Do I need to legalize the shift of the door opening. How to move a doorway in an interior partition

If we are talking about the entrance, then yes, such a transfer of the door is considered a redevelopment of the apartment. Moreover, it is rather difficult to agree on this, and sometimes it is not possible at all.

There are two options to move the entrance to the apartment:

  • Relocation of the front door with the addition of a part of the apartment building. It is difficult to implement, since the common building area is connected to the apartment. To carry out such a redevelopment, you will need to unequivocally obtain the consent of at least 73% of the apartment owners in your house. Under this condition, the front door vestibule can be rented.
  • Moving the front door to the apartment to the side, that is, within the same wall in which it was originally located. If the wall is solid, then the authors of the houses usually oppose the transfer of the entrance door in the load-bearing wall, especially for panel houses of standard series, the author of which is MNIITEP OJSC. (These are the most common series of panel houses, such as,,.)
    In addition, under certain conditions, housing inspectorates also classify such redevelopment as affecting the common property of apartment owners. But this given option is much easier to coordinate than with the connection of a part of the apartment building, and in practice, most of the redevelopment of this type is agreed.

To summarize briefly, the transfer of the front door:

  • In panel houses, since the walls are in most cases load-bearing, the event is complex and in most cases not realizable.
  • In monolithic houses - depending on the type of wall, if the wall is load-bearing, then it is quite difficult, but the chance is much higher than in panel houses, if the transfer of the front door is planned in a curtain wall, it is almost always possible.
  • In brick houses - in most cases it is possible, even if the wall is load-bearing.
  • In block houses - depending on the house series.

Below you can see an exampleredevelopment project with the transfer of the front door.

This option was implemented in a monolithic house. The affected brick wall was not load-bearing, which simplified the task. Interestingly, the front door was moved a considerable distance, while usually it is moved on average by half a meter.

Photos of the completed work on the transfer of the entrance to the apartment:

Offset of the front door to the apartment

For some reason, the owner may think about moving the front door to the apartment. In the above project, the relocation of the door was due to the measures in the framework of the redevelopment, in some circumstances, this need may be due to other factors.

It often happens that a door located in the corner of a room prevents you from making optimal use of the space, for example, in a small kitchen. One of the ways out in this situation is to move the doorway and install a new frame with a door in it.

The old door to the kitchen causes you terrible inconvenience - it is the corner of the room where it is located, I would like to use it in a completely different way. To solve the problem, there is only one way out - to make a new doorway in the middle of the wall and brick up the old one, for example, using gypsum panels measuring 60 55 7 cm.

The new opening will be noticeably wider - after all, a pre-painted door frame (73,204 cm in size) still needs to be installed in it. Of course, you first need to purchase a door block in order to prepare an opening of a certain size. Now on sale there are a wide variety of doors - with or without sound insulation, smooth or embossed, covered with white paint or transparent varnish. You can buy a door without a door frame at all.

In our case, the old wooden door frame will remain in the same place, since its vertical posts are embedded in concrete and removing them can significantly weaken the wall. In addition, the outer pillar will be used as a side support for the new door frame. By the time the work began, the door casings had already been removed.

In the event that the door has a metal frame, it must be removed without fail by sawing the racks at floor level and removing the remaining burrs with a file.

If the wall is made of durable material (vibrated concrete, brick, etc.), use a diamond cutting disc. When working, it is not recommended to stand on a ladder or ladder - they may begin to vibrate in resonance with the instrument. For this purpose, it is better to make building scaffolding. Use a hand saw when cutting a doorway in a 7 cm thick partition made of plaster or other not very strong materials.

Before work

In order to determine the strength of the material from which the partition is made, drill three to four holes in the center of the part where you decided to make a new doorway. In this case, use a special drill for concrete and switch the drill to vibration mode or use the perforating bit on a conventional drill. Then check the possibility of sawing the partition through the holes made and select the appropriate tool - a cut-off wheel or a hacksaw.

Close the doors of adjacent rooms tightly, as cutting the opening (especially with the cut-off wheel) creates a lot of dust. We recommend using a respirator and goggles when working with a cut-off wheel, as well as periodically cleaning the workplace with a vacuum cleaner.

Reinforce the old doorway with spacers to reduce vibration in the upper part of the frame when sawing. Install several bars if necessary.

Mark the location of the new opening with a margin around the perimeter of no more than 15 mm. This will facilitate the installation of the door frame and allow it to be securely fastened.

Drill several holes in the upper part of the vertical side of the marked rectangle so that a hacksaw blade can be inserted into the resulting cavity. Cut from top to bottom to the floor. To make it easier to remove the partition to be removed, cut it horizontally into pieces equal to about 30 cm. Tap them lightly with a heavy hammer and push them out from the side of the kitchen. Of course, there should be no objects in the place where they fall.

After the new opening is completely cut, use a chisel to remove any loose pieces of plaster or other material.

Work the lower part of the opening and clean it with a chisel. Then drill holes 8-9 cm deep on each side, into which you will then install the posts of the new door frame.

Outside on the outside of the new box, in a staggered manner at a distance of 12-15 cm from each other, screw the screws. This will allow the door frame to be securely fastened.

Install the door frame so that the lower tabs fit into the pre-drilled holes. Make sure the box is level horizontally and vertically and secure the stands in this position. Small distortions can be eliminated by placing pieces of plaster. Check if there is a gap between the door and the floor. After making sure that it is correctly installed, fix the box around the perimeter with pieces of plaster.

After the doorway has been moved, seal the seams on both sides of the partition with cement mortar or polyurethane foam, first at the top, and then from top to bottom. Flatten and leave to dry.

Proceed to seal the old doorway with gypsum blocks only after the mortar or foam has completely hardened. Place plaster blocks in place of the old opening and seal the seams. Once dry, apply a plaster-based primer.

Final finishing

Decorate the renovated premises according to your taste. For example, keep the door smooth, and add decorative trims to the opening to make it more embossed. If this option does not suit you, apply some decorative ornament on the door or use paint and varnish materials for decoration.

1. * :

  • Rearrangement of plumbing fixtures in the existing dimensions of toilets, bathrooms, kitchens
  • Rearrangement of batteries and gas appliances without laying additional networks
  • Arrangement of openings in load-bearing partitions (excluding inter-apartment)
  • Full or partial disassembly of non-bearing partitions (excluding interroom partitions)
  • Arrangement of partitions without increasing floor loads
  • Sealing doorways in load-bearing walls and partitions

2. the following types of work are agreed* :

  • Glazing of loggias and balconies
  • Arrangement of loggias, balconies
  • Modification of materials and plastics of external structures, balconies and loggias
  • Creation, elimination, change of the shape of window and door openings in external enclosing structures while maintaining the structures that separate balconies, loggias from internal premises
  • Arrangement of openings in inter-apartment partitions and load-bearing walls
  • Arrangement of openings in ceilings, when combining rooms vertically
  • Arrangement of partitions with increasing loads on load-bearing structures and load-bearing walls
  • Creating or changing inputs
  • Arrangement or relocation of kitchens, toilets, bathrooms
  • Changing the design of floors with increasing loads on the supporting structures
  • Internal stairs
  • Reshaping existing stairs (porches)
  • Elimination or change of the shape of vestibules without increasing their external dimensions
  • Creation of vestibules and showcases within the dimensions of existing elements of buildings, structures, structures
  • Replacement or installation of additional equipment with an increase in energy consumption, water consumption and or laying additional supply networks
  • Installation of outdoor technical equipment: air conditioners, antennas
  • Installing household electric stoves instead of gas stoves or kitchen stoves

4 steps of reconciliation of redevelopment and :

Step 1 "Collecting documents"

Documents for the approval of redevelopment:

  • Technical passport for the apartment (issued by the district BTI)
  • Title documents for the apartment
  • A technical conclusion and a project developed by specialized organizations licensed for this type of work. The project, depending on the type of construction and repair work, is approved by RosPotrebNadzor (SES), the Ministry of Emergency Situations, MoskomArkhitektura, district architect (GlavAPU), Artistic Council, author of the house project, Moskomnasledie.
  • Extract from the house register and a copy of the financial and personal account
  • Application in duplicate on the forms of the Housing Inspectorate
  • If a gas stove is transferred, then a certificate from the MOSGAZ service is required stating that the stove is installed according to SNIPs.

Step 2 "Obtaining a permit for construction and repair work"

  • Submit the package of documents to the district Housing Inspectorate to one stop shop. This is an indicative list of documents. The Housing Inspectorate has the right, at its discretion, to require additional documents, considering each application individually. You can find out by visiting the Housing Inspectorate, where the inspector of one window will tell you what other documents you need to collect.
  • Based on the submitted documents The Housing Inspectorate issues an order authorizing construction and repair work.
  • Further, the Housing Inspectorate establishes terms and time of work: no more than 4 months, from 9.00 to 19.00, except holidays and weekends.

Step 3 "Obtaining the Certificate of Completed Reorganization"

  • After the expiration of the established period and after the end of the work the inspector of the Housing Inspectorate is invited... The inspector performs a visual inspection of the apartment and checks the compliance of the work performed with the project documentation.
  • Further the inspector issues an act of work performed, which is signed by the operating organization of the house (DEZ, HOA). In some districts, the signature of the District Administration, as well as the owner of the premises, is required.
  • Works performed on the project require the signature of the author of the project.

Step 4 "Making changes related to redevelopment in the BTI floor plan"

  • Collect a package of documents:
    1. sketch or project sheet
    2. a copy of the order authorizing the construction and repair work
    3. Act of executed works
  • Send this package of documents to the BTI.
  • The BTI employee inspects the premises and on the basis of this a floor plan and explication are issued, which is the final completion of the redevelopment or reconstruction.
  • If the area of ​​the apartment changes after the redevelopment, then it is required to make changes to the Unified State Register and obtain a new title deed.

* Description of types of work

According to the sketch:

  • Rearrangement of plumbing fixtures in the existing dimensions of toilets, bathrooms, kitchens.
    These are such works as moving a sink, bathroom, toilet bowl to another corner, installing trouble.
    The approval time is 20-40 days.
    Important! When rearranging the toilet, the new location of the toilet must be on the territory of the toilet; when rearranging the bathtub, the new installation location must be within the bathroom, i.e. "In the existing dimensions".
  • Rearrangement of batteries and gas appliances without laying additional networks
    Transferring the battery, replacing the battery with a new battery with a large number of sections, moving the gas stove.
    Important! If the redevelopment only includes replacing the battery with a new one, without changing its location, then the work takes place without laying additional networks, and in this case a sketch is enough.
    If the redevelopment includes a change in the location of the battery, then it is considered that the work is taking place with the laying of additional networks, and in this case the redevelopment is coordinated according to the project.
    When rearranging the gas oven, an additional permit from MosGaz will be required.
  • Arrangement of openings in load-bearing partitions (excluding inter-apartment).
    According to the law, the approval is carried out according to the sketch in the event that the partition is not inter-apartment.
    Important! If a gas stove is installed in the kitchen, then when constructing an opening in the load-bearing wall between the kitchen and the room, it is necessary to install a door in the opening. If the room and the kitchen are not separated, the room becomes a kitchen-dining room, i.e. non-residential area.
  • Full or partial disassembly of non-bearing partitions (excluding interroom partitions)
    Important! If a gas stove is installed in the kitchen, then when disassembling the partitions between the kitchen and the room, the room becomes a kitchen-dining room. Leaving the toilet or bathroom is prohibited in the kitchen or kitchen-dining room.
  • Arrangement of partitions without increasing floor loads.
    The installation of partitions is understood as the device of additional walls (structures). For example: if you move a wall, this will not be considered an additional load, and if you erect an additional wall, the One Window Service may consider it an additional load.
  • Sealing doorways in load-bearing walls and partitions.
    Sealing a doorway is a fairly easy redevelopment. In most cases, from the sealing of the doorway, it follows its device in another place. When moving an opening in a curtain wall, the approval will take place according to the sketch, but in the case of a load-bearing wall (device of an opening in a load-bearing wall), redevelopment will be required according to the project.

According to the project:

    Glazing of loggias and balconies. When glazing loggias and balconies, it is required to coordinate the project with the prefecture's architectural and planning office. Important! If a project for a house has already been developed, it is necessary to adhere to it and perform glazing in a general style. If there is no project, and the glazing work in the house is being carried out for the first time, the APU will require the development of a single glazing project for the building. In the latter case, the negotiation may take longer.

  • The device of loggias, balconies. The device of a balcony or loggia is possible on the first, in some cases on the second floor. To combine loggias, balconies with the main room, a project containing a heat engineering calculation is required. Coordination can be carried out by installing a sliding partition in place of the window and the eliminated window sill block. The redevelopment project is carried out by the author of the house project and is confirmed by the Moscow Architecture Committee.
  • Change of materials and plastics of external structures, balconies and loggias. This type of redevelopment affects the architectural appearance of the building and requires agreement on the project. For approval, you need permission from the APU (architectural and planning department) of the Moscow Committee for Architecture.
    Important! Coordination of reconstruction work significantly complicates the exit of the facade to government highways or the belonging of the object to architectural monuments.
  • Creation, elimination, change of the shape of window and door openings in external enclosing structures with the preservation of structures that separate balconies, loggias from internal premises. Changing the shape of window and door openings, their elimination or creation, like any activity that affects the appearance of a building, is a type of reconstruction work requiring approval. Permission for such work must be obtained from the architectural and planning department of the district. When agreeing on reconstruction work, in addition to agreement with the SES, UGPS, agreement with the APU is required.
  • Arrangement of openings in inter-apartment partitions and load-bearing walls. The device of openings in load-bearing walls is allowed if such changes do not violate the strength of the building structure and do not pose a risk of destruction. Also, with restrictions, it is allowed to affect inter-apartment partitions when combining apartments horizontally.
    Terms of approval are about three months.
    When arranging an opening in a load-bearing wall, agreement with the author of the house is required. If the author of the house cannot be found, the Housing Inspectorate will request the development of the project from Mosproekt.
  • Arrangement of openings in ceilings, when combining rooms vertically. When combining rooms vertically, one cannot do without the device of openings in the ceiling slabs. Partial destruction of floors must be agreed with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate for the project.
    Such redevelopment is a rather rare case. Mandatory agreement with the author of the house is required. If the author cannot be found at home, the Housing Inspectorate will require the development of the project from Mosproekt.
  • Arrangement of partitions with increasing loads on load-bearing structures and load-bearing walls. Redevelopment, in which the load on the load-bearing walls increases, requires agreement on the project. The preparation of the project may require an examination of the supporting structures. If the conversion project is carried out by the designers of a serial house, no expertise is needed. If the project is carried out by any other design organization in the absence of the organization that designed the house (old buildings), the project should be approved by the MoszhilNIIproekt institute. Approval for such a project takes about three months on average.
  • Creation or modification of inputs. Creating a separate entrance for the office or changing an existing entrance requires approval for the project. When agreeing on a change in the entrance, in addition to agreement with the SES, UGPS, agreement with the AAP is required.
  • Arrangement or relocation of kitchens, toilets, bathrooms. Relocation of kitchens, toilets, bathrooms is an option for complex redevelopment. Since these premises have special requirements for waterproofing and ventilation, approval will require the development of a project.
    Important! When moving kitchens, bathrooms and toilets, do not touch the living area. The wet part of the kitchen can only be moved to a non-residential area; it is forbidden to enlarge the kitchen by using a bathroom or toilet. The transfer of the toilet is possible either to the bathroom or to the corridor. It is forbidden to enlarge the toilet at the expense of living space or kitchen. The situation is similar with the bathroom: you can move it to the toilet or corridor area, it is forbidden to transfer it to the living area or kitchen.
  • Changing the design of the floors with increasing loads on the supporting structures. Modification of floor structures requires approval only when there is an increase in loads on the supporting structures.
    From practice, we can say that the housing inspection considers the dismantling of old logs and the installation of a screed to increase the load on the load-bearing floors during the construction of floors.
  • The device of internal stairs. Approval is carried out in the Moscow Housing Inspectorate for the project in a period of about three months.
    When arranging internal stairs, the developed project must be approved by the author at home. If the author of the house is unknown, the Housing Inspectorate will request the development of the project from Mosproekt.
  • Changing the shape of existing stairs (porches). When using an additional plot of land, documentation is required confirming the absence of communications under this plot of land. As a rule, this is the conclusion of the Department of Underground Structures (OPS) of Mosgorgeotrest.
    Important! In some cases, a building permit is required.
  • Elimination or change of the shape of vestibules without increasing their external dimensions. By order of the Moskomarkhitektura dated 08.04.2005 N 8, the creation of vestibules (including with the device of self-sliding and "revolving" doors) within the dimensions of existing building elements, as well as their elimination, is carried out according to the project.
    Important! In some cases, when constructing vestibules or changing the shape of vestibules, a building permit is required.
  • Creation of vestibules and showcases within the dimensions of existing elements of buildings, structures, structures. Coordination on the project in the architectural and planning department (APU) is necessary for the organization of vestibules (including the device of self-sliding and "revolving" doors) and showcases within the dimensions of existing elements of buildings, structures, structures with an area of ​​up to 30 sq. occupation of an additional land plot.
    Important! When creating a vestibule or shop windows outside the building, a building permit is required.
  • Replacement or installation of additional equipment with an increase in energy consumption, water consumption and / or the laying of additional supply networks. The installation of additional equipment with an increase in energy consumption, water consumption means the installation of an electric stove instead of a gas one, the installation of warm floors, the installation of additional batteries, the device of a toilet or bathroom. Any installation of additional equipment with an increase in energy consumption, water consumption with the replacement of existing ones or the laying of additional supply networks is carried out according to the project.
    To install engineering equipment that requires more power than allocated for an apartment, you need to contact Mosenergonadzor. When replacing a gas stove with an electric stove, agreement with MosGaz is required.
  • Installation of outdoor technical equipment: air conditioners, antennas. Installation of technical equipment affects the facade of the building and therefore requires approval from the architectural and planning department (AAP), which issues a permit based on the decision of the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Construction.
    Important! It is very difficult to obtain permission to install antennas or air conditioners (renovation works) if the facade faces a government highway or your house is an architectural monument.
  • Installation of household electric stoves instead of gas stoves or kitchen stoves. Replacing a kitchen hearth or a gas stove with an electric stove requires approval of the project with Energonadzor, since it implies an increase in the load on the house's electrical network. When replacing a gas stove with an electric one, an agreement with MosGaz is required.