State registration of biologically active additives to food (BAA). What does the declaring process look like? Document for the right of disposal by car

How is the importance and implementation of dietary supplements in the Russian Federation? How do small stores implement them: is it solely gray diagrams or are there any ways? The essence of the question: We have been preparing certificates for Japanese bars for a long time, while the mass of similar means is implemented by small online stores here and now. In the absence of serious budgets, how are they legalized in Russia? Are there any ways to simplify the procedures for the preparation of dietary supplements for sale? As an answer it would be great to get a 2-3 algorithm for the output of Bad to the market with the smallest loss of budget and time.


Mikhail Bug,

alta Via Legal Counsel

In accordance with the norms of SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the organization of production and turnover of biologically active additives to food (BAA)" dated 17.04.2003, biologically active additives are natural (identical to natural) biologically active substances intended for use Simultaneously with food or introducing food. The dietary supplements are used as an additional source of food and biologically active substances to optimize carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin and other metabolism for various functional states, for normalization and / or improvement of the functional state of organs and human body systems, including products, Supporting, soft diuretic, tonic, soothing and other types of action in various functional states, to reduce the risk of diseases, as well as to normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, as enterosorbents.

According to Article 24 of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of food products" (hereinafter - TR), the dietary supplements are allowed to produce, storing, transporting and implementing solely after their state registration. In the manufacture of dietary supplements on the territory of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as TC), state registration is carried out at the stage of preparation for the production of products, and during the import of dietary supplements - before their importation into the territory of the vehicle. Commissioner in the Russian Federation the BAA registration authority is Rospotrebnadzor. Registration is permanent, however, it may be discontinued or suspended in case of inconsistency of dietary supplements. A detailed registration procedure was established by Article 25 Tr and implies a submission to Rospotrebnadzor statements on the established form confirming the safety of the BAA results of research and additional documents, as well as information on the appointment of BAD (a detailed list of documents provided by paragraph 29 of the Regulations, approved by the order of Rospotrebnadzor from July 23 of July 2012 N 781). The term of consideration of such a statement is 5 working days, in the case of adoption by Rospotrebnadzor, the applicant is issued a certificate of state registration of dietary supplements.

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Registration and receipt of the certificate for the implementation of the BAA

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 21 Tr, the assessment (confirmation) of the compliance of special food products, including dietary supplements, the requirements of TP are carried out, including in the form of state registration. Thus, the mandatory acquisition of a certificate of conformity or submission of a declaration of conformity to the BAA, the current legislation is not provided. It should be borne in mind that, on the basis of Article.39 Tr, the packaging of registered dietary supplies must necessarily comprise the EAS labeling - a single sign of product circulation in the market of TC member states.

If state registration requirements are not fulfilled, the manufacturers and sellers of unregistered dietary supplements arise a risk of bringing to responsibility on the basis of Part 1 of Article 6.33 of the Administrative Code with the imposition of a penalty of a fine of 1 million to 5 million rubles or administrative suspension of activities on Time to ninety day. If the violation is committed in a major amount (the cost of the goods sold exceeds 100 thousand rubles), then the seller has a risk of criminal liability on the basis of Article.238.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "the appeal of falsified, poor and unregistered drugs, medical devices and turnover of falsified dietary supplements" . The sale of dietary supplements without the necessary labeling creates a finance risk in the amount of from 50 thousand to 300 thousand rubles with confiscation of unmarked Bad on the basis of Part 2 of Article 15.12 of the Code.

Rules for the sale of Bad in Russia through the Internet

Remote sale of the BAA is not allowed. According to paragraph 7.4.1. SanPine, Retail Bad retail trade is carried out through pharmacy institutions, specialty stores selling dietary products and food stores. Violation of the established rules for the sale of individual types of goods, according to Article 14.15 of the Code, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on legal entities in the amount of ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles.

Requirements for advertising, stimulating the implementation of the BAA

  1. create the impression that they are drugs and (or) have therapeutic properties;
  2. contain references to specific cases of cure of people, improving their condition as a result of the use of such additives;
  3. contain expression of gratitude to individuals in connection with the use of such additives;
  4. encourage healthy nutrition;
  5. to create an impression of the benefits of such additives by reference to the fact of research required for state registration of such additives, as well as to use the results of other studies in the form of direct recommendation to apply such additives.

In addition, the BD advertising in each case should be accompanied by a warning that the advertising object is not a drug, in the above article, additional requirements for advertising format are also installed. In case of violation of the requirements for advertising, the BAA, the advertiser or advertiser spacer can be brought to justice at Part 5 of Article 14.3 of the Administrative Code with the imposition of a fine of 200 thousand to 500 thousand rubles.

Of course, there are "gray" schemes for the implementation of the BAD remote way. Sites for the sale of dietary supplements can be registered on the files, and the implementation of the goods can be carried out on behalf of an individual or without specifying the sender of the BAA. Some of the existing stores can act on the agent scheme, ordering unregistered dietary supplements on behalf of the buyer abroad for a certain percentage of the cost of the goods, part - to provide exclusively intermediary services to implement the implementation of registered dietary supplement to the final buyer through large stores. But all these schemes are carrying for the seller acting in the legal field, serious risks of attraction to justice, including criminal.

It is no secret that the "pharmacy" business associated with the production and sale of drugs and biologically active additives is one of the most profitable. However, the manufacture and sale of drugs is conjugate with a large number of difficulties and requires significant investments. But the production of BAD is possible to establish with smaller investments, while they are no less popular and in demand, rather than medication.

In 2013, almost 290 million packages of biologically active additives were sold in our country through pharmacies. The volume of this retail market is estimated at 25.5 billion rubles. At biologically active additives account for about 35% of the value of sales at the average cost of packaging 100 rubles (and cost of 10-20 rubles). Bad low price categories use the greatest demand among consumers (cost up to 70 rubles per pack).

To date, the market of food biologically active additives develops the most rapidly, and domestic manufacturers are dominated by it. The leading position is occupied by the company "Evalar", whose share accounts for about 23% of all additives implemented through pharmacy networks. According to various sources, 70% of all the dietary supplements are implemented through pharmacy chains, 15% - through distributors, about 8% - through representative offices of manufacturers, 7% - through special departments of other stores.

Simplified technology for the production of biologically active additives can be represented as three main steps: grinding components and mixing them, in accordance with the recipe or formula; obtaining extracts and drying; Creating a pharmaceutical form. First, the company carries out the workpiece of raw materials, monitors its qualitative characteristics, prepare the raw materials to the technological process of production. Preparation is cleaning, grinding, dissolution, drying, modification, extraction (extraction), cryrocessing, etc., depending on the type of raw materials used. One of the most optimal methods of grinding vegetable raw materials is crying, which is a fine (dust-shaped) grinding of parts of plant raw materials at a temperature close to absolute zero. To ensure such thermal conditions, liquid nitrogen is used.

Crying is carried out with the help of special mills in an inert gas medium with preliminary deep freezing or lipophilic drying of raw materials. This method allows to preserve nutrient and useful substances in plant cells, without damaging them, as well as create additives with a synergistic effect of components; provides accurate dosage of components; Provides maximum bioavailability (up to 96%). Using cryopal technology, it is possible to obtain very small particles in size (about 125 microns) while preserving the integrity of plant cells. Additional advantages of this method - no heating, oxidation and product loss. With traditional methods of grinding as a result of a strong heating of vegetable raw materials, useful components in plant cells are destroyed. And with cryoplation, even the most biologically active compounds are preserved. In the process of traditional grinding, raw materials interact with oxygen, which leads to the oxidation of biologically active compounds and to the formation of oxidation products. Liquid nitrogen allows preventing vegetable raw materials from a detrimental effect with oxygen without entering the reaction with biologically active compounds.

Finally, when using other technologies in the process of grinding in the air, fine particles are sprayed and volatile actants evaporate (the output of the finished product is noticeably declining). When applying cryodobias, one kilogram of plant raw materials at the beginning of the technological process corresponds to the same amount of powder at the end of the process.

There are also several basic methods for producing plant raw materials extracts: water extraction, CO2 extraction, extraction by chemical solvents, supercritical fluid extraction in CO2. Each of these methods differs from other temperature of the extraction (the higher the temperature, the more useful substances are destroyed), the number of useful components in the final product, the amount of impurities, the ability of each type of extraction to release allergic substances from plants.

The most advanced method is the supercritical fluid extraction, since with this technology you can get the most pure extracts, and it does not lead to their contamination by the working substance. In addition, the extracts obtained during supercritical fluid extraction are highly bioavailability and do not have substances that can cause allergic reactions. Finally, this technology makes it possible to obtain therapeutic effects with small and ultrammal amounts of active ingredients.

According to the sanitary and epidemiological standard in our country in the production of food additives, the following components are allowed:

  • food substances: proteins, fats, leafy-like substances, fats of fish and marine animals, individual polyunsaturated fatty acids, their sources of food, carbohydrates and their derivatives, starch, products of its hydrolysis, xylose, arabinosa, inulin and other polyphructase, glucose, fructose, lactulose, lactose, ribose, vitamins and vitamin-like substances, minerals (macro and microelements calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, iron, zinc, chromium, boron, copper, manganese, sulfur, molybdenum, selenium, fluorine, germany, silicon, vanadium);
  • minor food components;
  • edible and medicinal plants, products of seas, rivers, lakes, mineral-organic or natural minerals (dry, granular, powdered, capsulated, in liquid form - in the form of extracts, tinctures, concentrates, balms, syrups);
  • probiotics and prebiotics, biologically active substances (immune proteins and enzymes, all groups of oligo- and polysaccharides, lysozyme, lactoferrin, lactoper oxidase of bacteriocinnes of lactic acid microorganisms, the exception are drugs from leather and human liquids);
  • beekeeping products (propolis, wax, pollen, perg, uterine milk).
After processing raw materials, fillers are prepared by purifying, sieving, thickening, dilution, grinding or filtering. All components are mixed in given proportions, then prepared to package - granulated, filtered, sterilized, dried and processed by other methods. Finally, biologically active additives are packaged and labeled. As mentioned above, on this, the final stage is the standardization of finished forms.

Pharmaceutical forms include tablets, capsules, powders, tinctures, balsams, ointments, etc. There are two tablet methods - cold and hot. Tabletized forms were obtained the greatest spread despite the fact that in their production there is a loss of up to 50% of the active ingredients and they contain chemical fillers. Capsules can be animal (gelatin) and vegetable raw materials (for example, algae OGAR-OGAR).

Equipment that will be required to organize the production of dietary supplies depends directly from the range used by technologies and pharmaceutical forms. Despite all the cons of tabletized drugs, most biologically active additives are available in the form of tablets. For their manufacture, the so-called tablet presses will be required - apparatuses for pressing tablets of various diameters, preparations from herbs and other pressed tabletmas. In addition, the list of compulsory equipment includes mixers, granulators, countable filling machines, instruments for quality control of tablets in accordance with the established requirements and other technological equipment. In addition, the packaging for dietary supplements will be required - polyethylene jars, dysters, cardboard boxes, etc.

The organization of its own production of biologically active additives requires large investments, which are estimated at least 25-30 million rubles. This amount includes the following costs: the acquisition of raw materials, special equipment for the implementation of scientific papers, the remuneration of development specialists with all deductions, overhead and travel expenses, conducting preliminary tests of the biological properties of the BAA, carrying out acceptance tests of the biological properties of the dietary supplements of the BAA, testing Patent studies, testing and examination of the established Bad, market research, registration of registration, supply of dietary supplies and preparation for their tests, preparation of the production of dietary supplies, Events on the organization of DAU, preparation and conduct of state registration of dietary supplies, activities to attract venture capital investors, voluntary certification, Office equipment and start of sales.

You can do and smaller investments, ordering one or all the processes of production in a third-party company (in fact, the transmission of production to outsourcing). At the same time, the entrepreneur himself can take on only the control of production and the organization of sales of finished products.

The quality of the BAA is determined by the presence of GMP standards manufacturer (proper production practice) or the ISO quality management system certificate. Observice in the process of producing BAD sanitary standards, various state auditory organizations are followed. The quality of the products produced is controlled by the SanEpidennadzor Department under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) and Rospotrebnadzor. The Television Union Templement "On Food Safety" contains a list of components prohibited for use in nutritional supplements (today there are over 450 different herbs).

The procedure for organizing the production of the BAA design of regulatory documentation for developed additives is determined by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2003 No. 50 "On the introduction of Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and SanPiN Regulations". According to this resolution: "... The production of BAD should be carried out only after its state registration in the prescribed manner and in strict accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation. " To obtain state registration, the manufacturer must submit the following documents:

  1. Regulatory and / or agreed technical documents (technical specifications, technological instructions, recipes, etc.) were previously not agreed, according to which industrial production of products, certified in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. Certainly certified copies of sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on the compliance of technical documents with the requirements of state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (if available).
  3. Certain copies of sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on compliance with the conditions of production of state sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards.
  4. Instructions for use (insert sheet, abstract) (if all the necessary information cannot be placed on the label), certified by the signature of the authorized person and the manufacturer's seal.
  5. Consumer (or tare) label or its project, certified by the signature of an authorized person and the manufacturer's seal.
  6. Protocols for testing and / or concluding accredited test laboratories (if available).
  7. Act of sampling (samples) of the installed form.
  8. If there is a trademark, a copy of the certificate for a trademark, certified in the prescribed manner.
  9. The manufacturer's document that he trusts the applicant to present his interests in the territory of the Russian Federation to implement the state registration of the manufacturer's products (in case the applicant is not a manufacturer).
  10. A document confirming the right to obtain a certificate of state registration of products (power of attorney).
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2009 No. 982 "On approval of a single list of products subject to mandatory certification, and a single list of products, confirming the conformity of which is carried out in the form of adoption of the Conformity Declaration" relates biologically active additives to products subject to mandatory declaration. This means that the compliance of all biologically active additives manufactured in Russia must be confirmed in the form of a declaration of confiracy registered properly. According to clause 6 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 7, 1999 No. 766 "On approval of the list of products to be declared compliance, the procedure for adopting a declaration on conforming and registration" The declared declaration must be registered in the Unified Register of Declaration on Compliance, which is carried out by the authorized federal authority . The principles and procedure for the implementation of the BAA declaration are determined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation" and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 7, 1999 No. 766 "On approval of a list of products to be declared compliance, the procedure for adopting a declaration About conformity and registration "(with changes and additions).

According to paragraph 5 of the Federal Law No. 184-FZ, the conference on the compliance "must be issued in Russian and must contain:

  • the name and location of the applicant;
  • name and location of the manufacturer;
  • information about the conformity confirmation facility that allows you to identify this object;
  • the name of the technical regulations, for compliance with the requirements of which the products are confirmed;
  • indication on the conformity declaration scheme;
  • applicant application for product safety in its use in accordance with the targeted appointment and acceptance of measures to ensure the compliance of products with the requirements of technical regulations;
  • information about studies conducted (tests) and measurements, certificate of quality management system, as well as documents that served as the basis for confirming the compliance of products to the requirements of technical regulations. "
As a basis for the adoption of the Conformance Declaration, the Protocols for acceptance, acceptance and other control tests of products conducted by the manufacturer (seller, performer) and / or third-party competent testing laboratories can be used; certificates of conformity or protocols for testing raw materials, materials, components; Documents provided for this product with relevant federal laws and issued by authorized by authorities and organizations (hygienic conclusions, veterinary certificates, fire safety certificates, etc.); certificates for quality or production system; Other documents, directly or indirectly confirming the compliance of products established requirements.

The average rate of profitability of the BAA production investment is estimated at 11%. The profitability of the invested capital can reach 55%. The payback period is 3.5-5 years.

If a person receives state payments in old age, and at the same time exercises custody of children, he can count on fixed amounts. They are calculated, based on different criteria, and may vary within 1600-7686 rubles. Dependents, people who cannot secure themselves, are considered:

  • juvenile children who have not reached majority;
  • disabled disabled people;
  • students passing full-time learning.

What affects the amount of surcharges such permits to pension are accrued, based on different circumstances, individually in each case. When calculating amounts, it is taken into account:

  • the age of a person applying to surcharge;
  • the number of dependents;
  • how many years on the care.

Depending on the territorial coefficients, the surcharges may be different.

Who is the surcharge to pension for children born until 1990

Hello, dear readers magazine Profile. Today we decided to deal with the latest payments to the pension for children born until 1990 in recent months.


Is this so and is there really such a surcharge? In order to find out the answer to this question, we will visit official sources. The content of the article:

  • 1. Pensions for children born to 1990 in 2017 - Law

When will the payment of the pension to women who gave birth to children until 1990

Dumping to a pension for children born to 1990 in 2017 - the law with a detailed study of the official website of the Russian Pension Fund born in the USSR.

Poster to pension for children born to 1990


For children born to 1990, since now the basis of all payments are special points, the additive to a pension for children can be significant for the ladies, the labor activity of which fell on the "Soviet" period, when a maternity leave was not recorded, was not recorded in the workbook The overall work experience, and not paid. Now the care time is considered to be a non-breakdown gap, they pay certain accrued points for it, and if a woman has several children, and labor experience interrupted care for them, then additional surcharge can be very significant.

To whom a fixed surcharge to pension for a minor child should not be confused by the current innovation of the detachment of funds for children, and fixed additives to the pension appointed by the people of old age on the minors in the care of juveniles.

403 Forbidden.

After recalculation, there may be different options, the pension may increase irrelevant and can even become less, in this case, you can refuse a pension "in a new way" and get to the old year, as before. Who is put by recalculating pensions for children born until 1990 not everyone is being recalculated, it must be taken into account.

There are separate categories of pensioners who recalculate pension is not based on legislation standards. It all needs to be recognized in PF. So, according to clarifications in the Pension Fund, all women in pensions can appeal to them.

It is beneficial to recalculation will be those who left to relax from work before 2015. All other retirees immediately recalculated a pension in the best option for them.

Also, the appealing person should have a small pension, otherwise the meaning of "for children" there is simply no, well, and the number of children should exceed one person - that is, two or more.

Poster to pension for children born to 1990 - what documents are needed?

The main finance among pensioners caused an innovation of an innovation about the recalculation of pension sums, according to which surcharge to retire to women for children. Reducing purchasing power, the economic crisis, lead to the fact that any detachments to the existing pension can become a significant increase in the budget of people in old age.
All pensioners, especially women, are interested in the question - who is allowed to give a pension for children under the 1990 birth, as will be recalculated, and how to make payments. What is a surcharge to pension for children, pension fund employees explain that the surcharge of retirees for children is not literal money payments to all women who have children. This is just another procedure for calculating amounts. With this calculation, it does not matter how the child was born - until 1990 or after him.

Who is the additive to pension for children born until 1990

For some categories of citizens, such conditions accrues will be beneficial, but not always. It should be borne in mind that if the scores are accrued on maternity time, it leaves the total experience, and the situation is possible when the amount of the pension as a whole becomes lower than it has been recalculated.

In addition, if a person has not reached a retirement age, but receives government deductions ahead of schedule, then the care of a certain number of years will deprive his right to retire. Who can appeal to recalculate if the calculations show that the citizen is unprofitable to translate the maternity time from the overall experience in the score calculations, the size of the amount paid does not change, because the PF of the Russian Federation does not have the right to worsen the material situation of the person.

For a month and a half decar year, 2.7 points will be charged on the first child, 2-5.4, by 3 and 4 - 8.1.

The whole truth about paying place to the pension to women who gave birth to children in the USSR until 1990

The dimensions of such additional payments are different depending on the specific circumstances that local PF bodies need to be notified. For example, for a pensioner, a raising child, which is trained in person, is established an increase in its pension at a fixed level (this is 1500 rubles).

But as soon as the educational stops training or reaches 23 years, such payments are terminated by the Federal Law on the Pension for Children born until 1990: a new order. Representatives of the government have developed a relevant order, thanks to which monthly surcharges for pensions have become possible. In such an increased retirement, women, whose children were born until 1990, in other words, during the USSR times.

True, there is another additional condition: a woman should have retired no later than 2015.
This can be done in person by coming through the state service portal - or using the services of Russian Post. Is additional charged to the pension for children born until 1990 or until 1980? The increase is calculated for children who were born previously specified years. It is beneficial to the calculation will not be for all pensioners, but only for those who:

  1. Did not have official work.
  2. Had a small income or wages.

It makes no sense to seek recalculation in such cases:

  1. Retirement has occurred in 2015-2018. This optional calculation is economically inexpedient. The size of the increase is zero or goes in minus.
  2. The pensioner has one child.

What documents are needed to add a pension born to 1990

The pension increase cannot be framed to a pensioner if he receives the insurance payment for a disabled person who has been dependent. In general, it is possible to determine whether a citizen can get additional points, will solve the PFR specialist. As a rule, pensioners really get an increase in monthly payments for children born to 1990 or to 1980.

The size of the pension to the pension to women with children is an example of recalculation of pensions for children born during the USSR and later on the size of a score gain, which will then be redeemed into the cash equivalent, affect the individual factors of the applicant. The calculation depends on: 1. Children to note that the scores can be accrued only for 6 years, that is, for four children, and no more.

Note that if with such a recalculation it turns out that the woman's pension has become only less, then you will leave the one that was. To recalculate, you need to contact the local pension fund, and already there to write a corresponding statement. Federal Law on Pensions for Children Born until 1990: What documents need to receive additional documents you will need the following documents: first, an application for surcharge, in which you specify your personal data, place of residence, as well as child data. Secondly, the child's birth certificate. Third, labor book or other work on work. Fourth, a certificate that previously you did not appeal for such a payment. Fifth, form number 9, which is issued in the passport desk.

Supplement to the pension for children in the Russian Federation is carried out for each child, if he is not his income face, that is, is on full provision of a pensioner. This is financial assistance. The size of the pension additional payments is different, depend on the specific circumstances, which must be notified by local PF bodies.

For example, for a pensioner, a raising child, which is trained in person, is established an increase in its pension at a fixed level (this is 1500 rubles). But as soon as the educational stops learning or reaches 23 years, such payments are terminated.
The government's resolution on the premium to the pension to women who gave birth to children until 1990 has already entered into force and can already be submitted to recalculate pensions (in August 2017, but can also be later).

According to the definition in the Technical Regulations,

Biologically active additives for food (BAA) - Natural I.(or) identical to natural biologically active substances as wellprobiotic microorganisms intended for usesimultaneously with food or introduction to the composition of food products

The dietary supplements refer to the use of form (in tablets, capsules, in the form of syrups, jelly, powders, etc.), which are either directly either are bred by liquid, and do not require additional preparation procedures.

How to register dietary supplements on the territory of the Customs Union

Here you will find up-to-date and useful information on registration of biologically active additives in Russia and other EurAsEC countries.

Where to register bad?

On the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, the registration of BAA is carried out:
. In the Russian Federation - Federal Service of Rospotrebnadzor
. In Belarus - Republican Center for Hygiene and Public Health
. In Kazakhstan - Committee on the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Ministry of National Economics of the Republic of Kazakhstan
. In Kyrgyzstan - Department of Profylicics of Diseases and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic
The registration procedure itself is the same and differs only by price and timing.

Requirements for Bad

All requirements for biologically active additives and processes of their production are set out in the Technical Regulations.

Stages of registration of badges

Registration includes 3 main stages:
1. Tests of samples
2. Examination of documentation
3. Registration of the certificate of state registration

What are checked when testing?

Safety Bad
. Authenticity (compliance of the stated and actually present components)
Sometimes - GMO Status

After research and expertise, the decision on state registration of dietary supplements is made.

What happens with a negative conclusion?

If you get a negative expert opinion in the Russian Federation, its copy will also go to Rospotrebnadzor. This will make it very difficult for further registration, or even make it impossible. To register, you will have to change the name of the BAA and re-undergo the entire procedure from scratch. Such procedures are also operating in Belarus, and in Kazakhstan.

Do you want to register the BAA from the first time without any problems?

Then we draw your attention to key requirements:

Bad - an additional source of biologically active substances / microorganisms

Your product can be considered the BAA only if it contains biologically active substances / microorganisms in the amount of more than 10% of the adequate level of consumption per day, but not more than the upper permissible level of consumption. It is these components that are indicated in the certificate of state registration of the BAA in the wording "... an additional source ...".
If your dietary supplements also contain biologically active components in an amount of from 5% to 10% adequate level of consumption, such components are also indicated in the SGD to the BAA, but with the wording "... contains ...".


During the registration tests of the BAA, the following security indicators are checked:
. microbiological indicators
. The content of toxic elements
. Pesticides (for Bad with vegetable components)
. Permissible levels of radionuclides

Want to avoid unnecessary costs and make sure that your product in your properties can really be registered as bad?

We will conduct pre-registration tests, based on the results of which you can adjust the recipe, technology or simply gain confidence that your dietary supplement can be successfully registered without refinement.
We provide pre-registration tests only in accredited laboratories and, in the case of positive results, the obtained protocols can be used directly during the registration process.

Permitted components

Components that are allowed to use in dietary supplements on the territory of the Customs Union differ from other countries. For non-prohibited, for example, a popular athletes and freely distributed in many countries Tribulus Terrestris and, for example, is unexpectedly free-free nutmeg nuts. The list of prohibited components can be viewed in Appendix 7 to the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On Food Safety" (Tr Ts 021/2011).

Availability of dyes or preservatives

The content of dyes and / or preservatives in the BAA registering must comply with the technical regulations of the Customs Union "The requirements of the safety of food additives, flavors and technological aids (TC 029/2012).
If you exceed the permissible rules, you will have to adjust the recipe.

Do you have a doubt that the composition of the BAA fully meets the requirements?

Recipe indicating the quantitative content of all, incl. auxiliary, components. If there are plant components in the composition, you must specify their Latin name and from which parts of the plant these components are obtained. Our experts will conduct a preliminary examination of the composition of your Bad and, if necessary, will be given recommendations for the recipe and / or technology adjustment.
You will not lose anything, because The price of preliminary examination will be deducted from the cost of services for supporting the BAA registration, but you can win time and save money, because in case of obtaining a negative result of the official expertise, money is not returned.

Foodstuff traditions

For registration in the Russian Federation, the BAA should contain only components that have the traditions of food use at least in the country of origin (according to the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 2 of January 17, 2013).

Availability of oils

If your Bad contains oil, you may need to verify its compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "Technical Regulations for Melting Products" (Tr Ts 024/2011).


Bad marking is regulated by the requirements of the technical regulations "Food products in terms of its marking" (Tr Ts 022/2011).

Explanatory note

For the registration of the BAA, it is also necessary to provide an explanatory note with printing and signature of an authorized person from the manufacturer.
We can help you draw up the necessary explanatory note, which justifies the properties of the BAA due to the presence of certain components.

Each dietary supplement is their certificate

If you are registering somewhat even very similar in the composition of the BAA, you will need to receive a separate testimony for each BAA.
The exception is the registration of dietary supplies in different forms (for example, powder, capsules, pills).
When registering the BAA in Russia with a high probability, you can get one certificate of state registration for dietary supplements with different tastes. When registering in Belarus, even the difference in tastes is considered essential, and you will have to execute so many certificates of state registration on the BAA, how many tastes you declare. In Kazakhstan, the issue of unification of the Bad with different tastes in one certificate of state registration of an unequivocal decision does not have, and remains at the discretion of experts.

What is necessary for the registration of bad

For the State Registration of biologically active additives, it is necessary to provide a set of documents on the examination (see requirements for documents for registration of imported dietary supplements and for the registration of dietary supplements produced in the territory of the Customs Union).

For the registration of the BAA on the territory of the Russian Federation, it will be necessary to provide all documents in 2 copies (one in the examination dossier, the second - in the state registration file), one set of documents will be enough to register the BDA in Belarus or Kazakhstan.

Documents submitted for the State Registration of the BAA in a foreign language must necessarily be accompanied by a translation into Russian, certified by a notarized translator's signature with an application of a copy of the translator.

The presence of foreign test reports, certificates of analysis and reports is taken into account, but does not cancel the need for tests in a laboratory accredited in the Customs Union.

We recommend special attention to pay the labeling of biologically active additives: to avoid unnecessary costs it is not necessary to order printing labels before confirming the layout by experts, so that you do not have additional stickers and / or pay fines.

One of the required documents when registering biologically active additives is an explanatory note, justifying the properties of the dietary supplements due to the presence of certain components. Our specialists will help to make it up if necessary. But our team can also organize and conduct a client studies of the BAA, so that you and your consumers can be really confident in the effectiveness of the dietary supplement. Then in addition to the certificate of state registration, you can get a research report and voluntary certificate.

For Russian manufacturers, the BAA will require mandatory to provide an act of sampling, certified by the seal of the local territorial FBUD. Even if this document does not require when making documents for examination, the documents for registration without such an act will not be taken.

For the registration of the BAA, the samples will also need to be provided on the test - 6-8 pcs. (depending on the standard packaging, ~ 200-300 g).

Prices and dates of registration of bad

The price of expertise and tests of the BAA depends on the number of components of the BAA.

In the Russian Federation, the price of expertise and testing of BAD is regulated by the order of Rospotrebnadzor from September 17, 2012 N 907 "On approval of the methodology for determining the amount of board and limit sizes for sanitary-epidemiological examinations, investigations, surveys, research, testing, toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments In the sphere of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of a person. "

According to the orders, the BAA is divided into 5 groups of complexity. Approximate test prices and expertise for BAA 1 complexity groups - single-component BAD ~ 45 thousand rubles, for BAA 5 Group of complexity - BAA, in which 11 or more components ~ 100 thousand rubles.

The standard test term / Examination of Bad is 60 days, registration - 30 days, subject to the absence of comments from experts to submitted documents. If necessary, we can help optimize terms.

When registering multicomponent dietary supplements in Belarus, more modest budgets are required, but the term is significantly more.

Approximate deadlines and prices of registration of the BAA in Belarus and in the Russian Federation "Turnkey" you can see in the section.

Data on the biologically active additives under the procedure of state registration are made to a single register of state registration certificates (in the event of the inoperability of a single registry - see the national parts of the Unified Registry of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan).

To avoid refusal of refusal to register, we strongly recommend that it is recommended to check before applying for registration of products in the registers of certificates of state registration of products, since According to the law, the specific product of a particular manufacturer is registered only once, the applicant is not important at the same time!

Women having one or more children who were born in Soviet times or a little later than the 90s, can count on the retirement payment. Consider who can get a cash surcharge in 2018, in what size and who are recalculated. The content of the article:

  1. Who is the recalculation of pensions for children?
  2. Pension increases, an example recalculation
  3. Documents for recalculation of pension - where to contact?
  4. Surcharge to pension for children born to 1990 or until 1980

Who is the recalculation of retirement for children, and is it worth reworking a pension taking into account additional payments for children born to 1980, 1990 and later? The main condition for women who wish to raise recalculation and obtain the necessary funds is registered in the legislation - a woman must retire earlier on January 1, 2015.

Who is the surcharge to pension for children born until 1990

The district coefficient is 15%. The final size of the surcharge for Margarita Pavlovna is 5041 rubles. Supplement to pension for children born to 1990. What documents are needed for decorment for children

  1. Passport.
  2. SNILS.
  3. Statement.
  4. Birth certificate for each child (with a marking about the issuance of a passport).
  5. If the certificate of the child does not have a mark on issuing a passport, then a document confirming that he is more than a hundred and a half (school certificate, a copy of the passport).

Before going to the pension fund separation, it is better to call again, describe your situation and clarify which documents are required.
Usually, employees have the newest information about changes. Supplement to pension for children born to 1990.

Poster to pension for children born to 1990

Domestic officials adopted the following measures to pay for women to the amount of pensions that gave birth to children in the Soviet Union until 1990:

  1. Women who gave birth to 1990 in the Soviet Union to the increase in monthly payments are inclusive. Women retired later than 2015 are not entitled to this recalculation for children born until 1990.
    According to the staff of the FIU, this category of persons already falls under innovations and receives the most profitable social benefits for them.
  2. Pensioners who retired from January 1, 2015, the Fund employees are appointed the most profitable social benefits, taking into account or without taking into account children born until 1990. This allows a large category of citizens of old age not to handle further in the FIU.

403 Forbidden.

Poster to pension for children is not surcharge in the usual sense. This is a change in pension calculation conditions for women with children.

It is impossible to receive money for the work experience during the period of the decree, and surcharge on the points. It is calculated by the transfer of maternity leave into pension points.

This calculation increases the size of the pension, but not always. When recalculating the points, the experience decreases by the number of years spent on childcare leave.
It is not beneficial to those who worked in rural areas, in harmful conditions, in the north, retired early. We tell what happened to whom it is profitable to recalculate a pension, how to do this and how to change monthly payments.


The latest news since 2015 pension is calculated in a new way: the number of points multiply on the cost of 1 point. This number is summed with a guaranteed payment and cumulative part.

Poster to pension for children born to 1990 - what documents are needed?

A very important factor that affects the number of additional amount is the degree of disability of pensioners, so employees of the Federal Republic of China are conducted strictly individual recalculation of surcharges of each pensioner who has applied to the Regional Fund to the Regional Fund. Who has the right to expect to recalculate and pay pensions in 2015 in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation also published a list of special categories of the population who are eligible for the pension:

  • working retirees;
  • disabled;
  • citizens of retirement age, having dependents;
  • citizens who are or were employees of the Far North;
  • former employees of municipal institutions;
  • honorary donors (have the right to receive annual premiums up to 10,000 rubles);

In each individual region of the country, additional payments are appointed.

Poster to pension for children by pensioners in 2018


Despite mass misconceptions that they pay only for those children who were born before the collapse of the USSR. The fact is that surcharge goes higher from those pensioners who worked great lives in the Soviet Union.

These are just those pensioners whose children were born until 1990-1991. Supplement to pension for children born to 1990. Fixed surcharge for minor children The state pays a fixed premium to the pension to the guardians of minor children. The degree of kinship does not matter: native children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren. The premium pay up to 18 years. If the child gets education at the university, school, college, then the allowance will extend to 23 years.
For children with disabilities there are no age limits.

What documents are needed for registration of children's aids

We list which amounts of points can be accrued, according to article 15 of the federal law under number 400, approved on December 28, 2013. 2. Overall work experience of a pensioner 3. income for that period of time the salary that a citizen received is very affected by the size of the surcharge.

The calculation is made purely individually:

  1. The points are accrued for the period when the pensioner did not work, was not officially officially and was on the decret to 1.5 years.
  2. The period when a citizen was employed, can be counted and translated into points for childcare or points for work, experience. Other options are not suggested by law.

We give examples of calculating the pension surcharge for children Example 1. Citizen Ivanov bore in Soviet times, in 1988, one child. Having retired in 2014, she asked to calculate the score gain.

Dumping to pension for children born to 1990 in 2018

It is unprofitable to recalculate the pension to women who:

  • received a high white salary;
  • retired under the age of 55 years.

If a woman worked during pregnancy and decree and officially received a high salary, then recalculation will reduce payments: decree decreases from the employment experience. This leads to a decrease in the benefits received. In this case, in recalculation, the staff of the FIU will refuse: according to the law it is impossible to worsen the conditions for receiving a pension.

In practice, it turns out that surcharge goes lower than the accrual over a year and a half work experience, if a pensioner has less than three children. The gain will be tangible if the mother has a big experience for Soviet times at a low salary.

Then the additive will be higher than the accrual for the experience. But here everything is individually. The recalculation will not increase the amount of payments if the work experience forms a higher retirement than a surcharge for a year and a half decree.