Pink Quartz on Fen Shui. Stone pink quartz and his magic properties. Magic properties of rose quartz: influence on emotions

Pink quartz is one of those minerals that attract love for their owner. And even though the color of love in the whole world is recognized as a red color, gently pink mineral is directly related to the world of feelings and emotions.

Pink quartz, like no other stone, causes tender, touching sensations. This is not a burning passion of a pomegranate, non-Punchy paint rubbish, not a sexual juice of tourmaline - it is a romantic, dreamy aura, illuminating with its sophistication and soft tint. This is not the love itself, rather, her premonition, the origin of feelings. Neury, modest mineral, is not strongly distinguished against the background of other natural stones. But if you look at it more closely, you will certainly get under his modest charm.

Pink quartz is one of the varieties of quartz. The stone is translucent. Different with a unique gentle pink shade and beautiful glass glitter. Do you need to say that in nature such colors are practically not found? This is a real miracle, created land, water and other earthly elements.

All kinds of quartz are beautiful in their own way. But pink quartz is something special. The mineral has a weak color, while some kind of watery light transluacity. Thanks to her, the stone looks very refreshing and resembles a frozen water. Pink Quartz is simply pink, as well as a milky pink with white streaks, can be said - snow-pink!

In nature there are stars of pink quarters. After processing inside such samples, a six-pointed radiant "star" shines. There are stones of rose quartz, after grinding and polishing which the "cat eye" effect appears on the surface - the strip on the entire width of the stone, resembling a pupil of a predator. Pink quartz is considered a rare mineral and is highly appreciated at all times.

Pink Quartz looks elegantly in rimming of precious metals, especially in white gold and platinum. And in the frame of small transparent gems - so simple luxuriously. Very beautiful combination of rose quartz with golden rhodium coating. Pink Quartz is one of the favorite stones of fashionable jewelry houses, which will certainly include this mineral of a gentle shade in their luxury decoration collections - Giorgio Armani, Mimi, Pomellato and others.

Rose quartz is known all over the world as an incredibly beautiful and affordable jewelry stone. It makes the entire spectrum of jewelry - earrings, rings, beads, necklaces, pendants, bracelets. Also, stunning figures cut out of the rose stone.

Love amulets from rose quartz appeared on our planet many centuries ago. Ancient people believed that Pink Quartz was sent to the ground the god of love Eros (Cupid). Together with the gentle, charming mineral in our world penetrated the finest energy of love and sensuality. According to another version, pink quartz is the "juice" of the Earth crystalling for many centuries and became a stone. It was believed that if you touch the piece of frozen "juice of the Earth" to a piece of the "juice of the Earth", then you can penetrate the unity with all alive on our planet - with birds, fish, forests, seas, etc. According to Indian Practices, Pink Quartz - Stone Cardiac Chakra. When the heart energy center is revealed, high feelings, such as love, are felt especially strong.

Pink Quartz - Family Mascot, bringing mutual love and mutual understanding. Beautiful mineral gives its owner an attraction and increases interest among men. In the old days it was even believed that pink quartz protects against unwanted pregnancy, but it is not recommended to check for himself this admission!

This stone is useful for everyone - he gives cheerfulness, opens the world in a positive light, refreshes appearance, lights his eyes! To a good-natured, happy and confident person, the surrounding person is drawn, success and luck! Pink Quartz is especially useful for melancholics: the mineral "will teach" to rejoice in life and see the world throughout his diversity.

From the history of rose quartz

The word "quartz" occurred from the German word "Guarz", which, in turn, comes from the Middle Roomshetsky "TWARC" - "hard". Stone, indeed, is very durable, so jewelry and much more made from it.

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People about the pink quartz found out in an antiquity: on the excavations of the cities of Mesopotamia, there were beads from rose quartz, whose age is over 9000 years old! Archaeologists failed to find more or less large products from this stone, as not surprising. Pink Quartz does not happen in the form of a friend or large crystals. In nature, it is found in the form of small stones, so stories are unknown any large products from this mineral. In addition to jewelry, the stone is used as a valuable decorative material in the manufacture of small crafts. Florentine mosaic with stones of rose quartz looks just great!

As mentioned above, in antiquity, pink quartz was considered a divine stone transferred to our planet with the gods to teach the population of the Earth to love each other, to give us peace and consent. Even then, people noticed that the vibrations of this mineral have a pacifying effect: the owner of the stone acquires internal harmony, the mood increases and the well-being is improved. Stone helps to smooth conflicts, improves mutual understanding, makes ease of communication to people, helps to comply and save love.

Pink Quartz has long been famous for the "rehabilitation" stone. It helps to get rid of spiritual experiences and psychological injuries. Releases from old desires and feelings, opening the doors to a new life! Rose quartz products are recommended to be closer to the heart in the form of a necklace, pendants, beads.

The energy of the rose quartz is directly related to the sphere of personal: with feelings, thoughts. This is the mascot of sincerity, tender love and romance, loyal friendship. Mineral is recommended to wear everyone who is waiting for love and does not represent his life without it. It is especially recommended to wear ornaments from rose quartz unmarried girls to meet their destiny and find family happiness. The mineral not only increases the female attractiveness, adding the image of femininity and charming, but also levels the energy, soothing, setting up with his radiant waves on spiritual harmony.

Egyptians and Romans The era of antiquity used pink quartz not only as talismans or jewelry, but also for cosmetic purposes. The mineral fused into powder was added to the creams and all sorts of rubbing, which made the skin more silky and elastic. By the way, pink quartz and today is used in the SPA-procedure "Stone therapy" - treatment with stones. This valuable mineral has a noticeable positive effect on the regeneration of skin cells, and also contributes to weight loss.

Regular wearing jewelry made of rose quartz helps to improve mood and healing from psychotrams. The owner of the stone begins to feel life in a new way, - the positive background increases, the person becomes more open and cheerful, forgetting everything bad what happened in life. Thanks to such changes, society increases, the circle of acquaintances is expanding, many new friends and good acquaintances appear.

Feng Shui philosophy defines pink quartz as a mineral guarding a homemade focus that protects the dwelling of its owner from negative energy that supports spiritual heat. In China and other countries, it is customary to keep the so-called "tree of happiness" in the house with petals from pieces of rose quartz, which is installed in the western part of the dwelling. Instead of the "Tree of Happiness", you can use any figurines from rose quartz - charming dogs, birds and other representatives of wildlife.

In the culture of the East, pink quartz appears under the name "Heart Stone", - the Indians with it open and activate the heart chakra. A gentle pink mineral with a long contemplation soothes the heart of a person and fills it with unconditional love.

Remember: Pink quartz can not be left for a long time under the right rays of the sun, the mineral can burn and lose a unique gentle shade. Therefore, it is not necessary to leave products from it in the sun or wear a long time on the street in Sunny weather. To save the shade of rose quartz, do not lower the stone in hot water, do not leave on the windowsill or in the bathroom - high temperature and increased humidity can be the causes of the loss of the original color of the mineral.

Pink quartz has another beneficial property - neutralizes electromagnetic radiation, which occurs from all household appliances. In this regard, office workers will not hurt the figure or a raw rose quartz crystal next to the monitor, which not only protects against harmful emissions, but also help remove the stress from the eyes. More often make breaks in work, and you sincerely admire this very pleasant in the form of a mineral.

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Pink quartz is an active mineral, it is recommended to recharge it periodically. It is easy enough to do: a couple of times a month it is necessary to hold the mineral under cool running water, and then put on the night of a friend of amethyst or mountain crystal.

Place of Birth
Quartz is one of the most common minerals in the earth's crust, occurs throughout our planet. This is a breeding mineral of most magmatic and metamorphic rocks (agate, amethyst, mountain crystal, citrines and many others). The best Rose Quartz deposits are in Brazil. Pink quartz is found in Germany, USA, on the African continent. In Russia, pink quartz is mined in Karelia and in Altai.

Magic properties
Pink quartz is recommended to carry people subject to negative worldview. Mineral gives cheerfulness and unconditional love, treats soul wounds. This gentle charming mineral in ancient times was considered to be the healer of the soul and heart. The vibrations of the stone calm down, pacify, make a person softer, responsive, kindly able to forgive. But it is worth remembering that together with cheerfulness may come some limitations in the perception of the surrounding world (the so-called "pink glasses"). Therefore, with especially enthusiastic and euphoric states, the stone is recommended to wear less frequently.

Pink quartz can help with the removal of solar psychological injuries. To do this, we need to more often wear ornaments from rose quartz, as well as carry out ordinary meditative sessions using a mineral. At first, memories or events that could cause a deep psychological trauma will emerge from memory and cause stress and negative emotional background. The removal and "recycling" of stress, the exit of the hidden "clamped" emotions in representatives of the beautiful sex most often passes through tears. You should not be afraid of such states, the period of "release" from stress will necessarily pass. The main thing is to contact only close people who will give you due attention. On such days it is recommended to look at the pink quartz more often, keep it in hand, wearing pendants or other jewelry. After liberation from negative emotions, the feeling of easy and happiness comes. The next step is the formation of a new attitude towards yourself, changing the emotional background. The replacement of the depressed state comes peace, and then - satisfaction and confidence in the future. Such a difficult way to man can help overcome pink quartz.

The strength of this natural stone helps disclose the best mental qualities of its owner. In addition to the removal of stress, the pink quartz quenches the hot temper, aggressiveness and other, poorly controlled emotions. The mineral helps its owner to significantly expand the circle of communication, get new faithful friends, and also get rid of spiritual loneliness. To establish close heart relationships, you need at one time with the desired object to wear products with pink quartz or have a figure of this mineral. Girls seeking family life, it is recommended to wear rose quartz bracelets on his left hand.

In addition, pink quartz can be used as a pendulum, which will show negative and positive zones in residential premises.

Pink Quartz is suitable for all zodiac signs, especially waterwords. Women- Awnights together with the stone will acquire aura of goodwill and peace. Astrologers recommend to wear pink quartz on Fridays and Sundays. The wubbles from rose quartz protect their owner from damage, the evil eye and even from the spells of black magicians.

Pink Quartz is considered a talisman of people who are directly related to art. Mineral helps to disclose his creative start in man, adds confidence in their abilities. All creative personalities are recommended to store at home and on the workplace of figures or balls from rose quartz, as well as pieces of this crystal in the untreated form. The energy of the mineral inspires to the creative process and stimulates to intensive long-term work. Pink Quartz significantly improves emotional background, which contributes to productive work.

Pink Quartz is not recommended to wear daily for a long time - almost all kinds of quartz, relaxing and adding cheerfulness, can immerse their owner into the world of illusions and "tear" from reality. Therefore, if the pink quartz has become your favorite stone with which you never part, watch your feelings and take breaks so that "pink glasses" do not interfere with seeing the world as it really is.

Medical properties
Pink quartz is useful to wear absolutely everyone for general rehabilitation. In antiquity it was believed that wubbles from rose quartz helps to preserve iron health to deep old age and contribute to longevity.

Today, as well as many centuries ago, with a quartz of pink color, women improve skin condition: a regular massage with its use contributes to the regeneration of skin cells, significantly improves its condition, cleans and rejuvenates. Healing mineral helps get rid of acne, warts, bruises, edema, etc. Massage with the help of rose quartz can be done independently, it is enough to have a couple of small stones.

The soft healing radiation of this mineral accelerates the treatment of disorders and complex diseases of the nervous system. Pink Quartz will help get rid of insomnia, from the consequences of heavy stress, from depression and neurosis, from irritability and quick-temperedness. So that the stone had a healing effect on you, you can wear it in the form of jewelry or put on the night under the pillow.

Beads and necklaces from rose quartz help to treat the diseases of the lymphatic system, help to remove the eath. Stimulate the work of the excretory system, normalize the work of the kidneys. The mineral works effectively with the bone system: accelerates the treatment of rheumatism and splicing bones, facilitates articular pain.

Pink quartz has a positive effect on the pancreas. Noticeably improves the condition of diabetics.

The healing power of rose quartz has a positive impact on the reproductive female organs, helps to cope with their diseases. Lithotherapeuts are recommended to wear amulets from rose quartz and during pregnancy.

Particular attention to the stone should pay those who suffer from various diseases of the heart. Pink mineral has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens the vessels, contributes to the normalization of the work of the heart as a whole. Pendants and other decorations with pink quartz are recommended to be worn during the period of rehabilitation after a heart attack.

Pink Quartz is known as a stone with great popularity as a material for the manufacture of beads and figures. However, the stone is popular not only at jewelers. Pink Quartz got widespread in esoteric and lithotherapists.

Due to the excellent physical qualities and pleasant pink color, this mineral is a fairly common diverse material. Figures of people and animals, decorations or other decor elements with rose quartz spots can be seen in any store for souvenirs. Crafts from this mineral attract attention: the longer they consider their pattern, the stronger the beauty of the glare reflected from the surface of the stone fascinates.

It is also used in the manufacture of magic balls and pyramids for esoteric. Often, pink quartz processed and insert it into jewelry gold and silver products, such as: earrings, rings, pendants, pendants and brooches, or make necklaces from this stone. Lovers of jewelry with stones appreciate him for a pleasant and gentle shade and versatility.

Beads, which not only emphasize the beauty of a woman, but, thanks to the magical properties of rose quartz, will make it more sexy and attractive in the eyes of men.

Usually the properties of any gems are divided into two categories: therapeutic and magical. This type of quartz is no exception. Consider in detail each of them.

Problems with vessels and heart muscle;
chronic fatigue and nervous voltage;
any disorders of the lymphatic system;
All sorts of damage to fabrics and inflammation.

In addition to the fact that itself is capable of providing a healing effect on human organs, rumors have rumors about its possibilities to slow down the growth of age-related changes, improving the condition of the skin. There is even an ancient legend that the Egyptian ruler of Cleopatra itself fell weakness to this minela, believing that he would help her slow down the aging process.

Of course, no one is taken from a scientific point of view to argue that the stone really has such abilities, however, it is impossible to ignore the fact that people with decorations with pink quartz are assumed about obvious improvements in well-being. It is also information that this type of quartz is capable of treating the bone marrow, leads to the operation of the pancreas and suppresses diabetes.

The main property of rose quartz is its ability to bring good luck. Young people he helps to find his love, and those who have already been combined with a marriage, to establish family relationships and come to mutual understanding with their family. He is able to give calm even lonely hearts or survived parting with close people. A wonderful quartz will raise the mood, muffle the pain of loss and give new positive emotions.

Some believe that this mineral is suitable only born under the sign of Aquarius, but it is not quite so. In fact, for this stone, it does not matter what the representative of the zodiac circle will be his owner. It will help anyone in need, regardless of age and gender.

If you intend to buy such a stone, you should know how to choose the desired processing option, how to properly wear pink quartz and all other subtleties contributing to the most efficient operation of the mineral:

In no case do not choose the untreated stone as a talisman. He is undoubtedly beautiful, but if you are not a professional, you will not be able to cope with the power of its energy.

We advise you to buy quartz without a rim, since she "slows down" his work somewhat. It is impossible to store a stone in a sunny place. Periodically, it needs to be ordinary charging and cleansing, and because of the impact of direct sunlight, he simply enters and may even lose some of its useful magic properties.

You can not wear pink quartz, without removing. Otherwise you can get used to life "in pink glasses." Of course, a positive is a useful thing, but still, the "shores" does not seek too. Otherwise, everything can end not so optimistic.

It is thanks to its powerful energy, the stone is more in demand for sorcerers and esoteric, they still know how to properly distribute one or another type of energy and direct the wonderful properties of rose quartz in the right direction.

This mineral has a light pink or pinkish-red color. Mystics believe that he acquired his colors, when he was soaked in the juices of the Earth during its formation. Gem was used as a talisman for many centuries.

Pink Quartz is a stone, the magical properties of which were known to people with deep antiquity. Decorations made from this mineral helped their owners to feel the joy of life and succeed in love affairs.

Fighting stress

Often, mental wounds cause a person much more serious flour than physical pain. The process of their healing can stretch for long years or even for decades. Fortunately, there is an effective way to combat mental problems. Quartz will help to cope with protracted stresses - a stone that allows you to free up oppressed feelings and experience the real relief.

Stone Pink Quartz will help you learn to rejoice at life and take a look at the world around the world around the world. But one should not rely solely on the magical properties of the mineral, you also need to take some efforts! Try to create a calm, relaxed atmosphere - do not see the news, do not be nervous on trifles, if possible, avoid stressful situations.

Magic properties

The most valuable quality of rose quartz is considered the ability to heal spiritual wounds. Mineral will support its owner, will help him find love and peace. So that the magical properties of the rose quartz manifest themselves to fully, you need to wear it as close as possible to the heart. For example, you can buy a jewelry with this stone in the form of a coulon or bead. Keep in mind that sometimes an amulet needs to be removed, otherwise he can captivate you into the world of illusions. After all, you do not want to lose touch with reality, right?

Pink Quartz provides patronage to people engaged in creativity or intellectual activity. The list of magical properties of the mineral includes the ability to attract success, intensify creative energy and attach confidence in their forces. A figurine from this stone installed on your desktop will help to awaken creative fantasy. Note - the mascot must have a smooth shape, without sharp faces and sharp corners!

Another interesting feature of the stone is the ability to dissolve negative energy. If you feel uncomfortable in any of the rooms at your home, then place a necklace or a pink quartz statuette in it. You will immediately notice that you literally become easier to breathe! So that the magical action does not stop, the talisman needs to rinse in running water for about once a week.

Healing abilities

Pink quartz stone has a healing effect on various inflammatory processes, and also helps with violations of the cardiovascular system. Mineral is able to give to his owner a pacification, muffle the outbreaks of irritability, so that it can be used as.

To normalize night sleep, you should put the mineral under the pillow. A woman who is often tormented by headaches can wear earrings with pink quartz. This will help her get rid of migraine and remove the eye fatigue. Note - the magical properties of the stone are not manifested immediately. Typically, the expected effect occurs in a few days.

How to Clean and Charge Stone

If you need to clean the pink quartz from the bad energy and return its magic properties, then the stone follows a few minutes to put into a glass with salt water. Then the liquid is poured into the sewer, while it is necessary to represent that the entire negative goes beyond your apartment. To charge a stone, you need to take four church candles (the usual candles of pink or red can also come down). Light them and imagine how your talisman is filled with light, warm and good.

Important! It is believed that the crystal can be charged with positive energy if rinsed it in salted water, and then keep in direct sunlight for three days. So do not do! Pink quartz can change its color under the influence of excess ultraviolet.

The quartz stone is the best material for making magnifying lenses. Compared to a glass analogue, quartz lenses have a large margin of strength and higher transparency.

One of the most amazing quartz products is considered to be a Maja Skull, which was discovered in the process of archaeological excavations on the Yucatan Peninsula. Despite the fact that the product was carved from a piece of mineral (must be said not to the most complicated in the processing of material), it reproduced in detail the anatomical features of the human skull. What is curious, a quartz skull exudes an acid-sweet aroma, the origin of which remains a mystery.

The ferrous quartz, which is also called the Morion, undergoes strange metamorphosis under the influence of X-rays and high temperatures. If the mineral is heated to +300 s, then it will acquire an original golden shade. Under the influence of temperature in +400, the stone will become colorless. But it is only necessary to irradiate it with an x-ray, as quartz returns the initial color.

A special place among quartz is occupied by pink quartz, it is a kind of silicon oxide. This mineral is often used to make various jewelry and amulets, it is attributed to the presence of magical and therapeutic properties.

Characteristics of the mineral and its history

This mineral, in contrast to the classic translucent quartz, has a pinkish-red or pink color. Initially, transparent quartz and his fellow considered different stones because of their incorrectness. This type of stone practically does not form felling crystals, it has low transparency, often occurs with cracks. Its hardness is seven on the Moos scale, the density of the stone is 2.6 g / cm³.

At first glance, Quartz was not allocated among other stones, but he was very popular in antiquity. The first products from it were found in the interfluve, they date back to the seventh millennium BC. In the ancient East, pink quartz was also very loved, he was called a "stone stone". It was believed that he fills the love of the hearts of people. It is pink color that is a color of love, he symbolizes nascent feelings, tenderness and romance. And to date, strawberry quartz is used to make various love amulets.

In Egypt and the Roman Empire, this mineral was used for cosmetic purposes, it was crushed, and the resulting powder was added to various cosmetics. It should have preserved the youth of the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. In antiquity, believed that the stone sent Cupid or Eros to people, who was considered the God of Love. He had to teach their love, peace and sympathy. In many other mythologies, this mineral is considered to be juice of young land. With it, you can feel unity with the earth itself and all that is in it.

It is customary to allocate several types of rose quartz:

  • normal;
  • milky pink with splashes;
  • translucent;
  • star (in the middle of the stone after processing you can see a hexagonal star);
  • pink "cat eye".

This mineral has a feature of fading under direct sunlight, it is worthwhile from a long stay in the sun. In nature, he is rarely found in large crystals, so there are practically no large products from it. Its main mass is suitable only for the manufacture of jewelry and small crafts. This stone is also used to make a mosaic, thanks to its hardness and excellent aesthetic qualities. Decorations with it belong to the average price class, often stone combined with gold rims. To date, the main mineral deposit is located in Brazil.

Use in occultism

The strong magic properties are attributed to this mineral: it can cure mental wounds, give the joy of life and teach to love.

When using it, the effect can be achieved through months or even years.

At this time, the person becomes more emotional and vulnerable in the spiritual plan, so first of all he should love himself.

Love for yourself and good motivations will protect you from negative. Pink Quartz helps to open the soul and know the truth. He relieves stress, irritability, encourages man to work.

This stone is a love talisman, he contributes to mutual love, family happiness, protects during pregnancy, helps to attract the interest of the opposite sex.

If you constantly wear a stone of rose quartz, then it allows you to keep health and gain longevity, helps unmarried women to find their second half.

So, the magical properties of rose quartz are very strong, he gives his owner vitality. Stone is widely used in Fengshui practices: if it is decomposed in the marriage sector, then he will attract love to the house. It can be used as a pendulum to identify negative zones in an apartment, a house, in the country area and in other places.

A quartz figurine in the form of a dog or bird, put in the southwest of your home, will store the warmth of the home and take care of the comfort in the house. For the same purposes, a quartz ball can be used or simply untreated crystal.

In addition to love affections, the stone contributes to strengthening relations between friends and relatives, helps to make new acquaintances and gain friends. The properties of the stone contribute to the increase in the potency in men and balance the hot-tempered character. He is susceptible to Yin's energy, affects the chakra anahata or heart chakra.

Quartz fits practically for all signs of the zodiac, but stronger than other magic stone helps weighs, calves, cancer and people who are born in the first lunar day. Despite all its positive properties, wearing a stone with me constantly not recommended. This is due to the fact that it can immerse his owner into the world of illusions and tear it from reality. It is recommended to wear talismans and amulets until the desired result is achieved, the most favorable days for wearing the stone are Friday and Sunday.

Use in medicine

Therapeutic properties of the stone are also quite diverse: it is used for diseases of the nervous system, helps to get rid of fatigue. The wearing of its crystals contributes to the normalization of the work of the cardiovascular system. It is also useful for diseases of the lymphatic system, improves immunity. Mineral favorably affects the pancreas and helps to get rid of many of its diseases. For the treatment of inflamed organs and affected skin, it is necessary to apply quartz crystals.

The stone contributes to the improvement of the body as a whole, the description of its therapeutic properties is occurring in ancient scientific treatments. This mineral is able to extend the youth and give longevity. In lithotherapy it is believed that the stone treats many diseases of the body and spirit due to their strong energy. As a symbol of love, it helps to get rid of genital diseases, has a beneficial effect on a childbearing function. To get rid of sleep disorders, depression and increased excitability, it is enough to put the stone for the night under the pillow.

The healing properties of this mineral are used in many spa during the Stone therapy. It helps to get rid of the increased sensitivity of the skin, various rashes and acne, excessive sweating, contributes to cell regeneration and is even used in the process of weight loss. You can make a massage crystals to make a massage or add powder from crushed quartz to various creams.

If you are sitting at a computer for a long time, then a quartz figure, standing near, will reduce the malicious effect of radiation to the body, will remove the voltage from the body and eye. With caution to talismans, it is worth treating people who suffer from different tumors and growths: the latter may begin to grow under the action of this mineral.

The magical properties of the rose quartz is one of the most common minerals on Earth - are the reason that interest in it does not disappear in humanity throughout its history.

Decorations, weapons and tools, made of rose quartz, were found by archaeologists on excavations of the settlements of the late Paleolithic and Neolith. Jewelry from this stone were popular in the countries of the Ancient West (Rome and Greece) and the Ancient East (Persia, India, China).

Many myths and legends are connected with pink quartz:

  1. The ancient Greeks considered Pink Quartz with a gift of Erosa's God, helping people in search of their "second half" and acquiring consent in a married couple.
  2. According to the views of the ancient Hindus, this mineral is a heart stone corresponding to anahata (heart chakra) and filling the love of heartshelovka contemplating it.
  3. Being frozen "juice of the nascent land" - in accordance with the statement of ancient esoterics - this mineral allows its owner to feel its relationship with each stone, a plant and a living creature living on the planet.

Meaning and characteristic stone

Pink quartz (silicon dioxide), striking the wealth and beauty of his shades, is a kind of ordinary quartz. That is why the physical properties of these minerals are similar. Their only difference is the color of the stones.

The intensity of the color - from the milky pink to a saturated-pink with a lilac-red tump - depends on the impurities of titanium, manganese or iron.

Finding crystals with clearly pronounced edges are extremely rare: they are almost always stupid and have cracks. In nature, the gem is most often presented in the form of amorphous mass: drain or residential.

There are several varieties of rose quartz. He might be:

  1. Translucent, gentle pink, having bright intersions formed in places of capture of crystals.
  2. Starhaving the effect of asterism (consisting in the appearance of light running stars arising from the surface of polished stone during bright lighting) due to rutile splashes.
  3. The owner of the transfusion effectAnnounced "Feline Eye" arising on the surface of the stone processing.

Pink quartz (as well as ordinary) is a solid mineral that can be treated with a diamond and can scratch the glass. Its hardness on the MOOS scale corresponds to 7 (for comparison: diamond hardness - in Moos - 10). At the same time, this stone is extremely fragile.

Pink opaque quartz is a divestone stone used for the manufacture of figures and inexpensive jewelry (beads, rings, bracelets, segments, rosary, necklaces, pendants). Transparent gems, being extremely rare and considered semi-precious, are used in jewelry.

Given the brittleness of the mineral, to the cut (diamond or emerald) large transparent stones resort to exceptional cases. The most common processing technology of rose quartz is the Cabochon, in the process of which it receives a convex smooth surface, devoid of faces.

Magic properties

Pink stone is able to provide powerful resistance to the impact of negative energy:

  1. Its owners can quickly settle any conflicts.
  2. With it, it can be cleaned of damage, envy and angry not only the owner of the stone, but also the people around him. It is extremely important for those whose life paths are constantly intersecting with disadvantaged satellites (for example, with criminals or alcoholics). The constant wearing of earrings with a pink quartz will help solve this problem: the stone will cleanse the energy and create prerequisites for a meeting with a more worthy person.

Vibrations emitted by gem make people kinder than responsive and softer. They appear the ability to forgive other people's offenders. Under the influence of stone, they get rid of sorrow, start with optimism to look into the future, harmonize relationships with others and begin to live in Lada with them.

The magical power of rose quartz is so great that can deprive its owner of the ability to adequately evaluate reality, as it will begin to see the world through the pink glasses. So that this does not happen, the gem must be removed from time to time and not to wear within a few days.

People who have suffered a strong stress or personal drama, the gem will help calm down and heal spiritual wounds, configuring them to positive. The desire to start life from pure sheet, rejoicing any of its manifestations, even pessimists and melancholics can feel.

The magical effect of the mineral on the subconscious level will cause a person to abandon the accumulation of the malice within himself. To overcome excessive vulnerability and vulnerability, throughout the period of healing, it is necessary either to have a small piece of mineral (for example, keychain), or wearing a decoration with a pink stone.

For love

Being a stone of the heart, pink quartz has a powerful impact on the love sphere of human life:

  1. His magic for thousands of years helped lonely representatives of weak gender to attract the attention of their chosen one and find his love. Girls seeking successful marriage must wear a rose quartz bracelet on his left hand.
  2. You can use gem as a talisman that maintains well-being, harmony and love in the family: To do this, it is necessary to decompose its crystals in different rooms of its home or put two figures in its south-western sector.
  3. Single men who are not successful for the opposite sex and want to get rid of uncertainty in their abilities, can correct the situation by placing a bauble from this stone at their workplace.

Medical properties

Products from rose quartz (in the form of beads, balls and plates) are endowed with a number of medical properties that allow them to use them for healing and soul, and the body:

  1. Wearing a gem that promotes the general improvement of the body, It will help to stay in a strong toast to deep old age.
  2. Gem can launch the process of regeneration of the skin, allowing you to cope with acne, warts, edema and bruises. To obtain a fluid having hybegesting, the mineral is placed in a glass with clean water. In the morning it will be ready for use: it can be drunk or used to perform cosmetic procedures. Regular use of such water improves the complexion of the face, contributes to the smoothing of small wrinkles and restores the elasticity of the skin.
  3. The soft healing energy of the stone allows you to treat many diseases of the nervous system, eliminating your owner from insomnia, depression, consequences of stress and strong nervous disorder. To reduce irritability, cope with excitement and experiences arising at the time of psychological injury, any object from rose quartz needs to be kept with you, placing it in the heart area (you can also put it under the pillow for all night).
  4. Lithotherapists believe that rose quartz ornaments are beneficial for women: they positively affect the state of their reproductive system, improve the course of pregnancy, facilitate postpartum state.
  5. Natural mineral is used to improve all systems (especially excretory and lymphatic) human body.
  6. Pink Quartz accelerates the splicing of bones. His ability to muffle the articular pains is used in the treatment of rheumatism.
  7. Therapeutic properties of pink crystals allow you to normalize the activities of the heart muscle, brain, kidney and pancreas.
  8. Mineral can be included in the scheme of complex treatment of diabetes mellitus.
  9. Thanks to the beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, pink quartz must wear patients who have suffered a heart attack.
  10. People working with a computer should be in the workplace to keep the crystals of rose quartz: a mineral with powerful energy, neutralizes the harmful radiation of the monitor and remove the eye voltage.

What signs of the zodiac will suit and how does it help them?

Pink Quartz, practically devoid of contraindications, suits representatives of any sign of the zodiac:

  1. Over the centuries, it was believed that therapeutic and magical properties of the stone are beneficial and most of the constellations Aquarius. Modern specialists say that no less benefit is able to bring Weighs, Aries and Tales. The positive impact of stone is in addition to the pronounced rejuvenating effect - mainly concerns the love of their life.
  2. The magical power of rose quartz is also distributed on Rakov. Using the mineral as an amulet, they can find happiness in marriage.
  3. Wearing products made of pink stone by people born under the sign Virgin, somewhat will soften their claims that are submitted to the future satellite of life.
  4. Positive impact of pink crystals for the nature of representatives of the constellation Aries It consists in a significant decrease in aggressiveness and stubbornness.

Charming and talismans

Since noble metals are able to drown out the positive energy of rose quartz, amulets from it, capable of protecting from, damage and the effects of negative energy, or are sent to silver, or have a kind of solid crystal that has no rims:

  1. People of creative professions (poets, artists, writers, musicians) The ball of rose quartz, stored in the workplace, will help to reveal the new faces of the talent, to gain self-confidence and succeed.
  2. Those who wears a talisman made of pink stone to attractIt should be placed as close as possible to the heart. Wearing the same figures from this mineral contributes to the reunion of two lovers.
  3. To improve baby sleep, in general, defending it from a bad eye, you can hang a pink stone over his bed. Owing on the neck of the crystal of rose quartz, you can get rid of insomnia and nightmares.

A pink stone, calmly carrying the change of its owners, can be sold, handed down as a gift, transferred to representatives of the younger generation of the family clan and even lent. In any of these cases, the amulet from this mineral will protect its new owner, fully spreading the entire set of its magical and healing properties to it.


The cost of products from the diverse stone is small:

  1. An exquisite ring can be purchased for 500-600 rubles.
  2. A pair of rose quartz earrelers will cost the buyer in 1000 rubles.
  3. The cost of beads - depending on the technique of processing stone and the length of the product - ranges from 900-3000 rubles.

Transparent gems found at Brazil and Madagascar deposits are considered semi-precious stones, the cost of which is comparable with the cost of diamonds.

  1. The largest - weight of 625 carats - a ball of rose quartz, is located in the American Museum of Natural History, located in Manhattan.
  2. The field with transparent crystals of amazing beauty was found in Brazil only in 1959: up to this point it was believed that this mineral is opaque.
  3. The guns for the production of fire found by archaeologists on the parking lots of primitive people were made of quartz, since this mineral is able to produce sparks with strong friction.
  4. The ancient Roman senators were used by Pins, decorated with a crystal of rose quartz, to seal the scrolls with legislative acts.