Specificity of the social problems of servicemen. The main social problems of servicemen and their families

Course work

Social problems of military personnel


Chapter 1. Social problems of a serviceman and his family

1 The main social problems of a serviceman and his family

2 Problems of social protection of a serviceman and his family members

Chapter 2. Social work with a serviceman and his family

2.1 Social security of a soldier and his family

2.2 Methods of social work with a soldier and his family



social protection security family military


The relevance of the work.The processes of state activity in official acts acquire the greatest social orientation, that is, in the process of determining the development priority, the complex of human needs as the highest social values ​​begins to be most taken into account, in accordance with which the formation of state social policy takes place. An integral sphere of activity of every society is the processes of creation, improvement of branched effective systems that provide social protection. The main goal of social protection is the processes of providing one-time or permanent all-round support to a person who is in a difficult situation in life, in order to ensure a more complete self-realization of a person.

purpose of workis to identify the social problems of a serviceman and his family members.

Work tasks:

1.Consideration of the social problems of a serviceman and his family.

Analysis of social work with a serviceman and his family.

Object of work- social problems of servicemen and their families in the current socio-economic situation in society.

The subject of workis the content, a set of principles and methods of social work with a soldier and his family.

In our work we used following research methods:empirical (observation, description), theoretical (formalization, axiomatization, hypothetical-deductive method), general (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, induction, deduction, analogy, modeling, classification).

Social security is understood as a complex of constitutional, legislative provision of all rights and freedoms of the individual. Social protection is understood as the most specific concepts and is reduced to activities that ensure the realization of rights and freedoms.

There are 2 ways to solve problems related to social protection of the population in the world. In any developed capitalist country, the basis is the use of a positive approach, according to which the problems of social protection of the population are recognized, and various ways are developed in practice aimed at solving these problems.

In such states, social protection of the population has reached a high level. Such a high result was achieved due to the interaction of the processes of functioning of the economy on the basis of market mechanisms; constant implementation of an effective lawmaking process; activities of the state, which are aimed at ensuring the functioning of the adopted legislative act; interaction between the entrepreneur and the trade union to solve any socio-economic problem. Unfortunately, this has not been achieved in our country.

Using federal laws that consider the processes of social and legal support, insurance, vocational guidance, employment of a serviceman and his family, it is necessary to identify problems associated with the social and legal protection of servicemen.

Using various research methods, it is necessary to identify the presence of a discrepancy between social and legal aspects and real social assistance and support for the military personnel of our country.

The problem is the processes of searching for a new humanistic principle and method of social work with a serviceman and his family, as well as a real resolution of discrepancies between theoretical and practical bases of social and legal support of servicemen. The work consists of an introduction containing the relevance of the topic, purpose, objectives, subject, object and methods of work; 2 chapters, which deal with the social problems of military personnel and the activities of social workers with military personnel and their families; conclusions and bibliography.

Chapter 1. Social problems of a serviceman and his family

1.1 The main social problems of a soldier and his family

The most acute problem of Russian military personnel is currently represented by the presence of more than one status system:

the presence of an official (formal) "statutory" system of relationships, which is determined by general laws and departmental acts, such as statutes, instructions, etc.);

the presence of a “grandfather's” system, which consists in the informal, but very widespread priority of the old-time soldier, imposed by him, accompanied by oppression and humiliation of the new soldiers;

the presence of a "compatriot" status system, consisting in power and influence in the military collective, which is distributed in accordance with belonging to certain territorial or national groups.

The socio-economic difficulties characteristic of our country led to a delay in the payment of salaries to a serviceman, the collapse of material and technical supply systems, and the obsolescence of equipment and weapons.

The process of the collapse of the previous ideological trend, in which the soldier occupied a leading place as a symbol of state power and such phenomena as patriotism, the sacred duty of defending the Motherland from enemy attacks, led to the absence of new value orientations and the disappearance of old ones. All these processes have led to the emergence of moral and psychological crises in the Russian Armed Forces, to the fact that servicemen feel that their activities are aimless, the prestige of servicemen is declining, a massive evasion of the army is taking place, there is uncertainty among the military in a stable life, in a bright future.

A special group is represented by the problems experienced by participants in wars and armed conflicts, as well as the processes of re-adaptation of such military personnel to a peaceful existence.

An acute problem is that the military, who were wounded, lost their health, ability to work, social functioning, do not receive adequate social security in our country. Such military personnel and members of their families are faced with material, financial, housing, medical, and social problems, which the servicemen themselves and the state cannot solve in modern conditions.

Another important problem is that the military, who were not injured in an armed conflict, are carriers of "post-traumatic stress syndromes."

Psychological stresses lead to the emergence of diseases of a psychosomatic nature: ulcers, hypertension, asthma and others.

The most painful impact on a war participant is social alienation, the process of debunking the purpose and method of an armed conflict.

A soldier and his family are faced with all the problems typical of any other family, while they also have a set of their own difficulties.

Often, families of military men performing military service are deprived of the head of the family's earnings, which are the main source of income. As a result, the family of such a military man, especially with children, faces great material problems.

The benefits that are paid in such cases do not cover all the costs necessary to support the child.

Also an acute problem for servicemen and their families is low security. The salaries of the military do not correspond to the rise in the cost of living. They generally do not provide for the specific needs of the military in the service, and additional earnings are prohibited by law.

The wife of a soldier, even one with a higher education, is often unable to find a job due to limited vacancies, and unemployment benefits are paid to only a small number of such women.

The existence of all these problems has led to the fact that many military personnel and members of their families are socially poor.

1.2 Problems of social protection of a serviceman and his family members

The process of transition to a market system, reforming the state structure, incl. and the Armed Forces of Russia, has led to an urgent need to strengthen such a process as the socio-economic security of a serviceman and his family.

A soldier belongs to special spheres of employment, performs a socially responsible function assigned to him by the government and the social system. A soldier, like every person, needs a set of consumer goods, services, and housing. All this is necessary for servicemen and their families so that they can live and perform their military duty in a quality manner.

The fact that now in our country, unfortunately, it is impossible to meet certain needs has a great impact on the completeness of the duty of servicemen.

Today, in our country, military personnel have a list of rights and socio-economic guarantees defined by laws, which, in a legal context, ensure the presence of an average level of satisfaction of various needs of military personnel.

Unfortunately, in practice, the process of their implementation in some areas is difficult, despite the fact that in the legislative plan there is an appropriate solution to these problems.

Such problems include the processes of providing apartments, employment of the family of a dismissed serviceman, social services.

The process of providing residential property is the most acute problem in modern conditions in our country.

The processes of the emergence of economic crisis, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the formation of a national army caused the curtailment of housing construction in general and for the Russian military personnel in particular.

The number of servicemen who do not have housing is constantly increasing, and already totals several tens of thousands.

The fact that there is no service area in the garrison due to its general shortage has led to the fact that the servicemen are forced to rent a "corner" from a private person.

That is why servicemen and members of their families are on the verge of semi-poverty, since the state does not pay servicemen any compensation for renting apartments.

Satisfying the needs for housing in the process of increasing the volume of construction in the current situations is impossible due to the lack of building material, technical equipment, and energy.

The presence of a high market value, as well as a long construction period, does not allow a retired soldier to use irrevocable loans for the purchase of housing, since the size of the pension and the possible accumulation of a soldier does not allow making an appropriate contribution to a cooperative organization or carrying out the process of building housing himself.

The process of erecting office living quarters is also problematic because of this. Members of the armed forces and their families also feel the negative impact of rising unemployment on them.

Now a significant part of the families of military personnel are located in remote garrisons, most of which have high professional training, but they are prone to forced unemployment. Which often lasts for many years.

The dismissed military personnel face difficulties in finding employment due to the specifics of their service.

When military personnel are faced with employment problems associated with the remoteness of their garrisons, the state must, according to the law, pay compensation or benefits to the unemployed category of military personnel and their families.

When servicemen are faced with employment problems related to the specifics of their service, the state should prescribe professional orientation, as well as appropriate additional training for a dismissed military man, provide him with housing conditions, and the possibility of employment.

If there are no conditions under which it will be possible to implement legislative acts on this infrastructure, the solution of existing problems will be difficult.

Chapter2. Social work with a soldier and his family

2.1 Social security of a soldier and his family

In accordance with the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it is mandatory to show sensitivity, attentiveness to the subordinate; in a relationship tactlessness, rudeness is unacceptable; a combination of high exactingness and adherence to principles with respect for the personality of a subordinate is necessary; it is obligatory to take measures to resolve the domestic issue and ensure the right and social protection of a serviceman, as well as a person dismissed from the army and his family; creation of conditions conducive to the development of technical and other creative abilities; creation of conditions conducive to cultural growth and recreation, health and physical development; intercession for subordinates to senior officers.

Currently, there is an increase in budgetary allocations for the provision of housing to a serviceman and a person equated to him, for social protection of a serviceman and a person equated to him, his family, and people who have been dismissed from the army.

The family of a serviceman, and people who were dismissed from the army due to age criterion, poor health or as a result of organizational and staff activities, as well as the military and their families, who were forced to leave a life-threatening area and became refugees, must be registered by the local authorities in a new apartment.

Servicemen should be granted priority rights to join a housing construction (housing) cooperative, or a land plot should be allocated for the construction of an individual residential building, or it is necessary to sell an apartment or an individual residential building from state, municipal, departmental housing funds under preferential conditions determined by the state.

A set of rights and benefits for a soldier and his family (the right to provide free medical care in a military medical unit, unit and institution.

During the vacation period, the military must be provided with sanatorium vouchers, for them it is necessary to organize rest for payment in a sanatorium, a rest house, a boarding house, at a tourist base of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or in a sanatorium and health resort and health institution of another ministry or department of the Russian Federation).

This should also apply to an officer dismissed from the army due to age criterion and poor health or as a result of organizational and staff activities, as well as to those servicemen who have served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for twenty or more years. All this should apply to the families of military personnel.

Servicemen, citizens dismissed from the army, and members of their families should, like all other citizens of the Russian Federation, be guaranteed to receive a share of state property by privatizing it.

Military personnel who were dismissed from the army due to age criterion, poor health, or as a result of organizational and staff measures, as well as those military personnel who have served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for twenty or more years, should be exempted from paying land taxes and property taxes.

They should also be exempted by local authorities in full or in part from other taxes.

According to The law of the Russian Federation of 6.07. 91, "On local self-government in the Russian Federation", the rights to assign and pay pensions were granted to district (city) administrative bodies as an executive body of state power at the local level.

Now this law is applied in an aspect that does not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation (according to paragraph two of Section 2 "Final and Transitional Provisions") and the law of August 28, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five, "On general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation" (according to paragraph three articles seventh).

The existing legislative regulation of the duties of the district (city) administrative authority, regardless of whether these are local authorities or bodies that are part of the system of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, prescribes to all these bodies the mandatory appointment and payment of state pensions to the military.

In accordance with Article 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Pensions in the Russian Federation", the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation finances the payment of pensions assigned in accordance with this Law at the expense of insurance contributions from employers, citizens and allocations from the federal budget.

The powers for the appointment, calculation, recalculation and payment of state pensions were not given to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by these acts.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that payments of pensions to servicemen on a non-insurance basis (servicemen and equivalent categories of persons and their families), which are also financed by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, are carried out by the relevant ministries and departments.

2.2 Methods of social work with a soldier and his family

Real social work with a soldier and his family can be carried out using certain methods.

The first group of methods was named organizationalmethods. They are a set of techniques and methods of activity that are used in solving various organizational problems of social work.

Organizational methods are divided into:

organizational and administrative;

organizational and coordination;

organizational and instructive;

organizational and technical and others.

The complex of these methods helps social workers to carry out adequate organization of social and legal assistance and support to the serviceman and his family, informing the military about the powers and responsibilities of different levels of government, social protection bodies and social services.

The second group of methods was named pedagogicalmethods. Such methods are used in the process of providing social assistance to the serviceman as an individual and as a member of society in which the processes of socialization and social orientation are taking place.

There are 3 main types of pedagogical methods:

the method of formation of the consciousness of individuals (concepts, judgments, beliefs, assessments);

the method of organizing cognitive, practical activities and behavior (assignments, tasks, exercises, the process of creating specific educational conditions);

a method of stimulating the activity and behavior of an individual (evaluation, reward, censure, and more).

These methods help to solve the problems of the development of the personality of servicemen and their family members in a socially useful channel, to ensure an adequate process of their socialization, while simultaneously influencing consciousness, activity and behavior.

Socio-psychological methodsis a complex of methods (methods, techniques of interaction with objects of social work), conditionally divided into several groups.

Psychological research methods:

Observation is a systematic and purposeful perception of mental phenomena in order to study their meaning and specific changes in certain conditions. The effectiveness and accuracy of observations depend on the task at hand, the degree of experience and qualifications of the observer.

An experiment is an active participation in a social situation on the part of a researcher who registers concomitant changes in the behavior or state of the object under study. If the study area is unknown, or poorly studied, or there is no system of hypotheses, a variety of experiments are used: a laboratory experiment conducted in specially equipped rooms, which allows you to control all the variables and determines a high degree of reliability and reliability of the results. However, under the conditions of this experiment, the subject rarely behaves in the same way as in real life situations, which sharply reduces his "ecological" reliability, since the behavior and state of a person change with changes in the surrounding conditions; natural experiment - testing hypotheses through the study of personality traits and human behavior in natural conditions within the framework of everyday life; formative experiment - a combination of research methods with methods of influence, which allows regulating mental processes, influencing the characteristics of a person and her behavior, while simultaneously testing scientific hypotheses.

These methods allow the social worker to identify psychological deviations in the consciousness of servicemen and their families and, helping them to realize their illnesses, guide them on the path leading to the resolution of both intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts.

Socio-economic methods- a set of techniques and methods by which actions are carried out that take into account the social interests and needs of people, the ways of their satisfaction are determined: in-kind and monetary assistance, the establishment of benefits and one-time benefits, patronage and consumer services, sanctions, etc.

The following economic methods are used in social work:



analysis of purposeful actions and an objective comparative assessment of possible results of actions (method of making optimal decisions);

balance sheet;



technological analysis of the series of dynamics, etc.

These methods help the social worker to form optimal social standards for servicemen and their families, create an effective system of their social protection, increase social mobility, as well as the effectiveness of the work of the state social service.

Methods of social work with military personnel and members of their families can be divided into:

method of individual social work;

method of social work with a group;

communal method.

The method of individual social work is a direct assistance to the subject through personal interaction in the process of his adaptation to new living conditions.

This method involves not only planning care, but also carrying out the necessary procedures to identify the optimal interaction (counseling, social therapy, psychosocial rehabilitation).

In the process of work, the social worker must:

Establish primary communication and determine the needs of military personnel and their families in social services;

Study the problem; motivate the need for social assistance;

conceptualize the problem;

identify and investigate the proposed solution;

choose a strategic direction;

implement solutions to the problem, etc.

The method of social work with a group involves working both as a whole with a group of servicemen and members of their families, and in a group - with each of its members separately.

In this case, various areas of human activity are studied, which contributes to a more effective resolution of the problems and difficulties that have arisen.

Group work can also be carried out with united groups (families) that have similar problems or similar tasks.

The purpose of using the group work method is to help the client through the transfer of group experience for the development of his physical and spiritual strength, the formation of social behavior.

The implementation of this goal can be achieved by either organizing group activities and social activity of group members in achieving generally significant goals, or expanding the scope of individual experience and self-awareness in intensive communication, or by including the group in productive creative activity. Community social work is professional assistance to individuals, groups, military personnel and their families who live in the same area and have common problems.

In this case, the main methods of work are:

social diagnostics;

social forecasting;

social planning of the microsocial environment;

socio-therapeutic work;

development of the system of territorial self-government;

charity events in a microsocial environment;

practical work in the community.

The main goal of social work in the community is to achieve cooperation and create an organizational base for the activities of regional specialists, as well as the activation of various groups of the population, communes or communities.

Social work in the community is based on a territorial principle and covers many target groups.

Moreover, the microsocial environment puts forward special requirements for social work with the family of a serviceman as the main unit of our society, since the whole family acts here as a patient.

The social worker should remember that difficult to understand or even strange behavior of a family member may be due to his latent suffering, mental pain, which must be reckoned with if the social worker really wants to help the family and normalize the situation in it.

In general, we can say that a social worker must master all methods of social work, both theoretical, empirical, and general, general scientific.

The correct use of all these types of methods by social workers allows them to identify the problems of military personnel and their families and find ways to solve them.


In modern times, there is a high-quality development of legislative acts related to the provision of social and legal assistance and support to a serviceman and his family.

Only in a theoretical aspect, people serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and their families have a reliable guarantee.

Medical and social, pedagogical, psychological, psychiatric and other assistance, which provides the basis for the psychosomatic health of people in service and their families, has been qualitatively developed, also only theoretically.

Problems of socio-economic security, including benefits, pensions, insurance and services for the military and their families are also at a high level, but, unfortunately, again only theoretical.

Analysis of the main social problems of servicemen, the process of theoretical comprehension and empirical observation of the life of the military and their families, makes it possible to conclude that the main problem in modern Russia is an obvious contradiction between the theoretical and practical aspects related to the provision, maintenance and protection of servicemen. and his family.

The main reason for the existing problems is the lack of highly qualified specialists who work in the social sphere and disinterestedly help the military and their families find ways to adequately resolve the existing social problems of servicemen and their families.

Social workers should know and be able to use all methods of social work, both theoretical, empirical, and general, general scientific, to provide a soldier and his family with competent solutions to their social problems. If a soldier does not receive competent assistance, then he and his family have the right to bring legal action to the proceedings.

The judiciary is responsible for ensuring that all citizens, regardless of race, nationality, financial status, education, health status or literacy, have access to justice.

All activities of the court should be based on the idea of ​​serving citizens and facilitating access to justice.

It is the direct work to facilitate access to justice that builds public confidence in the judiciary.

It is also possible to single out the reason for the weak financial base of the institutions of social protection and social work in general, and of servicemen and families, which is partly due to the political and economic instability of the state and society at the present historical stage.

This reason is a significant "brake" on the way to quality assistance and support to servicemen and their families in the material aspect of their general well-being and active life.

There are still many unidentified and unresolved social issues that make it possible to penetrate deeper into the essence of the social problems of servicemen and members of their families, and to organize the most fruitful methods of solving them.

In the Russian Federation, it is necessary to more fully comprehend the existing social problems of the military and members of their families and constantly tensely improve the theoretical justifications for solving problems, develop the empirical aspect of research, and most importantly, organize real practical assistance to the serviceman and his family in the process of resolving his social problems.

The main thing to remember is that the best solution to problems is the process of predicting those problems and preventing them from occurring.


1. Asmolov AG Psychology of personality. - M .: Moscow State University, 2008 .-- 367 p.

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Nikitin V.A. Social work: problems of theory and training of specialists. - M .: 2007 .-- 236 p.

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On the Federal Budget for 2007: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2006 N 238-FZ. - Consultant Plus: Higher School, 2008.

On the budget of the pension fund of the Russian Federation for 2006 dated December 9, 2005: Federal Law of the Russian Federation. - Consultant Plus: Higher School, 2008.

Resolution of June 25, 2001 N 9-p on the case of checking the constitutionality of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 27, 200 N 1709 "On measures to improve the management of state pensions in the Russian Federation" in connection with the request of a group of State Duma deputies: Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ... - Consultant Plus: Higher School, 2008.

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For a more detailed analysis of the problems of the modern family, it is necessary to understand:

What is family;

What are the functions of the family;

What is family education;

What are the parameters of the family;

Features of the modern family, etc.

The family is a cell (small social group) of society, the most important form of organizing personal life, based on marital union and family ties, i.e. on the multilateral relationship between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters and other relatives living together and leading a common household.

Based on the definition, the family is a complex phenomenon. You can at least highlight the following characteristics:

The family is a unit of society, one of its institutions;

Family is the most important form of organizing personal life,

Family is a conjugal union;

Family - multilateral relationships with relatives;

The family is the subject and object of social and pedagogical activity.

Based on the fact that a family is a personal environment for the life and development of its members, the quality of this environment is determined by a number of parameters:

1) demographic (family structure): large - includes other relatives; nuclear - includes only parents and children; complete - both parents and children; incomplete - without 1, 2 parents; childless - no children; one child - 1 child; small children - 2-3 children; large - more than 3 children;

2) socio-cultural (educational level of parents, their participation in the life of society); property characteristics and employment of parents at work;

3) technical and hygienic (living conditions, lifestyle features).

The main functions of the family are: reproductive, economic (economic), communicative, leisure and recreation, educational.

The modern family is very significantly different from the family of past times, not only by a different economic function, but also by a radical change in its emotional and psychological functions. Relationships between children and parents have been changing over the past decades, becoming more and more emotional and psychological. They are determined by the depth of their attachment to each other, because for an increasing number of people, it is children who become one of the main values ​​of life. But this, paradoxically, does not simplify family life, but only complicates it. There are many reasons for this, the main ones include the following:

1) A large number of families have one child and consist of two generations - parents and children, grandparents; other relatives usually live separately. As a result, parents are not able to use the experience and support of the previous generation on a daily basis, and the applicability of this experience is often problematic. Thus, the diversity introduced by the elderly into interpersonal relationships disappears.

2) The status of “male” and “female” labor is changing. The sphere of application of male labor decreases, the status of a woman rises - often her earnings exceed the material and monetary allowance of her husband.

3) The relationship of spouses is increasingly determined by the depth of their mutual affection, therefore, the level of their expectations in relation to each other rises sharply. However, expectations are often not met due to lack of culture and individual characteristics.

4) Relations between children and parents have become more complicated and problematic. Children acquire a high status in the family early. They often have a higher level of education, the ability to spend most of their free time outside the family. They fill this time with activities accepted among their peers and do not always care about the approval of their pastime by their parents.

The upbringing function is the most important function of the family. In the educational activities of the family, three aspects can be distinguished:

The systematic educational impact of the family team on each of its members throughout his life;

Constant responsibility of parents to their children, encouraging them to actively engage in self-education, self-improvement;

The pedagogical influence of parents on their children;

Family parenting is a more or less conscious effort to raise children by older family members. It is aimed at ensuring that the younger members of the family correspond to the older ones' ideas about what a child, teenager, and young man should be and become.

1) the personal resources of the family (the presence of parents), siblings (brothers, sisters), close relatives included in family life (grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, etc.); qualitative characteristics of family members: a) health status; b) the nature, level and type of education; c) individual hobbies; d) tastes; e) value orientations; f) social attitudes; g) the level of claims;

2) the attitude of the elders to the younger ones to their upbringing as to their unconditional duties, which are determined by the measure of their participation in upbringing;

3) the nature of the interaction between senior and junior.

The style of family relationships between parents and children can be authoritarian and democratic.

1. Authoritarian (domineering) style. It is characterized by the desire of the elders to subordinate the younger ones as much as possible to their influence, to suppress their initiative, to strictly enforce their requirements, to completely control their behavior, interests and even desires. This is achieved through vigilant control over the lives of minors and the use of punishment. The obsessive desire of parents to completely control not only behavior, but also the inner world, thoughts and desires of children can lead to conflicts: some parents view their children as wax and clay, from which a personality can be molded; if the child resists, he is punished, beaten mercilessly, forcing his willfulness. The initiative comes only from the elders. This style, on the one hand, disciplines the younger ones and forms in them the attitudes and behavioral skills that are desirable for the elders, on the other hand, it can cause children to become alienated from their elders, hostility, protest, aggression, apathy and passivity.

2. The democratic style is characterized by the desire of the elders to establish warm relations with the younger ones, to involve them in solving problems, to encourage initiative and independence. The elders explain to the younger the motives of their demands, encourage their discussion with the younger, in the younger they value both obedience and independence. In relationships with children, they are more likely to rely on trust instead of control. The main means of education are approval, encouragement. Communication is two-way. This style fosters independence, responsibility, activity, friendliness, tolerance.

In the process of family education, the following tasks are solved:

A personality is being formed, its abilities and interests are developing;

There is a transfer of social experience accumulated by society;

Family members develop a worldview, a responsible attitude to work;

A sense of collectivism, the need to be a master, to comply with norms of behavior is instilled;

The intellect is enriched, aesthetic development and physical improvement are carried out, the skills of sanitary and hygienic culture are developed.

The family has the following educational opportunities for the formation of the child's personality:

1. The family is responsible for the physical and emotional development of the child. In infancy, early childhood, she plays a role that other institutions cannot take on.

2. Influences the formation of the psychological sex of the child. In the first three years, the child masters the attributes of the sex assigned to him; a set of personal characteristics, features of emotional reactions, various attitudes, tastes, behavioral patterns.

3. Plays a leading role in the mental development of the child. Studies have shown that the differences in the mental development of children who grew up in prosperous and disadvantaged families are significant.

4. Is important in the child's mastery of social norms. Studies have shown that the choice of a spouse and the nature of communication in the family are determined by the atmosphere and relationships in the parental family.

5. Determines the social development of a person. Approval, support, indifference or condemnation affect the claims of a person, help or hinder him to look for ways out in difficult situations, to adapt to changing circumstances.

6. Forms fundamental value orientations of a person.

The socio-pedagogical characteristics of the families of military personnel reflect some trends: the families of military personnel (officers, warrant officers) are still characterized by the strength of the marriage basis, high adaptive capabilities, the ability to endure hardships, deprivation, unsettled life and maintain a more or less stable psychological state of their members, they have a lower percentage of family breakdown compared to some other social strata.

To a certain extent, corporatism, the collectivism of the families of military personnel in military camps, and an interest in creating good social conditions for children remain.

The negative trends include the following:

The attention to the problems of families of servicemen on the part of the governing bodies (command, headquarters, educational work bodies) has significantly weakened. The system of activity in this area has been destroyed. Socio-psychological support for families is weak. The housing and material security of the families of servicemen is low.

Many years of experience of working with families of military personnel is not used, it is consigned to oblivion.

Manifestations of indifference, indifference, callousness to the problems of the families of military personnel. Young families suffer the most from this.

Work with families of military personnel is not systemic (formalism, bureaucracy, etc.)

Poor work is being done to strengthen the families of servicemen, to prevent their disintegration and divorce.

Social work, by definition, is helping those individuals or social groups who are in a difficult life situation, a vulnerable situation, cannot cope with their difficulties on their own and therefore need the assistance of specialists. At first glance, it seems that military personnel in normal social circumstances, by the very nature of their activities, by a special set of personal qualities that serve as a prerequisite for it, cannot belong to vulnerable segments of the population: these are usually people in the most favorable age range, who have left their childhood , but still far from old age. Their state of health is under vigilant professional supervision and meets the rather strict criteria set by the military service. Finally, the armed forces belong to one of the most respected social institutions, their representatives have a high social status and are in a favorable material and moral situation.
However, the very specificity of professional activities related to military service contains certain objective difficulties that negatively affect servicemen and may hinder their social functioning. Similar problems are characteristic of the armed forces in any modern society, perhaps even in any society, regardless of its historical and socio-cultural certainty, although we currently have insufficient data to make judgments on this last issue. In addition, the peculiarities of the situation of servicemen in the Russian Federation leave an imprint of particular complexity on their social situation, and this cannot but affect their well-being and social functioning.
Before considering the complex of problems objectively inherent in people performing military service, it is necessary to give some definitions, which, in accordance with the current legislation, establish the status of the defined phenomena.
A citizen doing military service is a soldier and has a legal status determined by law.
Military service is a special type of civil service of citizens in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops (border troops, internal troops, government communications troops that provide communication with military control bodies, railway troops of the Russian Federation, civil defense troops), foreign intelligence agencies and federal state bodies security (RF Law "On conscription and military service", Section VI, Art. 35).
For those undergoing military service, the composition of the military is established: soldiers and sailors; sergeants and foremen; warrant officers and warrant officers; as well as officers: junior, senior, senior. In accordance with belonging to a particular composition, there is the status of a serviceman, his subordinate position, financial situation, indirectly - age, state of health, family circumstances and other factors. Therefore, the social problems of servicemen can, to a certain extent, be grouped depending on the attitude towards one or another composition.
Military service can be carried out by conscription (for soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen), or by contract - for all military personnel. In the Russian Federation, there is a recruitment of soldiers and non-commissioned officers of the Armed Forces, mainly by conscription, on the basis of universal conscription, although certain steps have been taken recently to form a professional army and organize the service of soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, also on a voluntary contract basis.
Male citizens, aged 18 to 27, who do not have the right to be exempt or deferred from conscription, are subject to conscription for military service in peacetime. Exempt from the call are:
recognized as unfit or partially fit for health reasons;
passing or past military or alternative service;
those who have completed military service in the armed forces of another state;
having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing a grave crime;
a citizen whose sibling was killed or died while undergoing military service by conscription.
Some categories of conscripts are subject to a deferral from conscription, for example, for the period of study at the full-time department of a higher educational institution, in other cases; the terms and conditions of such deferrals are established by federal legislatures and may vary widely.
The terms of conscription military service are established by the legislator, for those who are undergoing military service under a contract, they are established by a contract.
The problematic complex of servicemen and their families is due to the responsibilities assigned to them for the armed protection of the state, associated with the need to fulfill the assigned tasks in any conditions, including with a possible risk to life. This determines the characteristics of the social-role system in which they operate. The functional responsibilities of servicemen are strictly regulated, and the subordinate structure is strictly hierarchical. Orders of superior persons are not discussed and are subject to strict implementation, regardless of the attitude to the order of the person to whom it is given. In addition, mention should be made of the lack of an opportunity to choose an occupation and place of residence for both the serviceman himself and, in some cases, his family. In military service, there are often unfavorable factors in the form of emotional and physical overload of servicemen, exposure to noise, vibration, chemicals, confined space, monotony, and sensory deprivation. A test for the moral, emotional and physical strength of military personnel is also the influence of constant and involuntary contact with the same age and same-sex team, the lack of opportunities for privacy, interpersonal tension, especially interpersonal conflicts. Similar factors are common to all armies.
The armed forces are closely related to the state of the state and society. Accordingly, almost all the problems and troubles of Russian society leave their mark on the activities and well-being of servicemen. Thus, the decline in the quality of health and intelligence of each subsequent age cohort of the population leads to the fact that, while maintaining the scale of conscription, persons with serious somatic or mental illnesses enter military service. On the other hand, excessive loads, poor-quality nutrition with a pronounced protein-vitamin deficiency leads to the appearance or exacerbation of diseases. Illegal behavior in the period before entering military service, the growth of crime in society, drug addiction and alcoholism affect people in military uniform: the number of crimes committed by military personnel is high, the danger for the servicemen themselves to become a victim of crime on the part of their colleagues increases.
One of the acute problems of the modern Russian Armed Forces is the presence of several status systems in its ranks - the official (formal) "statutory" system of relationships determined by general legislation and departmental documents: regulations, instructions, etc .; “Grandfather's” system based on the informal, but, nevertheless, widespread priority position of old-time soldiers over recruits, and “compatriot” status system, in accordance with which power and influence in military collectives are distributed depending on belonging to a certain territorial or national grouping. The proliferation of parallel official informal status systems is a reflection of the anomie characteristic of modern society, that is, the collapse of previously existing value systems and a symptom of a general social moral and psychological crisis. The consequence of this situation is a decrease in the controllability of military collectives, a drop in discipline, acts of violent behavior in relation to a number of military personnel, and the spread of suicides in the Armed Forces.
The growing socio-economic difficulties in society are expressed in many months of delays in the payment of salaries to servicemen, the collapse of the material and technical supply system, the obsolescence of equipment and weapons, and the inability to conduct normal combat training. The collapse of the previously existing ideological system, in which the Armed Forces occupied one of the leading places as a symbol of statehood, as a bearer of high-status values ​​of patriotism, the sacred duty of defending the fatherland in the face of external dangers, discrediting these latter in the absence of other values ​​that could replace them, lead to a moral and psychological crisis in the minds of a number of servicemen, to a sense of the aimlessness of their activities. This entails a decline in the prestige of military labor, mass draft evasion, and the lack of confidence of servicemen in the stability of their existence and their future. An acute indicator of social distress in the Armed Forces is the increase in the number of suicides, and not only among the rank and file, which is usually associated with “informal” relations in military collectives, but also among officers.
The generality of military service does not seem justified to society: the majority of the population supports the transition of the Armed Forces to the contract principle of formation and exclusively voluntary military service by citizens. The absence of the constitutionally guaranteed right to alternative military service, weak legal and social protection of all categories of servicemen, economic and everyday difficulties - all this aggravates the moral and psychological well-being of servicemen.
The ambiguity of plans for military reform, personnel prospects of servicemen, mass layoffs of officers without provision of housing and payments required by law, difficulties in finding a job at the end of military service - all this creates another problematic complex of the "transition" period - between the end of military service and adaptation to civil reality.
An acute group of problems is the well-being of persons who took part in wars and armed conflicts, and their readaptation to a peaceful life. Firstly, persons who were injured in their course, or, moreover, who have completely or completely lost their health, ability to work, and the ability to socially function, do not currently enjoy an adequate level of social security; they and their families have a number of material, financial, housing, medical and social problems, for the solution of which neither themselves nor the state currently have enough resources.
Secondly, even those servicemen who were not injured in such armed conflicts are, to a large extent, carriers of the so-called "post-traumatic stress syndrome." For the first time, such a state of health and psyche was diagnosed in American veterans of the Vietnam War, and later it was observed in many participants in "strange" armed conflicts. Its main symptoms are mental weakness, in which minor problems turn into insurmountable obstacles that push people to aggressive outbursts or suicide, a sense of guilt in those who died for being alive, negative or disdainful attitude towards social institutions. Moreover, time does not cure such phenomena: the psychological problems of the former "Vietnamese" worsened 15-20 years after the end of the war, among them there are a third more suicides and divorces, half more alcoholics and drug addicts than the national average. Psychological stress leads to the development of psychosomatic diseases such as ulcers, hypertension, asthma. The most painful effect on the participants in such wars is the alienation of society, the debunking of the goals and methods of war.
Unfortunately, in the history of our country there have been many "strange" wars and conflicts. In addition, a number of actions by representatives of the Armed Forces did not receive due public recognition, and their participants, who risked their lives and lost their health, do not have adequate social security - for example, participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This is a serious social problem, and its solution can only be comprehensive, including social measures, all types of rehabilitation of persons injured during military service, the development of prosthetic services and the formation of an accessible environment for the disabled, the organization of psychological support, as well as a change in the attitude of society towards those persons. who honestly performed their duty to the state and therefore deserve help and support.
The families of members of the armed forces are affected by all the problems that are common to any other type of family, but they also have their own difficulties. For example, families of conscripts are deprived of their earnings - often the main source of income, which in the presence of a child puts the family in a difficult financial situation. The allowance paid in this case does not cover the needs of the child.
The resources of the family of a contract serviceman are involved in ensuring the defense capability along with the personal resources of the serviceman himself, ensuring to a large extent his health and efficiency. However, it does not receive adequate compensation for these resources. The family follows the serviceman to their destination, where difficulties with housing, lack of work for the wife, and often inappropriate climate for children are often encountered. Repeated transfers to a new place of service create difficulties in the study of children, who are forced to adapt each time to a new school and a new team. Existence in a military town, fenced off from the outside world, can give rise to a syndrome of social and psychological deprivation of servicemen and their families.
A common problem for families of military personnel is poverty, since their wages lag behind the growth in the cost of living, especially from the specific needs of existence in the conditions of military service, and additional earnings are prohibited by law. The wives of military personnel, despite, as a rule, higher education, often cannot get a job with a limited number of jobs; unemployment benefits are paid only to a small part of them. The socio-economic crisis of the state with many months of non-payment of money to servicemen often puts their families in a situation of social disaster.


1.1 Social and legal status of military personnel and members of their families

The legal foundations of the status of military personnel are the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, this Federal law, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation / 9, Article 4 /.

A citizen doing military service is a soldier and has a legal status determined by law. Military service is a special type of civil service of citizens in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops (border troops; internal troops; government communications troops, providing communication with military command bodies; railway troops of the Russian Federation; civil defense troops), foreign intelligence agencies and federal state bodies security (Law of the Russian Federation / 10, Section VI, Article 35 /.

Public associations can also promote the implementation of the rights of servicemen, citizens dismissed from military service, and their family members in accordance with the law. No one has the right to restrict military personnel, citizens dismissed from military service, and their family members in the rights guaranteed by # M12291 9004937 KRFK KRF and the Law on the status of military personnel / 9, part 3 /. Officials of state power and administration bodies, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations, commanders (chiefs) guilty of non-fulfillment of duties to exercise the rights of military personnel, citizens dismissed from military service, and members of their families are liable in accordance with the law ...

Military personnel are under the protection of the state. No one has the right to interfere with the official activities of military personnel, except for persons authorized to do so by law. Insult to servicemen, violence and the threat of violence, encroachment on their life, health, honor, dignity, home, property, as well as other actions that violate and infringe upon their rights in connection with the performance of military service duties are recognized as aggravating circumstances in determining responsibility and assignment punishment.

The wives (husbands) of military personnel and citizens dismissed from military service, other things being equal, have the preferential right to apply for work at state (municipal) enterprises, state (municipal) institutions and organizations and to remain at work at state (municipal) enterprises, in state (municipal) institutions and organizations with a reduction in the number of employees, as well as on a priority direction for vocational training, advanced training and retraining with a break from work with payment of a scholarship during the training period in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation (clause 2 of article 59) provides that a citizen of the Russian Federation shall perform military service in accordance with federal law. According to the preamble, Federal Law No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1998 "On the Status of Servicemen" defines the rights, freedoms, duties and responsibilities of servicemen, as well as the foundations of state policy in the field of legal and social protection of servicemen, citizens of the Russian Federation dismissed from military service. and their family members. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 13 of this Law, servicemen doing military service under a contract, conscientiously performing the duties of military service, based on the results of a calendar (academic) year, by decision of the commander of a military unit, a one-time monetary remuneration may be paid in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation, but not less than three salaries. / 17, p. 1 /

We can say that military personnel and members of their families in the Russian Federation are reliably provided with legal and social protection and support from the state and state social institutions. The question arises - why, then, in fact, such provision is observed at the lowest level, and the well-being of this category of the population leaves much to be desired?

1.2 Main social problems of servicemen and their families

One of the acute problems of the modern Russian Armed Forces is the presence of several status systems in its ranks: the official (formal) "statutory" system of relations, determined by general legislation and departmental documents (charters, instructions, etc.); “Grandfather's” system, i.e. informal, but, nevertheless, widespread priority of senior soldiers, imposed by themselves, and oppression, humiliation of recruits; “Compatriot” status system, according to which power and influence in military collectives are distributed depending on belonging to a particular territorial or national grouping.

As a result of the socio-economic difficulties experienced by the country, the payment of salaries to servicemen is delayed, the system of material and technical supply collapses, equipment and weapons become obsolete. The collapse of the previous ideological system, in which the Armed Forces occupied one of the leading places as a symbol of statehood, patriotism, the sacred duty of defending the Fatherland from external enemies, the absence of other values ​​that were supposed to replace the old, are the cause of the moral and psychological crisis of many servicemen, feelings by them the aimlessness of their activities, the decline in the prestige of military service, the massive evasion of conscription into the army, the lack of confidence of servicemen in the stability of their existence and their future.

A special group is made up of the problems of participants in wars and armed conflicts, and their re-adaptation to a peaceful life.

Firstly, persons who have been injured or, moreover, who have completely lost their health, ability to work, the ability to socially function, do not currently enjoy an adequate level of social security; they and their families have a number of material, financial, housing, medical and social problems, for the solution of which neither they themselves nor the state currently have enough resources.

Secondly, these military personnel, even those who were not injured in such armed conflicts, are carriers of the so-called "post-traumatic stress syndrome."

Psychological stress leads to the development of psychosomatic diseases such as ulcers, hypertension, asthma, etc. The most painful effect on the participants in such wars is the alienation of society, the debunking of the goals and methods of war.

The families of members of the armed forces have all the problems common to all families, but they also have their own difficulties. Thus, the family of a conscript is deprived of his earnings - often the main source of income, which in the presence of a child puts the family in a difficult financial situation; the allowance paid in this case does not cover the needs of the child.

Another problem of a serviceman's family is poverty, since his salary lags behind the growth in the cost of living, especially from the specific needs of existence in the conditions of military service, and additional earnings are prohibited by law.

The wives of military personnel, even despite having a higher education, as already mentioned, often cannot get a job due to the limited number of jobs, and only a small part of them are paid unemployment benefits. All this often leads to the fact that the families of servicemen find themselves in a situation of social disaster / 18, p. 354 - 357 /.

Practical implementation by him of the requirements of both social policy and social legislation, and the requirements of everyday life. 3. Ethical problems of social work with military personnel and their families Social work is helping individuals or social groups who are in a difficult life situation, a vulnerable situation, cannot cope with their own ...

Charity is reviving in Russia, social work is undergoing a new legislative development, and in universities, including military ones, cadres of specialists in social work are being trained. 3) the laws of the history of social work in Russia - a form of concentration of knowledge of the subject. Regularities express strong, repetitive, objectively conditioned connections between the essences of phenomena and processes in ...

On the process of socialization of pupils, as it serves as a kind of surrogate for such a social environment as a family. It is necessary to constantly improve the social environment of a closed boarding institution for children in view of the need to bring socialization processes in the direction of the course of public life. So, if in society there is now a process of gradual increase in material ...

The life and free development of a person is not a purely personal matter of the citizen himself, but is elevated to the rank of national policy. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in order to ensure social protection of servicemen in our country in recent years, a significant number of normative legal acts on social security, rights and benefits of servicemen have been developed and adopted. The main ...