Conspiracy from diseases of the uterus. With the prolapse of the uterus. Fetid discharge

You can practically speak and whisper a lot of things in women, this is a well-known fact, although it is not recognized by medicine, not science, but it is so and will not notice the beneficial effect of magical rituals, it is simply stupid and wasteful because it does not require funds in the amount that is required for conventional treatment and from a preventive point of view, this only provokes a vote for and once again remember that the science of the ancients is the property of today. Over the centuries, girls have been dedicated to the great creations of writers, artists and musicians, praising their beauty, tenderness, fragility, loyal and loyal character. But women, so light, lovely and perfect, sometimes have to go through a lot of difficulties. A lot of worries and troubles are caused out of nowhere by the diseases that have arisen, from which the radiant and clear gaze of women's eyes goes out like a candle, and life ceases to please. How to overcome a disease that effective medicines fail to cope with? Sometimes a conspiracy from fibroids, thrush, and other female diseases gives amazing results. And who knows: whether self-hypnosis is the reason, or the influence of the energy of the cosmos, or both together? But the fact is obvious. With the help of prayer, miracles are performed and the girls recover. When problems arise in the female sphere, this always means that a woman cannot imagine a reliable and strong man next to her, for whom she could become a wife, girlfriend and mother of his children. Such diseases "grow" out of a feeling of unworthiness, and this feeling, in turn, is rooted in excessive female perfectionism. Any woman wants to become the most beautiful and most desirable - this is natural. But if you dwell on it, you can get a lot of health problems. you must be able to accept yourself as you are, with all the advantages and disadvantages.

A conspiracy from a woman's beard

This conspiracy is for those unfortunate women who grow a beard and mustache. You need to find a three-haired lamb, tie its legs, kneel down, read the conspiracy and rub your face on the back of the lamb, do this for three months. Sell ​​the lamb.
Curly like a lamb, devil shaggy, I can't be curly, shaggy. As the ass is smooth, so my face will be smooth. My word is strong, locked with a lock, buried in sand. Amen.
After the woman is healed, all her acquaintances will ask her how she was cured. It is necessary to answer that the Lord alone knows. If the woman talks out, her hair will start growing again.

Conspiracy from the hair on the female chest

I dissuade, the servant of God (name), not a downy shawl, not a woolen ball, not a shaggy beast, not a bearded grandfather, but the breasts of female servants of God (name). Most Holy Theotokos, reach her, approach her from the right side, help with the holy word. I send all the winners, all the black slander, everything from the body is white to the lush forest. The word is honest, strong and smooth. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

What to do if the breasts are not the same size

If a girl has one breast much larger than the other, you can help this way: they sit her opposite him at the table. Two candles are placed in front of it: a high one and a lower one. A tall candle against a smaller breast, and a smaller one against a larger one. First, they light a high candle, and after reading the conspiracy, a low one. Do this for seven days. The cinders from the candles are taken to the church, put, as usual, in a tray for cinders: I am going, a slave from slaves, to you, from queens, queen. I do not light a torch, but I burn the servants of God (name) a torpor and I remove the empty sternum. I put in place of the places. No matter how the body of the servant of God (name) ached, her chest did not itch, one opposite the other was, like the queen gave the queens. Black liver, hot blood, living flesh, in the name of Christ, take your places. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy from painful periods

Do not worry, soul, body, do not hurt, do not whine, do not if. Get out of the womb, woman's ailment. As if the river flowed, washed the steep banks, underwater grasses, it would be so easily washed with the woman's blood of the servant of God (name). Amen.
Talk to the water and drink on the first day of your period.

From the female "non-stand"

Not only a man is incapable in bed, but also a woman. She usually complains that she does not want a husband at all. After going to bed with him, he feels terrible, suffers from pains, etc. They say, steaming in the bath: I was born a woman, I was baptized as a woman, I will be a woman. Amen. The same slander can be read on the bed.

If the brownie stings

Put a plait woven from a mare's mane in the corner where your bed is, put a glass of milk and say: Brownie, my master, if you pinch me, I will whip you. You will not pinch me, I will treat you to milk. Do not touch the milk and the whip from the mane for seven days, and then remove. This usually helps.

From female bleeding

Mother birch trees do not stand here, the servants of God (name) do not let the roots of the spool in its place. Mother white birch, take yours to the white one, give to the servant of God (name) your red one. Take the sword from her and blood. Read on the water and drink. Do it 3 times.

Heal bleeding (uterine)

Read on drink, drink in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Morning hours, daytime hours, evening hours. Collect my blood in one stream. Send it through the veins, through my body so that I am flawless. Amen.

With the prolapse of the uterus

While the nettle root is boiled, read like this:
Earth, where do you belong? Where did the Lord give! Womb, where do you belong? Where God gave a place.
The broth is given to the patient to drink until the evening dawn. On rainy days, this cannot be done in the morning either. A decoction of viburnum helps well. They drink proteins from six eggs in two days on the third. Good to eat for about a month parsley root. Weights should not be carried.

From polyps on the uterus

It is spoken on water in a lossy month, stirring in it with an aspen stick counterclockwise. They drink water, and stick the stick halfway into the ground. Leaving, do not look back. As the aspen dries up, so my illness will go away. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to lime fibroids

Tie a towel around your bare belly, on which Easter cakes were sacred, and say:
Servant of God (name), your mother gave birth to you, the tumor twisted you, and I treated you. Rotten, internal, sore, stringy, wet, dry, purulent, flammable. Go, tumor, from the abdomen, from the insides, from the veins, from the skin, from the blood, from the entire skeleton, go out into the open field, where there is emptiness. There is your place, maeta, there is a rookery, a tumor. There you will be, between dry grasses to live. May not the body of the white servant of God (name). In the name of God Christ, I am driving you, a tumor, I am driving you, I tell you, I tell you, I say: leave you to the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. The conspiracy is read forty times. After that, doctors told many women that the fibroids had significantly decreased in size. Do not under any circumstances tell why this happened!

Fetid discharge

Find such a bump in the field so that it is covered with dried grass. Piss on it and say: As you, bump, dried up, so let my panties be dry.
They don't say "Amen", you need to leave without panties. So do it three times, it helps a lot. This conspiracy can be read with whites. In addition, I advise you to drink a liter of yarrow a day for 10-12 days. Brew like this: for 1 glass of water 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs.

From rabies of the uterus

You can spoil a man, and he will not miss a single skirt around. This is called "letting the indiscriminate devil". People say about this: "The man took a walk around everyone." I had to treat such people. The same situation happens with women, and sadly, quite often.
The first thing to do: drive a stake between two graves - with the name of the patient and any male grave. Then we hammer a nail into the wall of any outdoor toilet on the back outer wall. Then, with a broom, which was used to sweep in the house after the funeral, they are swept out in the house where the patient lives. They take a pea pod with nine peas and put one pea in the patient's mouth. At the same time they say: The bitch gave birth to nine puppies. The puppies suck the bitch, drink the bitch milk. So go desire, demonic creation, from the servant of God (name) to (name of the bitch). Amen.

Another way

They take hare meat (rabbit meat is possible), feed a piece to the dog, saying:
Bitch for males, males for breadcrumbs, hare for grass, and you, uterus, don't whine. The Lord is with me, God's servant (name). Amen.


Go out at dawn, take a handful of earth with your left hand, fumigate this earth with smoke in the house in front of the stove, outline it with your middle finger, pour water into a cup (half a cup), put it around the sore spot, let it dry without crossing the threshold. Read on this water and earth, then throw it all away. I will get up, wash myself with morning dew, wipe myself with a golden veil, ask the Mother of God to heal a fierce disease, open, turn off the red Sun, mother's breast. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From advanced mastitis

They break birch branches and say:
By God's hour, blessed at once, the mother birch should not stand here, do not let the roots into the black earth, but you, heat, come out of your chest, go to her branches, dry them, fall, and let go of my chest. I speak, God's servant (name), my chest. You, ognevitsa, calm down, you, pain, calm down, you, tumor, calm down, descend from me to hell, go to hell. There is a boiler, there you burn, there you smolder, there you have twenty-four hours of daily sickness. Go my word for word, my deed into deed, whisper to whisper, key to mouth, tongue, lock, now, forever and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to speak mastitis correctly

After sunset, in the dark, take the patient out of the fence - let her look at the flawed moon. A person older than her in age should stand behind the back of a sick woman. Having crossed herself, one must say: As the month melts and damages, so let the tumor disappear from the servant of God (name). My word is strong, my work is fashionable. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. Make sure the Moon is really flawed. Then the disease will pass quickly.

Speak sore breasts (mastitis)

Speak to the water. Let the patient make a compress at home. Heat, go under the cauldron in hell. There you belong, there you will be hurt. I speak to the breast of a young woman from 12 ailments. You, evil firecracker, calm down, pain, calm down, go under the cauldron, to hell, to the underworld. My word is firm and strong. Word for word, whisper on whisper, stubbornly and tenaciously. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to speak mastopathy

If a woman has milk in her breast, you need to put it on the grass in the morning before dawn and say: The sun will rise, the dew will disappear, the milk will dry up, the pain will go away. As my milk dries up, so does my baby. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pinch nine aspen sticks. Touch the chest with each splinter and break it immediately. At the same time, they read this: Luchinka more than once, breast not two, not three torch, not four, not five, not six, not seven, not eight. Luchina-sternum is not nine. Not nine, not eight, not seven, not six, not five, not four, not three, not two, not one, not once.
Then burn all the splinters.

From the breast

Read on sore chest.
Breast, breast, go to the water, attack whoever you want. At least for a horse, at least for a cow, at least for a devil's health. Take the abscess from the white body, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the servant of God (name). Amen.

Outline the chest with a red rag, read the spell at sunset, throw the rag at the intersection. A gray stone lies on the ground, does not whine, does not moan, does not ache, so does the servant of God (name), so that the white chest does not ache, does not ache, does not get cold, does not hurt. Amen. Lips, teeth, lock, key I'll throw at the crossroads. Amen.

From debilitating night sweats

If a person is worn out at night then, then in the morning he wakes up all overwhelmed, sick. If this happens constantly, then the person weakens, loses strength and health. You can relieve this ailment. To do this, read on a sweaty bed.
Lord, help me, free me from sweats, from night sweats, from severe prickly heat. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dry with dry wood and bless with the cross. Amen.

From whiter

To cure leucorrhoea, you need to make an aspen cross, take it in your left hand, press it with the same hand to your stomach and, crossing yourself three times, say: As an aspen freed Judas from his sinful earthly life, so you, an aspen cross, free my womb forever from whiter. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. After that, the cross is hung on an aspen and leaves without looking back. You will make sure that the leucorrhoea disappears.

A conspiracy from a thrush

Thrush has its second name - vaginal candidiasis. This disease is caused by Candida fungi, as a result of which the balance between microorganisms in the vaginal flora is disturbed, and the inflammatory process progresses. Visible signs: white cheesy discharge, sometimes pulling pains in the lower abdomen, constant itching - bring a lot of grief. Sex life ceases to be enjoyable. The conspiracy from thrush must be read throughout the week, during the washing procedure. Prayer words
“From the deeds of shame, go to clean, clear water, and the water flows far beyond the high fence into a wide, clean river, so that the slave (name) will pass over and heal from the deeds of shame. Clean water, now clean and me. " Conspiracies from female diseases sometimes become that saving straw that gradually help to cope with an unpleasant disease. It cannot be started, hoping that the body's defenses will triumph over the disease themselves. Prayers will tune in the right mood and launch the mechanism of self-healing

Disease is what knocks a person out of the rut of life. Light diseases are incapacitated for a short time and do not have serious consequences, but serious diseases are depleting not only physically, but also morally.

If you cannot cope with the disease medically and believe that you can defeat it through magic, try reading the conspiracy to get rid of diseases, perhaps this way you will chastise your disease and it will come to naught.

Heal with love and the power of the word! Be healthy.

Chastise the disease

A sick person's T-shirt is taken, in which he slept without washing, and rushes into the forest or field. At the time of the ceremony, no one should be near. A conspiracy against the disease is read over the shirt, after which it is burned. You should not wait for the complete combustion of the thing, as soon as it ignites, you need to turn around and leave without looking back. The most difficult and important thing in the ritual is that the author should not talk to anyone during the whole day. In no case should the ritual be performed on Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

Conspiracy Words:

“In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
The Lord God walks along the sinful earth, helping people, lifting them from the grave.
Lord, lift up Thy servant (name) from the bed of illness,
Make a mortal bed
Save from bodily torment, turn away from death,
Bring back to life with your name, my deed,
Prolong the age of your earthly servant (name). Amen".

Throwing disease on the water

On an odd day, go to the running water (river, sea) without combing, eating, or talking to anyone along the way. Approaching the water, cross yourself three times and say in a loud voice:

“Get out of my body, trouble,
Illness, illness and pendulum.
Dive deeper into the water, to the very bottom,
To never rise from there.
Never return to my body
Remain at the deep bottom.
Sea roots
Let them be a treat for you.
You will live out your century there,
No longer know the human body.
May my words be strong
And things will be sculpting.
What I said / l, didn’t say / l,
Lord god help
And my illness will prevail.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Do not forget about the buyback

Getting rid of the disease

Spitting over their shoulder, they say:

“As Judas lost his complexion After his death, So I will also lose my ailment. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy from serious illness

Take 9 aspen torches, light them and say the following words to the smoke:

"Dym Dymovich, you are the godfather of fire,
Serve good service for me.
From this day, from this time
Let all the disease and infection come down from the servant of God (name).
Go, sickness, into the old gate.
Come down to a deep grave
So that you will be ruined there,

Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Perform this ritual outdoors or by an open window.

To quickly recover

After midnight, go outside, look up at the waning moon and say:

"Month, you walk high,
Month, you see far away
You wander through the villages, hills and forests
Homes, baths, courtyards.
Take away, month, the sickness of the servant of God (name)
Where birds don't fly
People don't walk, animals don't know the way.
Mother of God, take sick blood
And bestow good health.
Now, forever, forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

Perform a similar ritual every other day throughout the waning moon phase.

Conspiracy for the treatment of female diseases

This ritual helps to cure almost all female diseases, the main thing is to do everything clearly according to the instructions. At dawn, pour clean water into a half-liter jar, and then put a silver cross in the jar. Leave the can of water on the window. The next morning, get up again at dawn, tie a new kerchief on your head, cross yourself three times, take the cross out of the water and put it on the window, and take the jar in your hands and read the prayer "Our Father" three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon, and then the conspiracy :

“Women's diseases go to the damp earth, find a burrow there, in which you have to sleep, whistle and play. And to the servant of God (name), neither in sleep, nor in the daytime, nor in honor, nor in jest, do not go, do not swim, leave forever. Amen".

You need to read the conspiracy six times, then put the jar and cross yourself three times. Sprinkle with charmed water from head to toe, and the remaining water must be drunk within 24 hours. Drinking water is prescribed for three sips at intervals.

A conspiracy to get rid of skin diseases

For the ritual, you need to buy a red cloth or scarf and wipe sore spots with it for twelve nights in a row, reading:

“Fight night and day, servant (s) of God (s) (name) brace yourself. Go, rash, to the swamps, go, sickness, outside the gate, into your yard, your house, there you belong and your throne. I remove the disease from myself, I cleanse my body and blood with my word, return the sickness to the deceased, so that my body is clean and white, and now it does not have any sores. Amen".

Before leaving the cemetery, leave gifts there for the Mistress

On the waning moon, on the 13th day, go to the old cemetery, where burials are no longer made, in the afternoon, stand at the gate and say loudly:

“I came to the city of death, here the dead are fast asleep. I take the disease from my body, I send it to you. I give you the disease, take it away, put it in the coffin and slaughter it. May my body be clean and white, so that from now on it will not have sores. Amen".

A red cloth or handkerchief is thrown into the cemetery with the right hand away from you. After that, you need to leave the cemetery without looking back, on the way home, keeping silence. You can talk only after you cross the threshold of your house, where the first thing you need to do is wash your hands with running water.

Conspiracy helping from a child's illness

If a child is often sick, follow these steps to strengthen his magical protection and immunity from the negative effects of the external environment.

Take spring or pure water, pour it into a transparent jar, in which put a silver thing for a day, preferably a cross.

This is one of the simplest and most effective tools.

At the end of the day, read the conspiracy on the water, taking a jar of water with both hands and going out into the middle of an empty room:

“May this water be transparent, healing, pure, to my child, God's servant (name), good, like the thoughts of Christ. Washes away misfortunes, ailments and grief, gives peace and health to the sea. On the water so that the angels flew from heaven, over my child sang sweet songs. To wash away his sores, they dissolve in the spring water. Forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy water is given to the child in three drops in pure form or with the addition of any other liquid. This should be done every three hours. Also, this water is added to the bathing water, it is sprayed clockwise with it every corner of the room in which the child is. Also, the threshold and the windowsill must be moistened with charmed water.

The disease never comes on time, it always knocks a person out of the usual rut of life. Mild illnesses undermine health, but insignificantly, but serious ones can cause serious consequences. Most diseases can be mitigated or minimized through the use of special rituals. For example, a conspiracy from herpes can save you from the acute phase of this disease, severe itching and immediately go to the stage of recovery and rehabilitation.

The use of magic rituals is permissible only with full confidence in a positive result. It is necessary to read conspiracies from diseases clearly and distinctly in order to convey information at the energy level both to the body itself and to higher forces. The use of prayer in combination with a ritual is considered effective.

Prevention of ailment is important, rather than its treatment. It is worth worrying about the possible consequences in advance:

  • excessive loads;
  • groundless experiences;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol;
  • severe overwork;
  • excessive overeating.

Timely taking precautions can save you from ailments. But if this was not done, you urgently need to use all possible ways to save yourself and your relatives. After all, they are also worried about the health of their relatives.

To heal a sick person is the work of not only the patient, but also his relatives or close people. To do this, you need to take the person's clothes, in which he was dressed precisely during the illness, and take it to the forest or a clear field. Before this procedure, it is not at all necessary to wash these clothes, it should be saturated with the energy of a person. You need to read conspiracies from diseases of a dear person in complete solitude.

Mike needs to speak, and then burn:

“This is not yours, a feisty disease! Do not grab this thing, but as you grab it, you may as well! ”.

In this case, you do not have to stand and wait until it burns down completely. As soon as it is covered with flame, you need to turn around and leave without looking back. The words of the ceremony are very similar to the sayings of the prayer, but you should not be afraid to pronounce them. White magic won't do any harm. The hardest part of this ritual is silence until the very end of the day. For everyone around, the person who performed the ritual should become dumb for one day. Also, it is forbidden to carry out the ritual on Monday or weekend.

Herpes treatment

The herpes virus is one of the indicators of the manifestation of cold symptoms. It can appear on different parts of the face and be itchy and very painful. To relieve acute symptoms, you need to read a special text that will make you get rid of a cold faster. A correctly performed ritual will not leave any marks on the face.

Ordinary rite

Using a conspiracy from a disease requires the following sequence:

  1. With one of the fingers of your right hand, run over a mirror or glass in a house that has foggy droplets on it.
  2. Smear herpes with drops collected with your finger and read the rite: “From cold, transparent glass, I will put dryness on my sores, I will suck all the moisture and life out of them. The water will attract all the moisture to itself, dry you to the core, send you to the pines and firs, into bottomless green pits. May it be so. Amen!".

Quick rite

To get rid of a cold on the face as soon as possible, you need to read the words of a special conspiracy from diseases on the lips three times. In this case, you need to wipe your mouth with your own hem of the garments. The words of the ceremony are as follows:

“The trouble of the lips, the trouble is two-sided. I am walking from one corner of the house to another corner, so you come out of my mouth and my face. She will leave me, she will never return back. So be it. Amen".

Back treatment

A conspiracy from back pain will help to cure an ailment in the lumbar spine. It is often carried out together with water procedures, which seem to wash away all ailments from the body. Since ancient times, many rituals have been carried out in the bathhouse with the use of birch or aspen brooms. All conspiracy procedures must be carried out on the waning moon so that the pain goes away with the month. In this case, additional reading of the prayer for salvation will be useful.

Healing for severe pain

The acute phase of the disease can even give a strong weakening in the legs. A person may feel worse and a conspiracy from back pain in water or milk can save him. The conspiracy liquid must be given to the patient to drink. This rite is very effective when using milk and helps to forget about the disease for a long time.

The words of the conspiracy for back diseases are very similar to the sayings of the prayer:

“By the word of God, I speak the servant of God (name), all his duck, and spat a strong shoulder, a strong arm, a straight back, a white whole body, the strength of his bones, red in his blood. Rub lived and half lived, rub the joint and semi-joints, vertebrae, rub cartilage and cartilage, rub the tailbone. Amen. You, utin, you, dashed, from the back to the threshold, from the threshold to the road, to the forest and in the field, there to be, I’ll lie there. In the back (name) will never be. I close my word with a key. Strong oak tables, expensive brocade tablecloths, baked pies, green wines. Eat ducks, drink splits. Now, ever and ever. Amen. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

It is not worth worrying that the patient can be harmed. A correctly performed ritual will undoubtedly bring only a positive result. Additionally, with this, you can produce a conspiracy from abdominal pain. It also has a shingles effect and can improve the condition, even if the back pain is present in the legs.

Treatment of female organs

The health of the female reproductive system is protected from childhood. The happy ability to reproduce a healthy child, unfortunately, begins to be appreciated too late. Until that time, many manage to do harm by drafts or frequent sitting on a cold one. And the protection of the female organs must be constant and continuous.

You need to read the conspiracy from female diseases, strictly following the instructions. This ceremony helps to get rid of not only some specific female diseases, but also to protect the entire reproductive system. For the ritual you will need:

  • Dip a silver cross into a jar of clean spring water (about half a liter).
  • The container must be left at night on the window.
  • Get up early at sunrise, put a scarf on your head, cross yourself 3 times.
  • Remove the cross from the container and put it in front of you on the windowsill.
  • Grasp the container with your hands and read the prayers "Our Father" and St. Panteleimon.
  • After you need to read the words of the conspiracy from the disease:

“Perish women's diseases into the damp earth, there you will find for yourself a hole in which you will forever sleep, whistle and play. And to the servant of God (name), neither at night, nor during the day, neither in truth, nor in jest, do not visit, do not come, disappear forever - leave. Amen".

  • The words of the conspiracy are pronounced 6 times, then you must release the container and cross yourself 3 times.
  • Spray yourself with a charmed liquid from top to bottom.
  • Drink the liquid from the container until the end of the day for 3 sips, making intervals for at least an hour.

Treating a child with a conspiracy

Every mother knows firsthand that there is nothing worse than diseases of children. Only after discovering the first symptoms of the disease, the mother feels weakness in the body and legs, the consciousness begins to grow cloudy, and the mind becomes anxious. Prayers and special rituals that will protect children from ailments will help to correct the situation.

For a frequently ill child, a conspiracy against illness is considered mandatory. This will direct the baby's energy in a positive way and add magical protection and immunity.

For the ceremony, you need to take a clean jar, pour spring water into it, and put a silver thing there for a day. Silver conducts the invisible connection between health very well and helps to get rid of painful symptoms.

A day later, on the charmed water, you need to read the words of the conspiracy from the disease. To do this, you need to take the jar with both hands, go to the middle of the room and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Let this water be made pure and healing. She is supportive of the servant of God (the name of her son or daughter), like the thoughts of Christ. Let the ailments wash away, and bitterness and misfortunes, give peace and a sea of ​​health. Let the heavenly angels flock to the water, over my child to sing songs. Diseases so that they were washed off, they dissolved in the key water. Forever and ever. Amen".

This liquid is healing for children. It should be drunk in three drops as is or with the addition of any other beverage. The procedure is repeated every 3 hours. Such a liquid can be added when bathing the child and sprinkle every corner of the room in which the child is staying. Additional protection is made by wetting the threshold and window sill so that ailments do not get into the house.

Throat treatment with a conspiracy

Diseases of the laryngeal system can also bring many negative consequences. Complications after a cold in the form of a sore throat are especially dangerous. It can even lead to loss of voice. A sore throat conspiracy will help prevent its manifestation. You can start reading it at the first symptoms of a cold.

One of the methods of treatment is a conspiracy ritual for water that can be drunk or used to gargle:

“Demian, Kasian, direct your bow.

Hit, sharp arrow, in pain,

Leave (name) ailment throat.

Where did the pain come from to go there.

My words are as strong as a stone.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

There is also a ritual, which involves the constant holding of three coals on the throat, ears, nose and neck of the patient. In this case, special speeches must be made. A ritual with a conspiracy from illness on a wooden object is very effective.

You can be cured of many ailments using healing conspiracies from the disease. They help set the body up for recovery and boost immunity.

The protective functions of the body immediately begin to work with a vengeance. Few know that prayers and conspiracies read during ailments help to quickly feel relief and recover. For healing, you need to use all available techniques and methods.

For a long time, from century to century, great works of writers, paintings by famous artists are dedicated to girls. They praise beauty, tenderness, amazing fragility, as well as a loyal and timid character. But still, women who are attractive and perfect sometimes have to go through difficulties that are associated with their health.

Women are in trouble and worries, because they are overtaken by a variety of diseases that arise out of nowhere. Such diseases make the girl lose her radiant and clear look. Life ceases to please if a woman finds out about any malfunctions in her body. How to overcome an ailment that doctors or conventional drugs cannot cope with? Sometimes the correct conspiracy from female diseases gives a rather amazing, but quite real and desired result. No one can fully say what the true reason is: in self-hypnosis or the influence of the energy of the cosmos, but nevertheless the fact remains a real and justified fact.

With the help of a simple and thoughtful prayer, a real miracle is performed, because girls and women quickly recover.

A common problem among young girls and older women is mastopathy. It can be found independently at home, as the chest begins to hurt unpleasantly. Do not panic and immediately think about oncology, because mastopathy itself is a common disease, easily curable.

Drug therapy is not always required, because it is enough to use folk safe remedies in combination with conspiracies. The procedure is quite simple, so no special skills are required. Everything happens quickly:

  • It is recommended to warm up ordinary water to a pleasant and completely comfortable body temperature.
  • Special words must be read over the heated liquid:

Heat, go under the cauldron in hell. There you belong, there you will be hurt. I speak to the breast of a young woman from 12 ailments. You, evil firecracker, calm down, pain, calm down, go under the cauldron, to hell, to the underworld. My word is firm and strong. Word for word, whisper for whisper, smooth and tenacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  • Next, you need to make a compress on the chest so that the recited prayer has its true and correct effect. After that, the girl has every chance of getting better.

Nowadays, many people become disenchanted with traditional medicine, which is slowly killing us with harmful chemicals. Unfortunately, she is far from always able to cure the disease. Therefore, many people have a desire to learn about alternative methods of treatment, which our ancestors knew very well. First of all, these are, of course, various prayers and conspiracies for diseases.

If you do not trust traditional treatment, then you should try to use the conspiracies, which we will discuss in this article.

1. The effectiveness of such treatment will be much higher if you believe in it.

  1. You can not use the power of conspiracies for your material gain. You must have a pure soul and good intentions.
  2. There is a possibility of taking on the negative energy of the disease on yourself. Especially, this applies to severe karmic ailments that the patient provoked by his behavior. In such cases, energy protection is required. But, it is better for a professional in this field to do it. After all, if you are dealing with damage or curse, the consequences for you can be very negative.
  3. Do not forget that it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Read conspiracies on the health of your loved ones more often, and diseases will bypass you.

7 conspiracies for healing diseases

For a shirt

Take the unwashed chemise of the person who is sick. Take it to a deserted place, to nature. There should be no outsiders. Read the words of the conspiracy over the patient's thing and burn it. You don't have to wait until it burns out completely. When leaving, one cannot look back. You must remain silent all day - this is a prerequisite for the ceremony. The ritual is performed on any days except Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

In the early morning of an odd day, head to the flowing pool. Before this, you can not comb, eat food and talk. At the water you need to cross yourself three times and say loudly:

Fast recovery on a waning moon

The ritual is performed at night when the moon is waning. Looking at the moon, you need to say:

For female diseases

He will definitely help with any problems, if you do everything according to the rules. At sunrise, you need to collect half a liter of clean water, put a silver cross into the water and leave it on the windowsill until tomorrow morning. At dawn the next day, tie a new scarf around your head, cross yourself three times and pull the cross out of the water. Holding a container of water in your hands, read the "Our Father" three times, then - the words of the prayer to St. Panteleimon. Now let's move on to the conspiracy:

It must be read 6 times, set aside the water and cross three times. Spray water on yourself from top to bottom. Drink the water left over in one day, three sips at a time.

For skin diseases

Buy a red cloth and rub it on damaged skin 12 times every night. In this case, read the following conspiracy from diseases:

On the thirteenth day, with the waning moon, go to the cemetery, where people are no longer buried. At the entrance, you need to say loudly:

Throw away the cloth you used to rub the leather with your right hand. Leave the cemetery, do not look back, do not talk to anyone. When you come home, wash your hands. After that, you can talk.

For childhood diseases

The cause of frequent illnesses in children is a weakened immunity and a weakening of protection on the subtle planes. This ritual will help strengthen the child's magical defenses. You need to pour clean water into a transparent container and lower the silver cross there for one day. After a day, take a container of water with both hands, stand in the center of an empty room, and read the text:

The child should drink three drops of this water every three hours. Water can be added to any drink or drunk on its own. Spray the child's room clockwise, and every corner, pour it on the threshold and on the windowsill. When you bathe your baby, add it to the bath.

Old Church Slavonic conspiracy from any disease

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: