How to recognize a single woman by her appearance. ways to carry a big bag and look like a style icon rather than a tortured housewife. Indifference to cooking

When you talk to a girl "about this and that ...", she says that she came here for the sake of: good music, to dance, hang out, drink coffee or have a snack; that she was carried away by her friend and she is just here to support her friend, but “so-and-so-not in a crank” ...
All the places where women go to “hang out” and “chat” are PLACES WHERE WOMEN WANT TO KNOW ... that's why they came ... As for the girlfriends - that “concern” about their leisure instantly develops into an interest in you - in a man, which is not commensurately higher than such tinsel as "discussing a trip with a friend", "drinking coffee" and everything else that is a convention, an addition, a background in order to get communication with a man.

There are tons of places where you can meet your love. Life consists not only of everyday routine, and even if there is no time to meet girls, you can always find time to get to know each other on the way: in a minibus, in a traffic jam, at a crossing, in a store! Even in the park, it's so romantic))

And one more important thing: you should never put off an acquaintance, especially when meeting on the street, because you may never see this girl again, and the torments of disappointment from a missed opportunity will haunt you for a very long time. Plus, as they say. "If you don't try, you won't know!"
You cannot put off such things, because the fear of meeting a girl can take root, and then you will definitely never be able to approach the girl you like. You need to overcome the reluctance in yourself, get up and go towards something new, towards your dream, towards a meeting with the ideal girl.

Will she take it and say yes?) ... party ...
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Men are sure: a lonely girl is noticeably different from an uneven one. Moreover, you can notice the differences literally at first glance, and confirm the suspicion by the second minute of communication.

I asked young people one and only question: "What makes a lonely girl?" And I tried to systematize the received answers ... and in some places to challenge.

What betrays a lonely girl?

"A lonely girl has a peculiar expression on her face ..."

What does "peculiar" mean? Most of the respondents characterize the face of a lonely girl as "displeased" or "sour". However, men are well aware that this sign is important only in certain places and situations. If a girl with a sour face appears at a party, in a club or in a park, male logic says the following: she is in search - she is not satisfied with the search - she is alone. If a girl with an unhappy expression on her face is in public transport, especially in the morning, most likely, she either did not get enough sleep, or someone touched her with a diplomat and her tights went off.

"A lonely girl has a searching and inviting look ..."

Among the answers that fell into this category, there was even this: "A lonely young lady has Mzrilin Monroe's gaze, as if saying:" I am all yours! You are an amazing man! "
Many people say that a lonely girl has a "burning" look. In short, there are many definitions, the essence is the same: a free girl can be distinguished from a "busy" one by the inviting look, and men really, really like this look. In this case, the girl must be face to face with the object. If she is about proud loneliness or thinks, then no one sees her, and her gaze, nevertheless, is on fire, most likely, she is already in love with someone. Or she just got a raise.

"A lonely girl evaluates ..."

By the way, on this basis, Gosha identified unmarried women from the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears". “You have an appraising look, and only unmarried women look like that,” he said to the heroine Alentova. We are talking about the first moments of contact with the alleged object. Whoever comes across a lonely girl - a boy, a young man, a real alcoholic, a gay or a great husband - she has the look of a thrift store appraiser on her face. First, she assesses whether she is interested in this man or not, then - the degree of his attractiveness. The next item is the age, then the consistency. By the expression on the girl's face, one can understand at what point she begins to assess the marital status of the object.

"A lonely girl is betrayed by eyes full of hope ..."

Many men are sure that girls who are "busy" have a more down-to-earth look, since they have nothing to hope for - the most interesting (fateful meeting or Mendelssohn's march) has already happened in their lives. In addition, married people are interested in pressing problems - everyday life and family troubles. And it's just that not lonely people care, for example, problems in relations with an existing partner ... Most likely, this item is directly related to the previous item, because most respondents listed it after the "evaluating glance". Of course, hope appears in the eyes only if the assessment satisfied the lonely girl.

"A lonely girl is well-groomed ..."

This item was most often mentioned by non-capital respondents. “The less well-groomed a woman is, the more married she is,” said one interviewee. Apparently, there is some truth in all this: a married woman often has no time to take care of herself - the family takes not only time, but also money. In addition, a married woman can "calm down" and stop trying, because "the husband is found."

However, there is a hefty category of girls who are unmarried, but not single, who are also often well-groomed. "An unmarried girl does everything possible to marry her existing boyfriend, hence such a zeal for self-improvement," said one of the respondents.

We don't like this definition, we prefer this option: a girl in love wants to please her boyfriend, hence such a zeal for self-improvement. But one cannot but agree with one thing: a lonely or not lonely, but unmarried girl has a little more time and opportunities to take care of herself than the mother of the family.

"A lonely girl is easily recognized during specific holidays - March 8, Valentine's Day - when no one is walking next to her ..."

It is similar to point 1, but here we are not talking about facial expressions, but namely, that a lonely girl is alone on "specific holidays", without a bouquet and without a gift.

"A lonely girl often goes to a nightclub ...", "Almost all girls at discos are lonely ..."

That's right - unless she makes money there and if she didn't come there with her boyfriend. Or maybe she shows up at the club so often because her boyfriend is the art director or bartender in this establishment. Where, in this case, is she still to go in the evenings? "Not lonely girls in a nightclub are immediately visible: they do not look around, do not study anyone, do not feel sad, do not look for - they do not go there to meet the prince, but to relax and have fun" - this is how he put this item on the shelves one of the respondents.

"A lonely girl stares cheekily when you are in the company of another girl ..."

The statement, of course, does not apply to all single girls, but it is still true for many of them - so men say. The rest of the lonely girls instantly lose all interest in the object if another person walks next to him.

"A lonely girl always looks sexy ..."

According to many of the respondents, a lonely young lady can be distinguished by her ammunition - a mini-skirt, red nail polish on long nails, a transparent blouse, bright lipstick and other attributes with which you can attract male attention.

This point relates to grooming, manicure and styling are necessary in order to look "tempting". By the way, none of the respondents made a discount on ladies of a certain profession - they have a miniskirt and red lacquer are required. Apparently, for naive men, all attractive girls in mini are lonely, looking for the warmth of a young lady.

"A lonely girl does shopping on weekdays ..."

Why? To this, none of the respondents who answered in this way gave an intelligible explanation. Most likely, they think that on weekends single girls have no time for shopping (they are in search). Or on weekdays they have time, unlike "busy" girlfriends, they do not rush home to their husband in the evening and do not polish before the next date.

"It's easy to recognize a single girl on the Internet ..."

And here are the signs.

The first sign: a lonely girl chooses a very loud nickname for herself - Cleopatra, Queen Margot, Queen of Darkness, Milady, and so on.

Sign of the second: a lonely girl chooses a talking nickname: Assol, Gentle Angel, Mouse.

Sign the third: a lonely girl willingly communicates with male nicknames, ignoring the remarks of "kittens", "Cleopatra", "girls with character."

Sign the fourth: a single girl spends a lot of time on the Internet, especially at night (what else is she doing this time - is it really awake?).

"A lonely girl is looking for an excuse ..."

As it turned out, a lonely girl betrays herself in the first minutes of communication. First of all, she tries to find out if the object of interest is free. And secondly, suffering from the "inferiority" of his lonely position, he acts from the opposite and immediately makes it clear that "he is not going to get married and values ​​his freedom." Let me remind you: this is a man's opinion.

"A lonely girl often changes partners ..."

Some men believe that in this way she is looking for a suitable life partner, others are more categorical: “Feeling unclaimed, a lonely girl starts one-off romances, and often with just anyone. look popular in the public eye. " It seems to us that a lonely girl simply seeks to take everything from life, as long as circumstances allow.

"A lonely girl has a pristine kitchen ..."

Men believe that single girls rarely eat at home and cook even less often. Two of those interviewed noted that "the lonely girl has nothing in her refrigerator except moldy yogurt and face cream." Although, if a girl invited a man to her kitchen, this in itself means that she is most likely free. Unless he's a plumber.

"A lonely girl does not go where girls who are not lonely go, and does not waste time where there are no lonely men ..."

In the opinion of men, girls “in search of” do not go to the florists' clubs, shops for newborns, wedding dress salons, and so on. And, accordingly, they go to swimming pools, driving courses, computer shops, internet cafes and building materials markets. Remarkably, none of the respondents suggested a simple explanation: for example, a lonely girl goes to the pool to keep fit, and she stopped at a car service because oil leaked in her car. But nevertheless, there is perhaps a share of common sense in the notes of men.

Men's Secrets Pages

Pay attention to her gaze. A lonely girl will look for attractive guys with her eyes and evaluate them. If you are a handsome young man, she will respond to your flirting, she will "shoot" her eyes and encourage your attention in every possible way. Ringed ladies, happy in marriage, do not stare at men and do not flirt back, most often they look at the floor or to the side.

There is hope in the eyes, and sadness on the face - this is how girls usually look who have been looking for their chosen one for a long time, but cannot find him in any way. Married ladies are also often sad, but this is a different kind of sadness, and in their eyes they have no hope of acquaintance.

She is tired of unsuccessful attempts, but she believes that now the same man will approach her and life will improve.

The most obvious sign of an unfree girl is the ring on the ring finger of her right hand.

A free girl looks like a picture, because in every way she tries to attract the attention of men. Impeccable manicure, bright makeup, seductive clothes. Not free girls no longer attach such importance to appearance, because a husband and a child take up a lot of time and energy.

Scientists: genes are to blame for loneliness

  • More details

Where to meet a lonely girl

Meet girls walking alone on holidays. Usually couples walk together on holidays, so if a girl walks slowly on a weekend in splendid isolation, most likely she is free.

You can find a single girl in a supermarket. If the girl's purchases are mainly light yoghurts and fruits, with no signs of meat products, there is a great chance that she lives alone and free.

In addition, you should understand that finding free girls is much easier if you go where they usually go.

In search of the perfect man, they go to menswear stores, car shows or clubs. It's very easy to meet girls in the club, because mostly free ladies go there. A single and attractive man will grab their attention, so they will be willing to get to know you.

It is not difficult to find single girls on the Internet. First of all, you can go to the dating site and see the profiles of registered girls. A happy married girl has nothing to do on a dating site, so you can feel free to write anyone. In addition, free girls actively communicate in chat, social networks, and on entertainment forums.

Warmth and sun are on the way. And what is our most spring shade? That's right, green! He is able not only to remind of the long-awaited warmth, but also to transform any outfit. Girls, change the little black dress for a green one and don't forget about the details. And with what it is best to combine this juicy shade, our photo selection will tell you.

With contrasting

The best way to create a colorful look is to play with contrast.

We select details in the opposite color scheme for the green dress and do not forget about the print. Texture and halftones are also important. We supplement smooth fabrics with rough materials, and combine pure colors with adjacent ones. We replace red with fuchsia, and yellow with gold.

With natural

The main difference between these tones is their depth and mutedness.

Intense green goes well with sea blue, heavenly violet and delicate sandy shades. You can complement this color consonance with printed accessories and leather jewelry.

With basic

The most concise and discreet color scheme is to wear green with neutral shades.

A bright emerald tone looks better with black, a light one with white, and a deep dark one with a gray scale.

You can diversify this outfit with sparkling details. Earrings with stones, a clutch with sequins, a shiny strap - let your imagination run wild and do not be afraid of fashionable experiments.

5 ways to carry a big bag and look like a style icon, not a tortured housewife

Happy women don't carry big bags, some ladies say. But we claim that they are, and how. You can always take with you whatever you may need during the day - isn't that happiness? And the phone, and hairspray, and a couple of new lipsticks, and most importantly - without sacrificing a comb for this. But a big bag is also the risk of becoming like ... Well, you get the idea. However, there are tricks on how to carry a tote bag and look like a style icon, not a tortured housewife. Follow the example of fashion bloggers!

Big bag + dress

Fashion is full of contrasts and rules can be broken at any time. For example, this concerns the fact that an elegant dress should be worn exclusively with a small handbag, or better with a clutch. However, the combination of a dress and a bulk bag looks, firstly, much more interesting, and secondly, more informal.

Transparent hint

Not the most practical option on our streets, but at least it attracts attention. But inside it is better to put another handbag so as not to show everyone around you what a stylish wallet you have.

Classic shopper

Perhaps the most practical of the trends. It is interesting that, despite its apparent simplicity, such a bag looks quite interesting and unusual due to its size. In terms of outfit, here you have complete freedom - you can dress in a minimalist style, or you can experiment with the image.

In bright colors

A bright bag is a win-win no matter what size it is. Choosing a large bag in an unusual shade, you put a bright accent in your image - you won't need another.

Casual style

The more comfortable, the more fashionable - here it is, the main stylish principle of recent seasons. So we just put on jeans and sneakers, and take with us a huge bag with everything we need. And also, by the way, you can put a dress in it in case of an unplanned ball.

A large bag is not at all the prerogative of housewives. With her, you will be a really stylish and bright lady, without losing comfort.

Until you start a family, your life is both enjoyable and upsetting. Well, on the one hand, you are a free girl, you have a lot of personal time, you don't depend on anyone, you can do whatever you want. But, on the other hand, everyone around is getting married and giving birth to children, and this adds pressure and burdens.

You watch how couples are created around, everyone meets, starts a relationship. You start to feel that something is wrong. And something needs to be changed, but it is not clear what. Read the signs of a single woman, if you recognize yourself - change.

1. You are waiting for the perfect man. It seems to you that your prince has not yet appeared in life. For some reason, all the guys who meet on the way have their flaws. But, it is important to realize that the ideal simply does not exist. Even superheroes have flaws. Take off your rose-colored glasses, evaluate people realistically. Choose a partner worthy of yourself, albeit with some disadvantages.

2. Hard-to-reach girls scare away and do not attract. Of course, it's bad when a girl is too available, it gives her a bad reputation, so it is unworthy to behave. Still, you need to know when to stop and not overdo it. Those who are too hard to reach will not succeed either. A man will simply be too lazy to break a concrete wall.

3. Be open to meeting the opposite sex. The reason for loneliness may lie in your laziness. If after work you sit at home in front of the computer and do not go out with friends or in a cafe, then physically you cannot make acquaintances. Be more active in your leisure time.

4. Your self-esteem is low. If you do not love yourself, then why should someone love you. You don't have a relationship, not because of your flaws in appearance or character, but because of low self-esteem.

5. You are inventing illusory happiness for yourself. You think that only a couple can be happy and this is your psychological problem. Happiness lies in many things - communication with family and friends, in career growth, fun vacations, art. Let go of the situation

6. You prioritize your career. Yes, being a business woman is good, at least a career brings money. It's important to not overdo it. After all, if there is no time left to build relationships, then it is worth slowing down a little with work.

7. Awareness of all seriousness. Perhaps you yourself are inhibiting the development of any nascent relationship. You may be frightened of all responsibility if you are not ready for a real family and unknowingly chop everything at the root.