The most beautiful shape and photo of different types of breasts. How to maintain a beautiful breast shape. Miss Prettiest Breasts - Holly Berry

What kind of breasts attracts men's eyes? After all, women very often worry about the size of their breasts and often complex about this. What should be the ideal breasts? There is no definite answer to this question, since every man has his own preferences.

What kind of breasts do men like?

On this occasion, studies have been conducted.

Perfect breasts: Studies have shown that more than 50% of men prefer a second size breast, which is considered medium. There were also those who love large breasts - this is about 15% of the subjects, as well as lovers of small 5%. Still, 28% of all subjects said that the big role is played not by the size, but by the shape of the breast. For men, the main thing is that she is fit and elastic.

A survey was also conducted on the topic of what breast size men prefer. Fans of size zero compared such a girl with unique music, due to the fact that there are very few owners of such a body part. Lovers of first size breasts lose their heads because their owners can walk without underwear and seduce without much effort.

Why men like female breasts

The female bust has always attracted the attention of men, aroused them, made them desire and adore women. Someone even once joked that if it were not for the bust, women and men would have met more often.

There are many explanations for the increased male attention to the female breast. If you ask the men themselves, they will probably just shrug their shoulders or get off with a vague "because we don't have her."

And psychologists believe that such a reverent attitude towards the female breast is laid from birth. For a newborn, the mother's breast (it is the breast itself, and not its shape or size) is the most important thing in his still short life. She is a source of nourishment, comfort and care. These are his first impressions, and they remain forever in his subconscious, although the actual memories of this period are erased.

This may be a logical explanation for the attractiveness of breasts for men. When they grow up, the opportunity to caress and kiss a woman's breasts is proof for them that she, like many, many years ago, belongs only to them and to no one else.

That is why, during a fleeting love affair, a man pays so little attention to his partner's breasts. But if he is serious about a relationship with a woman, he begins to literally deify her breasts.

What size of female breast do men prefer?

Size 1 is the perfect chest for many men. After all, the first size for most women has an attractive shape and retains it after the birth of the baby.

Fans of the second breast size find it ideal for slender women. It maintains a harmonious figure. This size is considered beautiful and elastic with the forecast that there is a high probability that its shape will remain the same over time.

Fans of the third size claim that girls with this size feel more confident, since her forms are curvy enough to attract the attention of men.

Fans of the fourth size and above say that such a perfect breast allows the girl to remain attractive not only when the chest is decorated with an inviting neckline, but also if the woman is dressed in closed clothes.

Artificial breast

There are also men who are attracted to silicone breasts. Men of this kind emphasize that the girl herself must feel confident, and if this is not so, then the lady does not hesitate and make herself a silicone breast. They argue that perfect breasts will undoubtedly attract the attention of men, even if they are silicone.

Perfect breast size

The results of the study show that a man determines the ideal breast size for himself, sometimes changing his preferences, seeing the breast of the ideal shape.

Video materials on the topic of the article

Exercises to give the breasts a beautiful shape:

So what kind of chest attracts the eyes of men:

Male view of female breasts:

The most beautiful breast shape in the photo was recently published by the American publishing house InTouch. According to the magazine, actress and singer Jessica Simpson won the palm.

This is the result of the American fashion rating. Is there a more objective photo with the ideal shape of a woman's breasts? What is the "correct" and what is the wrong shape of the breast? Are there any objective criteria other than those created by the fashion industry (and, by the way, also differ from publication to publication)?

Controversial issue. But we will try to figure it out.

What breast shape do men like?

No one can appreciate the beauty of female forms as much as a man. Naturally, to whom to appreciate beauty, if not to those for the seduction of whom it is intended.

It is believed that guys like big breasts. But this is a delusion. Men are attracted when everything is in moderation: the most popular is the third size. In second place are the second and fourth. The rest are less popular, but also have fans. And about what the correct and ugly breast shape is, most likely, it will not be possible to achieve a definite answer.

Moreover: if a man is very partial to a woman, then even an unusual breast shape in the photo or in real life is not able to embarrass him.

You can, however, go for a little trick: get into your lover's computer and look at the beautiful breast shapes in the photo, which, for example, are on the "wallpaper" on the desktop. Unless, of course, the woman conducting the "check" is not touchy and jealous.

So. The statistics of men's opinions did not give an unambiguous answer about whether there is a better breast shape for women in pictures or in real life.

Well, it's time to ask this question to the doctors.

What determines the shape of the breast

What do professional mammologists and cosmetologists say? Medicine knows exactly what the shape of the breast depends on:

1. Different forms of female breasts in the photo are mainly due to hereditary factors. This is transmitted genetically in the same way as, for example, the shape of the ears.

2. Endocrine factors. By the age of 12-14, the girl begins to release sex hormones, which regulate breast growth. By the age of 25, breast augmentation ends.

3. The shape and size of the female breast is largely determined by the presence of adipose tissue in it. Any mammary gland contains the same amount of glandular tissue. But body fat affects both size and shape.

4. Connective tissue (ligaments) is the frame of the breast. Therefore, the types of breast forms are determined by the strength and structure of the connective tissue fibers.

5. The mammary gland is generally supported by muscle tissue. Therefore, breasts of various shapes from the photo differ depending on the strength and development of the muscles.

6. If there is any pathology of the breast, then this also violates its shape and size.

Medicine describes in general terms what forms of female breasts are, but also does not give an idea of ​​the ideal. There should be two glands, they should have a normal internal structure, there should be normally formed nipples.

Among doctors there is the concept of "norm", but there is no concept of "ideal".

The most beautiful breast shape: an ingenious discovery of scientists from Palermo!

And yet the purely anatomical shape of the breast has been tailored to the modern ideals of beauty! And it was done not so long ago by Italian scientists from Palermo. They came up with a versatile formula that allows you to evaluate different breast shapes. Take a look at the image below:

The calculation of the shape of the female breast in the picture is presented. It is not difficult to find out if breast shape correction is required. Just calculate three sizes as shown in the image.

Then divide ac in half, and divide the resulting value by bc or ba.

If in the end it turned out 0.4 - 0.6, then you have an almost ideal type of breast shape.

Less than 0.4 - the mammary glands are saggy, the breast shape needs to be corrected.

More than 0.6 - the glands are too high, in this case, changing and improving the shape of the breast is more difficult.

Let's evaluate some more indicators. Here it is, the "gold standard":

  • the gap between the nipples is 20 - 21 centimeters;
  • the distance from the navel to the nipple is 24 - 25 centimeters;
  • the distance from the jugular notch to the nipple (in the picture ba and bc) - 17 - 18 centimeters.

If you do not fall within the standards, then you do not need to immediately think about how to change the shape of your breasts. The small difference doesn't matter. In addition, there are men who like female breasts of an unusual and non-standard shape.

Below we will tell you about what happens and how to determine the shape of the breast from the photo. But first, let's talk about a simple test that you can use without going into details.

Just place a simple pencil under your chest. Falls to the floor right away? Provisional diagnosis: Your breasts are perfect. Does your chest “pinch” and “won't let go” of the pencil? It's time to think about how to get your breasts in shape.

Classification and types of shapes and sizes of female breasts with visual photos

Let's see what breast forms are. Of course, every woman's bust is unique and unrepeatable. But it is difficult for men to navigate the world of the mammary glands, which is why they come up with all sorts of classifications.

Below are generalized photos with types of breast forms. Each form of female breasts and girls' breasts has a name, sometimes funny, but accurately reflecting the essence.

The classification appeared in Spain and initially performed ... a fortune-telling function! It turns out that the fate of a woman was determined by the shape of her breasts! Today, the ancient division of breasts has been adopted by psychologists and sexologists.

The shape of the chest of a fox nose is a name that speaks for itself. Quite characteristic. It is believed that such women are faithful in marriage and resourceful in bed. As a variety - a teapot-shaped bust.

The shape of the breast is in the form of an apple - classic round. Such women are not always faithful and often change partners.

Goat breast shape. In fact, this is a triangular chest, which for some reason received such a peculiar name. Another name for it is tubular breast shape, conical breast shape (a more general term). For these women, there are no complexes and rules in the intimate sphere.

As a variety can be noted the chest in the form of an oar - it is also conical, but the nipples are widely spaced, "looking" in different directions.

Pear-shaped breasts - these women are quite capricious and scandalous. The pear-shaped variety of female breast forms promises adventure for both its owner and her partner.

Peaches breast shape. Such women are sensual, gentle. They are just made for sex.

Lemon breast shape. Daring. Self-ironic. But these women do not like changes in their familiar surroundings and surprises.

Melon breast shape is large and round. Such ladies can be good mothers or very capricious narcissistic young ladies.

Eggplant is not the most beautiful breast shape, but such women are very strong-willed, they are excellent leaders.

The teardrop shape of the breast is most often given with the help of silicone implants.

Oranges - the shape of such a breast can also be imagined by association. Such women are time bombs. With age, when other women are thinking about how to shape their breasts, the appetites of the owners of "oranges" only grow.

Saucer. Not the most perfect bust. But its owners rarely think about how to improve the shape of their breasts. They patiently endure the hardships of life and know how to bring what they started to the end.

Bee stings are the smallest breast size. Such representatives of the fair sex are stubborn and rarely change anything in life. Some of them are complex and wonder how to make a beautiful breast shape.

Pancakes and spaniel ears are flat shapes that can be an individual feature or the result of breasts losing their shape after pregnancy and childbirth.

Cranberries are small spherical. A smaller version of apples, like potatoes.

There are other classifications and types of shapes and sizes of female breasts with photos. We have presented the most common and universal one. In principle, it is possible to complicate the classification indefinitely.

It can be seen above that the shape of a woman's breast and the character of its owner are closely related.

What happens to the breast during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Women often ask questions about how to get their breasts back in shape after childbirth. In order to answer correctly, we first look at how the breast shape changes during pregnancy.

The shape of the breast during pregnancy becomes more magnificent. The female body is attacked by a mass of hormones that lead to the growth of glandular tissue. Both the skin and the connective tissue, which is the skeleton of the organ, are stretched.

The shape of the breast undergoes even more dramatic changes after breastfeeding. When the glands begin to secrete a lot of milk, they swell and stretch even more.

After lactation and hepatitis B, the shape of the breast is always disturbed. The level of hormones decreases, the volume of the glandular tissue decreases. Overstretched soft tissues and muscles cause laxity of the breast. Gradually, the breast shape is restored on its own after childbirth. But not always to the original form. How to stay a charm? How to restore breast shape after childbirth? Read about it below, under the heading "How to return the breast to its previous shape."

And here we will talk about effective prevention. So, during pregnancy and hepatitis B, you need:

1. Before you will not be faced with the question of how to return the shape of the breast after feeding, if you perform her massage and gymnastics (how - the gynecologist can tell you about this).

2. Thorough and correct personal hygiene is also important.

Now let's see how the breast shape is restored after feeding and after age-related changes.

How to correct the shape of your breasts?

Pregnancy and age can severely disrupt the shape of the mammary glands. Until the age of 25, the problem is most often not relevant for a woman. And then problems may arise.

  • Protect your breasts from injury, excessive sunburn, and other harmful effects.
  • The correct diet is another answer to the question of how to give a beautiful breast shape. Eating with an abundance of milk, vegetables and fruits, vitamins A, E, C will definitely benefit. At the same time, long-term hunger strikes are a great test for the body, and primarily for the mammary glands.
  • Shower massage and cold douches are exercises for improving and maintaining the shape of the breasts.
  • You can’t slouch - this will “ruin” the bust.
  • Exercise to restore beautiful breast shape is another important consideration.

And how to correct the shape of the breast, if the violations have already occurred or it is not very beautiful initially?

Full restoration of the shape of the breast is possible only after getting acquainted with the scalpel of a plastic surgeon. When anatomical changes take place, alas, other methods are ineffective.

Can I reshape my breasts in other ways? There is an alternative - these are shapewear:

  • the shape of the breast and the bra are closely interconnected: when purchasing high-quality lingerie and choosing it correctly, you can work wonders;
  • you can use a corset to improve the shape of the breast, as well as a lot of other means: bustier, grace, etc.;
  • stickers and silicone molds are also used to support the breast.

A beautiful bust does not necessarily amaze others with its size. But in fact, of course, it is not the size that is appreciated, but the shape, elasticity and aesthetics of the breast. How to care for your breasts so that they always remain beautiful?

The most beautiful breast size

What breast size do you need to be considered attractive? It's no secret that quantity here does not always turn into quality, because no one has canceled the laws of gravity, and a heavy bust will certainly go down. Therefore, girls with impressive busts have to choose really comfortable bras for years, and some even decide to reduce their breasts.

There is a widespread belief that the ideal breast is one that can fit in a man's hand. If we translate this into modern sizes, then depending on the size of the hand, we will get a second or third size. The point, of course, is not in men's hands at all; any breast is beautiful by definition; however, small breasts are simply more comfortable for the woman herself.

According to the researchers, those breasts look ideal if the ratio of the upper and lower lobes is 45% to 55% with the nipple pointing up. True, they do not specify what size it should be, so owners of large busts should not despair.

But even if your breasts are suddenly not so close to the generally accepted ideal, you should remember that you can get closer to it with the help of constant breast care. You need to monitor your health, take care of your posture, which greatly affects the appearance of your breasts, take a contrast shower, restoring elasticity and a fresh look to your skin, and also do not forget about exercise.

The largest breasts in the world

But what about girls with a huge bust? After all, this is, in every sense, a very difficult test for the whole organism. However, some desperate women have their breasts enlarged on purpose, such as Chelsea Charms. Her breasts are considered the largest in the world and give a certain reason for pride.

Chelsea has augmented her breasts with the help of surgeons who put in her polypropylene implants. Since the girl is engaged in striptease, and also acts in films for adults, such a change in appearance only played into her hands. Each of her breasts weighs more than 11 pounds, and the size is marked with the numbers 164XXX.

But not only silicone breasts can be the largest in the world. The chest of the Chinese woman Ting Hiafen is in no way inferior to the forms of Chelsea. Moreover, it is absolutely natural. True, surgeons showed their skills here too, but not in the direction of increasing, but quite the opposite.

Ting's breasts began to grow at a very young age, and soon became the subject of peer ridicule. The reason for this rapid growth, according to doctors, was hormonal imbalance. Ting could not even move without assistance, because the weight of her bust exceeded 20 kg, which, of course, was an unbearable burden for a 12-year-old fragile girl. After a successful operation, the breasts have become smaller, but they are still among the largest busts in the world.

The most beautiful natural breasts

Undoubtedly, true connoisseurs of a beautiful bust prefer natural beauty that the surgeon's hand did not create. And there are many girls with such wealth, both among celebrities and among ordinary people.

In the history of cinema, Marilyn Monroe's chest was considered one of the most beautiful. Until now, however, it is unclear whether her breasts were enlarged or not; perhaps this is just the speculation of envious people. The parameters of Marilyn's figure are considered almost ideal in our time, and many women are trying to achieve the same feminine and expressive figure.

And among our contemporaries, Scarlett Johansson has the most beautiful natural breasts. Moreover, the actress enlarged her breasts at the dawn of her career, but after a short time she abandoned implants in favor of naturalness. By the way, surgeons note that such visits to their clinics are becoming more frequent, which means that the fashion for silicone breasts is gradually passing away.

The most beautiful and sexiest breasts in the world

Glossy magazines regularly rank the most beautiful busts. According to the magazine "In Touch", which was one of them, the first place in it is occupied by pop singer Jessica Simpson.

Jessica ousted the famous Pamela Anderson from the leadership position, although Jessica's bust is much more modest in size. So now the title "The Most Luxurious Breasts in Hollywood" belongs to her. Many felt that her bust could really be called perfect.

On closer inspection, it turns out that Jessica Simpson's breasts did not become so by nature. The professional hands of surgeons and some silicone helped her to get in perfect shape. But this does not bother the singer's many fans, since the result is great, and is it so important how Jessica achieved it? Emily Ratajkowski has breasts of rare beauty

The editors of the site remind that beauty can be different, and there is no single standard of attractiveness. We invite you to read about Russian stars who are considered fat and at the same time feel quite comfortable.
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A lot of roads are open in front of a beautiful woman. Before smart and attractive - those ways that bring power and prosperity. Be that as it may, an appetizing and seductive bust will not interfere with both a beautiful and smart young lady. Erin Brockovich's very successful answer to one question arises in my memory: “ Why did you decide that you could go in there and find everything we need? Explain to me. - Because I have beautiful breasts". And she was right, because the bust is a woman's real weapon.

The most beautiful female breast

In ancient times, it was believed that the ideal breast is the one that fits in a man's palm. Given the current data, it turns out that the most attractive breast size fluctuates between 2 and 3. Indeed, the bust of such volumes looks as harmonious as possible, and also retains its elasticity and freshness longer.

Scientists, in turn, have calculated that the most beautiful natural breast can be considered only the one whose lower and upper halves are in a ratio of 45/55%. In this case, the nipple should stick up. Nothing is said about the size of such a bust, so ladies with curvaceous forms may not be upset. Among the star ladies, the owners of gorgeous breasts are:

- the most beautiful breasts in Russia

The gorgeous, puffy beauty is known not only at home, but also in a good part of the world. is not shy about his natural forms and skillfully emphasizes them with a decent neckline. The growth of the seductive lady is 165 cm, the volume of the chest, waist and hips: 105-76-109 cm. As the well-known showman said: "A woman should be magnificent, in whose arms you want to die." According to him, it is the young ladies in the body that rule the ball.

Ani Lorak - the most beautiful breasts in Ukraine

It is not so easy to choose from Ukrainian beauties. Carolina's competitors were the singers Erica, Tina Karol and Nastya Kamenskikh. This rating is not unambiguous. But she continues to admire her body even after the birth of her daughter. Always fit, she has been in the top 100 sexiest women in the world several times. The growth of the cutie is 1.62 m, and the weight is only 48 kg, other parameters: 89-60-90 cm.

Scarlett Johansson - the sexiest breasts in Hollywood

The talent of this famous actress from the USA is gaining frenzied popularity. Many remembered from the films "The Avengers", "Iron Man 2", "Lucy", etc. The girl rightfully became the owner of one of the most attractive busts. Scarlett's height is 1.60 m, but the parameters are just perfect: 94-63-95 cm. The curvy forms of the young actress always stand out favorably against the background of the “starving” Hollywood beauties. For this she was awarded a similar "title" of a man.

Jessica Simpson is the sexiest breast on the planet (according to InTouch magazine)

This successful businesswoman is a singer, actress, designer and TV presenter. In addition to her tenacity in show business and the world of fashion, Jessica bewitches the public with a seductive bust. Having played an ardent beauty in the comedy "Dukes from Hazzard", the girl immediately drew the viewer's attention to her perfect figure. Then Simpson was wearing a pink swimsuit. In 2012 and 2013, Jessica gave birth to a daughter and a son, but this did not stop her from returning even more appetizing forms to their proper state. The growth of a beautiful lady is 1.61 m, other parameters: 96-65-92 cm.

Marilyn Monroe is the most seductive natural breasts in the world

The incomparable blonde has been the beauty ideal for millions of women for many years. At one time, Marilyn was an idol and the first fashion model that the whole world knew. Biographers of the star claim that she did not do breast augmentation plastic surgeries. In any case, the parameters of the figure of this fashion and style icon remain ideal at all times. With a height of 1.66 m, the sex symbol of that time weighed 54 kg, the volume of the beauty's chest, waist and hips was 92-58-91 cm.

Interesting! Annie Hawkins-Turner is the owner of the largest breast in the world. Her bust entered the Guinness Book of Records, her chest is 1.8 m in volume, and each weighs 25.5 kg.

And yet the beauty of a woman is not only in the splendor of her forms. The main thing is kindness, affection, sincerity and tenderness. Girls, be yourself, because there is a man who will love you for who you are.

American magazine "In Touch" conducted an annual survey among readers to make a rating of the best busts of Hollywood stars. Who turned out to have the most salty and beautiful breasts?

10th place - supermodel Tyra Banks... Her television project "American Next Top Model" has been one of the most popular shows in the United States for several years. His idea was sold to television companies in other countries. Including to Russia, where a similar program "You are a supermodel" was created on the STS TV channel.

9th place - actress Rebecca Romijn... It is a great success for Rebecca to be included in the "In Touch" rating. Recently, the star has been "out of the race." In 2005, her only merit was the 80th place in the Top-100 of the most successful women in the world, which was published by Business Wire magazine in comparison with Maxim magazine. This year, the press barely mentioned the actress.

8th place - actress Brittany Murphy... This year was very difficult for the star. Last New Year's, she exchanged wedding rings with her beloved Joe Macaluso, and a few months later broke off the engagement. The star will meet this New Year alone.

7th place - actress Lindsay Lohan... Rumor has it that the star is now having a stormy romance with a guy who is 2 years younger than her. His name is Evan and he is the youngest son of the famous Diana Ross.

6th place - actress Jennifer Love Hewitt... This year, Jennifer and her boyfriend Ross McCall came to the Halloween party in the guise of American comedians Charlie Chaplin and Harpo Marks.

5th place - Jessica Alba... Recently, the actress promised to never appear naked again. She had previously stated that she would not allow herself to be photographed or naked. However, the owner of Playboy magazine Hugh Hefner at one time still persuaded the girl to go for it. Now Jessica promises that this will never happen again.

4th place - Halle Berry... Recently, the actress talked about how she acts in bed scenes in movies. During explicit scenes, she tries to look at what is happening from the side and enjoy the spectacle. "I never associate these scenes with myself and I think that's why I take them calmly," says the star.

3rd place - Salma Hayek... The Latin American actress recently admitted that she had been getting rid of complexes associated with her appearance for a long time: "My height is only 157 cm, - says Salma. - But I know how to control my proportions and present myself in a favorable light. I had to train for a long time to be" on level ".

2nd place - Jessica Simpson... Last year, in the ranking of the most beautiful busts in Hollywood, the singer took first place.

And finally, actress Scarlett Johansson won the crown. By the way, she recently admitted that she has a special nickname for her breasts - "my girls". By the way, the star has never publicly shown her naked bust.

Last year, In Touch magazine already conducted a similar survey. Then the rating of the most beautiful busts of Hollywood stars looked like this:
1. Jessica Simpson
2. Salma Hayek
3. Carmen Electra
4. Angelina Jolie
5. Halle Berry
6. Jennifer Love Hewitt

8. Mariah Carey
9. Susan Sarandon
10. Nicollette Sheridan

Judging by the rating, the readers determined the winner not by beauty, but by breast size. Although it's strange that sex bombs such as Carmen Electra and Angelina Jolie dropped off the list this year. And yet, it would be very interesting to know who our readers would vote for?