Teaching preschool children Traffic rules for preschoolers and their parents

Hello our dear readers! Did you know that more than 90% of children injured on the road as a result of road traffic accidents were in relatively safe areas - at stops, sidewalks or pedestrian crossings? So that misfortune does not happen to your child, you need to promptly teach him the rules of behavior on the road. Today we will tell you how to have a conversation about traffic rules for preschool children in a relaxed manner.

You already know that most reliably a child assimilates information that is presented to him in the form of a game. Let's not deviate from this rule and play the didactic game "Adventures on the streets of a big city" with the kid.

Take a large piece of Whatman paper and draw roads, alleys, sidewalks and intersections on it. In addition, you will need:

  • small toy cars;
  • small dolls or animals that will represent pedestrians;
  • some traffic signs (they can be found on the Internet, printed and pasted on cardboard);
  • traffic light layout.

Spread a Whatman paper in the middle of the room and invite your baby to play. You can start with a small poem:

The city in which
We live with you
You can rightfully
Compare with the ABC book.
The alphabet of the streets
Avenues, roads
The city gives us
Lesson all the time.
Here it is, the alphabet,
The signs are hung
Along the pavement.
ABC of the city
Remember always
So that it does not happen
Trouble is with you.

(S. Yakovlev)

First of all, the kid needs to be told the rules of behavior at the intersection. Explain that you need to cross the road only at a green traffic light, yellow is a warning, and red prohibits traffic. Simulate the situation at your mini-intersection by placing toys and cars. Change traffic signals, and let the baby "cross" across the road with the doll or bear. To consolidate the material, learn a poem with a crumb and ask a few riddles.

Three multicolored circles:
Red shines - wait
And on yellow - wait, my friend,
Go to the green light!
The traffic light gives advice
How to cross the road.
A pedestrian in this
You can't find a better friend!

(M. Novitskaya)

The sentinel looks keenly
Behind the wide pavement.
How he looks with a red eye -
All will stop at once.

(Traffic light)

What is the light of the traffic light
Does he say to us: "There is no passage"?


The light is on at the traffic light
“Go ahead,” he says.


The light is on at the traffic light
"Get ready" - says?

Tell the little one about the basic rules of behavior on the road and show them clearly on your model.

  • You only need to walk on the right side of the sidewalk because it happens that the driver cannot cope with the control and the car jumps out onto the sidewalk.
  • Cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing. Even crossing the road on the "zebra", you must first look to the left, walk to the middle, look to the right and continue the journey.
  • Crossing the road, you need to see if there are any cars nearby. Even a slow-moving car can be dangerous because it could suddenly drive out another car.
  • You cannot bypass a standing bus... You need to wait until he drives away from the stop. Buses and cars standing by the side of the road block the road, and you may not see a fast moving car.
  • It is forbidden to cross the road in front of a fast moving car... Even if the driver applies the brake in time, the car will move for a while and may knock a pedestrian.
  • You can not run across without looking even the most deserted street... It often happens that on the streets, where cars rarely appear, the child loses vigilance. Get your baby into the habit of first looking around, listening, and only then crossing the road.

Play with your child various situations that may arise on the road. First, let the baby be a pedestrian, and you will be a driver, then switch roles.

Show the little one the main road signs: "Pedestrian crossing", "No traffic", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Bus stop", "Children" and others. Place them together with your child on the streets of your makeshift city. The funny poems of O. Emelyanova will help explain to the kid the meaning of the signs:

Children sign
Children in the middle of the road
We are always responsible for them.
So that their parent does not cry,
Be careful, driver!

Road works sign
Road works sign.
Someone is fixing the road here.
You will need to slow down the speed,
There are people on the road.

Hospital sign
If you need to be treated,
The sign will tell you where the hospital is.
One Hundred Serious Doctors
There you will be told: "Be healthy!"

Sign "Bus stop place"
There is a pedestrian in this place
The transport is patiently waiting.
He's tired of walking on foot
He wants to become a passenger.

Sign "Underground pedestrian crossing"
Every pedestrian knows
About this underground passage.
He does not decorate the city,
But it doesn't interfere with the cars!

Pedestrian crossing sign
There's a ground crossing here,
People walk all day.
You, driver, do not be sad
Pass the pedestrian!

Play the "Intruder Bunny" scene with the child, tell us how to behave if an unforeseen situation arises - the traffic light does not work, the ball rushes out onto the road, the car goes to a red light. To understand if the kid has learned the new information well, invite him to take a tour of the real city.

Approaching the intersection with the little one, ask the kid to help you cross the road. Let him tell you how to proceed. Correct if the child is mistaken, ask leading questions. Pay the baby's attention to the road signs, road markings, underground crossings. Ask him riddles:

Leads down from the sidewalk
There is a long entrance under the road.
There is no door or gate -
That ... (underground passage).

You can find a sign like this
On the high-speed road
Where is the big pit
And it's dangerous to walk straight
Where the district is being built
School, house il stadium.

(Road repair)

What a zebra without hooves:
The dust does not fly under her,
And above her is a blizzard of dust
And cars are flying.


Try to confuse the child by suggesting to cross the road in the wrong place or by pretending to be crossing a red light. If the kid stops you and says that you cannot do this, then your lessons were not in vain. If not, focus on this and explain the rule again.

It is imperative to teach the toddler how to behave in public transport:

  • you need to approach the door of a bus, trolleybus or tram only when it comes to a complete stop;
  • do not hang on the footboard of a crowded car;
  • An adult must be the first to get off public transport.

In order for the kid to understand the rules of the road well, draw thematic pictures with him, which you will place on the wall in the nursery. Watch together with a little cartoons on the rules of behavior on the road, read stories and poems, for example, "The Ball" by S. Marshak, "The ABC of Safety" by O. Bedarev, "For Pedestrians" by V. Timofeev. Learn with your child a rhyme that he should repeat every time you cross the street:

I cross the road like this:
First I'll look to the left
And if there is no car,
I go to the middle.
Then I look closely
To the right is obligatory
And if there is no movement,
I walk without a doubt!

Teach the toddler to observe traffic, focus his attention on how both pedestrians and drivers are breaking the rules. Ask the kid why this or that person did the wrong thing, what needed to be done? Remember that by a constant reminder of the observance of safety rules on the road, you take care of the health and life of your beloved child.

Explaining to the baby the rules of behavior on the roads, do not forget, dear parents, that you conduct the best training by personal example. You can repeat many times that the street needs to be switched to green light, but once the kid sees you, being late, run over to red, maneuvering between the signaling cars, and all your efforts will come to naught.

When teaching your child the rules of the road from an early age, you, dear adults:

  • instill in him discipline and composure;
  • teach to be responsible and independent;
  • develop quick response to emergencies.

We wish you all the best! Until next time!

Knowing the rules of the road (SDA) is vital for every child. Life in the modern world requires the most careful attention to vehicles and roads. Moreover, in recent decades, most adults constantly find themselves in the role of pedestrian and driver alternately. Of course, you can learn the rules at any age, but the guarantee of their deep and meaningful knowledge is precisely the gradual acquaintance and constant application in practice from early childhood.

First meeting

Even before kindergarten, the foundation of the culture of the pedestrian and the culture of the driver is formed in children. In the stroller, in the car, in the arms of the parents, the child becomes a participant in the road traffic: the child sees and remembers the reaction of adults, gets used to the behavior of older family members, hears their comments. It was during this period that the attitude towards observance of traffic rules was formed.

Caring and prudent parents will always draw the child's attention to the traffic light and its signals, pronounce the algorithm for crossing the carriageway, comment on the danger if the child witnesses a violation of the rules.

At 2-3 years old, you can draw the attention of children to some road signs: "pedestrian crossing", "underground pedestrian crossing", "pedestrian traffic is prohibited."

Illustrative material

  • You can download the SDA package for children.
  • Individual pictures:

  • you can download a synopsis of traffic rules for preschoolers.
  • An educational game for preschoolers on the topic of traffic rules.

From 3-4 years old, children develop a conscious interest in traffic rules. Both at home and in kindergarten, it is important to more often pronounce the main rules, consider, color and comment on pictures illustrating various traffic situations, and study road signs.

It is very effective to complement pictures with quatrains. It is especially helpful to remember these quatrains in a real traffic situation. This is how the kids learn the main skills of following the rules in a playful way.

At 5-6 years old, you can use board games for children according to traffic rules. They allow each child to be in the role of a pedestrian and a driver, develop visual memory, consolidate the basic skills of participation in road traffic.

Young cyclists

Perhaps cycling is the first serious test for a child. Even the territory of the playground or sports ground, park alley requires attention from the little cyclist and compliance with the basic rules. Therefore, parents should more often play games with their child, which will allow them to remember road signs faster and better. Remember to spell out the rules before going outside.

It will be interesting for a kindergarten to conduct a game program with elements of competition for the best traffic rules expert. Little cyclists will be able not only to compete, but also to remember important rules and road signs, without knowing which it is impossible to get on a bicycle.

Drawing competition

The kindergarten has corners and stands for traffic rules. However, it is very important to involve preschoolers themselves in competitions and exhibitions on this topic. Children can draw plot pictures, depicting favorite cartoon characters and fairy tales as road users. Then you can discuss the situations depicted.

Coloring books are convenient and interesting. Kids make the image vivid and at the same time discuss with adults what is shown in the pictures, what is the assessment of the traffic situation.

Traffic regulations help to protect children and adults from road accidents. Illustrative material will help make learning effective and fun. Such pictures should be not only in kindergartens, but also at home.

Lyudmila Stryukova

In accordance with the FSES DO, the tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children should be solved integratively in the course of mastering all educational areas. (development lines) along with tasks that reflect the specifics of each educational area, with mandatory psychological support. Educator activity aims to achieve goals: the formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life and the formation of the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world)... All daily human activities directed to meet physiological, social and spiritual needs, including ensuring safety.

One of the most important tasks of raising and educating children preschool age - preparing the child for the process of ensuring personal safety (self-preservation). Preschool age is a rapid increase in physical capabilities, physical activity, increased curiosity, independence and therefore the primary task that faces preschool organization - educating preschoolers skills of safe behavior. According to K. D. Ushinsky: "Everything that is assimilated by a person afterwards never has the same depth as everything learned in childhood differs."

Our city is growing and prettier every year. There are many wide, beautiful streets in it. The flow of traffic on the streets is huge and endless. Thousands of pedestrians pass along these streets. Among them, of course, are children. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something new, unusual, he finds himself on the street in life-threatening situations. This is due to the fact that children do not yet know how to properly manage your behavior... They are not able to right determine the distance to the approaching car and its speed, overestimate their own capabilities, consider themselves fast and agile. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of a hazard in a rapidly changing road conditions... Danger can only be avoided by appropriate upbringing and education of the child from a very early age. That is why I set a goal for myself - to acquaint children with traffic rules... Today, no one needs to be convinced that the sooner we introduce the child to traffic rules, teach him the skills of a culture of behavior on the streets and roads, the less traffic accidents will occur.

Training traffic rules children need to start with preschool age, since the knowledge gained in childhood is the most durable, and Traffic Laws learned at this age, subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance - a human need.

The main objectives of the study traffic rules and behavior on the street are:

Increasing the level of knowledge traffic rules for preschool children

The development of the psychophysical qualities of the child

Formation of a culture of social behavior in the process of communication with expensive

Training preschoolers the culture of behavior on the street is closely related to the development of orientation in space in children. In addition, you cannot bring up a disciplined pedestrian if you do not instill such important qualities as attention, composure, responsibility and caution from childhood. After all, often the absence of precisely these qualities becomes the reason road accidents... Training preschoolers disciplined behavior on the street must be carried out in the system. We gradually complicate, clarify and supplement the knowledge communicated to children. Children know and remember better traffic rules and willingly fulfill them.

Teach the theory to children road rules for pedestrians does not mean to teach them cross the road correctly, practical consolidation of knowledge is necessary. The most effective form is an activity game. Classes, walks, excursions, observations are important to carry out taking into account the age of the children and the surrounding conditions.

Training is carried out by familiarizing children with orientation in space, comparing objects, shape and color, and modes of transport.

for example:

1. Getting to know the truck

2. Getting to know the bus

3. Game "Red and Green"

4. Getting to know the street, etc.

Talking with children, I found out that most of them do not have knowledge of elementary traffic rules... It turned out that many children, together with their parents, do not always comply with these regulations... A work plan was drawn up. The plan reflected both work with children and with parents.

To consolidate knowledge, I used targeted walks, excursions, conversations, outdoor games, logic puzzles, reading fiction, didactic games, board games and street layout games. Knowledge on traffic rules children receive in the classroom on the development of speech, familiarization with the environment, drawing, application, design. Children like to guess riddles very much.

An interesting form of consolidating knowledge about traffic rules are evenings- entertainment: "My Buddy Traffic Light", "Red, yellow, green" By playing and practicing at the same time, children firmly learn Traffic Laws.

They love games on special sites, which are a small copy roads with crossroads on the territory of the kindergarten. Children learn to cross the pedestrian street track observing regulations and explaining the meaning road signs.

In their free time, children are interested in looking at illustrations, albums, drawings, posters on traffic rules.

In improving and consolidating knowledge, a special role is assigned to the organization of children's play activities, in which spatial orientation is formed preschoolers and their ability to apply this knowledge in practice. In working with children, a great role is played by didactic and outdoor games, as well as creative games that develop orientation in space. These are games like "Burners", "Stop"... These games activate the child's thinking, put him in front of the need to independently find a solution, to use the existing knowledge.

Much attention in kindergarten should be paid to work with parents. In meetings and conversations, visual propaganda should emphasize the moral responsibility of adults. Unconditional obedience to requirements road discipline parents should set an example for children, as they violate rules of conduct preschoolers learn primarily in adults. Only in close cooperation between the kindergarten and the family can children develop solid skills in cultural behavior on the street, the discipline that prompts them to obey order. Then a habit right walking down the street will become the norm for children.

Organizing such an important work on the prevention of child road- traffic injuries with the parents of the pupils, you need to think over their participation in the activities. One of the parents' meetings was devoted to the main measures to ensure the safety of their children on the streets, using such forms of work with parents as:

1. Questioning parents "For teaching children traffic rules»

purpose: - identifying parental interest in learning issues preschoolers rules safe behavior on the street,

Revealing parents' knowledge about their own child nke: his age and

psychophysiological features,

Revealing the knowledge of the parents themselves about traffic rules,

Identifying parental awareness of their child's experience in understanding the sources of danger in road in the living conditions of their family.

2. A consultation was held for parents » .

3. Alerts for parents have been created "How to teach a child rules of conduct on the street»

In meetings, it is important to remind parents that bright clothing helps the driver see the baby. Conversely, it is difficult to notice a baby if he is wearing faded clothes.

It is difficult for a child to see what is happening on the street if the hood is pulled over the eyes or the umbrella is obstructing the view. Parents should educate their children about the dangers they are exposed to when they are not visible. To make it easier to see the child on the street, he must be dressed in neon clothes with reflective stripes or special reflectors. Modern children's clothing (jackets, overalls) usually already has reflective stripes. Many toys, badges, stickers on children's backpacks have

properties of reflectors. The more of them on the clothes and things of the child, the better.

There should be no frivolity with regard to the problem of children's safety, disagreements on fundamental issues are intolerable.

Active participation of parents in creating the necessary conditions for preventive work with children (making attributes and aids for classes, games) increases their responsibility.

The teacher's task is to make the most of the family's authority (parents) in the firm and conscious assimilation of children not only rules but also the skills of safe behavior on the streets.

Whoever teaches children traffic rules whether parents or educators preschool educational institutions It is important to remember that the greatest influence on the formation of a child's behavior on the street has the corresponding behavior of adults.

Educator MBDOU number 58 L. V. Stryukova

In our high-speed age, more and more cars appear on the roads, which becomes a great danger for children. The number of road accidents in which children of all ages fall is growing. Kids are still captured by adults, but primary school students often find themselves in risky situations. Parents, worried about their children, conduct conversations with them, teach them how to cross the road correctly. But often such training is belated, since certain behavior is derived from a skill. It is impossible to do this instantly, since enough time must pass to develop the skill. Therefore, experts advise to start teaching children the correct behavior on the street in early childhood. In such work, you can use various means: for kids - play exercises, for preschoolers - training tasks.

We teach all the guys the rules of the road without delay!

Even a small child
Should have known from the cradle
Like a multiplication table,
ABC of road traffic!

Everyone who is surrounded by a small child must clearly understand what knowledge and skills are included in the traffic rules for children in order to make learning easy and accessible. The main thing that parents should teach their child is orientation in street movement, assessment of the situation on the road, recognition of road signs. When this behavior is formed in preschoolers, then you can make sure that the children have learned the SDA.

Important: Before teaching preschoolers the rules of the road, parents are obliged to learn them well and consciously follow them in order to become an example of imitation for their child. Better yet, the implementation of traffic rules make the whole family a way of life.

  • We teach a small child to distinguish a moving car from a stationary one. To this end, the adult encourages the child to carefully examine the cars on the roads, in books, children's films. It is advisable to show the kid when traveling in his own car that he will not stop immediately, but will continue to move for some time.
  • Preschoolers, although they already have little life experience, still find it difficult to determine the speed of movement of different vehicles. For example, car and bike, truck and bus. Therefore, we teach them to determine the speed with which different types of transport are moving, for example, a car is faster than a truck. This will help in the future to correctly assess the traffic situation.
  • It should be borne in mind that it is still difficult for children to distribute their attention in assessing the situation. Therefore, in difficult cases, they often act spontaneously, for example, they run after a sled or a ball that has rolled out onto the road. We convince children that this is very dangerous and in no case should you run after a toy, no matter how beloved it is.
  • On the eve of school, older preschoolers are clearly obliged to learn:
    1. Road construction (carriageway, sidewalks, pedestrian crossing);
    2. Orientation on the street (on the right and left sides);
    3. Each traffic light color represents a specific action: red - stop! Yellow - get ready! Green - go !;
    4. For pedestrians there is a crossing marked with a special sign;
    5. You need to quickly respond to the actions of an adult in a road situation;
    6. There are rules for cycling, rollerblading and scooter riding.

Games and exercises for traffic rules

What tools will help kids quickly and easily learn road safety rules? Experts advise to select such techniques for classes with children that are available to children by age, level of their mental development: memory, attention, thinking. In accordance with their age characteristics, these will be games and exercises. It is advisable to start home lessons already in early childhood, since teaching children the rules of the road takes a long time, goes consistently, and is carefully practiced in a real situation (walk, trip, family leisure).

"What cars are driving along the road?"

The game task expands the knowledge of children about different types of ground transport, the speed of a car, truck, special vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle, how quickly they can stop. In the game, arbitrary attention,. For the task, you can use cut pictures, puzzles, a plastic constructor. An adult invites the child to collect images of different cars and reason:

  • What kind of cars are driving on the road?
  • What are they carrying?
  • Which cars go faster?
  • How should drivers behave?
  • What should pedestrians do?

As a result, the kid should form ideas about different types of land transport, the roadway, and the sidewalk. After the child learns to distinguish between different cars and the peculiarities of their movement, you can complicate the training by transferring it to the playing field ("roadway"). Players use toy cars to "drive" along the lanes at different speeds, stop in front of road signs.

"We are pedestrians"

The exercise reinforces the skill of safe outdoor behavior. To interest the child, an adult draws a playing field with a roadway and sidewalks (you can use a board game for traffic rules). Then the players move the pieces "along the sidewalk", paying attention to the road signs. For example, we teach a child to cross the roadway correctly. Alternatively, a competitive moment is introduced into the game: if an obstacle is encountered (red traffic light), the player returns to the finish line. The winner is the player who reaches the start the fastest. Such a game can be introduced into family leisure.

"Right wrong"

A training exercise for children of all ages. Helps to consolidate the rules of the road, develops orientation in traffic situations, forms attention, memory, enriches vocabulary. For training, we select plot pictures depicting pedestrians in different situations, for example: a boy jumps out onto the road to fetch a ball, children stopped in front of a traffic light. The player pulls out a picture and tells if pedestrians are doing the right thing. For a correct answer, the player receives a point, for a wrong answer, he gives a phantom (any object). The one with the most points wins and receives a prize. Then they play out. For kids in the game, you can use cut pictures, collecting which the child, together with the adult, discusses various situations on the road.

Traffic rules training for senior preschoolers

For older children, training will more resemble training, since repeated repetition is necessary to acquire a stable skill, which then turns into habitual behavior. But to maintain interest, we introduce game moments and rewards.

"What is the traffic light talking about?"

The game exercise reinforces the knowledge about the work of a traffic light, trains in recognizing its signals. The task is useful for the development of memory and attention of preschoolers. An adult selects illustrations with traffic lights and plot pictures with street situations. Children will be interested in the story about the origin of the most important sign on the road (for the first time a traffic light appeared in England in the 19th century; at first there were only two signals; it was operated manually; it appeared in Moscow in 1930). The preschooler carefully examines the traffic light in order to remember the correct location of its signals. You can use the task in several ways:

  • assemble a traffic light using cut pictures,
  • draw a picture from memory,
  • make an applique from colored paper.

The use of any option depends on the age, fitness and desire of the child. Then the plot pictures of the city streets are examined in order to understand how the traffic light works. Useful and riddles:

Red - stop,
Yellow - preparation,
And green is in motion!
Go boldly, pedestrian!

Three colorful friends
Blinking one after another!
Both in winter and in summer,
They shine in different colors!

If the light turns red
So it’s dangerous to move!
Light green says:
"Come on, the way is open!"
Yellow - for warning:
Wait for the signal to move.

Interesting for home activities are outdoor games that will help train traffic rules for children. Children love to move, so such games can be organized for a walk, dacha, in the forest. Children of all ages can play in them, they are perfect for family leisure. To maintain interest, incentive prizes, competitive elements are introduced: who is faster, who is more.


Exercise with the ball will help to consolidate the rules of movement, voluntary attention, memory, vocabulary. An adult throws a ball to a child with the designation of any concepts. The child only catches the ball when a word related to the rules is spoken. He must answer with a word - an association:

  • sidewalk - pedestrians,
  • cars - traffic lights,
  • red signal - the path is closed,
  • passengers - bus,
  • pedestrians - crossing.

In such a complex game, it is imperative to reward the child for choosing the right words.

"Don't drop the ball"

A training exercise on traffic rules for children of all ages, the rules of the game will depend on the child's age, knowledge of traffic rules. The game reinforces the knowledge of road rules very well, develops attentiveness, the skill of correlating actions and words. A path is drawn on the ground, the player walks along it, hitting the ball on the ground. At the same time, he calls a concept meaning a road rule. The winner is the player who did not drop the ball and named the correct concepts.

Today, many board, educational games are produced that help children to consolidate their knowledge of the rules of the road. Popular games include Miracle - Traffic Light, On City Streets, Pedestrian Travel, Road Lotto, and many others. Be sure to purchase them for family leisure time to play with your child as often as possible. This will be an effective support for parents in homework with preschool children. You can also use children's books, cartoons, films in teaching children, the heroes of which will teach children to cope with unexpected situations on the streets of the city. We wish you and your children safe roads!

The urgency of road safety is growing, and this is due to the increase in the number of cars on the roads. In such conditions, compliance with traffic rules for children, who are the most unprotected category of road users, is of great importance. Accidents that happen to children on the roads are more often caused by: going out to the carriageway in an unidentified place in front of a nearby transport or because of a bus, trolleybus or other obstacle; playing on the roadway; walking on the carriageway. The child performs these actions due to the inability to assess the real danger that threatens him on the road. Therefore, the rules of the road for preschool children and schoolchildren are of great importance for the preservation of their life and health, and parents should educate their children to respect the Rules and the awareness that their strict observance is mandatory.

It is very useful to focus the attention of children on the Rules, being on the road, where you can visually teach the child to navigate and assess the situation on the road. Parents should not hope that the child will be taught how to behave on the road, in kindergarten or school. They are obliged to use every opportunity for the formation and development of children's skills of correct behavior in the surrounding road transport environment. In this context, a positive example of adults is very important, since it is on this that children's perception of the laws of the road is based. And if parents themselves cross the road in an unidentified place or neglect traffic signals in the presence of a child, then it is naive to hope that the child himself will follow these rules. Therefore, you should tirelessly teach the child to be attentive and careful on the road; point out the mistakes of road users; to consolidate the knowledge gained about safe behavior by reading books, poetry and, of course, not to forget about encouraging the child's positive habits in the correct behavior on the road. It must be remembered that there are no trifles in matters of child safety, and it is always easier to prevent trouble than to overcome it.

Naughty pedestrian
A road runs through the forest
The traffic light blinks strictly.
Everyone is in a hurry to go:
From moose to mice.
Sometimes across the street
There are a lot of pedestrians
Jumps, walks, flies,
Runs, crawls.
Mom taught the hedgehog
Mom threatened with a finger:
- Remember the rules, kid!
If the light is red, you are standing!
If yellow, just wait
On green - come in!
Naughty pedestrian
Did the opposite!
The hedgehog was in a hurry
And rolled in a ball
Straight to the red light!
Is it okay? Of course not!
The brakes screeched
And the hedgehog closed his eyes.
Old fat dump truck
He sounded, growled:
- I barely stopped,
I almost fell off the road!
What, you don’t know the rules ?!
Well, quickly march into the bushes!
I will give you, hedgehog, advice:
Don't go to the red light!
The hedgehog puffed softly:
- Sorry, I didn't want to.
Traffic light told us:
The hedgehog has improved since then.
Order knows best of all
Doesn't break anything!

Traffic rules for children.

Traffic rules for pedestrians. Pedestrians must move on sidewalks or footpaths, and if they are absent, on the side of the road. In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths or shoulders, as well as in case of impossibility to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one row along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway). When driving along the edge of the carriageway, pedestrians must go towards the traffic of vehicles. When driving along the roadside or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are advised to have objects with reflective elements with them and ensure the visibility of these objects by vehicle drivers. Groups of children are allowed to drive only on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and in their absence - on the side of the road, but only during daylight hours and only accompanied by adults. Pedestrians must cross the carriageway along pedestrian crossings, including underground and ground crossings, and in their absence, at intersections along the line of sidewalks or shoulders. If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at right angles to the edge of the carriageway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions. In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or pedestrian traffic light, and in the absence of such signals - from the traffic light. At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians may enter the carriageway after assessing the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and making sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and leave from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle limiting visibility, without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles. Having entered the carriageway, pedestrians should not linger or stop if this is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who did not have time to complete the crossing must stop at the line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions. You can continue the transition only after making sure of the safety of further movement and taking into account the traffic signal (traffic controller).

Rule one... Choose a safe place to go. If there is no pedestrian crossing or crossing with traffic lights nearby, choose a location where you can clearly see the road in all directions. Do not try to get into the road between parked cars. It is important that not only you have a good view of the road, but also that you can be clearly seen by any driver. Having chosen a place suitable for the transition, wait, look around. Second rule... Before crossing, be sure to stop before stepping onto the carriageway and carefully examine the road. You need to stand at the edge of the sidewalk, slightly stepping back from the curb - so that you can see the approach of cars. Third rule... Look around and listen. The car may leave unexpectedly. But if you are careful, "keep your ears on top of your head," you can hear the approach of the car even before it becomes visible. Fourth rule... If a car is approaching, let it pass, then look around again and listen for other cars nearby. When the car passes, you need to look around again. In the first seconds, she can block the car that is driving towards her. Without noticing it, you can fall into the "trap". The fifth rule... Do not step out onto the road until you are sure you have enough time to cross. Only after making sure of complete safety, slowly, cross the street. Cross it only at right angles. Rule six... As you cross the street, keep observing the road in order to notice the change in the situation in time. The situation on the road is changing rapidly: parked cars can go, those driving straight ahead can turn; new cars may emerge from an alley, a courtyard, or around a bend. Seventh rule... If during the transition there is a sudden obstruction to the view (for example, the car has stopped due to a malfunction), carefully look out from behind it, inspect the rest of the way. Stop if necessary, let the driver go around you.

Traffic rules for cyclists

A person must be at least 14 years old to drive a bicycle while driving on roads, and a moped must be at least 16 years old. Bicycles, mopeds should only move along the rightmost lane in one row as far to the right as possible. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if it does not interfere with pedestrians. Columns of cyclists should be divided into groups of 10 cyclists. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m. Bicycle and moped drivers are prohibited from: driving without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand; carry passengers, except for a child under the age of 7, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests; to carry cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions, or cargo that interferes with management; move along the road if there is a cycle path nearby; turn left or make a U-turn on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction. It is forbidden to tow a bicycle trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped. At an unregulated intersection of a cycle path with a road located outside the intersection, drivers of bicycles and mopeds must give way to vehicles moving along this road.

As adults, we should take into account the fact that every third child,

the victim of a traffic accident was in the car as a passenger.

This proves how important it is to observe the following rules:

1.Fasten yourself and always fasten your child with seat belts! Including in someone else's car, and when driving short distances. If this rule is automatically fulfilled by adults, then it will easily become a permanent habit in the child.

2. If possible, children should sit in the safest seat in the car, the middle or right side of the rear seat, as they can safely exit onto the sidewalk.

3. As a driver or passenger, you are also a constant role model. Do not be aggressive towards other road users, do not scold them. Instead, explain to your child what the mistake of other road users is. Calmly admit your mistakes too.

4. Stop often on long journeys. Children need to move.