Decoration of the table on the school fair do it yourself. Autumn fair at school how to decorate the table. School fair. Collection of ideas. Food. Cultural Fair Program. Ideas for school fairs

School fairs are usually arranged in honor of any holidays, the onset of the new season or some charitable shares. Therefore, the design of trading tables is usually thematic: on the autumn fair, for example, the table can be decorated with vegetable compositions and bouquets of late colors, a New Year's fair is difficult to imagine without bright brilliant tinsel and Christmas toys, well, say, to the spring fair, the tables are made to decorate Verba twigs (quotes), first spring flowers.

Most often on school fairs, a separate table is allocated immediately to a whole class, so the decoration of the table has to think about all students and parents of the class together. And for this, it is very important to think in advance the concept of future design and distribute the duties for the production of decor so that, first of all, the entire class of class looked holistic, and secondly, it was not offended by anyone.

Options for decorating the table on the school fair are, of course, a lot. The choice will depend on the size of the table, and on the number of goods, and from the topics of the fair. But there are several common ideas that can be used in almost any case.

Ship table tablecloth

Simple idea, but always winning. The table will immediately acquire an elegant look, create a mood of the holiday. You can take a tablecloth any, whatever it is, if only it was clean and without holes. Convenient and practical for such cases adhesive tablecloths.

Even if there is no possibility to fully arrange a trading table at the school fair, it is possible to stand out among the other participants in the fair thanks to thematically decorated price tags for the presented products. For example, if the fair is autumn, then the price tags can be made in the form of yellow, orange and red leaves, but on the winter fair will be appropriates in the form of snowflakes, snowmen, etc.

Put a bouquet or flower composition on the table

Flowers, like a tablecloth, immediately make the table with an elegant. Choose any available flowers on the season, if there are no such, make a composition of dried flowers or coniferous branches. You can also make a decorative composition of conventional dry twigs, decoring them with paper figures. Let's say if the fair is held for the day of lovers, then the twigs you can decorate with paper hearts.

Use balloons

Bright balloons are simply attracted attention, so they can be very well used for the design of the table on the school fair. Balls can be fixed on the table itself, and you can collect in a variety of compositions.

Bright multicolored paper garlands, like balls, very well attract attention, so they can also be applied to decorate the table at the fair. Garlands made of paper are easy and easy to do with their own hands, their manufacture can and even need to instruct the children themselves. We can decorate garlands as a class trading table itself, for example, and the wall behind it.

Draw posters, transparencies

On posters and banners, you can specify what class the table belongs to, and you can make thematic drawings or large letters to write a fun "zind" (SELL). For example, the shafts may be so.

Walk - buy, choose - take away!

We invite everyone here, the most famous gentlemen!

And now, honest people, flutter! And that the soul is glanced, buy!

Come on, fly, offer all friends!

And that is good, and the other is good - choose who I want!

We are more likely to ask us
Come, honest people.
Have fun start
All of us is a fair call!
Approach citizens
We will please everyone!

Tara bars Rastabara!
There are good products.
Not a product, but a deceitful treasure.
Disassemble the grab!

Having paid attention to the decoration of the table for the Fair at the school and beautifully decomposing all the goods on it, you will not only be able to remember to buyers, but also to earn a prize, because there are also contests for the best design of trading tables as part of school fairs. So do not spare for forces and time and be sure to include the children themselves as you can turn on the work on the preparation for the fair!

Ideas for school fairs

How to organize a fair in school

Why do you need fairs? There are several reasons. First, this is a local event, which takes an active part of not only the guys, but also adults: teachers and parents. This helps universal association.

Secondly, additional education is developed in schools, work Numerous circles and sections: Knitting, Flaving, Soft toy, Beadwork, Picture, Polymer clay, origami, wood painting, appliqués, cooking ... There are sports clubs, mugs on style and hairstyle, chess player circle and photography. Therefore, teachers decided: what is being done by children must be set somewhere and even if possible, to be sold. That is why the fairs are so relevant and visited not only by the disciples and their parents, friends and relatives, but also inhabitants of nearby houses and children from other schools. It is always interesting to see what your peers can create. For the school itself, this is a kind of advertising, the ability to attract new disciples.

Thirdly, to put your work have the right to everyone. At the fairs you can find parents with products created with your own hands. Private masters are also involved: potters, weaver, photographers. They conduct demonstrative master classes in order to acquaint everyone with a new kind of creativity with a new kind for them, and then invite them to their workshops. Immediately they sell their work. The "elusive" masters deduct small amounts in the treasury of the school.

Fourth, fairs are not only the sale of products "Hand Made" but also a cheerful fascinating pastime. Master classes are held, cafes, rides, concert venues.


The whole school lives in anticipation of the Fair for a month. A plan is drawn up with an indication of which class and what exactly conducts. The administration monitors that the presented activities are not duplicated and have been diverse. Fair stations are distributed: corridors, halls, recreation.

They are chosen responsible for food, for the design of premises, discipline, meeting guests, for prizes, for "currency transactions". In advance, the machine is launched on the "money" printing.

The fact is that during the fair at the entrance to school there is an "exchanger", where you can change rubles to the local "currency". Only it can be paid on the territory of the Fair. If, after the fair, someone remains "currency", it can again be exchanged for rugs a little more than another course (with financial interest for school).

Teachers of circles take work for the fair, something compells in a hurry order.

School secretary scrupulously examines the reviews left on the school site over the past years, and writes recommendations to take into account all the wishes.

Invitation tickets are manufactured (for officials), and ads are printed with information about when a fair will be held, what is the event plan. Then they are postponed not only in their native school, but also in the neighboring. The text is preparing the administration, registration - the editorial board of the school.

Theme Fair

The subject of each fair is discussed in advance. The school hangs out a box where you can put your wishes, which the thematic fair wants to see this year. Theme is then selected based on what was approved by most votes. Even christmas fairs are thematically different from each other. Here are just a few examples: "Lapland is the homeland of Santa Claus", "Snow Maiden - Frosty Beauty", "Winter Tale", "Siberian Tunes", "On Guests to the Snow Queen". The topics of the spring fairs: "Forward, navigators!", "Vikings", "there is everything in Greece", "Walking in Liliput countries", "My Dream Country", "Man - Dog Friend", "Black and White Cinema".

According to the theme of the Fair, the school is drawn up, participants seek to use some accessory in clothes related to the claimed fair theme.

Walls, foyer and even the floor of the school are decorated in a specific thematic key. Everywhere pointers: "Go rightfully - you will go to the cafe, go to the left - you will go to the snowdrift (a hill for babies), you will go directly - you will prefer to the wall (photo exhibition of the school circle)."

Artistic canvases made on the walls, made in different styles. Many applications, works from natural materials, feathers, paper, lace, there are ceramic panels. Each exhibition hangs an envelope for wishes and collecting votes. In the afternoon, the results are summed up, the winner is awarded with a certain number of local "currency".

Cultural Fair Program

Each class prepares its program, trying to take into account the topic of the fair. Last year, the Television Theater was extremely popular, where two ideas were alternately: one - with the participation of "live actors", another - using figures cut from cardboard. The performances were accompanied by music and the "voice" of the souflera.

Several cabinets were equipped for attractions: there was a "fear room", and jumping "under the circus dome", and skating on a wooden cart, hardened with "donks" (disguise children), and gypsy divination (in the appropriate entourage).

In one office passed interactive "around the world for ten minutes." Guests could visit national dwellings made from cardboard and other rented material: Wigwam, Yurt, Tenter, Yaranga, Pagoda, Minku (Japanese House).

Someone has prepared a concert. Part of the class served as a scene, the other - the auditorium. There were several sufficiently short numbers that were interspersed by the performances of the magicians who actively involved the audience in their presentation.

Parents helped adolescents to carry out joking "master classes": how to learn how to turn the tongue with the tube, to move the ears, pronounce the patters, blindly tie the nodules, collect puzzles made by children's hands.

Other cabins were equipped for more serious master classes. Interestingly passed classes for the manufacture of candles, typographic stamps from potatoes, beads from natural material, weaving leather straps and canvas threads, making and painting stained glass windows, drinking from plywood animals.

Girls engaged in the Makeup Circle conducted their master classes: the brave spiker saw, they did hairstyle and painted faces.

From year to year, various contests are held at the fairs: "Guess the melody", "What lies in the bag?" (for the smallest), "Square Malevich" (what did the artist drawn?), "Help the spy" (deciphering the messages).

Festive cafe

During the fair, the cafe works on the basis of a school canteen. Cooks together with parents are preparing unusual "restaurant" dishes. Dishes are usually made from inexpensive products, vegetables, croup, seafood using unusual spices. Often you can meet dishes from oriental cuisine or find out what can be prepared from legume crops that are now in large quantities are presented in supermarkets. Usually in the cafe for sale a lot of baking.

The purpose of the diverse menu is to show that you can create from the usual products by adding new ingredients and spices. The task of schoolchildren is to be waiters in a cafe, accept orders and tell detail interested guests, as well as something or another dish is prepared. By the way, adolescents themselves invent the names with dishes and make out the menu. You can meet the soup called "Roast Summer in Brazavil", Roast Cous-Cous - Me or Drink "Dionysiosi Tenderness".

You can enjoy not only in the cafe. Be sure to make another couple of places where you can taste culinary masterpieces. In addition to classic gingerbread houses and carved figures with cinnamon, there is an opportunity to try vegetable dishes (without heat treatment), sliced \u200b\u200bwith knives for curly cutting. Wishing to be preparing to try to prepare a salad by themselves using the ingredients to their taste.

It is difficult to say what is more interesting and more valuable: preparation for the holiday or holiday itself? What is better: a gift or anticipation of a gift? How much when preparing it happens to be negotiated and discussed! And what creative disputes arise! Together to engage together with an exciting business.

What to cook at the Fair in kindergarten or school: ideas and recipes

What to cook at the Fair in kindergarten or school? Nastya Kasyan, the chef editor and the mother of the two children of kindergartens will share the ideas and recipes of baking.

In recent years, charitable fairs have been held in kindergartens and schools. The bottom line is that some parents are baked or crawling. And others buy. Money accepted at the fair is transmitted either to charitable funds, or go to the needs of the garden (school). Those moms and dads that decided to participate in the fair and bake something, we dedicate this material.

Fair in kindergartens and schools with the eternal question "What to cook?" Already tightly entered our lives. As a veteran of such events, I will share with you ideas, as well as simple and fast baking recipes, which justified yourself from the experience of past fairs in kindergarten in my defensive.

When you decide what to cook at the Fair in kindergarten or at school, you immediately need to discard all the options with cream. The cream not only can spoil without a refrigerator. Also, cream cakes are not convenient to eat in the fairs: Children can get dirty, and if someone from adults decides to buy something with cream (often parents buy themselves baking to work), he will not be able to carry with them without attending.

Very happy and parents, and children buy something that it does not break, which is convenient to take with them or eat right away, in place. For example, cookies, pies, cupcakes.

Working mothers, you need to confess, often not to the fairs. I either remember about the last minute, or it just lacks time on it, and you spend a sleepless night at the slab.

To facilitate life, I chose several recipes for cookies for children, the dough for which you can cook in advance. It greatly simplifies life and reduces the time spent on baking on the eve of the Fair itself. So, take to armared.

Sand cookie recipe. The basis is always the same. But every time you can change the shape of a cookie or filling from the fair to the fair: lavender, pieces of chocolate, dried cranberries, terrified lemon zest, nuts, cocoa. Shortbread dough can safely lie in the freezer month, or even two. If you want to conquer everyone at the Fair in kindergarten, write down the recipe for stained-glass cookies. In essence, the same sandy dough, only with caramel inside.

Recipe of ginger gingerbread. These gingerbreads adore children and adults. And the dough for them, like a sandy, can be stored in the freezer 1-2 months.

Puff pastry patties.Puff pastry can be bought, and you can do yourself. It is stored in the freezer until six months. In addition to pies, you can make cookies: cut the form of cookies, lubricate it with a whipped egg and send it into the oven.

Recipe cupcakes. Cupcakes are completely easy to cook, which is important for working mom. The dough can be left in the refrigerator for the night, and in the morning put the muffins in the oven. In this way. Dividing the tasks, you do not have to spend the night in the kitchen.

Banana bread or lemon cupcake. Prepare them easy. Also, just then convey them to the Fair to the kindergarten and sell, cut them into pieces.

Fasting from pumpkin or apples. Useful dessert for which you will say "thanks" moms of children who, for one reason or another, do not eat baking. Another plus, prepare the Fastille can be long before the fair in kindergarten or school.

Just in case I will remind you that baking products must be fresh, and during cooking in the kitchen there should be perfect cleanliness. And the children do not necessarily drive out of the kitchen, on the contrary, they can be attracted to the process, and have a great time together.

And finally, a small lifehak for moms. In addition to baking at the Fair in kindergarten or school, bring paper napkins or bags, as well as a thermos with tea. Believe me, they will use you.

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How to organize a trading table at the fair

The desk for the handmaker is not only the subject of the furniture headset, but also the place where creative fantasies are embodied. In addition, the table is the main part of the trading point at the real fair. The features of the design of the place of trade have already written. I would like to add my notes and observations about this. I do not pretend to the title of Guru and I will be glad to all additions, as well as photographs of your fair tables.

The experience of participation in real fairs I have a rather modest. At the first pre-holiday fair of Hendmade, I ventured at the end of last year. Probably, like any newcomer, I wanted to make the most demonstrate my talents and skills. As a result, she gained a lot of anything knitted and tried to fit on a small space of the designated table. It turned out a real banner bunch. Products closely lay to each other. It was impossible to determine what it is a collar, a napkin or a Christmas decoration. The overall adverse impression increased the cheaper blue oilcloth, bought in the transition at the last moment. I did not take care of finding a suitable contrasting (for knitting from white threads) the substrate, so I had to be content with what was going on hand.

When I decided to go around the ranks and I looked at my desk, I was horrified. The tray of the bazaar bearager, and not the table of the needlewoman! It was understanding his puncture and tried to fix the next fair. Developed several rules for themselves that I try to observe:

1. Pre-decide on the assortment of products for each specific fair. He can change. For example, New Year, products for women, children's things, wedding accessories, etc.

2. If you exhibit medium and large-sized things, (including knitted), then it is better to limit the product range of 4-5 positions. The desire to cover is awkhanging, to show everything with everything, leads to an overload of the exhibition space. Naturally, each destination has its own specificity. So, jewelry or soap is exposed in a lot of varieties.

3. Learn from the exhibition organizers the shape and size of the table. Based on this, you can estimate that and how to place. I, for example, I try not to combine things of the same color. Small products put closer to the center, so they are easier to look after them.

4. Be sure to hold the home reconstruction of the future placement of products. Then at the fair it is not necessary to break the head that it is where to put. However, the home billet is not always accurate. Therefore, it is important to consider several options for the location of the goods.

5. Prepare additional devices - hooks, stands, suspension. Think over the "underlying surface" option. For my knitted products, contrast is often needed, so I choose a darker canvas (I use the scarf grandmother). At the same time, the specificity of fairies, sometimes forces other decisions. For example, at the "World Wedding" exhibition, the tables of most participants were covered with a pink and white canvas. But mine, blue with an openwork tablecloth on top, looked good.

6. Do not forget to look at your place by the buyer, with from different points of the trading room. Then you will immediately understand your flaws and "white spots"

7. It is necessary to have a kind of "beacon" - something bright, original, which will attract attention to your table. At my first exhibitions, such a taking function was performed by cups dressed in bright covers - heating. And in recent exhibitions, I began to take a mannequin headdress for a demonstration - a taddastic (doll daughter). Attended her immediately paid attention. The table was actively shot by televisers and photographers)

Unfortunately, I did not do the photo of your first table. Yes, he was ashamed to show. Therefore, for example, I give pictures of your tables from other fairs.

At the Fair, Handmade "Qiazia in the skin's hand" I limited the range of your products with knitted collar, sets for women, covers for electronics and cups. But still it turned out a lot.

At the charitable fair, the table together with me was divided by wonderful knitted figures Svetlana Berezkin, interestingly decorated in woven baskets.

The format of the exhibition "Wedding World", prevented the presentation of samples. Therefore, on the table a minimum of products. But on a doll in a hat with a veil, many paid attention.

And more examples of the tables that I liked with my design

And this, in my opinion, is not the most successful build of the table for trading.

The photo was made on different fairs of our city.

How to issue a table to the fair at school

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School Charity Fair in Gymnasium №10

On October 25, a traditional autumn charitable fair took place in Gymnasium No. 10 which attracted more than 27,000 rubles to help the sick child. It was prepared and students of the gymnasium themselves were prepared: they organized a treat for sale and offered everyone to buy baking and sweets and thereby support a good deed.

This year, the autumn fair was devoted to helping the little Sofia, which every day fights for his life, and for this she constantly needs medicines and medical sterile materials. Pupils of 6 "g" class (Class leader of Zelenueva Marina Dmitrievna) wrote an announcement about the collection of funds before the start of the fair and invited all participants to join.


The tables were covered in the hall of the 1st floor of the gymnasium, and the Special Commission from high school students evaluated each table in several parameters, including the assortment of dishes and hygiene observance. Also, according to the results of the fair, it was taken into account, which class gathered more than all funds for the sale of treats.

Very colorful and tasty were tables covered by second classes. There were sweets, baking and other dishes of different peoples inhabiting Russia and the CIS countries. Children and parents of each class were preparing and represented national dishes within the framework of the school project "Russia is a multinational country", designed to teach children tolerance and respect for the culture and traditions of other nationalities.

Table of Armenian national dishes.

Table of Kazakh national dishes.

Table of Georgian national dishes.

Also, students, in addition to selling and buying sweets and drinks, did not pass by the drawer for collecting donations of BF "Constellation of Hearts".

As, for example, Milan from 2 "A", which baked at home cookies along with Mom Olga, or her classmate Artem, who helped sell baking with other guys.

It is worth noting that the home pastries used in great demand, the schoolchildren were accepted at the lessons in the first place.

Special thanks from the Employees of the BF "Constellation of Hearts", you want to convey to the authors of such culinary masterpieces as "Charlute" and Samsa with chicken. We could not pass by and tried, it was incredibly tasty.

Some permanent participants of the fair have already appeared their branded recipes, such as chocolate cupcakes given from 8 "B". A classmate Alexey actively helped them sell. Also, the guys told about the clarified taste preferences of their school students, they will definitely take into service when preparing for the next fair.

Girls from 8 "b" Nastya, Alina and Lisa said that they participate in such fairs from the 4th grade, and this time they sold everything that was cooked at home, and even had to run to the store for a new portion of treats.

Lilya, Ilya, Artem, Katya, Nikita, Roma, Sonya and Arkhip from 8 "A" told us that for 3 years he was participating in the fair, the baking made themselves at home, they sold all and what they know where the money collected - for medicines for patients Children.

To attract attention to your table, students showed a creative approach not only in cooking, but also in the design of the table and the supply of products.

To those who could not choose, to which table to come up, the children approached themselves with trays and sacks with baking and actively offered to buy something, praising their products. Sometimes all the means went in the stroke to push to purchase, right up to conscience calls: "Don't you feel sorry for sick children?!" It should be noted that the cost of products was simply symbolic and affordable to any student: from 10 to 50 rubles, and the bargain was also appropriate as in the most real fair.

Pupils of 10 gymnasiums are not the first time to help children with the BF "Constellation of Hearts": so 6 "g" and 11 "b" with the class teacher of Marina Dmitrievna Zelenova participated in the charitable race "Sport for the benefit of children" and supported sick children and families with Children with Down syndrome.

This time, according to the results of the fair, representatives of the Foundation were transferred to 27,660 rubles 45 kopecks, which will help Little Sophia to fight for life. From the person of the Foundation and the Family of Sofia, we want to say a huge thank you to the pedagogical team of the gymnasium for the support of the noble idea of \u200b\u200ba charitable fair, and also thank all the parents and students of the gymnasium for your good and open hearts!

Autumn - it's time to a bit sad, but at the same time color and bright, because autumn is the harvest time. It is autumn that many vegetables and fruits ripen. And the multicolored leaves on the trees in the rays of a warm sun make an eye. When not in the fall to hold fairs?

Autumn fairs have become a good tradition, they are held annually in schools. And it's good if your child has grown creative in nature and he can easily make something beautiful of natural materials on its own. Otherwise, the crafts at the Fair to school become the headache of the parents and the cause of their abundant nights. How to make crafts on the autumn fair to school without spending a lot of nerves, time and materials?

Let's try to relieve the fate of both adults and children, and submit a few ideas. Perhaps one of them will come to the creation of another masterpiece from leaves, chestnuts or cones. Just on materials and grouped the ideas of school crafts.

Multicolored leaves are well used in a variety of applications, so if you have only leaves from the material, army paper, glue and a bit of fantasy. Here are some options for inspiration:

Female portrait

We draw a female face on paper, and use the leaves in the role of hair. Such an applique can be taken into the frame and the original subject of the interior will be obtained. In order for such a decor longer to stay beautiful and did not lose sight, the leaves need to be pre-dry. Such a masterpiece will certainly attract the attention of participants and viewers of the exhibition. Similar portraits can be placed in the frame and decorate them the interior. And instead of a hand-drawn female, try using someone else's photo, then you will have an unusual gift.


The essence of the same as in the women's portrait, but as a model we take the hedgehog, and instead of needles glue multicolored leaves. Hedgehog is done easily, but looks original. All that is required of you is to draw a cute fruit of the hedgehog and glue the leaves instead of needles. Such beauty the child can well do himself, but the baby will be nice, if you take part. For example, you can draw the hedgehog, and the child will only remain gluing the leaves. Or help your choa to make a cradle for a school autumn fair.

Princess ballerins

A beautiful skirts and a dress for girls are obtained from leaves, so you can move in this direction. A variety of leaves shape will help create interesting images. And here is a couple of examples.


What are the leaves like? If you look at them at a certain angle, you can recognize feathers of birds. Therefore, the leaves can apply in applications, depicting birds. Sumptures look very pretty, but no less effectively and peacocks.


Some of the simplest applications are trees. Just draw the trunk, glue the crown of leaves and the tree is ready. The second option - the leaves themselves act as trees. The original autumn landscape is obtained. This is an applique for very busy parents, as it is done very quickly.

Vase from leaves

This is already a bulk work. I inflate the ball and glue it with leaves. Glue only half the ball. For these purposes it is better to use PVA. When the leaves and glue are fucked well, blow the ball and get a beautiful and original vase. Such a vase can be used as an independent exhibit, and as a basis for other crafts, compositions. Here is such an interesting handicraft to the fair with your own hands.

Mobile from leaves

Very simple in performance, but very beautiful thing. For mobile, you will need a ring (for example, plastic), threads, leaves and cones. We ride the leaves on the threads, fix on the ring, and at the bottom of the cones for weighting. After that, tie the thread from above, which the mobile will hang.


If there is time and materials and want to build something more spectacular and volumetric, then try to make a topicia from bright leaves. It takes a ball base for him. The easiest version of the ball is a crumpled newspaper wrapped with threads. On such an improvised ball and the leaves and other details of Topiaria are attached. Do not forget to insert the trunk and fix it in a pot. So that the toopiary is stable, fix the trunk in the pot with a cement solution or plasticine.


The bump is an interesting material. A little smoking, you can see the hedgehog or a gnome, and if you still look at, then you can consider an important owl or a beautiful flower. Yes, yes, the flowers from the cones are particularly spectacular. A little paint or nail polish, you can add sparkles and you no longer have a mountain cones, but the most real bouquet or flower bed. Here are some options for reincarnation of cones in crafts for the autumn fair at school.

Animals, birds

To make the hedgehog bump, it will take not only the bump itself, but also pine needles. We labeled the face of plasticine, insert and fix the needle glue, and the hedgehog is ready. Such an hedgehog is used as part of the composition.

If hedgehog is needed more, we take a plastic bottle, paint, draw the face and glue the bottle with pins with plasticine. It turns out a big pretty hedgehog. We draw up a cardboard or a board on which hedgehog sits and get a full-fledged independent composition.

Also from the cones and plasticine can be made a funny bunny.

And if you take a little fetra and cut the wings, paws, then cute chips will come out of the cones. Little eyes for animals look in stores with sewing fittings.

Dwarfs, wounds

Cute gnomes are obtained from cones, felt and glue. They will serve as an excellent decor to the coming new year. You can attach a rope or thread to such a gnome and then it will become a Christmas tree.

A simple option is to paint the bumps, stick to them with eyes and handles, and we will get funny wounds that will not leave anyone indifferent. Such fun heroes can be used in compositions, they will certainly raise the mood to participants in the fair.

Flowers and trees

As mentioned above, the bump looks outwardly resembles a flower, so you can, if you paint it, it will turn into a real flower, which cannot be distinguished from living. The cones can be painted as paints and nail polish. Sprinkle with sparkles from above. From such colors you can make beautiful compositions. And even the cones can be used in topiari.

Candlesticks and baskets

Cute decor objects are obtained from the cones. The candlestick under the power to build even a child, but to the process of creating a basket will have to attract someone from parents, preferably dad. An adult will help make a frame for a basket, fasten the bumps. Such baskets require certain efforts, but they are rather durable and will even rejoice the eyes for a long time. Here are some options for using cones for interior decoration.

Such beauty will not remain unnoticed on the school autumn fair.


Remember the ladybugs of the walnut shell? Make them simply, but they look very pretty. But not only ladybugs can be made of halves of the shell. From this natural material there are bunnies, dolphins and even small bees. The principle is the same - it is painting the shell in the desired color, add details. Such bunnies or bees will become an excellent addition of a large composition.

What else do you remember half a nut shell? She is very similar to a small boat. It remains only to attach the sail on the toothpick and the pretty boat is ready!


You can use for creativity and whole Greek nuts. Of these, excellent decorations on the Christmas tree are obtained, because until the new year after the autumn fair, there is not much time.

Here are some more ideas using nuts:

Vegetables and fruits

Traditional material for autumn compositions. What only from them do not master. The main thing is to include fantasy to see what a beast or insect is like a particular fruit. Here are some examples of crafts from vegetables and fruits:

As you can see, quite interesting examples of crafts are obtained from the gifts of nature. True, they are short-lived, but at the end of the fair, they can become useful in the kitchen. Make them better directly in front of the fair, otherwise they can lose their kind.


Where without them in autumn creations. From this universal material, many compositions can be made. After all, essentially chestnut is a ball, albeit not quite the right form, and from the balls you can make up almost any shape by connecting them with each other. Connect chestnuts with conventional matches or toothpicks. For reliability, fix glue.

You can also pierce chestnuts with a needle and turn thread through them - such a fastening method is also quite reliable. For plowing chestnuts, attract dad. His strong hands will cope with the task quickly and efficiently. Cute caterpins, a variety of wells and cheburashka, and even original and very beautiful Topiary are obtained from chestnuts. And also from chestnuts you can make a basket and use it as the basis of the future composition.


You can use both all acorn and his hat. While bumping with cochors, we get funny animals. If you take acorns without hats, stick to them eyes, keyboards and wings, then it turns miniature and very cute birds. Such Milahi will not leave anyone indifferent. And also from the acorns are pretty interior items - frames for photos, wreaths on the door, Topiaria.

Ceres, seeds and even pasta

From these materials make appliques. The texture of cereals or seeds makes the picture volume, adds it a highlight. Such applications are uncomplicated in performance, even a student of junior classes will be able to cope. Crops and pasta can be glued to the base with glue, and can be fixed on the plasticine. An excellent option when the fair is on the nose and you need to make something original. And such creations look quite effectively. Immediately and you won't guess that Krona Tree is made from ordinary pasta. And so that the composition looks even more interesting, paint seeds or paint pasta.

Seeds of pumpkins deserve special attention. If they paint paint them, then you can make a wide variety of compositions from such painted seeds, looking at which they immediately do not guess that they are from pumpkin seeds.

Other materials

Crafts for the autumn fair do not necessarily do from natural materials. If you did not have time to stock with leaves and bumps, not trouble. Take what is available at hand and create masterpieces. And paper, and cardboard and even chips from color pencils are good. From paper, you can cut the leaves from which we make garlands, wreath and other beauty. Here are some interesting ideas for inspiration.


As you can see, crafts for the school autumn fair should not necessarily be difficult. We hope that when the autumn fair in school is announced, our ideas will be useful to you. Thanks to them, easily and from available materials can be made an unusual composition or applique. Such beauty will definitely be marked at the exhibition and your child will be pleased that he made it with you. And it is useful for parents sometimes to distract from everyday routine and plunge into the world of creativity together with their chad. Such a joint creativity is very brings it closer, helps to find a common language with your child, so we create on health!

The article uses photos from

During the preparation for the fair turned the entire Internet in search of ideas, requested advice and here, in see Therefore, for the future, I will collect here what I missed. Maybe someone comes in handy

So part of the first FOOD.
Best of all, the pieces of pizza, sausages in the dough, chicken and fish in the grain, as well as drinks on bottling, were spilled at the fair, we called it "live water" - everyone eat and want to drink, ready to buy even simple water. That is, take the 3-liter jar of home compotation and forward

Vegetables and fruits

All the best festive ideas for collecting funds for Christmas! Many organizations, including church, school and charitable groups, will include the Christmas Fair or the Christmas Bazaar within their annual fundraising programs. Christmas money collection events are always very funny, and for many people it is connected with the festive season. Many of the usual fate and fair ideas can be adapted to give them a Christmas theme.

Find a happy stocking - this is a simple variation on the topic "Treasure map". Mark the squares of the squares on the sheet of paper and take photos of Christmas stockings in each of them. People choose stockings and celebrate it with their name. At the end of the event, a person who chose a happy stocking wins the prize.

I do not like to cook, so I found quick recipes without baking. These are such a ...
- Snow Towns

Ingredients for "Snow Towns":

Chocolate (tiles of 100g.) - 2 pcs
Butter cream - 100 g
Milk dry - 1-1,5 stack.
Sugar - 1-5 tbsp. l.

Vase from leaves

There are many options you can do on this main topic. those. There are people who are looking for lucky grandfathers, rudolphs, gifts, etc. Find Santa - Prepare some round jars or tubes so that they look like pots for chimneys.

They should be about 15 cm in height. Draw them to look authentic. The top of the pots should be closed. Place them in the tray of fake snow. Put the toy Santa under one of the pots. People pay to guess which pot Santa is hiding to win the prize.

Recipe "Snow Towns":
Add to melted chocolate with juicy milk oil (+ sugar) and stir (so that the mass is semi-dry and from nee you can sculpt the figures later) ...
Put a bowl with a mass in the refrigerator and for about half an hour to forget ... then get it and loosened from the mass of the figure, picking them up in dry milk ... folding on the form, which is subsequently put in the refrigerator or for urgency in the freezer.
- Cupcake "How Bush"

Ingredients for "Cupcake" as Bush "":

What to bake on the Autumn Fair to School?

Another option is to use Santa's hats. Place 12 Santa hats on the table. At the age of the 11th year, wrapped Christmas sweets under one place is a big prize. People pay to raise a hat to find a happy prize. Fasten the six colored socks on the line and pop game or a cheap toy or several sweets in each.

Children can feel, but do not look into the sock. They can keep everything in the sock they choose. Just replenish your socks after each right. Another variation is to have a coin or a good prize in one of the socks and only sweet in others. Do not touch this time - participants simply point to the sock, which, in their opinion, keeps the treasure.

Cookies (oat) - 500 g
Sour cream (0.5 stack. On the glaze) - 1.5 stack.
Sugar (or sugar powder, 1 tbsp. On the glaze) - 3 tbsp. l.
Cocoa powder (on the glaze) - 3 tbsp. l.
Creamy butter (for glaze) - 2 tbsp. l.

Mix sour cream with sugar (I do not beat, just mix it. This is enough). Half of cookie put on the dish with a convex side down. To pour each sour cream with sugar (1 pc. 1 Art. L.) To cover them with other cookies, but already by convex side up. All ingredients for the glaze mix and slightly warm, constantly stirring. Each cupcake on top to pour out the icing until she frozen. Leave for impregnation for 3-5 hours. You can sprinkle with coconut chips or somehow decorate
Many more similar recipes on the site -

Of course, you can use more than six socks. Rudolph Ring Nose - On a sheet of wood-chipboard, draw a picture of the Rudolph head. Turn on the big red nose and screw the big hook. Make a few hoops from the hoop, cutting out pieces of fiberboard or make some of the twisted wire decorated with Mishur. Pay for 3 hoops and reward the prize for everyone who can hook him for Rudolph's nose.

Carefully open the ends of several and insert the small ticket of the winners in each. In the picture you can see that with some crackers you can slip through the side. People pay for the purchase of a hacker and pull it. Everyone so often someone chooses a hacker with a winning ticket inside. We found that the ratio of about 1 to 20 is about to right.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Instead of pre-sesselovia

A close interest that resulted in the search for interesting materials was involuntarily initiated by several familiar needlewomen, for which they are separate "Thank you!":

  • Natalia Dneprovskaya and the preparing for an interview "Scrap-Info - My Aventure";
  • Anna Lashkevich and its issues in the hall.

And our guest Jeanne Husnulina With a story about the preparation for the exhibition "Other things" in Moscow in May of this year and the show of the design of its stand.

The winner tickets can be for prizes or vouchers to go to other kiosks. Load the free leaf of winners for printing and use. It works on school Christmas fairs - children like it. Crackers can be sold from the table, as well as from baskets that can be worn throughout the hall.

Fundraising ideas for Christmas fairs are simple things to do and sell at the Christmas Fair. Sprinkle this mix on the lawn tonight. The moon will make him sparkle bright, and the deer of Santa deer is high. See me and throw. Ideas for collecting funds for Christmas should not be difficult.

For the first time I decided to participate in the exhibition in advance. There was a month for the preparation, design of the stand and other pleasantness - I hope that now all this has gained a more thoughtful look.

Preparing for the exhibition, we decided to seriously think about the design of the tables, and not just decompose the products, while chose a mint-pink palette of their design. And all began with a plan and sketch .

It is just a small envelope or a bath with a jam containing oatmeal seeds or birds and shine. Add an attractive deer sticker and instructions to leave scattered on the ground on Christmas Eve. In the morning the seed will disappear only with glitter to note where there were deer!

Here is another variation of this idea sent by Sharon from Belfast. Just pull the monkey nuts, still in their shells, on the wire loop. Add a few decorative touches, such as Rafia bows or fir cones. Wreaths hung on the street as a Christmas dish for birds.

The embodiment of ideas started from the simplest thing to not be afraid of the volume of work, with business cards.

They decided to represent simply and his work. Invented needlework. It always seemed to me that in business cards related to manual work, there should be some kind of Handmade element. Such an option for my heart-buttons I like it! I just wonder how many things need to have :)).

If you are "cunning", you can come up with all sorts of options forms and versions of this basic idea, such as hearts and spirals. These neat little angels make wonderful christmas tree decorations. They are sold very well, but they are easy to do if you get a small production line.

Bodies are old-fashioned pins for clothing. Source from housekeeping stores or craft stores. Wings and hands are cut out of transparent plastic sheets that are used in Overhead projectors. However, you could laminate and cut paper structures. Hands and wings are just fastened from behind.

After I remembered the school skills of sewing and sewed the apron. The logo printed on the printer and translated with the help of an iron, helped it to make thermotransfer paper.

I broke my head for a long time, whatever such a simple and cute to give buyers. One of the wrong options.

Flowers and trees

Angel on this picture plays the guitar, but adapts the design as you wish. Add topics and hang them above your stall. They are so easy to do, and there are all sorts of variations that you can do on the main topic. Event is better if you can use waste pieces. You can also use the tape, not a string, but its personal preferences.

Now you can order decorative items for spring, easter, summer, travel and bathing, autumn, Halloween, Christmas and winter, in the design of your store on the Internet, visual sale benefits, mannequins for shop windows and equipment for shops. Be sure to convince your customers in our ornamental products and offers. For Valentine's decoration, you will get the best result with hearts and red roses. To give a relaxed touch towards your carnival decoration, we have bright balloons and Hawaiian chains.

And I also wanted notepads to lie on the table, but stood on the rack. And that the space is used as much as possible and convenient. Of the 4-Millimeter Cardboard, I took the steps to construct:

Spring enters your window with a spring decoration, full of colors. On the day of the mother, we prepared a wonderful decoration with different impressions from roses, panels from roses or huge hearts from roses. Wedding design is represented in the form of festive items, such as decorative wedding cakes and decorative unions. Garlands, streamers and flowers for overclocking are perfect for decorating birthdays. Spring decoration is represented by strings of colors and paper flowers. Summer decoration is inspired by decorative objects with a sea touch.

When the frame was ready, I went for paint. I was mixed with her exactly in the tone of the apron.

Well, and at home the test version of all this looked like this. I cut the garland with a plotter.

In the fall, you can add a shade of color to your decoration with funny decorative fabrics and saturated colors, decorating funny decorative fabrics and intense colors. Surprise on Halloween with a truly frightening decoration. Give a magic touch to your winter and christmas decoration, having recreated a white snow landscape with artificial snow and strings of luminous lights.

Decorative angels, christmas balls, as well as stars and ate perfect for decorating Christmas holidays. Soft pastel colors represent romanticism, and bright colors provide a refreshing shade of spring. The latter trend is marked with white paper flowers, decorative garlands, star magnolias or cherry blossoms. Decorative plants, such as lilies, tulips, daffodils, gerberas, chamomile and forcing, as well as flowers for overclocking and butterflies, can not miss in spring decoration.

Since everything I have "in a pink heart", packages for purchases did not exception. Hearts on them with spray sprays - gently iridescent.

And sachets for gifts were also from the crafting, sewn manually. On each pinned heart stapler. And as a gift, I put the seashells who collected in Vietnam on the coast.

Paper balls, balloons, giant beetles and scattered items associated with spring bring bright spring tint. Because the feeling of Easter with gigantic colored eggs with a bright appearance. Objects such as white geese, Easter eggs, decorative Easter rabbits, ducklings, daffodils, trombones, bumblebees and giant eggs are part of the Easter decoration, as well as decorative chickens. Allow yourself to inspire a wide variety of decorative ideas that we present to you, and pass the pleasant feeling of the holiday in your showcase or in the room.

Despite the frightening weather forecast, on the cherished day we arrived at the place. So I looked like a joint table with "la style".

I made us signs from the Logo Instagram and our nicknames - so we found a lot of new friends.

Lighthouses, rescuers, rudders, fishing nets, shells, starfishes and corals give sea touches. Remember also material for packing gifts, such as wrapping paper, gift ribbons, gift bags and pleasant accessories for drawers, everything to give the style to your packages.

Take care, think and you have ideas about decoration for the end, as this is a very important day for everyone, you need to devote the time in which all the decorations are suitable. In life, we will face various stages that will mean our personal and professional development, as part of a vocational school or university - one of those processes that are marked by stages, but it has a fundamental importance for our growth, since each stage has a fun finale, endings and End of the course.

They treated with delicious iris, which herself cracked from time to time under the table :)).

Sunday began rain. Some participants did not come to their places, someone was angry, and we, on the contrary, cheerfully took up the case. On the first day, everything was praised very well, and in order not to stand with a half-empty shop window, I took another ten covers for a passport on the magnets. So what can be said, we had new items on the second day, and the irisses were replaced by chocolate candy.

Mobile from leaves

Each stage of our school life today ends as the seal of its end and as a sign of the beginning of a new stage, which is that each release or end of the course differs from the other in many ways to the organization and type of main parties.

And this, as we have already mentioned, every release is different because the preschool children's party will never have the same needs and characteristics as the university party, since each difference is that they may need, in place and, therefore , in the budget.

We left with the sea of \u200b\u200bimpressions and the great joy that for the first time was able to imagine themselves at the exhibition a little differently, for the first time rushed not to participate at the last moment and were able to prepare thoroughly. I want to say thanks again! Everyone who came to us, glanced just to see or first meet.

Decorations for children, high school graduates and university

Each party ending or graduation graduation is different and is a completely pleasant task to decide, because many times we have to deal with a large number of students, as well as with moms that will make our nerves reach the tops, as it turns out to be a lot of pressure should cope with everything that.

As already mentioned, gradations may vary in many aspects, but in the same sense they may agree that in some cases, decoration and decorations are an aspect that is divided into all degrees, without taking into account the type of graduation, its size, elegance or even place .

It was super, we want more! :)


1. A list of interesting links in which experiences, thoughts and developments of various authors are collected, their conclusions and suggestions on this topic:

  • How we earned a few thousand dollars at the exhibition
  • Readiness for exhibition №1: how to behave
  • Why do we like the exhibition so much? There is something!
  • How to prepare for the exhibition? About needlework
  • Psychology of successful sales: strokes to a portrait of a successful seller. Part two
  • About exhibitions and participation in them

    Decoration for graduation separates many iconic elements with each other, as a classic owl, representing wisdom or a class, which is the end of an era that finds a wide variety from the point of view of decoration options, but is a convention from the point of view.

    Every place has different needs, because for a closed place where there are no aggressive air flows, we can recommend devices with balloons or posters that are simple, but very easy, so that inside they can add beautiful beauty without exposing themselves to wind.

    About exhibitions and participation in them
  • Exhibitions - How not to stay unnoticed by buyers?

    About exhibitions and participation in them

    About exhibitions and participation in them

2. Several references of purely visual information.

Autumn, charity or New Year, the school fair is always a cheerful, noisy crowd, in which someone is cooking and selling, while others are happy with pleasure. What to cook at the fair so buyers fly to your table like bees on honey?

If you risked to surprise friends with culinary talent, memble Popular Desserts for School Fairwhich will not allow anyone to pass by.

But first a little secret. Ottime and the parents and children buy what does not break, which is convenient to take with you or eat right here and now. It is not necessary to bring products to the fair with cream - it can not only spoil, but also accidentally blot your customers' clothes. And also - it will definitely stick to the cellophane sachet if someone wants to treat with a creamy homemade cake.

Cupcakes on school fairs have always been sales. Delicious and gentle, they easily fit at the children's palm, so they are very convenient to have a snack on change. And the filling of berries, nuts and fruits will also enrich the body with useful vitamins.

If suddenly you remembered the fair on the eve of her holding, without panic! Save mom from sleepless night delicacy from puff pastry. It can be bought or cook in advance and stored in the freezer almost half a year! See how simple.

If you want to hit everyone around an interesting dessert, prepare with my mother. It is based on the usual sandy dough, but with a "highlight" - marmalade or caramel inside.

Bake the sand dough cookies for 5 minutes in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Subso and fill the blanks with caramel crumbs or marmalade. Try not to fall on the dough. Send into the oven for another 5 minutes. As soon as caramel is mocked, get enough cookies quickly.

Important! If stained glass cookies in the oven, sugar will nourish and lose color. So be on a check!

Many children and parents care what you can do to the fair to school or kindergarten with your own hands, if there is almost no time to prepare. It has already become a tradition to spend the autumn school fairs annually and charitable free markets with homemade, which the schoolchildren themselves made themselves. Consider several original and fresh ideas for creating crafts, with which the child will be able to participate in this event.

Autumn crafts for kids to school

Autumn Fair at School

In many schools, children get homework to make a handicraft or prepare something delicious to participate in a charity school fair. This is an excellent opportunity to show your creative abilities and fantasy, as well as to spend a pleasant evening along with parents or friends for creating a homemade masterpiece.

Autumn is the time of multi-colored foliage and harvest, it is a worrying and a little dreary period, when you still want to warm in the warm summer, but you already feel the approach of New Year's holidays. Therefore, we must transmit this atmosphere: you can bake delicious cookies or cupcakes, as well as make funny figures or decorations for class with your own hands.

What should be the exercise first:

Make sure that the crafts or applications were relevant for a certain age of children (for kids in the kindergarten group and for schoolchildren 3-6 class). It is also very important accuracy, so help the child in work, especially if the technique of execution (modeling, cooking, origami, etc.) is not easy.

Original ideas: quickly and just

Crafts for the Fair to school do not have to be complex, and the work of time consuming. Even with simple materials, you can make it possible to make beautiful compositions or assemble animal figures. Consider several options for easy-to-work master classes on creating decorations and appliques of autumn topics.

What can be cooked from food:

Below on the video master class, you can see how do you make a chanterelle of vegetables for the school fair.

Several original master classes of creating crafts from girlfriend: