Congratulations on the wedding to the groom. Congratulations to your wedding. Poems, parting words to the bride and groom for a happy family life

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Congratulations on the wedding to the groom

Groom, today you became a husband,
And your contribution to this is quite large:
You loved and achieved reciprocity,
You have always strived for the best.

May your union be flawless
Beautiful, mutual and eternal.
Let understanding accompany you,
Good luck, respect, attention.

Congratulations on the wedding to the groom

Dear groom! At this holiday
We wish you health.
We congratulate you on your wedding.
We wish you light in destiny!
We wish you smiles and happiness.
Let there be more friends.
Say hello to the new life!
You called your friends for a reason.
We wish you everything that you yourself
I would wish for myself this day.
There is no better, believe me, option.
We wish you to become happy!

Congratulations on the wedding day to the groom

Our dear bridegroom,
Important, strict, not simple,
Congratulations on finishing
A boring single life.

You are young today
Get a wife
Traded my freedom
For a family house building.

But you brother do not be sad
And don't miss yours
If you get up, get down to business,
To bear the conjugal duty.

So that the bride appreciates
Gave tender caresses.
And waited, waited, waited
Never let you down!

Congratulations to the groom in prose

Dear groom, we congratulate you on such a huge, significant event in your life - a wedding. This is a big step for a man. What a responsibility now lies with you! We wish you to be a worthy spouse, health, strength to save your family, money, mutual understanding and love. Be happy!

Congratulations to the groom in your own words

We sincerely congratulate you on the most important event in your life! Now there will always be a charming, tender and fragile woman next to you who needs your support so much. Be a worthy husband so that all her friends envy your young wife!

Cheerful congratulations to the groom on the wedding

I'm in the form of an easy verse
I will warmly praise the groom,
To him my solemn verse -
The groom is worthy of this.
Come on ... (name) without embarrassment
We'll drink with you, here's a hand
For everyone to surprise
Your love was strong.
So that you and your wife live together,
He was always friends with his wife's relatives.
And without worries and without worries
The wallet was always full.

Cool congratulations to the groom on the wedding

Oh, groom, what a handsome man,
Congratulations, accept!
Be happy in this marriage
And don't look for another!

Let it be dearer than anyone in the world
Will be sweet to you.
To make you live happily
In a fabulous dream.

Let the treasury of your finances,
Will not run out of costs.
So that without any doubt there,
In choosing a wife, I was glad.

Congratulations on the wedding to the groom in verse

On the wedding day, we wish the groom
Patience is not only on this day,
Cheerfully, it's fun to go through life,
Do not nurture empty laziness in yourself,
To love your bride, no, your wife,
Help her, support her in love,
Not a day will be, of course, alone,
And so that the wife was always nearby.

Congratulate the groom on the wedding

With a crowd of people
We add an ode to the groom:
Brother and friend, granddaughter, son
It won't be alone!
Here, it is worth - handsome, tall,
Happiness splashes like juice
From his cheerful eyes -
So we see it for the first time!
Mom, aunts, attendants instead
The bride decorates the hall -
So bright and good
The soul flies above the rooftops!
So let them live - in full
Advice to them on that day:
She is in love with him,
He is in love with her!

Beautiful congratulations to the groom on the wedding

Your wedding day has come and now
Accept congratulations on your wedding day from us!
We wish you happiness - the sea is big,
To always be in harmony with your wife,

To love her very much
So that I wear it more often in my arms,
So that you have more children,
And so that I can find a common language with my mother-in-law!

Wedding wishes to the groom

Your dreams have come true -
And she said yes.
You are from the day of the wedding
You will always be near.

So live long together
A strong friendly family.
Your bride is the best -
We respect your choice.

Let it end in victories
Fight against failures
A faithful spouse is waiting at home
And heirs to the crowd.

Short congratulations to the groom on the wedding day

Today you are already a groom
So smart and happy!
I have already grasped the secret of love,
Love and be always loved!

Share happiness in two
And all the possible adversity!
Happy wedding! Remember this verse
Then there will be no bad weather!

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Love so that your head is spinning
From happiness, as from this wine!
And so live so that others can only dream.
Then gray hair is not terrible for love.

And so that the wine does not seem bitter to you,
It needs to be sweetened a little,
I think the bride guessed
How can this bitterness be removed ?! Bitterly!!!
Wedding today - anywhere!
And, although I am not a toastmaster,
I will allow myself to speak.
Do you agree, guests? (guests in chorus: Yes!)

Okay. Young,
My advice is not easy
I want to give you today.
Your business is to execute!

For my husband to always love
You, bride, never
They didn't drink it like a mother-in-law.
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!

So that the wife always loves
Brains so I can’t stand
You groom, don't be a fool
Do this all the time:
Speak, at least sometimes
That she is your star!
And give flowers more often.
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!

For my husband to love more
You bride, be wiser
And take me to bed more often
So that he slept sweeter.
Stay young longer
Always watch yourself -
Men love with their eyes.
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!

You, groom, forget about women!
If you want to walk -
Go fishing
And home, to your "mermaid"!
Loyalty is forever!
Don't waste your years
To dubious meetings!
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!

And your last advice:
Be together for a hundred years!
May God give the kids
And financial surplus!
Always be happy!
There is no water in our glasses ...
Let it only be bitter!
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
Today is your day, young
Everyone is very happy for you!
You got married and from now on
Must be together every hour!

Wife, be a faithful friend -
Gentle, faithful, dear,
Try to please your spouse
So as not to wish for another fate.

You, husband, bring money to the house,
And give flowers every day
Your wife is sweeter than jam
She is the goddess of beauty.

Be happy with each other
Let in your house for guests
Doors will always be open
Don't forget about your friends!
If life is a river
So the boat in it is a family.
We will only partake the wedding -
The boat will move off the dock.
Let the river be long
Well, swimming is happy.
Young, I wish you
The boat so as not to rock
No trouble, no evil winds,
No resentment, no infidelity.
You take care of each other,
Live not less than a hundred years!
Family happiness is a simple recipe:
Take love as a basis
Mix the beating of hearts with love
Weed out sadness and anxiety.
Prepare the filling from songs, flowers,
Of tender joint sunrises.
So that this common pie is not raw,
Bake with passion for at least a century!
We wish you great love,
Health, joy, attention.
To take care of each other
And they went home as if on a date.

So that life is warmly beloved hands
Spared any difficulties,
So that she does not bear parting
And I gave days, like holidays.

So that children's laughter rang around,
And with him the fatigue passed
We wish you great love -
In her, the happiness of life and union is strength!
Bring great love through life,
Keep it and protect it from evil
May your life be like a good fairy tale,
There will also be a small saying in it:
Wealth to you, joy, laughter and jokes,
Health, success, and grandmothers - grandchildren!
May you meet everything on the way -
Both sweet and bitter moments.
After all, living life is not a field to cross,
The sun even has its own eclipses.

May two rings be inseparable
And in the dull night, and in the autumn season.
May fidelity warm your hearts
Like a talisman. Good luck, luck!
May this day
Like a bright holiday
Will pour joy into your home,
And your life will be adorned forever
Hope, Happiness and Love.

And let Love be a spring dawn
It does not go out for many years
Let it be "bitter" only at the wedding,
And never in your life!

I suggest you raise your glasses and have a drink
for our dear ones ... (names)! Bitterly!
To live more beautifully from year to year,
So that the house is always a full bowl,
To always be happy
And they never parted.
Today is your celebration
Happy fairy tale magic
And romantic Mendelssohn
Dream turns into reality.

Today is a long-awaited moment
When the groom is worried
When the bride is no more beautiful
When the light is steaming
Hope, faith and love ...
Happy couple, accept
Our humble but heartfelt gift,
Warm congratulations fever,
And wishes for many years.
Love to you, happiness, and advice!
Heaven bless you on this day.
So let miracles in your life
Happen more often, but love
Let the blood stir every hour
And every day - success pleases,
And let children's laughter be heard soon -
The pinnacle of your careful love.
Lord bless you young people!
Let your house be a full bowl,
Your love does not cool down
Hearts are burning, lips are burning ...
Relatives bless you,
Friends send you congratulations.
Vivat, lovers! Firework!
You now have one hearth.
We wish you love and blessings,
We wish you happiness and children -
Let them appear soon!

Comfort in the house, for many years,
And the eyes of the happy are clear light.
And may dreams come true
At your fabulous couple!
Today, two other people's fates
Merged into one forever life.
We congratulate you on your Wedding Day:
You still have everything ahead of you.
You are like a fragile child -
Still very young
But all adversity is just a gap
When in love with each other.

On the wedding day, we wish my husband
I loved that his wife
So that life flows without evil and falsehood,
Support so that love is.
We wish my wife from our hearts
So that the husband is always a wall,
So that in your family life
You took the upper hand with wisdom.

We wish children to the family
So that the daughter was and the son was.
And so that the wedding is golden
She arranged a feast for us a year later.
Wedding is an interesting holiday,
We are waiting for toasts, dances, songs!
Once again, we congratulate you only,
And let's cry: Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!
We congratulate you on the legality of bonds!
May the union be happy forever!
Let your smiles shine like the sun
And past mistakes will melt away in the past.
May your path be transparent and clean,
Start from scratch by filling out the white sheet!
And schedule your day in minutes:
Minutes for business, minutes for a joke
Minutes of luck, minutes of success,
Take a moment to laugh!
Add minutes into hours and years
And always live according to the regime!
Since you are married,
We wish you to live like this:
So that the soul sings with happiness,
However - the same as the body.
So that everyday life does not annoy,
On the contrary, he inspired.
To live without worries
The bank had a decent account
And did not spoil what would be the surplus -
We need to have kids!
Let your house be full
Laughter, joy, warmth!
Let it reign over and over again
Humor, happiness and love!
How good it is to be married!
To know all the delights of care,
Giving love and devotion
And share adversity together.

How good it is to be married!
When always a loved one is near
To raise the desired children
And make the house a blooming garden.

You guys are so lucky!
Now you are together and united
And this is the main reason
So that your happiness increases!
Today all congratulations and wishes
You, our relatives, hear from the heart.
Bright wedding celebration
Will be the most important of family dates.

In the eyes of the bride, happiness shines so much!
Let this light never fade!
Let her husband become a reliable support for her,
Let him always protect her.

Let your house go around the side of trouble,
And health will be, and blood burns.
And rather to the delight of grandmothers and grandfathers
Let the grandchildren be born. And love always reigns!
Congratulations to the newlyweds,
We wish them love and happiness,
Husband - to obey the wife
And love her alone
And the wife - to give birth to children,
Lovely, glorious rascals!

We are waiting for heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
And we also wish you
Always be young
Us for the golden wedding
Don't forget to invite!
Be healthy, live richly,
How much your salary will allow you.
But know, the salary is always not enough -
Shake all the ancestors - they will add to you.
You have twice as many parents,
Love them deeper, stay longer.
Do not be afraid of pipettes, do not be afraid of diapers -
Give birth to boys, give birth to girls.
But children get bored with parents.
Throw them to the grandmothers, they will educate.
But most of all I wish, however:
So that there is no marriage from your marriage.
We want to wish you to smile more often
And fall in love with each other every day
Equally share always joys, worries
And add some work to the storks!
So that the boat of Love does not suddenly leak,
Try to protect mutual feelings in life,
No ringing noise can replace it,
No furniture, cars, carpets and sheepskin coats.
All this is not the main thing, the main thing is to swim
And in the boat of Love to help and be friends,
And if you suddenly have to part,
So that there is a desire to strive for each other!
And besides, what else do you need -
So that you live long, happily and amicably,
You need kids: one and the other.
And you will be a full-fledged family!
To the bride:
Carry your husband in your arms
Don't ask for a salary
Try to wash, boil, wash,
Smile more often to your father-in-law
And adore the mother-in-law -
So you will save love!

To the groom:
Don't disappear in the garage
Buy gifts for your wife
Forget about your girlfriends
Be with your mother-in-law angel
Drink more often with your father-in-law -
There will be no family, but paradise!
To the bride:
Once upon a time there was a guy single
Handsome, smart, young.
So that he was always like this
We will give you advice:
You must take care of your husband.
Let him lie down
To read the newspaper
Or just leafed through.
If you're grumpy
Wayward and jealous
Don't wonder why
You can't find a husband at home.
To make life seem like paradise,
You don’t find fault with your husband.
Laugh more often, smile
Never be arrogant!

We sincerely congratulate you on the most important event in your life! Now there will always be a charming, tender and fragile woman next to you who needs your support so much. Be a worthy husband so that all her friends envy your young wife!

May you have as much health as your mother wishes you! May you have as much strength as your wife wishes you! And when you stay late in the evening, let it happen what your wife thought, but not what your mother thought!

Our beloved son! Thank you for bringing this sweet and wonderful girl, your beloved (name of the bride) to our house! We will love her like a daughter, but we are waiting for her soon addition to your family! We wish you good, love, joy and happiness!

Bridegroom, we congratulate you on the fact that she is next to you, the one that is not more beautiful! We wish your love to burn forever, and to warm you like a warm fireplace. We wish children, good, healthy! We wish you a mansion-style home!

One famous writer said that a worthy spouse will treat his wife just like a stranger, only a thousand times more affectionate and attentive! I raise my glass so that you, friend, always love, appreciate and respect your chosen one!

Happy wedding day, I wish you mutual understanding, trust, reliability, fun and luck. May every day be filled with serene happiness, carefree love, boundless caress. Let children's laughter fill the house, and happiness will be eternal.

Today, on this greatest day, I want to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day. Let only Faith, Hope and Love live in your house. You have more kids, less sorrows, a lot of money, hot nights and happiness without borders. Live together, take care of each other. Congratulations to the young!

On your wedding day, dear bride and groom, I want to wish you to live in harmony, fun and happiness! Have children, don't forget your parents! May it always be sweet when you are together, but only today - BITTER!

A dove walked along one path, and a dove along the other, and it was damp and lonely for them to walk. But God saw them and brought the paths into one. And now the dove and dove, embracing their wings, will walk along one wide path. So we wish them to go happily and amicably, to love each other and to bring out chicks!

Accept our congratulations soon and be the happiest in the world! Let a small but very important animal, whose name is Happiness, come into your life! And forever curl up in your lap and happily fall asleep!

Dear newlyweds! We wish you a cloudless family life, treat your feelings gently and carefully keep your hearth. Always look with the same affection and love in your eyes as you do today. And if obstacles arise on the way to family happiness, just hold on to your hands tighter!

Happy wedding soon! I wish you many benefits and joy in your long and happy family life. Let it less often resemble clearing a forest belt, when someone else is sawing and sawing, and let it more often resemble a first-class resort.

With all my heart I would like to wish the charming bride to have the most expensive fur coat, live in a luxurious elite apartment and drive a luxurious car. But someone has to do it! Therefore, I wish the groom to learn how to serve his wife an expensive fur coat, clean a luxurious apartment and drive a luxurious car!

I wish newlyweds shoulder to shoulder to overcome difficulties in life. " The husband should not forget that his wife is a gentle creature and she needs help so that her lovely body does not bend from the weight of worries, the scarlet roses on her cheeks do not turn pale, her eyes do not shine, and her heart does not close to beauty.

Happy Wedding Day, we congratulate you! We wish you health, joy, love. May the angels keep the peace and peace of your family. May the kids be healthy, and happiness and prosperity reign at home!

Expensive! Congratulations on your first family holiday! We want to wish so much that we cannot count everything. Happiness is the greatest thing in the world. A husband - to obey his wife, and love her alone, And a wife - to give birth to children, nice, lovely children. We are waiting for you heroes and beautiful daughters!

Congratulations on the great day that heaven blessed your love. We wish that the light that came on today in honor of your love would burn for many years, warming your union, all your children, a dozen grandchildren and a hundred great-grandchildren.

Our dear children, from the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on your Wedding Day! We wish you a cloudless and easy life, prosperity, luck. Let your family become a model of true human happiness, solid and clear like a diamond!

Dear newlyweds!
I wish that all difficulties are within your shoulder, that only pleasant worries fall on your shoulders, that smart heads carry your shoulders and that you always walk shoulder to shoulder!

Your first and most important step on the path to family happiness has been taken. May everything that lies ahead of you be happy and bring only joy. Congratulations on your engagement and wish you love, may luck always smile for you and never frown, and everything in life is going with a bang.

The wedding is always full of emotions and new impressions. On this day, it is customary to give gifts, as well as say wishes to the bride and groom. However, in addition to the pleasant words from the toastmaster, the newlyweds can hear a lot of interesting and instructive things from relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues. We have prepared the most interesting and original congratulations for you today.

In many foreign films and TV series, you can see a kind of pre-holiday festivities of the bride before the wedding, called a bachelorette party. Like the wedding itself, this event needs preliminary preparation and a certain scenario. So, bachelorette party participants can gather in a more relaxed and non-standard setting, for example, in a bowling club, cafe or disco. But the main condition for such sincere gatherings is the obligatory congratulatory words and wishes. At the same time, the bride should not invite men to the bachelorette party. True, some ladies prefer to break these rules by hiring a stripper for the hero of the occasion.

This day is very symbolic, since it is he who is considered the last moment in the free and unmarried life of a girl. Therefore, during a bachelorette party, various pranks are allowed from the invited girlfriends and the bride herself.

For example, a prospective married lady might throw a themed party in her pajamas. During it, the closest and dearest friends to the bride gather in one place (most often in an apartment or house). At this time, they tell various stories from life, say parting words and wishes for a bachelorette party to the bride.

Example 1: "Our beloved, Irina! We are glad that on your horizon appeared that one and only beloved man, whom many have to wait for many years. We wish you happiness with this knight who stole your heart!"

Example 2: "Svetlana! This is your last day when you are allowed to do whatever you want. Tomorrow you will utter the cherished words of consent and become a serious married lady. Enjoy every moment spent with your future spouse. Appreciate his opinion, help and consult him in everything! "

Example 3 (comic): "Finally, the day has come, Irina Petrovna, when we all breathed a sigh of relief. You finally met your" prince. "And even if he does not have a white horse, but he has honor and conscience. Live with him in peace and harmony. But do not forget about old friends who will always help with practical advice. And most importantly, they will always cover you at the right moment. You can count on us. "

Example 4 (in verse):

So the girlhood has passed

He is replaced by marriage and husband.

Suddenly everything happened

We didn't expect, Katyusha.

And may not return the past,

And your choice is family and life.

We wish you all to risk

Your spouse is your reliable shield.

We wish you joy, goodness,

There are many children and love.

Luck, happiness, two buckets.

Make your dreams come true

Let peace and grace reign

In family life and everyday life.

Learn to please your spouse

Appreciate love and kindness!

By analogy, there is a bachelor party organized by the groom and his friends. But if only women are present at the bachelorette party, on whose behalf the wishes of the bride sound, then during the bachelor party only men are in the center of events. Therefore, pleasant words are distributed only to the groom.

Wedding wishes for newlyweds

The richest in wishes is the process of marriage itself. At this time, future newlyweds find themselves on the path of their future life together. On the threshold of the registry office, they decide how correct their decision was, they weigh everything and enter the cherished door. It is interesting that this is the first place where young people enter hand in hand, and after visiting it, they leave as a full-fledged family contract.

During such a responsible moment for the spouses, they are accompanied and supported by honorary witnesses, parents, as well as the closest and dearest people. It is they who pronounce the wishes to the bride and groom, giving smiles and flowers.

Example of congratulations 1: "Alexander and Natalia! We are very glad that on this wonderful day you have sealed yourself by marriage. In front of everyone present, a new family was born. Hope and the cell of society. We wish you not to forget this moment and carry such beautiful smiles through time . Be happy!"

Example of congratulations 2: "Dear Marina and Igor! We gathered here for a reason. On this bright and festive day you became loving spouses. As you can see, relatives and friends have come to support you. May peace and an atmosphere of happiness always reign in your future family. Bitterly!". These wishes to the bride and her newly-made spouse can be pronounced both by the representatives of the registry office themselves and by the invited guests.

in front of the banquet hall

After the newlyweds have sealed their oath by marriage, they go on a short walk, and then a festive table and the main part of the festive event await them. And, of course, the parents are the first to meet them. They bring a wedding loaf and give pleasant words for the young people.

Example 1: "Hello, young spouses! Now you have taken place as a family and are ready to move to a completely new level in your relationship. Congratulations on this. Keep your love as the apple of your eye. Honor each other as we respect the older generation." Appreciate your union. Live happily ever after! ".

Example 2 (wishes to the bride from parents with the participation of father and mother): "Our dear children! We are glad to congratulate you on your very first family holiday! From this day on, you will do everything together. Let the spouse support the family hearth and prepare the rear, and the spouse - honors her work and provides the most necessary things, including material benefits. I wish you happiness, patience and good luck! "

Congratulations to the young during a feast from the bride's parents

After the young people have broken their first bread and salt, they enter the celebration hall. A rich table awaits them here, as well as many other pleasant surprises. They are traditionally seated at the head of the table, and next to them are honorary witnesses. Then parents and relatives, acquaintances, colleagues and friends sit down as they are related.

When the time comes for the first toast, the parent is usually given the right to vote. So, it can be relatives along the line of the spouse. Here is an approximate wish to the bride from my mother: "My daughter! My blood! Finally I lived to the moment when you got married. It is difficult to say how many emotions overwhelm me now. You are like a dove living on my shoulder. It is very difficult for me to part with you. But I am sure that your spouse will become for you that hope and support that you have always been for me. Happiness to you and future children! "

Wishes for the young from the bride's father

If the bride has a full family, then in addition to the mother, the girl's own father can also express wishes. An example of his parting words: "My dear, daughter! Mom and I are happy for you and your spouse! We see that you are happy and shine like the sun. We hope that this sparkle in your eyes and a smile on your lips will remain for a long period. We let you sail freely, like a boat tied to the pier for a long time. Now you have your own captain, who will lead you on a long and pleasant voyage along the endless waves of life. Happiness to you, and we have many grandchildren! "

Another example of a wish to the bride: "Dear and beloved daughter! Now you are husband and wife. You have a lot in common with our son. We hope that after the wedding you will not only have old, but also new interests. Love you!"

And finally, one more option: "Our beloved daughter! We are glad that you have become a part of our family. It was you who positively influenced our son, and he finally found his family happiness. May there be comfort in your home, and love always reigns. ! ".

Wishes to the bride for a wedding from the groom's mother

After the words of parting words from the bride's parents, the word goes to the groom's relatives. For example, his mother may say the following: "Dear, daughter-in-law! We are glad that it was you who became the chosen one of our son. As if blind, he wandered in the dark for a long time, not noticing anyone around. But you became the one who illuminated his path and gave vision. We want you to continue to endow him with your warmth and support in difficult times. Be happy! "

Pleasant words to the young from the groom's father

Connecting to the words of the mother, the father of the groom can say the following: "Daughter-in-law! From now on we will call you daughter. You are our new family member, whom we owe to our son. It was he who was the only child in the family for a long time. Now there are two of you. Children. ! We are glad that you are now together. You have become a full-fledged family. Love each other and do not forget about your parents. "

Return gratitude from young parents

After congratulatory speeches of relatives, in order to pay tribute to them, the newlyweds say their reciprocal wish to the parents of the bride and groom. One of the examples of such a toast from my wife: "My dear mom and dad! I am glad that you are with me at this wonderful and important moment for me. Thank you for everything! I hope that you will continue to support and help me in the future!" ...

Congratulations from the groom: "Dear parents! Today you have acquired a son in my person. I promise to take care and love your daughter. Thank you for raising her and raising her. In particular, a special thank you to my mother, because she taught my beloved how to cook borscht and favorite cutlets." She may not be able to do some of the other dishes yet. But we are working on it. You are the best! "

Continuation of the banquet: further congratulations from the guests

After such congratulations, guests traditionally speak. They express words of respect and wishes to the bride, thank the parents for raising such a wonderful couple and give gifts or any other valuable things. For example: "It is finished! Finally, the moment we have been waiting for has come. Our friend and colleague got married. We sincerely congratulate his young wife on such a profitable and promising acquisition. Bitter!"

And of course the fun continues.

You, groom, I want to wish
Always love and respect your wife,
Give flowers and take out garbage.
And all the more to love his wife.

So that there was a "master" and not a "master".
So that they were together, and not you alone.
I also want to wish afterwards
Give birth to a couple of kids and raise them!

What a joy! Finally,
You got married, you daredevil!
And believe me, I did not blunder
When the registry office said "yes".

Even though the parties were forgotten
Erotic pictures,
Clubs, dancing on Saturdays
And a beer after work

You found yourself a wife
Unique, one:
Will clean up when you mess up
And you can't wash the dishes,

Prepare delicious dishes
So that you are not too thin
It will be boring, toastmaster
Will become the youngest.

Only a little is needed from you:
Thanksgiving every night
And declarations of love -
Just not filon, look.

Get ready for surprises too
Pleasing, whims,
Sail with the flow together ...
It's fun to be married! ..

I congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you to become the best and beloved husband, the most reliable and loyal protector of your happy family. Let your spouse indulge in pleasant surprises, let family life open up new horizons for your success for you.

Oh, groom, what a handsome man,
Congratulations, accept!
Be happy in this marriage
And don't look for another!

Let it be dearer than anyone in the world
Will be sweet to you.
To make you live happily
In a fabulous dream.

Let the treasury of your finances,
Will not run out of costs.
So that without any doubt there,
In choosing a wife, I was glad.

Happiness is when people are together
On a sultry day and in a snowstorm,
A sea of ​​happiness - to the young bride,
Happiness and health to the groom!

Your marriage is now sanctified by law,
You are one family now.
May your budget grow steadily,
To make the cup full!

So that children appear soon
Small is small, handsome as one!
To make mom proud of her daughter
To make dad happy with your son!

Ahead is a spacious road
Joy - just substitute your hands!
Everything will be fine, thank God
New home, grow and prosper!

Our dear bridegroom,
Important, strict, not simple,
Congratulations on finishing
A boring single life.

You are young today
Get a wife
Traded my freedom
For a family house building.

But you brother do not be sad
And don't miss yours
If you get up, get down to business,
To bear the conjugal duty.

So that the bride appreciates
Gave tender caresses.
And waited, waited, waited
Never let you down!

Dear groom, we congratulate you on such a huge, significant event in your life - a wedding. This is a big step for a man. What a responsibility now lies with you! We wish you to be a worthy spouse, health, strength to save your family, money, mutual understanding and love. Be happy!

You got married today, brother -
Remember the day forever.
After all, about the life of a bachelor
All will feel sad sometimes.

And the responsibility is great
I lay down on you, believe me:
Once I got a family,
I have to feed everyone now.

Be punchy and lucky
So that you can achieve everything.
And to his beloved wife,
If anything, always helped.

Well, so you waited -
You were told "Yes!"
Now you will be happy
Today and forever!

Your family now you
Be a worthy head
Build a house, you grow up children
With a beautiful wife!

And let the winds and thunderstorms
Your union will be bypassed,
Sadness and tears will go away
Only joys will come!

Now you are not alone in this world
The beautiful wife is next to you.
And there is no more reason for sadness
She even warms with a glance.

May there be harmony and peace between you.
May happiness be with you for all ages.
Brave forward in the hand of the hand
And let the trouble pass you, the bad weather.

Let the dream come true today:
Never leave cute eyes!
The toast to the groom today is as follows:
Children so that our hero has more,
I worked like an ox, but money is not a load,
And as many as two to his wife every day he would carry.
In everything, he always had his own opinion,
However, he slightly hid it from his wife.
When tired - so a soft bed!

He worked with a bang, in his career to take off!
Successful and big family affairs!