Find out if you are pregnant or not. What signs may indicate pathologies in the early stages of pregnancy? Urgent help. We determine pregnancy at home without a test

It is believed that it is possible to more or less reliably determine the presence of pregnancy only if the first day of the delay in menstruation has already arrived. However, many women want to know as early as possible whether conception has occurred. Someone is waiting for this moment with trepidation, dreaming of a new life and a miracle, someone, on the contrary, is afraid of this, and is mentally preparing for an abortion. Usually this situation occurs if unprotected intercourse has occurred.

In both cases, early diagnosis of pregnancy would be very helpful. The sooner a pregnant woman is registered, the greater the chances of successful gestation. The fact that it is better to have an abortion at the earliest possible date and there is no need to talk at all, everyone already knows this very well. How to determine pregnancy in the early stages and can it be done?

In fact, it can still be done with varying degrees of certainty. However, for this it is necessary to understand what happens in the female body before and after conception, because it is the changes that occur in the body at this moment that can tell whether a pregnancy has occurred.

What happens in the body after conception?

Pregnancy is strictly tied to the woman's menstrual cycle, and conception can occur on strictly defined days: 1-2 days after ovulation. The cycle is not in vain counted from the first day of menstruation. It is from this time that a new egg begins to prepare for release from the ovary. It matures by the middle of the cycle, usually around day 14, unless, of course, your cycle is 28 days. If the cycle is longer or shorter, this must be taken into account, especially if you are using a calendar method of contraception. He is in itself extremely unreliable, but if it is incorrect to calculate the day of ovulation, then its reliability completely disappears.

In parallel with ovulation, a woman’s body prepares for a possible conception: the endometrium softens and thickens, preparing to receive a fetal egg, the follicle that released a mature egg is reborn into a corpus luteum and begins to produce progesterone, which is necessary for successful implantation and maintaining pregnancy, the basal body temperature increases to 37 degrees which are most comfortable for conception. In this state, the body is a little more than a week.

If conception does not occur, then everything returns to normal again: the temperature drops, the corpus luteum degrades, the endometrium exfoliates and comes out with menstruation. The cycle starts again. What if fertilization occurs?

The fertilized egg continues to move through the fallopian tube. Already on this path, its division and development begins. A week or a little more later, the introduction of the fetal egg occurs. From this moment, the chorion, one of the fetal membranes, begins to produce the hCG hormone. Gradually, this hormone accumulates in the body.

Medical methods for diagnosing pregnancy

Determination of pregnancy in the early stages is possible only after implantation. Until this moment, the fertilized egg does not come into contact with the parent organism in any way, that is, the organism itself does not yet know about pregnancy.

Accordingly, there are no changes associated with pregnancy.

With one hundred percent probability, pregnancy can only be diagnosed in a medical institution. To do this, you need to donate blood no earlier than 7-10 days after conception. This analysis is based on determining the presence of hCG in the woman's blood.

How to determine pregnancy before a delay at home?

However, is it worth it to run to the doctor every month in the hope of the coveted result?

I like!

Many women claim that they feel their pregnancy from the first days. It makes no sense to dispute such statements, and there is no need to do so. Another thing is that such women also want to get confirmation of their feelings as soon as possible. So they are wondering how to determine pregnancy before a delay.

Why might this be required? It all depends on whether the woman wants a child or not. In the first case, she, most likely, really wants to know as soon as possible whether her attempts at conception were successful. In the second, it is very important to diagnose pregnancy as early as possible in order to have an early abortion. After all, it is known that the earlier an abortion is done, the lower the risk of complications.

According to doctors, there are no reliable ways to determine pregnancy before a delay, but this is not entirely true. There are many ways of varying degrees of certainty. They will be discussed below.

Reliable ways to determine pregnancy before a delay

There are three fairly reliable ways to recognize pregnancy even before a delay. So, a symptom of pregnancy before a delay can be change in basal temperature body.

The easiest way to determine this is if you are systematically measuring basal temperature. Unfortunately, many women still use the basal temperature chart as a method of contraception. In this role, he is not very effective, and the risk of becoming pregnant is very high.

Much more effective is the basal temperature in terms of determining the days favorable for conception. The fact is that on the day of ovulation, it rises to an average of 37 degrees. Naturally, for a more accurate result, the basal temperature chart must be kept for several months.

The basal temperature continues to remain high until almost the most monthly, and about a week before they begin, the temperature begins to decrease. So, if there is less than a week before menstruation, and the basal temperature is still high, the woman may well be pregnant, because if pregnancy occurs, the basal temperature does not fall.

An early symptom of pregnancy before a delay is production . This hormone is produced by the chorion, from which the placenta is subsequently formed. This means that the increased presence of hCG in the blood of a healthy woman is not normal. As a rule, this indicates pregnancy. In those rare cases when hCG is found in non-pregnant women, this may be a symptom of cancer or a consequence of taking medications.

There are two ways to determine the presence of HCG. The test is an ideal opportunity to determine pregnancy before a delay at home. Of course, on the packaging of the tests they write that the tests give a reliable result only after the first day of the delay. In fact, the level of hCG becomes sufficient to determine the test 10-14 days after conception, and this is a few days before the onset of menstruation.

However, in order to obtain reliable results, the following rules must be strictly observed. First, you need to acquire the most sensitive test. Secondly, it should be carried out in the morning in the first urine, it has the highest concentration of hCG. Thirdly, strictly follow the instructions for the test.

However, the test at any time may give an incorrect result. In the end, you may end up with a defective test. It will be much more accurate to take a blood test for hCG in a antenatal clinic. It gives results as early as 10 days after conception. Donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach.

Additional signs to determine pregnancy before a delay

However, many women, before going to a consultation for analysis, would like to at least roughly estimate how likely pregnancy is in their particular case. Standard signs, such as toxicosis, are not helpful in this case, since they appear after a delay.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay, it makes sense to pay attention? There are several. The very first symptom of pregnancy before a delay is perhaps implantation bleeding . It occurs when a fertilized egg implants in the endometrium.

Up to this point, any signs of pregnancy are impossible, since the fetal egg during this period does not come into contact with the mother's body in any way, which means that no changes in the body have yet occurred.

At the time of implantation, a fertilized egg can damage tiny blood vessels, which provokes the release of blood. These discharges are usually spotting, red or pink in color and last no more than a few hours.

Few people pay attention to implantation bleeding, since it is only a couple of days ahead of menstruation. In addition, there may not be any discharge, because damage to blood vessels is a matter of chance.

Feel in the first days of pregnancy before delay are very different, and all of them can be signs of pregnancy. For example, due to hormonal changes, the bladder sphincter may relax, urge to urinate may become more frequent.

Character may change vaginal discharge . On the day of ovulation, as you know, there are abundant mucous discharges, with the onset of pregnancy they reappear, since it appears on the cervix during this period, which will protect the uterus from external influences throughout the pregnancy.

Swelling of the mammary glands And pain in the lower abdomen also referred to as early pregnancy symptoms. However, before menstruation in women, the sensations are usually similar. So the reliability of such signs is questionable. It rises if menstruation does not begin at the appointed time. As you know, not only pregnancy can cause a delay in menstruation, but such a combination of signs already says a lot.

Many women in the first weeks of pregnancy feel a sharp change in sex drive . It also happens due to hormonal changes. And the direction of fluctuations is very individual, someone experiences a sharp rise in sexual desire, while others, on the contrary, do not want sex at all during this period.

Folk signs of pregnancy before delay

How to determine pregnancy before delay by folk methods and means? It turns out that there are some. For example, some suggest using a regular pregnancy test instead of a pregnancy test. iodine from the first aid kit. It needs to be dropped into a container with urine, if a drop remains on the surface, then the woman is pregnant, if it immediately dissolves, then no. You can also drip on a cloth soaked in urine. In this case, look at the color change: purple - the result is positive, blue - negative.

There are other folk methods for determining pregnancy. by urine , so it is suggested to boil it in a metal container, and then pour it into a glass one. It seems like white flakes should fall out in the urine during pregnancy. And in the Middle Ages, urine was mixed with red wine. In non-pregnant women, the mixture should become cloudy, in a pregnant woman it should remain clear.

The definition of pregnancy before delay by folk methods is very diverse. For example, women are offered divination on an onion : plant one bulb in two glasses of water. On one, make a pregnancy, on the other - its absence. Whichever sprouts first, that is the answer.

Many people like to consult dream book . There, the dreams of "pregnant women" include dreams about fish and water. A particularly sure sign is a dream about fishing. However, if you buy fish, cook or eat it in a dream, the dream book will claim that you are pregnant. The same goes for dreams about swimming in clean water.

However, all this, as the people say, is written on the water with a pitchfork. All folk methods are akin to fortune-telling on coffee grounds, and have a very controversial relationship to reality. Undoubtedly, in some cases they hit the mark. Well, how not to get there if there are only 2 options, so in about half of the cases, folk methods definitely hit the sky with a finger. But will you be satisfied with the answer with a 50% probability? And also based on chance? Most likely no.

It would seem that today there is no need to determine pregnancy at home, because medicine offers high-precision research and diagnostics, with which traditional methods cannot be compared. At the same time, some women eagerly try to determine pregnancy without tests.

How to determine pregnancy without a test in the early stages?

One of the very first signs of pregnancy is a delay in the menstrual cycle. At the same time, without additional manifestations, this symptom may indicate a hormonal failure or other health problems.

Pregnancy is often associated with toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting can occur in a woman from an unpleasant odor or a food that has suddenly become disgusting to her.

Discomfort and soreness in the mammary glands can also indicate the onset of pregnancy. This sign can determine pregnancy without a test. This increases the sensitivity of the nipples, and pigmentation appears. Soreness is felt in both mammary glands.

Pain in the ovaries or uterus may indicate a possible onset of menstruation or that you are pregnant. Menstrual bleeding will help to distinguish pain during PMS from those that accompany early pregnancy: if menstruation has not occurred, and pain still persists, then the likelihood that a woman is expecting a baby is quite high. But this must be confirmed by a gynecologist.

Among other opportunities to determine pregnancy without a test at home, a woman’s observation of her health will help, especially with regard to discharge from the genitals. First of all, a transparent, odorless secretion speaks of pregnancy.

If you notice curdled discharge with a sour smell, then you should consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate the presence of thrush.

During pregnancy, a woman's sexual mood also changes: libido can either increase or worsen. Such metamorphoses are connected, first of all, with hormonal changes.

Irritability, emotionality, drowsiness and fatigue are the main companions of expectant mothers. Therefore, along with the above symptoms, mixed feelings and lack of vigor also emphasize the “interesting” position of a woman. Moreover, the period of pregnancy is characterized by strange desires: to eat a piece of chalk, to smell gasoline, to have a snack with something unusual in the middle of the night.

One of the symptoms of pregnancy is frequent urination. Some women may think that they have cystitis, but apart from the frequent urge to urinate, there are no other signs of the disease.

What other than pregnancy?

If you notice several signs of a possible pregnancy, but as a result of the examination, the alarm turned out to be false, then the following factors could probably provoke them:

  • the approach of the menstrual cycle;
  • acclimatization;
  • stress or overwork;
  • medical preparations;
  • weight changes.

It is in connection with the listed circumstances that a hormonal failure and changes in the menstrual cycle can occur.

How to know pregnancy without a test?

You have a suspicion that you are already pregnant, but there is no way to confirm this by purchasing a special medical test. You can also find out pregnancy without a test using folk methods. Often women turn to them when they are not sure that they are pregnant. We will share with you some folk secrets that, without a medical test, will reveal to you whether you are pregnant or not.

Of course, the most reliable confirmation without the use of a pregnancy test can only be obtained by visiting a gynecologist, an ultrasound examination, or by monitoring body temperature every day.

Here are eight ways to determine pregnancy without a test:

  1. For the first method, stir a few granules of potassium permanganate in half a liter of warm water. The water should take on a light pink hue. Then pour a small portion of your fresh morning urine into the solution. Now look at the liquid. A change in its color to pale yellow indicates the absence of pregnancy. However, if small flakes form, and the color of the solution remains the same, then this is a sure sign of pregnancy. The reliability of the method is 5 out of 5.
  2. A small portion of fresh morning urine should be placed in a container and a couple of drops of iodine should be added there. If iodine has spread over the surface as a stain, the result is negative. Iodine briefly gathered on the surface of the urine as a droplet - you can please your loved ones with good news. The method is also very accurate - 5 out of 5.
  3. Put some of your urine collected in the morning on a sheet of white paper. Then put some iodine on it. Look carefully at the sheet. Blue paper indicates no pregnancy. If its color has changed to a bright lilac or purple hue, then this indicates a positive result. This method is less reliable - 4 out of 5, because the composition of the paper can distort the result.
  4. Take the wine and pour it 1 to 1 into the bowl with your morning urine. Watch your mixture. If the liquid has become cloudy and has acquired the consistency of cottage cheese, you can be congratulated on the birth of a new life inside you. The liquid did not change its transparency and retained a light shade - pregnancy was not confirmed.
    This method is not completely reliable (only 3 out of 5), since the quality of the wine greatly affects the results of the test. Often, various dyes and other chemical additives are added to inexpensive wine, which can spoil the result.
  5. The degree of veracity of this method is 2 out of 5. You need to collect morning urine in a fireproof dish and put it on the stove. Bring the liquid to a boil, then pour it into a transparent, preferably glass, container. Watch for sediment: if flakes appear, pregnancy has come. This method is based on the ability of the protein to precipitate in the form of flakes when heated. But this can happen if the protein just curled up when boiled. It is difficult to distinguish these results.
  6. We measure the basal temperature (3 out of 5). Experts believe that the basal temperature does not make it possible to find out about pregnancy before the delay occurs, but you can start measuring and record the data obtained already on the second day of the delay in menstruation. After ovulation, closer to menstruation, the temperature begins to decrease from 37 degrees, and if this has not happened, you will probably have a baby. Basal body temperature is measured in the mouth, vagina, or rectum. Take measurements while lying in bed, immediately after waking up. The thermometer should be prepared in the evening. It is worth noting that the basal temperature depends on several factors: health status, alcohol consumption, certain medications. If you rule out these factors, then it makes real sense to talk about pregnancy.
  7. Using regular baking soda, you can detect pregnancy at home. This will require a small container and a teaspoon of soda. Collect a small amount of your morning urine in a container. Pour soda into the liquid and observe the reaction. If the soda began to hiss, pregnancy did not occur. And if the soda just precipitated, then the woman will soon become a mother. Reliability of the method - 2 out of 5
  8. The pulse tracking method is reliable at 2 out of 5. It is popularly believed that if you check the pulse at the navel, you can find out if a woman is pregnant. To do this, you need to put your hand on your stomach, about four fingers below the navel, and monitor your sensations. If a pulsation is felt in this place, then the woman is pregnant.

Reliability of online tests

Some women claim that they knew about their pregnancy from the first day of conception. Such stories are confirmation that a woman must listen to her body if she wants to determine pregnancy without a test in the early stages. And those who do not trust their own feelings or do not know how to analyze their feelings can resort to quite unusual methods, for example, online pregnancy tests. Naturally, such methods for determining pregnancy are not reliable, since they are not of a medical or scientific nature.

Unusual methods of how to determine pregnancy without a test

In ancient times, women were also interested in the issue of pregnancy, for example, in ancient China, married women wore a thin thread of silk around their necks. If after some time this thread was torn, then this meant pregnancy. The secret of this method is that after conception, the thyroid gland increased slightly, so the thread broke.

In ancient Israel, a pregnant woman had to walk on soft grass, if the grass rose quickly again, it means that the woman is not pregnant yet, and if the grass remained crushed for some time, then soon the family will be replenished.

The women of ancient Egypt collected bud-duk grass, which had to be mixed with the milk of the woman in labor. Such a mixture was given to a woman, and if she vomited, then she was expecting a baby.

The ancient Greeks also had their own ways of determining pregnancy. One of these original methods is rubbing a red stone in front of the eyes of the fair sex. If the dust of the stone got into her eyes, the woman is probably expecting a baby.

Some methods of ancient times are associated with the study of urine. For example, in those days, pregnancy could be determined without a test in the following way: women watered the flower beds with urine and watched the flowers. If as a result the flowers dried up, then the woman's pregnancy was refuted.

Also, the urine of the expectant mother could be boiled and looked for the presence of sediment: a significant sediment appeared in the urine of those women who were pregnant.

Among the rather amusing ways to determine pregnancy is the use of an onion. The onion was cut into two parts: one meant a positive answer, and the second meant a negative one. Both halves were placed in water: from which a sprout 5 cm in size hatched faster, it gave the answer to an exciting question.

Some women learned about their situation from dreams. It was believed that a future mother might dream of a fish. At the same time, the male name of the fish (perch, carp) indicates that a boy will be born, and the female name (pike, mackerel) portends the birth of a girl.

Of course, it is unlikely that modern women will use such methods and believe their reliability, but in the past such manipulations were very popular. This is how women used to be able to determine pregnancy without a test.

Today, a representative of the beautiful half of humanity can confirm her guesses about pregnancy with the help of tests for hCG and ultrasound.

Finding out if you are pregnant or not is the fastest and easiest way to use special test strips: they can be purchased at any pharmacy and they are easy to use. Of course, the degree of accuracy of the result is inferior to clinical methods (blood test or ultrasound), and in some cases it is erroneous, but most often the test shows the real state of affairs in the female body. But is it possible to determine the onset of pregnancy without using it? What signs can tell a woman that her body may be preparing for motherhood?

In anticipation of a desired or, conversely, unwanted pregnancy, women tend to listen with special attention to their slightest feelings and changes in well-being. Any of their manifestations, starting with a delay in the next menstruation and ending with thematic dreams, are taken into account and give hope or disappointment. Let us consider in more detail, on the basis of what signs it is possible to draw a conclusion about the onset of pregnancy and how to evaluate them correctly.

Changes in the menstrual cycle

The first sign that a woman pays attention to, assuming the onset of pregnancy, is the delay in the next menstruation. Of course, this approach is logical: expectant mothers, as a rule, do not have critical days.

This indicator can be guided in the case when a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, i.e. always starts after a certain number of days. If the duration often changes, then it is wrong to talk about its delay, since only what used to happen regularly can be late.

Among other things, even with an accurate cycle, there are delays that have nothing to do with pregnancy. There can be quite a few reasons for this phenomenon:

  • hormonal changes;
  • taking any medication;
  • nervous shock, depression, stress;
  • various diseases, etc.

In some cases, even the most, at first glance, insignificant actions can lead to a delay in the next critical days, for example, overheating in the sun, unusually high physical activity, and a strict diet.

Separately, it is worth mentioning implantation bleeding. Allocations of this type may appear as a few brown drops on underwear approximately in the middle of the cycle or in its second half, 5-10 days before the start of the next menstruation. They are due to the fact that a fertilized egg is introduced into a place suitable for attachment in the uterine cavity, thereby forming a small “wound” on its surface. Such bleeding can rightfully be called the earliest sign of pregnancy, but it is quite rare.

Measurement of basal temperature (BT) is another way to find out about the onset of pregnancy. However, there are some peculiarities here:

  1. Measurement of BT is, first of all, obtaining information about the likely change in the hormonal background of the body. With its help, pregnancy can be diagnosed insofar as successful conception causes an increased production of certain hormones.
  2. In order for the conclusion about the onset or absence of pregnancy to be reliable, the basal temperature must be started to be measured in advance, 2-3 days before the start of the next menstrual cycle, and the values ​​obtained should be recorded in a notebook.

How to monitor the basal temperature correctly?
The menstrual cycle can be divided into two parts: before and after ovulation. Body temperature from its beginning (about 36.6 degrees) to maturation and release of the egg gradually rises, reaching a maximum at the time of ovulation (about 37 degrees). If conception happened, then during the second period of the cycle, its indicators remain elevated. In cases where there is a gradual decrease in temperature, it can be assumed that there is no pregnancy.

Basal temperature is usually measured in the rectum, less often in the mouth and in the vagina. Indicators should be recorded daily in the morning, while still in bed after waking up and at the same time (allowable difference is 30 minutes). For measurement, you can use a conventional mercury thermometer, the tip of which is inserted 2 cm into the rectum for about 5-7 minutes.

The disadvantage of this method is its relative complexity: not everyone will be able to track their temperature for a month, strictly following the rules.

In addition, BBT fluctuations are not always a response to changes in hormonal levels. Sometimes it can remain elevated due to illness, inflammation of the urogenital area, stress, and even drinking alcohol the day before. Therefore, BT measurements alone can be relied upon only if two conditions are met:

  1. Factors that can lead to an increase in values ​​are excluded.
  2. The absence of any acute or chronic diseases that could accidentally distort the reliability of the BBT measurement results.

Changes in well-being: irritability, drowsiness, nausea

Very often, pregnancy is accompanied by signs that are completely optional, but to some extent occur in most women.

These include:

  1. Changes in the emotional sphere: irritability, tearfulness, or, conversely, unusual serenity;
  2. Changes in general well-being: drowsiness, increased or decreased appetite, fatigue;
  3. Physiological manifestations: soreness in the chest, a feeling of heaviness and fullness, slight pain in the lower abdomen, weakness and some others.

Is it possible to draw a conclusion about the onset of pregnancy based on such signs? Indeed, from the very first days of pregnancy, some women experience toxicosis, shortness of breath, slight dizziness, disorders of appetite and digestion, and pigmentation. These and other symptoms may subside over time or, conversely, intensify.

However, in reality, the body very rarely reacts to pregnancy with such manifestations earlier than after 1-2 weeks of delay. Listening to the slightest changes in the state of their own body, women often exaggerate their own feelings and make hasty assumptions about the onset of pregnancy.

Therefore, try to realistically and adequately assess your well-being: do you really feel sick in the morning or do you pass off what you want (or, conversely, not want) as real?

home laboratory

There are several ways to determine pregnancy, based on the biochemical changes in the composition of urine in a woman.

  1. Collect urine in a clean and dry container and add a teaspoon of regular baking soda to it. If it falls to the bottom in the form of a precipitate, it can be assumed that pregnancy has occurred. Otherwise, the soda will react with uric acid, forming bubbles on the surface of the liquid.
  2. Make half a liter of a weak solution of pale pink potassium permanganate. Then add some morning urine to it. If the color of the solution became lighter and slightly yellowed, then fertilization did not occur. But the appearance of small flakes and the preservation of the previous color of the liquid signal the onset of pregnancy.
  3. A drop of iodine added to freshly collected urine can help diagnose pregnancy. If it lingers for a short time on the surface of the liquid, then pregnancy most likely has occurred. In cases where the drop immediately spreads, fertilization did not occur.
  4. Soak a strip of white paper in your urine and put some iodine on it. If there is pregnancy, then the color will change to lilac or purple, and in its absence, to blue.
  5. Mix the urine collected in the morning with wine in equal proportions. If the resulting liquid becomes cloudy and curdled inclusions appear in it, then we can talk about the onset of pregnancy.
  6. Bring some urine to a boil in a metal bowl and immediately pour it into a glass bowl. If you see flakes that have precipitated, then you can talk about pregnancy. But do not forget that protein could get into the urine, which coagulated from heat, and it is quite difficult to distinguish it from flakes.

From the realm of the supernatural

If you wish, you can select such a group of signs of pregnancy that are not based on observations of changes in your own body and various studies. This may include:

  • dreams of fish, water, children, small animals;
  • intuitive premonitions;
  • signs: drink water from a glass of a pregnant woman, sit in her place, etc.

Of course, for some women, the onset of pregnancy and some kind of sign or dream coincide. However, in most cases, this is just a coincidence and nothing more. Relying on such methods in matters of diagnosing pregnancy is not worth it.

Some are looking forward to pregnancy, others do not want it to happen at all, but in any case, a woman needs a timely and accurate answer to the question of whether she is expecting a baby. Of course, it is better to do a blood test and get an accurate result, or use a test to diagnose pregnancy. But if you don’t have such an opportunity, then a few folk methods and an attentive attitude to changes in your own body will help you draw a conclusion that is close to the real state of affairs.

Video: the first signs of early pregnancy

In the early days? some are set with obvious hope, while others - with undisguised fear. Whatever motives women are guided by, both of them need to find out if pregnancy has come. But how do you know if there are still a few days before the next menstruation, and it is still pointless to do a pregnancy test? And how early can you find out that conception did happen?

Fertility specialists assure that one hundred percent can be said about whether a woman is pregnant using only proven methods - ultrasound diagnostics, a woman's blood test for quantitative indicators of the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone. All the rest, according to them, cannot be attributed to one hundred percent. Even pregnancy tests, which are freely available in pharmacies and used at home, are sometimes wrong.

However, even the best ultrasound machine will not “see” the pregnancy until a certain time. Meanwhile, a woman may already begin to experience some new sensations. From the first minutes after conception, her body begins to change, new mechanisms are launched in it that contribute to the consolidation of pregnancy and its successful development. And yet, no matter what doctors say, there are certain signs that help determine (or at least begin to guess) the fact of a pregnancy that has taken place already in the first days after conception.

Naturally, when we say “first days”, this does not mean at all that we are talking about the first or second day after unprotected intercourse. But already in a week and a half, the first messengers will certainly make themselves felt.

So how to determine pregnancy in the early days? Listen to yourself. And take a look.

If one day you notice a small spot of bloody discharge on your underwear (they can be almost bloodless, yellowish), and the next period is still far away, you may be pregnant. This happens when the egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus. But for many women, this procedure occurs "dry", which, like the first case, is a variant of the norm. By the way, if you have cervical erosion, then pinkish or yellowish discharge is also possible if pregnancy has occurred.

As we know, an increase in a woman's body is a sign of an upcoming or completed ovulation. But a sharp decrease in basal temperature, it is also called implantation retraction, indicates the conception that has occurred. But a sharp drop in temperature occurs within one day, and therefore only those women who daily and conscientiously monitor their basal temperature and make up will be able to track this sign. At the same time, the constant basal temperature of a woman in the first days of pregnancy will be at the level of “above 37”.

An exacerbation of the sense of smell, an aversion to certain smells, and not yet pronounced nausea are sure signs of an onset of pregnancy. They are even called classic. These symptoms are experienced even by those women who have never vomited during their entire pregnancy. But vomiting in the first days of pregnancy is a very common occurrence. Often it is accompanied by a significant decrease in appetite, a change in taste and increased salivation.

The breast of a woman, in which a new life was born, becomes more sensitive. Swollen mammary glands are a frequent, but not always unambiguous, sign of pregnancy, which appears already 6-7 days after conception. Ambiguous - because for many women, the breasts swell and ache a few days before the onset of the next menstruation. But soreness of the breast during pregnancy does not go away in 2-3 days. The chest, on the contrary, increases even more, and reacts even to the slightest touch. By the way, darkened areolas around the nipples indicate that a woman will become a mother. Their lightening does not even occur after childbirth, but after a certain time after the end of lactation.

The feeling of heaviness felt on the “lower floor”, or rather, in the pelvic region, is another sign that helps determine pregnancy in the first days. The fact is that the body of a woman, if the pregnancy has taken place, directs all its resources to the area where tremendous work needs to be done. Now the most important task for him is to create the most favorable conditions for the development and preservation of a new life. Blood flow to the pelvic organs is now increasing, the uterus begins to grow. Thus, women feel “something is wrong”, but what exactly is happening to them, they cannot understand until a certain point. Some women, especially those who have already given birth, may have an unpleasant symptom - hemorrhoids. Its occurrence is associated with the same increased blood flow.

Many pregnant women in the first or second week may feel an incomprehensible tingling in the uterus and “shoots” in the perineum. The feeling of pain is so sudden and strong that women are seriously frightened. But doctors explain this by physiological changes occurring in a woman's body. Lower back pain also often indicates that a woman is pregnant.

Quite often, an indicator that a woman is pregnant is a strong feeling of drowsiness and slight malaise. Someone may even assume that he is starting to get sick. Increased fatigue is a completely natural phenomenon in the first days and even weeks of pregnancy. The body is rebuilt, the immune system “falls” a little. The hormone progesterone, produced in a larger volume than usual, depresses the psyche and provokes a feeling of depression, drowsiness and even irritability. In addition, progesterone contributes to the retention of fluid and salts in the body, which, in turn, can lead to swelling of the hands.

If not determined, then at least it is possible to suspect pregnancy in the early days if a woman has frequent urination. At the same time, urination is not accompanied by pain or burning. As a rule, such a symptom of pregnancy as frequent urination passes on its own by about four months. And hormones are also “to blame” for this, which are now produced in a woman’s body in a completely different way.

Not always, but often it is possible to determine pregnancy in the early days by observing a woman's sleep. Restless sleep, feeling "broken" in the morning, falling asleep early - almost all pregnant women know what it is, from their own experience.

If a woman has at least two or three of the signs described above at the same time, the probability that she is pregnant is about 75%. This means that you need to contact a specialist to accurately establish the fact of pregnancy and, in case of a positive answer, start a new life.

Especially for Olga Rizak