New Year's table games for the whole family and children. Merry New Year: holiday contests for adults Jumping into the unknown

New Year contests for a fun company! Everyone's favorite holiday, New Year, is just around the corner. One of the important components of a fun and exciting holiday is active games and original contests that do not allow anyone to stand aside and unite all participants in the New Year celebration. Competitions can be completely different - games, for ingenuity, for quick wits, for sleight of hand with the use of easy fraud, for especially uninhibited there are erotic contests. To make the New Year's Eve memorable for a long time, and in the photographs you recalled the fervor of that evening and the smiles of your friends, spend them. Contest "Pass the parcel" It is necessary: ​​prepare the parcel - take a candy or a small toy and wrap it in many pieces of paper or newspaper Everyone is sitting around the table and the host says: "We received the parcel, but I do not know who it is for. Let's find out!" The guests begin to pass the package to each other in a circle, unrolling one piece of paper at a time. Whoever unfolds the last one, that is the premise. Contest "Stick your nose" Necessary: ​​draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, separately mold a nose from plasticine. Attach the sheet to the wall. The players step back a few steps. They take turns blindfolding, approaching the portrait and trying to stick their nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins. Competition "Who will blow next" Necessary: ​​bottle caps It is necessary to blow on the bottle caps so that they fly away as far as possible. Winner: The one with the farthest cork. Competition for the New Year "Real Santa Claus" You will need: a lot of small unbreakable items: soft toys, books, boxes, etc. All items are stacked near the host, the rest of the players represent Santa Clauses, among whom we have to choose the real one. The presenter distributes one subject to the "grandfathers" in turn. The player who did not hold and dropped any gift leaves the game. The one who turns out to be the most agile and does not drop anything is declared "the real Santa Claus" and receives a prize. New Year's game "Discoverers" Required: a lot of balloons and markers Each player receives a balloon and a marker. The host invites the players to "discover" a new planet. To do this, for a certain time (for example, 3 minutes) you need to inflate your balloon and draw as many "inhabitants" as possible on it. Whoever had more inhabitants after the time - he won. Ice Cream Competition Snegurochka's favorite delicacy is ice cream - that's why a competition for the name of the ice cream is announced. Everyone in turn names the varieties of ice cream, and whoever thinks for more than five seconds is the one who lost. New Year's competition "It was my balloon !!!" Required: 2 balloons The competition requires 2 participants. They are given one inflatable New Year's ball, which the presenter ties to the left leg of each participant. At the command of the leader, the participants try to crush the opponent's ball with their right foot. It is recommended to play in indoor shoes or sneakers (participants in tarpaulin boots or stiletto heels are not allowed to participate in the competition). Winner: the one who "bursts" the opponent's ball with his foot faster. New Year's competition "New Year's tree" For the game you need: a stool or chair - 1 piece, a girl - 1 piece, clothespins - a lot. Clothespins are attached to the girl's dress, the girl is put on a stool, 2 young men are selected from the company (you can generally split into 2 teams), who remove the clothespins from her while blindfolded. The one who takes off the last clothespin, or the one who has more clothespins, removes the girl from the chair and kisses as many times as he has. The game can be played the other way around, i.e. a guy gets up on a stool. Competition "New Year's Song" Required: hat and leaves with words In the hat there are small pieces of paper on which one word is written (Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc.) Each guest in turn takes notes from the hat and sings a song - necessarily New Year's or winter, in which there is a word written on his leaf! Competition "Most Attentive" This New Year competition is held at the table. 2-3 people play. The presenter reads the text: I will tell you a story in a half dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately: "Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside the small fish we saw, and not one, but seven." "When you want to memorize poems, do not cram them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - another, or better 10". "A guy hardened to become an Olympic champion dreams. Look, don't be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march!" Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it? ". New Year's competition" Dictionary spruce "Name in turn the words in which the word" spruce "grows. The main condition: words must be nouns in the nominative case. The participant who cannot name the word will be eliminated from the game Examples of "dictionary firs": Caramel, flute, blizzard, potatoes, housewarming, Monday, etc. Competition "New Year Erudite" Guests at the table are divided into 2 teams. They are invited to take turns to name the names of feature films in which the main action takes place in winter or on New Year's Eve. Everyone is called in turn. Winner: Whoever most recently spoke the title of the film. Merry New Year's tradition "Wishes" Each of the guests is given three pieces of paper and in three versions he ends the phrase - "next year I will definitely ...". Papers are folded into a hat, shuffled and the hat is started up in a circle. Each guest pulls a piece of paper out of his hat and reads the text aloud. For example, a statement by a young man that I will definitely have a baby next year, etc. causes the rest of the stormy joy ... The success of the fun depends on the imagination of the participants. New Year's Games "Alphabet" The presenter says that for everyone he has a small present, only he gives gifts to educated people. The host offers to play the alphabet game. The first letter of the alphabet is A, and the first player has to come up with a phrase for New Year's greetings starting with the letter A, for example, says: "Astronomical wages for you." Then the next player says to the letter B: "Be happy" and so on, for each letter of the alphabet, each player who comes up with a phrase is given a gift. But the funniest thing comes when the alphabet reaches the letters F, P, L, L, B. New Year's game "Cut out the snowflakes" Necessary: ​​ordinary white paper napkins and scissors. The host distributes a napkin and scissors to the guests. The task of each player is to cut a snowflake from a napkin faster and more beautifully than everyone else. New Year's game "Pulling a napkin" Required: a napkin and a few tubes for a cocktail. The napkin is torn into several pieces. On each piece we write the name of the prize. Between the opponents on the table we put a piece of napkin with the inscription down. At the command "Start!" opponents must use a cocktail tube to pull the napkin towards them. The second version of the game - a comic task is written on a napkin. In this case, the loser must complete this task. Costume Competition In advance, you need to buy masks, noses, glasses, jewelry at the wholesale market, pick up old dresses, skirts, scarves, etc. The guests draw lots for whom to cook which costume. There may be such tasks as Snow Maiden, clown, Indian. Competition "Frosty breath" There are three snowflakes on the table. Participants blow on them to make them fall off the table. When all the snowflakes fall, inform that the one whose snowflake fell last won (this is how he froze it to the table). Culinary Contest Participants are given plates and given the task of making an original salad from the treats available on the table. And then, blindfolded, you need to feed your dish to another participant. Winner: the one who feeds the other more carefully than anyone else. Competition "Who?" In the room, chairs are placed in a circle. The players sit on them - men and women. Santa Claus or Snow Maiden starts the game (the second option is preferable). She is blindfolded. The music turns on, and the Snow Maiden walks in a circle. As soon as the music stops, she stops and sits down on her knees next to whom she stopped. The one to whom Snegurochka sat down must hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: "Who?" If the Snow Maiden guesses who she is sitting on her lap, then the "exposed" one becomes the driver. It is forbidden to touch the hands of the participants when guessing. Competition "The Best Snow Maiden" Each of the Ded Morozov should change the clothes of his chosen Snow Maiden, as, in his opinion, a modern Snow Maiden should look like. You can use everything that is already worn on the Snow Maiden, plus any additional items, things, Christmas tree decorations, cosmetics, jewelry, etc. The winner is the Santa Claus who will create the most vivid and unusual image of the Snow Maiden. Competition for the New Year "Best Artist" Several couples take part in the competition, which are teams. The purpose of the competition: to draw a New Year's landscape in a short period of time. One player is blindfolded and given a canvas and brushes - in fact, he will paint the landscape. The task of the other player is to direct the drawing process (say "right", "left", etc.). It turns out very funny. The team that will be supported by the audience wins. Competition "Resourceful Snow Maiden" Each girl is blindfolded, and young people are hidden in their clothes with Christmas tree decorations. The girl must find a Christmas tree toy in her companion's clothes as soon as possible. The most "resourceful" wins, that is. the Snow Maiden who finds Christmas tree decorations the most. Everyone receives Christmas tree decorations as a souvenir of the evening, and the "resourceful" girl receives a separate prize. Competition "Christmas toy" Required: colored cardboard, scissors, clothespin, blindfold. Young people are invited to cut a Christmas tree toy out of colored cardboard. After that, the young man is put on a blindfold and offered to attach the toy to the Christmas tree. It is necessary to promote young people so that they do not orient themselves in space, and do not guess in which direction the tree is located. After the young people walk towards the tree, the hall freezes, because most people move anywhere, but not to the tree. However, wandering around the hall is not allowed - according to the rules, you must hang the toy on the first object you hit. This could be the boss's ear or the leg of a chair. The winner was the one who came closest to the tree / or the one whose “tree” was the most original. The originality of the "Christmas tree" is determined by the loudness of the applause.

Thanks to New Year's contests, a home holiday will become a bright, unusual and memorable event. Playing in a pleasant company is a great opportunity to laugh together, be smart and creative, discover new sides in old friends, or meet new people in a relaxed atmosphere. We offer some interesting ideas for themed contests at home.

Competitions for any company

These are universal New Year contests for children and adults, they can be held both at home (even if there is not much space in the room) and in a restaurant. Choose these games and the evening will be filled with surprises, laughter and communication.

"For a holiday - only by tickets"

This game will fill the holiday with a mass of unexpected and fun events.
  • a box, hat, vase or other container in which tasks are stacked;
  • leaflets with written tasks.
How to carry out?

A hat or a box is placed near the door, from which everyone who comes in gets a task for himself. The cards are pulled out blindly, you cannot tell other party participants about their content. Violators are given symbolic punishment, such as eating a slice of sugar-free lemon or performing the Yellow Dog Dance.

The cards for the game are prepared in advance. What the tasks will be depends on the imagination of the owners of the house and the company that is going to. Usually they write on them something like: "crow every hour", "find three people who will agree to lead a round dance with you", "spend the whole evening in Santa Claus hat", "climb into a chair at exactly 23.15 and recite a verse", "To say a toast in which all words begin with the letter B", "to persuade the neighbor on the right to dance a tango", etc. The content of tasks should be selected depending on the nature of the company, do not forget that they should be comic, simple and enjoyable. If many children come to the party, prepare separate boxes with cards for children and adults. At the end of the evening, a vote is taken to determine who did the best at the game. The winner is presented with a prize.

"Parade of Heroes"

A funny New Year's competition for adults and children. It is always interesting, leaving a lot of pleasant memories and vivid photos.


  • old glasses, masks, hats, mittens, garlands, clothes, newspapers, toilet paper, paints, lipstick, jewelry, etc. The more varied the items, the more fun the competition will become;
  • cards with characters, for example, the most inflated New Year's orange, the cutest dog, the fattest Snowman, the most awkward snowflake, the most evil teddy bear, a very drunk Santa Claus, a boring guest, a big greedy man and any others that your fantasy tells you;
  • a hat or box in which tasks are put.
How to carry out?

If there are less than 15 participants, then everyone plays for himself. It is better to divide a larger number of guests into teams of 2-3 people.

  1. The participant draws a card with a character. He (or the whole team) is given 2-5 minutes to come up with an image from the proposed things and present a mini-performance.
  2. The rest of the guests enjoy the show, take pictures and guess who is in front of them. It is better to limit the display time to 3-5 minutes so that the players have time to prove themselves.
  3. At the end, the participants vote, the winner is the one who made the most laugh or surprised the guests.

Attention competition

Include funny attention contests for adults in the New Year 2017 program, so that unfamiliar participants of the holiday get to know each other better, and old friends laugh sincerely. This game can be started spontaneously because no props are needed for it.

How to play?

  1. The first pair is chosen (at will or by lot). It is better to distribute the teams so that they include people who know each other the same. A couple is chosen immediately before the competition, so participants who are waiting for their turn will not be able to prepare.
  2. The playing couple goes to the center. For 30-60 seconds, the participants are invited to look at each other.
  3. Then they turn their backs, and the rest of the guests ask them in turn questions about their appearance: "What color of Andrey's eyes?", "What is on his left hand?", "What color is his socks?" etc. Sometimes they ask trick questions, for example, they ask which hand the ring is on, even if there is no such accessory. This will help confuse the players.
  4. Despite the fact that people saw each other a moment ago, chances are you will learn a lot about their appearance. The pair that gives more correct answers wins.

For lovers of intellectual games

For those who like intellectual questions, you can offer a competition for knowledge of words. This game is suitable for adults. For the competition, you need cards with words and a leader who knows the correct answers. Make a list of rarely used words with unusual meanings in advance, such as mint (crush, crush), surprise (starting position of a bike in track racing), grandma (mules) durra (a tropical plant that is used to make bread), austria (inn , hotel), verki (defensive building), tunic (wide turn-down collar in medieval clothing), etc. You can find such words in dictionaries of old or foreign words, special reference books. It is also worth adding non-existent words to the list. This will make the game even more interesting.

How to play?

There are several options. You can come up with answer options for each word and invite the participants to guess the correct one. A more difficult but also fun competition is to guess the meaning of words without prompts. An important condition in this case is that it is imperative to explain the meaning of the word. Guests play in teams or every man for himself.

"New Year's verse"

If you are looking for cool New Year contests, we recommend that you prepare everything you need for this game. It is fun at youth parties, holidays with friends or good acquaintances. Everyone can be creative and laugh heartily.


  • cards with words or phrases (2-3 times more than the number of participants);
  • hat or box;
good mood and fantasy. For the game, cards with words are prepared in advance. The more unusual the words are, the funnier the result will be. If the game is held among young people, they use popular expressions from TV shows and songs.

How to play?

  1. A large company is divided into teams with an equal number of players. If there are few people, everyone plays for himself.
  2. The team representative draws a predetermined number of word cards from the hat. Often 5-8 words are enough.
  3. Now, in 3-5 minutes, a player or team must come up with a verse or New Year's song with words on the cards and present it to the others.
  4. The winner is the one who composed the funniest verse and presented it the most artistically.

"Guess the cocktail"

Looking for New Year 2017 table games to play with adults? We recommend that you try this competition. Props:

  • several clean glasses;
  • a scarf or other blindfold;
  • drinks (can be taken from the New Year's table or prepared additionally).
How to play?
  1. Participants are divided into teams of 2-4 people. In each, a representative is chosen who will taste the drinks. He is blindfolded.
  2. The rest of the players are given 1-2 minutes and one clean glass per team. During this time, they prepare a cocktail for a taster from the opposing team. The task of the bartenders is to come up with a new drink, the composition of which is difficult to determine.
  3. When the cocktail is ready, the taster tastes it (drinking the whole thing is optional) and guesses the ingredients.
  4. The winner is the team whose representative will correctly name the composition of the drink. The game can be played in several rounds. Before the start of the competition, it is better to limit the list of ingredients, for example, say that you can use everything that is on the table (in the kitchen), or choose 10-15 drinks participating in the game. It is worth discussing the possibility of adding fruits, spices, olives, etc. Hosts can bring additional tea, coffee, herbs, jam, etc.

Competition "Who will get the cookies?"

If you have already sat down at the table, you can choose this game. Lovers of sweets will especially like it.
  • 0.5 kg of tasty small biscuits (as an alternative - several chocolate figurines);
  • popsicle sticks.
How to play?
  1. The participant is asked to hold the tip of an ice cream stick with his lips and place a stack of cookies (or a chocolate figurine) on the other end.
  2. Now you need to go around the tree without dropping the sweets.
  3. The winner is the one who holds the highest cookie stack the longest. The prize is sweets won.

    If you have not prepared the props in advance, hold a competition with improvised items: with a glass of champagne or an orange on your head.

Competitions for 3-5 people

A lot of interesting games and contests have been invented for small companies. We offer some of them.

"Results of the year"

This competition is suitable for celebrating the New Year in close friendly company. Its participants will laugh, remember important and pleasant moments of the outgoing year.

How is the game going?

  1. One participant comes up with a question (or 2-3 questions at once) about the events of the past year, for example, “How many times did we go to the cinema together?”, “How many times this year did Yulia change her hair?”, “In what month was the album of this or another group or movie? " etc. It is important that the situations are familiar to all guests and remind of pleasant events. The asker must know the correct answer. You can come up with questions that contain false information or describe non-existent events.
  2. The rest take turns answering. The one who answered correctly receives one point or candy as a gift.
  3. In the next step, the question is asked by another player, etc.
  4. The winner is the one who gives the most correct questions.

"Sad Santa Claus or Snow Maiden"

This fun game requires no props. The participant sits down in a chair and looks as serious or sad as possible. He plays the role of Santa Claus or Snow Maiden in depression. Once the player is ready, time is counted. The task of the rest is to make the hero laugh so that he has time to congratulate all the guys on the holiday. You can mix any way you like, except for tickling. As soon as the player smiles or shows another emotion, he loses, a new one takes his place. The one who remains serious the longest wins.

"Plans for the New Year"

Such contests on New Year's Eve are relevant if only couples who have been together for a long time have gathered at the holiday. The game will help you discover new sides in partners and get closer.


  • 2-3 lists of New Year's questions. The list includes the usual questions: “Where does your other half dream of resting next year?”, “What is his / her favorite color?”, “What was the brightest event last year? - or funny: "Will she go this year to save hippos in Africa?", "If he / she flew into space, then where?".
How to carry out?
  1. One of the pair is given a list of questions. In two or three minutes, he writes the answers to them, without showing them to the other half.
  2. When the first player has finished, the second player receives a list of questions and answers them aloud. The task is to guess the answers of the second half.
  3. The pair that matches more answers wins.

    Have a fun holiday and do not forget that there should be a lot of New Year contests at the table. This year's symbol is very fond of laughter and holidays. If celebrating the New Year is fun and interesting, the Dog will surely remember you and bring good luck in the coming year.

The New Year's holiday is the most beloved and anticipated celebration that adults and children are looking forward to. On this night, I want not only to please guests and households with exquisite and tasty dishes, but also to spend time interestingly. Joint leisure will help diversify the contests for the New Year 2020. Think over the scenario of this event in advance so that all those present will have an unforgettable experience and a great mood.

  • New Year's games with the family
  • Guess the face
  • New Year's Pathfinder
  • Family Relays
  • Round dance
  • Funny artists
  • Repeat
  • Surprises from a New Year's bag
  • Drinking contests
  • Name the word by letter
  • Secretary and Chief
  • Find your mate
  • Toast

New Year's games with the family

Most traditionally adhere to celebrating the New Year with family and friends. They gather for a festive feast with pleasure, prepare gifts for each other, children learn poems. New Year's games and fun for the family are easy and relaxed. Everyone is familiar to each other, there is no constraint and tension. With family, you can arrange a large number of fun that will appeal to adults and children.

Guess the face

For the competition, you will need medium sized mittens to fit the hands of both an adult and a child. Another essential attribute is a thick scarf. Everyone, without exception, can participate in the entertainment. The game is played as follows:
1. The person who wants to guess the face is brought to the center of the room.
2. A scarf is tied over the eyes of the guessing one.
3. Put on prepared mittens on hands.
4. In a different order, family members come up to the guesser and substitute a face for him.
5. A blindfolded relative, feeling his face with his hands in mittens, must determine who is in front of him.
6. It is allowed to touch only the face and hair.
7. As soon as the guessing person pronounces the correct option, the bandage is removed.
To complicate the competition, those who are guessed can be misled by changing their height or hairstyle.

New Year's Pathfinder

For this competition, cut out snowflakes should be prepared in advance. They will need at least 30 pieces. One of the household members is sent to another room while the rest of the family hide snowflakes throughout the room. Hiding places can be very different and unexpected. You can put a snowflake in your pocket, throw it over a chandelier, or hide it under a salad bowl.
When all the snowflakes are hidden, the one who will look for them is called into the room. Relatives should help the search by commenting "cold" and "warm". As soon as the seeker is very close to the place of hide and seek, the relatives should start shouting “hotly”. This competition is especially loved by children.

Take care of your device for shooting. Family photos or videos while having fun are great keepsakes. Lively faces, spontaneous funny pictures will give unforgettable emotions and memories with each viewing.

Family Relays

Relatives gathered at the same table during a feast can arrange a break without leaving the table. All those present should be divided into two teams. Participants can be categorized by gender, children and adults, or generations. The competition is held as follows:
1. It is necessary as soon as possible to pass the next member of the team an apple, sandwiched between the chest and chin. The receiver must also pick it up with his chin.
2. Each family member is given one toothpick, which he must clamp with his lips. The first in the chain is put on a ring on a toothpick. The task is to pass the ring along the chain as quickly as possible with the help of toothpicks clamped in the mouth.
3. The first participants need to quickly whisper a word, which they must pass just as quickly and quietly to the next one after the “Start” command. The team that at the end correctly names the word given by the presenter wins. Speed ​​and whispering can play a funny joke. The last of the chain can get the most unpredictable variant or set of letters at the end.
There are many contests for children and adults who are going to celebrate the New Year. You can play Crocodile, sing songs, make riddles.

New Year's activities for kids

For children, New Year's holidays are often held separately. Under the chimes, most often the kids are already asleep or are very capricious. Arrange a children's party separately. This can be a kindergarten or home event. In addition to treats, consider entertainment. It will be great if someone close to you will change into Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Choose the appropriate musical selection from New Year's and children's songs.

Round dance

What meeting of the New Year is complete without a friendly round dance around the tree? Place a dressed-up green beauty in the middle of the room and walk around her singing a famous song. It is better to mix children and adults so that the procession is friendly and cheerful.
Who will name more New Year songs
It is worth preparing a bag with small gifts, sweets or fruits in advance. Children are asked to name as many songs as possible where winter, New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, snowflakes, snow and gifts are mentioned. For the answers, reward the little ones with a small prize.

Funny artists

For the competition, you will need two large sheets of paper. You can glue 4 sheets of A4 size or ordinary notebook pages using scotch paper. Children are given one marker of a different color and divided into two teams.
Large canvases are hung on the wall. The task is to draw one element for each kid, as he sees the New Year. Each team must draw a total of one picture. For example, one child runs up and draws a Christmas tree, another - snowflakes, a third - Christmas decorations, etc.
It is not worth deciding the winner in this competition. Both teams must receive equal prizes. Prepare sweet gifts, books or toys for each participant in advance. Joint homemade paintings can later be framed and kept as a keepsake.


A host is invited for the competition. Better if it is Santa Claus or Snow Maiden. Children are shown in a semicircle. The task of the game is to touch yourself for the part of the body that the presenter pronounces aloud. At the same time, he touches himself for completely different parts of the body. For example, Grandfather Frost says “Ear!” And grabs his nose.
This is a very fun competition that develops children. The facilitator must alternate between right and wrong actions. It is difficult to find a winner in this game, so you can reward all participants with sweet prizes.

Surprises from a New Year's bag

The presenter or Santa Claus goes to the center of the room with a bag in which small gifts are hidden. These can be candies, fruits, small toys, mini-books. The children gathered around must guess the riddles. It is not necessary to touch only on the New Year theme, you can ask fascinating questions about fairy-tale characters and animals. The fastest and most active should be encouraged with a gift. Make sure that no kid is left without a reward.
If one of the guys is shy, Santa Claus can pretend to be deaf and go up to a separate modest kid to hear the answer.

Drinking contests

During the celebration of the night of the transition to the next year, guests should not only be deliciously fed, but also interestingly entertained. If the room does not allow for active games, table contests will come to the rescue. They liberate all those present, introduce each other better, and allow them to be creative.

Name the word by letter

The table competition is suitable for both children and adults. The leader at the table names any letter of the alphabet, and all guests should name words for this letter, which they can show in the room. For example, many objects can be named with the letter C - a table, chairs, napkins, etc. The last named word wins. If you like the fun, you can complicate the task by naming some less popular letter. For example, B, F or Y.

Secretary and Chief

For the game, you will need to make a small text in several copies in advance. All participants are divided into pairs. One of the participants in the tandem needs to stuff his mouth with nuts, bread or fruit so that it is difficult to speak. This is the "boss". He is given a piece of paper with text. His partner “secretary” will have to write down the words that the boss will dictate to him. The pair that is closest to the original wins. It is prohibited to show the “secretary” what is written on the sheet to the “chief”.

Find your mate

In advance, you should prepare stickers on which you need to write the names of famous pairs of fictional, fairy or movie characters. For example:
Ruslan and Ludmila;
Romeo and Juliet;
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie;
Galkin and Pugacheva, etc.
Men and women have names pasted on their foreheads in a chaotic manner. It is forbidden to prompt each other. The task of each is to find out by means of questions whether he is a pair of the respondent. His interlocutor should only answer "yes" or "no". The result is a lot of fun.
New Year in an adult company
Feasts in the company of adults and at parties for young people are often accompanied by a drink. Cool contests with alcohol can be organized to stir up guests and make New Year's Eve fun and sociable.


Only guests, their imagination and good mood are needed for fun. Each person present in turn should make a New Year's toast, followed by a drink and a snack. It is important that the intervals between the toasts are not small, otherwise all participants will quickly get drunk. The task of the next person is to make a speech without repetitions.
Poured, drank, ate
To play, you need two chairs, two bottles of a strong drink, two glasses, two saucers with a snack cut into slices. All guests are divided into two teams and are located in one part of the room. On the opposite side are chairs, alcohol, dishes and snacks. After the start command:
the first participant must run to a chair, pour an alcoholic drink into a glass and go back;
the second participant must get to the chair as quickly as possible, drink the contents of the pile and return;
the third participant must quickly arrive at the chair and have a bite;
the fourth participant refills again, and so on.
The winner is the team whose bottle is drunk faster, and the whole snack is eaten.

You can put lemon without sugar on a saucer. The company will receive a lot of positive emotions, looking at the faces of those who have had the fate of having a bite.

New Year lotteries
In the company of adults, you can hold comic lotteries. For this, various small objects with a shocking and comic description are prepared in advance. For example, a light bulb can be described as an antique crystal chandelier of the 19th century, an ordinary pen as a feather of Louis XIV, an ordinary piece of cloth as a pocket of Philip Kirkorov. All small prizes must be hidden in a bag or box.
The lottery itself for the New Year is held in the following sequence:
all guests take their numbers from the hat;
the presenter calls the number;
reads out the description;
presents a comic gift.
The more interesting and bombastic the description, the more expectations the guests have and the funnier the result will be. Comic lotteries can be held both at home and at a corporate party.
New Year's contests at school
School holidays provide a great opportunity for children to express themselves. For schoolchildren, you can announce a competition for the best decoration of the class, hold a New Year's costume ball, make performances by artists.

Competition for the best class design

For the design of classrooms, only the students' own forces should be involved. Let the children make homemade greeting posters, cut snowflakes, make garlands, Christmas decorations, and paint winter stained glass windows. The winning class can be determined by voting. To do this, a closed box is installed in the foyer, into which each student can throw a piece of paper with the office number.
At the fancy-dress tree with the participation of Santa Claus, it is imperative to make mobile relay competitions and games for erudition. A magical grandfather with his Snow Maiden can make riddles, play catch-up.
New Year is a favorite holiday for adults and children. Holding a celebration with interesting and funny contests will make New Year's Eve unforgettable and fun. Consider in advance what games and activities you should arrange to entertain your family and guests.

The most fabulous holiday of the year is just around the corner, which means it's time to think about entertainment: games and contests for children and adults. Perhaps the New Year is the most family holiday, when all family members get together to share the joys of the outgoing year, remember what happened to them and dream about what will happen in the coming year.

Of course, the menu and setting of the New Year's table are very important points, but if a merry New Year is planned, then you cannot do without entertainment! We have prepared for you 20 of the best New Year's games that will please not only children, but also adults.

# 1 Guess how much

You will have to prepare in advance for this competition. You will need a container, inside which a number of identical items will be placed (for example, a basket with tangerines). The container should be in the most conspicuous place so that each of the guests can take a good look and appreciate it. The task of each guest is to guess how many items are in the container. You will also need to prepare a box where each of the guests will throw a piece of paper with their assumption and signature. The winner is the one who indicated the number closest to the result.

# 2 Memories

The game is suitable for children from 6 years old. You will need 10 to 20 different items. All participants are called to the table, on which the objects are laid out, and carefully study them for one minute. You can only study with your eyes. Then the items are covered with a towel, and the participants are given a sheet of paper and a pen. The task of each player is to write as many items as possible from those that were on the table.

# 3 Sticker Stalker

The game is suitable for a large company. At the beginning of the holiday, each participant of the event is given 10 tags-stickers, which must be pasted to other guests throughout the evening. The main condition: the one to whom you are going to stick the tag should not suspect anything. If you are unlucky and the victim discovered your plans, then you become a victim, and the one who caught you can openly stick one of his tags to you! The winner is the one who gets rid of the tags issued at the beginning of the holiday before the others.

# 4 Hot potato with a camera

Suitable for a large company. All guests must gather in one place. To the music, everyone hands over a camera to their neighbor. The moment the music stops, the one who has the camera in his hands has to take a funny selfie and exit the game. The winner is the one whose camera it is, because now you have a whole bunch of funny photos of your friends!

# 5 Take off your hat

Ideal for large companies. The essence of the game is that each guest must have a hat. Better to prepare in advance and buy (make) paper caps for each guest. The essence of the game is that at the beginning of the evening everyone puts on their caps together. The party hat must be taken off, but this must not be done before the host (host of the party) takes off the hat. You take off your hat somewhere in the middle of the evening. Attentive guests will notice, but the one who is busy telling his interesting stories from last year is likely to become a loser, because he will be the last one to take off his hat, if at all!

# 6 Who am I?

Great game for the whole family. Each player is given cards on which the names of celebrities, fairy-tale characters, writers or other famous people in your environment are written. Each participant cannot read their card, but must stick it on their forehead. Asking leading questions to a neighbor, to which he can only answer "Yes" or "No", you need to determine who you are according to the inscription on the card.

# 7 Explain to me

A game for all age groups. You will have to prepare in advance. You will need a few with simple words and a stopwatch. Participants must be in pairs. Each pair is given a piece of paper with words. One person from a pair reads the words and tries to explain them to his partner without using the name of this word and the same root words. For everything about everything, each team has a minute. The winner is the one who can explain the most words in a minute.

# 8 Broken phone, pictures only

Suitable for all age groups. You will need several participants (at least 5-7 people). Each is given a sheet of paper and a pen. On command, each participant writes a proposal on his sheet of paper. Any that comes to mind. When the sentences are written, the sheet is given to the neighbor on the left. Now in front of you is a piece of paper on which your neighbor's proposal is written. Your task is to illustrate this sentence. When everything is ready, you wrap up the proposal so that the neighbor on the left receives only a piece of paper with your drawing. Now the task is to describe in words what you see in the picture. This is repeated until the sheet with your first sentence comes back to you. At the end, you will have an equal number of players sheets with mind-blowing stories in pictures and descriptions! It's funny to read what was in the first sentence and how the development of thought went!

# 9 Crocodile

Of course, you shouldn't ignore the Crocodile game. For those who do not know or do not remember the rules: the essence of the game lies in the fact that one person explains to the others the word he was thinking with the help of gestures. It will be symbolic to make up only words related to the New Year theme. In addition, if only people who are well acquainted with each other are present at the holiday, you can imagine whole life situations that all participants in the event are well aware of. For example, if you are celebrating the New Year with colleagues at work, it is quite logical to think of some significant event for you, say, the celebration of last year's corporate party, when Irina Petrovna danced an excellent striptease.

# 10 Guess the word

Another exciting game for New Year's Eve, in which all guests can take part. The essence of the game is that guests need to guess a word or name only by consonant letters. You will have to prepare in advance by choosing a topic and preparing several variants of words.

Theme: New Year Movies

Tasks: krnvlnnch (carnival night); rnsdb (irony of fate); mrzk (Morozko); lklhmt (shaggy Christmas trees); dndm (home alone), etc.

# 11 Draw what I described

The game is suitable for both children and adults. Players need to split into pairs. A pair of players sit with their backs to each other. One player in a pair is asked to take one thing out of an opaque bag. After that, his task is to explain to his partner as much as possible what he is holding in his hands. At the same time, it is impossible to name a thing, just as one cannot use words of the same root.

# 12 True and False

Another New Year's game that both adults and children can play. So, one of the players is telling two truths about himself and one lie. The task of everyone else is to guess which of what has been said is a lie. The move goes to the one who guessed the lie first.

# 13 Things that ...

Suitable for a large company. All participants are encouraged to write things on a piece of paper that make them feel or do something. For example, things that make me smile / be happy / sad, etc. After everyone has written the answer, the papers are collected and the answers are read aloud. Now the task of each player is to guess whose answer was read.

# 14 Snowflake Race

If a large number of children are expected at a New Year's party, then you should pay attention to outdoor games. Divide the guys into teams, a large paper snowflake is issued for each team. The essence of the game is to bring the snowflake on the head to a certain place, and then pass it to another participant. The winner is the team that completes the task faster. When a snowflake lies on your head, you cannot touch it with your hands.

# 15 Cookies on the face

An excellent game not only for children but also for adults. You will need cookies, so prepare ahead of time. A cookie is placed on each participant's forehead. The challenge is to move the biscuits into your mouth without hands.

# 16 New Year fishing

A very entertaining game for participants of all ages. You will need Christmas lollipops. One lollipop is tied to a stick, and the rest are placed on the table so that the curved part extends beyond the table. The task of the participants with a lollipop, which is tied to a stick, is to collect the rest of the lollipops without using hands. Participants hold a stick with a lollipop in their teeth.

# 17 Snowball fight

Perfect fun for the whole family. You will need ping pong or tennis balls, plastic cups, paper tubes, and a long table. Plastic cups are glued to one of the edges of the table (on tape). At the other end there are players whose task is to roll balls into plastic cups. Only air can be used! Players blow through paper tubes onto balls, trying to direct them in the right direction. If the ball falls, you will have to start over. The one who copes faster wins.

# 18 New Year's balance

Another active team game. Participants must be divided into teams of two. You will need a thick cardboard cylinder and a long stick or ruler. The cardboard cylinder is placed vertically on the table with a ruler on top. The task of each team is to place as many Christmas balls as possible on the line so as not to upset the balance. You will have to work harmoniously, because if you hang the ball on only one side, the balance will be disturbed!

# 19 Unpack the gift

You can entertain guests at a New Year's party with another entertaining competition: who will unpack the gift faster. You will have to prepare a well-wrapped gift and ski gloves in advance. The task of the participants in ski gloves is to open the gift. The smaller the box, the more interesting!

# 20 Find the word

Another game that kids will love. In advance, you need to prepare cards with letters, and the participants from these cards should make up as many words as possible. You can write, for example, 10-12 words of New Year's theme, and then cut the words into letters, mix them up and the competition is ready. Alternatively, you can simply write words on a piece of paper, mixing letters, and the participants must guess what the word is (for example, nikwegos is a snowman).

In general, there are countless ideas for New Year's contests and games. You can use our selection, or you can turn on your imagination and give yourself and your guests an unforgettable evening!

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