It can be used in the mornings instead of soap or as a lotion for wiping the skin in the evenings. The method of use of urin in cosmetology is very simple. Take a cotton swab, pre-dipped in the urine. First you need to clean your face from cosmetics, then take another tampon and rub the skin again. Leave for 20-30 minutes, while periodically lubricate the face and fingers to make light massage movements, after the procedure you need to rinse the face with cool water. You can immediately feel freshness and moisture, the face will acquire a natural blush.

To restore urin hair, it is necessary to thoroughly rub in the roots for 36 days, for gray hair the duration of therapy is about 58 days. Urina, which is used to restore the life properties of the hair, should be old, since it contains a large number of active substances, including ammonia. They affect the bulb and restore the hair structure. In order to make hair obedient and silky, Urin needs to be taken inside several times a day.

Urinotherapy and rejuvenation of the body. Very successfully urinotherapy is used to raise the body's life tone, extension of life. The perfect effect is made by compresses on the outsoles of the legs, use the fallen urine. This type of therapy is very good after long-term physical exertion on the feet. A person feels ease and tide of strength. When the dull pain urin is applied in the form of a compression on the sore side, the swelling gradually subsides, the pain disappears. You can consider one example, a woman (64 years) after the recommendations of its neighbor began to use Urin. At first used it instead of soap and toothpaste, rubbed it in the roots of the hair. Within 3.5 months, it was carefully engaged in urinotherapy, took it inside 100-150 g every day. The results exceeded expectations. Rose hair growth increased, their original color was restored. She got rid of extra kilograms, despite the weight loss, the number of wrinkles was significantly reduced, the face was polished. A woman from the state of depression switched to a more cheerful and energetic, rose the body's tone. The insomnia stopped tormented, the memory improved, the pressure was normalized, the noise was disappeared, the activities of the joints were restored, heavily disappeared into their feet.

So, after all, we can conclude that the use of urin helps to cure many diseases. You can infinite various examples, but if you are a connoisseur of urinotherapy, you can easily heal those or other disorders of your body. It is necessary to approach this issue with great seriousness. Be sure to clear the body before using urine, and the intestine and the liver, as the most toxins are there. It should be borne in mind that if the sick believes in its cure, he will succeed in any way.

Health is the most important resource of the human body, therefore, the issues of preservation of health and the restoration of the body are one of the most relevant. To date, there are many ways to get rid of certain diseases, one of the popular popular treatment methods is urinotherapy. The treatment of the body was used in the ancient India, from there this is a trend towards us and came.

Proponents of traditional medicine believe that urinotherapy is a very effective and effective way of treatment, doctors of traditional medicine in every way criticize such treatment and talk about the uniformity of this method (no clinical studies confirming the effectiveness of urine treatment has not been carried out). One of the yarn propagandists of urinotherapy today is considered to be G. Malakhov, who released a lot of books on this topic, separated by millionic circulations. However, scientists and physicians disprove all the arguments given by the author in the books and argue that the consumption of its own livelihoods is contrary to both the laws of nature and common sense.

What treats urinotherapy?

Urinotherapy is currently used as a method of cleansing the body, to get rid of different diseases and as a cosmetics. Urinotherapy adherents lead a lot of arguments in favor of this method of treatment.

Water molecules that are in our body, and, accordingly, in the urine-derived from the body, are in an ordered state. In order to bring water entering the body to such a structure, you have to spend a lot of energy. When using urin, the body is exempt from the need to organize the water molecules, thereby saving energy, not so quickly wear out and longer lives. Urina is a very complicated product in its chemical composition. It contains urinary acid, purine bases, a set of nucleic acids, essential amino acids, as well as hormones, enzymes and vitamins. Thanks to this rich composition, urine use will help clean the body from slags and replaces most of the drugs, and biologically active additives (bids).

) Anne Nikolaevna Trofimova, who adopted and published 11 adoptive children with disabilities, caused the interest of readers primarily because, being a doctor, she puts all his wards to feet exclusively by folk treatments. In particular, urinotherapy, which even succumbed to such severe disease as Hondrodastrophia. Because of this ailment, two married couples refused to be abandoned from their sons.
Correspondent Zozh Tatyana Kuznetsova asked Anna Nikolaevna to tell more about the treatment of Urin. The trophyman's experience is all the more valuable that all new methods, it first tries on himself, is not afraid to experiment and choose those that are valid.
Zozhe: Looking down his children, you turned to urinotherapy. Why?
Anna Trofimova:
Everything is very simple. This is one of the universal and fairly effective methods. Urina really treats almost all diseases - from the worms to the vice of the heart, from cancer to the smell of mouth.
For the first time about the healing properties of urine, I learned when I studied at the Medical Institute. In those years, information about the treatment of urinus just appeared and went hand in the hands of "samizdate." I shook me and crashed the story about the pilot, shot down by the fascists during the Great Patriotic War. His, barely live and burned, picked up partisans. The burn area was 70%, the pilot was doomed to death. And so the nurse of this squad with some task was sent to the nearest village, where she met Savarkha, whom the sister decided to tell about the dying. The old woman ordered to bring her wounded and ... a barrel of urine. Urin boiled in buckets, merged into the barrel, and then they planted the burnt pilot. How he himself describes, after the first "bath" pain subsided. And after three months, the wounds were tightened, while not a single so-called tension scar remained. Usually they are formed in the process of tissue healing, very painful and the movement of the human movement is very painful and for a long time. Our teachers, of course, said that the story with the pilot was a fairy tale.
Zozhe: As far as I know, it is not fiction. Did you have any experience that made you believe that Urina is both a leakage and analgesic?
Confirmation of this, alas, did not make himself wait long. Shortly after I got into the hands of a book about urinotherapy, I managed to turn the saucepan with boiling water to the leg. The leg, naturally, went with bubbles, swelled, cried. In addition, our doggy and proportion claw the bubble on it "walked". Called an ambulance, the surgeon began to insist on hospitalization and I have a lot of young children. He wrote a receipt, promised to drink antibiotics. Leaving, the doctor said: "If tomorrow it becomes worse, I do not answer your leg, but you will not turn away from the hospital." And now I'm lying and roar from pain. And suddenly it dawned on me: "Urine!" But it needs a lot! So there are a lot of children! And the children's urine is the most healing.
We scored in deep pelvis urin, got it up to the temperature so that you could endure, I lowered my leg into it and kept while the contents of the pelvis began to cool. The leg will dry a bit, rest and again lower in fresh hot urin. Hot - she is faster and better heals burns. The pain was first intensified, it began the healing process, but after several procedures felt relief. Surgeon came for some reason not the next day, as promised, and the day after 3-4. He was sure that I was already in the hospital, and when I saw my leg - I did not believe my eyes. Asked what I did. Having learned that I was treated with urine, shouted: "This is dirt! You are a doctor! How not to be ashamed!" I replied: "I was saved, as I could."
I needed only 5-6 days for complete cure. Now I do not even remember, on what foot there was a burn, because there was no trace left from him.
The second case, which even more convinced me in the healing power of urine, soon happened with my father. Mom called me and said: "Come urgently! Father at death - kidney refused." He was already evicted from the chamber, he lay in a coma in the hospital corridor, he began to start Stephepsis - urine began to flow into the blood. And then I thought: we're already not lost anything if we trust it with urine.
Rubbed the whole body every three hours. The next day the kidney earned, he came to himself, began to drink his Urim, although it was scary squeaming. The case went on amendment. Since then, I unconditionally believed in the healing power of Urin.
Zozhe: And she became your indispensable assistant for all occasions. In the treatment of the most severe ailments from your children, you made a bet on urinotherapy ...
While the children were small, there was always a glass with fresh urine. In our house, Urina is the first means of salvation for all occasions. He burns his finger, digs - if there is no iodine at hand, wet the wound urinous. It quickly stops bleeding. By the way, sugar sand has the same property. I fell asleep to them - and order.
Urine removes eye fatigue after a long-term work with a computer, redness of the eyeball with an increased intracranial pressure. You need to moisten in your Urin Tampon and impose it to closed eyelids. Keep no more than five minutes. This simple procedure can be repeated several times a day, each time using new tampons.
Acute ear pain is quickly removed, if you first pour 2-3 drops of a boiled urine into each ear (you need to boil at least five minutes), close your ears with a car, and then apply compress with urine, covering your ears with a cellophone and a warm scarf. As soon as the pain begins to come, the compress should be removed.
If the morning urine rinse your teeth, they will be healthy, strong, white. That is how we saved Roma from the terrible smell of mouth. He's urine's mouth not only rinsing, but also drank Urin. By the way, one who drinks a glass of urine every morning, for the years prolongs his reproductive abilities. In women, menopause is postponed for five years.
The regular use of the first morning urin will get rid of hypertension, constipation, gastritis, heartburn, contributes to weight loss to normal weight, will save asthma per year. True, those who are being treated with intalam, the healing effect will be sprinkled not earlier than three years later, because Intal contributes to the reincarnation of bronchial tissues.
Zozhe: It seems that the first morning urine is the healing. But, honestly, I can not imagine how on an empty stomach drink this nasty.
Must admit that the morning urine is bitter, with an unpleasant smell. But very effective! And in our power to make it even more efficient and, by the way, less unpleasant. To do this, you need to dine no later than 18 hours and in no case take a gram of acute, salty, sour, spicy, not to mention alcohol. Over time, in the process of cleansing the body, the morning urine will become transparent, without taste and smell. And, by God, it is worth a scurry to the sake of their own health. If a person suffering from heartless heart, makes himself drinking every day at least three throat of his morning urine, after a year he will feel incomparably better, and after two or three years it will be able to do without familiar medication. It was the morning urine that I cured my receptional daughter, who from four years suffered by a heartless heart. She could not only walk - he said with difficulty. And now there is no penalty from the cavaliers.
Underotherapy is effective even with cancerous diseases. My familiar stomach tumor was discovered by chance. It was late to operate late, the disease progressed very quickly. Began to rub urinous. It's hard to believe in it, but two weeks later a woman who has already spreads goodbye to life, flourished!
It is only necessary to ensure that the movements are directed from the bottom-up and to the heart. In no case do not need to rub urine, it should be applied to the skin with light stroking movements.
Zozhe: Tell us more like you "set" with Urina to put on the feet Nikita and Roma. After all, Hondrodastrophia is a terrible disease that is a circumlochetic person in a wheelchair. And the guys, apparently, do not find at home ...
Hondrodastrophia of his boys I treated urine, caring on 2/3 of the volume. After evaporation, Urina acquires the color of coffee, becomes viscous, does not deteriorate. It is possible to store it in a convenient container in the refrigerator and use as needed. By the way, the removal Urina is an excellent cosmetics. Total and necessary when you take a bath, apply a fallen urin on a canvas cloth and hold it no more than five minutes on the face. Masks from it may well replace expensive face suspenders. We are rime and Nikita with this "balm" and Nikita every three hours. And although it is assumed to wash off with a sponge or a towel, we didn't even wipe roma.
Must warn: the process of evaporation is accompanied by a very specific resistant drug smell, which scares many who decided to do urinotherapy. But when health is on the map, and often life, you have to go to certain sacrifices.
Keep in mind: you do not drink a fallen urine! To enhance the therapeutic effect, our guys took the morning urine, sitting on a weekly hunger! This is a prerequisite for the severe course of the disease. All this time is allowed to take only juices. And anyone. Listen to your body - he will tell you, on what juices it is easier for him to carry starvation.
It is important to take into account such a fact: when urine requires a lot, a woman should use the female "donor" urine, and a man is men's - due to the different composition of hormones. It is about saving life, as in history with a pilot, you can use everything that is. Only in this case the urine should be boiled to destroy the "specific" hormones. In addition, I repeat than the hot urine, the stronger its anti-inflammatory and painkillers appear.
Zozhe: And yet, how to be those who decide, use urinotherapy only as prevention, but will not be able to overcome their squeamishness? Are there any other options in addition to taking urin inside or rubbing?
You can make enemas with urin. In the rectum, a very thin mucous membrane. Penetrating through it into the body, urine has the same healing effect as if she was drank. This, by the way, is a very effective way to get rid of many chronic diseases, including the most malicious parasites. It is only necessary to gain patience and make small children's clies with their morning urine every day. It is possible with a diopranted urine, it is more effective, but annoying the mucous membrane.
It must be warned by one more important condition: without a positive attitude, even the most expensive medicine will not help without faith. Therefore, for any business should be taken only when you firmly know that everything will succeed.