Home rf lifting procedure. RF lifting at home. Appliances for home use

A facelift is a question that worries almost everyone after 30. There is not always the time and opportunity to go to the salons. Lifting at home is quite simple. The main thing is to understand what technologies will help us in this.

Now in stores there is a wide range of different devices for home use, promising a quick and effective face lift at home. Moreover, these devices are compact and not so expensive.

Let's consider the most common ones and see if they are as good as they say in advertising.

The most effective home lifting devices

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Myostimulation- under the influence of microcurrents, muscle fibers contract. As a result, the muscle is toned, and the skin under which this muscle is located automatically becomes tighter. The cost of a good home device is on average from 30 thousand rubles.

Of the minuses of this procedure, soreness in the area of ​​exposure can be noted. and contraindications, which include oncological diseases, the period of pregnancy and lactation, the presence of pacemakers and diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation, epilepsy, inflammatory skin diseases in the area of ​​application, individual intolerance to alternating current. Also, do not place electrodes on the sides of the neck or on the throat.

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Darsonvalization Is another of the most well-known home lifting techniques. Its action consists in the effect of high-frequency impulse currents on the skin. but for a person, darsonvalization is not effective enough.

The most popular darsonvalization apparatus for home use is the Corona. It has a low price, about 5 thousand rubles.

The procedure is less painful than myostimulation, but it does not have such an effect on the muscles either.... Contraindications are the same as for microcurrent therapy.

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RF lifting- This is a face, neck and décolleté skin tightening due to exposure to radio frequency waves. The heating of the collagen fibers leads to their contraction, which leads to a facelift.

You can use it at home, but due to the high cost of the device, the procedure is most often done in the salon. Such a home lifting device is rather bulky, costing 60-100 thousand rubles.

In addition to the above, contraindications include the presence of metal threads and implants in the skin, which can heat up during the procedure and cause burns to the skin and muscles.

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Phonophoresis, iontophoresis, light therapy- it is customary to combine these 3 influences with one word: "mesporation". According to cosmetologists, this is an analogue of mesotherapy, but without the use of a needle, therefore it is less traumatic for the skin. Under the influence of ultrasound, positively and negatively charged ions and infrared radiation, all previously applied components penetrate deep into the skin. Unlike simple application of products, when penetration is limited to the epidermis, here the nourishing and moisturizing components can reach the level of the dermis.

Mesoration is the most affordable option for effective lifting at home, since the cost of the device is small, and the device itself is very small. For example, it has proven itself well Korean machine - MS EGG from Mirang .

It combines infrared radiation, ion therapy, thermal massage, vibration massage and microcurrents.

After the procedure, the complexion improves, the skin elasticity increases, and edema decreases. It is necessary to work with the device on moist skin, in order to avoid unpleasant sensations. You can moisten your face with filtered water from a spray bottle. Contraindications, as with all the procedures described earlier.

Home treatments for face lifting

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Massage: it can be either manual or using a vacuum can. With such an effect on the skin, blood and lymph flow improves, edema decreases, the face contour becomes clearer and tighter. Massage with a vacuum can is contraindicated for people with rosacea - dilated vessels in the face. To avoid capillary rupture, only a very gentle manual massage can be used, giving preference to stroking movements.

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Mesoscooter (dermaroller)- a rather unusual method of lifting at home.

Its principle is to massage the face with a roller with microneedles made of titanium, steel or their alloys with precious metals. The thinnest needles create invisible punctures into which previously applied cosmetics penetrate. Also, this method acts on collagen and elastin fibers, improves their regeneration. But soreness of sensations scares off many women from this method... The procedure is really painful and not bloodless, since to achieve the effect it is necessary to press firmly on the roller.

However, there is a result from the mesoscooter when used correctly.

It should be noted that only a roller with needles no more than 0.2-0.5 mm in length made of titanium or steel is suitable for home use. A roller with titanium needles will last about six months, with steel needles - up to 10 applications. Before use, it must be treated with alcohol or chlorhexidine. After use, rinse with water and store in a special container.

After intense exposure, various face masks complete the lifting procedure very well. These are mud masks, and with minerals and salts of the Dead Sea, and paraffin masks, which further improve blood flow and penetration of components into the skin. Algae alginate masks have the most pronounced effect of lifting the oval of the face, helping to fight puffiness and sluggishness of the skin.

RF lifting is among the popular methods for improving the condition and quality of the skin. Radiofrequency therapy shows fast and bright results of rejuvenation, does not require special training and recovery time. How to choose a device for home procedures and make them even more affordable? Read in our article.

RF lifting: how does the technique work?

Age-related changes, bright sun, poor water and ecology, unsuitable or low-quality cosmetics lead to skin damage, slowing down of metabolic processes, blood microcirculation and the elimination of toxins. As a result, the normal balance of active substances, moisture and oxygen in the cells is disrupted, they begin to work worse. The surface of the skin thickens and coarsens, becomes covered with a fine mesh of wrinkles, acquires a grayish dull shade. In the deep layers, the production of collagen and elastin is slowed down, which are necessary for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. The strong mesh of these coiled proteins is weakened, stretched, and damaged. This is how deeper wrinkles appear.

Exposure of the skin to radio waves significantly improves its condition. When ingested, they turn into heat, which heats the skin to the deepest layers. The heating temperature is very precisely calibrated and does not disrupt the normal functioning of the cells.

RF waves gently warm the skin from the inside without leaving marks on its surface.

Under the influence of heat, old collagen and elastin fibers are compacted and new, young ones are formed.

The stretched spirals are slightly compressed and become springy again.

As a result, the skin becomes more elastic, denser, brighter and begins to glow from within. The result is noticeable after the first procedure, increases towards the end of the course and increases for some time after its completion.

Review of popular RF-lifting devices at home

The development of the method has led to the emergence of devices for home RF lifting. With strict adherence to the recommendations and regular use, their effect is not inferior to the work of salon devices. The Constellation of Beauty offers devices tested by millions of women around the world.

RF eye lifting machine Me Iluminage

Iluminage is a premium brand of self-care products. The brand was developed by SyneronMedical, a reputable manufacturer of equipment for aesthetic medicine among professionals. The accumulated experience and knowledge of technology allowed us to create an impeccable device for home RF lifting - Me ILUMINAGE.

What is its fundamental difference from analogs? This is one of the few devices that can slow down the aging of the thin delicate skin around the eyes. In its structure, it differs from the rest of the facial skin. Wrinkles here begin to appear already at 25, and low elasticity, "bruises" and "bags" give out the age of even the most well-groomed girl.

  • Smoothes crow's feet;
  • Reduces signs of fatigue, puffiness and darkening under the eyes;
  • Strengthens skin elasticity, gives it radiance;
  • Evens out the complexion, makes it healthier;
  • Strengthens the natural structure of the skin, slows down aging.

The device can be used for RF lifting of any areas of the face and body. Additionally, Me ILUMINAGE includes a chromotherapy function. The device acts on the skin with red waves of a special length, which enhance its renewal, help to moisturize and improve tone.

Youth Activator ILUMINAGE Skin Care Device

Another ILUMINAGE development is the Youth Activator, recommended after 35 years. The waves of the device restore disturbed microcirculation and metabolism in the skin, accelerate the renewal of the epidermis, stimulate the formation of young collagen and elastin, relieve age-related dryness, unhealthy complexion and wrinkles.

Device functions:
  • RF lifting;
  • Infrared heating of tissues;
  • Chromotherapy.

Youth Activator helps to reduce horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead, mimic wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds, restores the "floating" oval of the face. Additional features of the device enhance the effect of radio wave therapy, improve blood circulation and cell metabolism, restoring a youthful glow to the face.

Massagers for skin care RF Lifting, Gezatone

The Gezatone brand is widely known in professional circles and among the advanced fans of home care as a synonym for reliability and quality. Gezatone's RF Lifting facial massagers offer a choice of classic RF lifting for the face and body, as well as radio wave exposure in combination with microcurrents or myostimulation.

Microcurrents restore the functions and energy potential of cells, increase blood circulation and relieve facial swelling. Myostimulation brings the muscles of the face to normal tone, prevents the formation of deep wrinkles and tightens the skin.

How to carry out the RF-lifting procedure yourself?

The exact sequence and nuances of using each device are described in the instructions for them. General recommendations are as follows.

  1. RF lifting procedures are performed on clean skin. Professional cleansing products contain additional active ingredients that enhance skin care.
  2. A special conductive gel is applied to the affected area, which is suitable for RF exposure and also contains nourishing and moisturizing components. This requirement cannot be ignored: as a result, you can get burned, and the effect of the device will not impress. You can buy hardware cosmetics for home RF lifting in our stores.
  3. For the same reason, it is impossible to influence the same area for a long time. Usually, the devices turn off after a certain time or give a special signal that they should be moved to another area.
  4. After the procedure, the remnants of the contact gel are removed with a napkin. You can enhance the rejuvenating effect with an express mask.

After the procedures, apply a skin-type cream with sunscreen, especially if you are going to go outside.

Today there is an opportunity very quickly and effectively for all women who wish to regain their beauty and attractiveness and at the same time not use radical or too dangerous methods to solve this problem. All this can be done using a radio frequency apparatus. One of the types of such devices can be used in order to very efficiently and quickly tighten the skin of the face. The procedure that is performed with the help of such devices is called rf lifting, the abbreviation in the name of which in translation from English means "radio frequency".

After this radiofrequency procedure is carried out, most cosmetologists promise that not deep wrinkles will completely disappear, but deep ones will be less noticeable. Also, the contours of the face will become clearer, the oval of the face will become feminine and attractive, thus you can remove the double chin and make the skin younger and fresher in every sense. All this is due to the fact that radio waves that will affect the skin of the face can improve lymph drainage, blood circulation, and also very effectively stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin, which will help make the skin more elastic, elastic, young and beautiful.

What is the essence of rf face lifting?

Gradually, with age or under the negative influence of the environment, collagen fibers become too weak and are no longer able to keep the skin in a normal position, maintain a normal tone. Thus, the skin begins to become flabby, sagging, deep wrinkles and folds begin to form, and the natural outline of the face gradually begins to become blurry and far from attractive. Radiofrequency lifting helps to restore damaged and weakened collagen fibers, which are a kind of framework for beautiful facial skin. Fiber repair can only occur after radio frequency pulses penetrate deep into the skin and its cells.

These impulses begin to stimulate the heating of internal tissues up to 60 degrees. Collagen and elastin are natural proteins, and everyone probably knows that at high temperatures, protein begins to fold. Thanks to this, it is possible to explain the improvement in the condition of the skin due to the fact that the proteins begin to fold and harden, and the skin thus very quickly becomes smooth and beautiful again. Also, under the influence of temperature, the adipose tissue on the face decreases in the same way as the fat cells are broken down into glycerin and fatty acids. You will not need to carry out any other additional procedures to consolidate the result or remove structures from under the skin after you have had a professional radio frequency lifting. Everything that remains in the body from the "excess" will soon be removed by itself in a natural way, like the rest of unnecessary elements and substances.

If we talk about the procedure in general terms, then the whole point is that the structures that are in the skin of each person's face gradually heat up. But today in cosmetology there is a huge selection of a variety of devices for radio frequency lifting, which differ in pulse strength, number of electrodes, current strength and the presence of certain programs so that you can automatically change the parameters and anesthetize the procedure.

Difference between devices for rf lifting procedure

Previously, radio frequency devices were used, which were called unipolar systems. During the procedure, one electrode was attached to the person's face and in this case it was he who was passive. The active electrode, which was installed on the handpiece, is used by the beautician to guide it over the required area of ​​the face. The penetration force of the current used during the procedure can reach approximately 2-3 centimeters.

Already somewhat newer systems for this type of lifting are considered to be bipolar devices. However, they also have only two electrodes. The difference from the unipolar system is that all these electrodes are located in one handpiece. When using such devices, the current penetrates to a depth of two centimeters, but at the same time a weaker current is applied, thus the painful sensations during the procedure are not as strong as they were before. Even if we take into account the fact that the depth of the impact of bipolar devices is not as deep as we would like it to be, but they are safer than multipolar devices for radiofrequency lifting.

Multipolar devices that are used today also have one handpiece, but it can contain from 3 to 20 electrodes. Moreover, all of them can be turned on both simultaneously and alternately. All this allows you to reduce the amount of time it takes to treat the entire surface of the face. But at the same time, there is a significant disadvantage of most multipolar devices - the depth of their effect on the skin does not exceed 1.5 centimeters. As one of the subspecies of multipolar devices, there are combined systems for radiofrequency lifting. Some of these systems have two handpieces, one of which can work as a unipolar apparatus, and the other as a multipolar one. Today you can also find devices with combined handles, which, in addition to electrodes, also have an infrared or classic laser for lifting the skin of the face. It is also worth noting one very interesting fact that all modern radiofrequency lifting devices have a vacuum effect. Thanks to this, it is possible to pay attention to especially problematic areas of the face or body and thus get a better result from the procedure.

How to carry out the rf face lifting procedure correctly?

Before starting the procedure, the cosmetologist must inform the client about the consequences or contraindications that are or may arise during radio frequency lifting. After that, a thorough superficial cleansing of the client's face should be carried out in order to completely remove cosmetics, grease, dead skin cells, as well as any kind of dirt on the face. After the skin of the face is completely cleansed, it is necessary to apply a gel special for this procedure. Its application is mandatory, as it is a conductor for current. Also, do not forget about local anesthetics, which are applied only to those areas that will be treated with current. When all the necessary components are applied to the face, which are needed for the lifting procedure, then the beautician can begin to make the markings. If a unipolar device is used, then a passive electrode is attached to the face, if any other type of installation, then there is no need for this manipulation.

The duration of one session will completely depend on the apparatus used by the beautician. But even with the use of the oldest model of radiofrequency lifting devices, the duration of the procedure will not exceed 30 minutes. The number of sessions is selected individually for each person. To do this, you will need to take into account what result you want to get: if you only want to tighten the skin a little and refresh it, then accordingly you will need fewer sessions, but if you want to get closer to the ideal skin, which happens at 18 years old, then you still need it will take a long time to go to the beautician. As a rule, one lifting course can include 5-15 procedures. Which can be done once a week or five days depending on the rate of skin cell regeneration. It is quite rare to find cases when a cosmetologist prescribes additional procedures for you in order to maintain the result obtained. This can be 1-2 sessions per month. It is also worth remembering that your collagen fibers will be completely restored only 2 months after the last session. In order for the result to last as long as possible, all cosmetologists recommend doing a lifting at home. A specialist will tell you in detail how to do it for you and give all the necessary advice and recommendations.

After a person undergoes radioactive lifting, he is forbidden to engage in sports for some time, go to the pool or swim in any open body of water. It is also advisable not to visit the solarium for two weeks and not be in the open sun for too long. All this can be very traumatic for your skin, as a result of which you will have age spots that will be very difficult to get rid of. Thermal procedures are also contraindicated: saunas, baths and any action that helps to heat the skin of the face. It is also worth forgetting about peeling procedures for some time.

What are the indications and contraindications for rf face lifting?

A procedure such as rf face lifting became known in cosmetology not very long ago, but nevertheless it has already earned a huge number of positive reviews not only from women, but also from men of all ages. This is due to the fact that with the help of this procedure, you can solve a lot of various problems with the skin of the face or body. Quite often, you can find whole combinations with this type of lifting and other anti-aging procedures. Such combinations are necessary and very useful at an older age. However, only this procedure can be used independently from the age of 20 and up to about 50.

As mentioned above, radiofrequency lifting is needed in order to remove mimic wrinkles of varying degrees of complexity, reduce turgor, remove a double chin, and prevent photoaging of the skin. This type of lifting will give excellent results in tightening the skin and in the fight against bags under the eyes. Also, after it, you can find clear facial contours and young fresh skin. Quite often you can find that this type of lifting is used in order to preserve the effect of facial contouring. In addition to the fact that after the procedure the skin becomes smoother, it also gets a beautiful color.

Contraindications to radiofrequency lifting can be very different. The cosmetologist must warn about all of them before he starts the procedure. Relative contraindications include early pregnancy, menstruation, fever, breastfeeding, acute forms of skin diseases, wounds, edema, rosacea, abrasions and fever.

Absolute contraindications include: hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, the presence of silicone or metal in the body, scars, skin atrophy, diabetes mellitus, skin hypersensitivity and increased pigmentation, poor blood clotting, tumors.

Skin rejuvenation with radiofrequency pulses (RF-face lifting) is recognized as a safe, gentle and highly effective cosmetic procedure. The primary task of the impact is to restore the mechanism of natural tissue renewal, make the skin elastic, taut, smooth out age and expression wrinkles. It is worth noting the important role of radiofrequency rejuvenation in the prevention of integument aging. Carrying out radio wave lifting is performed on special equipment, the success of the procedure depends on its choice and the specified parameters. Which rf lifting device is better to use, what are the varieties, what are their features and approximate cost - read about all this further.

The effectiveness of the technique

Radio frequency (radio wave) rejuvenation is a kind of hardware cosmetic procedure. With the help of a special apparatus, the cosmetologist directs radio frequency pulses to the problem, as a result, the temperature in the inner layers of the skin rises to 42-60 degrees. The created conditions activate metabolic processes and the mechanism of fiber renewal, the synthesis of its own collagen, the process of natural skin rejuvenation takes place.

Indications for the use of radio frequency radiation are:

  • mimic and age wrinkles;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • signs of ptosis, prolapse of soft tissues;
  • photoaging of the skin;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • weakening of tone, turgor of integuments;
  • decreased tissue elasticity, flabbiness;
  • double chin, floating oval of the face;
  • scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • post-acne;
  • residual marks on the skin from childbirth and sudden weight loss;
  • cellulite.

RF-lifting is considered a gentle technique, therefore it is safely used to solve the problems of sensitive areas around the eyes and mouth.

Age does not matter for radiofrequency rejuvenation, but cosmetologists recommend the procedure to patients over 30 years old. It is during this period that there is a decrease in skin resistance to age-related changes, the rapid appearance of wrinkles, integuments require additional support.

At the same time, RF radiation cannot correct the complex problems of mature skin. In this case, rf-lifting is prescribed as an auxiliary procedure for oil lifting, blepharoplasty, SMAS technology.

Is it possible to carry out at home

Facial rejuvenation using special equipment requires special skills, professionalism, cosmetologists first undergo appropriate training and practice. That is why rf-lifting is the prerogative of beauty salons, cosmetic centers and clinics.

Modern cosmetology has somewhat expanded the possibilities of lovers of "home rejuvenation" by offering portable devices for rf-lifting. They have a lower radiation power and guarantee a less pronounced effect, but regularity in combination with competent facial care can smooth out this difference.

Attention! Radiofrequency face lifting at home is inferior in efficiency to the salon procedure. The key factor in this case is not power, but the regularity and correctness of the procedures.

In order not to harm their health, the patient must strictly adhere to the rules for using the device, instructions and technology for lifting, study in detail the contraindications to exposure to radio frequencies. Cosmetologists strongly recommend for their own safety to undergo appropriate training, attend courses in hardware cosmetology.

To perform RF rejuvenation at home, you will need to spend money on a portable RF lifting machine. They are lightweight and easy to move.

Types of devices

By design, devices for carrying out radiofrequency lifting are divided into stationary and portable. Stationary devices are used only for professional exposure, installed in clinics, beauty salons. They have a relatively large weight and dimensions.

Portable devices are compact and easy to carry, so they are more convenient for home lifting. Portable devices consist of an attachment (handpiece) and a main part (power supply).

In addition to design features, all equipment is divided according to the number of electrodes and the technology of its impact:

  • monopolar- 2 electrodes are used: one is located under the patient, the second is represented by a nozzle, it works out the problem area. Such devices are powerful, capable of heating the inner layers of the skin up to 60 degrees;
  • bipolar- 2 electrodes are also used, but both of them are located in the handpiece (attachment). This effect is softer, sparing. The maximum heating temperature of the skin is 45 degrees;
  • multipolar or multipolar devices- suggest the use of 3 or more electrodes, which alternately change their polarity. This technology allows for a deep and uniform impact on the problem;
  • matrix- a type of radio frequency exposure of a new generation. Its peculiarity lies in microneedle electrodes. Needle lifting is a gentle, maximally safe method, and in terms of effectiveness, in many cases, it is comparable to a monopolar effect;
  • combined or complex- such devices simultaneously combine radio frequency radiation and other types of energy (for example, infrared radiation, laser beam).

Now let's consider directly the options for devices that are actively used for professional and home face lifting.

Gezatone m1603

M1603 Gezatone rf face lifting machine- a worthy, faithful assistant in facial rejuvenation. It can also be used to prevent early skin aging. There are no complications in the application. Also, users are pleased with the safety and painlessness of the procedure.

Regular use of the device can significantly improve the condition of the skin. According to the company's research, after a course of therapy, users' production of natural collagen improved by 37%, tissue tone and elasticity increased by 95%, and the number of wrinkles decreased by 91%. Users of the V-Line Gezatone m1603 also note a cumulative effect that lasts for at least six months.

The cost of the device is from 3,500 rubles.

Gezatone m1605 with micro currents

Gezatone m1605- a combined apparatus-massager for skin lifting at home. Gesaton uses simultaneously microcurrents and radio frequencies, which makes it easy to correct nasolabial folds, reduce age and expression wrinkles, and increase skin tone and turgor.

Ease of use, reasonable cost and high results are the key advantages of the device. Gezatone m 1605 costs about 7,000 rubles.

Please note that in order to achieve maximum effect, the manufacturer recommends to undergo a 5-week course of intensive therapy. The first weeks you use the device every day, on the 5th week the effect is already noticeable, a pronounced improvement in the condition of the skin, and the number of procedures is reduced to 2-3.


NV-CR300- Chinese bipolar device for skin radiolifting, can be used in a beauty salon and at home. The device provides deep penetration into the skin, heating the fibers within 42-45 degrees. The procedure takes place without pain, does not require cooling and anesthesia of the integument. Acts with care, suitable for clients from 25 to 60 years old.

Regular treatment with the NV-CR300 device allows you to achieve a lasting rejuvenating effect. In addition, the device is suitable for fighting cellulite and fatty deposits.

The purchase of the NV-CR300 will cost about 15,000 rubles.


NV-CR200 is a portable device for RF lifting and electroporation. The device guarantees uniform heating of tissues up to 38–42 degrees, painlessness and high results. The effect is cumulative, for maximum success it is necessary to complete a course of procedures (it will take 1-1.5 months). The device has been certified.

The package includes a set of coaxial attachments, a handpiece for RF-lifting and electroporation, and a charger. For convenience, it is equipped with a monitor. There are buttons on the panel to adjust the mode.

The cost of the device is from 14,500 rubles.

Young-in Q 93

Young-in Q 93 is a portable cavitation and RF-lifting apparatus from a Korean manufacturer. Has a modern design, the ability to control the depth of cavitation, is distinguished by a persistent lifting effect after a session of radio frequency exposure. It is used to combat skin problems on the face and body, it copes well with cellulite and fat deposits.

The device of the new generation Young-in Q 93 has even a reasonable price, count on a purchase for 30-33 thousand rubles.

CareBuiw (Kirby)

CareBuiw (Kerby) - a portable device of combined action. Has 2 modes: RF lifting and electroporation. Suitable for home and salon use.

A painless and comfortable procedure with CareBuiw allows you to get rid of fine wrinkles, tighten the skin and improve its quality indicators. With regular use, you can noticeably delay the aging of the integument, the manifestation of ptosis of soft tissues.

Council. Before performing electroporation, the manufacturer recommends using the skin whitening regimen. This will emphasize the achieved result, visually rejuvenate the face.

The purchase of equipment will cost 300 thousand rubles.

Scarlet s

Scarlet S is a unique bipolar radiofrequency thermolifting device equipped with microneedles. Gold microneedles perform micro-punctures in the skin, through which radio wave pulses are supplied.

The effect of using the device can be compared to ablative laser lifting. The procedure takes place mainly without pain and side effects, the possibility of burns and tissue necrosis is excluded.

Scarlett S is a stationary type device that requires professional skills and abilities to work. The cost of equipment is from 2 200 thousand rubles.


Aluma is a vacuum-roller massager with radio frequency, infrared radiation for a comprehensive solution to skin problems. The manufacturer has combined vacuum, mechanical rollers, radio frequency and infrared radiation in a single housing, thanks to which a lasting anti-aging effect is achieved without pain and surgery. The technology of this combination is patented and is actively used by cosmetologists. To correct age deficiencies, a course of 4–6 procedures is recommended.

A touchscreen display, a set of attachments of different sizes for face and body, mode switches, a Russified menu are additional criteria, thanks to which it is convenient and easy to work on the device.

Aluma has rather big dimensions, therefore it is installed permanently. The equipment costs in the range of 380-480 thousand rubles.

Machine SA-6050 5 in 1

The multifunctional device SA-6050 combines 5 effective methods of skin rejuvenation. Among them are ultrasonic cavitation, vacuum with rf lifting, multipolar radiofrequency face and body lifting, microcurrents and vacuum massage.

The device helps to correct existing skin imperfections and delay the appearance of new ones, slow down aging. The device is also used to eliminate the imperfections of the figure, body, to get rid of fatty deposits, cellulite.

There are no restrictions on the type of skin, age of the patient. The equipment is universal. Another feature of the SA-6050 5in1 is the bipolar handpiece with cooling effect for body shaping. Price - 55-110 thousand rubles.

Bionic RF

Bionic RF is a portable RF pulse face lifting device. The device is equipped with two rejuvenation technologies: bipolar and multipolar radiofrequency lifting.

Compactness, user-friendly interface, instant results and efficiency of exposure are the main characteristics of the device. You can use it at home.

The cost of the device is about 30 thousand rubles.

Preparation for lifting

Radiofrequency lifting does not require complex and lengthy preparation for carrying out. The procedure is painless, so there is no need for anesthesia and the use of anesthetic creams.

If you want to achieve the maximum effect of the procedure without edema, hyperemia and other side effects, cosmetologists recommend that 1–2 weeks before the radiofrequency lifting, exclude any skin injury, including sunburn, squeezing out acne and peels, and the use of scrubs. Taking alcoholic beverages is also taboo.

Before using radio frequencies in home rejuvenation, it is important to visit a beautician. He will examine the skin, exclude contraindications and determine how often the exposure should be performed and how many procedures will be required.

An important point! Going to RF-lifting, remove jewelry, metal products.

Phased procedure

A session of radiofrequency face lifting is a short procedure, it will take no more than 30 minutes. It is carried out in the following order:

  1. The first step is to cleanse the skin well with a special product. This is necessary to get rid of the remnants of makeup, to remove particles of grease and sweat, dirt, dust from the face.
  2. An anesthetic gel (cream) is additionally used in a beauty salon for 15–20 minutes. Home RF lifting machines are softer, not so deep, so pain relief is not necessary.
  3. Depending on the equipment used, the experience of the cosmetologist, special markings can be applied. Its task is to ensure a uniform effect on the skin, excluding skipping of entire areas.
  4. When working with monopolar devices, a pad (for grounding) is placed under the back or on the stomach. Modern equipment with bipolar and monopolar handpieces does not require this.
  5. For better gliding of the nozzle and ensuring easy penetration of impulses into the client's skin, a special gel is used.
  6. At the next stage, the beautician works on the entire surface of the face with radio waves. Areas with more serious problems need re-exposure. At the same time, the patient feels a slight warmth.
  7. At the end of the lifting, the remaining gel is removed from the face.
  8. The skin is moisturized with a cream.

Before and after photos

Rehabilitation period

Any hardware effect on the skin causes redness and swelling of tissues, RF-lifting in this case is no exception. Subject to the recommendations of the cosmetologist during the rehabilitation period, these consequences go away on their own within 1-2 days.

  • drink a sufficient amount of water per day, this is about 1.5-2 liters. Please note, this means purified or mineral water, tea and coffee are not counted;
  • do not touch your face with dirty hands and unnecessarily;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics, powder and foundation for the first time;
  • solarium, sunbathing and peeling are still banned;
  • it is worth giving up saunas, baths, hot baths and any steaming of the covers. The same applies to intense physical activity, sports. The fact is that with sweat, particles of dirt, sweat can get into the skin, and lead to inflammatory processes, complications;
  • refrain from alcoholic beverages.

Attention! To avoid skin pigmentation in the first 1-2 months after lifting, you should apply sunscreen before each going outside, try to avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Taking antiviral drugs is a preventive measure during the rehabilitation period, excluding herpes sores.

You can talk about the first positive changes in the skin after one session. But for a persistent and pronounced result, a course of procedures will be required. It can include up to 10 sessions, depending on the depth of the impact.

It is recommended to evaluate the effectiveness of lifting with radio frequencies in full six months after the course. Cosmetologists claim that the achieved rejuvenating effect with high-quality and competent facial care will delight the patient for 2-3 years.


Skin rejuvenation by radio frequency pulses has a number of contraindications:

  • oncology, moles on the face;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • the presence of implants;
  • endocrine and nervous system diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, tuberculosis;
  • hormonal disruptions, pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute form of acne;
  • inflammation of the skin, herpes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • general malaise, weakness, fever.

Possible consequences

The first days after the performed exposure, the skin is more sensitive, there is slight swelling, swelling and redness. These are normal phenomena, they do not require treatment and go away on their own.

Possible complications include:

  • blistering burns;
  • cones;
  • the effect of tissue suppression, which is accompanied by the formation of pits on the face. Its appearance is associated with uneven heating (overheating) of skin areas, contributing to the atrophy of adipose tissue;
  • the appearance of age spots;
  • scarring of tissues;
  • herpes rash.

Complications after RF-lifting are an expression of insufficient experience and professionalism of a cosmetologist, neglect of existing contraindications and an unfair attitude to preparation and rehabilitation on the part of the client.

Pros and cons

Radiofrequency rejuvenation is one of the demanded hardware techniques. The advantages of the procedure include:

  • painlessness of exposure, the use of an anesthetic cream is rarely required;
  • exclusion of damage, injury to tissues;
  • fast effect;
  • the natural process of rejuvenation starts;
  • lasting result, the effect lasts up to 3 years;
  • does not take much time, the procedure lasts about half an hour;
  • a wide range of indications;
  • does not limit age and skin type;
  • minimum side effects;
  • the rehabilitation period is hidden, so you can do your usual things, go to work.

The main disadvantage of radio wave rejuvenation is the high cost of a course of therapy. Plus, for patients of mature age, one RF-lifting is not enough, the cosmetologist prescribes it as an addition to the main, more complex rejuvenation procedure. The disadvantages of the technique include an impressive list of contraindications.

Where is it better to perform lifting: in the salon or at home

If radiofrequency lifting is used to solve certain, pronounced skin problems, then the help of a specialist will be more effective. Plus, the risk of complications and side effects is minimal.

To prevent the aging of integuments, smooth out minor age-related manifestations, home procedures are enough. But keep in mind that you need to study the technology and subtleties of execution, it is recommended to undergo appropriate training and consult a beautician about the presence of contraindications.

The opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists have a positive attitude to radiofrequency face lifting, using it as an independent procedure or in combination with other methods of rejuvenation. The procedure is aimed at self-rejuvenation, starting the active synthesis of its own collagen with minimal risks of unpleasant consequences - this is always welcome.

Here are some tips from cosmetologists when choosing a device for lifting RF pulses:

There are also conflicting views about the effectiveness of therapy and equipment. We offer one of them:

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