Love physical symptoms. Dreams of marriage. When everything comes out of control

Men is considered to be a strong floor. Sometimes they produce impressive creatures. Contrary to the undergoing stereotype of a man are able to experience no less strong feelings. Another thing is that they do not always strive to openly demonstrate them. Unlike a woman, a representative of a strong sex will be up to the last to hide since his mental pain, not to mention it to share it with others. Signs of men's love are sometimes expressed not so clearly and almost never rush. He loves the one who is confident in the reciprocity of his feelings.

Signs of love guy

Signs of love for a girl with a certain character. And if you carefully watch your buddy, a friend or just familiar, then you can see the visible changes in its behavior.

  • Manifestation of care. The man in love will definitely become somehow expressing his feelings. It does not have to do it clearly, sometimes with the help of semi-skins or even through opposite actions, for example, aggression. Caring also can manifest itself differently. Some guys suddenly become very attentive to their elected, are constantly interested in her affairs and problems. Others give luxury gifts and begin to expect reciprocity in response. Third prefer to be silent to the last and nothing to detect their feelings. Signs of love in men, the psychology of men's behavior directly depend on how confidently he feels in society.
  • Gift donation. Men having high income, as a rule, will not be sealed to make expensive gifts to their beloved girl. At the stage of the conquest of her heart, they can cast a chosen by various exquisite baubles and beautiful things. There is already a lot depends on the preferences of the lady. It is known that many girls before starting a novel with a guy, long look at it for a long time, determine how successful he is promising if he has the opportunity to grow on a career ladder and earn decent money. But not all do that. Someone is just quite sincere feelings, and they are ready to live with a loved one in a tiny room in a hostel. In any case, a lovely man seeks somehow to please his companion. As gifts can act as gold jewelry, and just a modest box of candy.
  • Pride from the presence of the chosen.Only in one type of guy can be understood that he likes a certain girl. In her presence, he loses the gift of speech, blushes, suddenly begins to stutter and confuse words. At the same time, inside him, his sense of pride is drunk, for the fact that the object like is located near, which is the opportunity to speak with it, to produce a certain impression. If the relationship has already been fixed, the guy can brag about friends that he has such a beautiful, talented, wonderful girl.
  • Writes tender SMS.If in normal life a man looks rather discreet and a few, then encourages him somehow express his thrill feelings. A man, of course, is unlikely to share his feelings with a friend and arguing out loud on such topics, but he is quite capable of being beautifully admitted in love, only will definitely do it directly. After all, he wants to be heard, which means that it will scribble tender recognition in the morning, in the afternoon and evening. The intention to exercise in eloquence comes only at the moment when the words themselves fly from the lips. A man will never do this with the intention to impress, and it is not particularly verminated in love messages.
  • Ready to fulfill all requests. What would a girl wish, her faithful knight (provided that it is really interested in relationships) is always configured to fulfill her wishes. The girl's dreams of pleasure takes the real man. He begins to feel an unsurpassed hero in his eyes, assumes responsibility. You can even watch, with what enthusiasm the guy rushes to execute any whims of your chosen. If he does not have enough money at this moment, he will be very sad and upset. A man in everything needs to feel their worthwest, and for the sake of achieving this goal, he is ready to make significant efforts.
  • If not right, asks for forgiveness. There are people who are in principle difficult to ask for forgiveness. If they are to blame for something, they prefer to cry out, rather than apologize. A man in love behaves completely differently: he becomes more sensitive, perceiving, thinly thinking. His wrong one who is in love, recognizes much earlier. In addition, he will try to never make such mistakes anymore. Some to venture on this, you need to overcome yourself.
  • Watch out. If a man may not look completely neat and seeks to look at himself and does not seek to care for me, then the in love person trembles his appearance. And how can it be otherwise? After all, the goal is like a charming girl, make a bright impression on it. Is it possible to achieve this in a mint shirt and dirty shoes? That's what makes love with people. Symptoms in men can be different, but basically there is stereotypical behavior, that is, similar to almost all representatives of strong sex are distinguished. If a concrete man, for example, is not developed, the habit of washing every day, then with the appearance of a beloved girl in his life, he will gladly acquire it and learn how to follow himself well.
  • Loses interest in other women. It is no secret that often men boast of each other in front of their victories on the love front. They thus feel sought after and significant. The in love with the Men is changing the worldview and value system. He ceases to consider victory caused by success in other women, and focuses on one. It is important for him to achieve her location, to earn her sympathy and respect, he wants to make a girl happy. Also during this period, he is "lost" for friends, ceases to attend familiar places like that: bars, restaurants, clubs, where he used to have a habit of relaxing with friends and get acquainted with women. All the attention of men is now completely subordinated to a new feeling, of course, provided that it is present.
  • Thinks about creating a family. Men are so arranged that they are never in a hurry to register their relationship with a woman officially before it does not matter. Rather, he must feel and realize this need. If for a woman marriage is a need and a rare girl does not dream of getting married, then the guys often associate the beginning of family life with the imposition of a certain kind of obligations. Some are generally afraid to contact once again, because they do not want to take responsibility. But if a man independently comes to the decision to create a family, it means that he loves truly and has the willingness to take care of his beloved.
  • She strives to guess the desires of the beloved.If a man is truly in love, he wants to make his choices with all their forces. He demonstrates attentive attitude towards her, tries to guess what she dreams about, and to fulfill the desired one. For a lovely man there is no higher joy than seeing happy shine in the eyes of his companion. The woman herself inspires him to new accomplishments. If the feeling is mutually, and the financial capabilities of the cavalier allow, he will always make her lady more gifts than she wishes, and will periodically surprise her with pleasant surprises. For example, he knows that the roses bouquet will raise her mood, so the whole room will turn around the whole room. If a woman in the soul of a movie or theater, they will be together almost daily to visit them.

How long does the love of a man last?

A man can love one woman all his life. But even in the presence of this circumstance, it does not prevent him from having a relationship with another woman. Let's say, in the case when he married too early, and his half met her later, and could not divorce his wife for one reason or another.

A man can keep loyal to his beloved spouse throughout the marriage if they are happy. A lot depends on the person himself and on its character.

A man finally can change his life companions as often as it wishes and not to create a family at the same time. It all depends on the specific situation.

How to determine the love of a man?

The first thing that makes a love man - he begins to care for the woman you like. He definitely tries to make a pleasant impression on her, surprises it with various cute surprises, gives gifts, not bothering compliments.

To determine the degree of sympathy for yourself, it is enough just to understand how he applies to you. Love often speaks for himself. And even if he has not yet admitted to you in love just as you wait, it does not mean that he does not like. A man in love sometimes makes nonsense, he becomes wounded, he shines from happiness.

How do men hide love?

For one way or other considerations, men sometimes deliberately hide their feelings. They can carefully hide strong attachment even from themselves, which does not prevent them from actually continue to test tenderness, passion.

Try to pay less attention

This technique is used to confuse the girl, put it in a dead end, demonstrate to her that she is not alone in the world so beautiful and indispensable. As a rule, this behavior in humans is dictated by the strongest offend, intending to build relationships or. Such guys naively believe that if they will demonstrate their coldness in everything, it may not understand, do not guess that she really is interesting to him.

Sometimes men want to seem indifferent and inattentive then to quickly forget the girl after parting with her. Overcoming large-scale inner pain and emptiness will help only time.

A lot of fans demonstrate

As a result of the rupture of relationships, men's pride will always be bored. It is this feeling and does not give a man of peace, inspires him to new "feats." A man can pretend that he does not care about a particular woman and make numerous novels with others. But this does not mean that he will cease to love the one with all his heart that forced him to suffer so much.

Sharply change in the presence of the one that really likes

Sometimes this method is used by very young guys who still have enough to communicate with the opposite sex. To prove to himself that the girl does not represent interest, they suddenly begin to behave defiantly in her presence: torturing funny jokes, laughing out above one or another its feature, swear, even rude. Few a lady will be able to withstand such a contemptive attitude towards himself, so it will probably try to leave or answer the same.

Mature man who is aware of the whole cargo of his feelings towards a specific woman will never fall to offend it or humiliate. He just tries not to show any feelings while she is next to him. In her presence, it will not even allow himself to joke, and will be extremely concentrated and assembled.

Thus, a woman in love is able to make different exploits in the name of his beloved. He becomes similar to the Holy: He even changes in character and the internal forces are released in order to realize any idea.

When a person falls in love, his brain begins to exist in his laws. And I want the object of frosting the same sympathy and feelings towards us. But sometimes it happens not always at first glance it is possible to understand - is there any reciprocity. And I want to understand what he feels or she feels something at all. And we begin to look for in the object adoration signs of love.

Often, love is compared with the illusion. But, in contrast to the agility of the hands of the magician, our illusion arises in their own head. A certain distortion of a real object and feelings is created. And these distortions act on us as a drug. We are able to create, achieve new vertices and make insane acts.

This is good and not very. It all depends on how productive your love and do not confuse it with normal sympathy.

Sympathy, Love and Love: What is the difference?

Let's look at three feelings: sympathy, love and true love. And we understand the difference between them.

Sympathy- This is what we see. As a person looks like he behaves. But the problem is that we do not always see what is really.

Love- It's not just what you see, but also what you feel. You may have romantic feelings, but they can go pretty quickly. Lovely looks like love, but it is only what you feel at the moment. Therefore, it can disappear without a trace.

There are various signs of love. What are they?

General signs of love

    Your thoughts are constantly busy about a loved one, no matter where you are, what are busy;

    You just notice the best sides of your partner, and bad paint the pink paint;

    You have emotional instability: from the tide of energy and emotions, trembling in the body and rapid breathing to a sudden feeling of panic and hopelessness, tears and chagrins;

    The activation of your talents, even that slept "slept".

Are signs of men and women? There are some additions to general features from both partners.

No matter how tried a girl or a woman hide his inner attraction, familiar and close friends will immediately discover changes not only in behavior, but also externally. Women are more emotional than men, and therefore they hide a feeling of love in love with much more difficult.

Signs of women in love

    Desire to look at all 100! This is a strengthened sports, and rapid hiking to the beautician, hairdresser;

    Experiments with your own way: from changing the length and color of the hair to a cardinal change in clothes;

    Frequent conversations and references to the object of adoration, admiration and praise;

    Frequent mood change and aggravated susceptibility;

    Loss of interest in the previous or even existing unfinished relationships.

Men, unlike women, are more logical and less emotional. But the same as women, are not deprived of feelings. Although in love is a feeling spontaneous, men subconsciously fall in love with the one that does not violate their personal peace comfort. And as rapprochement, a man determines whether this woman is suitable for the continuing relationship or continues to search for a new one.

Signs of men in love

    If a man is shy, in love can give such unexpected quality accommodation as determination and activity;

    And, on the contrary, a very active man loved to plunge into a closure, trying to understand himself and their feelings, deal with them;

    The look of an adult man's straight and outdoor, often with a raised eyebrow, as if asking: "Are you?";

    If a man tells some fun in the company, he doesn't care how to respond to his joke, except for which he loved. His glance will first be sent to her;

    Often a loved man holds hands on the belt or in his pockets, leaving the big fingers open outside.

There is one of the interesting versions of in love. It - projection status.

Our deep positive features, subconscious opportunities and aspirations that we have not yet accepted, go out. This is not always happening and only next to some people. And a loved man is not aware of these positive reserves, as their own, and projects them on their partner. That is why he notices only the best. But it was during this period that the identity begins to grow and open a new part of himself, climbing the step above. Rising, the need for projection passes, and the person begins to objectively regard the partner and the situation. And if your partner really has projected features, you understand what they found their person who was waiting. And the "New Era" begins - love!

I wish you to find and find your "new era" - love!

Sincerely, Elena Shangai.

There is no test that would definitely answer the question if you love the girl. But there are some signs of love (love) who say you do not want to live without it. And if you wonder how to understand what you fell in love, then read on.

Beautiful mysterious romantic phenomenon. But disappointing, brutal, confusing, terrible and breathtaking.

When entering into relations with a woman, a man begins to feel sympathy, a sense of attachment and comfort arises. But no matter how well you feel with a girl, you still may have a question: Do I love it?

Sometimes it is difficult to understand whether your friend is the most that is destined for you with fate.

Love is not just a desire to break clothes from the girl, although, undoubtedly, without this, toohere anywhere. We are talking about the desire to spend the rest of your life along with this woman, jointly overcoming the life of vitality and sharing joyful moments.

When a man is in love, he is able to minimize the mountains to make his girlfriend happy, stand on the path of the flying bullet, to save the second half of the inevitable death, defending it to the last breath.

And although the above words sounded a little dramatic, this is how a man feels like when falling in love with a woman.

In the context of this article, the concept of love and love are made identical, since their signs are considered as manifested in the early stages of development of relations.

Signs of Love (Love)

1. If something happened, you want to tell her the first about it

When you, the girl begins to take a very important place in your life.

But even more importantly, your girlfriend becomes emergency for you.

She begins to act as the first person you think when terrible things happen in your life, which is a sign of confidence, support and love.

2. You are out of omissions when someone about her responds badly

If you are in love with the girl, you still can sometimes break out an unpleasant expression in her address, but if someone else does another in your presence, this person for you overnight goes into the status of the enemy.

When you love, you continue to notice the minuses of the object of your feelings, but you are extremely negative if others condemn your girlfriend.

3. She is present in your future

When you think about achieving future goals, you imagine how your girlfriend is next to you.

You do not think that she can prevent you with something, but on the contrary, she is the reason for you to move towards your goals more rapidly.

4. Do you think about joint children

The fact that you think in principle about children or children with your girlfriend is one of the most important signs of love.

5. Do you think about what your children will be

Arrow Amur clearly did not fly by, without hitting you, if you, noting the qualities of your girl, think about: "I want my children to inherit it ...".

6. It is very important for you that she thinks about you

We all important to all in one thing that other people think about us.

But if only a minor critical statement from her side makes you rethink your own values \u200b\u200band produces a sharp desire to change in you, then there is a high probability that you are in love.

7. You feel bad if you upset her

If the girl is upset by you, you try to make huge efforts to resolve the problem.

You are ready for any feats, and even able to ask for forgiveness.

8. Do you think about how to make her happy

If you find that you get sincere pleasure when you make a girl shine from joy, it clearly mean that you care about her anymore than about yourself.

9. When it hurts her, hurts and you

If the colleague makes your girlfriend cry, you are not in itself. You imagine how you come to work, and decide this question in an ultimative form.

Protection manifestation is one of the signs of love.

10. It is important to you the opinion of her family members

If you wear an evening costume, because you were invited to potatoes into the village to your girlfriend's grandmother, a spark of love was clearly caught in you.

11. Do you want to meet her family

You are very interested in people who were at the origins of the upbringing of your girl, and you strive to get to know them closer.

12. It is important for you.

When you build plans for the future, you take into account the needs of your girl.

13. You get a common dog

If you begin to associate a joint care for your home pet, most likely you have very serious intent towards a girl.

14. When she needs you, you will be near

The punished offender of your girl, rolled mountains for her, put in place your mom. All this is an explicit sign of love.

If the girl needs to call at 2 o'clock in the morning, you wake up, dress up and go out.

15. Fear of losing her

To be honest, it is a very detrimental feeling when you understand that you feel vulnerable, and often note that care about the girl more than about yourself.

16. The passion for her does not weaken

Even if you have long been together, you still think that your girlfriend is awesome and beautiful, and every meeting with her for you for the first time.

17. Do you like to watch her when she sleeps in the morning

People do not always look like angels when they are in sleepy state, especially if they snore.

But if you despite this, consider it with the most beautiful creation, know - this is another sign of love.

18. Do you think about how you're lucky with her

Did you have situations when you, being on some celebration, looked around, just look at her beautiful face?

Well, then everything is clear with you ...

19. You respect her opinion

No comment.

20. You are worried about its safety

When you love, you are very careful about the spiritual state and the health of your girlfriend, and it does not matter with how the pale face deprived of makeup, you can see it.

When you learn that she went late at night alone along the street, you are angry, because the girl put herself in a risky situation.

21. You are ready to compromise

Love makes you make a compromise to find a solution that will make you happy both.

You are even ready to give up something important in your life.

22. You miss when it is not near

When a girl is not with you, you want to at least just talk to her. You want to be near, and this is more than physical attraction.

23. She brings in you strong emotions

It's not just that your girlfriend is better than everyone in the world.

She has such an impact on you that you are ready for really crazy actions.

24. You are jealous of how never before

You never considered yourself jealous, but now you will not recognize yourself?

Perhaps in the past you did not think that you can lose so much. And this, of course, one of the signs of love.

25. Next to her, you feel yourself

Previously, you loved to try different masks, but next to your girlfriend you have become completely natural, abandoning all over and forever.

26. She never bothers you

You always want to be close to your girlfriend, and even when she is near, you still lack it.

27. You allow her to take food from your plate

Picking by a fork in your plate is definitely a reason to put a person in place if you are not in love with it.

28. You want to give more than getting instead

If you notice what you want to do for your girlfriend, the things that previously thought would be stupid or stupid, then, most likely, a flying boy with wings and onions in his hands clearly did not miss.

Moreover, you are not waiting for something in return, and catch a buzz from what a pleasant act.

29. You want to introduce her to her family

Members of your family will definitely be interested in the girl with whom you communicate.

But if you decide to present it with your close relatives, this is something serious.

30. Do you think about what kind of mother she is

You will begin to evaluate how good the mother will be your girlfriend, and what kind of upbringing thanks to this will receive your children.

31. She stays with you the next day

Usually you called Taxi girls in the middle of the night, waking up in the morning alone.

But now, you ask the girl to stay, just to chat with her tomorrow.

32. You do not think about sex on the other

The hot maid decided to hug you in a cozy corner, impregnated with romantic music and muted light, and you run away from her and leave home. Well, you give ... So you are in love.

33. You tell her about your fears

The fact that you are frightened and can hurt you, you tell only those who greatly trust.

34. In the conversation you use the word "we"

This is undoubtedly one of the signs of love, if you completely naturally, you and your girl turned to you in "We".

35. You make joint major purchases

Making a collaborative shopping says that you want to build a joint life.

36. You give her the key from his apartment

If you trust so hard that they are ready to allow the girl to come and go to your house when it is pleased, it means that serious thinkers settled in your head.

37. You can just sit next to

If you are comfortable to sit next to the girl, does not say a word, it means you should be together forever.

38. You know she is going to say

Before the girl starts talking, you already know what hear, because you are with it in sync.

39. You want to spend your vacation with her

The approaching vacation promises you incessant parties and a large number of slim and beautiful girls, and you instead go to rest with your girlfriend.

40. With her comfortable, as never before

Next to the girl you have a feeling that you finally returned home, after a long time, wandering on the way of life.

41. You are not confused by the questions about the wedding

If you do not wander the people who ask you about marrying, something is not here.

In addition, you are not confused when a girl in love or talk about children.

42. It improves the quality level of your life.

Passion, emotions, all this can be experienced with a completely unnecessary person for you.

But with this girl does not arise any problems. Instead, it seems to you that many problems are solved simply thanks to her presence in your life.


There is no single sign of love that would convince you that you actually experience a girl.

Sometimes you think that this is the woman of your dreams, while the woman of your dreams may differ from the beloved.

A man who loves a woman cannot do without her, even if he believes that he can. And if so, in this case, hold on for it and do not let go.

A wave of love has already covered with his head, and the acquaintance with the object of lust has not yet happened? Surely, all the ladies have come across such a situation. What is love? Many tried to answer this question, but so far to no avail. No one knows what it is, but can understand and feel her arrival. Love It always appears unexpectedly, as unexpectedly, she can and the abyss. It happens like a lightning strike - never unknown, where it will hit.

Why do people fall in love?

It is impossible to prepare for a meeting with such a wonderful phenomenon as love. As they say, love will inadvertently fall, when they are not waiting at all. The defining criterion is similarity. In the role of the chosen girl, a person is, as a rule, equal to education, the level of intelligence, social situation, some specific character traits. When a potential candidate appears on the voice, the brain automatically begins to evaluate it according to the above parameters. It is intended to look for a second half, which is a little better of it, is more beautiful, more secured, and this "more" can repeat constantly. It seems that love Invented in order to keep people from the permanent change of partners.

Love as a state of consciousness

According to external signs love A little bit like nervous disorder. Permanent calls from the phone or on the door, the sounds of the received messages are forced to jump on the spot in the hope that it is your favorite worry or just wants to know how are you. The reason for love is biochemical processes, to resist which it is almost useless. Dopamine hormone is produced from lovers, therefore permanent energies are felt, inspiration and strength appear. However, in addition, a feeling of anxiety arises, since many adrenaline is formed in the body. Increased heartbeat and shiver in the knees at the sight of a loved one or when receiving any news about it are also due to the development of this hormone. Lovers become more talkative, with all the hunt everyone is told and smiling unfortunately.

Signs of love

Many signs of love have common characteristics, and some are determined in accordance with purely individual features that include age, gender and character of a separate person. Sometimes you can make a mistake and accept for love Something fleet, for example, light flirt. The main sign of love is a rapid heartbeat. In the body constantly run goosebumps, and the palms sweat. At the sight of the object of adoration, the girls begins a shiver in the limbs, and can throw it into the heat, then in the cold. All feelings are exacerbated, and the appetite disappears. There is a feeling of flight and strange clouding reason. You should also pay attention to the complete absence of concentration. I want to sing all the time, dance, do something unusual, may even minimize the mountains. An insomnia appears, which does not affect performance, as there is no feeling of fatigue. The list can be continued to infinity. In many ways, the signs of manifestation of love are individual.

Casual partner

Why sometimes an object for love with the person with whom was absolutely planned not planned? Science explains this to the development of a large number of hormone oxitocin, which may induce passion and confuse the further development process of love. This rather tricky mechanism can be explained by the fact that women are tightly held hard for a partner who knows how to deliver sexual pleasure. A man who has excellent physical health and who knows how to satisfy the girl, can become a wonderful father of her future children. People are much more often losing their heads after random contacts.

Chemistry of love

It has long been proven that the occurrence of love is associated with various chemical processes occurring in the brain. Love is largely due to the active work of nerve cells and endings. The human brain produces certain chemicals, which are called amphetamines and affect the nervous system, providing a stimulating effect, and, therefore, activate various vital processes. That is why at the sight of a loved one is a blush on the cheeks or begins to shake unrestrained.