Lunar manicure with shellac using a stencil. The lunar shellac manicure is rightfully considered the most exquisite, as it will suit any woman, regardless of her profession and position. Using stencils

Lunar manicure is a fashion trend of the 30s of the last century, which was revived in 2010 and has not lost ground since then.

Performing a moon manicure at home does not take much time, and the result will delight and delight for a long time.

Shellac - definition

Shellac is a perfect gel polish coating that cures in a UV lamp. It is presented in the form of 250 different shades, lasts from two weeks and does not contain harmful chemical elements.

Shellac is marked "3 free", which means that it is absolutely hypoallergenic.

Features of the moon manicure and who is it for

A moon manicure or, as it is called abroad, a Hollywood jacket, is, in fact, a French manicure, just the opposite. It is not the free edge of the marigold that is distinguished with a contrasting or light shade, but a hole that looks like a crescent moon. Such a manicure is also called a reverse jacket or a Dior manicure.

Lunar manicure provides many variations: with a triangular smile, double contour, decorated with rhinestones or glitter.

Advantages of lunar manicure with shellac:

  • Suitable for nails of any length.
  • Simple execution technique.
  • Suitable for both everyday life and special occasions.
  • Versatile - fits any makeup and clothing style.
  • Dries quickly.
  • Easily removable.
  • Long lasting. The term of wearing will be from two weeks.
  • Shine - the coating does not fade over time and looks like you just left the beauty salon.

How to choose the shape of your nails?

Moon nail art looks best on almond-shaped and oval nails of medium length. But if you are the owner of square nails, then you should not give up the reverse jacket either, it is enough to file the free edge of the nail a little, giving it a soft shape.

The moon manicure also looks advantageous on short round or oval nails. In recent years, the use of moon nail art and in pedicure is gaining more and more popularity. This is not surprising, since, in addition to all the listed advantages, shellac stays on your feet for up to 4 - 5 weeks.

Less favorable for a Hollywood jacket is the "rough square" shape. On a square background, oval lines look disharmonious.

Materials and tools for creating moon nail art with shellac

To perform a reverse jacket at home, you will need:

  • Ultraviolet lamp
  • Shellac in two contrasting colors
  • Degreaser
  • Basic coverage
  • Top coverage
  • Stencils or a thin brush to paint a smile

Stencils can be cut from medical tape.

If the design is done using foil, then instead of a brush and stencils you will need:

  • Glue for foil
  • Transfer foil
  • Pusher or orange stick

Technique of execution in stages

Using stencils

  1. If necessary, give the desired shape to the free edge of the nail and do a manicure.
  2. Degrease your nails.
  3. Apply a base coat and cure in a UV lamp for two minutes.
  4. Apply the first color and dry for two minutes. For the intensity of the shade can be applied twice, each time dry.
  5. We fix the stencils on the nail plate.
  6. We paint over the part of the nail that is free from the stencil and carefully remove the stencils. We dry the gel polish in the lamp.
  7. Apply the top and dry it again.

With a brush

  1. We repeat from the 1st to the 4th point.
  2. Draw the borders of the hole with a thin brush. Next, paint over it completely with gel. Can be repeated twice, after drying the previous layer.
  3. Apply the top and dry it again in a UV lamp.

We also suggest you watch a video tutorial on how to perform a moon manicure with a brush.

However, there is not one, but several techniques for drawing a hole with a brush. After watching the following video, we can choose the option that suits you.

Lunar manicure in combination with a jacket now at the peak of popularity... It looks incredibly stylish in any color scheme.

To complete the design at home, it is enough to follow the same step-by-step instructions as for creating a moon manicure.

Only when drawing a hole with a brush or using stencils, do not forget to highlight the edge of the nail with a smile.

Mirror moon nail art

This is a manicure, during the creation of which the nail hole is isolated not with varnish, but with foil.

  1. Repeat steps 1 - 4.
  2. Apply a top coat and cure in the lamp.
  3. Cut the foil into equal pieces to match the shape of your nails.
  4. Apply glue to the foil area.
  5. Let the glue dry well (it will become transparent) and glue the foil to it with the matte side down. Gently smooth out the foil with the tip of an orange stick or a pusher.
  6. We remove the foil and, covering the nails with the top again, dry the nails.
If you want to make your manicure unique, you can decorate one or more nails with stamping, painting, stickers or rhinestones before applying the top.

In order not to overload nail art with details, it is better to decorate with decorative elements only one finger. This is usually unnamed.

  • Take care of a flawless hygienic manicure before applying the coating. Highlighting the hole or free edge implies the ideal condition of the cuticle.
  • Stencils must be removed before drying in a UV lamp, otherwise the coating may turn out with torn edges of the hole.
  • When painting the hole with a brush, pay special attention to the careful execution of the corners.
  • It is important to choose the right combination of companion colors for a moon manicure so that nail art does not look provocative and unnecessarily theatrical. It is not recommended to combine matte and pearlescent varnishes. Remember to match colors to your dressing style and makeup.
  • Rhinestones or stones are glued along the outer contour of the hole. It will look cumbersome to place rhinestones in the center of the nail plate.

Fashion trends and ideas in moon nail art

Variations of the Hollywood jacket have not left the top positions in the ranking of the most advanced fashionistas for several years. The combination of moon design and French manicure in one manicure is very popular. It looks especially advantageous in gentle pastel colors with a transparent hole or, on the contrary, in bright juicy shades.

Stylists consider black and white and red and beige to be the most advantageous color combinations in moon manicure. The moon manicure, performed in combination with a deep gradient, is extremely popular.

Combination of red and beige

Looks very stylish on short nails, making them visually longer, nail art with triangular holes.

For short nails

A manicure with rhinestones or sparkles is the lot of the most chic and daring ladies. Such nail art is often chosen by brides. Marigolds look really solemn, bright and festive.

Looks great in combination with a gradient.

With gradient

Lunar manicure will never get bored, as it will allow you to choose an option for the most demanding taste. Nail art won't take long to do, but it will take you a lot of pleasant minutes from realizing your own perfection.

For several seasons, moon manicure has been considered one of the most beautiful, even though it appeared in the fashion world for a very long time. As soon as he appeared he was given the name "Hollywood French". It was so popular that its design was visible on the hands of every third. In 2010, the Dior collection show was presented by the fashion lover. The girls had a moon manicure on their nails, and from that moment on, every season it becomes more and more popular.

The creation of this type of manicure can be very diverse: many shades and textures of various varnishes can be combined and used. The "hole" itself can be made both narrow and wide. All options depend only on the woman's imagination. There are several different techniques for performing a moon manicure. This article will describe several of these types of execution at once and show options for photos in stages and a video of how to make a moon manicure with gel polish at home.

  • The first way is to do a manicure using a stencil. For such a manicure you will need: a base coating, a pair of contrasting varnishes, a coating that will be used as a top layer and ordinary stencils.
  1. In the first method, from the very beginning, you need to remove the cuticles and make the nails of the shape that the woman wanted herself
  2. ... Then the nail plate is covered with a small layer of coating (base).
  3. A couple of layers of the base varnish are applied to the already prepared nail plate and then you need to wait a little while all the varnish is completely dry.
  4. Next, you need to determine which design will be applied. Depending on this, a stencil is glued. Here we look at a stencil that resembles an inverted moon in shape. It must be glued so that in the future the hole looks like a concave one. It is painted over with a contrasting gold varnish.
  5. After that, you need to very carefully peel off the stencil and cover it all with the selected top varnish. The manicure is ready.
  • Lunar manicure, the technique of which is to use a special kiused for decoration - this will be the second option, which we will consider.

  1. To perform such a manicure, you will need all the same accessories as in the previous version, but a brush will also appear.
  2. The preparation for the manicure will be the same as in the previous process. After the base varnish has already dried, you need to draw with a brush.
  3. This time the moon will be already curved. You need to take a brush, dip it in varnish and outline the boundaries of the moon for it and paint over it with purple varnish. This varnish should be very contrasting.
  4. And at the end, cover the nails, again, with a top coat.

Lunar manicure is much easier to perform than other types and every girl will succeed in doing it the first time.

How to do a moon manicure with shellac at home

Lunar manicure can be called a version of a French manicure, only inverted: the light line of a smile is located not on the free edge of the nail, but in a hollow near the cuticle and is not a straight strip, but a line that looks like a smile.

Nicely, tastefully designed nails attract attention and delight. Only one small but: the varnish coating is not very durable, and there are situations when a piece of varnish on one nail breaks off at the most inopportune moment, when it is not possible to restore the coating of one marigold, and because of this small misunderstanding, you have to erase the varnish on all nails.

There is a way out - use shellac! Shellac is both a gel and a varnish in one bottle, it is used as a color coating, strengthens its nails and retains its attractive appearance for a long time.

How to make a moon manicure with shellac? If you plan to make a dark-colored coating with a smile line, then a layer of one color of shellac is applied to the nail, then a smile line is formed and shellac of a different color is applied to the entire nail, bypassing the area of ​​the moon. All layers are dried in an ultraviolet lamp before applying the next layer. A top coat is applied in the final layer, giving extra hardness and shine to the nails.

Usually they turn to a nail art specialist to apply shellac, but there is nothing difficult, you just need to have the necessary tools, equipment and experience, and you can do a manicure using shellac at home. How to make a lunar manicure with shellac at home, look at the photos in stages and video materials.

All the same steps for applying shellac and fixing layers can be done at home:

  1. First, a base layer is applied to the previously prepared nail with the excess cuticle removed, and after it has dried, the main color is applied.
  2. After drying the base color, using a stencil strip, the color for the smile line is applied. Drying this layer, applying the final top coat.
  3. Final drying and removal of the sticky layer with a special liquid (if there is no liquid, you can just alcohol).

You can buy a base, top coat and several colored gel polishes, and a liquid to remove the sticky layer in many shops specializing in the sale of goods for nail art. In the same place, as a rule, an ultraviolet lamp, which is also LED, is purchased, which makes it possible to speed up the drying process of each layer. Accuracy in applying layers, thorough drying of each layer is the key to a high-quality and long-lasting coating. A manicure will delight you for a long time with its bright, rich and neat look.

Isn't it time to go to the relatively distant past? Let there be no time machine. Of course, we are not talking about a domestic musical group! These musicians, like any other, will not help in the complex matter of caring for women's nails. This is the most incredibly popular and stylish moon manicure that is back in fashion.

In the forties of the last century, the ladies pampered their marigolds with such a luxurious manicure. And now, it finally came true! We must not forget this "old". Moreover, when, according to the current fashion trends, it again became "new". And this means, the current trend of fashion and bestowing priceless self-confidence to every modern seducer!

Of course, the masters will be asked to shell out a tidy sum for such a bright and persistent manicure. But it is worth looking at this disgrace from the point of view of paying for dental treatment in private and public dentistry, for example. Who will go to private dentistry, where even the things that didn't need to be touched will be cured? So it is with the moon manicure, which is urgently needed by each of the fashionistas, no doubt about it. In "state dentistry" they will not understand, ask the girl to make her a moon manicure at a cheaper price. Still would! Accordingly, everything will have to be done by myself ... Well, who will do it better? Moreover, having at hand such video manicure lessons.

Nail design: Lunar manicure (gel polish)!

Lunar manicure with gel polish!

A selection of video lessons on Lunar manicure gel polish for beginners:

Below there is a whole selection of step-by-step videos of moon manicure gel polish lessons for beginners, which will no doubt teach you something useful and useful. The video squares are small, click "full screen" or double click on the video for easier viewing.

The technique of performing a moon manicure is a combination of two colors of varnish, differing from each other in contrast, the accent of which is in the hole of the nail. There are two types of manicure:

  • with a concave smile line at the base of the nail;
  • with a convex smile line at the base of the nail.

From history: the moon manicure was opened to the general public by Christian Dior in the 40s of the twentieth century. With the passage of time, he acquired the name of the great designer and the name "Dior manicure". You can also find the third name -.

Length and shape of nails

Manicure "in the likeness of the moon" looks great both on, which gives the image a cuteness, and on long, execution on which visually shortens them. Oval or rounded nail shapes are most suitable for manicure.

One of the advantages of this manicure is its versatility. It is he who is suitable for any event, be it a party, a gala reception, work or everyday life.

Lunar nail polish colors

The main color that gives an accent on the nails should be some shade of the dark ones, while the nail hole should acquire a light shade. Some of the most beautiful and fashionable combinations are such as black with, with silver, purple with white.

Looks great with a mint shade with white. Gothic fans will be interested in red and black.

How to make a moon manicure yourself

The most basic technique for performing a Lunar manicure is to apply the color of the hole, and then gently apply the second color, leaving a convex or concave line. This requires precision movement and some experience.

It will help the business - a thin brush - they draw an arc with it and then carefully draw the surrounding part, the rest can already be applied with a regular brush.

Another option: we use only one color, the hole will be the natural color of the nail. Apply varnish to the entire surface of the nail, let it dry a little and make holes with a flat brush dipped in nail polish remover.

Lunar manicure with stencil

  • means, tools for hygienic manicure;
  • two contrasting varnishes;
  • stencils designed for moon manicure or french;
  • base for varnish, fixer.

Execution technique:

  1. we will carry out a hygienic manicure; give a beautiful shape to the nails, degrease the nail plate;
  2. apply a base under the varnish on the nails, after a while it will dry, wait. The properties of the base are significant. Thanks to its effect, varnishes have a lesser effect on the nail plate, preserving the natural shine of the nail, helping to keep the manicure longer;
  3. cover the nails with a lighter shade of varnish, wait for it to dry completely;
  4. near the nail hole, glue the stencil with the convex or concave side, while leaving a small open gap. Its size can be easily determined, and it will depend on the size of the hole and the length of the nails. You can start applying dark varnish, stepping a little on the stencil itself, so that you end up with a straight line. If there is no stencil at hand, then an adhesive tape or a sticker can come to your aid;
  5. after the varnish has dried, cover the nails with a fixative, wait for it to dry completely. Voila, our manicure is ready.

Lunar manicure with foil

For execution we need:

  • tools and products for hygienic manicure;
  • foil;
  • scissors;
  • cotton swabs;
  • dark varnish;
  • base for varnish, fixer.

Execution technique:

  1. The first step is carried out similarly to the above method;
  2. We will cover the nails with a base under the varnish, let it dry a little, for about 20 seconds;
  3. Take a piece of foil and glue it to the nail from the base to the middle. Smooth gently around the edges for full adhesion with a cotton swab;
  4. Cut the foil around the edges with scissors, very carefully so that it follows the contour of the nail. Align the foil around the edges using a cotton swab;
  5. Cover the nail with dark varnish, leaving a piece of foil unpainted at the base. At the same time, we make the joint line as even as possible;
  6. Let's wait until the varnish dries. Let's apply the fixer. A good quality varnish should adhere to the foil.

Lunar manicure using foil looks much bright. It is not difficult to complete, the main thing is diligence and patience.

Now it is very fashionable to use shellac to perform a moon manicure. This manicure got its name thanks to the technology by which the agent is applied to the nail: to highlight the lunula, similar to a crescent, a contrasting varnish is used.

This method ultimately leads not only to a spectacular appearance, but also to durability, because shellac allows the coating to persist for three to four weeks.

If, after the gel polish hardens, imperfections in the coating are found, they can be filed a little. Do not be afraid of the spoiled look - everything is corrected by the topcoat. After applying it, the nails are dried with a lamp for two minutes.

It is worth noting

If it seems that there is not enough contrast in the manicure, you can use add-ons. For example, you can draw lines along the holes using nail paint or regular varnish. They can be easily erased and changed every day.

And before you do a moon manicure with shellac, you need to know how to get rid of the coating later. To remove the top layer, the nails are processed with a file, the abrasiveness of which is 180 units. Then the fingers are wrapped with cotton pads moistened with a special liquid. To speed up the process, foil is wrapped on top. The duration of this stage is 10 minutes. Shellac should come off on its own, if not, you should use a plastic scraper or orange stick.

Moon manicure: design ideas (photo)

Lunar manicure gel polish: color combinations

You can use different colors in moon manicure. What combinations are most often used when performing a moon manicure with gel polish?

The most luxurious is the combination of black and gold. It is so great that it is not used on a daily basis, it is intended for solemn and festive occasions.

When a moon manicure is performed with a gel, you can safely use a combination of raspberry and black.

Thanks to this, the image will become somewhat reckless, which is very suitable for young fashionistas.

To create a strict and incredibly stylish look, use a combination of white and black or cream and black. Such a moon manicure gel polish will be ideal for work: office, conference, business meeting.

They also use inversion - a combination of a dark month and a light base. Thanks to the creation of contrast, the manicure makes the image bright and bold. With the help of juicy "fruit" flowers, a carefree and cheerful image is created. It can be used on vacation or at a friendly meeting.

To make a moon manicure with a gel more varied, the "month" can be done in different thicknesses: a thin strip or a noticeable crescent.