Read Caucasian love stories. Fascinating Caucasian love stories vkontakte

This story is about not a normal couple .... All jokes aside !!! So let's start with)))

I will write in the first person)) My name is Asil, I am 17 years old, the nation is not so important). There are 5 of us in the family .. Dad is Alik, mom is Zulfiya, and two older brothers ... Islam and Rasul ... I will describe myself to you first)))

Me: hair below the shoulders, straight from nature)) black eyes, a neat nose and plump lips, by the way I'm 17 years old)

Islam: the oldest brother, very strict ((tin! He is very handsome !! All the girls loved him, well it seemed to me)) He is 21 years old ... He studied at the academy, um, I don't remember the name ... But we couldn't even sit in the same room .. He had slightly dark chocolate, black eyes, and plump lips))

Rasul: my chike, my dearest brother ... He and I were very similar, and loved each other more than anyone else))) He had chocolate hair too, but his lips, they were plump than ours with Islam ... Rasul was taller than Islam ... Rasul was 18 years old ... He studied to be a doctor, dreamed from childhood ... Well, what am I? I was resting, it was June ... The brothers had not yet returned, they had a session, which I am very glad ... I passed all the exam, and rested for everyone to be evil) Not well, but what? I deserved ... I also had a best friend ... Her name was Jack, for me Jekichan ... She was my sister, friend, and many others, I love her ...

Jack: long hair, almost black, brown eyes and normal lips ... Our figure was slimy ... But we wore scarves and long clothes ... We were friends with her since 6 years)))) ... And they wanted to enter the Medical Academy together ... Our families were sooo even wealthy ... Therefore, they did not refuse me anything ...

Jackie had an older brother, Aslan ...

So the story began in the park ... One fine summer day ...

Morning: Jack calls me and says

D- As Salamu Aleikum

I am Wa Aleikum ...

D- did I wake you up?

I - no, I got up a long time ago ...

D- can I ask you something?

I - of course come on)

D- went with me today for clothes in the shopping center?

I- I would love to, dad will not allow because (

D- maybe you can persuade him?

I'll see))

Of course she woke me up !!! I had to get up. Since dad is at work, and mom is in her room, I could freely go out in Spongebob pajamas))). I went out, went downstairs, and, as always, took the tangerines and went back to my room)

Soon I called my dad and asked him to let me go shopping with Jack

I- dad, can I go with Jack to the shopping center?

P - no daughter ...

I am dad, please (((

P- I can't let you go alone with Jack!

I- her brother will take us and carry us (((well, daddy, can you?

P-well, only be at home by 4 o'clock in the afternoon!

I- thank you dad, ok) ...

I called Jack

I'm Jekaaaa, I'm sorry

D- what have you done again ??

Where am I your brother?

Y-yes, like downstairs with a friend, but what happened?

I - will he take us to the mall?

D- nooo, you won't wait

I- persuade him ah?

D- everything for you Janim) (soul)

I put on a long dress, gold-colored and white ballet flats ... Hair in muzzle and a scarf). When she was tying a scarf, my mother came into my room)

M- what are you doing?

I am mom, dad let me go with Jack to the shopping center, can I go?)

M- once dad let go of course! Do you have money?

I- yes there is, thanks ma)

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:01

    Jack called me and told me to go out already) It seems she persuaded her brother to take us to the shopping center) I went out and I could not see Aslan's car anywhere. And suddenly someone beeps !!! I almost died, honestly! I stood and could not move from fright). Jack quickly approached me and began her interrogation))

    D-uh, what happened? Was she scared or what? I will kill Aslan !! Let's go !!

    Since I was still in a stupor, she took and dragged me into the car) .. Soon Aslan began to give a lecture to Jack, which also applied to me! He had his friend with him, who sometimes, as not normal, supported him!

    A- If I see, or someone tells me that you and the guys were flirting, then you Jack and you Asilka end!

    Shamil's friend, yes, yes, you have a khan!

    I- Aslan, we don't do such things, you know?

    D- Amalka (brother) I will never disgrace you! And even more so the father!

    A- Asil, I know that you are not like that, just right now the time is such that even very good girls are not like that! You saw it yourself! No, isn't it?

    I- yes you are right)

    We drove to the shopping center))) Ehuuu) Dzhekichan and I flew out of the car with a bullet, and go to the shopping center)

    We've been looking for a long, long time! Damn, but they didn't find anything !!

    Loch - this fate (... And suddenly this balashka pulls my hand and says

    D- look there)))

    I- would you at least show where)

    D-vooon there, let's go, the last store)

    I'm ok google)

    D- don't google it!

    Honestly, this fool will kill me! And how could I only get to know her? I myself am surprised) Well, we found a dress! I bought 3 dresses and she bought 4!

    I will not describe, but they were very beautiful)))

    Well, we went to the park, there was delicious ice cream) When we already entered the park, one guy hit me! There were 4-5 of them. !! Of course, I almost fell when he hit ((

    P-did you see where you were going?

    I'm sorry !! (I don't know how to be rude to guys, and I'm afraid of them)

    P2 - the guys have gone already)

    P3 - leave him! Can't you see he fell in love))

    I don't need your apology !!

    I- I left, of course I was offended (.. You ask why Jack didn't tell them anything? Her brother would have finished her off! If my brothers find out that I went to the park, I definitely won't live .. We bought ice cream and sat on a bench)

    D- didn't you push him?

    D- why did you apologize?

    I - and if I passed he wouldn't do anything to me?

    D- you are a fool!

    I'm all in Jack ((

    D- stop pouting!

    I'm okay panda))

    We finished our ice cream and called Aslan). He said that he would arrive in 20 minutes)

    While we were waiting for him, those guys drove up in a car and shouted something, we tried not to pay attention ... The one who pushed me got out of the car and grabbed my elbow !! I started to tremble even more .. He noticed it and said

    P- why are you trembling? And what are you building out of yourself religious ??

    Jack stood silently and looked, and he told me something there)

    He was already dragging me to the park iiii ... Aslan arrived.

    A- let her brother go

    P-who are you?

    A- I'm her husband, let her go!

    P- sorry brother didn’t know)

    Oh good

    Aslan told us to get into the car quickly and I started crying !! It would definitely save me)))

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:01

    Do you know what I learned? I have a husband too

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:01

    So I fell asleep ...

    Morning: I woke up at 7 in the morning, and it always happens)) My cousin calls me) Malika: very cute, long hair, blue eyes and chick lips))

    M- hello losharka

    I am Salam Aleikum

    M- how are you?

    I'm okay, how are you?

    M- too)) Come to me today?

    I- and you persuade my dad !!)))

    M-ha, this is easy!))

    I - well, well ...

    M- you get ready, I'll call him right now)

    I - nope, I will arrive by 2 o'clock in the afternoon

    M-pff, also opened America to me! I knew it)

    I- okay bye)

    She was 19)

    I put on a long blue dress, a black leather belt at the waist) I tied a black scarf on my head) and left the room)

    Suddenly an unfamiliar number called me. I decided not to answer! He called, called, then an SMS came ..

    Answer, this is Aslan

    And called again, I answered

    A- As Salamu Aleikum ..

    I am Wa Aleikum

    A- what are you doing?

    A- at work)

    I am clear bye

    Did they tell you?

    I what? (I have included the image of "fool")

    A- about the fact that they want to take you for me?

    I - yes, - I said sadly

    A- you don't want this wedding, do you?

    A- me too, because I respect you as a sister (

    I- I like you as a brother too)

    A- we need to decide something, I will arrive at 12, be ready)

    I- I can't today

    A- are you going somewhere?

    I - it doesn't matter)

    A- important to me !!

    I- to my sister ((((

    A- okay, I'll give you a ride ...

    I- okay, will you take Jack with you?))

    A- I'll come home from work)

    I - okay (

    I went downstairs to the kitchen. My brother followed me ... Mom went to her sister), and dad was at work!

    R- how are you little?

    I'm okay, are you like Einstein?)

    R- too) Dad told me that they want to get you ...

    I was silent, I was very ashamed! (

    R-do you want it?

    I- you know, I will not go against my father's will, and it is not for me to decide what will happen next) All by the will of Allah, dear)

    R- clear, okay, I went) Aika is waiting for me) (his girlfriend in quotes)

    I'm good...

    He kissed me on the cheek and left)

    I decided to get out and cook something) by the time I got out it was already 12

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:04

    The day passed, I came home. It was bad to honestly describe my condition (.. I asked myself a lot of questions! But there were zero answers! My soul was empty (One thought that I would be his wife, was killing me! Who would be pleased to live with someone you don’t love? Of course, love will come with time) Well, if you don't come? It will be bad (very bad ... My thoughts were interrupted by the call, the screen showed "Dzhekichan", I answered

    D- hello

    I- hmm, hi

    D- how are you?

    I'm not so, are you?

    D- and I'm very good))

    D- your dad agreed)))) Aaaaa, I'm so glad ...

    The phone fell out of my hands, until the last moment I believed that it would refuse, but (((I didn't cry, you can't fix everything with tears, I decided to give up !! I couldn't do that, I still considered myself a little a lot (((... For whom how ((... I went downstairs, my mother was sitting in the hall with a pensive face), I went up to her, hugged her tightly and cried !!!

    M-what are you? Please do not cry ((

    I am mom ((what should I do ?? How will I live there mom (((

    M- daughter everything will be fine, mom also cried softly

    I am a mother, what if he loves another? I will destroy someone else's happiness !! Mum??

    M - everything will be fine, daughter, don't cry, you can't fix anything with tears ...

    I- okay, I went to my place, I love you ma)

    M- and I sunshine)

    I went up to my room and saw the phone lying on the floor) .. I took the phone and saw 17 missed from Jackie, and 5 from Islam ((I first allowed Islam!

    I-Salam Aleikum

    I- uh, nuu, Salam

    And - how are you little sister?

    I- I'm fine, how are you?

    I - I? I have? No, what are you)) Doesn't tremble ...

    And- I know everything, my dad told me)

    I told you what?

    And - about you and Aslan

    I am Amalka? (Brother) There was nothing between us !! I mean we didn't communicate ((

    And- I know little, I know))

    I- okay, I went to bed)

    Go-go Panda)

    I cried with happiness that he called me for the first time "little sister" .. We never spoke to him, or rather I was very afraid of him ((((

    After I called Jack

    D- what's wrong with you? How do you? What has become?

    I - nothing, it just became bad)))

    D- do you want to marry my brother?

    I - he's good, but I respect him as a brother! Do you understand?

    Y- yes I understand ((

    I- come to me tomorrow?

    D- okay, Spocky)

    I put on my pajamas and fell asleep ...

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:05

    The next day, I got up at 12, I was shocked by myself) I put on a long dress, black) .. I went downstairs, guests arrived, vanity, but the reason? Now we will find out)) ... First, I greeted my relatives, friends, ... I went up to my mother

    I'm mom what the fuss is about?

    M- we go to another room

    I- let's go))

    We went to another room

    M- I’ll say everything briefly, everyone was informed that they wanted to get you .. And so they arrived

    I- mom, you know that I feel so bad? May I be in my room?

    M- good

    I went to my room, there was a feeling that they were playing with me right now ... Sometimes it was very funny to me, honestly !!! Maybe I was going crazy? Or am I so crazy? Damn .... So, someone is calling, and thisoooo ... Aslan! He was not enough right now! I answered

    And how are you?

    I- hello, are you okay?

    A- too, get ready, I'll come for you

    I- I can't, I feel bad

    A- because of what?

    I just

    A- get ready anyway

    I - silently threw off

    I stayed in the same clothes and tied a black scarf))) ... I warned my mother that I was leaving and left ...

    He has already arrived (

    I sat back

    And how are you?

    I am ordinary

    A- I could not cancel the matchmaking, and the wedding will take place too !!!

    Explain to me? What was it now? What did he say?

    I- what did you say?

    A- what have you heard?

    We have already reached the restaurant .. He stopped and told me to get out

    A- can't you hear? Come out faster.

    I - I just froze

    Are you here ?? I'm telling you, come out already!

    And I fainted ... I woke up, I was in the same place where I was, only right now I was surrounded by doctors ...

    Doctor - she's too tired ... she needs to rest

    I - and what happened?

    A- nothing lie ...

    I was in his car, until now ... The doctors left, he got into the car and looked at me ... My phone was ringing. It was Jack

    Where are you? I stand the main thing at their gate, but she does not open !!

    I am where your brother brought me

    D-damn, okay. I'm sitting in your room!

    I am good jan ***

    We went into a restaurant with a separate room ... We were sitting and there was a message from an unfamiliar number

    Nez.- Hello detkaaa)) (that's what my friend always called me, and I realized that it was her)

    I - hello dear ...

    P- how are you dear?

    I'm fine, how are you?

    Aslan, why am I sitting here too?

    A- give me a phone

    A- let me tell you !!!

    He took it away and left (. After 10 minutes he came

    A- take it

    I- leave to myself

    A- do not drizzle ah !!

    I am my own fault !!! And you could have canceled the wedding and matchmaking !! But did not cancel !! Why?? You are guilty!!

    I said it crying (

    A- tell why? You want to know?? Because I love you!! Do you think I just always reprimanded you like that? I'm just asking you ???

    What do you like me, what are you saying?

    A- come out quickly, it's time to go home!

    I sat in shock !! He loves me? No, it can't be !! So calm down Asil and come out !! I got out and called a taxi in advance, it just drove up, I quickly got in and left ... On the way I cried so much that even the taxi driver asked what happened to me ...

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:05

    After that, we did not talk to him))) What I was very happy about !! I will skip a little) Otherwise, I will talk for a long time)) ... Fast forward to the day of matchmaking .. I ordered a dress, I can throw off a photo, since I ordered it from the Internet ...

    Matchmaking: everyone was happy, everyone was just shining with happiness ... Except me) I'm bald!)) ... They made me a beautiful haircut, makeup, dress, I was chikee))) .... On this day I arrived and Islam ... Rasul and Islam were in the same costumes)) I love themhh))) We are already in the restaurant ((People arrived from Aslan's side, including Jack ... But Aslan himself was not there, I was glad)))

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:05

    Here they put a ring on me (Tears flooded, pancake rolled by themselves! Of course it was painful to know that you would soon leave your parental home (That you are already an adult, and you already have a great responsibility, to be a good and loving wife, mother, to love also respect my second parents .. If I list a lot of time it will take (((As I told me, they put on a ring, after everyone was taking pictures with me, I already felt like a star)) ... Until one fool dragged me to a separate room ..

    D- how are you bride?

    I - how am I supposed to be?

    I am stupid to me !! What to do? I'm afraid Jack ((

    D- everything will be fine)))

    I hope....

    In short, the day is over ... I don't even want to remember that day! I really want to cry ...

    At home: I changed, bathed, ate and went to bed .. I could not sleep for a long time, I looked at the ring in my hands ... And again tears (... Well, what can you do, this is fate ... I sometimes talked by myself ... I I stopped communicating with everyone, it was again painful, insulting, bad ...

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:06

    Jack called me the next day

    D: in short, I have no time, get dressed and come out !!!

    Me: what happened?

    D- faster !!!

    I was really scared !! Fair!! I wore a long pink dress and a scarf !! I run out and see this picture)

    Aslan and Jack are standing and talking to each other)

    Why did I call?

    Pretended not to see him

    D- I'm already tired of him !! Make peace already!

    Do not you see me?

    I- Jack I have to go, I'm sorry (

    A- quickly got into the car !!!

    D- Aslan just don't shout)

    I- don't tell me!

    Jack quietly left and we were left alone ..

    A- I have every right to you, though you know what to do?

    I- leave me yes !!

    He grabbed my hand and threw me into the back seat ((I started crying ... Am I such a coward? He came and sat down next to me ...

    A- you're driving me crazy!

    I am my own fault

    A- I don't give a damn who is to blame !! I love you and that's it !! I'm humiliating myself in front of you, while all the girls are drying up for me !!!

    I- so go to them !! What stuck to me ?? What do you need from me?

    A- I need you !! He sat down closer to me, and I moved back, I could no longer move further (((

    He tried to kiss me !!! You can imagine??? Horror, shame !! Right in front of our gate !! I was shocked

    I- go away please

    I- please move away !!

    I literally screamed!

    A- you run into

    I- leave me, please !!!

    A- you are my girl, and I will never leave you !!

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:06

    I forgot to describe Aslan: black hair, black eyes, correct nose, and always red lips))) ... I don't want to drag out the story, I'll write too long ... So let's move on to the wedding day .. I was gorgeous, but Jack was just ideal !!! I will throw off a photo of my dress and hairstyle ... In the morning they did my makeup, hairstyle, and different things .. Everyone is ready and how ... Bibiiip !!! The cars were beeping, a loud lezginka sounded all over the yard))) And I felt bad, very bad .. No one is pleased to leave my parents' house ... When he came in, tears flowed from my eyes ... He had a big bouquet in his hands, I have a photo left, I'll throw it off to you)) and so he handed them to me ... They began to take pictures of us, they also said wishes ... By the way, Jack's fiancee was ... Ask why she was not at her brother's wedding? No, she was there, she decided that she would first come to mine, and then when they come for the bride, they will go with us to Aslan's wedding ..

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:06

    It looks very much like a dress on the day of matchmaking) only the back was closed and the train was longer)

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:07

    The dress was like this, only the sleeves were long and there was not a big train)

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:12
    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:13

    And now the wedding was coming to an end, they announced the dance of the bride and groom) We went to the center of the hall and danced)) He tells me

    A- I can't wait for this night)))

    I- are you dumb or huh ??

    A-ahaha, you're a fool !!))

    I am a fool myself (((

    A- stop sulking, we are going home after the dance)

    I'm good

    The dance ended, and it's time for us to leave ... I was not afraid of this night as I knew that nothing would happen) Father gave him a beautiful and large house in honor of the fact that he got married ... We are on our way !!)) When we have already arrived, I tell him

    I - I want to go home

    And now we arrived home

    I- I want to see my mother (...

    And she began to cry ((

    When my mother left somewhere for 2-3 days, I cried day and night, I could not live without her ... I could not sleep at night knowing she was not at home! And here I have to live without her ((((

    A- let's go already)

    I'm good

    We went into the house, I immediately went up to "our" room, took my SpongeBob and go pajamas to the van .. It took 20 minutes to take off the dress, then 10 minutes to take off my hair, and I bathed .. I was there for about 1 hour. not enough ... Yeah, I live in a bathroom))))

    I went out and went into the room where he was lying, well, he was waiting for me to go out)

    He went in for a swim, and when he came back he began to laugh ... I did not know what was the matter.

    I - what happened?

    Did you see your pajamas? Ahahhaha

    I've seen and?

    A - little boy

    I'm big))))) Ahahaa ... I'm a genius

    A- come here

    I- oh well, that's enough, I sleep ((

    A- how to sleep?

    I'm ordinary)))

    He lagged behind, he's a pretty boy !! After 10 minutes, he hugged me around the waist and pulled me towards him. Then he whispered softly

    A- so not fair

    I am honest, and the fight loosen up, it's hard for me to breathe

    I love you...

    And so they fell asleep ..

    Morning: I woke up at 7:06)) .... I quietly woke him up and asked

    I- don't you need to go to work?

    A- no, I'll be at home for a month

    I'm good)))

    Why are you smiling?

    I am glad that I will not sit at home alone)

    A- maybe you love me?

    I - ha, me too !! I love him, ahahaahh

    A- go you)

    I'm good..

    I took my clothes and went downstairs ... I found one room and changed there) I put on a tight dress on top, and a loose one at the bottom, and of course a long one, black and a thin golden belt, a scarf, also golden ... I said pancakes, I adore ... When I was cooking I thought, maybe I love him? Or not? Maybe yes? Or maybe not? What if yes? Or maybe not?)))) 50:50 .. And then he comes in ...

    A- what are you cooking

    A- do not say such words anymore !!!

    I- at the moment I am cooking one pancake and said "pancake"

    Oh, here you are .. And by the way, guests will arrive today ... And my friends and their wives)

    I'm good, but what should I cook?

    A- asked a pancake at everyone who knows)),

    A-wow, what is your opinion of me

    I- uh, go down syudy !!

    A-ahahha ...

    We sat down to eat ...

    In the evening, the guests arrived. Of course, I cooked a lot of goodies)))

    And so everyone left, mom and dad were left, well, Aslan's parents) You would know how I fell in love with his mom, and mine already)) But they were also going to leave

    I am mom please stay (((

    M.A - no Asil, we have to go home, Jack is alone)

    I- mom please (

    P.A - we will come to you tomorrow with good news))

    A- how glad I am this news, - he said smiling

    I - what's the news?

    M.A.- tomorrow you will find out Asilka)

    I am goodbye mom and dad))

    A- bye mom) Salam Aleikum dad!)

    M.A - good night, my children)

    And they left (

    I cleaned the kitchen and went to the hall to watch TV ... Soon he came downstairs too .. I was already in SpongeBob pajamas)) and watched him too)) I love this cartoon)

    A- are we going to sleep? More precisely, not to sleep.

    I- go out of here vulgar (((

    A- you are my wife;) !!!

    I - yes? I didn't know (

    A- here you are a creature !!

    I- don't bother, I'm watching a cartoon!

    A - baby (baby type)

    I am you!

    He turned off the TV, lifted me in his arms and carried me into the bedroom !! I didn’t share it ?? Kill him!

    I- Aaaaaaaa, get away from me creature !!!,

    A- come here)

    I- please stay away ...

    A- I want children ...

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:15

    I - I am still a child myself!

    A- how old are you then?

    I looked at the clock it was 23:58 !!! And in 2 minutes I should have turned 18 .. And now the long-awaited 28 July !!!

    A- you were 17? No, isn't it?

    I- turned 18 today

    He looked at his watch and came up to me, hugged me tightly and kissed me ... Damn the first kiss, but I don't even know how to kiss ...

    I- move away please

    A- I can't even kiss my wife?

    I can, but I don’t know how ... Can I get out?

    A- of course!

    I went to the van, I was very ashamed in front of him ... When I am ashamed I cry, but right now it’s not the time ... I washed and left .. He was lying on the bed ...

    I also lay down next to him and fell asleep. As Aslan told me at night I said these words

    I- Jack? !! Jack !! How can you? Jack, please don't die !! Please don't leave me !! Jack !!!,

    A- wake up Asil !! Asil !! ??

    I woke up all wet and started crying

    A- what happened?

    I - yes, that's a bad dream ..

    A- come here

    I- please leave ..

    A- I won't leave today ...

    In short, everything happened that night !! Well, you understand in short ... In the morning I woke up, he was still asleep ...

    I went to the shower and got dressed. And she began to clean up .. Cleaning took about 2-3 hours, then I started to cook food .. He went downstairs and I gave him a meal

    A- what are you going to cook today?

    I- since dad and mom will come, I will cook something delicious)))

    A- You cook everything deliciously

    I- thanks ..

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:15

    He ate and went into the hall to watch TV. I cooked a lot of food, and went to him ... I sat down next to him, when I sat down, they called him, the phone was on my side and I saw "Aisha" on the screen ... Yes, I was jealous! I am still the owner ... I handed him the phone and listened to what he was telling her, and do you know what he did? He turned on the speakerphone and began to speak

    Aisha- Hi chike)

    A- Hello

    Aisha, how are you? That you don't even call?

    Beautiful wife that even forgot about me?

    A- I didn’t forget about you, but my wife is the best !!

    Aisha- well, I'll go, you call if anything)

    Oh good..

    I sat and watched TV, and he came up and hugged me ..

    A - that's it, don't be jealous))

    I- come on !!

    A- are you seriously jealous?

    Me not!! It's just that no one remembers that it’s my birthday (((...

    And as always, it became bad ...

    A- come to me) They all remember my little ...

    And someone rang the doorbell .. This was Jack, mom and dad .. I went to open it .. And I see such a picture ... Jack is standing with a huge bouquet of roses and mom with a bouquet of balloons ... And dad is in his arms there was a big package ... Damn it was so nice ...

    D- happy birthday pupsiiiik))))

    I- thank you joy)

    M.A - happy birthday daughter)

    I- thank you mommy)

    P.A - congratulations daughter)

    I- thank you dad ...

    We all sat down to eat ... and dad began to speak

    P.A- your parents came Asil

    Am I mine? What for?

    P.A- they want to take Jack for Islam ..

    I choked on food and Aslan told me

    Ah-x1alal !!,

    I- thank you .. And what did you say?

    M.A - we agreed)))

    I choked on food again ... Jack and Aslan began to laugh))

    It was already 5:30 pm. And someone rings the doorbell, I went to open it, and my parents were standing there and take it .. With flowers, various gifts .. They all congratulated me .. All the men went into the hall, and the women stayed in the kitchen. Two mothers started talking about matchmaking .. And Jack and I got out. Then I went to the hall and asked Islam to come

    And what happened?

    I- goes to the top

    We climbed

    I- do you love Jack or what?

    I can't live without her)))

    I- wow, brother you're in trouble)

    And - for a long time)) How are you? Does Aslan offend?

    I- no, what are you)) well, let's go)

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:15

    Jackie's father and mine agreed that in a week there would be matchmaking, after there was matchmaking, 3 days would pass and there would be a wedding)) Everything was fine with everyone ... I knew that I already loved Aslan, and Jack and Islam were the happiest))) Let's move on to the day of their matchmaking ...

    I put on a blue dress and a black scarf ... And Aslan put on a blue suit)

    Islam and Rasul were also in suits) ... Islam had black, and Rasul had blue) ... Jack was in a golden dress ... She was gorgeous !!! I would carry such a daughter-in-law in my arms!)

    So they put a ring on her, or rather Islam put it on ... I felt very bad, why I didn't know ... My head hurt, I felt sick ... I went up to my mother (Aslana)

    I - mom, I feel bad, can I go home with Aslan?

    MA - of course daughter, go ...

    I- thank you very much mom ...

    I told Aslan and we drove off ... On the way we were silent, I broke the silence

    I am Asek (I call him that)

    I - stop at the pharmacy, I will buy a medicine for a headache.

    A- good As (he called me that)

    He stopped I went to the pharmacy

    I- can I please have a headache medicine and pregnancy tests?

    Doctor - of course, take this

    I gave the money and went out .. I got into the car and we drove off ... We arrived at the house, and I immediately went up to my room, changed my clothes and went to the van! I did a test of iiii .... Two strips !!! I was afraid to go out! What if he doesn't want children from me? What should I do then? That's it, I'll leave him !! No, Asil is stupid, you need to tell him everything as it is! I went out and quietly went to my room, where he was lying ... I came, he got up and sat down, I also sat down next to him.

    A- how's the head?

    I'm not really ..

    A- what's wrong with you?

    I - yes so !!

    A- surely everything is good?

    A- so what happened?

    I- I, well, um, well, this is shorter

    A- You explained so well !!

    I - I'm pregnant, - I said it barely audible, but he heard

    A- what? You are pregnant??

    I told you that he doesn't want children from me ..

    A- are you sad? Stupid huh? Come to me!!

    I wanted to run away, but he grabbed me and threw me on the bed and lay down next to me

    A- Thank you my girl ***

    A- I love you little *)))

    Me - me too!)

    This is how the day passed ...

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:16

    Let's go straight to the wedding day ... I don't want to drag out a story .. I wore a pale pink dress, and Aslan had a black suit ... I had a shawl hairstyle on my head ... Everything was beautiful .. Jack was gorgeous, There are no words to describe her ... At first I was at Jackie's wedding, and when we arrived for the bride, I went with them *** .... I was sick all day ... So the dance of the bride and groom was announced, they were all still a beautiful couple ... A tall and strong guy, and next to a girl not very tall and so fragile *** I love them .. The dance ended and it was time for them to leave, not only for them, but for us) ... Everyone went home *** ... I don't know what happened, they had .. But we had this

    At night: 3 o'clock in the morning, I got up and say to my husband

    I- do you love me? *

    A- more life **

    I- I love myself too)) Aslan buy me a rollton

    A- it is harmful

    I say that you love life more, but you don’t buy Rolton yourself !!!

    A- I'll go right now !!

    He got up, washed, dressed and left ... He arrived in 20 minutes, with large packages)

    I- give me her ***

    A- you can't go away ..

    I am you greedy !! Moreover, a tremendous ..

    A- let's go eat

    He cooked a rollton for me .. I ate and went to bed ... He also came and lay down next to me, hugged my waist, and then touched my tummy ..

    A- I wonder who we have

    I - the main thing is to be healthy ***

    A- You're right ***

    I want to sleep...

    I will miss a month, Aslan went to work ((I almost cried ... My girl was also pregnant ... I went 2 months pregnant, and she had only the first ... She became more and more thinner, and her belly was not so visible ... And I was almost noticeable ... Jack and I together announced that we were pregnant) ... Everyone was happy ... But one thing worried me that she was losing weight !!

    My family will not pull the story ...

    • Anonymous
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:16

    Do you know why Jack was losing weight? She suffered from a serious illness !! My girl, my dear, my little girl (((I was already 9 months pregnant with us ... We were sitting in the evening and I had contractions! Aslan immediately took me to the hospital !! It was certainly difficult to give birth, but when you are given hands of your baby, you forget about all the pains ... A boy was born to us ... You should have seen how happy Aslan was ... And of course I too ... They called him Alim ... This is how (Aslan's) dad wanted .. Time passed, it was time to give birth to my baby Jackie .. Since she was sick, it was difficult for her ... Islam prayed, day and night to Allah, that he would help him ... Yes, and we also prayed for her ... But such is it was the will of Allah, my Jackie was gone !! Islam named their daughter after her "Jennet", which means "Paradise" ... Islam was gradually dying ... But I? I did not live but existed !! It was so bad that You can't even imagine !! This cannot be described in words !!! My little, my own girl died !! Aslan also became emaciated (((I am silent about our parents !! (((... Jack kept a diary, about this I I found out after to she died ... I was allowed to open her diary ... Before opening I said

    I am Jack, my dear girl, forgive me ...

    And immediately opened the last pages ... There were words:

    "There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, but there is a whole sea in the heart"

    "Whoever says that time heals, did not know someone else's grief at all! Wounds in the heart do not heal - you just get used to the pain"

    "Another day in which everything was except you"

    There were different phrases, the more I read, the stronger the chest pain was ... And the very last phrase was

    "Farewell Islam! You taught me to love and be loved! You taught me not to be afraid of my desires and go to the break to my happiness, to my dream, and to my love! It is a pity that fate did not give me enough time to prove to you how strong we are. my feelings! I knew that I was going to die, they told me that I was seriously ill, and that there was a choice * I or that little creature inside me * ... I wanted her to live, I wanted her to be happy !! her mother) But I hope Ying shaa Allah she will be the most beautiful and happy! I love you for the sake of Allah! "

    I fell to the floor and sobbed! Islam came and helped me to get up! We sat on the edge of the bed and hugged each other tightly! Our son was at the nanny's during the day, and at night we took him away ... I already weighed 39 kg ... I was very bad, it cannot be described in words !!!

    Three years later: Rasul got married, his daughter Camilla was born .. Alim and Jack were 3 years old ... My daughter Dilara was born ... We still remember Jack, she cannot be forgotten !! But Islam Jack's daughter already knew that her mother had flown far away ... We persuaded Islam to move to us ... After much persuasion, he came to live with us. Jack calls me mom, and Islam calls me dad .. Everything is gorgeous with Aslan and me ..

    On this I will end the story, all love and happiness immeasurable

  • Among the many fairy tales, it is especially fascinating to read the fairy tale "Caucasian Stories" by M. M. Prishvin, in it one can feel the love and wisdom of our people. Crowned with success is the desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, prompting to rethink oneself. The dialogues of the heroes often cause tenderness, they are full of gentleness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. Rivers, trees, animals, birds - everything comes to life, is filled with living colors, helps the heroes of the work in gratitude for their kindness and affection. The main character always wins not by cunning and cunning, but by kindness, gentleness and love - this is the main quality of children's characters. The entire surrounding space, depicted with vivid visual images, is permeated with kindness, friendship, loyalty and indescribable delight. Tens, hundreds of years separate us from the time of the creation of the work, and the problems and customs of people remain the same, practically unchanged. The fairy tale "Caucasian Stories" by MM Prishvin is definitely worth reading online for free, there is a lot of kindness, love and chastity in it, which is useful for raising a young individual.


    In the reserve in the North Caucasus, my favorite place is the Yellow Cliff, where many different animals gather, especially wild boars. This steep, made of yellow sand, clay and pebbles, rises above the valley for at least five hundred meters and crumbles tirelessly. Far away you can hear the noise of a crumbling mountain, and when you come closer, you can directly see with your eyes how stones are jumping from a height down. The path along which you go to the Yellow Steep is now at the very edge of the abyss, and fifteen years ago it was three meters from the edge. So, it means that in fifteen years a layer of the mountain, three meters thick, crumbled - this is a lot!

    I came here for the first time with two hunters, one was a wonderful storyteller and joker Lyul, the other Harun, a very silent person, but solid and extremely honest and loyal. We came to the very edge of the mountain and sat under a tree, the roots of which were bared and, like long braids, hung over the abyss. All three of us were silent for a long time. The Dead Mountain lived its noisy life, and we, the living ones, quieted down, were silent, and the animals too; many different animals hid in the surrounding forest, wild boars slept, deer and goats grazed peacefully. Noticing several goats below, I asked Lyul:

    - How is it that the goats graze over there and are not afraid of noise?

    “The goat understands the stone well,” Lyul answered. - For this, the stone falls so that the goat does not doze and always remembers: isn't there Lyul somewhere?

    This was the beginning of Lyul's stories near the Yellow Steep, but only in such Russian that I had to guess more, connecting these or those understandable words, to compose more myself than to take directly from the narrator. In particular, it was difficult for me to understand the meaning of the words of some magnet and some dermant, denoting some kind of force. Yes, I understood that these are forces, but I could not figure out the differences between a magnet and a dermant, and for this Lul was forced to give me examples and cases from his hunting life, by which I could guess how the magnet and dermant.

    “So,” I said, “a magnet is power, but what is a dermant?

    - And the dermant is also a force, - answered Lyul.

    And he told one of his bear hunts with Said. It was on a narrow mountain path. Said stood at the beginning of the trail, and Lyul crossed the abyss along it in order to drive the bear onto this trail to Said. Said waited for a long time and could not bear it: he began to carefully move along the path to the other side, to Lyul. And as soon as it reaches the middle, the bear also climbs here - and two here, on a narrow path, cannot disperse. Before he could straighten the rifle, the bear grabbed Sayid with its paws, put its claws into his back, and began to press him against the rock. Said hid the bear's head under the paw, like a bird under a wing, and let the dagger into it up to the hilt. The bear roared and shuddered so strongly that he could not resist on the path and rolled down in an embrace with Sayid. While they were rolling down, the bear ran out, but did not release its claws from the man's back. Lyul saw everything, sat down by the abyss, howling and groaning. And Said hears Lyul crying, wants to shout and cannot: he feels very bad. Later, when Lyul came down and realized that Said was alive, I had to cut out each bear's claw from Said's back with a knife, and Said never groaned. And for a whole week then Lyul sat by the fire and turned Said towards the fire. So Said was tormented, so tossed about in the heat, but he never groaned. A week later, Said got up and went. And that means there was a dermant in him.


    It happens, Lyul said, that a person is the smartest, the most educated, he even knows Krylov's fables, but there is no magnet, and he never has luck on the hunt. Once, it was, such a guest came to Said from Moscow to hunt the most dangerous wild boar. The guest thought: why should he climb on the fangs? He knew Krylov's fable from the fable. I knew that a pig cannot look up, and if it could, it would know that acorns are hanging on an oak tree - and would not undermine the tree where food falls from. This is what the fable says, and remembering Krylov, the guest ordered himself to build a platform on a tree and sat down there. Around the tree, Lul sprinkled densely with corn grains, to which wild boars are great hunters. Lyul knew well where the largest herd of wild boars passed, and there he began to press and wrap the pigs to the tree on which the learned man was sitting. Lyul pressed only by breaking thin twigs on the bushes. Hearing this crack, the first herd cleaver, Boa, stopped and made his boar "shhh!" and led the whole herd towards the scientist. And as soon as Boa saw the corn, he immediately thought about the danger, raised his head, met the professor's eyes, made "shhhhh!" - and the whole huge herd rushed back into the thicket.

    It turned out that in a fable, pigs cannot look up, but in real life they do. The professor only knew fables.

    - What is it, - I asked Lyulya, - the professor didn't have a magnet, then?

    Lyul replied:

    “This scientist had neither a magnet nor a dermant.


    Once upon a time, many excellent military hunters came to Said, and there was an artist among them. All the military, of course, were riders, and the artist never rode on horseback. But he was ashamed to tell the military that he never mounted a horse.

    - Go, - he told them, - and I will catch up with you.

    They all left, and when they disappeared from sight, the artist approaches his horse, as he was taught, from the left side, and that was right, from the left; but he put his foot in the stirrup incorrectly: he had to put his left foot, he put his right in the stirrup and jumped. And, of course, jumping from his right foot, he turned in the air and found himself on the horse, facing the tail. The horse was not particularly hot, but what kind of horse could withstand if the rider grabbed the tail to maintain balance! The horse rushed all the way to catch up with the hunters, and soon the military people were amazed to see an extraordinary rider galloping with his face to the rear and controlling the horse with his tail.

    - This is absent-mindedness, - I said to Lulu, - a similar case happened with the knight Don Quixote, when the horse presented him back to the stable. The author should have put the knight on the left foot. It's just absent-mindedness, what does the magnet and the dermant have to do with it?

    - No, this is not absent-mindedness, - said Lyul, - he did not have enough dermant to tell the military the truth that he never sat on a horse. No magnet is needed to tell people the truth, but a dermant is needed, and this is the only way to the truth - through the dermant.


    With Lyul's last story about the faint-hearted artist, the difference between the strength of a magnet and the strength of a dermant finally began to become clear to me, and then Harun suddenly spoke up, and the Russian word for the strength of a dermant finally appeared. After listening to Lyul's last story, Garun said:

    - If a person is healthy and can fight a bear, then this is just a magnet, but if a person is not healthy and can still fight.

    - A patient with a bear cannot fight, - Lyul interrupted him.

    “I’m not saying it’s a bear,” said Haroun. - A person can fight with himself more than with a bear.

    And he told us in detail how they performed an operation in his stomach. The doctor told him to inhale the gas. - Why gas? - asked Garoun. - So as not to hurt, - said the doctor. - I don't want gas, I want to understand. - It's hard to endure. - I can endure everything.

    They began to cut. It was cold. Then it got hot. After a tear, many tears. It's easier.

    - Finished? - whispered Haroun.

    - Yes, we're finishing.

    - Show me!

    They showed a red piece of intestine.

    Haroun looked up and saw his entire open stomach: there were blue intestines.

    - Why is there blue, but here the gut is red?

    - The red piece is a sore piece.

    After that, Garun began to grow weaker and could not ask anything else. He lay as if dead, and everyone spoke aloud, as if he could not understand anything else. He heard and understood everything. The door opened, a voice asked:

    “Still alive,” said the doctor.

    When they put them on a stretcher, I didn't hear anything, but when they carried them, I heard.

    In the hallway, someone said:

    - Is it running out?

    - Bad, but still alive.

    At this time, Garun could not say anything and move and could not let know with his hand. If only he could speak at that moment! If he could, he would then say to the doctors:

    - Haroun will be alive!

    And Harun remained alive, and kills many wild boars and bears.

    - Here it is, - exclaimed Lyul, - here it is, the power of the dermant!

    And everything became completely clear: a magnet is just strength, and a dermant means courage. Lyul's words that dermant (courage) is the only way to truth also became clear.

    In the Caucasus, a guest is considered the most respected person.

    “Here. - I thought, - to live like this and live: you do nothing, and everyone looks after you. "

    - Really, - I asked Lyulya, - every guest everywhere in the Caucasus is received with honor? ..

    “Every guest,” Lyul answered, “is received with great honor throughout the Caucasus.

    - And how long can he stay like that?

    - Three days, - Lyul answered, - the guest can stay.

    - Is it only three days? - I was surprised. - But what about a guest if after three days he wants to live a little longer?

    - After three days, the guest must explain why he came.

    - And when will he explain? ..

    - When he explains, then, of course, he can still live.

    - How long?

    - If the host has time to look after, the guest can live as long as he wants.

    - And if there is no time?

    - Then I'm sorry, please!

    - So they say to the guest directly: "Excuse me"? ..

    - You cannot tell the guest this directly. Every host has his own words for a guest. If I cannot take care of the guest any longer, then early in the morning I go to the stable and feed my guest's horse well and clean it well. After that I wake up the guest and treat him well, put everything on: shashlik, buza, chikhir, ayran. When a guest is full, he understands: there is no holiday, and I treated him this way, which means we have to leave. The guest gets up, thanks me and goes to the stable.

    "I knew 4 stories of relations between Russian girls and Caucasian guys. Moreover, the best representatives of both. They were not stupid fat blondes from vocational schools and animals in tracksuits. They were beautiful, smart girls. And young people, with a pleasant appearance, superior formations, etc.
    So, it all ended with this:

    1. Great love. I gave it up. He married his own from the aul. Ruined her life. Since in misfortune she rushed to another cretin, gave birth to a child from him, then divorced. Well, in general, there would be no Caucasian, life would have developed differently.
    2. Great love. I was going to get married. She gave birth to him a child, he left them when the baby was 3 months old. By the way, he was half Russian. I left it anyway and went to the Caucasus. Since then, they have not seen him. The child is already 10 years old. She never got married, one does not pull everything for herself.
    3. Love is a carrot. It's just over. No unpleasant consequences, family and children.
    4. Great love. I went to Nalchik for him. He has a family, two children. He is not going to marry her. She endures everything. I love, he says. So I will live.

    We, in the south, have many Caucasians, many more than in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But, basically, they still start a serious relationship only with their own. Ours is just for fun.

    Yes, I, perhaps, have not heard the happy ending of such stories. Families rarely end. But since modern girls do not have family in the first place, this does not stop them ... "

    vic_vega : "I watched a picture on one of my previous works. The girl Nadia met with a fat-ass dzhigit from Adygea. She converted to Islam, began to walk in a headscarf. They lived without formalizing a relationship. Then Nadia became pregnant, but the pregnancy was problematic, there was a miscarriage. And soon the dzhigit did Nade "adiez!" And left for his historical homeland. Such things. "

    halbin : "I know a couple of stories with a positive ending. A woman was in the hospital. She was married to a Caucasian, gave birth to 3 children. A fairly successful and long-term marriage (according to the consequences, the eldest was 9 years old, 2 houses were built, adopted by his relatives). The second happened in Soviet times. , got divorced when children grew up.
    The second "ordinary" - married an Armenian, half Russian
    And two bad ones. The girl lived with an Azeri for several years, he abandoned her at 8 months of pregnancy, she was kicked out of the house, the child spent the first 1.5 years in an orphanage, then his mother was able to take him away, and she is raised alone. The second "ordinary" - married a half-Russian Armenian, gave birth, is raising one. "

    pavel_valerich : “I have a Russian girl friend who met a Caucasian when she was young. Well, as we met and broke up, she says he didn’t satisfy her in bed, everything happened very quickly with him. Now she has been married to a Russian guy for 8 years.

    gans2 : "A reliable story. An Azerbaijani. Consistently cohabited with three Russian women in the same yard. Oto everyone has a child. Everyone pays what they should. Brought his wife from his homeland. Lived, did not like it - sent it back. Lives in the same yard, no one else no problem. Personally, I've been watching this for 6 years. The whole history is at least 15 years old. A compromise between polygamous and monogamous culture, so to speak. "

    silver_ktulhu : “There are seven examples of unsuccessful and two“ successful. ”In quotation marks, because in these cases the parents abandoned their children. One time is formal, the other is real.
    Of the unsuccessful ones, parents came there four times and said "we will leave no pants" (to put it mildly) and left with their son.
    Do not forget about their clannishness if you are going to collect statistics.
    The vast majority of examples from the mid-80s are the 2000s.
    There is an example of a "family" contract - a very sad one. A woman married an Armenian. Everything was fine until my uncle died at home - a divorce. After a while, she goes beyond the Russian (they still live). They will have a daughter and a son. The daughter is marrying an Armenian, the mother is against it almost to the point of a fight, but resigned herself. It did not grow together - divorce + child. Russian - divorce + child. Georgian - divorce + child. The latter was Armenian. So briefly.
    People are normal without strong quirks, they lived nearby for almost 20 years.
    The first child is a girl, they say there has already been a battle on the same topic. "

    Anonymous: "A classmate married an Azerbaijani. He thus acquired a residence permit and settled life here. They have been living for twenty years, two children. He has a successful business, a cottage, 3 cars (for himself, his wife, daughter for his 18th birthday). True, he dragged for a bunch of relatives and friends from Azerbaijan, they officially formalized the diaspora here, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law are inscribed in the "diaspora")) Most of the friends are also married to Russians. "

    archi_pelagius : "The girl is a typical" station barmaid ". Vocational school, all the cases. The first husband is a Lezghin. Lived for about 5 years. One child. Further, the husband somehow threw his own people and was" lost. " character.
    The second husband is a Talysh (i.e., like the Azeri, a Transcaucasian). His first wife is Russian. One child. Then he came to this one, left an apartment for his first wife, and lives with this pet-woman in a hut, even though he himself is with a high school. I got pigs and started drinking :-). The barmaid got two more men. And it pulls everyone on itself - i.e. her child from her first marriage, her child from her first marriage and these two with his wife, tk. she does not work."

    "1. She is a Muscovite, he is Armenian. She has been married for 8 years, has two children. The marriage is strong, the husband and father are good, and has not been seen in the campaigns to the left.

    2. A good friend, lives in a neighboring house, a Muscovite teacher - her second husband is Uzbek. A difficult child remained from the first marriage. They live for a total of 3 years - of which 2 have been officially married. At the moment, everyone is fine, but ... she rules the relationship, which may negatively affect the future. "

    anglichano4ka : "The story is real, I personally have been watching for 6 years (the family of my best friend). A young man from Derbent, a Lak, came to study in Voronezh in 1989. I did not enter, I met a Russian girl. We started dating, she became pregnant. Relatives liked it very much and like it for more than 20 years. She gave birth to her husband a girl and a boy. They do not live very richly, the husband never received an education, he taxis. When there is money, they go to Dagestan. Children consider themselves Russians, but also the culture of the mountaineers. appreciate: they want to live in Russia, and go to Derbent to rest. "

    nabludatell : “Well, my story is generally scary. She is a 14-year-old girl, her mother is deprived of parental rights, her father is absent, she was brought up by a half-crazy grandmother and grandfather. This one stuck to her ... I don’t remember who anymore. In Russian his name was Fedya. I was gluing, but I successfully ran away from him. ”In general, a Caucasian.
    They began to "live". Then my grandmother gave her soul to God (I almost hanged herself - I don't remember the details). At 15, the girl was already walking with a belly. Gave birth. How everything was with them - apparently, not smoothly, he beat her up. In general, he did something illegal, he was imprisoned. The girl divorced him, discharged him from the apartment. Relatives at first threatened (figle - an apartment in the center of Moscow), then came and took out of the apartment everything that dad bought - a washing machine, furniture, a refrigerator.
    This was the end of the story. And the girl grew wiser. I found a husband significantly older than her. They live well. She has children - a son from the first marriage, two from the second and one more adopted one, it seems. In general, either four or five. They got the dog. She is studying to be a lawyer. "

    Anonymous: "I know only one story with a happy ending. He is Nogai, she is Russian, they got married back in the USSR. For this he deceived his parents, told them that he was already married to her, then they reconciled. Happy marriage, two children. But there is an amendment the fact that he himself is very Russified and the history was still in the USSR The children - two sons, also married Russians, we can say that his grandchildren are already Russian.
    And from modern stories I heard about such marriages several times, but always with the same ending - divorce.
    Now in the Russian environment it is difficult to create a lasting marriage even between Russians, let alone other nationalities.
    I know one girl (not personally), she married an Ingush, then her parents bought this fool back, she was his second wife. And as they said, when they arrived there in the village, she was sitting ON THE EARTH in the yard and knitting something)) "

    Anonymous: "My boyfriend is Uzbek. Together for a little more than half a year. We are going to live together. He does not eat pork and requires it from me, but we are still looking for a compromise, And the rest of it, pah-pah-pah, everything is wonderful :)"

    Anonymous: "Do not believe in the love of Caucasians!
    My name is Alsou. I want to warn all Russian girls against loving Caucasians. Yes Russian, Tatarka herself. I lived in Bashkiria, on the border with Tatarstan there were four children in our family, a guy and 3 girls. They lived in our village together; Bashkirs, Russians, Chuvashs, Maris, Udmurts and Tatars created mixed families, not really thinking about their religious or national identity. The very 2 sisters have it. One for the Russian, the other for the Chuvash. I was left without a Father early when I was 17, and in the family, I was the youngest. She did not sit on her neck, she married Lezgin. To give credit was handsome, strong. The wedding was played in Dagestan. Until I became a legal wife, everything was not bad. He courted, gave flowers. It all ended after the wedding. The very first night, (was a virgin), my husband simply raped me, tearing my clothes, never kissing me or saying anything good. I was hurt and hurt. Well at least it lasted less than a minute. CAUCASIANS ONLY IN THE WORDS OF THE BRAND !!! They write about big dicks and sexual power - LIE! Mine could not more than 2 times a week, for that I composed about myself, horror. One day, I complained to my husband that I want to get something from sex. He beat me, saying that they have women, you can't even stutter about it. From an enviable gentleman, he turned into a stupid, rude, dirty dork, no better than a Russian drunk. In the house, I became a slave, although in fairness they lived in abundance, 3 cars, 1 truck, clothes, gold, the table was always full - everything was there. Only one BUT! They hardly let me out of the house - rarely with someone else to the store. On TV, which showed only local channels, nothing good, from books - only Islamist literature. Even home, I only called in the presence of someone from their family - God forbid to complain. Only the work that fell on mine. A year later, my son Mamed was born, they started to let me go to the store alone. Soon, my countrywoman, herself a Russian, appeared in our village. We were allowed to meet. Her troubles were similar to mine. The same rudeness, disrespect, torture. Half a year later, her husband, who constantly went somewhere, picked up a gonorrhea, and blamed his wife, who was sitting at home, for this. All her husband's relatives executed her, first kicked her, then ripped open her stomach and left her to die. There was no question of legality. A year later, my husband died, got stoned behind the wheel and flew into the gorge. After his death, my life turned to hell. They could call me whatever they wanted, even the sisters and brothers of my ex-spouse stopped sitting at the table with everyone else. My ex's father said that all Tatars are the same whores as the Russians. Several times, when there was a party in the house, with the same alcohol (LET'S DO NOT SCREAM THAT CAUCASIANS DO NOT DRINK - THEY ARE EATING AND GATING !!!) I had to spend the night in the barn. The brothers of my ex, in my face called me the Tatar whore, drove me out of the house, hinting that you should leave your son, and leave yourself. How could I leave my son, think for yourself? I was lucky only when my son was three years old. Helicopter pilots were based in the village during the first Chechen campaign. Among the pilots, there was a guy with whom I studied together. He helped me and my son escape from hell. I am now married to. My husband is half Russian, half Tatar. Wonderful, kind and gentle. Let me not be surrounded by gold and silk, even if we have an old Khrushchev in Kazan and an old wreck "Zhigul", for that I am a woman, not a slave. Yes, the woman who first experienced the joy of sex with our Russian. I may not be rich, but here I feel like a man. Recently, even on the Internet, you can see false Caucasian propaganda about horsemen, as if they were the only men on earth. The Promise of Paradise and the rest. All this is supported by the stories of girls who supposedly found happiness in the Caucasus, and a reliable partner in the Caucasians themselves. FALSE! THERE, EVEN YOUR WOMAN IS NOT A HUMAN - YOU ARE THERE AND ALWAYS WILL BE SLAVES AND A THING, AND NOT NECESSARY! The videos are filmed by slaves who are intimidated and downtrodden by Caucasians who speak on demand and not on their own.

    Anonymous: "Awful !!! Girls, be careful. I lived in France with a Chechen, I thought for a long time in Europe, the mentality has changed ... Aggressive, jealous, sex is like rape, dictatorship. I ran away. I want to forget it like a bad dream."

    Anonymous: "I am a Russian 37 years old, he is a Chechen 47 years old, we have been together for 5 years, and we met 2 years before that, yes, he is very respectful to others, generous and sympathetic, but if he doesn’t like one of my friends, then a little whether not a ban on communication, do not smile at anyone, even out of politeness, but I do not go on about, I am an independent person - my own apartment, a good job, a child from my first marriage. I don’t believe in love-carrots from Caucasians)))) Chechens are very hard morally, you have to keep your opinion to yourself, especially if you depend on him, and if not, then keep them at a distance))) girls, think 1000 times if you are ready to become a buried housekeeper, and your husband is always right, and you are a woman - be quiet))))

    Anyone can tell famous stories of such relationships. I promise to add all messages to the text. We create a Wikipedia of stories of intertribal relationships.

    As you know, Caucasians are a people with fascinating customs and traditions. It is for this reason that the love of these people is always full of experiences, emotions and unusual situations. Because of this, Caucasian love stories on VKontakte are extremely popular among users of this social network. In the vastness of VK, you can find a lot of different stories about Caucasian love and what obstacles stand in its way. And in this article we will tell you about where to find Caucasian love stories on VKontakte.

    Group "Caucasian Love Stories"

    "Caucasian Love Stories" is an open group in VKontakte, which is dedicated to stories about people from the Caucasus and about their barriers to love and happiness. In this community, more than one thousand six hundred topics have been created, in which you can find a variety of narratives on this topic. There are both children's stories on the verge of a fairy tale, and adult stories marked "eighteen plus". Therefore, if you are a fan of stories about pure and real Caucasian love, then this group will be just for you. These stories are very sensual and open the door for real emotions and love experiences.

    The group has more than thirty-seven thousand participants, so you can always find a like-minded person or an interlocutor if you want to discuss this or that story. The group "Caucasian Love Stories" ( is a place where, probably, the maximum number of such stories is collected, so there will definitely be something to do on quiet winter evenings.

    Group "Caucasian Love"

    "Caucasian Love (Respect Has Limits)" is another group in which you can find many stories about the love of the Caucasus. Here ( you can find some of the most sensual and romantic stories. All of them are written by a real master of their craft, because when you read each sentence, you will experience the events together with the main characters. It is worth noting that such stories are quite long, which allows you to convey the whole picture of events and emotions as clearly as possible. These are a kind of mini-novels, where events unfold rapidly, and passion is heated to the limit.

    More than seventy-eight thousand VK users joined this group, which indicates the popularity of the community. And this is not surprising: love is the most demanded feeling that will surely come to every person. And by reading love stories, we in a sense prepare ourselves for this event. That is why Caucasian love stories enjoy such fame not only among people from the Caucasus, but also among many residents of Russia and Ukraine.

    Now you know where to find Caucasian love stories on the VK social network. Read them with pleasure, and soon real and passionate love will come to you.

    Malika got married early - at the age of 15, so that even she herself did not have time to understand how it happened. During the wedding of her cousin, she fell in love with a nice guy from a neighboring village, and he came to the spring to see her. And her friend Marem, who envied the fact that such an enviable groom drew attention to Malika, carefully watched the couple a little to the side. Suddenly, completely unexpectedly for everyone, she shouted loudly: “Kugh lazza! Kug lazza! " (I took my hand! I took my hand!), Although there was nothing like that. Why she did this remains a mystery. Probably, she wanted to dishonor Malika, but in fact it turned out that this involuntary "shame" was the reason that the stately handsome Shamil sent matchmakers to Malika the same evening. And the "disgraced" Malika married him, thinking that something terrible had happened.

    Malika was pleased with her husband. Of course, rural life is not sugar, but Malika was accustomed to work from early childhood - to milk a cow and bake bread - she did everything playfully. And her husband ... loved her, despite the fact that she had been married for 5 years, she could not give him children. Only the chores around the house and yard allowed her to forget and forget for a while about her trouble. But every evening she fell asleep with tears in her eyes and a prayer to Allah for a child.

    That evening she prayed especially earnestly. She decided for herself that if this time it did not work out, she would no longer torment Shamil and would go to her parents' house. She offered him more than once to marry another, but he reassured her as best he could, not even allowing the thought of a second wife. “Even if we never have children, I will not marry another,” he ardently urged her, “… we have a big family, it's okay if I personally don't have children. Others have - and that's enough, the Salamov family will not end with me. "

    But, despite such his words, Malika could not allow her beloved, dear, dear person to remain childless. Therefore, she firmly decided for herself - she will wait another month - and that's it, home ...

    Allah heard her prayers, and after a month she suffered ... At first she could not believe, and was afraid to say, and could not admit to herself that this had happened. Everyone listened to herself, everyone was afraid to say it out loud. And only when Shamil asked about it himself, noticing her slightly rounded belly, she replied: "Yes, I think I'm pregnant." Oh, how he circled her, how he rejoiced! What care and attention he filled her days! He categorically forbade doing hard work and was looking forward to the birth of the child ...

    It is not clear what was the reason for the delay in the appearance of children, but since then children in the family of Shamil and Malika began to appear every year - as if from a cornucopia. Their house was filled with the voices of eight sons!

    There was no limit to the happiness of Shamil and Malika. In the depths of her soul, Malika dreamed of a girl, but she did not dare to complain even alone with herself, since she was very grateful to Allah for the happiness sent to her!

    The eldest son, Magomed, was the most playful and whimsical. Probably because his parents pampered him more than anyone else, and all the other children were told that he was the eldest, he should be listened to, he should be respected and honored. He believed in his uniqueness and importance, and every now and then "pleased" his parents with his pranks.

    His favorite trick was to hide somewhere for a long time and wait for his mother to start looking for him. “Moh1mad, k1orny, michakh woo hyo? Hiavad Mom's! Sa gatdella sa! " (Magomed, baby, where are you? Run to mom! I missed you!) - Malika lamented, running around the yard, looking into all the corners, but Magomed every time found a new place, and she never managed to find it. Having tortured her for some time, he jumped out of hiding with wild cries, and then they laughed together for a long time ...

    ... On the outskirts of the village of Goiskoye, the bodies of those killed during the "anti-terrorist operation to capture the militants" in the village of Komsomolskoye were dumped in a huge pit. The unfortunates dug in this hole, looking for their loved ones among the disfigured corpses, such dear and beloved ones with whom they were only yesterday ...
    ... Among all, an elderly woman stood out, with a face tied with gauze and mournful eyes in which, it seemed, all the sadness of the world was reflected ... She now and then pulled someone out of the heap of corpses, and said: "Hara sa wu! .. Hara sa wu ! .. Khara sa woo! " (This one is mine, and this one is mine, and this one is mine ...) The women standing at a distance were shaking their heads sympathetically and talking among themselves, not believing that all seven corpses that the woman pulled out of the dump were related to her. In their opinion, the woman simply lost her mind and pulled out everyone in a row.

    “Moh1mad, sa k1orny, michakh woo hyo? Sa sa gatdella! " (Magomed, my baby, where are you? I missed you!) - the woman began to lament, and those watching her were sure that she had lost her mind. Someone was crying, someone, who had no tears left, wanted to come up to her to take her out of there, and one of the women had already moved towards her, but an elderly man standing aside stopped her with the words: “Leave her. These are our seven sons. She is looking for the eighth. " He could not hold back his tears. In embarrassment, turning away, he quietly cried. He did not have the moral strength to approach the pit.

    "Moh1mad, k1orny, hya guch val, so qadella!" (Magomed, baby, come out, I'm tired) - repeated Malika. There was not a tear on her face ...

    ... In the bloody massacre in the village of Komsomolskoye, about 2,000 people of the local population were killed. Including old people, women and children ...