Lemon gold 585 composition. Yellow gold is an unsurpassed classic. Other jewelry alloys

Lemon gold is a quality product that combines beauty and nobility. The product from it will emphasize both office and evening outfits.

Lemon gold, what kind of gold is it? A simple man in the street asks, in principle, this is simple gold, similar in alloy. In percentage terms, yellow and lemon gold have almost identical composition and characteristics. Moreover, the properties of such an alloy are not inferior to their famous analogue.

The metal consists of two noble metals, copper and silver. The end result is that the two metals have the same proportions. The combination of copper and silver gives the metal the light shade that is characteristic of this kind of products.

Price category and sample

The alloy in the price category does not lag behind its fellow yellow gold. The fineness of this alloy is equal to the 585 fineness. In European countries, lemon gold has a fineness of 12 carats, which puts it on the same level with the noble metal. And also in Europe, jewelry stores and boutiques sell equal amounts of both lemon gold and yellow. Many people believe that the lemon alloy has a fineness of 750, but this opinion is erroneous, it has a larger percentage of impurities in its composition, in relation to the expensive alloy.

In the case of a purchase, one gram of such gold costs about three thousand rubles. If the buyer is offered jewelry work from the PRC, Turkey and Italy of the countries of origin and is charged a lower price, then the gold does not meet the specified parameters or is a fake product.

Combination with other products

Lemon metal products have an extensive assortment. All decorations are of high quality. In combination with precious and semi-precious stones, the metal product looks presentable. Garnet, pearls, chrysolite emphasize the natural shade of the alloy. Most experts advise wearing lemon gold jewelry separately from other precious metals. Jewelry works from such material are knocked out by their brightness in relation to other metals. Decorations made of various metals do not allow to emphasize all the beauty of an individual product. It is better to select a set of identical alloys in order to emphasize the natural brightness and give an opportunity to appreciate the high cost.

The difference between lemon gold and other alloys

Before buying a lemon alloy, you should make sure of the quality of the purchased product. Recently, the market has been oversaturated with fakes and cheap jewelry. Firstly, you should not buy goods from little-known companies, especially in stalls on the street and outlets in the market. Give preference to well-known manufacturers that cooperate with proven boutiques and shops.

Secondly, before buying, check all the documentation related to jewelry work. The presence of certificates confirming the purchase from manufacturers will protect you from buying a fake. If some documents are missing or you doubt their authenticity, then such a product should not be purchased.

Thirdly, before buying, ask the seller to take up the jewelry work and carefully examine the product, it must correspond to the quality indicators and have a sample. A well-visible test and brand is the key to a great purchase.

Fourth, perhaps, invite a familiar jeweler or hire a jewelry connoisseur. He will examine the jewelry on the spot, and make a verdict on its quality. On the one hand, this is an additional expense, but it's worth it, especially when it comes to impressive money.

Jewelry may vary in color, but this is not an indicator of a defect. Depending on the percentage of ligature added, the color of the decoration may change. Ask a sales assistant to tell you about the percentage of impurities in the metal. It should also be borne in mind that the color of the metal and the fineness are different characteristics. Observing all the listed tips, you will undoubtedly purchase a quality product that will delight you with its uniqueness for many years. Jewelry made of such metal will emphasize your individuality and will also be a wonderful gift for friends and relatives.

Yellow gold - what is it? It is unlikely that some of us do not know the answer to this question. After all, this is a classic proven over the centuries that will never go out of fashion. This metal cannot be confused with any other; jewelry made from it is relevant at all times.
Yellow gold (photo available in the article) is a noble metal that is not affected by high temperatures, moisture or air.

Properties of gold

In nature, this metal occurs in the form of grains, which are impregnated in quartz, and in quartz sand. Gold has high ductility and ductility. When clean, it is very soft and can be easily cut with a knife. Jewelry made of pure gold is quite fragile and easily torn. It is the only precious metal that has a naturally bright yellow color. Strong gloss is its characteristic feature. Gold is highly plastic; in the production of jewelry, impurities and other metals are added to it in order to improve physical characteristics, which are called ligatures.

What is the fineness of gold?

The fineness of gold is the ratio in the alloy of the amount of pure gold and ligature (impurity). Copper and silver are considered to be the finest impurities. In our country, it is customary to assign numerical values ​​of a sample to gold products. This value indicates the number of parts of this metal in 1000 parts of the alloy. For example, if the product is 750 g, it means that 1000 g of the alloy contains 750 g of pure gold.

14k yellow gold: alloy composition

Based on gold. Additional components (ligatures) in it are silver and copper. Yellow gold of 585 assay value has the following composition: pure gold - 58.5%, other metals - 41.5%. The color of the product is influenced by the number of these elements. In the countries of the former USSR, more copper was used, which made the alloy acquire a reddish tint. In Europe, silver was preferred. Therefore, the shade of European gold is rather lemon. It should also be noted that due to the composition of the ligature, yellow gold, which is produced in the territory of the former USSR, has a higher strength in comparison with the European one. The original color is yellow, but since this metal is quite soft, pure gold products are made only in Japan. In this country, it is customary to use almost pure gold for the production of jewelry. In order for precious items not to lose their original appearance, they are rarely worn and carefully stored in specially designed cases. The sample is independent of color. The most common in our country is yellow gold, followed by an alloy of 750 assay value. Samples such as 500, 375, 583 are quite rare today.

Other jewelry alloys

Yellow gold eventually loses its original appearance and begins to tarnish. This happens because the impurities of other metals that give strength to the product oxidize over time and change color. In order to restore the attractiveness and luxury of the jewelry, you can clean it.

Cleaning gold with water, ammonia and washing powder

Pour a glass of water into a deep container, add a tablespoon of detergent and a teaspoon of ammonium hydroxide (ammonia). Stir the mixture thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved. Place the jewelry for two hours in the resulting mixture, then rinse well with running water and wipe thoroughly with a soft cloth.

Cleaning gold with dishwashing liquid

In order to clean yellow gold, it is necessary to finish off a teaspoon of detergent into a glass of water, mix thoroughly. Put a piece of soft cloth on the bottom of the container with the resulting mixture. Place the gold jewelry in the solution and put the container on low heat. Boil the liquid for at least 10 minutes, then rinse the products with running water and dry with a lint-free cloth.

Cleaning gold with liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide

Pour a glass of warm water into a deep container, add (40 ml), a teaspoon of ammonium hydroxide and immerse the jewelry in the resulting solution for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.

Cleaning gold with salt

Add table salt (3 tablespoons) to hot water (half a glass). Immerse jewelry in the solution overnight. Then rinse with running water and dry with a soft towel.

Gold jewelry is always prestigious and noble. Yellow gold is an all-time classic.

The average man in the street often asks himself the question "what is lemon gold?" In its essence and structure, this type of metal makes it possible to compare it with ordinary yellow gold, which is so popular and in demand on the territory of Russia and the former USSR. These two similar alloys have almost the same percentage of impurities and master alloys, as well as similar external indicators, which do not affect the quality of products in any way.

The main composition of lemon gold is pure noble metal, copper and silver. The latter two have approximately the same ratio in the final alloy. It is these two metals that make lemon gold quite light, giving it a distinctive look and color that cannot be confused.

Characteristics of lemon gold

This alloy has practically the same value as yellow standard gold, and therefore its composition is equated to 585 fineness of the noble metal. In the west, this alloy is considered to be 12-carat fineness, which is no less cheap and in demand than ours. The lowest rates that this type of gold can have is 375 fineness. Many people mistakenly believe that it is the expensive 750 assay that is the lemon metal, but this is not at all the case. These two alloys have a similar appearance, but completely different composition. Lemon gold is an order of magnitude cheaper and has many additional impurities than the 750 assay, where the amount of impurities reaches only 25 percent.

If you want to sell or purchase such a product, then be sure that, on average, the price for it will not be much different than for a yellow or red precious metal. The average cost per gram of lemon-colored gold will be about 2,500 - 3,000 rubles. If we translate this value into Ukrainian hryvnia, then it will be about 450-500 hryvnia. In dollars, this amount will be 35-40 dollars. It should be borne in mind that lemon-colored gold that was produced in other countries - Turkey, China, Italy should also have the same value. Otherwise, it is low quality metal or simply an ordinary fake.

Our manufacturers most often use this alloy for cutting or for the production of chains, rings or earrings. These are exactly the products that should be bright, beautiful and have a rich yellow color. Often, lemon gold has repeatedly become a fashionable trend of the season, not yielding to the same positions now.


Lemon gold products can be varied. All of them must be of high quality, sustained, durable and bright. Precious and semi-precious stones such as pearls, garnet, chrysolite, topaz or quartz are best suited for this metal alloy. It is they who more often than others emphasize the natural noble color of such an alloy, and show it once again in the best presentable form. A little less often, cubic zirconia or zircon are combined with lemon gold.

Lemon gold, it is better to try to wear it separately, as jewelry with other gold alloys, as it will significantly stand out against the background of other products. Often, a large accumulation of gold jewelry of different compositions and samples is perceived as costume jewelry and does not see an adequate high cost in it. In this case, you need to be aware of and combine only the most suitable jewelry for each other.

It should be understood that today jewelers have been able to achieve an amazing effect from different alloys, producing not only lemon, red or white gold, but also blue, purple, green and pink gold. Such a variety should be adequately perceived by women of fashion and should be combined accordingly.

How to distinguish lemon gold from other metals?

If you confidently want to become the owner of just such a metal, then you need to carefully and carefully acquire it. At the moment, there are a huge number of dummy sellers and scammers who will gladly hand you any high-quality jewelry, calling it lemon gold. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully and carefully examine the goods before purchasing.

To prevent fraudsters from fooling you, forget about purchasing any gold items in stalls, pawnshops or street vendors forever. (see also How to buy gold at a pawnshop) It is best to trust trusted stores or jewelry salons that value their name and cooperate only with jewelry factories or factories. Before you become the owner of such a product, you have the right to demand from sales consultants all quality certificates and documents that confirm the legality of their trade. If everything is in order with this documentation, then you can not worry about the quality of your future jewelry.

Before you pay for your purchase, do not hesitate to ask to hold it in your hands. It must be done very carefully and technologically. On it, you can spot the sample and the brand with the naked eye, which will indicate the manufacturer. Only such indicators can guarantee you gold of the highest standard and quality.

If you do not trust sellers, named salons or documentation, you have the right to invite a professional jeweler with you to help you make the right choice. Even if you do not have such acquaintances, then you have the right to hire such a person for a symbolic amount, and he will adequately show you right at the place of purchase, all the pros and cons that are in this gold lemon product.

Gold, which does not contain any impurities, is characterized by a rich yellow hue. However, no jewelry salon in the world will be able to find jewelry made of such a metal, since gold itself has a weak wear resistance, which does not allow jewelry to be produced from it. But jewelry craftsmen found a solution to this problem: they began to add other metals to gold. Impurities not only give the raw material strength, but also deprive it of its original color. Rose, white, red, and even lemon gold are all varieties of alloys used in jewelry making.

Properties and features

To understand the composition of the aurum with a bright yellow tint, one should know how the mass parts of the precious metal itself and impurities in the alloy are calculated. This information can be obtained by evaluating the sample, which is indicated on all products sold in jewelry stores without exception. The sample expresses the number of grams of aurum in one kilogram of the alloy. So, if a buyer sees an imprint of a stamp with a fineness of 585 on the jewelry, this will mean that the product is made of an alloy, one kilogram of which contains at least 585 grams of aurum.

Lemon gold rings of 585 assay value

Lemon gold in many ways resembles classic yellow, but both types of alloy differ from each other in their composition. The metal can have a fineness of no higher than 585, because if the mass fraction of gold in the alloy increases, then the delicate becomes brighter and turns into yellow. Lemon gold may also contain nickel and zinc in its composition, but the amount of these metals in the alloy will be negligible.

One kilogram of such aurum consists of 585 grams of pure gold and 415 grams of impurities, and the master jewelers pay special attention to the composition of the ligature. To obtain an exquisite pale yellow, you need to make up the ligature so that the silver content in it prevails over the amount of copper. If you take too much silver, then the desired shade will brighten, and the resulting aurum will more resemble white. If, on the contrary, you take an excessive amount of copper, then the alloy will acquire a reddish tint.

Lemon gold has a fineness of 585, which means that its cost will not differ much from the price of one gram of aurum of the same fineness, even if it has a different color. In Russia, the price of one gram of such raw materials will be about 3.5 thousand rubles, in Ukraine - 1.3 thousand hryvnia. But do not forget that the price of a product is influenced not only by the sample, but also by the degree of complexity of the master-jeweler's work.


In the jewelry market, you can find a large number of accessories made of a pale yellow alloy. These are earrings, rings, bracelets, pendants, crosses, cufflinks and much more. Wedding rings made of this metal deserve special attention: for many years, such products have been considered not only fashionable, but also refined and wear-resistant. The advantage of aurum with a delicate yellow tint also lies in the fact that such a metal is perfectly combined with any precious stones - diamonds, sapphires, emeralds. With semi-precious stones, this metal is also beautiful, because its color successfully emphasizes the shine of garnet, chrysolite and quartz. You can also find exquisite products in which the aurum of a pale yellow hue is combined with pearls.

If the buyer decided to give preference to jewelry made of an alloy of bright yellow color, then it does not bother him to know that such gold cannot have a standard of 750 and a price corresponding to such a standard. Gold 750 has a bright yellow color, close to the hue of pure metal. In order not to be mistaken when buying lemon-colored jewelry, they should be purchased only in jewelry stores with an excellent reputation among buyers. When buying products, you should pay attention to their appearance: high-quality aurum jewelry is flawless, there is not a single flaw on them. It is recommended to pay attention to the product information indicated on the tag. The sample, weight of the product, the cost of one gram, brand and other important data should be indicated here.

If the buyer decides to purchase jewelry abroad, then he should be aware that in European countries the carat system is used to assess the authenticity of gold, in which 1000 grams of pure metal equals 24 carats. As for the quality of foreign and lemon gold produced in Russia, the latter does not lose in this indicator to the metal that is offered in foreign jewelry stores.

Lemon gold in appearance and composition of alloy alloys practically does not differ from the yellow type of products. At a cost, the same as yellow, it is available. The only difference lies in the methods of production, shades and properties.

While yellow gold contains copper, lemon gold contains copper and silver. The latter provides a bright shade, shine and durability.

Characteristics and properties

The so-called Western-style silver gold is now popular in the Russian-made markets. Compared to traditional copper, lemon gold is more beautiful, its luster is brighter, and its surface is smooth and dense. Light yellowish metal is in demand in jewelry and is valued no less than gold items.

With regards to the sample, there are such varieties:

There is no pure lemon gold, since 900 and above are only referred to as yellow metals. But this does not make it less valuable, because the combination of impurities in a minimum amount is only 25% of the total weight of the product. The price of 1 gram varies from $ 30 to $ 40. If the ligature contains platinum, a 5 gram gold ring will cost almost $ 500.

It is noteworthy that this product can only be found in the CIS countries: there are similar analogues in Turkey and China, but in most cases it is a fake. In Russia, a variety of such gold is also used to cover gold jewelry. This is considered possible and prestigious - instead of sputtering on the coating, a real precious alloy of natural metals.

Recently, jewelers have started using lemon gold for:

  • cut jewelry;
  • making cufflinks;
  • finishing of women's rings and chains;
  • engraving of pendants and metal inserts.

In fact, such a composition of gold is a material for giving gold jewelry a beautiful and finished look. You can find products decorated with painting. Often there are light-colored gemstones on the rings. The exception is white and pink diamonds - by their properties they are incompatible with the composition of the lemon gold alloy.

As an independent material, it is supplemented with precious and semi-precious stones:

Cubic zirconia and zircon are rarely used for lemon gold jewelry. It is best to combine light and bright stones with it.

Speaking of wearing, lemon gold is not recommended to be worn with outfits of yellow and pink tones, but jewelry made of this metal is perfect for a red dress. It is noteworthy that the lemon color is suitable only for the female half; it is better for men to refrain from such products.

How to distinguish lemon gold from other metals?

The lighter shade of gold is intermediate between green and yellow. According to technical characteristics, with a decrease in the proportion of silver in the composition, the color also changes. Without a table with measurements or documents on the composition in front of your eyes, it is quite simple to distinguish a lemon color - you can put a yellow and a green test next to it for comparison. In the absence of products, if you are not in the store, pay attention to the brand.

On the back of the ring or chain there will be a number corresponding to the ligature and alloy of gold. It is also found on other products. The metal may additionally be stamped with the percentage of nickel, silver, zinc or even platinum. Platinum greatly increases the density and strength of the product, but on the other hand, the cost also increases. The fewer additives, the brighter and lighter the gold. This applies to 585 gold, or 12 carats.

Expensive 18K Lemon Gold will look yellower than its lower priced counterpart. The point is in impurities and compositions - the proportion of silver is much lower.

This is due to the demand for compliance with quality standards. In jewelry, such a metal is checked for compliance using hydrogen and heating technology. It is difficult to determine the high or low standardization of a piece of lemon gold by eye - it requires either a specialist or a technician.

On the seamy side, write a sample of 750 samples without additional signs, as is the case with the 585 sample. The relative price ranges from $ 80 to $ 120 per gram. With the help of a numismatist, you can determine the approximate content of other alloys, but it is better to buy products in specialized stores - the samples are clearly visible, not erased, there are documents and quality certificates. For a clearer presentation, we offer a table of lemon alloys - samples, composition, shade:

As you can see from the table, the standard 585 brand for lemon gold has a light shade of yellow, and there may be impurities of nickel and zinc. Silver is required for both samples. The light shade is due to the presence of white metals.

There is platinum in the second alloy - 750 samples, it gives a yellowish tint, and there are no other metals in this value. So, for comparison, you can navigate by the table or stamp, which is depicted on the seamy side of each product.