How much the largest dog in the world weighs. The heaviest dog in the world: description with photo, weight, breed

People make four-legged friends often without even thinking about the dog's character, what he loves and why this or that breed was bred. It is for informational purposes that the following is presented. ten the largest and most powerful dogs.

The English Mastiff is characterized by:

  • powerful muscles;
  • sad eyes;
  • weight up to 86 kg;
  • height at the withers - 76 cm.
This heavyweight looks very proportional and many dog ​​lovers choose the English Mastiff not only for protection, but also for children.
Despite its rather severe appearance, this largest and most powerful dog in the world loves its owners infinitely. She will never offend a child, however, it is difficult for kids to play with such a pet due to its excessive massiveness.

Of course, this breed needs regular grooming and training.

Important! It is difficult to call the most intelligent and malleable dog of the English Mastiff, but he will certainly learn the basic lessons.

This heavyweight eats a lot, but shouldn't be overfed. Meals should be balanced and limited to 2-3 meals a day.

The homeland of this giant is Extremadura(Spain).
Originally, the Spanish Mastiffs, like their ancestors, were used as livestock guards. Such dogs were presented special requirements: they had to be balanced, so as not to scare away the livestock, confident and independent, because at night they had to guard the herd without a man.

In addition, they had to be strong and courageous to defend against attacks on livestock.

And the Spanish mastiff combines all these qualities - they are capable of grazing a herd for several days in a row, even without food, and will not allow themselves to bully the cattle. The rise of the Spanish mastiff- 77-90 cm, weight - 80-120 kg.

This noble heavyweight will be a great friend for all family members and a devoted guard of the house and territory. It will be inconvenient to keep such a pet in an apartment, but in a private house he will feel comfortable in an aviary.

- the heaviest among the largest and most powerful dog breeds. The usual weight of these giants is 75-90 kg. However, you can find a St. Bernard weighing 120 kg.

Did you know? In 1978, a representative of this breed became a real record holder, moving a load of three tons from a place over a distance of 4.5 meters. It took him 1.5 minutes.

Distinctive features of representatives of St. Bernards:

  • wise eyes;
  • friendliness;
  • character stability;
  • playfulness.
The St. Bernards are very fond of winter - no dog will miss the opportunity to play in the snow.
At a young age, St. Bernards are stubborn and refuse to obey commands or requests, which brings inconvenience to the owners.

In such cases, you should communicate more with your pet and give him time for quality rest, spend more time with him on the street.

If you and your family are restrained about snoring, drooling and fur, then such a dog will become a best and loyal friend.

Important! They begin to train St. Bernard from the time of his appearance in the house.

The fourth place was given to the representatives of this breed. They come from Aragon (Spain).
Originally, the Pyrenean Mastiffs in Southwest Europe were used by Asian traders as shepherds.

These heavyweights quite large- 77-81 cm at the withers. Average weight - 70-81 kg. Although, there are also representatives of 100 kg.

The nature pyrenean mastiffs- loyal, reliable pets, expressing a willingness to communicate with young children, which is why they are often entrusted with the role of a nanny. They perfectly understand what they want from them, but they may not follow the commands if they do not recognize the authority of the person.

The Pyrenean Mastiffs are prized for their intelligence and reliability. Today, thanks to their observation, endurance and calmness, they are actively used as bodyguards and guards. Like all large dogs, Pyrenean Mastiffs are best kept in a private home. If they are kept in an apartment, such pets need to be walked for a long time 2 or 3 times a day, giving a load to the muscles. In addition, the Pyrenean Mastiffs must often be taken out into the countryside, where they can frolic in plenty.

If you like big dog breeds, this handsome man is what you need.
Great Danes were bred at the end of the 19th century in Germany. The height at the withers is 70 cm, although a record figure was recorded - over 1 meter. The weight of the Great Dane is 55-90 kg.

Is an excellent security guard who can become a devoted companion if necessary. They are infinitely loyal to the owner, are not prone to aggression and are very fond of children. Strangers are mistrustful.

Although Great Danes rarely bark, this does not prevent them from guarding their territory.

Important! Such pets are suitable for those who already have some experience of behavior with a dog, since they are wayward and stubborn. Early socialization is important for them.

Great Dane will require sufficient attention and certain sacrifices from the owner. Therefore, those who do not have enough time are not recommended to have such a pet.

This breed is known to many for its mane around the head.
Initially, Tibetan Mastiffs were used to protect temples. The largest heavyweight of this breed weighed 120 kg. Average weight Tibetan Mastiff- 82 kg, height - 85 cm.

Unfortunately, this heavyweight is only available to people with a large income (the price for a puppy is 2-10 thousand euros).

Did you know? According to legend, the Tibetan Mastiff is the oldest dog that belonged to the Buddha himself.

Thanks to their thick undercoat and luxurious coat, Tibetan Mastiffs easily endure any weather, and their power and strength allows them to overcome long distances along rocky paths.

Distinctive features:

  • powerful bones and muscles;
  • endurance;
  • calmness;
  • firmness;
  • cleanliness;
  • restraint;
  • excellent health;
  • longevity (on average - 16 years).

Newfoundland occupies seventh place among the largest dogs. Originally this popular breed was used only in Canada as a labor force.
Newfoundlands may have light spots on their feet and chest. In the post-Soviet territory, these dogs are called divers.

Did you know? The Newfoundland has webbing on its feet.

The standard weight of males is 70 kg with a height of 74 cm.

Newfoundland Is a very affectionate dog whose kindness can be compared to a Labrador. Representatives of this breed are friendly and warm to all family members. Moreover, Newfoundland is friendly not only to children, but also to strangers.
The nature of these dogs is entirely consistent with their purpose - saving people... They are very fond of water and perfectly tolerate any temperature.

This breed was developed in the 17th century in Africa... Its representatives have excellent protective qualities.

- a powerful, hardy dog ​​with good plasticity and reaction. The growth of such a dog- 64-70 cm, weight- 70-90 kg.
These dogs require constant care and attention: training, physical activity, affection. Most pets consider themselves family members and suffer without owners. Moreover, without communication, they can become destructive.

Boerboels have a very developed protective instinct and they are considered the best guards. With the right upbringing, pets are calm about strangers, although they keep aloof.

Without socialization, these dogs become aggressive and hyper-vigilant. Protecting their territory or owner, Boerboels prefer to intimidate the victim, but they are ready to use force.
Such a pet will never allow harm to the owner or family member, he is always ready to give his life for them.

Everyone who is interested in large breeds of dogs, and looked at their photos with names, admire the Moscow watchdog. This heavyweight was bred in the 50s of the XX century by hybridizing St. Bernard, Caucasian Shepherd Dog and Russian Pied Hound.
The standard height of this heavyweight is 77-78 cm, weight is 45-60 kg.

Moscow watchdogs- balanced, self-confident dogs. In the family circle, Moscow watchdogs are affectionate and kind bears that children love to play with.

However, they have excellent guarding and watchdog qualities. These dogs are fearless and never back down.

The Moscow watchdog needs movement, although it can also be instilled in the manners of a city dweller. This dog never barks for no reason.

Important! Elderly people, teenagers or those who are accustomed to lisping with animals cannot start the Moscow watchdog. Without proper training, the dog will lose its best qualities and grow up to be cowardly or too aggressive.

The owner of the Moscow watchdog should become for her real authority, to which she will obey unquestioningly.

This breed was bred in Germany and is named after the German city of Leonberg, the mayor of which was fond of selection and crossed the Landseer, St. Bernard and the Pyrenean mountain dog.
Leonberger has a calm disposition and temperament. Perfect as a security guard.

Leonberger's standard height- 70 cm, weight - 80 kg.

Thanks to the fluffy and long coat leonberger looks huge. Although, despite their massiveness, these dogs are very agile.

Thanks to its livable nature, this dog can become an excellent nanny for children. In addition, they can be on the service of the police and help rescue people from avalanches and water.

Of course, a large dog requires not only a lot of time, but also money. Everyone who is going to take such a pet must raise it correctly so that the dog becomes a reliable protector, and not an uneducated danger for the family.

There are dogs in the world that can grow to enormous sizes by themselves. Objectively making the top 10 largest dogs in the world is quite difficult. What is the largest dog breed? Different sources provide different information, after analyzing which we got a single picture and the top 10 is offered to your attention.

The list with the photo includes the largest and strongest breeds, which are famous for their size, unprecedented strength and devotion. Only one representative will be the leader. It will not be enough to look at the picture to evaluate the parameters. We will analyze the average height and weight of the animal. With the help of the book of records, we will more accurately determine what is the largest dog in the world.

Pictures of large dogs from the list will show their sizes. Top 10 largest dogs in the world will help you deal with large dog breeds.

If you look back, you will notice that the largest dogs in the world were bred as ferocious hunters, defenders of the home, or in order to simply emphasize the high position of the owner in society. For example, royals had large breeds of dogs at court. In such cases, the size and strength of the animal was of great importance. Nowadays, more and more often, ordinary people give birth to a large dog, for whom it becomes a pet and a good friend. In today's ranking, the top 10 largest dogs in the world, the largest breeds are represented. Recall that our top 10 is quite subjective, due to the fact that some representatives have a strong body and impressive weight, while others are rather thin, but with high growth rates.

Scottish Deerhound Breed Opens Top 10 Biggest Dogs

This hunting greyhound is designed for animal baiting and unarmed deer hunting. This category is better than the rest adapted to catch up with the beast on the ground and kill him. The average height of a dog is from 76 centimeters, and a weight from 45 kilograms. The body of the dog is elongated with developed muscles. Its legs are long and slender, with a small elongated muzzle. The coat is coarse and so long that it hangs from the body. Common colors are gray, sandy and brown. The Deerhound is one of the largest and oldest in the world. She appeared in Scotland in the 16th century. And three centuries later, the fame of Deerheind has spread all over the world. Official recognition was received only in 1892.

For a long time, the Scottish greyhounds were kept exclusively in the know. And today this breed remains rare (see pictures). The noble soft greyhound is quite elegant and attached to its owner. The large size of the dogs prevents their wide distribution.

9th place top-10 - Akita breed

Akita is a huge Japanese hunting dog.

The breed of these animals was bred in the Akita province of the Japanese island of Honshu. Her ancestors are mastiffs, which were crossed with Chinese pomeranians. Akita is considered the largest Japanese dog breed. At first she was called Akita Matagi, which means "a good hunter". Akita was used for hunting a bear and as a fighting dog. The male can grow up to 70 centimeters and above. Average weight 54 kilograms. These indicators influenced participation in the top 10. As you can see in the photo, the dogs are densely built with a slightly elongated body. Balanced behavior, easy to train. The breed is proud, reserved, with an independent disposition and loves to run.

8th place in the top 10 largest dogs - Irish wolfhound

It is the largest Irish hunting dog in the world. Known for its large size. This national pride of Ireland was bred by the Irish Celts who needed to breed large greyhounds.

The Irish wolfhound has a muscular, sturdy physique, characterized by light, rapid movements. In addition to fighting wolves, the wolfhound took part in deer hunting. Today, the Irish wolfhound is the ideal pet. He likes to sit back, lie on the couch belly up and feel the caress of the owner. However, this relaxed and calm dog will be able to keep you company during your jog in the morning.

Looking at the photo of the Irish wolfhound, one can assume that this is the largest breed. However, although they are not small, they are not the largest in the world. Dogs of this type are a little constrained with strangers. They enjoy spending time playing with people they know - family members. And even despite its impressive size, the Irish wolfhound is not the best watchman. They live for eight years.

Height at withers of an adult male is from 80 centimeters. The minimum height of a dog is from 79 centimeters, and the weight of an average dog is 55 kilograms.

The largest dog from the Caucasus is the Caucasian Shepherd. 7th place in the top 10

It is one of the oldest breeds, dating back over 2000 years. It was bred in the Caucasus specifically to protect herds of sheep, from where it got its name. It has a thick coat with a dense undercoat so that you can stay in the cold for a long time. Dogs with fighting and guard qualities. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a large guard dog. With an average height, at the withers it reaches more than 70 centimeters, and the weight of the dog is up to 85 kilograms.

It is not very common among Americans, so after seeing the photo, the puppies received a lot of praise in the comments. But those who liked these fluffy bears in the picture should understand that such a dog needs a serious owner who will take care of upbringing and training very seriously so that the grown-up puppy protects the family.

Newfoundland is a large Canadian dog. On the 6th place in the top 10

This popular breed in the world was originally used in Canada as a labor force. A huge dog with long thick hair could have white spots on the chest and legs. An interesting fact is that Newfoundland has membranes. In the CIS, this breed is called a diver. This type of Newfoundland was developed in the USSR. The male has a weight of 70 kilograms and a height of 74 centimeters. Newfoundland is a very affectionate dog. It combines the strength of a large Pyrenean dog with the kindness of a Labrador. This dog is cheerful and friendly, with great warmth towards family members. Newfoundland has a positive attitude towards children and strangers. The character of the dog is suitable for the purposes that were originally attributed to him - this is the rescue of people on the water, and in case of fire. This dog has a real talent that allows it to keep people out of trouble.

Neapolitan mastiff from Italy in 5th place in the top 10

The Neapolitan Mastiff or Mastino has been popular since ancient times in the south of the Apennine Peninsula. Mastino was exclusively a watchdog. The Neapolitan Mastiff is a descendant of fighting dogs that fought with fighters and hunted animals in ancient Rome. Mastino-Napoletano is a large animal of a strong and coarse constitution type, has a powerful skeleton and a short snout. An adult dog at the withers reaches a length of 75-80 centimeters and weighs 75 kilograms.

A loyal calm dog who loves its owner and treats children well. Dominates other breeds, fearless, distrustful of strangers. His already intimidating appearance becomes even more terrifying when the dog is angry. Training for this category of puppies should be started quite early. In no case is it recommended to teach puppies to attack a person, otherwise an adult dog may be aggressive.

Leonberger in 4th place in the top 10

The breed got its name from the city of Leonberg in southwestern Germany. The mayor Heinrich Essig, who was engaged in selection, bred a new breed by crossing the St. Bernard and the Landseer. After that he mixed the Pyrenean mountain dog into the blood of the new breed. As a result, we have a hairy dog, which became the embodiment of the coat of arms of the city of Leonberg. For the first time Russia saw these dogs in 1989. Representatives of this breed have a balanced character and temperament. They are used as a guard.

Male Leonberger is up to 70 centimeters tall and weighs 80 kilograms. It looks huge thanks to its thick, long and abundant coat, which forms a collar around its neck that resembles a lion's mane. However, despite their very impressive size, the dogs are very agile. Leonberger is too big to live in an apartment. A spacious yard with a cool climate is suitable for him. This breed does not require significant physical activity.

The gentle, easygoing nature makes these gentle lions patient nannies for children. Kindness, however, does not prevent dogs from serving in the police and helping to pull people out of the water, avalanches and other troubles.

3rd place in the top 10 largest dogs is the English mastiff

The English Mastiff is the heaviest breed and reaches impressive sizes. English mastiffs have drooping cheeks and sad eyes. The largest dog in the world (pictured above) is the male Zorbro, who weighed as much as one hundred and fifty-six kilograms. Although, according to some, the dog was simply overweight. On average, the weight of a dog can be from 75 kilograms and more, and bitches from 70 kilograms. The growth of an English Mastiff male reaches 75 centimeters.

Mastiffs are large dogs that have incredible self-esteem that goes along with their own greatness. Massive and awkward, however, very docile and responsive. Animals with a docile, gentle disposition, intelligent and intelligent. The kind giant will immediately turn into a real devil when it comes to protecting his family.

St. Bernard is ranked 2nd in the top 10 largest dogs

The St. Bernard is the largest and largest dog in the world. There are two varieties of this breed - long-haired and short-haired. It is believed that the St. Bernards, like the English mastiffs, descended from Tibetan mastiffs, crossed with local breeds.

According to another version, the ancestors of St. Bernard were the Roman fighting mastiffs, which were brought by the Romans during the conquests in the Alps.

The growth of a dog reaches 70 centimeters, weight is 90 kilograms. However, this is the average for the representatives. There are times when individual representatives can grow to enormous sizes and fall out of the general statistics.

The St. Bernards are very outgoing and friendly, strong men with a strong character. Although they are very powerful and feel confident, they are soft, which makes them buddies with whom they find common language and play in nature.

The St. Bernards are the most powerful dog in the world. In 1978, an 80-kilogram strongman St. Bernard was able to move a load, weighing almost three thousand kilograms, at a distance of four and a half meters in one and a half minutes.

Great Dane is recognized as the largest dog in the world

This breed is so large that it is considered one of the largest in the world. Great Danes with impressive size have a rather calm character. Representatives of these breeds can easily knock a person to the ground, simply putting their paws on his shoulders.

Great Dane is a combination of incredible self-esteem, strength and refined elegance. Very smart and physically healthy dogs will be gentle with their owner. Although Great Dane barks do not bark much, they will be very loyal and brave watchdogs.

Great Dane gets along well with children. Needs strict. This is a representative of dogs with late maturation, so it remains a child for a long time, loving to play a little naughty.

This type of dog lives on average nine 9 years, however, with a caring owner and thirteen years is not the limit. The Great Dane is the unrivaled canine Apollo. Having a majestic appearance and power, strength and elegance of lines, grace of forms, it expresses strength, beauty and pride. On the viewer, he gives the impression of a chiseled statue. Dogs of this breed have a calm, affable and affectionate, balanced character, distrustful of strangers. Brave and energetic, not timid at all.

A representative of this breed named George has glorified its owners from Arizona all over the world with its impressive size. At the age of six, his weight was 113 kilograms, with the length of each paw being 110 centimeters, George's length from nose to tail was 221 centimeters. In 2010, this Blue Great Dane officially received the status of the largest dog in the world, hitting the Guinness Book of Records.

George came to the house of his current owners at the age of seven weeks. Of course, no one could have imagined that he would grow to this size. As soon as the puppy grew up a little, it became cramped in the old house. The family moved to a new home. The Blue Great Dane ate over 50 kilograms of dog food every month. He could hardly fit into the car.

Following George's death in 2013, Zeus, a three-year-old Great Dane from Otsego, Michigan, took over as the world's largest dog. He was noted in the Guinness Book of Records 2013. The height of the dog from feet to withers is 111.8 centimeters and a height of 2.2 meters, standing on its hind legs.

Look at the photo of this handsome man - isn't it a miracle? Zeus bypassed the previous record holder of the same breed by just a couple of centimeters.

A giant dog from Michigan eats fourteen kilograms of food every day every day, weighs 70.3 kilograms.

You have seen many of the breeds on this list more than once in the photo or on the street, but it will be nice to know that you heard some of the facts for the first time.

Dogs are rightfully considered man's best friends. They are the most loyal creatures, they have a positive effect on the health of the owner, both physical and mental, they decorate every house, being full-fledged members of the family. Someone likes small, pocket terriers, while others like large representatives, not inferior in size to a young horse. The latter will be discussed further. And so - the largest rocks on the planet!

English mastiff

The Mastiff, or as the English Mastiff is often called, is perhaps one of the oldest known dog breeds. Mastiff is an old breed well known in Europe and Asia. The English mastiff has a very impressive body weight. Usually the weight fluctuates around 80-90 kilograms, but some individuals reach 150 kilograms. The Mastiff is the largest Great Dane in Europe. And although the Mastiff is a very large and massive dog, at the same time it is very elegant and fit.

The name of this breed literally means "horse-dog". It is believed that the ancestors of this breed were Tibetan Matins who came to Great Britain from Asia Minor with Celtic tribes.

Mastiffs are excellent guards, very loyal to their master. They lend themselves very well to training, which is why they were originally used as guard dogs.

Even with the help of mastiffs, precious stones were processed, allowing the dog to eat it with meat, after which the stone acquired a special shine; to preserve the stone, a man, a “henchman,” was attached to the dog, who had to find and remove the stone from the droppings.

German dog

Great Danes are very large dogs with a gentle and patient character. In size, it is one of the largest dog breeds in the world. They are very good-natured and loyal giants. Their weight can reach 90 kilograms, and their height is up to 80 cm. The average life expectancy of dogs is about 10 years.

Great Danes are very strong dogs combining exquisite dignity along with considerable strength. They are very outgoing and friendly. Great Danes have a very calm and good-natured character. But when playing with them, it should be remembered that with their size and weight, they can easily knock an adult off their feet, even while playing.

The Great Dane needs a lot of attention and a lot of physical activity. Therefore, if you have problems with free time, then it is better not to have such dogs. Great Danes are brave and energetic dogs, they make not bad guard dogs. The Great Danes' weapon is their size and strength.

Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is the largest hunting dog in the world. From the outside, she really seems like a huge dog. The growth of an adult male is from 79 centimeters at the withers, weight from 55 kilograms.

The Irish Wolfhound is a brave dog with tremendous stamina and strength. She can be calm when fondled, but she is capable of falling into a rage if provoked.

The Irish wolfhound has remarkable height and impressive appearance, very muscular, strong but elegant build, with light and swift movements. In view of what this breed requires a very strong load and large spaces, it is completely unsuitable for keeping in the city. It also requires daily grooming of hair that is tousled, coarse and rough on the body, limbs and head, especially hard and long on the eyebrows and chin.

Scottish deerhound

One of the oldest breeds of hunting dogs is the Scottish Dirhoundili. It is also often referred to as the reindeer greyhound. It was extremely popular during the days of chivalry. The Scottish Deerhound was perfect for baiting, unarmed deer hunting. A greyhound deer that was best able to catch up and kill a large Scottish deer.

The Scottish Deerhound cannot be confused with any other breed. Although it is one of the largest dogs on earth, the Deerhound has truly outstanding hunting abilities. He has a keen instinct, is extremely hardy, he has the perfect combination of agility and strength needed to chase a deer. These dogs are constantly in motion, which is necessary to maintain good shape.

The coat is waterproof and protects the dog from harsh weather conditions. The growth of the Scottish Deerhound is from 76 centimeters, weight is 45-50 kilograms, and life expectancy is on average 7-9 years.


The Leonberger is a very large, strong, muscular dog, and very elegant. Differs in proportional body structure and temperament, combining liveliness with self-confidence and calmness.

Leonberger is often called a lion among dogs, which has rich, but not prominent muscles, noble posture. Dogs of this breed have a somewhat frightening appearance - large size, long thick coat, large head, powerful legs. But at the same time it is a very kind, affectionate, sincere dog, an excellent watchdog and protector.

The name of the breed comes from the name of the city of Leonberg in southwestern Germany. Its creator - the mayor of the city Heinrich Essig, who was engaged in breeding, brought Landseers to St. Bernards, and then mixed the blood of a large Pyrenean mountain dog.

Leonberger is not cowardly, he is fearless in any situation, but at the same time he is not aggressive. Listens to commands well. The growth of males reaches 80 cm, and the weight can reach 80 kg. Average life expectancy is 8-10 years.


Newfoundland is another representative of very large dogs. What distinguishes these dogs from others is, above all, their outstanding character. This is a massive, strong, intelligent dog. She has a very friendly and gentle nature. The Newfoundland is appreciated all over the world, primarily as a nanny, companion and service dog, thanks to its impressive size, intelligence and gentle nature.

Newfoundland is an extremely popular dog breed. Although at the very beginning, it was often used as a labor force. These large dogs have a long, thick black or brown coat that perfectly protects them from bad weather, from low and high temperatures. The Newfoundland has membranes between the toes. Thanks to this, they feel great in the water, and love to swim whenever possible.

Newfoundlands have always been appreciated for the unsurpassed quality of a lifeguard - the ability to work beautifully in the water and take care of the people around them. They are very attentive to details and often their instinct for self-preservation fades into the background.

The height of these dogs is about 70 cm, and the weight is 60-70 kg. Life expectancy is 8-10 years.

St. Bernard

The breed of these dogs is one of the largest dog breeds. St. Bernard is a powerful imposing giant among dogs. St. Bernards are cute and gentle dogs, they are distinguished by generosity, calmness, bordering on phlegmaticness, prudence, extraordinary affection for people. They are some of the best family pets.

Dogs of this breed got their name in honor of the monastery of St. Bernard, where they were used as rescuers on snowy passes. Excellent instinct and great physical strength allowed them to find missing people under the snow and drag them to the rescuers.

St. Bernards are able to perfectly navigate in space and find their way perfectly, even if they are far from home. They are very calm and balanced, rarely bark and are very loyal to their owners.

The growth of St. Bernard can reach 90 cm, and weight up to 90 kg. Life expectancy is 8-10 years on average.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a representative of a very large breed that originated in the pastures of the Caucasus and has a very strong and independent character. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is the oldest of the dog breeds. For centuries it has been excellently used as a guard dog. She has been serving man for over three thousand years.

The behavior of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is based on a simple principle, which it always follows: there are “ours” and there are “aliens”. That is why they are extremely suspicious of outsiders.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is not only a reliable guard, but also an excellent fighter. She is able to defeat a fighting dog in battle. There is cruelty and strength in this dog that frightens people very much.

This breed is quite tall. Growth reaches 70 cm, and weight 70 kg. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs live on average 10-11 years.

Neapolitan mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff or Napoletano Mastino is a breed of very large dogs. These are, as a rule, service dogs, which can make an excellent bodyguard.

Mastinos are level-headed, non-aggressive and friendly, despite their formidable appearance. They have a very flexible character. It is a ponderous and sedentary, but imposing dog with amazingly developed muscles.

Mastino is an excellent watchman. By nature, he is good-natured and friendly, very obedient and attached to his master. These dogs do not show any aggression towards people, and their character is very delicate. The ancient mastinos participated in battles, therefore they are fearless and patient with physical pain.

The mastino has a massive and relief figure, thick, elastic and loose skin. With a height of about 75 cm, their weight reaches 70 kg. Life expectancy is 8-10 years.

Akita Inu

Akita Inu is a large breed of dogs, obtained as a result of selection of Matagi Inu, and is somewhat similar to the Chow Chow breed. In the north of the island of Honshu in Akito prefecture, a dog with short hair, excellent hunting and working qualities, appeared. From here it got its name.

In the process of selection, they tried to infuse her with the blood of English mastiffs, St. Bernards, Great Danes, which almost did not bring to naught the population of these dogs. And only the intervention of the Japanese government saved this unique view.

The most characteristic feature of the Akita Inu is the incredible devotion that is legendary. These are very quiet dogs, owners of a good character. Akita Inu dogs are very patient. They get along well with children. Also, these dogs are known for their cleanliness. For their clean appearance and lack of odor, they are often compared to cats.

Akita Inu are very strong defenders and excellent guardians, they are intelligent and calm dogs, independent and possessing a strong will.

The height of the Akita Inu is 70 cm, and the weight is up to 45 kg. Life expectancy is 10-12 years.

Tibetan mastiff

What is the appearance of giants alone! Abundant long hair and thick undercoat allow dogs to withstand any weather disasters, and thanks to strong bones, developed muscles, broad chest and strong legs, "Tibetans" effortlessly overcome huge distances along rocky paths. The thick coat of mastiffs makes up a powerful lion's mane, wrapped in a collar around the neck, and the color of the dogs contains wise symbolism.

And, probably, as a recognition for the endurance of dogs, which for centuries resignedly endured all the hardships of life in difficult high-mountain conditions, nature awarded Tibetan mastiffs with excellent health and incredible, by dog ​​standards, longevity. The character of the dogs, in contrast to the fierce appearance, is rather soft: the charm of the "Tibetans" knows no boundaries, and the love for the owner extends to his environment. True, within reasonable limits.

Friendliness evaporates with lightning speed, as soon as the mastiff suspects a stranger in an attempt to violate the integrity of the master's possessions. Look for such a watchman: the mastiffs defend the territory entrusted to them not for life, but for death, and in anger this dog is so terrible that the famous dog of the Baskervilles is a puppy against him.

Most owners of Tibetan Mastiffs are convinced that these dogs have a rare intuition that allows them to easily "read" the mood of the owner and act in accordance with it - sweetly, tactfully and carefully. By the way, this same majority has a well-founded suspicion that the Tibetan mastiffs are not really dogs, there are too many of them from a person.

The Tibetan Mastiff usually lives for 10 - 16 years. The weight of an adult dog is about 60 kg, body length is about 120 cm, height is 75 - 85 cm.

Pyrenean mountain dog

The Great Pyrenean Dog is also known as the Pyrenean Wolfhound, the Pyrenean Wolfhound, and the Pyrenean Mountain Dog. For the first time dogs of this breed were born in France. The ancestors of the breed are large wild dogs that once lived in Asia. The Iberian wolfhound has existed for several centuries, but it was not possible to establish exactly when the breed originated. It is reliably known that even in antiquity, dogs of this breed were used as shepherds - they guarded large herds of cattle, later the Pyrenean mountain dogs were used to guard palaces.

The large Pyrenean dog is powerful and muscular, with a long, thick coat. Dogs of this breed are very smart and quick-witted, they are well trained, but it is quite difficult to raise a Pyrenean dog. The fact is that these dogs have a wayward character, they are used to doing what they want, so the owner must make every effort and show patience to make this dog obey. A large Pyrenean dog needs space, it will be quite difficult for her to live in a city, since in an urban environment she will be practically deprived of the opportunity to move a lot. And to maintain good physical shape, these dogs need movement. Dogs of this breed relate very well to young children, in relation to the family in which they live, they feel a sense of ownership, so they will never let strangers approach their owners.

Height and weight. Height at the withers: males 68.5-81 cm, females 63.5-73.5 cm.A male with a height at the withers of 68.5 cm weighs 45.5 kg, and a bitch with a height of 63.5 cm at the withers weighs 38, 5 kg.

The attention of others is always attracted by large dogs, walking peacefully next to the owner on a leash and obediently carrying out his commands. The group of large dogs is quite numerous. These include dogs weighing more than 45 kg and a height at the withers of more than 60 cm. They are easy to train and, with proper education, have a wonderful character.

Giant Dog - English Mastiff

The average height of the old English breed of dogs is from 60 to 90 cm at the withers. The weight of males can be from 65 to 110 kg, females weigh from 54 to 91 kg. The size of the pet is impressive even in the photo.... The name of the breed in Russian translates as a dog-horse. Mastiffs differ:

  • strong posture;
  • powerful muscles;
  • fit look.

They are excellent hunters and loyal friends. The breed has been used as guards for centuries. And few dogs can compare with them in this. Obedient, responsive and a little awkward Mastiffs are usually very calm. But when it comes to protecting the family, the kind giant turns into a real watchdog.

Kind newfoundlands - photos

Large dogs of this breed world-wide known as good nannies, rescue dogs and loyal friends. A large pet is different:

Loving, calm and obedient Newfoundlands are easy to train and always try to please the owner. They are are very sensitive, so they need to be trained affectionately... A large animal loves to swim, and will take every opportunity to swim.

If you are going to start an affectionate giant, you need to remember that in small apartments they should be kept only on condition of frequent walking.

Brave Spanish Mastiff - photo

Famous for courage and excellent watchdog qualities, the Spanish mastiff without hesitation able to throw himself into a fight with a bear, a wild boar and a wolf... With proper upbringing and training, your pet will be an excellent companion and family friend. The features of the breed include:

Spanish Mastiff puppies look like cubs waddling on thin legs. Adult dog has amazing performance, and will do whatever the owner demands of her. A big dog needs love and understanding, then he will become a reliable friend and faithful assistant.

Strong and fearless alabai

Many have seen a photo on the Internet where a man is holding a large red dog in his arms and claims that it is a puppy of the Chelyabinsk watchdog. In fact, this is, of course, a joke. This is not a watchdog, but adult dog of breed Alabai... Large dogs have been valued since antiquity because they are ideal protectors and guards. The breed is different:

A large pet always fights for the place of the leader, therefore, even in puppyhood, the Alabai needs to show who is the boss. It is best to do the education and training of the dog with a specialist, because an uncontrolled and ill-mannered dog can become a threat to others... The main characteristics of the breed include loyalty to the owner, poise and alertness to strangers. However, Alabai gets used to regular guests and friends rather quickly, and willingly accepts them into his "pack".

Big dogs

The companionable big St. Bernard

Friendly large dogs are confident, resilient and surprisingly gentle. They love to frolic and make excellent friends with children. Capable of moving a load weighing 3000 kg St. Bernards are among the strongest dogs in the world. The features of the breed include:

The large dog is perfect for families with children and active people. But you need to be prepared for pet fur, drooling and snoring.

Great Dane is the tallest dog

A striking representative of the breed is a dog whose height reaches 111 cm.Weighing from 55 to 90 kg, the minimum height of a pet can be from 80 cm. combines strength, refined elegance and self-esteem... The features of a large dog include:

Dogs who are not inclined to dominance and aggression get along great with children. They are late ripening and like to be naughty from time to time. therefore a large dog will perfectly fit into a family of active people, and will be happy to accompany you on your morning run.

Ancient service dog tibetan mastiff photo

The history of the guard dog has always been surrounded by legends and myths. According to one legend, the breed belonged to the Buddha himself, and was also loved by Genghis Khan. The nomads used dogs as beasts of burden and for safety.

The Tibetan Mastiff is known to many for its mane around its head. In addition, the breed is different:

  • high growth of 72–85 cm;
  • weighing 60–82 kg;
  • thick, even coat, calm and restrained character.

Tibetan mastiffs are very smart and are not inferior to the German mastiffs in intelligence. Raising a guard dog need to show undoubted leadership... With poor training and lack of strict discipline, a large pet can become dangerous and unpredictable.

Leonberger - a dog with an easygoing character

Thanks to its gentle nature, this breed of dogs is loved by everyone. The pet itself is also distinguished by love. It can be a reliable protection for the family, a patient nanny for children and a nightmare for enemies. The distinctive characteristics of the Leonberger include:

Despite its large size, the breed is very agile. Muscular, strong, and at the same time elegant dog combines lively temperament and calm disposition.

Beautiful and strong Caucasian Shepherd

One of the large breeds bred in the Caucasus has existed for more than two thousand years. Caucasians defended sheep herds from attack by wolves, but they are ready to protect their master from danger. Pets clearly divide everyone into "us" and "strangers", therefore, it is imperative to guide their behavior and reactions. The features of the breed's appearance include:

Hardy and strong, unpretentious and sensitive Caucasian Shepherd Dog is an excellent watchdog and guard. She is able to adapt to any conditions of keeping and feeding... Hidden behind great growth and indifference is a loving heart and a kind soul.

Self-sufficient and independent large dogs need a strong owner who must become a leader for them. Their upbringing and training must be approached with all responsibility.... Only in this case the pet will obey and become an excellent protector and loyal friend.

When choosing the largest dog breeds, one should take into account the general impression of the appearance of their typical representatives, which combines several parameters - height, bone, musculature, mass. Even so, the choice will be very difficult.

The breed, combining the genes of mastiffs and great Danes, got to the first place in the ranking thanks to two giants - Aikama Zorba (Great Britain) and Hercules (USA).

Zorba, entered in the Guinness Book of Records in 1989 as "the largest dog in the world", weighed almost 156 kg with a height of 94 cm, and Hercules (with a meter neck diameter and weighing 123 kg) joined the record company in 2001.

In the 11th century, hunters exchanged one mastiff for a pack of 20 hounds and greyhounds - so the dog's fighting skills were highly appreciated.

The "reconstruction" of the breed began in 1872, creating the Club of Old English Mastiff lovers (this is a more accurate name for dogs), and a year later the founder of the modern mastiff, Taura, appeared before the public.

Now it is the heaviest breed with impressive dimensions: the average weight of a dog is from 75 kg, a bitch is from 70 kg.

The second largest dog breed. This fact is confirmed by a contemporary of Zorba - St. Bernard named Benedict, who made the arrow of the scales jump up to almost 140 kg.

Their ancestors are considered Tibetan (according to one version) or Roman fighting mastiffs (according to another). St. Bernards are not only large, but also powerful dogs: in 1987, an 80-kilogram dog moved and dragged a load of 4.5 m, pulling 3000 kg.

The St. Bernards are loyal, benevolent and obedient. They are extremely delicate with young children and loyal to adults. There is a minus - they do not like miniature dogs. There is only one way out - to raise puppies together. Another drawback is profuse salivation in the heat.

They live, on average, a little - about eight years.

German dog

The list, where the largest breeds of domestic dogs are located, includes Great Dane and Irish Wolfhounds, surpassing St. Bernards and Mastiffs not in mass, but in height.

From Arizona (USA), bearing the name Giant George, got into the Book of Records because of his height at the withers (110 cm) and weight (111 kg). The dog died three years ago, not reaching a month before his eighth birthday.

After the death of George, the record holder's laurels passed to the inhabitant of the state of Michigan - Zeus, who was significantly inferior to the Arizona in weight, but by one (!) Centimeter outstripped him in height.

Blue Great Dane Zeus got along peacefully with the owner's cat, but for long journeys he demanded a separate minibus. Zeus lived less than George (only five years), going to the canine forefathers in the fall of 2014.

Great Danes are calm and friendly: if they knock you off your feet, take it as a sign of sympathy. Dogs just don't know how to calculate their strength.

Irish Wolfhound

The breed, originating from the Irish greyhounds, almost disappeared at the end of the 17th century. But in 1885, the Irish Wolfhound Club appeared, which took care of its recreation. And 12 years later, the breed was registered by the American Kennel Club.

At home - a lamb, a lion - on the hunt: this is a characteristic of the Irish wolfhound, known throughout the world. The dogs supported the hunters, chasing wolves and deer. The modern representative of the breed will become your easy companion during your morning / evening run.

These are muscular and very tall dogs: males grow up to 79 cm and more, females - up to 71 cm and more. Irish wolfhounds captivate with their harmonious appearance and peaceful disposition.

A descendant of war dogs that fought in the arenas of Ancient Rome. Dogs were known as excellent watchmen, therefore they lived in the yards of ordinary people who almost did not engage in their purposeful breeding.

The Mastino Napoletano standard was adopted only in 1949. Now these are dogs of impressive size with a strong skeleton and powerful muscles. Males stretch up to 75 cm (at the withers) with a weight of 70 kg, females - up to 68 cm with a weight of 60 kg.

Mastino have not lost their watchdog skills and are well guarded by the territory. Sociable and affectionate to the owner. The second quality can easily develop into jealousy, which manifests itself as aggression. They do not get along well with other pets, and are not recommended for families with children under 12 years old.


He is an Asian, a Turkmen wolfhound or a Central Asian shepherd dog. Cynologists are sure that this is not only the oldest breed (originated from 3 to 6 millennia ago), but also the least spoiled by selection.

An excellent specimen of an intelligent, wayward and independent Alabai lives in the Stavropol Territory. The bulldozer (this is the name of the dog) is 12 years old, he has been on a well-deserved rest for a long time and, despite his diet, weighs 130 kg. He was recognized as the largest dog in the CIS and confirmed the title with numerous awards and titles.

Asians are kind to the owner, but do not trust strangers. They will protect to the last drop of blood everything that is dear to their breadwinner: home, relatives and children.

Tibetan mastiff

He has a wide muzzle, straight back and developed shoulders, as well as high growth (up to 71 cm) and an impressive weight - up to 100 kg.

This is not only a selectively large, but also the most expensive dog on the planet. In the Celestial Empire, they did not spare $ 1.5 million for a red Tibetan Mastiff puppy.

In terms of intelligence, they are similar to Great Danes. These mastiffs are calm and restrained both in relation to humans and other animals.

To unconditionally obey the owner, they require absolute leadership and understanding of canine psychology from him.

Scottish deerhound

The middle name is deer greyhound. This hunting breed appeared in the sixteenth century, but gained official status later - in 1892. The deerhound belongs to the category of the largest dogs due to its considerable height (up to 72 cm) and weight (up to 46 kg).

Dogs have a balanced character: they rarely get angry and hardly bark. They have developed empathy, responding to the mood of the owner. They adore and take care of kids. A priori, they trust unfamiliar people, which makes them practically unsuitable for protection.

They take their name from the island of the same name. In Canada, they were considered working dogs, having changed their "specialty" in Russia, where they are often called divers (possibly because of the interdigital membranes).

Cynologists have not yet decided on a unified theory of the origin of these majestic dogs with thick (brown / black) hair. One thing is clear - the breed has no hunting instinct at all. These dogs are able to inspire respect with solid dimensions: males grow up to 71 cm (gaining 68 kg), females - up to 66 cm.

Newfoundland is not just a smart dog: in an emergency, he will make an independent and unmistakable decision.

Russian hunting greyhound

Until the 17th century, the Russian hound was called the Circassian greyhound, having received its current name from the "hound" (wavy silky coat), which distinguishes dogs from other greyhounds.

The breed is characterized by high growth (75-86 cm), restrained muscularity, narrow build, grace. The dog is indispensable for hunting: it sees perfectly, runs quickly (especially over short distances), and smells the animal.

At home, he demonstrates an agreeable character. Favorite dog of painters, poets and sculptors.