How to quickly seduce a man: the best of the geisha experience. Woman sign language. seduction gestures

Without physical contact

Hair. Women are not so careful about their hair, because it is one of the most striking symbols of sexuality. It is believed that the length of the hair is not unimportant, but here it is already called, the main thing is to be able to serve. A man will watch NATO as if spellbound, as a woman casually smooths her hair or periodically straightens a rebellious strand, as luck would have it, constantly getting out of her hair.

Women's wrists. A woman's wrists invariably attract the attention of a man. So it will not be superfluous to show them by accidentally adjusting the bracelet or watch.

Women's lips. There is no point in saying how attractive a seductively ajar woman's face looks attractive. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, so it is better to practice in front of the mirror in order to look exactly seductive, and not stupid or comical.

Women's legs. So much has been said about the attractiveness of female legs that it simply does not make sense to repeat it all again. But if there are still women who do not know how to seduce a man with their feet, you can advise them to watch the film "Basic Instinct".

Female smile needle. Every woman, though by hearsay, knows about shooting with her eyes. No man can ignore a woman's sweet, open smile, all the more if it is combined with her shining eyes.

In general, a look can express a lot, and embarrassment, interest, and even a negative attitude towards a person or a situation.

Women's gait. As one of the heroines of the Soviet film, beloved by many, said: "It is the gait that makes a woman a woman." A man, of course, will pay attention to a lady walking like a soldier on a parade ground, but it is a soft, smooth, sexy (not to be confused with vulgar) and feminine gait that will have the proper effect on him. So, if not given by nature, you have to train.

How to be attractive to sit next to a man

The optimal posture that will attract a man is when the woman is sitting cross-legged. But here, too, there are some nuances. The higher one leg is on the other, the more effective the woman looks as a whole. Such a pose allows you not only to pay attention to women's legs, but also to her whole figure and become. The main thing is that the cross-legged pose can emphasize the sexuality of a woman, the main thing is that at the same time she was wearing a decently long skirt. Otherwise, it will be attractive only for very specific purposes.

Object games

Sexual psychology has been studied for a long time, many rules of behavior and associative symbolism have not undergone any significant changes since they were derived and proven by the best minds studying this science. Phallic symbols are considered the main components of sexual psychology. So, if a woman was able to attract the attention of a man who, like a bewitched, follows her movements, in order to consolidate the result, she can use third-party objects, for example, a cigarette or a lighter that she inadvertently begins to twirl in her hand, or a glass leg, which she lightly strokes, can excite the wildest fantasies in a man.

Touch games

Touching yourself. If, during communication with a man, a woman touches some parts of her body, her interlocutor perceives this as an invitation, or as a call for more decisive action. All this is not done navashchevno, as if by chance, otherwise it is no longer the ability to give the right signal, but unnecessary pressure.

Touching it. If a woman is determined to further closer contact with a man, she dilutes all the above manipulations with "casual" touches to her interlocutor.

All of these techniques are not new, but still very effective, and when used correctly, they amaze with the results that a woman who knows how to use them can achieve.

Once during a consultation, one girl, Veronica, asked me a question: “I am already 25 years old, but, to be honest, I absolutely do not know how to get to know men. If I like someone, I immediately feel embarrassed and look away, and generally try to stay away. As if I'm ashamed to show my interest.

I know that I am doing everything wrong, that men are also indecisive. But what is to be done? I try to take care of myself, buy myself only expensive clothes, constantly change my hairstyle, but nothing helps. The wrong men are meeting me. Help motivate someone you like. "

An interested look is like a revelation with another person: "I like you, look at me too!" Veronica is not used to seduction gestures, so such frankness (openness) causes embarrassment in her.

Meanwhile, with the help of body position, gestures and facial expressions, you can influence the subconscious of a person and interest him without any problems. You don't even have to lead long conversations ... How can this be done?

Conquer prejudices and complexes

It is necessary discard all prejudices that it is indecent to seduce a man first. This is not true. Men also love to be seduced. They may also have low self-esteem and they may also hesitate to take the first step. Help them in this, start first.

Don't self-flagellate like: “I'm completely unattractive, who will get to know such a person?”, “Maybe he doesn't like me?”, “Maybe I'm not dressed like that?”, “Why did I get my hair cut like that? It doesn't suit me at all "," Here, again

Practice non-corporeal contact

  • Smile and look

What person would you like to communicate with? Of course, with a cheerful and radiating positive energy. Therefore, a sparkling look and a sincere smile (not to be confused with a strained one!) Is the best way attract a man .

Magical Gaze Options:

  1. To establish contact with a man, wink at him and smile, as if allowing him to get to know you.
  2. It is known that a person's pupils dilate when he is in a good mood, sexually aroused or interested. Look at any object far behind the man, and then turn your gaze sharply at the man. By quickly focusing on a close subject, your pupils are bound to dilate.
  3. Keep your eyes on the man, then look away and look at him again, from under the eyelashes.

It is important to note that there are no taboo looks in seduction, the main thing is that they do not look theatrical, but are as natural as possible and match your mood.

  • Hair

Long, silky, fresh-smelling hair of your beloved, which is so pleasant to touch with your fingers, bury your nose in them and feel protected and sexy - every man's dream.

Show him all the beauty of your hair - shake it (you can pre-apply perfume on it), fix your hair or smooth your hair. Play with the strands - wrap it around your finger and loosen it, repeat several times. Men will be mesmerized by this action.

When dealing with hair, casually expose your neck, this will make the man tremble.

  • Wrists

As if by the way, demonstrate to the man the delicate skin of the inner side of the wrist. This can be done by allegedly straightening the sleeves, playing or looking at the bracelets on the arms.

  • Gait

“Free from the hip. Unchained free plastic of a panther before the jump, "- this is how the heroine of the film" Office Romance "describes the gait of a seductive woman.

Straighten your back, tighten your stomach, spread your shoulders. Try to keep your head straight. Move in small steps, slightly wiggling your hips - it looks very exciting.

The exercise. To train your body to walk with small steps, wear a long narrow skirt on the street, but at home you can practice by tying your legs with a rope, leaving 25 cm and so walking around the room. Do not forget that with a beautiful gait, the leg moves first, and then the body.

  • Correct posture

Don't slouch when sitting or standing. Do this the exercise... Stand with your back against the wall, lean against it with the back of your head (do not raise your chin), shoulder blades (slightly spread your shoulders), elbows, buttocks and heels. Wait a while.

Move away from the wall and walk while maintaining position. Stand against the wall again and test yourself. Did it work without errors? Repeat this exercise several times, the body should remember the correct position.

  • Sitting and standing poses

Seduction without words: poses and gestures

The direction of your feet will help to show interest in the interlocutor. If you are talking or listening / looking at the person you like, make sure the socks are directed towards the person you are talking to. So you will hint to him about your interest and cause him to respond with gratitude and trust. Do not keep your arms crossed.

If you are sitting, you can beautifully throw one thigh over the other, so the legs look more graceful and sexy. But do not overdo it in showing off your charms. This method will not work if you came in a short skirt or dress. Excessive frankness will scare a man away.

  • Copying gestures, poses, and breathing rhythm

The interlocutor is always pleased to meet his own kind. Someone who speaks his language, enjoys the same hobby, supports similar points of view. “You and I are of the same blood,” - that's what kindred spirits say.

In order for a man to see his soul mate in you, mirror his poses and gestures: he put the glass on the table - put you on it, he folded his hands in the castle - do the same, he changed his position - do the same. The man will relax and feel safe with you.

But do not overdo it - parroting can be interpreted by your interlocutor as a mockery.

Listen to his breathing and try to breathe at the same rate.


  • Touching yourself

Many women, communicating with a man they like, instinctively touch various parts of their body - their hips, wrists, fingers, ears, neck, and stroke them. All this is nothing more than a subconscious command to the man "I feel good and comfortable with you, I really want your caresses."

Our gestures speak much more eloquently about what we are thinking than our words. Women are much more emotional than men and gesture much more often. What does the woman's sign language say, how to recognize the gestures of seduction - you will get an answer to these and other questions in this article.

On the one hand, it is the woman who decides how far her relationship with this man will go, on the other, according to the rules of good manners that have developed over the centuries, a woman should not openly show her interest in a man. How, then, can she show that she likes a man? In search of an answer to this question, women have come up with thousands of tricks and tricks, some of which we will consider in this article.

The first thing a woman does to attract a man's attention is starts to smarten up: straightens already well-fitting clothes, smoothes wrinkles, straightens hair.

All these gestures are designed, firstly, to grab the attention of a man, causing him to have an orientation reflex. After all, a moving object draws more attention to itself than a static one.

Secondly, to show the smoothness of movements, beauty and well-groomed hands. Many men judge by the condition of their hands how clean a woman is and whether she is used to taking care of herself.

Thirdly, it is a way to showcase your wrists, the skin on which is thin and delicate. This gesture symbolizes both the defenselessness and the availability of a woman.

In general wrist demonstration- a very common female gesture in which a woman seems to be revealed, revealing something secret, intimate. In ancient times, when women wore gloves, exposing their hands was considered a very familiar act. Any woman interested in a man could barely bare his wrists without fear of appearing immodest.

Many women love to wear bracelets. They serve to, on the one hand, emphasize women's fragility and vulnerability, and on the other, create a symbolic obstacle that a man must overcome. Remember, in many TV shows, lovers, not without reciprocity, kiss the woman's palms and wrists, taking the bracelets aside, while with a more formal kiss, the lips of the fan touch the back of the hand or just the tips of the fingers.

In general, if a woman allows herself to be touched, then this indicates that the man is at least pleasant to her. Therefore, innocent touching hands or clothes can serve as a kind of test for trust and acceptance. If the woman did not strain and did not move away from your light touch, then you can assume that she does not mind more decisive actions. But you need to act prudently, not forcing events.

Hair fix Is another common complex gesture. A woman straightens her hair even when she is nervous. This movement helps her gain self-confidence and a sense of support. But in this case, the gesture will be sharper, not smooth. Seducing, the woman straightens her hair slowly and sensually, allowing the man to take a good look at her hands and hair.

Shaking loose hair- another eloquent gesture. Listen carefully to the word "licentious" - it speaks of openness and inner freedom. This is what women want to emphasize when they shake their hair. You will not meet a woman with loose hair at any official reception, or in a government office. And here in Ukraine only young unmarried girls had the right to wear loose or even just bare hair, while married ladies had to always cover their heads with a scarf.

Playing with her hair, shaking it, transferring the hair gathered in a lush armful from one shoulder to another, a woman tries to attract the attention of a man, make him want to touch them, approaching the woman herself. In addition, beautiful, lush, shiny hair is an indicator of good health, which is also worth demonstrating to a man who chooses a partner for himself. And yet, shaking their hair, women often expose the neck and shoulders covered by them, which also refers to the gestures of seduction.

Opening the neck... Women often throw back or turn their heads to the side to reveal their necks. So they strive to emphasize the beauty of posture and tenderness of the skin. And also, they indirectly make it clear that men are open and not afraid. After all, the neck is a very fragile place, and our instincts tell us that it needs to be protected.

Often, to emphasize the gentle curve, a woman runs her hands along her neck. In general, such “unnecessary” gestures, meaningless from the point of view of functionality, are often aimed precisely at attracting attention. Therefore, if you see that a woman is running her finger or the whole hand over her arm or her leg, this means that she seeks to draw your attention to these parts of her body. Well, if she has already started stroking you, then this is a clear and unequivocal sign of sympathy and interest in developing relationships.

Bare shoulder its rounded shape resembles a woman's breast. Realizing this, consciously or not, a woman seeks to open her shoulder to the man she likes. There is already a clear element of nudity in this, hinting that the woman does not mind continuing communication in the same direction.

Often women touch their cheeks to their bare shoulder, lifting it slightly. This gesture, on the one hand, emphasizes the vulnerability and defenselessness of a woman, and is intended to arouse a man's desire to protect her, i.e. hug and hug. On the other hand, he speaks of a clear desire for bodily contact, a desire to feel the warmth of another person.

Sidelong glance, from under slightly drooping eyelids, often accompanied by a slight smile, also clearly indicates a woman's interest and her desire to receive reciprocal signs of attention from a man. Women generally maintain eye contact more often than men, but they try to do it implicitly, gradually. And with more developed peripheral vision, they secretly observe the object of interest, looking in his direction, and not himself. But, if a woman, slightly lowering her head, looks a man in the eyes, and mischievous sparks play in them, then this clearly shows her interest in this man.

Shortening the distance clearly indicates a transition to a qualitatively new level of conversation. If a person invades your intimate area, which is approximately the distance of an outstretched arm, or allows you to cross the boundaries of his own, this indicates his obvious desire to get closer, his readiness for more intimate contacts. Therefore, when you sit closer or touch a woman, watch her reaction. If she did not move away, and even more so she leaned towards you, then she does not mind continuing with you on a closer level.

Wiggle the shoe on the toes, forcing the heel to either bare or hide again from the male gaze also eloquently testifies to the mood and train of thought of a woman. Likewise, she draws attention to her slender legs and slender ankles, often accentuated by a bracelet. This gesture also refers to gestures of a kind of nudity, and the forward rhythmic movement back and forth leads to unambiguous thoughts. Again, the movement should be fluid, graceful. In a sharper execution, it may indicate a woman's irritation.

By the way, the direction in which the toe of the shoe or the bent knee of a woman is looking indicates the direction in which the object of her interest is. Therefore, do not be surprised if a woman, preening and smiling in your presence, suddenly pulls away when trying to close the distance. Better pay attention to where her legs are looking, as well as the direction of hand gestures. It is possible that all these signals of interest were not addressed to you, but to someone else nearby.

And finally explicit sexual interest gestures :

Licking lips; half-open mouth showing tongue; slowly eating elongated objects (banana, ice cream), looking into the eyes of a man; sucking a cocktail from a tube, driving your finger in the décolleté area and up the leg, especially on the inside of it; unbuttoning a blouse, allowing you to look deeper into the neckline; opening the slit of the skirt with a demonstration of the knees; twisting and stroking elongated objects in the hands; putting on and removing the cap from the handle, etc. gestures.

It is not at all necessary to be alone with the object of your sympathy in order to draw attention to your person. The art of flirting can be used anywhere, anytime.

You can attract male attention without words, it is enough to know the language of signs and the secrets of a special style of behavior. There are not many conditions - only two. First, the object must be within your reach. Secondly, you must be psychologically prepared to meet with him.

Sharon Stone demonstrates several flirting techniques at the same time

Psychological preparation

In order to "tune" for success, use the power of your imagination.

  • First, imagine yourself at that moment in life when you felt especially good and took your breath away from pleasure and drive - no matter where and when it happened - it can be either a roller coaster descent or a parachute jump or a barefoot night walk along the embankment or swimming in an ice-hole, remember your every sensation, and, having entered this state, begin to act. If you want to radiate erotic vibes, remember the most sensual moments.
  • Then be clear about the goal you want to achieve. Its wording should be structured in such a way that the implementation depends only on you and not on other people. Don't tell yourself, "Let all the guys go crazy with me," say, "I drive anyone crazy." Avoid constructions with the words "I want", "I will." Otherwise, you will want to, but not receive and wait for a wonderful tomorrow.

No body contact

Hair is one of the brightest sexual symbols. So sit opposite, shake your hair, straighten out a strand of hair that is out of your hair, smooth your hair, or just run your hand over it. Some men can, like hypnotized, watch how a long curl is wound around a finger, then it opens, and then this action begins anew.


Another "male fetish" is the inner side of women's wrists. Show off their delicate skin by adjusting their sleeves, for example.

The lips can be seductively parted, just practice beforehand, picking up the maximum diameter in front of the mirror, so as not to seem yawning or asthma sufferers who need immediate access to air.

Thanks to the "Basic Instinct", everyone has long been convinced that the legs play an important role in seduction. So feel free to shift them.

Eyes and smile

A wide and open smile paired with sparkling eyes is a great weapon. Pupils dilate reflexively when we feel excitement and excitement. Eye shooting technique is worth learning additionally.

The gaze can lower, expressing agreement, rise to the ceiling, quickly slide over the body, and stop in front of the eyes of the counterpart. You can keep your eyes on him, then instantly look away, and look at the man again, but from under the eyelashes. Remember that there are no forbidden looks, the main thing is that they do not look pretentious, but as natural as possible, so practice!

Move with a straight back, small steps (they look sexier), slightly swaying your hips (do not get carried away), bring the heel of one leg behind the toe of the other.

Seductive back bend

The way a woman stands, how she walks, how she sits, is instantly noted by a man at the subconscious level. At the same time, the bending of your back has the greatest impact. To develop a regal posture, do the following.

  • Stand with your back against the wall, touching it with the following areas of your body:
  • head without lifting the chin;
  • shoulders, slightly turning them back, but not too zealous;
  • elbows, but not the wrist;
  • buttocks;
  • calves, if possible;
  • heels

Straighten your back, push your chest forward and up. While maintaining this body position, place the palm of your hand on the base of the spine, at the very bottom and slightly forward it, moving it away from the wall: this will provide the spinal column with a deep bend. Move away from the wall.

Remember that a man does not react to the volume of a woman's breasts or to the length of her legs, but, above all, to the bending of her spine. A woman of any age should pay special attention to the spine, and then she will be able to make a lasting impression.

Learning to sit attractively

When a woman puts one leg over the other in the knee area, she just sits in the way that suits her best. But the closer her legs are crossed to the top of the thigh, the more interest she is in men. In addition, this position of the legs automatically gives her spine the right bend. And in general, legs crossed high at the hips look slimmer, longer and sexier. This is the most effective way for a woman to demonstrate the overall virtues of her figure and, of course, the shape of her legs. A pose with legs crossed at the hips will emphasize your sensuality, but only if you do not allow yourself to forget about the length of the skirt: in demonstrating your charm, it is very important not to overdo it. In principle, clothes that are too provocative and provocative are more likely to scare away than attract a man.

"Object games"

Twirl something oblong in your fingers. Since the time of Freud's grandfather, no significant changes have occurred in the psychology of sexuality; phallic symbols have remained an important component of it. So pick up a cigarette, a stem of a glass, etc., hinting to a man that you are not averse to doing the same manipulations, but not with this object. If you have achieved the fact that the man does not take his eyes off you, shake the shoe. Such actions are perceived by representatives of the strong half of humanity as a very strong and clear erotic signal.

The art of touch

If you touch your body, the man deciphers these actions as "I want you to do the same." You can run your hand over your shoulders or hips, buttocks, or chest. Attention will be riveted on your chest if you accidentally shake a drop of water from a misted glass into the hollow, and then start wiping it off with your finger.

Playing with casual touching can be the beginning of closer contact. You can touch his wrist, expressing agreement, run your hand over his forearm, saying goodbye. Or you can just give him something - a glass, a cup, a lighter, cigarettes, a pen (depending on the situation).

In principle, all these techniques can be called classic, but they still work. And with their help you can fall in love with anyone. To achieve the maximum effect "adjust" to the man, speak his language (use the same words as he does), breathe to the beat, move at the same tempo and rhythm, in a word, adjust to him.

If a woman likes a man, she will show it in every possible way, without noticing it herself. And all her intentions will certainly be betrayed by sign language. To understand how a woman treats you, you need to pay attention to her gestures.

Unlike men, who often show their interest in no more than 10-15 signs, girls have up to 50 different gestures that she uses when flirting with the opposite sex. We will tell only about a small fraction of these movements, but they will obviously indicate that the hunt is open for you.

Plays with hair

The first thing that a woman does in order to attract the attention of a man is to preen herself. Seducing, the woman straightens her hair slowly and sensually, allowing the man to take a good look at her hands and hair. If you noticed how a girl plays with her hair, shakes it, transferring her hair gathered in a lush armful from one shoulder to another, this is a sure sign that she is trying to attract your attention, to make you want to touch her.

Opens up the neck

Women often throw back or turn their heads to the side to reveal their necks. So they strive to emphasize the beauty of posture and tenderness of the skin. And also, they indirectly make it clear that men are open and not afraid. After all, the neck is a very fragile place, and our instincts tell us that it needs to be protected.

Often, to emphasize the gentle curve, a woman runs her hands along her neck. In general, such “unnecessary” gestures, meaningless from the point of view of functionality, are often aimed precisely at attracting attention.

Exposes the shoulder

One or two is no longer important. The association of a rounded female shoulder with a female breast is firmly rooted in the minds of males. Pay attention to how the great Monroe poses? Exactly so - showing a shoulder and coquettishly glancing from behind it at the viewer. The look thrown in this way drives even women crazy, not like men! Although we called this movement “gaze,” it actually involves the whole body. This is a kind of secret weapon.

Often women touch their cheeks to their bare shoulder, lifting it slightly. This gesture, on the one hand, emphasizes the vulnerability and defenselessness of a woman, and is intended to arouse a man's desire to protect her, i.e. hug and hug. On the other hand, he speaks of a clear desire for bodily contact, a desire to feel the warmth of another person.

Licks lips

Probably the most sensual part of our body is the lips, it is on them that all attention is directed during a conversation between a man and a woman. Licking and biting lips, half-open mouth showing tongue, sucking cocktail from a straw - what is still not clear?

Directs the body towards you

If a girl likes you, then the direction of her legs and the whole body will be a sure sign - if she sits, turning in your direction or pointing her knees at you, you can confidently continue the communication, counting on the continuation.

Flirts with a shoe

The swinging of the shoe on the toes, forcing the heel to either bare or hide again from the male gaze, also eloquently testifies to the mood and train of thought of a woman. She can also smoothly and gracefully swing her leg from side to side, which will also indicate her intention to seduce you. In a sharper execution, it may indicate a woman's irritation.

Casting sidelong glances

A look from under slightly drooping eyelids, often accompanied by a slight smile, also clearly indicates a woman's interest and her desire to receive reciprocal signs of attention from a man. Women generally maintain eye contact more often than men, but they try to do it implicitly, gradually. And with more developed peripheral vision, they secretly observe the object of interest, looking not at him, but only in his direction. But, if a woman, slightly lowering her head, looks a man in the eyes, and mischievous sparks play in them, then this clearly shows her interest in this man.

Plays with decorations

Such a rather subtle gesture as playing with an earring or jewelry on the neck can be more expressive than many phrases! Do you know why showing off your jewelry in public is often equivalent to saying “I liked you”? The subconscious mind of a woman playing with her jewelry makes her experience tactile pleasure and adds a sense of comfort to her. On the other hand, a woman subconsciously draws the man's attention to her appearance, “opens her feathers” in the hope of provoking reciprocal sympathy in you.

All these gestures are unconsciously used by women when they see an attractive person in front of them. They are complemented by lively and active facial expressions, since the peculiarity of the female psyche is its large, in comparison with the male, mobility and emotionality, which are clearly manifested in communication. Did you notice something like that? Be sure that the girl is interested in you - write down the phone number!