Scenario of the competitive gaming program "New Year's Fantasy Carlson and his friends." Scenario "Kid and Carlson (performance of graduates of primary school)

Scenario "Carlson" (for children's birthday)

This script is suitable for the birthday of kids from 3 to 6 years old, everything is very individual and will depend on the children themselves and their parents.

Scenario "Carlson" (for a child's birthday) is suitable for fun bass. Any script is adapted to the situation.

Carlson - Animated hero, who mischievous, funny, smart, loves sweet, friend for children. You can have fun with him, play and learn a lot of interesting things.

Carlson can be a special growth doll or for this character can be ordered a specially sewn suit.

Place of spending: Apartment decorated with balls, pictures, a big poster with different photos of a birthday room (ka), on it they have been written congratulations on the day of birth.

Children, if they are small, then Carlson is waiting with their parents.

The scenario with Carlson takes into account the wishes of the parents, the music may be different from "let them run awkward," to the San tracks from modern cartoons, for example, Madagascar.

Music sounds. Noise of propeller, incomprehensible sound also heard. Carlson flies with balloons (helium) and two flowers from balls (from latex), also in his hands a suitcase, and there: a piece of paper A4 format with non-colored patterns, a marker, acrylic paints, with which you can draw snowballs from Syntheston, small gifts for children: dolls, cars, bottle with soap bubbles. Flies around guests.

- Wow. Flew. I got there. Is fun and tasty treat? Who is a birthday boy (k)?
The birthday girl says that she may help her who themselves are helping.

Carlson comes to her.
- Congratulations on the day of jam. Oh, happy birthday. Happy Birthday Congratulations, I wish you happiness. UV, rightly said everything?

Wipes, as if sweat from the forehead and gives one latex flower, the rest of the balls and flower leaves the suitcase.
- Do you know who I am?

Children answer.
- That's right, I am Carlson, who lives on the roof, a man in the prime.
- What is your name? (Get acquainted with a change and other guests).
- Well, now I got acquainted with everything. (Gives children helium balls).
- I love to fly and having fun. Let's dance together.
Explains the rules of the game.

Game "Paralzic"

With balloons, children are built into the train, ahead of Carlson. Music sounds, and children with Carlson are dancing a train. Karslon publishes sounds, such as "Tutu", "Chacha", children repeat. Music stops and the cartoon hero says that "at times, two, three balls of letting."
Everyone I publish balls, and repeat over Carlson: "Happy Birthday ... (Name)."

Further, the cartoon hero proposes to become fabulous heroes (paints the colors of children).
The charlson scenario (for a child's birthday) must take into account the wishes of parents and permission to paint children with special colors. Carlson paints children, parents if they are present, they help him in this.

Then Kalson asks who has any favorite animal. Cat, chanterelle, Bear, Cat ...

Game "Funny Animals or Pantomime"

Carlson takes a flower that he stayed. Scenario Carlson (for a children's birthday) takes into account the desire of parents. If a survey was made before the holiday and the parents said that their children were not afraid of the sound of burst balls, they would merge them, then each participant can punch with a toothpick or pins of the flower petals, from each should fall out a twisted piece of paper, where the animal is written. Children using gestures should show what their animal is if children are still small (3-4 years old parents help.
If parents against breaking the latex flower (at the beginning of the Karlson scenario comes with one flower), then the cartoon hero simply asks:

- How does a bear walk?
- How does the bunny do?
- And chanterelle, how does it walk, and the tail?
- And what animals are you?

Music sounds. Carlson shows different gestures (gait animals), the rest repeat and go to the music in a circle.

Note. The Carlson Scenario (for Children's Birthday) takes into account another entertainment workout, but it is held at the request of the lead, as well as from how little guests (2-3 years).

Warming game "How to Farm from Ivan"

Children and adults, if present, get around and drive away the dance and repeat over Carlson.
As on the farm at Ivan, Io-Io-about.
There were chickens with cocks, Io-Io-about.
They are here Ko-Ko, there Ko-Co., everywhere they everywhere.
The first line is repeated further.
Cows go to eat themselves, Io-Io-about.
They are here Mu-Mu, there Mu, everywhere they are everywhere.
Live dog with puppies, Io-Io-oh.
They are Gav-Gav, there is Gav-Gav, everywhere they are Gav-Gav.
Kittens run after mom.
They are here noteworthy, there was notewing, everywhere they everywhere.
Porks in the pool lay.
They are here Hru-Khrew, there is Hrew-Khu, everywhere they everywhere in Hrew.

Cat-Mouse game

The birthday girl (K) becomes a circle and choose several people, they will be mice. There is a dance to the music, the mice are playing in a circle. Music ends, the mice must run away from the circle, and at this time everyone squatted who remained, that cat ate. So on, the birthday girl (k) always remains in a circle, other participants change.

Scenario Carlson (for a children's birthday) takes into account another entertainment game-warm-up.

Playing game "Airplant, horse, doll, top"

Everyone becomes in a circle and take hands. Carlson says warm-up:
I brought for all gifts,
Who will want, he will take.
Here you have a doll for a gift,
Horse, top and aircraft.

Go everything in a circle and shown the plane, fly. Then they show the horse (horse), jump. The doll is twisted with the leg, then the other. The top is spinning.

The Carlson Scenario (for Children's Birthday) also takes into account the fact that all games pass with a concentration of attention to the birthday party (ka).

After this game, each in a circle wants the celebration of his best wishes.
Then Carlson pulls the white sheet, where the pencils are drawn flowers and balloons, gives pencils and offers to paint this picture, just asks to try. (On the picture only contours. You can use finger paints, with parental permission). After the picture is ready, Carlson signs it and gives from all the birthday (ku).
Then he proposes to play the game with snowballs.

"I have a lot of fabulous snow on the roof, I made snowballs and I want to play with you.

Snowball game

Those present are divided into teams, for example, one Birthday team, Other Carlson. Snowballs are heard, and a snow shootout begins. Wins a family day team.

Carlson offers a little rest and sit. He says that he loves the jam and any treat. And offers the game, edible, inedible.

The game "Edible and Inedible"

Carlson throws the ball first the culprit of the celebration and says: "Jam", he should catch the ball, which means that Karslon throws and says, for example, "Stool", must be disconnected. So, everyone in turn, basically there should be words more edible.

The game "What a jam"

A tray with jam is carried out, in one cup - strawberry, in the other - apple, in the third - plum. (This competition is done if the perpetrator of the celebration can be treating it). The eyes and the birthday girl (K) are guessed which jam.

- Well done. Do you know how to guess the cartoons?

Game "Guess Cartoon"

Carlson shows pictures with cartoons, and the guys are guessing.
- Do you know the riddles well?

Game "Riddles"

The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring, and in winter it sleeps in the hut in the hut. (Bear)
On the field runs lambs enough and scares everyone. (Wolf)
On the branches jumps, but not a bird, redhead, but not a fox. (Squirrel)
Little, remote, on the leaf jump jump, on the snowshop pumpk-pump. (Hare)
Not a Christmas tree, but a cracker, not a cat, and the mice are afraid. (Hedgehog)
Animal horned, on rich rich (deer)
I have very thick legs, I barely rearrange them, I myself high like an elephant, instead of my mouth I have a tail. (Elephant)

Carlson is trying to make everyone and for the right answers to hand small gifts (dolls, cars).

Gives a bottle with soap bubbles and let them, all catch. It can be a special device for soap balls.

- Well done all. We have birthday today.


All are taken by arms, birthday girl (k) in the center of the circle and sing:
"As we baked on our birthdays, we baked, that's such an embroidery, this is such a nizna, here is such a width, such a dinner. Caparaway, loaf whom you want, choose. " The birthday girl (K) chooses a friend or a girlfriend and then the dance is found.

Caparaway and the birthday girl (k) plays candles. All invite everyone to the table. Kalson disappears without a trace, as he likes to do it in animated films.

The Carlson Scenario (for Children's Birthday) is only a plan of holding, it can change in sequence, can be reduced or even smashed into several parts, there may be other attributes from Carlson, everything is individually. The same scenario can be carried out in different ways.

Equipment: Musical accompaniment, crumbs, ball, box with sweets (candy on one more than children), pictures with the heroes of fairy tales (crocodile gene, Masha and the Bear, Pink, cat in boots).

Move: Children sit on chairs. Music in the hall fliesCarlson.

Carlson : "Will bend, bend! Get landing! (makes a circle around the hall and stops) Hello, kids! Girls and boys!

Educator: "Hello, Carlson!"

Carlson: "And here I am a man in the heyday. Yes, I am Carlson, who lives on the roof! And how do you live here? (Children answer). You are somehow not correctly replied. Not fun. Who answers so? It is necessary to put a thumb and say: "That's what!" Clear? We start first!

How do you live?

Children: Like this!

And how to go to kindergarten?

Like this! (get up and put your feet)

In a quiet hour, how do you sleep?

Like this!

Do you eat porridge?

Like this!

How to run home from kindergarten?

Houses How to Shawit?

Like this! (Inflatable cheeks and shove them with hands)

Well, we continue the conversation. And what are you doing here? "

Educator : "Carlson! We gathered here to congratulate Arina Happy Birthday! She today marks 5 years! "

Carlson : "Wow, you, birthday! Guys, you are big lucky. I am the best happy birthday congratulator in the world! See how I can congratulate ... (Suitable for the birthday girl and hugs her) Dear Arina, the most nice, kind and beautiful girl in the world! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Do you want to blow you? Then click the button! " (Races a child 1 time around the hall).

Educator : "What are you well done, Carlson!"

Anxious music sounds, runs into the hallfreken side With a fly swatter.Carlson hiding behind the curtain.

Freken side : "Hello guys! Have you seen a thick red boy with a propeller? He ate all my buns today! " (Children answer). At that timeCarlson comes out of the curtains and hides behind the backfreken side . Freken side Looking forCarlson Behind the curtain, under chairs, and he hides all the time behind her back.

Freken side (sorry): "There is no carlson!".

Carlson buzz.

Freken side : "Oh, I have something buzzes in the right ear!" (turns,Carlson hiding). Oh, and now in the left ear buzzes! (turns and detectsCarlson who did not have time to hide). Oh, that's where he! (chasing forCarlson, He runs away to the music, finally catch up) Yeah, caught! ".

Carlson: "Calm, only calm. You are improperly leading! Today we gathered here to congratulate Arina Happy Birthday. And you make noise and break the discipline! ".

Freken side : "What is this holiday such, birthday! I did not hear anything about such a holiday! Stop inventing! Immediately go to the group, wash your hands and go to bed! " (pretends that she sends children to the group).

Carlson : "Yes, you, Freken side! This is the most cheerful holiday in the world! Guys, let's tell me Freken side about what is the birth day? (Children agree). And for this, let's go to a funny journey? (Children agree) And what will we go to? (Children offer options). And let's go on a cake! (fly)

Carlson: "The first stop" Congratulatory "!

All children get up in a circle.

Today for small and adults,
For skinny and thick,
Obedient and naughty.
Cheerful and sad
Our most space entertainment
Under the name of the birthday!
Birthday is nice,
It's wonderful and funny!
Birthday Nadd.
Skip, honest people!
The birthday girl comes out and becomes the center.

Freken side: Now we will play the game "Yes - no" if we talk correctly, you shout "yes - yes - yes." And if not correct, then you shout "no - no - no." Is everything clear to you? How shout, if right? And if not right? Then begin!

Well, guests, do not yaw.
Together, helping the choir.

Happy Birthday Congratulations?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Carlson: And we wish good good?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Carlson: Grow Arina more?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Carlson: Be sure to be thorough?
Children: No no no!
Carlson: Be beautiful, kind, sweet?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Carlson: And screaming, and fucking?
Children: No no no!
Carlson : Strong to be healthy, bold?
Children. Yes Yes Yes!
Carlson : Neat and skillful?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Karslon: To love grandmother?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!
Carlson: Strap on the pope beat?
Children: No no no!
Carlson: So that candy fed?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Carlson: Maybe enough talk?
Children: Yes Yes Yes!

Carlson: "Caparage time to led?"

Children: " Yes Yes Yes!"

Game "Failed" to the music

Carlson: "Well done boys! But it's time for us to go on the road! What will we go? (Children offer options). And let's go on the hoohotobus! " (go to the music). The next stop "dance". And now in honor of Arina we will put fun dance! Get up rather in the circle! ".

Musical game with a lift "Forward four steps"

After the game, the children sit on the carpet.

Freken side: "Well done, dance well, but do you know how to guess the riddles? In my bag there are photos of the heroes of fairy tales, guess the riddles about them:

    The fat man lives on the roof,

He flies all above! (Carlson) -carson shows

    Harmoshka in her arms

On the head of the hat,

And next to him is important

Sits Cheburashka (crocodile gene) - shows the picture and. t. d.

    Answer the question:

Who is in the basket Masha Neus,

Who sat on Pozook

And wanted to eat a piddle? (bear)

    What a fairy tale: Cat, granddaughter,

Mouse, still dog bug

Grandfather with a woman helped

Roots collected? (repka)

    This fabulous hero

With tail, sucker

In his hat he has a pen,

The whole striped itself

He walks on two legs,

In bright red boots (cat in boots)

Carlson: Guys, and it's time for us to go on the road! What are we going to go to? Let's swim! (Swallow to the music).

Freken side : "The next station is" game ".

    Game "Congratulations"

All children are sitting on the chair. The birthday girl is sitting ahead of everyone, back to children. On the Karlson team, one of the players must come to her, put on her shoulder and say "Arina, happy birthday!". The birthday girl must guess who congratulated her.

    Competition "Merry Fight" (crumbs)

Children are divided into two teams. Scotch tape is half the field. One team stands on the one hand, the other is on the other. According to the signal of the leading team, you must throw as much crumbs as possible to the opponent's territory (the game is repeated 2 - 3 times).

    Competition "Compliment"

Children sit in a circle, pass each other ball. Each child must say a compliment to birthdaynice. If the child does not cope with the task, the rest of the children can tell him.

Carlson : "Eh, what a great birthday! Now then you, Freken side, realized that this is for the holiday! "

Freken side: "I understood it is a cheerful and joyful holiday."

Carlson: "Oh, something I got sick. I need to urgently take some medicine: candy, jam, pie or cake! "

Freken side : "Guys, we must urgently save Carlson! Grandmother Arina brought and hidden candy somewhere in our hall. Let's find them! "

Children are looking for candy to music. Find a box. The birthday girl treats all children and Carlson.

Carlson and Freken Bock : "Well, okay, guys, it's time for us back to the fairy tale. Happy Birthday. Arina!!!" (go)



Betan - Sister kid

Boss - Brother kid


Carlsonwho lives on the roof

Grister and Gunilla - Friends of the kid

Freken side - Householder


Filly and roll - Robbers

I scene.

Baby: My name is Swanten Svantenson. I'm 7 years old. I live in Stockholm. I have a brother Boss, he is 15 years old, he is the captain of the football team. And the sister of Betan - she is 14 years old, her braids exactly in-point are the same as the other most ordinary girls. Betan: So ... I called Mary, Peter called, Agnshek called, then once again Marie, then Peter called me.

Boss: Well, you imagine we won! I rightly, he rightly, I left - he left, and then I was caught and how ...

Dad: Dear, you have not seen my briefcase?

Mom: Dear, he is in the corridor.

Dad: Dear, I always put it in place in my office.

Mom: Dear ...... Well ... ..

Dad: Dear! He should be on the spot!

Mom: Dear ...

Dad: Dear ...

Betan: Dear ...

Boss: Dear, well, have you seen my briefcase?

Betan: Dear, he is in the corridor.

Boss: Dear, I as always put it on the spot, in my office.

Betan: Dear ...

Boss: Dear ...

Dad: um ... um ..

Kid: You see: Mom has a dad, Brother - Sister ... No, of course, I have friends Cryster and Gunilla ... but ...

Chuster: Kid, will you go for a walk?

Gunilla: Kid, come out. Anna from the neighboring courtyard bought a dog. We go to watch.

Baby: I do not even have a dog. I'm so lonely ...

II scene

Carlson: Tru-Tu ... You can land here for a minute.

Baby: Yes, yes! You are welcome.

Carlson: To be honest, I heard everything. And I know that your name is Svanten Svanthenson or just a kid.

Baby: And how ...

Carlson: My name is Carlson. How many years? GM .. I am a man in full bloom.

Kid: And at what age is the flourishing forces?

Carlson: in any! In any case, when it comes to me.

What a wonderful car! Let's start her!

Kid: without dad it is impossible.


Kid: Look. It's broken.

Carlson: Void, it's life, because you now have me - Carlson. The best, beautiful and moderately disturbed friend.

III scene

(Silent scene with thieves.)

IV scene

Mom: If you knew how you scared us.

Dad: a real explosion is dangerous. Do not you understand?

Baby: But this is not me ... This is Carlson who lives on the roof.

Boss: Well, well, Carlson ... He probably can fly and fly.

Baby: He has a button on his stomach, and on his back a small motor.

Betan: dying from laughter! Well, he would have flew tomorrow.

Boss: Let him hello!

Dad: Please stop. Shame on you.

Mom: Maybe you have a temperature?

Kid: No. I just really want a dog.

Dad: Well, no, ... dog! This is a responsible step. You need to walk with her, teach to order.

Mom: Dog! From her so much wool. I have enough three children and dads.

V scene

Baby: He is so wonderful!

Chuster: Does he really live on the roof?

Gunilla: Can I meet him?

Baby: Of course. He said that she arrived today.

Gunilla: And how much will it arrive?

Kid: Carlson said about today.

Cryster: Then you need to quickly run to visit you.

Gunilla: And where is he? I have no ...

Cryster: You've been invented everything.

Baby: And here is not.

Cryster: You deceived us.

Baby: And here is not.

Cryster: You deceived us!

Kid: I deceived?

Gunilla: Boys! Stop how you are not ashamed!

Carlson: ka-ka-du! Children: Who is this?

Carlson: I'm just a little fiction. And you probably name Christer? And you - Gunilla?

Children: This is Carlson!

Carlson: Of course, and who else! Do not think you, that I am old Fru Gustavon, who climbed here through the window, (laughter)

Well, now, my children, time for entertainment.

VI scene

Filly: Now you have to find out where they have money?

Rulling: Clear case, here.

Filly: Go to the kitchen, and I'll see here.

Rulley: Yeah.

Filly: Brooks in this pocket, clock in another pocket, money ... It's all mine ...

Rulley: On the kitchen only milk and fried smoke ...

Carlson: Calm, only calm!

Thieves: We will definitely ... Put in place.

Carlson: Calm, only calm.

Philley: We are no longer.

Rull: We left.

Carlson: Dear Children! You, I hope, understood who is the best in the world of bringing the world?

Children: Of course.

VII scene

FB So ... you gave an advertisement that you need a home-proof site. Honest, with a good character. So that's me.

Dad: What is your name?

FB Freken side.

Mom: I hope you love children?

FB: Madly! Go calmly work. I handle that soon you will not recognize your children.

Speaker: On the air today, the transfer "from the life of the lifting". Today we are visiting Filly and Steel. They will tell, as it was.

FB Have you seen something like this! Umbrella, on TV began to show rogues. Well, what am I worse?

The announcer: And so, friends who know anything from the life of bringing, report on the phone 3-22-32-232.

FB Do you, boy?

Boss: I would like to dine.

FB Children harmful after 6.

Betan: dials the phone number.

FB Phone only for official use.


FB Who are you to?

Children: We are to the kid.

FB Already without 15 six. All small children in six go to bed.

Children: Freken side, you are so kind.

FB Okay. Only 15 minutes. Fu, what flour to educate children.

(Children with gestures explain the Carlson situation, Carlson gesture shows "Calm".)

(Silent scene with buns and with a chair.)

FB Do not, I'm afraid of you.

Carlson: But why?

FB I'm afraid of bringing.

FB She climbs into the pelvis, takes shower.

FB And I went crazy, La la-la, what an annoyance.

Is it a television? You know, a charming cast flew to me. I want to tell the world about him.

VIII scene

Carlson: And here I am!

Kid: Hello, Carlson!

Carlson: What are your plans for today?

Baby: Well, I do not know.

Carlson: Excellent, then we go to walk along the roofs.

Baby: But Mom ...

Carlson: trifles, it is everyday.

Baby: It's so cool here, he captures the spirit.

Carlson: Hey, adults!

Kid: Hey, adults!

Carlson: Finish your affairs!

Baby: Finish your affairs and touch us on the roof.

Carlson: Facel to us on the roof.

Together: Remember your childhood!

Scenario game program "Play with Karls"

To the music with Karlson appears, dancing


Stand! I forgot me!

Hi friends! Here I am!

I learned right, you are me!

I, Carlson, the most educated,

Beautiful and moderately dug.

I flew past the city.

And you have seen the kids.

I watched - many children here.

So many gathered friends.

We celebrate the summer holiday,

Sun holiday, holiday light.

Sun, sun, hotter Gray -

There will be a holiday of fun!

Guys, and you know that good children, in the morning they love to do charging.

Under the musical accompaniment, children together with Carlos make charging


Here thank you, friends!

We taught me

With physical education to be friends

And the health should be routed.


We will play with you now,

who came to the holiday to us - find out!

Well, Nastya and Alyoshi! Chloride loudly in your hands!

Ksyusha, Sony, Vanya, Tanya you will sweep your feet!

Raise your hands above Lisa, Daniel, Misha!

You will most like those who name Andrei!

And if you break the Ani, Viti, Ksyusha, Mitya!

Loudly shout "Hurray!" Who was Anton in the morning!

And Serezha, Vasi, Masha Pasha, Vova and Natasha.

Turn your head ... how much you are! Oh my God!

And now at times - two - three ... loud name name!

(Child response)

That's how great!

Now we know each other

And without delay the holiday is starting!

Well, what holiday without fun!? Let's have a little having fun and dance a cheerful dance!

Guys repeat movements for Karls


Without me, what is the holiday?

I am Carlson, the main ugrelim!

Are there any people among you?

Do you agree to fly with me?

Then, who agrees, flew with me on my roof! There I arrange various fun, games and contests! Do you like to participate in contests? And play?


Hooray! Here we are with you and turned out to be on my roof! But before becoming worthy of her guests I, as the owner, must check which you are cut! And I will do it very simple - I will make a riddle! I have very funny riddles. For example, such:

What is stored in a thick jar,

tell me ... (jam)

Who in the sea is coal veins,

tell me ... (steamer)

And who in the sky is coal veins,

tell me ... (Airplane)

Who on rails coal veins

tell me ... locomotive! Hurray, guess! Well done boys!

Well, what, it's time to move to games and fun, because I am the most cool in the world and the fifteentist!


Guys, I have a magic bag, in which all sorts of different things are folded! These things help each of us turn out to be a particular character of a famous fairy tale or a cartoon! Let's try to make friends with a magic bag! We need to warm up with you! Repeat all the words and movements for me:

We are all heroes and animals,

We play loud too.

We are in your hands slack

we are kicking

inflation cheeks

skump on socks

and each other even

tags show.

Together jump to the ceiling,

finger will bring to the temple.

Outstand the ears

pickle on the top of the top.

Wider mouth open,

rozhitsa Sorap.

How I say figure 3,

Anyone who is with the face of Zamri!

Now we all need to make a big circle. Under the music we will pass a bag of hand to hand. When the music ends, he stopped on a bag, pulls out one thing from him and goes to me in a circle to portray him a character!

The game is held


What are you all merry and artistic! Well done! Well, what, we played a little and now on the regime of finding my roof it should be reinforced! And for this we need to cook a delicious sweet compote!

Carlson causes children if desired, she puts the head of the fruit on the head. Hoops are put on the floor in the number of fruits. For each fruit your hoop. Music is playing. Children are dancing on the site. The task of each group at the end of the music quickly gather their fruit in your hoop.

The game is held


Oh, guys, while we cooked compote, you've gotten a little, let's Kill!

The chamomile game is held.

Called 5 guys. On the floor scattered petals from daisies. Each participant is the middle of the flower. The task of participants to collect daisies of the same color.


Well done! Radied, now you can continue to stitch! And you know, one terrible story happened to me and the baby! We ran down the roof from bringing with the engine! These are the deft, we were that even the ventilation pipes were made up! Guys, can you go through the ventilation pipe? And let's check with you now!

All guys pass through the tunnel


Guys, what are you all deft and brave! Probably this because you do sports? (Children yes!) Well done! We are also engaged in sports and love, do all sorts of exercises, and you love? (Children - Yes!)

Then on the sports field

I invite everyone now.

Sport and Health Festival

It starts with us.

And in order for us to get to the playground, we need to fly before it, let's fly together to fly to the sports field!

All the guys cling to Carlson and fly under merry music.


Shines sun sutra

We are preparing in advance.

Guys start time

Sport competitions.

And for this we need to make two teams with you!

Rear plates are held

1. "Gift"

2. "Jumping in bags"

3. "Summer Hockey"


What are you great guys! You are very sporty and brave! And the telegram came to us! Let's unpack it all together, but do it we will be an unusual way!

Game "Package"

Everyone gets up in a circle. Music transfer the parcel. On com, the music is broken, removes one layer of wrapper from the parcel. So continues before the last layer of wrap will be removed.


In our package there is a letter for everyone, let's read it! (reads a letter) "Attention! All pupils of the camp "City of Health"! After 15 minutes, arrive at the sports ground on the street! To have flags and sports shoes! " Guys, it seems that you are waiting for something interesting on the street! But here it is said that you all need to have flags with you! So you are big lucky! Before you a master of sports for the manufacture of flags! Let's now everyone makes yourself your checkbox!

The guys are distributed billets of flags and markers. They deactivate them at their discretion.


What beautiful checkboxes with you turned out, well, well, I, as the most cheerful and resourceful fifume I can not let you go just like that! Let's slide together with you a cheerful dance!

Guys, along with Karls dancing dance.


Well, now I invite everyone to the general photo!

The guys all together are photographed with Carlson and their flags.


Oh me it's time, I played here with you!

Goodbye, goodbye!

All happy be,

Healthy, obedient

Always good-natured!

Good luck and good summer!

Carlson says goodbye to children, flies.

Scenario of theatrical presentation
for kids
"Visiting Carlson",
dedicated to the day of protection of children.

On the square in front of the Kola RCC, the Merulus is held a contest "Drawing on asphalt". After the competition, the cheerful invites everyone to go to the auditorium.
Curtain is closed. The cheerful invites to the stage to award the winners of the "Drawing on Asphalt" contest representatives of the administration.
The curtain opens to the song "Thick Carlson" on the stage, Karlson comes out on the scene.

Carlson: Stop, Machine!
Hi, babies-defense!
Shout loud: "Hurray!",
After all, the Carlsonchik flew to you,
And immediately the hall was having fun!
I flew not just like that
Today is a holiday - knows everyone!
After all, without me, what is the holiday?
I am Carlson, the main ugrelim!
hi Hi! Before you brought up and in moderation, the most cheerful man in the world in full bloom.
Today is June 1 - Children's Day! And I congratulate you on all with this wonderful holiday with great pleasure!

Carlson: I wonder, but what does Freken side do now? Well, remember, is that the same house-chief who raised the baby? Yes, the women harmful I did not see in my life!

The light goes out in the hall. A fragment from the cartoon "Kid and Carlson" is shown on the screen (coming Freken side).
Light is lit in the hall.

Carlson: Now Freken side has changed and became kinder. Oh, hear, someone goes! Probably it is she. It's time to wipe fishing rods!

Carlson hides. Under the music comes Freken side.

F. side: Oh, how boring one! The baby is not, he went to visit Uncle Fyodor to Prostokvasheny. No and respected, cute carlson.

Motor sound.

F. side: Oh, who is here? (Carlson appears). My dear Carlson, as I am glad to see you!

Carlson: Madame, I'm not alone! I'm here with friends. (Shows on the hall).

F. Bok: Children !!! Wonderful! How many of them! And who is more here: girls or boys?

Carlson: And we will check it now. We will spend the game with you, and Freken side will determine who else - girls or boys. So remember movements:

Everyone patted in the palm - once, two, three;
And planted legs - 1, 2, 3;
Won all their hands - 1, 2, 3;
Loud name all called - 1, 2, 3;
In our hall only bunnies -
Well, smoothly, well, cry:
Girls ... Boys ...

F. Bok: Yes, and girls and boys today are a lot!

Carlson: Madame, Do you know that today is the most cheerful holiday on the planet?

F. Bok: My dear, to whom, how not to me - the most wonderful homework - do not know about the holiday of the day of the protection of children! And I, of course, have a gift. Dear guys, for you sings Masha Tsvetkov.

Concert number "Kola Stars" - Masha Tsvetkov.

Carlson: And do you remember, Madame, how did we eat well!?

F. Bok: Of course I remember!

Gas light. Demonstrated a fragment from the cartoon "Kid and Carlson" (Karlson dance and F. side)
The light is lit.

Carlson: And let's see how professionals from school ballroom dance are dancing.

Concert number SBST.
Sound of steps, creak.

F. Bok: Dear Carlson, you do not hear anything?

Carlson: Yes, yes! It seems someone walks on the roof.

F. Bok: Well, I will ask them now! Will know how to climb the roofs and attacies! (leaves for the scenes).

Carlson: Calm, only calm! Wait, I am with you!

Carlson runs away for F. side.
Music sounds in the hall through the ranks, includes two crooks. Rise to the scene, go beyond the scenes and immediately appear in the window.

1 Jolong: Hey, look, the window is open!

Enters F. side.

F. Bok: Wait, wait, Carlson! How will the guys dance? After all, they sit!

Carlson: and so will be. Our dance is called "Sitting Disco". Look at me and repeat everything after me. And you, Madame, do not lag, repeat everything.

To the music of "Pinkyo" Carlson spends with a seat of a sedentary disco.

F. Bok: how we have fun!

Carlson: And everyone is wonderful, fun mood! And my soul sings!

F. Bok: I propose, for this occasion, listen to the song performed

Concert number "Kola Stars".

Carlson: So, something I got drunk! Dear Freken, do you have a little three-liter jar of jam?

F. Bok: Dear Carlson, for you I have everything you wish! But you know that not only you love jam, but also a very funny bear.
Dear friends, you give you a / t "Youth" - "jam".

Concert number A / t "Yunogy" - "Jam".

Carlson: And you have been convinced of milk!

F. Bok: Lord! Milk escaped! Wait, what milk? Ah, joker!

Carlson: Yes, I love to joke, play, sing, dance, and still draw!

F. Bok: And I suggest to hold a contest for the best artists.
Dear Carlson! Help me choose from the hall of the guys.

Carlson chooses 6 guys - 3 people in a team.

Carlson: And what will we draw?

F. Bok: And draw, Carlson, we will be you!

Carlson: Me? Very interesting!

Competition "Narisu Carlson". Guys take turns draw Carlson: 1 - head, hair, 2 - eyes, ears, 3 - nose, mouth, 1 - torso, 2 - hands, 3 - legs. Award.

F. side: Yes, we got great today!

Carlson: But everything ever ends.

F. Bok: Dear guys, so it's time for us to say goodbye to us.

Carlson: But our girlfriend mustle is waiting for you in this door on a cheerful disco.

F.Zh side: And we tell you yet!

Carlson: and to new meetings !!!

Curtain closes. Viewers overlook the side door to the dance hall, where they are met by a cheerful.
Disco, games.