What to apply first concealer or foundation. Consider what comes first: putty or primer. Chemical filter sunscreen

Knowing how to properly apply concealer under your eyes is very important.

Concealer is the one we depend on the most.

And there are two types of relationship with him:

friendship with full understanding

or, on the contrary, constant accusations due to misunderstandings!

I am well aware of the feelings that everyone experiences after buying a concealer - to get home as soon as possible and immediately try it on yourself! After all, the consultant promised: "No more bruises."

And here you come, immediately apply it, so what? Yes, nothing, as if she had not applied.

What is the reason? Let's figure it out!

First error: to onsealer on dry skin does not blend

Before applying concealer, brush on any fluffy brush and brush it a couple of times around the eye area. And only after that start applying concealer.

Second error: p cold hand concealer

Cold hands and shading creamy textures are incompatible things. If you blend the concealer with your fingers, then you must first warm up your hands, then everything will be ok! Promise. This method is especially relevant for those with dry skin type. And if you have oily skin, then it is better to apply concealer with a brush, rather than with your fingers.

The third mistake: applying concealer before foundation

Many do not think about the sequence of applying foundation and concealer. But this can significantly affect the result. Therefore, you should first apply the foundation, and only then the concealer.

Fourth error: concealer too dense in texture.

If you are not satisfied with the high coverage of the concealer, take your time with a farewell speech, but try mixing concealer with a cream or a face base. This solves the problem 80% of the time.

Fifth mistake: incorrect disguise of acne

Many people apply concealer to the pimple and blend it. As a result: the pimple remains unmasked. What does the majority do in such cases? Add one more layer of concealer, and then another one ... and so on until it disappears under a thick layer!

To avoid this, you need to use a brush, it is she who is responsible for masking. Apply the concealer to the pimple with a brush and start blending the concealer around the edges without touching the central part of the pimple. Then you will be able to completely cover the problem.

The sixth mistake: concealer clogs in the creases of the eyelid.

To prevent this from happening, apply it according to certain rules, which I wrote about

And the last mistake: using foundation instead of concealer.

Not the best way to save on concealer by using tone instead. But if suddenly you decide to take this step, then use a foundation one tone lighter than the main tone under the eye area.

When planning to make shellac at home on their own, women, of course, primarily seek to save money. In any case, such a procedure will be much cheaper than a salon, but you can feel it only after some time, and not immediately.

Indeed, in order to make even the simplest manicure with a monochromatic shellac coating, it is necessary to purchase a number of components, without which you simply cannot do in this matter.

Often, women who try to coat their nails with gel polish on their own, mistakenly believe that the basic set for shellac includes only the gel polish itself of a certain color (or several) and an ultraviolet lamp. But with all the desire to save money, one should not forget about two more important components - these are shellac base and top.

To an inexperienced person, it may seem that buying these things is just a waste of money. However, without a base and finishing (top) coating, it makes no sense at all to do shellac manicure, otherwise it rushes as "long" as a regular varnish, and a waste of common money and efforts will be in vain.

Its useful to note

These components of the procedure play a very important role - they protect the basic, colored coating from any negative impact. For example, the base coat provides good adhesion of the varnish, and also protects the nail plate itself from staining. When colored shellac is applied to the base, it lays down firmly and ultimately will not crack, peel off, or break off.

As for the top (or topcoat), this is a kind of shield from the entire aggressive environment in which women’s hands end up in one way or another. Laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent and even ordinary water act on gel polish with tremendous destructive force. The strength and durability, thanks to which shellac has become so popular, is largely achieved thanks to the notorious "finish". The top coat also prevents color fading.

Shellac base and top are the base of manicure bases in which gel polish is used. They create a protective shell of colored varnish on both sides, below and above, closing a circle at the tip of the nail. It is imperative to run a brush along the edge of the nail in order to consolidate the desired effect.

When to apply top shellac and how to do it correctly

If the shellac application technology was performed correctly, then the varnish will hold for a long time, regardless of external influences. Top shellac, which experts also call a topcoat or "finish", performs just such a function.

It should be applied at the very end of the manicure, that is, after that, the nails are sent to an ultraviolet lamp and after two minutes are smeared with cream or oil (in order to avoid overdrying the skin around the nail plate).

According to the shellac application technique, nothing is drawn on the top, painted or glued, with the rare exception of large rhinestones, for which the "finish" serves as an adhesive base. If large rhinestones are varnished, it will look untidy. In other cases, the rule remains unchanged.

Its useful to note

When applying the top, it is worth considering that this shellac layer may be thicker than the previous ones, but not much. The coating should be even, without bumps, and if something accidentally gets on the brush or nail plate, it is better to rinse off the top shellac and apply again. Otherwise, the manicure may look sloppy or creep altogether upon contact with water or aggressive detergents.

It is important to remember about sealing - this is a process in which you need to brush along the very tip of the nail and apply a little varnish to its back back (underneath). A thin layer at the edge of the nail plate, as it were, seals the main manicure, thus ensuring its integrity and safety. Particular attention should be paid to covering the edges of the nail with the top near the cuticle - if you do not run a brush with the top there, then in a couple of days the unprotected varnish at the edges will begin to crack and break off.

After the top shellac has been applied according to all the described rules, it is necessary to send the nails into the lamp for two minutes. During this procedure, the surface of the nails may be slightly sticky - this unpleasant part can be easily removed with a cotton swab and nail polish remover. It only needs to be easily carried over each nail (it is not necessary to fix the result with a UV lamp again). Now all that remains is to moisturize the skin around the nails and enjoy the result.

When is the shellac base applied and how to do it correctly

The name of this component of the shellac application procedure speaks for itself. The shellac base is the base on which all subsequent layers of varnish are held, and if you neglect the rules for applying it, you can ruin the entire manicure as a whole.

In order for the shellac to stay on the nails for a long time and please the eye, you should carefully prepare the nail plate for applying the base. Good soil will allow the base to lie flat on the nail and firmly adhere to it, and this, accordingly, will ensure the reliability of subsequent layers of shellac.

In order for the shellac base to lie well on the nail plate, it should be carefully processed with files and buffs. Buff is a coarse file of very fine abrasiveness that removes the shine of the nail and helps to prepare the right ground for good adhesion. In hard-to-reach places where it is impossible to process the nail plate with a buff, you can use a nail file (this is usually in the areas along the edges of the nail, closer to the skin). After that, the nail is degreased with a special substance, and when it dries up, you can apply the base.

After applying the base, the marigolds are sent to an ultraviolet lamp, and after that the base color can be applied. Shellac has a very rich palette of colors, in addition, you can additionally decorate the manicure with sparkles, rhinestones, patterns and so on - it all depends on taste and imagination.

Most girls nowadays do multi-stage makeup, which includes a whole range of products: these are foundation creams, mascara and eye shadows, familiar to everyone, and primers with highlighters, and correctors, and, of course, concealers. Despite how popular this remedy is lately, many girls still do not know which first: should you apply concealer or foundation? Let's figure it out.

What is concealer?

This remedy is often confused with foundation due to its appearance. Concealer is a thick cream in various shades of beige, ranging from almost transparent to dark, almost brown colors. It is designed to mask skin imperfections such as dark circles under the eyes, age spots, rosacea, acne and even wrinkles.

Concealers often contain reflective particles that can replace a highlighter, giving skin a soft, healthy glow and brightening areas. It helps to hide wrinkles and is also a good help in sculpting the face. In addition, vitamins and minerals can often be found in such a product that can relieve rashes and increase skin tone - so this product not only makes you look beautiful, it is also good for the skin.

There are three types of concealers that differ in consistency and application. Let's talk in more detail about each of them:

  • Liquid concealer. This product is usually sold in the form of a palette, it is slightly thicker than the average tonal. It is very light and weightless, therefore it is able to mask only dark circles under the eyes or redness on the skin: it will not cope with acne, clogged pores and other major imperfections.

  • Concealer in the form of a stick or pencil. Sufficiently dense, intended for spot application in a thin layer, almost cannot be shaded. It well hides acne, scars and wrinkles, age spots, but is completely unsuitable for the skin around the eyes. It is applied in a spiral and very carefully.

  • Mineral concealer. This product is produced in dry form and resembles powder. In addition to correcting skin imperfections, it helps with matting and has an antibacterial effect, therefore it is an ideal option for owners of oily and problem skin. It is not applied to the area around the eyes and to gloss over wrinkles.

In order for your makeup to look natural and natural, you need to be able to use concealer correctly.

Concealer application rules

The most important rule when applying concealer: do it in a well-lit room, otherwise you risk turning your face into a striped-spotted horror. It is necessary to carefully monitor whether the product is well shaded, how it "sits" on the skin - daylight or correctly installed bright lamps are ideal for these purposes.

Responsibly approach the issue of choosing the shade of your concealer. An unsuitable color will only accentuate the imperfections on your skin, this is especially true for "snow white" - a product just half a tone darker than the necessary one will instantly betray your unsuccessful attempt at face correction. It is equally important to choose the right undertones - cold or warm, depending on your skin. If this is not done, the concealer will be very "yellow" or "pink" on the face.

Concealer should not be applied to dry skin that is not covered with a foundation or at least not moisturized - the product simply does not blend out in such conditions and will remain lumpy in one area! Moreover, it is also applied in a special way - only with a damp brush or sponge, in no case dry. Of course, this method does not apply to sticks and pencils; when using them, you should take care of the degree of hydration of your skin in advance.

The area around the eyes is worked out exclusively with a liquid concealer. Using heavy products for this purpose will only accentuate wrinkles and dark circles, because it will not work properly. But pimples are covered with pencils and sticks: be careful when using them, do not smear them with a thick layer over the inflammation. This tool is applied around the eel in a spiral, slowly approaching the center and leaving no sharp boundaries.

The T-zone and the center of the chin are covered with a concealer a tone or two lighter shades of the foundation, while the contour of the nose and cheekbones is emphasized with a shade darker. A light concealer is applied under the eyebrow and on the corners of the eyelids, making the eyes more expressive. The borders of the face oval are worked out with a tone-on-tone tool with the natural complexion of the face and neck skin, so as not to create the effect of a "rubber mask".

After you finish applying concealer, wait until it dries completely. If after you notice that the borders of the application are still visible, apply a dense powder or a thin layer of foundation on top.

Concealer and foundation: what is the consistency?

And finally, the most important question: what should be applied to the skin first, foundation or concealer? The answer is unambiguous: first, a tonal agent is used.

After you cleanse and moisturize the skin, and then apply the base under the makeup, the smoothing of the complexion begins. However, if you have severe redness or inflammation on your skin, there is one more thing to watch out for before applying foundation, BB or CC cream: spot application of the correct color corrector to help smooth your complexion.

Important! Concealer and concealer are completely different cosmetic products, and they are also applied in completely different ways. While concealer is used before foundation to mask uneven skin tone and unevenness, concealer is applied after you have evened out the complexion. Don't confuse them, it can ruin your entire makeup!

And only after you apply foundation to your skin should you use concealer. It is used both for hiding imperfections and for sculpting the face, and in both cases, this tool has proven itself well. Concealer is applied from the edges of the area that needs to be worked out, and smoothly goes to the center.

Use your foundation and concealer correctly and your makeup will be amazing!

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Girls want to look beautiful, fresh and young every day. And make-up comes to the rescue, which most girls do every day. But there are so many secrets in applying makeup that makeup artists don't just reveal. For example, there is such a cosmetic product as concealer. Few of the girls know what it is and what it is used for. And those girls who know such a remedy are worried about the only question, what to apply first: concealer or foundation?

Concealer and foundation: differences

The difference between concealer and foundation lies in their density. A concealer is needed to touch up difficult areas of the face such as the eye area and eyelids. Concealer is applied to the lower part of the eyelid to hide bruising. While the cream can tint any bumps and pimples on the surface of the entire face. Make-up with concealer and foundation must be done carefully so as not to overdo it with layers applied to the face. The skin may look unnatural and vary in color in different places.

What comes first: concealer or foundation?

If you answer the question of what to apply in the first layer, then you can see that most experts advise to apply foundation with the first layer, and concealer next. Many girls complain that the effect of concealer is often invisible. It just lies on the skin, but does not hide its imperfections. This can happen if you do not adhere to some rules when applying concealer.

First, you need to cleanse the skin of fat with a tonic or special wipes. Allow the skin to dry and then moisten it with a little water, preferably with a makeup brush, or spray on it from a spray bottle.

The thing is that the concealer is poorly applied to dry skin, so if you moisten it with water, retouching problem areas will be easier.

It is also a mistake to apply concealer with unwarmed hands. It does not have a good contact with cold surfaces and can therefore collect in lumps in wrinkles. If the girl has oily skin, it is imperative to apply concealer with brushes, not with your hands.

The next big mistake is to apply concealer before foundation or powder. Their consistency is such that only with this order of application, they can interact and positively affect the appearance of the facial skin.

If the girl realizes that the concealer purchased has a dense texture, it can be diluted with a more liquid cream or a cream intended for makeup.

If you don't know how to properly use concealer and how much to apply to the skin, you can go overboard and get a stain that will differ from the color of the skin itself, which will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, each flaw should be retouched on the sides, and not applied directly to it. The best assistant in disguise is considered to be a cosmetic brush, which does that, which masks, and does not overwrite, skin imperfections.

To avoid blockage of wrinkles with concealer, it is necessary to use a cream that is intended for the eyelids, it is better to use a day cream, it is not so oily.

In order to prevent the main mistake in makeup, in no case should you replace the concealer with a foundation. The area around the eyes should be lighter than the rest of the skin, and for such a procedure, a foundation will not work in any way, and experts also advise buying a concealer 1 or 2 tones lighter than the foundation.

Eye corrector

There is a cosmetic product called an eye concealer, and it is often confused with a concealer. But the difference lies in the final effect. Concealer can only change the color of imperfections on the skin (make them less noticeable), and correctors completely mask them. For example, in order to get rid of under eye circles, it is better to use any type of concealer.

And there are several of them, and each of them differs in its structure: a pencil, liquid in tubes, in a stick (dense structure) and in the form of a cream. Each of them is responsible for different types of masking of various imperfections on the skin of the face. Therefore, before buying, you need to consult with a professional who will advise which product and what consistency will suit each problem individually.

Also, correctors come in different colors, from beige to green, and it also depends on its color what exactly it will mask.

Tips for applying a concealer or concealer can be found online, where video tutorials are available. Or in different women's magazines there may be step-by-step photos of applying one of the cosmetics.

Making your face beautiful and perfect is not as difficult as it seems. In the modern world, a lot of tools have been created that will help every girl become beautiful. The main thing is to choose the right product and be able to use it. Of course, it will cost a lot of money, but nobody saves on their beauty.

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- one of the best developments in the beauty industry in recent years. Having appeared just a few years ago, this product has taken a high position in the market among technologies and materials for nail care. Only in Russia and the CIS countries dozens of manufacturers offer their gel varnishes (from the most popular brands CND, NSI, OPI to unknown Chinese companies). Today it is one of the most popular materials for creating beautiful nails. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost all modern beauty salons and private masters of nail service offer their customers a service gel nail polish.

What is gel polish is described. In this article, we will consider the technology for applying gel varnishes to nails. Its advantages: simplicity and speed of implementation, preservation of the color intensity and gloss of the coating for the entire period (up to 3 weeks), preservation of the natural nail plate, absence of allergens in the composition of materials, removal procedure without filing.

Observing the correct technology for applying gel varnishes, we can achieve a flawless appearance of the coating for the entire period declared by the manufacturer (from two to three weeks, depending on the company). At the same time, the nails look completely natural, without cracks and chips, while maintaining shine.

Sometimes gel polish begins to flake off the nail or crack in the first days (or even hours) after application. To avoid such problems, we will consider in detail the application technology and typical mistakes when applying gel varnishes.

The initial stage of the technology for applying gel polish is the preparation of the nail plate.

1. Give the nail the shape we need. Then we align the free edge of the nail plate and thoroughly clean it from dust.

If the edge of the nail plate exfoliates, carefully file it with a fine abrasive file. We use files designed specifically for natural nails, and not for artificial materials, abrasiveness 180x180 - 240x240. When processing the edge, you cannot put the file across the nail plate, we perform all movements in the plane of the nail, that is, we draw the tool along the free edge of the nail.

Preparing the nail plate for applying gel polish. Pulling back the cuticle

Preparation for coating nails with gel polish. Nail treatment

Before coating with gel polish, you can do a manicure. If oils and creams are used, be sure to clean them from the nails with special means and dry them well. In any case, you need to remove the cuticle from the nail plate so that the gel polish does not peel off soon after application.

2. Remove the uppermost keratin layer from the nail plate. We apply a coarse-grained buff for this. Please note: we only need to remove the gloss, make the surface matte! Do not put too much pressure on the tool, so as not to scratch the nail and not to remove too thick layer from it. Such zeal can lead to the fact that with each new application of gel polish, the natural nail plate will become thinner, lose its strength and healthy appearance.

Gel polish application technology. Nail treatment with a bond (dehydrator)

We remove all residues of dust, moisture and grease from the nails treated in this way using a bond (desiccant, dehydrator). This is necessary for good adhesion of the gel polish to the nail. After processing, do not touch the nails with our fingers and do not allow dust and moisture to get on them.

The next stage of the technology is the application of the base gel.

Before applying the base gel, it is advisable to cover the nail with a primer. It is used for a stronger adhesion of the gel polish base to the natural plate. Mandatory for use in cases of thin, weak nails, in the presence of delamination and fragility. The primer is applied to the entire nail, including the butt. This will prevent the gel polish from peeling and chipping off.

Now let's move on to applying the base gel directly. A few words about what it is for. The base gel creates a molecular bond between the natural nail and the artificial material (gel polish) and is thus responsible for the strength of the entire coating as a whole. Its second function is to protect the nail from the colored pigments contained in the gel polish.

How to apply gel polish correctly. Base gel coating

Technology of applying gel varnishes. Drying in a UV lamp

An important point in: applying each component as thin as possible. Base gel is no exception. We take a little gel with a brush and rub it in from the end of the nail to the cuticle. Then we make direct movements in the opposite direction (from the cuticle). At the same time, we do not affect the cuticle itself and the skin around the nail. Carefully cover the end of the nail plate. Then we polymerize (dry) the base gel in an ultraviolet lamp for 1 minute, if an LED lamp is used, 10 seconds is enough. The dried base has a sticky dispersion layer. You don't need to delete it! You can only smooth the sticky layer over the surface with a dry brush. This is necessary to evenly distribute the next component - colored gel polish.

Application of colored gel polish.

Step-by-step technology for applying gel polish. Applying a colored layer

Color gel polish can be applied in one layer - then it will be translucent, or in 2 - 3 layers to obtain a rich color. But in any case, all layers should be made as thin as possible! When applying a thick layer of gel polish, waves and bubbles can appear on the surface of the nail. Often, especially when using dark colors, the first layer is unevenly colored. Don't try to fix this problem by adding more gel polish - better apply 3 thin coats! We cure each layer of colored gel polish in a UV lamp for 2 minutes or in an LED lamp for 30 seconds. Always pay attention to the end of the nail - it must be carefully painted over.

The last stage of the technology for applying a varnish-gel is top coating (another name is finish, finish-gel).

Gel polish for nails. Step by step technology. Top gel application

A finish gel is required to set our finish and add extra shine. The top is applied in a thicker layer than the base and color gel polish. We carefully cover the ends of the nails again. Dry for 2 minutes in an ultraviolet lamp or 30 seconds in an LED lamp. In case of poor quality drying of the top gel, the gloss of the coating may be lost. Next, we remove the sticky (dispersion) layer using a cleanser (Cleanser - a liquid for removing the dispersion layer from the surface of gels and gel varnishes).

Following the above gel polish coating technology You can get rid of many nail problems. At the same time, it is important to use only high-quality materials and tools, carefully read the instructions supplied by the manufacturers - the indicated drying time for each layer of gel polish may differ depending on the brand used.

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