Project: "Experimental activities in the second youngest group. Project on experimental experimental activities to study inanimate nature in the second youngest group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten № 38

"Levushka" »Cities Belovo

Project on experimental activities in the second youngest group "Let's play with water"

Prepared educators

2 younger group "Chamomile" MBDOU

kindergarten number 38 of the city Belovo

I.S. Baumgerner, T.N.Sivokhina

Project passport

The relevance of the project

The relevance is that experimental research meets one of the basic principles of GEF - children must learn independently, to extract knowledge and apply them to solve new cognitive tasks, which in turn should contribute to the development of such integrative qualities as "inquisitive" (interested objects of the nearest environment, their appointment and properties); "Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks, adequate age" (uses different ways of surveying objects and phenomena, including the simplest experiments)

Project type:

Experimental experimental

Terms of project implementation:

Project participants:

Preschool children, educators.

Planned Result:

expanding the knowledge of children about water, its properties and its roles for the surrounding world; Enrichment of the active and passive dictionary of children; development in children of cognitive interest, observation; making active participation in productive activities; Manifestation of emotional responsiveness.

Materials and equipment:

capacity for water games, toys, pebbles, watering cans, buckets, plastic cups. Inventory for experiences: glasses with water (by the number of children, black paint, paper squares with fish. Aquarium with fish, indoor plants. Billets of colored paper algae, pebbles, aquarium, glue.

Objective of the project

Expand the knowledge of children about water and its physical properties. Bess to understand that water has properties. Formation of the ability of children to make the simplest generalizations and conclusions, based on knowledge and skills obtained in the course of experimental research

1. Expand the knowledge of children in the 2nd younger group (children 3 - 4 years) about water, its physical properties and roles in the surrounding world.

2. To form cognitive activity of children when conducting observations, research.

3. To introduce the physical and chemical properties of water in experimental activities.

4. Enrich the children's dictionary at the expense of words: water, water, transparent, poured, rumbles, runs, dripping, wash, wipe, water, bathe.

5. Develop in children cognitive interest, observation.

6. To enjoy the work done in the team.

Implementation of the project in three stages.

1. Preparatory

Drawing up a project.

Preparation for project implementation.

The study of methodological literature on the problem of experimental activities.

2. Main

Reading works: 3. Alexandrov "Drops", A. Barto "Girl Chumazay", K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", S. Marshak "Rain", V. Bianki "Bashing Beds".

Conversations: "Voddy, Voddy, Mock My Lichkoe ..." "Why do you need water"

Didactic Games: "Who lives", "Droplets and Tuchka", "Bathing Dolls"

Observations: "For the difficulty of caregiver care for indoor plants and the execution of labor orders of the educator," "In the rain from the window," "for walks for puddles formed after the rain."

Conducting experiments: "The properties of water (dripping, bottled, pouring, splashing)", "Warm and cold water", "water and its properties (light items float, and heavy drows)".

3. Final

Total lesson "Water and its properties"

The course of educational activities

Educator. Guys, I prepared a surprise for you. (Bank with fish closed with napkin) Want to know what it is? Guess the riddle:

Underwater always she,

Silently and modest.

You can keep at home

Only water droplets dial.

Head, tail, fins,

You know her exactly.

Answer, do the choice

Children know, it's ... Fish!

Educator. Today, we have no usual day to your kindergarten sailed to our kindergarten.


Where do fish live? (in water, in aquarium, river)

What fish is water?

Children. Clean, transparent.

Educator. Can I pick up fish for fish?

Children. Without water, the fish dies.

Educator. Let's find out what water is? (The tutor transfers water from a bottle of bucket, from a bucket into a mug, from a mug to a glass). See what I do with water? (Overflow) correctly, water can be pouring into anything: in a glass, in a bucket, in a mug. It can be poured, pour from one vessel to another. Water flows.

Guys, so what is water? (Children's responses).

Educator. Output. Water is a liquid. She flows. It can be pouring into something: in a glass, in a bucket, in a vase. It can be poured, pour from one vessel to another.

Before children there are two cups: one with water, another empty. Suggest to take an empty glass into one hand, and in another hand a glass with water.

Educator. What can be said about a glass with water? (Children's responses).

That's right, he is heavy, and an empty glass is light. Water has a weight, she is heavy.

Educator. I suggest you guys sniffing water. Will water smell something?

Children. Nothing.

Educator. Why water does not smell? What does not have the water?

Children. No smell.

Educator: And now, I suggest you guys try water taste. (Children are offered boiled water). What is she? Sweet? Salty? Bitter?

Educator. Output. Water does not have taste, smell, it has weight.

Educator. Can fish live in dirty water?

Children. Not.

Educator. And now we'll see, I, prepared a black paint, paint water and spend a small experiment. Look at your desktops there are paper squares with the image of the fish. And now we take an empty glass and perceise part of the water from the first glass in the second. Now a pin with a brush of black paint into one of the glasses. Let's see what happens with water. Changed your water color? (Children's responses).

Educator. Output. Water can change the color depending on what they added.

Educator. Guys, let's put your paper mugs under a glass with clean water and see on top into a glass. What do you see?

Children. Fish.

Educator. And now we put under the second glass too mugs and also see. What do you see?

Children. There is nothing.

Educator. And why? (dirty water) output. Water can change the color depending on what they added. What do you think will change the water your color if you add jam in it. Try it to do at home.

Educator. Guys, repeat what kind of water?

Children. Water is a liquid, it can be pouring it, pour, pour, it has weight, transparent, water without smell and without taste.

Educator. Guys, but tell me why people need water?

Children. Drink, cook food, swim, swim, wash lingerie, etc.

Educator. Well done! And let's play.


Fish swims in a vodice - smooth movements with hands in front of the breast

Fish play fun. - Cotton in your hands on the right and left of the head

Fish, Najnitsa fish, - threatening finger

We want to catch you! - hug yourself

Productive Activities "Application Aquarium for Fish"

Educator. Guys, do you want to make an aquarium for your paper fish? And so start.

Children create an aquarium for fish from the finished individual elements, in advance cut by the tutor. They make up the composition of them at their own desire.

Educator. Well done, beautiful we have got aquariums, and the main thing in them is visible to the fish. This means that water in your aquariums is clean and transparent.

List of sources used

"The program of upbringing and learning in kindergarten" under the "editors of M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Herbova, T. S. Komarova.

From birth to school. Approximate basic general education program for preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veracstes, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M., 2010.

Organization of experimental activities of children 2-7 years. Thematic planning, recommendations, abstract classes. - E. A. Martynova, I. M. Suchkova., - Volgograd

"Early children in kindergarten" E. N. Zherdeva

Dick N. F. "Educational classes on ecology for preschoolers."

Krylova S. V. "Heating space in kindergarten" (design, trainings, classes).

Olga Kiba
Project: "Experimental activities in the second youngest group"

Long-term project

"Little escapering (" Spells of Smart Filin ")"

(in the second youngest group)

Educator: Kiba Olga Vladimirovna

Tell me - and I will forget,

show - and I remember,

let's try - and I will understand.

(Chinese proverb)

Project topic: "Experimental activities to study inanimate nature and inanimate nature in the second youngest group"

Creative project name: "Little turnings" ("Self-Filin Tips")


The child is born by the researcher. The unfortunate thirst for new impressions, curiosity, constant desire to observe and experiment, independently look for new information about the world, are traditionally considered as the most important features of child behavior. Satisfying his curiosity in the process of active educational research activities, which in natural form manifests itself in the form of children's experimentation, the child on the one hand expands the ideas about the world, on the other, it begins to master the fundamental cultural forms of streamlining experience: causal - investigative, spatial and temporary relations, Allowing to associate individual ideas in a holistic picture of the world. When forming the foundations of naturally scientific and environmental concepts, experimentation is considered as a method close to the ideal. Knowledge, hoped not from books, but mined independently, are always conscious and stronger. In modern society, a creative person who is capable of active knowledge of the surrounding, manifestation of independence, research activity is in demand. Therefore, in preschool age, it is necessary to lay first-axis personality, manifesting an active research - creative attitude towards peace. Scientists who studied experimental activities note the main feature of cognitive activity: "The child will know the object in the course of practical activities with him ... And the mastering methods of practical interaction with the environment ensures the world's world exercise." That's the active introduction of child experimentation in the practice of working with preschoolers. Experimental - experimental activity allows you to combine all types of activity and all parties to upbringing, develops the observation and toastfulness of the mind, develops the desire for the knowledge of the world, all cognitive abilities, the ability to invent, use non-standard solutions in difficult situations, create a creative personality.

Project goals:

The development of the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation;

Development of observation, the ability to compare, analyze, summarize, develop the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation, establishing causal dependence, the ability to draw conclusions;

Development of attention, visual, hearing sensitivity;

Creation of prerequisites for formation in children practical and mental actions.

Project tasks:

Expand the presentation of children about the physical properties of the surrounding world;

To acquaint with different properties of substances (hardness, softness, flowability, viscosity, buoyancy, solubility.);

Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe use of natural environment factors: sun, earth, air, water, plants;

Expand the representation of children about the significance of water and air in a person's life;

To acquaint children with the properties of the soil and in its composition sand and clay;

Develop an emotionally value attitude towards the world around;

Develop the intellectual emotions of children: create conditions for surprise in relation to observed phenomena, for waking up interest in solving the tasks set, for meditation, to be able to rejoice at the discovery.

Project Type: Experimental experimental.

Expected results:

Bring children to a higher level of cognitive activity;

To form in children confidence through the development of thought operations, creative prerequisites and as a result, development of personal growth and feelings of self-confidence and their own strength;

Enrich the objective and developing environment in the group.

Experimental experimental experiments with objects of inanimate and wildlife

Experience number 1. "Sand"

Purpose: Consider the shape of the grains

Experience number 2. "Sandy cone"

Purpose: Acquaintance of children with sand properties (dry - wet - wet, bulk - rolls - poured.)

Experience number 3. "Kulichiki"

Objective: to introduce children with wet sand properties

Experience number 4. "That's what sand"

Purpose: Development of perception, imagination, logical thinking;

enrichment of the vocabulary; Development of shallow motility;

secure the knowledge of children about the properties and features of sand

Experience number 5. "Water properties"

Objective: to acquaint children with water properties (there is no smell, taste, colors). Experience number 6. "per hour on a teaspoon"

Objective: Secure the initial ideas about water (transparent, flows, pours).

Experience number 7. "Wizard Wizard"

Purpose: Continue to identify the properties of water: it is odorless, some substances dissolve in water (while water changes color, smell, taste)

Experience number 8. "Live water"

Objective: to acquaint children with the life-quality property of water.

Experience number 9 "Swim-sink"

Purpose: Show that mostly all light items have buoyancy

Experience number 10 "Through the sieve"

Purpose: explain why water is drowning. In the game, the child learns the purpose of the objects and the properties of the substance.

EXPERIENCE number 11. "Teaching Egg Swim"

Purpose: explain the properties of salted water.

Experience number 12. "Color ice floes"

Purpose: in the process of experimenting, show children like water when cooling turns into ice.

Experience number 13. "Snow and its properties"

Purpose: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe snow and its properties. Teach children to analyze, draw conclusions in the experimentation process. Develop thinking, interest in winter phenomena of nature.

Experience number 14. "What in the package?"

Purpose: detect air in the surrounding space.

Experience number 15. "Games with straw."

Purpose: To introduce the fact that inside a person there is air, and discover it.

Experience number 16. "Flying ball"

Offer children to inflate the balloon and let go, pay attention to the duration of its flight.

Experience number 17. "Soap bubbles"

Purpose: Teach to let soap bubbles; To introduce the fact that when air from the air is in a drop of soapy water, a bubble is formed.

Experience number 18. "Rostock"

Purpose: consolidate and summarize knowledge about water, air, understand their value for all living things.

EXPERIENCE number 19. "Lukovoy Groke"

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about water and air, their meaning in life.

Experience number 20. "Paper, its quality."

Purpose: Teach to learn items made of paper, identify its qualities and properties.

Experience number 21. "Paper, its properties." (Lotus flower)

Purpose: Repeat on objects made of paper, determine its quality and learn properties.

Experience number 22. "Wood, its quality and properties."

Purpose: Take off to learn items made of wood, identify its qualities and properties.

Experience number 23. "Fabric, its quality and properties."

Purpose: To teach learning items made from fabric, identify its qualities and properties.

Experience number 24. "Merry little men play."

Objective: to acquaint the structure of the human body.

Experience number 25. "Draw your portrait."

Objective: to acquaint the structure of the human body and the spatial location of its parts.

Experience number 26. "Our assistants."

Objective: to acquaint with the authorities of the senses and their appointment.

Experience number 27. "What in the box?".

Objective: to acquaint with the meaning of light, with light sources.

Experience number 28. "Magic brush".

Objective: to acquaint with obtaining intermediate colors by mixing two.

Experience number 29. "What does it sound?".

Purpose: Teach to determine the subject on the sound published.

Experience number 30. "Music or noise?".

Purpose: Teach to determine the origin of the sound and distinguish between musical and noise sounds.

Experience number 31. "Clay, its quality and properties."

Purpose: To teach to learn items from clay, identify its quality and properties.

Consultation for parents

"Organization of children's experimentation at home"

Children's experimentation is one of the leading activities of the preschooler. Obviously, there is no more inquisitive researcher than a child. A small person is covered by the thirst for knowledge and mastering a huge new world. But among parents, a mistake is often common - restrictions on the path of children's knowledge. Do you answer all the questions of the young soiling? Readily show objects that attract a curious eye and tell about them? Do you regularly with the child in the Puppet Theater, Museum, Circus? These are not idle questions, from which it is easy to smoke: "It will be a lot to know soon". Unfortunately, "Mamina Promahi" will be felt very soon - at the first school classes, when your child will be a passive being indifferent to any innovations. The research activities of children can become one of the conditions for the development of children's curiosity, and ultimately the cognitive interests of the child. In kindergarten is given a lot of attention to children's experimentation. The research activities of children are organized, special problem situations are created, classes are held. Groups created conditions for the development of children's cognitive activity6. In all centers of activity and corners there are materials for experimentation: paper of different types, fabric, special devices (scales, clock, etc., unstructured materials (sand, water, cards, schemes, etc. .

Uncomplicated experiments and experiments can be organized at home. For this, much effort is not required, only a desire, a little fantasy and of course, some scientific knowledge.

Any place in the apartment can be a place for the experiment. For example, a bathroom, while washing a child can learn a lot of interesting things about the properties of water, soap, the solubility of substances.

For example:

That faster dissolves:

Sea salt

Bath foam

Coniferous extract

Slices of soap, etc.

The kitchen is a place where the child prevents his parents, especially mom when she prepares food. If you have two or three children, you can arrange competitions between young physicists. Put several identical capacities on the table, a low bowl with water and foam sponges of different sizes and color. In a bowl, pour water about 1.5 cm. Let the children put a sponge into the water and guess which of them will gain more water. Press the water in the cooked jars. Who else? Why? Is it possible to dial so water in a sponge, how do you want? And if you provide a sponge full freedom? Let the children themselves respond to these questions. It is just important that the questions of the child do not remain unanswered. If you do not know an accurate (scientific) response, you must turn to reference books.

Experiment can be carried out during any activity.

For example, a child draws, he ended in green paint. Offer him to try to make this paint yourself. See how it will act, what will do. Do not interfere and do not prompt. Does he guess what should be mixed with blue and yellow paint? If he does not work out, tell me that you need to mix two colors. By trial and mistakes, the child will find a right decision.

Homemade laboratory

Experimentation is, along with the game - the leading activity of the preschooler. The purpose of experimentation is to keep the children up the step behind the step in the knowledge of the surrounding world. Child learn how to determine the best way to solve the tasks in front of him and find answers to emerging questions. For this, some rules must be followed:

1. Install the purpose of the experiment (for which we carry out experience)

2. Pick up the materials (a list of all necessary for experience)

3. Discuss the process (phased instructions for conducting an experiment)

4. Move the results (accurate description of the expected result)

5. Explain why? Available to the child words.

When conducting an experiment, the main thing is the security of you and your child

Experiments and experiments with water for children

The first experience.Pour some water into the mold for ice, and let the crouch itself put it in the freezer. After a couple of hours, pull out the mold and make sure that Ice appeared in it instead of water. What a miracle, where did he come from? Will the baby be able to figure it out? Is it really solid ice - is it the same water? Or maybe this mother came up with some tricky focus and replaced the molds in the freezer? Well, let's check! In the heat of the kitchen, the ice quickly melts and turn into ordinary water. Here is a surprising discovery: in the cold, liquid water freezes and turns into solid ice. But water can turn not only in ice. Pour melting water into a saucepan, put on the fire, and let the baby carefully watching it while you are busy with your affairs. When water boils, pay attention to the baby on the rising steam. Gently bring to the saucepan of the mirror and show the water droplets formed on it. So steam is also water! Yes, it is tiny droplets of water. If the saucepan descends long enough, then all the water will disappear from it. Where is she going? Turned into a couple and scattered around the kitchen.

The second experience.Type a little water to the plate, mark the marker of its level on the wall of the plate and leave, say, on the windowsill for a few days. Looking out every day in a plate, the baby will be able to observe the wonderful disappearance of water. Where does the water disappear? Just as in the previous experience, it turns into water vapor - evaporates. But why in the first case the water disappeared in a matter of minutes, and in the second - in a few days, let the kid think himself. If he finds the connection between evaporation and temperature, you can rightly be proud of your little physicist. Now, relying on the new Krochny knowledge, it is possible to explain to him and what is a fog, and why steam goes from his mouth, and where it rains comes from, and what happens in the jungle, when a hot sun looks out after a tropical shower, and many other other amazing Interesting phenomena.

Experience the third.Now talk to the baby about some of the properties of water, with one of them he is well acquainted and faces almost daily. It will be about dissolution. Ask the crumbs what is happening with sugar when he puts it in tea and stirrates a spoon. Sugar disappears. Completely disappears? But tea was unsweetened, but became sweet. Sugar does not disappear, it dissolves, disintegrates on the tiny, invisible part of the part and is distributed throughout the glass. But whether all substances will be dissolved in the same water? Wait for the child's answer, and then offer to check your answer experimentally. Pour into jars or cups Warm water, issue a baby all kinds of safe substances (sugar, salt, food soda, cereals, vegetable oil, "chicken" cubes, flour, starch, sand, a bit of the earth from a flower pot, chalk, etc., And let him put them into glasses, stirres and makes the appropriate conclusions. It is a passion for the young researcher for a long time, you mean, meanwhile you can safely engage in kitchen affairs, looking after the baby and, if necessary, helping tips. In order for the child to make sure that the dissolved substance It really does not disappear anywhere, make such an experience with him.

Fourth experience.In the tablespoon, dial a little liquid from that glan, where the baby in front of it poured salt. Hold the spoon over fire until the water evaporates. Show the kid remaining the white powder left in a spoon and ask what it is. Welcome a spoon and offer the child to try the powder taste. It will easily determine that it is salt.

Fifth experience. Now let's do the following. Take two glasses, pour into each identical amount of water, only in one glass - cold, and in the other - hot (not boiling water, so that the baby does not accidentally dough). Put in each glass on the tablespoon of salt and start stirring. In order for the baby to make the right conclusions, it is very important to comply with absolutely the same conditions for both glasses, except for the water temperature. We do not seek your attention to this. This applies not only to this experiment, but also all others. Children's logic - the thing is interesting and unpredictable, the kids think quite differently than adults. And what is obvious to us, it may look completely different for them.

The period of 1.5-3 years is the time of active development in physical and mental areas. The child is changing, better oriented in space and explores the environment. In his actions there is a cognitive interest, which he transfers and in play activities. An adult must use these moments of spontaneous interest to form elementary research skills, show the kids that positive emotions can be obtained from experienced classes with simple items.

Experimental activities in the first youngest group: Tasks, methods of organization and types of classes

The first younger group of kindergarten is one of the first steps of socialization in the life of a child. To a new place, interaction with the educator and classmates you need to get used to, and help you easier to adapt to the kindergarten exciting classes. By organizing the experimental activities of junior preschoolers, the teacher takes into account the age of children:

  • In the second year of life, the child seizes objective activities. He observes how adults manipulate and wraul things (dishes, tools, clothing, furniture, etc.), and trying to use them as intended. The child correlates the items between themselves (folds the turret from cubes, constitutes a pyramid from the rings), uses as an instrument (eats a spoon and fork, draws a stick on the sand).
  • Impressions from the study of the surrounding reality accumulate and contribute to mastering the speech. The children of three years are actively talking, they understand the appeals and requests of adults, perceive the statements that are not aimed at them. It becomes a means of active knowledge of the surrounding reality.
  • A three-year-old child appears new activities - game and productive. Children create first drawings and are happy to tell that they are depicted in their "doodles".
  • Every year, attention becomes more and more concentrated. But the teacher should be remembered that without the interest of the child will not be able to investigate the subject or phenomenon as much as possible. In experimenting with young children, various techniques are used to create motivation and form of work.
  • The perception of objects is developing. For a year and a half, the child calls one sign, the most brightly characterizing the object (water - wet, the snow is cold, the stone is solid). By three years, he knows geometric shapes and colors, it may briefly describe the properties of the item (ice-cold, solid, transparent; sand is dry, bulk).

The development of the psyche and thinking in early preschool age is rapidly. Spontaneous desire to explore anything should be encouraged by the educator. The intellectual abilities of children in the future depends on how effective the organization of the subject and spatial environment was, in which research skills developed, which method was developed experimenting in the younger group.

Water and sand experimentation develops research skills and serves as overwater prevention

The purpose of experimenting with the children of one and a half-year-old years is to form a research type of thinking, creating a positive motivation for self-searching for new information about objects of living and inanimate nature. The modern pre-school education system is based on the principle of maximum independence of the child, disclosure and manifestation of its qualities and abilities. The educator does not invest, does not convey knowledge to children in the finished form, it indicates the possibility of their receipt. Preschoolers of the 21st century felt with the discovers and are joying from gaining information, they learn to act by trial and error. In the process of experimenting, young children make elementary conclusions, watching the items by comparing them.

Observation is one of the ways of knowledge of the world by a child

Experimental tasks in the first youngest group


  • formation of initial ideas about the properties and qualities of objects of alive and inanimate nature;
  • the formation of the ability of independent research of objects;
  • learning the ability to use instruments in research (magnifying glass, lamp, scales).


  • development of shallow motility and coordination of movements;
  • development of visual, auditory, sensory perception;
  • development of attention and memory;
  • development of speech abilities.


  • creating a positive motivation to independent experimentation;
  • creating a friendly atmosphere in a group during research;
  • the development of elementary self-control and self-regulation, cultivation and accuracy;
  • development of skills to listen and perform adult tasks.

In the course of the experiment, children compare the properties and quality of objects (for example, the color of water in the columns)

Types of experimental activities

Modern teachers and psychologists believe that the period of pre-school education is the most favorable time for the assimilation of children of general education categories, basic concepts from various scientific areas (physics, mathematics, chemistry). Senior preschoolers independently formulate problematic questions "How?", "How?", "Why?", Hypotheses put forward and check them practically. Pupils of the first youngest group ask questions simple: "What is it for the touch?", "Is it a cold or warm?", "This subject will break?". Therefore, the main type of experimentation with children of one and a half-three years is an elementary experience. This type of activity is available to the child of the second year of life and is often carried out by spontaneously: the baby dropped the toy on the table - he heard the sound of the blow, purposefully dropping the same toy on the carpet - fixes the sound, throws a toy to the parquet floor - makes conclusions about the quality of the object. Elementary experiments can be carried out with children in an angle of experimentation and with natural materials during walks.

The commission of elementary actions on objects and monitoring their properties are one of the types of experimental activities in the first youngest group.

Simple experiments younger preschoolers are committed in the presence of an educator, often in joint actions. The tutor shows the kids, how to properly use simple devices and vessels (spoons, banks). Little children often want to try the subject of taste, so before the teacher of the first youngest group there is a task to train cultural cultures, explain that it is possible to lease or eat only an edible object. For this purpose, during the experiments, the educator asks questions: "Is it possible to skip the snow guys? Is it possible? "," What is the icicle made from? Is it allowed to lick it? "," Will it turn out to blind sand cake? Do you want to try such a pupmy? We will treat them? " Alternatively, it is possible to carry out classes in which the taste test is part of a part of a part. In the class "What water?" Children are invited to conduct simple experiments with water and answer questions: Lower the hand alternately into bowls with a cold, warm and hot water - "Wet water or dry? Warm or cold? Cold or hot? ", Small water in a glass -" Water smells or not? ", Make a sip -" Is there a taste of water or not? ", Add and stir in cups with water salt, sugar -" Now the water tasteless or not? What was she? "

Educator teach children to try the object taste only if it is part of the experiment

The research form of experimental activities implies a solution to any problem situation. With children of junior preschool age, research is carried out in a joint activity with a teacher. The problem situation is most often built in the game form, the teacher suggests children in which way to solve the situation has arisen, helps to formulate the output of the study. The hypothesis of hypotheses in the first and second younger groups is passed, the study is built according to plan: a problematic question, practical activity and observation, formulation of conclusions.

Joint research activities develop the observation and cognitive abilities of children of primary preschool age

Types of experience in experimental activities

Conducting practical studies with students of the first younger group is carried out in classes to familiarize themselves with the surrounding world, for walks, in classroom in the circle of additional education in the afternoon under the constant control of the teacher. Elements of experimental activities are included in the structure of classes in music, speech development, physical education, artistic activity.

Elements of experimentation may be present in various forms of educational activities.

Classes on experimental activities are two species - game and actually experiments and experiments.

The game occupation begins with the inclusion of pupils into an entertaining, fantastic or fairy-tale situation ("Guys, today we will turn into wizards!", "We are invited to the snow queen in your ice kingdom!", "Let's say magic words and travel to the island island!" ). Next, the guys follow the instructions of a magical character or help solve problems. Experimentation is a practical part of the game occupation and is associated with the subject with the plot of the fictional situation.

An experiment with rice cereal is carried out at the game form

Classes of Node (directly educational activities) may contain games with natural materials, simple substances, fabric. For children of junior preschool age, games for sensory perception of objects are relevant: the kids study the properties of objects during contact with them (mnut fabric, make cakes from ordinary or kinetic sand). Exercises and experimentation with small objects (buttons, beads, nuts, etc.) are useful for the development of small motility of the kids's hands, the educator conducts them in an individual form to ensure the safety of the child's contact with such material.

Games with research objects are aimed at expanding ideas about their properties.

Didactic games are conducted as one of the structural forms in classes on experimental experimental activities. They contribute to the development of the mental abilities of children (pupils learn to compare, summarize, analyze, use sensual experience and memory images) and are aimed at expanding ideas about the properties of the objects under study. Didactic games activate auditory attention ("What does it sound?"), Spectacular perception ("Find where whose shadow"), tactile sensations ("Determine the touch"), develop attention and smelting.

Didactic games contribute to sensory development and improve the small motility of the hands of children

Actually, experiments and experiments with children of one and a half-three years should be carried out after preliminary work on a given topic. The educator reads at leisure fairy tales and poems, conducts mobile games, gives tasks for drawing or modeling in such a way that the subject of the subsequent experiment will be revealed to the guys, an interest in it appeared. For example, before conducting experiments with snow, the teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that snow is different (wet, crooked), at leisure reads poems about winter, conducts classes on the smearing of snowmen from plasticine and drawing snowflakes in non-standard technique with wax pencils and watercolor.

More interesting to study experienced the objects with which you are already familiar with

The organization of experimental activities is carried out within the framework of a personal approach in training and education. The implementation of this approach is possible during the NOD classes when children are given the tasks of a different level of difficulty for carrying out experience. For example, at the lesson of the "snow properties" of the first subgroup of pupils is invited to make snow from snow, the second subgroup is to make snow eyes and decorate them with the help of Guashi. It is important that at the end of the classes of each child there was a good mood. If someone from the guys want to try to task another group (elevated complexity), this feature must be provided to him.

Differentiation of tasks occurs in terms of independence in action by pupils. One guys pre-show a plan to show a plan of action, with other pupils in the younger group, joint activities are carried out: the teacher sends the movement of the child (the child holds a spoon, the teacher of his hand performs circular movements, stir the water).

Experimental action is often held during experimentation with younger preschoolers.

Motivating occupation

In order for experimental activities to be effective in the formation and development of research skills, children should be interested in learning the proposed object. It is recommended to start classes to devote activation of attention and strengthen motivation to observe a phenomenon or subject, solving any problem situation, find a response to the question. To this end, a visual material (posters, cards and postcards, illustrations of books, encyclopedia) are used, mobile and didactic games, thematic gymnastics and charging are arranged, conversations are held in which children find answers and examples from personal experience are attracted to the participation of fabulous characters.

Experimentation with solid water forms (snow and ice) is preceded by the study of visual material on the topic "Winter"

Themes and Options for Motivating Beginning - Table

Theme lesson Option motivating start
"Water and its properties" Attraction of a fictional character - droplets.
- Guys who came to visit us today? (Droplet)
- Where can I meet the droplet? (in the river, sea, puddle, in tap water, in kettle, etc.)
- What are the droplets help a person? (wash, wash, clean in the house, cook food, water plants, etc.)
Listening to the poem N. Ryzhova "Did you hear about water?"
Conducting Fizkultminutki "Cap, Cap, Cap, the rain went."
"Winter lived in the hut" Creating a gaming situation.
The guys get a video from the winter winter: a fabulous character Zimushka tells children that now it is time for her reign in nature, she settled in the hut in the forest on the edge, decorated the earth and trees with fluffy snow, built ice bridges and draws frosty patterns on the windows (view Slides). Winter invites children to visit the fairytale frosty forest.
The teacher utters magical words and children are transferred to the kingdom of the winter-winter, where they have to get acquainted with the possibilities of a fabulous heroine (i.e. to study the solid water shape: snow and snowflakes, ice and icicles).
"Stone and Tree" Studying a visual material.
The educator shows children pictures and gives a task: to determine what is common in the depicted items (birch, firewood, fence, chair, cubes for playing, salas, raft, hut - consist of wood material; granite monument, malachite box, river pebbles, track from Tiles - made of stone).
On the desktop there is a pelvis with water, wooden balls and marine pebbles are lying. The educator asks: "What experience can we spend with these objects?" (Lower the balls and pebbles into the water and just follow which items will be drown, and which remain on the surface.)

Character Droplet helps children learn new about water and its properties

Examples of the organization of experimental activities in the first youngest group

We offer to familiarize yourself with the options for experimental activities of preschoolers in classes with children of one and a half-three years.

Experiments in the younger group - video\u003disvjepzi-2W. Video CAN't Be Loaded: Experiments in the younger group of gnomes 1 (\u003disvjepzi-2W)

Lesson "Let's tell me hello about water" - video\u003dumg8gqjoodc. Video CAN't Be Loaded: Lesson in the first youngest group (\u003dUMG8GQJOODC)

Exchange "Magic Voddy" - Video\u003dha_5mk6kgqc. Video CAN't Be Loaded: Open-ending "Magic Voddy" Group number 5 (\u003dha_5mk6kgqc)

Sand lesson in the first youngest group - Video\u003dXT1KWGCS1L0. Video CAN't Be Loaded: Game - Lesson with sand in the first youngest group in Dow No. 44 Baranovichi (\u003dXT1KWGCS1L0)

Creek with kinetic sand (Sand therapy) - Video\u003dFekft7wccto. Video CAN't Be Loaded: Sand therapy. Living Sand Classes (\u003dFekft7wccto)

Master class "Experimentation in the first youngest group" - video\u003dyBox7yedki0. Video CAN't Be Loaded: Master class Experimenting in 1 youngest group (\u003dyBox7yedki0)

Experimental lesson in kindergarten

The occupation of a pilot experimental orientation in kindergarten is based on the age-related features of children and in the first youngest group on the norms of Sainpin lasts no more than 15 minutes. For the prevention of overwork, various forms of activity are used: Game (Didactic Games, toys), Physical (Fizkultminthki, Movable Games, Fingering Gymnastics), Entertaining (singing, learning of the rhymes and sayings), cognitive (study of visual material, conducting a conversation).

Experimental occupation consists of the following structural elements:

  • organizational moment - 1 minute;
  • motivating start of classes - 4 minutes;
  • game or motor activity - 4-5 minutes;
  • practical activity - 4-5 minutes;
  • summing up - 1 minute.

After the experiment, the pupils help to put a workplace or a demonstration table, remove the tools.

The stage of reflection at the end of the lesson is required: the guys are divided by emotions from the opening process, they inform how they liked the occupation.

Experimental activities should cause positive emotions that guys are divided into each other at the end of the lesson

Card file experiments and experiments in the first youngest group - Table

Topic The content of experiments and experiments
"Water (liquid form)"
  • experiments with water transfusion: monitoring how water takes the shape of various vessels;
  • experiments with the detection of buoyancy of various items: paper boats, wooden cubes, rubber toys;
  • experiments with painting water (watercolor, gouache, food dyes);
  • games with catching items from water with a stitch, with a water mill, "diving" toys.
"Hardwater forms: ice and snow"
  • snow actions: modeling, creating patterns from traces in the snow, observation of snow melting, drawing a gouache in the snow;
  • ice Action: On a walk, a snow slide is poured with water and observe the formation of ice, the molding of ice cubes, the manufacture of multi-colored ice cream, ice beads.
  • dry sand action: sifting, drawing with sandy trickle, game with a sand mill;
  • actions with wet sand: I model with hands with sand pies, making cakes using molds and velockers;
  • actions with kinetic sand: rolling, modeling, kneading, squeezing patterns.
  • breaking paper to pieces and the creation of appliqués;
  • rolling lumps from paper and the creation of volumetric appliqués;
  • cutting paper on strips and image mapping.
"The cloth"
  • experimentation with a piece of fabric: stretching the threads, friction, wetting, smoothing;
  • experimentation with tissue coloring.
  • game with sunburning;
  • acquaintance with the emergence of the shadow on the wall, the creation of the theater of the Shadows;
  • experience with colored lenses.
  • experimentation with soap bubbles;
  • experimentation with air jet, wind: games with turntables, sultacles, vane, air coil, sails with sails.
  • experimentation from magnets and metal objects (for these experiments it is necessarily familiar with the safety technique).

Pupils of the first younger group try to draw with the sand ridge

Abstract Node (experimental activities) in the first youngest group "Stone and a tree. Object Properties »Table

Software content
  • Introduce children with the concepts of stone, tree;
  • to acquaint with the concepts of heavy, light, rough, smooth, sink is not sinking;
  • educate accuracy;
  • develop memory, attention, figurative thinking;
  • educate interest in the lesson;
  • teach competently responsible for questions.
Materials and equipment
  • Wooden balls of the same size by the number of children; marine stones of different sizes in the number of children;
  • water basin;
  • pictures of trees and wood products;
  • pictures of various stones and products from them.
Structure occupation - Guys, we have an interesting and fascinating business today. Look at the pictures. (Shows trees and wooden items.) What is depicted on them? We already know that from the tree you can make many different items: both at home and paper, and furniture, and toys. And now let's remember what stones are and what people do from stone. (Shows pictures, answers of children.)
- Today, guys, I brought you the balls from the tree and sea pebbles. Touch them, compare. In shape they are rounded, by weight - the same. Ride them in the hands, what do you feel? (The children concluded that wooden balls are warmer than pebbles, harder, hard.)
- And what do you think, why did I bring a basin with water in a group? (Answers.)
- What do you think, will you swim on the surface of the stone? And tree? What drown? (Answers.)
- And let us see everything ourselves. (Children in turn cast in the water first wooden balls, then - pebbles.)
- So guys, we saw that all the balls float on the surface, it means they are easier than the stones that drowned. Even the little pebbles are heavier than a large wooden subject.
Reflection stage.
Children share emotions from experimentation.

Registration of the experimentation center

An important condition for the organization of experimental activities in kindergarten is the creation of an object and cognitive environment. These may be corners for practical research in the room of the group, green areas on window sills for plants observation. Possible preparation of a separate room for the functioning of a mug of cognitive-research activities. In the center of the experimentation or mini-laboratory, a place should be allocated for thematic exhibitions and demonstrates the achievements of pupils (placement of wall newspaper, photo reports). Racks are highlighted for storing thematic albums with pictures, materials for experimental and appliances. For experiments, a place is thought out: a demonstration table, student parties and chairs. The educator introduces children with an experimentation corner, shows which materials are stored in jars and drawers, asks what they would like to work out. For children of 1.5-3 years, the place of free access is made - a container or regiment: safe stimulating materials are offered for self-selection. It can be tissue books for the development of sensory perception, stitched bags with a variety of filling (pebbles, seeds, wool, sawdust), rubber, wooden and plastic toys for experimentation.

Materials for experimental activities should be available to pupils

The material base of the experimentation center consists of:

  • natural materials (shells, pebbles, sticks, wooden sticks, nut shells, sand, seeds);
  • fabric samples, paper;
  • vessels and capacities (plastic bowls, jars, glasses);
  • devices and tools (spoons, scoops, tubes, plastic magnifying glasses, funnels);
  • objects for experimental game (water and sand mills, turntables, slanders, molds for sand);
  • substances (sugar, salt, paints);
  • protective clothing (aprons, wrappers, hats, gloves).

The material base of the experimentation center must be diverse and cause interest in pupils

The activity of junior preschoolers in the experimentation center is carried out under continuous tutor control: it shows what way it is better to explore the subject (extract the sound, check the strength, etc.). Unstructured materials (cereals, sugar, salt) are stored in an inaccessible kids and are offered to study in working together with a teacher. Capacity and devices must be unbreakable, game sets do not contain small parts.

Special attention is currently paid to the creation of water centers and sand. Experimenting with these substances, children not only form knowledge about their properties, but also improve the touch perception and small motility, and also restore the balance of emotional state (classes with water and sand reassure, eliminate the symptoms of overwork, remove the muscle tension). The educator organizes and manages the experiments of kids, prevents the risk of grazing in the respiratory tract.

Playing with water and sand, children fix and expand ideas about the properties of these substances, develop sensory perception and improve fine motility

Experimental activities with children of junior preschool age raises curiosity and desire to gain knowledge. Conducting experiments with affordable objects and materials, the pupils develop small motility of the hands, the perception of various senses, memory. Children's experimentation creates a positive emotional atmosphere in the group and lays the features of a research type of thinking in each child.

Education is the highest philological, Master's degree of Philology. Specialty - Teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher history. The study of the modern literary process is part of my life. As a teacher in recent years, I often interact with children of preschool age, therefore, I have been actively investigating the experience of supporting supports, I study the newest development of preschoolers.

Card file for experimentation games

Card file with water in the second youngest group Play with water is interesting and useful. And in the cold season - not a hindrance. In winter, women's factory production baths are very comfortable for water games. But if there is no such bath, you can purchase plastic basin.
The tasks that the educator solve, conducting such classes: 1. Acquaintance of children with the outside world (properties of water, quality materials, water and objects).
2. Expansion of the vocabulary stock.
3. Mastering the children's mathematical concepts "full - empty", "much is little."
4. Physical development of kids (the visual and motor coordination and small motility of the hands are developing).
5. Removing the mental stress, state of internal discomfort and aggression.
By installing a bath with water, you need to consider:
- free access to the bath, the possibility of several children to play at the same time;
- water level for small children 5-7 cm;
- The top edge of the bath must be at the level of the baby's belt.
The following materials are prepared for water games: - vessels of different shapes and volumes (cups, spoons, funnels, jars with different hole diameters);
- small toys from different materials (plastic, rubber, wooden);
- natural material (bumps, pebbles, shells, sticks);
- throwing material (wooden planks, metal lumps, sponges, pieces of fabric, plastic tubes, corks);
- homemade floating toys - boats (traffic jam with a shallow toy, shell from walnut with a flag, a shoe from foam);
- food dyes, shampoo;
- three or four adhesive apron.
When organizing games and water exercises, the role of an adult is great: he selection of materials and attributes, organizes joint games with children with water, develops in children the ability to act with the proposed material, gradually introduces new games and exercises. And in order to draw the attention of children, let them come to them every time a droplet comes, which will tell a lot of interesting things about the water. (The droplet is sewn from the oilcloth, decorated with beads or buttons.)

"Water games"

"Get acquainted with water."
Talk to children about the properties of water.
- Water pours over the table surface.
- Water can be collected by a sponge. Creating children in collecting water with a sponge: Put a sponge into a puddle, press the water from a sponge into the bathroom.
- Water is warm and cold. Bring cold and hot water (check with children the temperature of hot water through the walls of the bucket, and the cold - in the bucket). Mix and make warm water.
- Water is poured into different vessels. Pour water from the large vessel to children into several small. Give children the opportunity to pour water yourself.
"Well, quarrels!"
Put on the table cover (if the table for games has two bowls, the cover on the closed bath is used as a table) plate or bucket. Small items and toys float in the bath with water. Inconsider children to catch them one with one spoon and shift in a bucket. Initially, help the child, slightly directing his hand. Follow the child to hold the spoon correctly. It is important to bring the exercise to the end: all objects are transferred to a plate, and spilled water to gather a sponge. To increase child interest in the exercise and complications of actions next time, offer him a strainer or a cuckoo instead of a spoon.
"Who is faster than clutch and will catch?"
Invite children of different shapes of the vessel (bottles, mugs, jars). Let the children pick them out in them, lowering the vessel into the water. Tell the children that water is poured into different vessels. Offer pouring water through a funnel into a variety of size vessels.
"Jour-magazine, Cap-Cap ..."
Pouring water from the bottle, offer children to listen to the rush water. Listen to the children, like a droplet of pipette hits the surface of the table or an iron tray.
What are different bottles!
Give children a bottle with different neck diameter. Let the children fill bottles at the same time. Also at the same time, let the children pour water. Move children to understand that the filling rate of the bottle and water pouring it depends on the size of the neck.
"Multicolored Water"
In the presence of children, paint water in the bath with food dye. Let the children pour "magic" water into transparent tanks, along with them express admiration from what they saw. Deliver the children joy, letting them be allowed in an unusual water of fish, boats, foam boats and walnuts shells. Show how the wand can be sent a boat to the desired side.
"Magic pebbles"
Consider with dry pebbles. Lower them into the bath with water. Talk to children that pebbles are heavy, and they fell to the bottom. Remove the pebbles and compare them with dry. Together with the children, conclude that the wet pebbles changed your color.
"It is necessary to help!"
From time to time, let's instructions: wash dolls, help wash the doll dishes, toys, "wrapping" puppet clothes, help pour flowers.
Children of the fourth year of life are available simplest experiments with water.
"What is snow?"
Bring the snow to the group and lower the bath. Watch with children behind the melting of snow. Take conclusion: Snow is frozen water.
"Why is it impossible to eat snow?"
Consider the water that appears in the bath. Pay attention to children to dirt at the bottom of the bath. Help the children make a conclusion about why it is impossible to take snow in the mouth.
"What is ice?"
Bring and put in a dry bath pieces of ice in a dry bath. Close the bath. After some time, look for ice in the bath. Chat with children about why water appeared in the bath, and the pieces of ice became so small. Take the output: ice melted and turned into water. Continue experience, leading water in the mordes to the street in frosty weather. Secure the concept with the children that ice is frozen water.
"Why is the icicle crying?"
Attach the siete's bathroom and put an icicle in it. Watch together with children, as a while of the cortex in the bath will be dripping water. Move children to think that in the warm icicle melts. And on the street, I will warm the sun, and it will begin to drip, "cry".
"Sun is not sinking"
Give children different items (wooden, metal, plastic, rubber, pebbles). Offer to throw them into the water bath. Look, which of them drowned, and which floats.
"Entertainment with water"
Early children are useful to arrange small holidays. Arrange for your kids "
The holiday of soap bubbles. "
Wake up a soap foam in the bath, use bubbles with straws, together with children, admire the overflowing splendor. Let try to catch a multicolored soap bubble on his palm. Read the poem E. Farden "Soap Bubbles".
Caution - bubbles ...
- Oh, what!
- Oh, look!
- swell!
- shine!
- Open!
- fly!
- My with a plum.
- My - with nut.
- My did not burst longer than everyone!

"Magic bottle."
A bottle with a tightly closing lid can turn into a fun toy. To do this, water poured into the bottle and buttons, beads, finely chopped foil are placed. When the bottle is turned over, the items slowly fall down.


Purpose: Call a desire to draw on a wet sheet, find out what the paints are mixed, and have no clear boundary, new colors are obtained.

Material: Large sheet of paper for watercolor, moistened with water, tower, paint and brushes.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word: Sun yellow in the sky
Red flowers bloom.
In the blue sea, the fish is splashing,
Draw all this you.

Unforgettable sensations can give the process of drawing with watercolor paints on the wet sheet. To do this, put the linen on the table, wet a tight paper sheet for watercolor. Pick up a brush into one of the paints and carefully spend on paper. Get the opportunity to play with paints. No matter how accidentally can be drawn in the drawing with a brush with one water, without paint - water will create on a sheet of delicate, blurred, light halftone.

Who lives in water

Purpose: Develop cognitive interest and imagination.

Material : Blue and Blue Pencils or Watercolor Paints, Listed List

Games - Experiment

Artistic word : Water men
All day splashing in the river.
And then climbed into the basin
Check out again.

In the sandbox, the sandy men live, and in the water (in the sea, in the lake, in the river, as well as in the bath and in a basin), water men live. With water men, it is also very interesting to play. They can be like in the picture. But you can also come up with water men and draw them in the album. Give the baby blue and blue pencils or watercolor paints and ask him to independently draw your water men.

Drink dolls delicious juice

Purpose: To identify the property of water and paints, the ability of the paints will dissolve in water and change its color.
Material: Watercolor paints, tassels, transparent plastic glasses with water.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word:

Once a bunny decided to show mom focus. He put a transparent cup on the table. Then he poured water in them. Bul-bulb flowed water.
- Mom, close your eyes! Said said.
Mom closed his eyes and began to wait what would be. (And you close eyes).
- Open! - Commanded a bunny.
When Mom opened his eyes, he saw that in cups water is no longer simple, but a multicolored - yellow, red, blue, green and orange. (And you show your finger, where what).
- How beautiful! - Mom admired.

Suggest children to cook for dolls Multicolored juice, try to attract the child's attention to the element of the magic: "And if you lower the glass with a brush with a yellow paint, it is interesting what happens. What is juice? "
Cover on the table, arrange the glasses, put the dolls, treat drinks. Red water will turn into tomato juice, orange - in orange, yellow - in pineapple, blue - in blackberry.

A fairy tale about how the rainbow in the water has bathed

Purpose: To acquaint with obtaining intermediate colors when mixed with red and yellow, blue and green.

Material: Seven transparent cups with warm water, seven colors of gouashe colors.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word:

In the summer, after the rain on the sky, a bright rainbow came out, she looked down on the ground and saw a large smooth lake there. The rainbow looked at him, as in the mirror and thought: "What I'm beautiful!". Then she decided to swim in a warm lake. Like a huge multicolored ribbon, the rainbow fell into the lake. The water in the lake was immediately colored different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. Kids came running with tassels and albums, dipped their tassels into the water and painted pictures. The rainbow widdled and flew over the clouds. Water in the lake has become transparent, and the kids brought home beautiful and bright drawings.

Rainbow in water is not only in a fairy tale. For example, you can paint with paints, offer a child, dip your finger in red paint, and then lower it into a glass with water. In turn, do the same thing with other paints. It will be seven cups corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

Melting ice melting

Purpose: To introduce the fact that it freezes in the cold and melts in warm.

Material: Candle, spoon, ice, transparent cups with hot and cold water.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word:

Once in the winter, the Belchonok brought home the ice cream, Icicles, he left her in the voupel, on the floor in the hallway, and he went to dinner, and then sleep. When I woke up, I immediately remembered the ice buck, ran into the hallway. The ice cream disappeared - there is nowhere, but on the floor glitter a puddle.

We put a piece of ice on a spoon and warm it over the flame of the candle: "Look, here is a lot. Let's get it on fire. Where is the ice? Melted! What is the ice turned? In the driver! "
In the transparent glass mug or a glass pour hot water (you can squeeze it), lower the piece of ice and watch how quickly it melts. You can take several glasses and observe how differently melts ice in water of different temperatures.


Purpose: Reveal the properties of water: can be heated, cool, freeze, melting.

Material: Baths, water of different temperatures, pieces of ice.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word :

Zimushka-Winter came, in rivers and lakes frozen water. Water turned into ice. Following the winter, Spring Krasno flew, ice melted, the driver was a little warmed. You can start boats. Summer roast has come, and a warm water was done. You can swim, splash. And then the cool autumn comes to visit us. And the water in the rivers, in the lakes and in the puddles it became cold. Soon winter will say again. So come to visit us in turn: for the winter - spring, for the spring - summer, in the summer - autumn, in the fall - winter.

Take two wide cups. In one pour cold water, to another - warm. Cold water is "Winter", warm - "Summer". Let the kid robs the water handle. "Where is the cold driver? Where are we "winter"? Here in this cup. Where is a warm driver? Where do we have "summer"? Here". Then take four cups or small basin. In one cup, put a small piece of ice ("winter"), pour a little warm water to another ("Spring", to the third - warm, but not hot water ("summer"), in fourth - cold water ("Autumn"). Teach your baby to determine what water in cups and what time it corresponds to.


Purpose: To acquaint with the properties of water: pour, moves.

Material: Bath with water, toys.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word: Cook a porridge for kids, (twist a handle in water, as if "stirring porridge.")
Make the dough for the pyshek, (we take water as the dough.)
Sweet tea we treat
(We recruit water in the palm and pour it back to the bath.)
Well, after - rest! In the bath - boulders!

Offer children to play with water, pay attention that the driver moves towards the movement of their hands, as well as it overflows, pour.

How the water went to walk

Purpose: To give an idea that water can be collected by various objects - sponge, pipette, pear, napkin.

Material: Foam sponge, plastic syringe without a needle, rubber pear, bath with water.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word:

Poured the clock to the basin and forgot about it. After some time, the driver was bored: "I sit here and I don't see anything, but around, probably, so much interesting!" She wanted to get out of the basin, but it didn't work out - there are no pens and legs of the water. I wanted to call someone, but the voice of the driver in a basin quietly - no one heard her. And then Mom came and thought: "Why is it worth it here?" I took and poured it into the sink. Driving a driver in the pipes and fell into a large river in which there was a lot of other water. And our driver flowed together with a large river around the city, past beautiful houses and green gardens. "How beautiful, like wonderful! - thought the driver. - And I would sit in my basin and I would not see this beauty! "
Take a foam or other absorbent sponge, rubber pear and plastic syringe (without a needle). Pour water in a small basin, prepare several empty tanks (cups, bowls, etc.). Ask the baby to lower the sponge into the water and show how you need to squeeze it into the cup. Then type the water with a rubber pear and recover it into another container, do the same with the syringe.

Foam castle

Purpose: To introduce the fact that when air intake in a drop of soapy water, a bubble is formed, then foam.

Material: Small tank with soapy water, straw, rubber toy.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word:

We have foam in our eyes
The castle will grow now
We will drink with you into the tube
Will a prince on a pipe.

In a small container, pour a few dishwashing tools, add water and stir. Take a wide cocktail tube, lower the bowl and start blowing. Simultaneously with loud bouffaging in front of the child, cloud of overflowing bubbles will grow.
Give the baby to the tube and offer to the bottom first with you, then yourself. Put the plastic or rubber toy inside the foam is a "prince who lives in a foam castle."

Why boats do not swim

Purpose: Detect air, form wind.

Material: Paper and foam ships, bath with water.
Games - Experiment

Artistic word:

Stand boats in the blue sea and can not swim. Steel captains Solnychko asking: "Sun! Help our ships swim! " The sun answers them: "I can warm the water in the sea!" Heated the sun, the water was warm, and the boats are still not sailing. Night has come. Appeared in the sky stars. Steel captains ask them: "Stars! Help our boats! " Stars answer them: "We can point you the way, where you need to swim!" Captain offended: "Where to swim, we ourselves know, just can't move from the spot!" Suddenly the wind blew. The captains began to ask him: "The breeze! Help our boats go to the road! " "It's very simple!" Said the wind and began to blow on the boats. And the boats floated.

Invite the children to lower the ships in the bath with water, ask whether the ship sails, why? What needs to be done so that the boats float? Listen to children's offers, bring the wind to the fact that you need a wind. Where to "take" the wind? Children blow on the boats, create wind.


Purpose: Secure the knowledge about the properties of water - pour, you can strain through the sump.

Material: pelvis with water, sin, sietchko, toy colander, small toys.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word : - Fisherman, what fish
Have you caught us for lunch?
He answers with a smile:
- It's not a secret at all!
I managed to catch yet
Two leaky shoes!

Pour into the water basin and give the baby a cincure for catching aquarium fish, a small straw with a handle or toy colander. Throw some small toys into the water. They can swim on the surface or lie on the day. Offer the baby to catch these toys with a sacc. You can ask him to catch any specific toys: "Catch the blue ball, catch a red fish", etc.

Soap bubbles

Purpose: To cause the desire to let soap bubbles, to introduce the fact that when air intake in soap water, a bubble is formed.

Material: Soap water, cocktail tubes, bottles with cut bottom, gel pen body.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word: Voddy does not like spatis and dirty,
Jumps and swears: "Bul-Bul-Bul-Boule!"
But if we wash your hands and faces
The driver is satisfied and is no longer angry.

Machine hands so that it turns out a lush thick foam. Then disconnect the palms so that a thin transparent soap film is formed between them. Purify it - you will have a soap bubble. Let the child rushes on a soap film in your palms, help him make his soap bubble. To induce your child yourself to blow soap bubbles, offer him, in addition to the frame from the bubble bubble, a variety of tubes - a cocktail tube, a plastic bottle with a cut bottom, or roll up and glue a thick pipe from thick paper. To get a solid tube (kids cocktail tubes often eat or bend), you can disassemble the gel pen and take the body from it - a transparent plastic tube.
Water for soap bubbles can be prepared independently using liquid for washing dishes.


Purpose: Give the idea that water can change the direction of movement.

Material: Empty pelvis, bucket with water, funnels, grooves from half plastic bottle, from cardboard curved in the form of a scene.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word : Pioneer with a big height,
Splashes fly on the grass and flowers.
Kids around lively hal
Loupe guys noise waterfall.

Offer children to play with funnels and grooves. Let them try to pour water into a basin through a funnel, and now on a plastic groove and a cardboard groove bent in the form of a ladder. Combine these items: leut water to grooves through a funnel. Pay attention to children, that water moves. Ask them what happens if we keep the grooves in a different way (the direction of the water movement will change).

Tale of Cameshke

Purpose: On the example of experience, it is easy to show that items can be lightweight.

Material: Bath with water, small heavy and light items, pebbles.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word :
On the shore of the lake lay a little pebble. He looked at beautiful lilies and pitchers who swam on the water, and thought: "What are they happy, swim, like a boat. I also want to swim! " The boy came to the shore, took the pebble and threw into the water. Pechers were delighted: "My dream finally came true! I'll swim!" But it turned out that he could not swim, because too heavy. And pebbles dropped to the bottom of the lake. At first he was very upset. And then I saw how many fun fish, other pebbles and beautiful plants. Pebble stopped sad and made friends with fish. What can you do! Heavy pebbles can not swim.
Take some small light items that can stay on the water (for example, Pyryshko, a ball, a paper boat, a thin pinch) and several heavy items that will lie on the bottom (for example, pebbles, a key, coin). Fill the bath or basin with water. Give a child one of the items and ask to omit into the water. At the same time tell him: "Look, a boat is swimming! And the key drowned - he is heavy! Petal floats - he is light! ".

Who woke Kitenka

Purpose: To introduce the fact that inside a person there is air and discover it.

Material: Bath with water, straw, soap water in cups.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word:

The wind blows-blows, "Well, what it looks like!
Waves in the sea raises. My kity can sleep sleep!
Sea Blue Burlit, the wind is very loud -
Unhappy dad-whale: Does not give us peace!
Agrees kitich:
"It is necessary that it became quiet!
Wind, wind, do not go go
Our crumb is not awake! "

Take the capetail straw, lower it into the water and ask the child to pour into the straw so that the water boils. And if you cook a soap solution in the bucket and pour into the tube, the foam will begin to form and the lush soap "beard" will grow from the bucket.

A branch in a vase

purpose : Show water value in the life of plants.

Material : Tree branch, water vase, label "Live water".

Games - Experiment

Artistic word : Drove a powerful truck and the twig broke,
Fell a twig on the snow and there would be laying there,
But it raised her hand care and gently
And he delivered it to the heat of the water to drink a snowy.
We put a branch in a vase, we will open all the kidneys,
Green leaflets will appear on the light.

Cut or pick up a broken twig that quickly blooming trees. Take the Vase and get the "Live Water" sticker on it.
Together with children, consider twigs and kidneys on them. After put the branch into the water and explain to children that one of the important properties of water is to give life to everything alive. Put a twig to a prominent place. Ask children what will happen, develop the ability to make assumptions. Every day, observe, the time will pass, the kidneys burst and green leaves will appear.

Ice figures

Freeze water not only in special molds, but also in other containers. Use plastic cups for this, molds from under candies etc. to get a variety of ice forms of different sizes. Use them as a designer - lay out patterns (better on a homogeneous color background). Fold out ice pyramid or lodge from ice pieces.

"Moets Petry Worker"

Required inventory: small plastic or rubber doll, paralyon sponge.

Ask the kid to wash the evapoiced doll. Call parts of the body that you need to wash: "And now the feet of her feet, look like she swollen ", etc. The sponge can be laid, pay attention to the NATO child, as sliding in the hands of a washed doll.

The game promotes the development of motility, speech.


Required inventory: Ice cubes container, chascis with a slightly tinted water with water, pipette, sponge or napkin.

    With the help of a pipette, a child carries water from a cup into an ice container.

    When all cells are filled, you can collect the water in the same way back into the cup.

    During the experiment, it is possible to calculate how many drops are in one cell, in two, etc.

"Watering flowers"

Required inventory: Children's wage.

Take a watering can with water. Find a flowerbed and explain the child that in order for flowers to grow well, they need to be water. Let the kid himself Poland flowerbed. Pay attention to how the grounds darkens during watering. You can water the grass, trees, shrubs, telling how the plants drink water. Consider the droplets of the water remaining on the leaves, notice that the ridges of water from the watering can look like a rain. Spoite a song or read the poem.

Watering can

and the water in it is licen.

We are plenty of flowers can

Grow up

The game contributes to the development of imagination, motility. The child studies the properties and appointments of objects, meets the floral world.


Required inventory: two tanks, foam sponge.

One container fill with water. Show the child, how with the help of a sponge you can carry water from one dish to another. Offer to try to do the same yourself.

The game develops a small motorcycle.

"Per hour on a teaspoon"

Required inventory: 2 glasses, a teaspoon, a tablespoon.

Pour water into one glass. Show the child as you can overflow water with spoons in another glass. Allow it to play yourself.

The game contributes to the development of shallow motility, helps to master the concepts, empty, full.

"Valil - poured"

Required inventory: Capacity with water, 1 large glass and 1 small glass.

Put in front of the child with water with water, show how you can coat the water with one glass and overflow it into another. Give the child the freedom of action.

The game contributes to the development of coordination of movements, expands the ideas about the properties of the substance.

"Balls in water"

In such a game - the experiment trains a small motorcycle.

Required inventory: Two deep plates or two small basins, a few tennis balls, a straw with a handle, a napkin or a sponge.

Put two deep plates on the table, one of which fill with water and lower the balls into it. A child with a pitch pulls balls from a plate with water and shifts into an empty plate. In the process of the experiment, he notes that the water sheds in the hole holes, and that plastic balls do not sink in water.


Required inventory: watering can.

Place plastic toys in a basis or bath, give a child a watering can and suggest play a puppet rain. Water the dolls from the watering can, remember all the poems known to you about the rain. After rain, give the baby dry towel and ask to wipe all the toys.

Rain, rain! Waystay!

Let growing . Wheat thick!

Pole, if, How the river! Will be a white flour! G. Lagzdin

"Sun is not sinking"

Required material: Tazik with water, several items from different materials: Pyryshko, carnations, plastic ball, clothespin, bead, paper, etc.

During the experiment, the child must distribute objects on the basis of "sink - not sink"

    Sinks right away

    Sound after wetting

    Not sink.

"Jumping ball"

Required inventory: Plastic bowl for table tennis.

Open the water in the crane and throw the ball into the water stream. The child will be interested in watching the ball jumps in a jet of water, not jumping out of it.

"Magic Water Property"

Required inventory: Rubber glove, inflatable ball, ball, jug with water, bottle, sponge.

    The child during the experiment receives knowledge that water takes the form of a fill item.

"Split equally"

Required inventory: three transparent glasses, jug or kettle with water, napkin.

    The child must pour water from the jug equally in all three glasses. When the cups are filled, you check the result.

    Work can be repeated, pouring water from the cups back into the jug.

"Beach foam"

Required inventory: Tazik with water, bunny, bath foam or liquid soap, sponge or napkin.

    The child pours a little soap or foam in the bath and the help of a whisk whipped foam. Watching enough soap added to the basin. If not, it adds a little.

    When the experiment is completed, it pours water into a bucket. Water drops on the table and wet basis wipes with a sponge or napkin.

    This experiment is also useful for the development of muscles of hand brushes.

"Through the sieve"

Required inventory: Glass, sieve.

Put a basin with water in front of the child, let the kid pours water from a glass into a sieve. Explain to him why water is drowning. In the game, the child learns the purpose of the objects and the properties of the substance.

"Slow or drowns"

Put a basin with water in front of the child, give him buttons, pebbles, flaps fabrics, small toys, metal or wooden spoon. Let the kid throw all items into the water and watches them. Explain why some things are drowning, while others remain on the surface.

The game is familiar with the properties of objects, the basis of classification is laid, a small motor is developed.

Games with sand

The game "Top hat tracks"


Content: The teacher with the baby walks on the sand, leaving traces, while you can be signed: "The big legs went on the road: TO-O-P, TO-O-P, TO-O-p. Small legs ran along the track: top top top! Top! Top top top! Top! »Adult and child can change this game, depicting someone who can leave big and small traces. Large traces leave a closing bear. Little traces will leave behind a small squirrel.

Game "I'm a bake, bake, bake"

Purpose: Acquaintance with the properties of sand, development of coordination of movements, motility hands.

Content: The child "bakes" from the sand of buns, pies, cakes. To do this, the baby can use a variety of molds, pouring sand in them, tamping them with hand or a symphist. Pies can be "baked" and hand, shifting wet sand from one palm to another. Then the child "treats" puppet patts.

The game "Magic prints on the sand"

Purpose: Acquaintance with the properties of sand, development of coordination of movements

Content: The tutor and the kid leave prints on the wet sand of their hands and legs, and then draw them or supplemented with pebbles to get funny frills, fish, squint, birds, etc.

Game "Guess what is hidden in the sand"

Purpose: Development of the ability to submit objects according to their verbal description

Content: The child is offered using miniature figures, build a sandy picture called "What does not happen in the world". After the completion of the child's work is asked to tell about what happened. Try to write a fairy tale with him.

Game "Lie in the garden" in the garden "

Purpose: Introduction to the outside world, the development of thinking, speech, motility.

Content: According to the silence of the magic wand, one sandbox turns into a fruit garden, the other in the garden. Children are invited to plant the garden and the garden. After completing the task, the children tell that where it grows. Adult asks the child to describe vegetables and fruits in shape, color, taste.

Game "Journey to the Fairy Tale City"

Purpose: Development of figurative thinking, imagination, speech.

Content: The adult shows the child's sign on which the closet is depicted, and asks how the store can be called where this subject is sold. After all the signboards are considered, the adult tells the story of a fabulous city.

Children utter the magical words "Crybla-crable-boom" and begin to build a fabulous city. After completion of work, they are talking about what happened, shall be impressions.

Game "Builders on a fabulous island"

Purpose: Development of imagination, creative thinking, sensory perception, artistic design abilities, the ability to build in accordance with the plan scheme.

Content: An adult tells the story of a bottle discharged to the sea shore with a letter inside. The child takes a bottle and gives the letter of the following content.

In the ocean, the island was wonderful,

No one else has known.

Castles, towers and palaces

Builders-creators built.

But the black clouds suddenly came up,

The sun was closed, the wind called.

Residents just managed to hide

Fire, hurricane and rain fled.

All destroyed: only stones are alone.

That's what left of this country.

Now there is no wonderful beauty.

Only one dreams remained that.

This letter is interrupted.

Adult asked children the following questions for discussion:

1. What do you think I dreamed of a person who wrote this note?

2. What was it for a person?

Adult. Guys, look at the turnover of notes drawings drawings of structures from blocks of various shapes and colors. Let's take a magic wand, say "Crible-crable-boom" and move to the island of fairy tales, where we will try to build wonderful facilities according to the drawings. Perform a person's dream. Let's hit the road!

Sand games in group

When playing with sand, you can perform such exercises:

- walk with palms, leaving traces;

- Create prints of palms, cams, ribs of palms. Different bizarre patterns on the surface of the sand, try to find the similarity of patterns with objects of the surrounding world;

- walk along the sand surface by each finger with both hands;

- Play my fingers on the surface of the sand, like on the piano keyboard. At the same time, not only fingers, but also hand brushes, making small movements up - down;

- Make a cake with the help of a mold and scoop.

In any season

We play with sand.

Baked pies and cakes,

Then everything will be removed.

"Sand patterns"

Purpose: To give children the concept of sand properties, develop fine motility, imagination, coordination of movements.

Funds: Dry sand, cardboard cone with a small hole in its top and tied to its edges with ropes, tray.

Guidelines: The educator shows the children how to fill the cone sand, shut down a hole, like a slightly swaying cone over the tray, take sand patterns.

Then the educator offers a child to try to pour sand. At any time, the sand flower can be stopped, bringing to the cone prepared in advance cup.

The rest of the children may watch the sand, forming a slide, paths and various patterns.

Cone with hole we take

Sand to pour start.

Kulok on the ropes swinging

On the tray the pattern is obtained.

Games with light and shadows

Something in the box

Purpose: To acquaint with the meaning of light and its sources (sun, flashlight, candle), show that the light does not pass through transparent items.
Material: A box with a lid in which a slot is made; Flashlight, lamp.

Games - Experiment

Artistic word

Dad gave a little lantern, bunny liked to play with a flashlight. He turned on the flashlight and looked under the sofa, shone inside the cabinet and in all angles.
- Bunny, where is your ball? Mom asked.
- I go to look! Said said and went to the dark room.
- And I'm not afraid! - having fun bunny and lit a flashlight.
Bunny shine a flashlight and found a ball.

An adult invites children to find out what is in the box (unknown) and how to discover what is in it (look into the slot). Children look into the slot and celebrate that in the box is darker than in the room. An adult asks what needs to be done so that in the box it became lighter (fully open the slot or remove the lid so that the light falls into the box and illuminated objects inside it). The adult opens the slot, and after the children make sure that the box became light, talks about other light sources - a flashlight and a lamp, which in turn lights and puts inside the box so that the children see the light through the slot. Along with children compares, in which case it is better visible, and makes a conclusion about the meaning of light.

Sunny bunny

Purpose: To acquaint with the natural light source - the sun.

Material: Little Mirrors, Sunlight

Games - Experiment

Having chopped the moment when the sun looks into the window, catch using a ray mirror and try to pay attention to the baby on how the sunny "bunny" jumps along the wall, on the ceiling, from the wall on the sofa, etc. Offer to catch the running "bunny". If the child liked the game, change the roles: give him a mirror, show how to catch a ray, and then stand up at the wall. Try to "catch" the spot of light as emotionally as possible, not forgetting at the same time commenting on your actions: "I will catch-catch! What a smart bunny - quickly runs! Oh, and now he is on the ceiling, not to get. ... well, the hare, let's go down to us! " etc. The baby's laughter will become the best reward.

Shadows on the wall

In the evening, when it is dark, turn on the table lamp and direct it on the wall. With the help of hands, you get on the wall shadow of a barking dog flying, etc. You can use various items and toys.

Who has heated objects?

On a walk, the teacher shows the kids to the bunny and says: "The bunny jumped on the bench. Oh, how warm! Turn the bench, what is she: warm or not? Who heated her? Yes sun! Spring came. Sun greatly warms - heated and bench. Now the bunny jumped on the swing. " Children along with the educator bypassing the site and find out that the table, the wall of the building, etc. became warm, etc. "Who startled all this?" - asks the tutor.

You can put a bunny on the bench and after some time make sure that the bunny became warm. "Who warmed him?".

Who plays ribbons?

On the veranda, the teacher distributes the children to the children. Offers Listen: Do Paper Tapes Rubbish? Do they move? Emphasizes: the tapes do not move, do not rustle.

Offers: "Let's play ribbons" (makes various movements). Emphasizes that we play ribbons. Then he suggests to stand quietly and see: And now the ribbons play?

After that, it proposes to get out of the veranda and stand quietly, draws attention to the tapes: who played them? Drawn to children: "Anya, who plays your ribbons? Seryozha, you do not play your ribbons? And who playing them? " Takes children to the conclusion: this wind plays ribbons.

Julia Kudlitskaya
Project on experimental experimental activities to study inanimate nature in the second youngest group

Tell me - and I will forget,

Show - and I remember,

Let's try - and I will understand.

(Chinese proverb)

Project topic: "Experimental activities to study inanimate nature in the second youngest group."

1. Introductory:

- Problem:

The child of younger preschool age is difficult to extract knowledge on their own, operate with them, creatively think, draw conclusions. Cognitive and mental abilities of children are not developed enough.

- Relevance:

Under the conditions of modern life from a person, not only knowledge is required, but first of all the ability to extract these knowledge to themselves, to operate, think independently, creatively.

All experimentation researchers allocate the main feature of the cognitive activity of children: the child will know the object in practical activities with him. The practical actions carried out by the child perform the cognitive, indicative research function, create conditions in which the content of this object is revealed. Experimentation permeates all areas of children's activities. The child preschooler in itself is a researcher, showing a living interest in various kinds of research activities - to experimentation. Just help your child and start it as early as possible. Experiments will help develop thinking, the logic, child's work, will help to show connections between alive and inanimate in nature. And thereby contribute to the preparation of the child to life in the modern world.

- Purpose: Through experimental activity, to promote the development of cognitive activity, observation, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities and the speech of children. Develop attention, memory, visual and auditory sensitivity. Creation of prerequisites for formation in children practical and mental actions.

- Tasks:

1. Enrich the ideas of children about the objects of inanimate nature, which are primarily in the nearest environment;

2. Develop the sensory abilities of children, as well as the development of the simplest forms clearly - effective and clearly-figurative thinking;

3. Rip good feelings, curiosity, curiosity, aesthetic perception associated with the beauty of the surrounding world;

4. Teach children to establish causal relationships in the surrounding world.

- Type of project: Cognitive - research.

- Subject of study: Objects of inanimate nature, the introduction of cognitive methods - research training in the educational process.

- Problem: The lack of experimentation or irregular use of methods of informative - research activities in working with children will attract the decline in the quality of children's training for school training.

- Hypothesis:

The systematic use of methods of informative - research training in educational practice contributes to the development of cognitive processes and enhance the mental abilities of children, which means a high level of training for children to school.

- Expected Result:

1. To bring children to a higher level of cognitive activity;

2. To form in children confidence through the development of thought operations, creative prerequisites and as a result, the development of personal growth in children and feelings of self-confidence and their forces;

3. enrich the subject - developing environment in the group;

4. Replenish the scientific - methodological base of the DOU in this direction of work.

- Methods, adults:

1) observation;

2) survey;

3) conversation, talence story, riddles, the use of fiction;

4) problematic issues;

5) didactic game, mobile game;

- Resources:

game Material, Equipment for Experimental Activity, Fiction, Internet - Resources

2. Preparatory stage:

- Literature:

1. Bondarenko T. M. "Environmental classes with children 3 - 4 years";

2. Vorobyeva V. M. "The program of environmental education of preschoolers" Nature and We ";

3. Drybina O. V., Rakhmanova N. P., Schetinina V. V. "Unknown nearby";

4. Ivanova A. I. "Methods of organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten";

5. Nikolaeva S. N. "Methods of Environmental Education in kindergarten";

6. Popova T. I. "The world around us";

7. Solomennikova O. S. "Familiarization with Nature";

8. Solomennikova O. S. "Classes for the formation of elementary environmental representations in the younger group of kindergarten";

- Developing Wednesday:

In order to introduce a project for experimental activities to the educational process, we have carried out preliminary work:

Created and equipped a corner of experimental activities available for independent activities of children;

Painted didactic, gaming material, fiction;

The literature on the experimental activity of children in accordance with the age of children was selected and studied.

- Monitoring at the beginning of the year (see Monitoring Data at the Final Stage)

- Development of a work plan with children and parents (see practical stage)

- a selection of experiments.

3. Practical stage:

- Complex - thematic plan

For experimental activities, a plan for studying inanimate nature was developed.

Joint activities with children of junior preschool age organize 2 times a month to 10-15 minutes.

Work forms: Educational - Game, Communicative - Business, Experimental - Research.


Work with literature

Diagnosis of children

Purpose: Creating a corner of experimental activities, identifying the level of knowledge of children about inanimate nature, the development of a comprehensive-thematic plan.

Acquaintance with air properties (movement, direction)

2. Experience "What in the package?"

Air detection in the surrounding space

Familiarization with some properties of the tree (hard, not

breaking, light, not sinking)

2. Experience "Ice Properties"

Acquaintance with Ice properties (thin, fragile)

Familiarization with the property of snow while raising the temperature to melt,

melts and goes into liquid condition - water

2. Experience "Water Properties"

Acquaintance with the property of water when the temperature is reduced to turn

in ice, and with raising - gradually turn into water

Acquaintance with paper properties: Moves, breaks, turns in water and

with the properties of the fabric: it is broken, it can be erased and stroke

Familiarization with the fact that there is air inside

2. Experience "Fun Ships"

Acquaintance with the property of objects - buoyancy

Familiarization with the properties of snow - to melt and turn into water

Acquaintance with the properties of sun rays - evaporation,

heating objects

2. Experience "We find out what water"

Acquaintance with the properties of water - transparent, odorless, pour

Report at the Parent Meeting and Pedsove

Summing up, planning work next year

- work plan with parents

The project of "pilot experimental activities to study inanimate nature in the second youngest group" provides for working with parents. To this end, a plan for working with parents was developed.


are they children? "

2) Questioning of parents on the topic: "Organization

search and research activities preschoolers at home

Purpose: Reveal the level of knowledge of parents on this topic

To identify the degree of parent's participation in the experimental activities of the child and maintaining his cognitive interest

2) registration of visual information in the parental corner

Purpose: Attracting parents to assist in the equipment of the corner, to increase interest in experienced experimental activities

Increase the level of knowledge of parents on the topic "Experimental experimental activities of young children"

activity of preschoolers. How to organize a home laboratory "

Purpose: To convey to parents the importance of experimenting in the life of children and the role of parents in this work

children younger "

Purpose: Increase the level of competence of parents, assist and advice in organizing experimentation with children at home

to observation and experimentation "

Purpose: Give parents advice and recommendations for maintaining interest in children to experimentation

Purpose: Representing parents of their first experience

Purpose: Enrich parental knowledge on experimental activities with the experiences of personal "piggy bank". Attract to participate in joint activities with teacher

Purpose: Introduce parents and team to Dow with the achievements of the experimental activities of our group

2) Pedsove report

3) participation in the district competition project competition -

experimental activities with children.

4. Final stage:

- Monitoring

- Analysis:

In order for children to be able to master the elementary ways of practical interaction with the environment, we started this work with the younger group. By the end of the year, the results of children were as follows:

1) can establish the simplest links when monitoring from Specific facts, nature phenomena;

2) know some properties of water, air, snow, ice, wood, paper, sunlight;

3) better mastered practical skills during a variety of experiences;

4) expect curiosity, independence;

5) began to understand the purpose of the observation, use sensory and survey activities;

6) began to understand the issues of a problem and show independence in finding an answer to them;

7) cognitive and speech skills began to develop;

8) have become more careful to nature.

- Output:

The goal of the project is achieved, the project's hypothesis is proved.