What does 100 acrylic mean. Properties of acrylic yarn, differences from other materials and peculiarities. Creation and repair of acrylic bath

Today, many people give preference to acrylic, which is widely used for the manufacture of various clothes, sleeping sets of linen. This material is not expensive and easy to operate, it is used almost everywhere, including those who are satellite from acrylic. And even well-known world manufacturers use acrylic in a composite with fibers made of natural raw materials. In clothing stores, a large number of blouses and acrylic dress are represented. Should they acquire them, and how much time will they be able to stop while retaining their original appearance?

Many people know that acrylic is artificial material. And despite this, it possesses the properties that make its use relevant. Many mammies cannot afford to buy their children from cashmere or other soft natural fibers, which are quite expensive.

And then they choose things from "artificial wool" - acrylic, which is available for the price, soft for gentle skin of the baby, and does not cause allergic reactions and irritations. Many children simply do not want to wear woolen things, motivating this by what they knew and pull off.

Things from acrylic, provided that the fibers are high-quality, almost do not sit and do not stretch during washing. This material is universal, standing with the multiple heat treatment, is good in the sock and strength, pleasant to the touch. Many consider clothing from synthetic fibers the most practical, lasting a decent view. They will shortly dry after washing and practically do not need an iron.

The existing prejudice is that in synthetic clothing the body practically does not breathe, today somewarly outdated. After all, the tissues of the new generation can "boast" a soft texture, a pleasant texture, pass partially air. They have resistance to fading and burnout.

Often use acrylic in the form of yarn for knitting. Products made of acrylic threads are not so "falling", comfortable with sock and warm. In knitting yarn, it is often found in a mixture with mohair or wool, which gives the finished product to fluffiness and heat resistance.

The moment is positive that things from "artificial wool" will not be "delicacy" for moth, which cannot be said about woolen or other natural products.

Disadvantages of things from acrylic

Such clothes have its drawbacks:

  • low hygroscopicity, which affects hygienic qualities,
  • acrylic things are electrified, to the touch slightly "corrupt" and roll out over time,
  • when warm on the street, it is hot in clothes from acrylic, and when it's cold, then not warm enough.

If low quality acrylic, then the thing is capable of stretching after washing, becoming less durable and less sock, and it serves much less.

Bed linen from this fabric is strongly revealed, which is not happy. It is not hygienic, can multiply various malicious bacteria and fungi.

Acrylic clothing care

If you want acrylic clothes to serve you longer and look good, stick to certain rules of their content. Erase with your hands, use various detergents, but not containing bleaching.

When washing, it should be used water temperature, and when ringed an antistatics is added. In no case do not twist acrylic things after washing. And better wrap them in a large terry towel and squeeze out.

Dry such things on the horizontal surface, neatly making them.

You can only iron a weakly heated iron using a wet fabric. Many do not recommend disappearing things from acrylic.

To buy or not things from acrylic, everyone must decide for himself, according to its capabilities and needs. Many prefer blended materials that simultaneously contain natural and artificial fibers, which combines the synthetic practicality and environmental properties of natural fibers.


Modern acrylic is mild and at the same time light fabric made of fibers obtained by synthetic. She has a few more names: Orlon, Itron, Crirlore, Redon. The generally accepted designation of acrylic - Pan (polyacrylonitrile).

History of creation

For the first time acrylic fiber was produced by the American company Dupon. Back in the 40s of the last century, the company actively engaged in the development of a new type of fiber. And in 1948 the first material was obtained, called the Orril. It made excellent competition popular at that time Nylon, but it was very difficult to dyavely. By continuing further development, the company in 1952 received long-awaited material, not inferior to the qualities of the Orlon, and at the same time staining without any problems. Called him - acrylic.

Fabric structure

Acrylic fibers in the composition of the fabric can be both in pure form and in combination with other materials. As a rule, this combination makes it possible to retain the original shape sewn from acrylic material even after a long operation.

Acrylic fibers can also be used in the manufacture of other materials. They are present in the composition of the fingertips, in Angore, wool, Moquera and cotton. At the same time, the percentage range fluctuates in the range from 100% (acrylic tissue) to just 5% of the acrylic fiber additives.

Production of fibers

The production of acrylic fibers is natural gas. It is it that the material from which the necessary acetylene and blue acid are produced. Acrylic production is a complex chemical reaction.

Acrylic, like all artificial fibers, in production is a continuous thread. The structure of the finished thread allows to further obtain a completely smooth surface of the material and a clear drawing of the weave.

To create a more original texture, continuous synthetic fiber cut into smaller segments having the same size. They are called staples. The material made of staple yarn is visually very similar to natural wool, so sometimes acrylic fabric is also called "artificial wool".


Acrylic - high-quality unprofitable material having enough benefits.

But acrylic fabric has substantial flaws:

  • It is almost airtight, and also does not absorb moisture.
  • Sometimes, if the quality of the material is not very good, things can lose their original shape after washing and stretched.
  • After a long socks, the surface of the product is covered by kat.
  • He accumulates static electricity, so it is necessary to use antistatic aerosols.
  • From prolonged exposure to bright light loses natural softness.
  • The fabric very easily absorbs fatty substances that formally derived spotted spots.

Application of material

High-quality acrylic tissue is used in the production of textile products for transport, in furniture production (upholstery fabric), home textiles.

Acrylic materials are used when sewing clothes. At the same time, they can serve as the main cloth and perform the role of lining. A variety of plaids, carpeting and curtains - another option of using acrylic fabrics.

It is used for the manufacture of protective overalls, winter outerwear. Depending on the types of added tissue fibers, they sew knitwear and suits.

This material is also used to produce advertising banners, awnings, various canopies, marquis and signage. Such application of acrylic tissues is due to their ability to perfectly preserve the appearance, not deforming even at high temperatures.

Care rules

Acryl is quite unpretentious material, but, nevertheless, the basic rules of care for such tissues should be known:

  1. When washing things sewn from acrylic tissue, a certain temperature should be observed. Water should be no more than 30 degrees during machine washing.
  2. Things can not squeeze, twisting. Acrylic products are simply laid out on a flat surface, giving the desired shape, until complete drying.
  3. Iron the product with a minimum heating mode set. It is desirable to use wet gauze.

Reading time: 3 minutes

An acrylic fabric is a synthetic material that is known to the world for 70 years. It was invented in the laboratories of the famous American chemical company DuPont back in 1944. For 70 years of its existence, these fabrics convincingly proved that there is high-quality synthetics.

It is not by chance that this is still one of the most sought-after materials of America and the countries of the Old World, although it is known for different names: acrylic, orlon, krilor, pan-fiber and others. Let's see, acrylic - what kind of fabric it is harmful or not.

So, what is acrylic or polyacrylonitrile fibers. The composition of the threads acrylic is complex. They are made of an acrylonitrile petrochemical product obtained, in turn, from natural gas as a result of complex chemical reactions.

acryl fabric

First, they count the pluses

Acrylic materials possess a lot of wonderful qualities:

  • Unprecedented durability and fatty paints. Here staining is radically different from the usual, when the finished canvas simply goes into the paint. At acrylic, this process occurs during the production of fibers when they are still in a liquid state. Painted from the inside the thread does not fade into the sun and remains pronounced bright for a long time.
  • Softness and magnificent kind of product. Acrylic contains fibers similar to woolen, so it is so pleasant to the touch, it is even called artificial wool. Low thermal conductivity. The fabric wonderfully retains heat, it is not terrous to -30 ° C or 50-degree heat.
  • Form resistance. Acrylic does not stretch: incoming knitwear perfectly retains their shape, and in tissues - does not sane and not deformed. Products do not impenet, they are not replaced in difficult conditions when you need to look fresh and gently.
  • Waterproof and fast drying. Water rolls off the surface of the material, it is ideal when used in the open air, even in difficult climatic conditions. Elasticity. This quality has been widely used acrylic in the sewing of sportswear.
  • Resistance to the effects of living organisms. The fibers are not terrible mold, fungi, they do not eat mol.
  • No shrinkage and "dumping". With proper care of the product, the entire service life remains size and a decent look, do not pull.
  • The ability to combine with other tissues. This is explained by the special structure of acrylic. The resulting samples are characterized by brightness, liveliness, special overflows or flickering effect.
  • Continuous thread. This quality characterizes all artificial fibers. It explains the amazing drawing of the interlacing and smoothness for clarity. Convenience of manufacturing products. With acrylic yarn comfortably work on knitting machines, as a rule, this is microacher.
  • Fire resistance. Synthetic fabric - acrylic - does not burn, but melting.
  • Security. All fibers before launching in production passed strict sanitary and hygienic control. They are recognized as hypoallergenic and safe, not harmful to human health.

And here and disadvantages

And yet, no matter how good acrylic, and he has some drawbacks.

  • Insufficient air permeability. The fabric does not absorb moisture, products create a greenhouse effect, so not particularly pleasant in the sock.
  • Stretch with improper care.
  • Forming katovka with active use.
  • Static electricity accumulate in dry air and "sparkle".
  • Lose elasticity at high temperatures.
  • Extremely susceptible to fat pollution and difficult to clean.

What is produced from acrylic fibers

Bright and durable material that is not afraid of no heat, no cold, has perfectly proven itself in the manufacture of various canopies and tents. It sew the running awnings for yachts and boats.

The material is widely used as an additive to natural raw materials in the production of knitwear and underwear. The most good in combination with wool or mohair, in which natural fibers are given from 35 to 60%. Such products with magnificent appearance for a long time retain the form and acquire greater wear resistance.

Curtains from acrylic fabric will not lose the brightness of the paints and will not lose the luxurious appearance even when they are placed on southern, overly lit windows. Especially good on products fashionable fixed folds.

Simple rules of care

Products from acrylic can be washed and subjected to chemical cleaning. True, it is necessary to consider the following:

  • Acrylic material can lose the shape and softness in hot water. It is recommended to wash at room temperature.
  • Washing in the machine at low temperature and adding air conditioner when rinse. Although the manual process is safer for the fabric.
  • Acrylic fabrics can not be pressed in the machine or unscrew.
  • Dry the products away from the heating devices in the straightened state on the horizontal surface. When using a drying machine, a low temperature is installed, and the products are removed from the chamber immediately at the end of the process.
  • If the product is needed to try, it makes a non-smoky iron through a moisturized gauze or the grid.
  • Not all acrylic fabrics can be given in dry cleaning. Do not forget to look at the label or product label!

So, acrylic, of course, the material is synthetic, but high quality, and it will not be equal, if you find this fabric correct application.

Now you know what kind of material acrylic. He won the market, as evidenced by feedback on this fabric, due to its high performance characteristics: durability, wear resistance and ease of care.

Such material as acrylic is simultaneously easy and mild. In parallel, it has a few more names - Itron, Orlon, Redon, Crirlore, but generally accepted - Pan (polyacrylonitrile). Modern acrylic is a fiber obtained by synthetic.

Application and advantages

The composition of tissues acrylic fibers can enter both in combination with other materials and in its pure form. The first option, as a rule, makes it possible to maintain its original shape made from it for a long time, even after a long period of operation.

Today, acrylic is such material on the basis of which other materials can be produced. For example, it is difficult to do without it in the production of mohair, angora, cotton. Here, the range of the percentage ratio of the addition of acrylic fiber may vary from 5% to 100%.

Yarn Acryl: What is it?

Fiber excellent quality is created when mixing acrylic with mohair or wool. Things are obtained comfortable and warm, dropped less. In general, the Acrylic material is a universal synthetic yarn, basic raw materials for which is extracted from natural gas. Its main properties are thermoplasticity, light-resistance and strength.

Acrylic thread is ideal for tinting, and it makes it possible to get products of a wide variety of bright and rich colors from it. Made things are very comfortable in the sock, spend their attractive outstanding appearance for a long time.

An acrylic universal material is a synthetic in pure form for knitting used extremely rarely. It is more suitable for use in tandem with other types of fibers. Acrylic thread gives products strength and wear resistance, despite the fact that the yarn is soft and puffy. This material perfectly imitates wool, has hypoallergenic characteristics. It can be safely used to create children's things.

Features of acrylic yarn products

Wash woolen products with the addition of acrylic is very careful. The water temperature should not exceed 35 degrees. The disadvantages of acrylic fibers include such a property as static electricity accumulation. But things from acrylic warm. This material is fluffy, easily passes through itself air, does not fit tightly to the body.

Many advantages has acrylic yarn. What it is what positive features of this material can only be understood by testing it in the socks process.

If necessary, the fiber can be reused. Before knitting the product, it is necessary to dissolve, and the thread is rewinded into the shots so that it creates. The yarn is pre-erased and dried with a load suspended on it. Even after all manipulations, it will remain soft and fluffy.

Acrylic thread looks perfectly when embroidered pillows, tapestries, rugs and other ornamental things. It gives the drawings volume, enriches the color range of the subject. But it is better not to use it for the design of paintings, otherwise they will turn out a little rude.

Washing fiber

After the acrylic yarn was dissolved, it is immersed on a day in a soap solution, which also added ammonia alcohol (3 tablespoons). After that, it should be rinsed in water with vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

Properties acrylic yarn

Acrylic is synthetics or not? The answer to this question will be affirmative. Like any synthetic fabric, it is non-hygroscopic, nevertheless has excellent form-resistant qualities. Products from this fiber are well scored, do not fall. Acryl to the touch soft and similar to conventional wool. It is used in the production of lounge and upper knitwear as an additive to natural fiber.

Acrylic is the material of the 21st century

Acryl has been actively used since 1979. Since this material was immediately attributed to the synthetic category, it began to be used for the production in which a natural thread had. Recently, its use is becoming increasingly popular and mass.

What is the ratio of acrylic and natural material the most acceptable? It is unlikely that the body will be pleased to be in a hundred percent acrylic sweater. Ideally, if the product includes 30% of this fiber.

Often, people are asked about whether acrylic is harmful? The fabric is synthetics, it passes all the necessary sanitary and hygienic tests before it is launched into mass production, and therefore it is not worth worrying. Of course, fully natural material in the sock will be more pleasant, but blended fabrics with a certain percentage of acrylic or other similar synthetic material today are more suitable for the modern rhythm of life, as they are stronger. Such fabrics over the past decades have become very in demand in Europe, Asia and the United States.

How to care?

People often ask about what acrylic is synthetics or not, since in appearance it is very similar to wool and sometimes these two material are even confused. But acrylic things are not only soft and warm, but also protected from moth moths. Products do not lose form. Acrylic fibers hold their color for a long time, hygroscopic, they are not formed by katovka. To care for clothes from such a yarn is easy, it can be erased by both manually and in the typewriter.

Not only yarn

In everyday life, construction and in various fields of industrial production is widely used liquid acrylic. That this is a very popular material, it is not necessary to talk once again. This wear-resistant and shock-resistant enamel of French and German brands is particularly popular. Also, its advantages can be attributed to environmental friendliness - it is absolutely safe for the environment.

Highly operating and strength characteristics, as well as noise absorbing properties. Over time, it does not wear out if they appeared on its surface scratches, they are easy to eliminate.

Plexiglas is a synthetic product and it creates on the basis of acrylic resins. The following can be attributed to the number of its unique properties.

    Low weight. Compared to traditional glass, the load on the structure used is 2.5 times smaller and this is with the same material thickness.

    High light light. The plexiglass is more transparent and passes up to 93% of the sunlight falling on it.

    Refractory. Fireflowing material is possible when the temperature is reached equal to 460 ° C. In the process of combustion, harmful poisonous substances are practically not allocated.

    Impact resistance and unique strength. The impact resistance of the plexiglass is five times higher than that of ordinary glass.

    The operating temperature range of liquid glass varies from -40 ° C to +80 ° C. The maximum allowable temperature for the operation and operation of this material is 80 ° C, its formation is performed at a temperature of 150-155 ° C.

    Acrylic plastic does not conduct an electric current and because of this is not used in electrical engineering.

    High stability before exposure to high moisture and low temperatures.

    Loyal price.

If there is a need to create a particularly durable translucent design, experts recommend to use monolithic polycarbonate. This material is characterized by increased wear resistance.

Creation and repair of acrylic bath

Modern extrusion acrylic is, in fact, from acrylic resins, in which there is a certain percentage of various additives. Thanks to them, this synthetic material also acquires its specific properties.

Cast acrylic is created on the basis of a liquid methyl methacrylate monomer. At the first stage of manufacture, various components are added to it for staining sheets or giving them the desired properties. These may be hardeners or other components. Next, the cooled dissolved weight of the acrylic is poured between two pre-prepared specials is placed in a framework where its heat treatment is performed, and then the air medium. Next, after such manipulations, the obtained solid sheet acrylic is cut according to standard size.

To create an acrylic bathroom, a sheet of material is placed and clamp between two forms, resulting in a certain bend, the thickness of which is less than the thickness of the wall of the product itself. It becomes clear here that bends are thin and weak points of the bath. Also these objects made of extrusion acrylic are flammable and they are prone to such damage such as scratches, microcracks. Their alternative can be a bath of ABS-plastic, but they are not only not different, but also harmful to health, since their composition includes poisonous styrene. So it is better to stop your choice in the first version.

Acrylic baths are easily repaired. To eliminate the resulting scratches, it is necessary to use liquid acrylic correctly selected color. It is applied to the damaged area, and after drying it is polished. As a result, the bath acquires its initial impeccable view.

Acrylic was invented and began to actively produce in the XX century. Despite the fact that the material is known enough and is widely used in the textile industry, the opinions about it are contradictory and, perhaps, the properties of the most ordinary acrylic yarn are not familiar. Let's deal with more.

First you need to find out what it is. Acrylan, Acrylic, Druland, Kashmilon, Krilor, Keeter, Nitron, Orril, Polyacryl, Polyacrylonitrile Fibers, Pan-Fiber, Polyacrylonitrile, Redon - All this long list is nothing but the names of polymers and copolymers acrylonitrile, speaking by simple language - acrylic fibers . They are obtained by way of complex reactions in production, and, therefore, are synthetic material.

We study the main properties of acrylic yarn: pros and cons

Pluses acrylic yarn.

Externally, acrylic yarn is quite similar to wool, and it is not surprising that they are sometimes confused. But, despite visual proximity, they differ in properties. The wool is not so durable as artificial material, which means that things from the latter will last longer.

Despite the fact that Acrylic is synthetics, it is soft and pleasant to the body. Things from it are quite warm, so you can wear them in the cold, and breathe well, which allows you to wear them and with increasing temperature.

Since acrylic is synthetics, you can not worry that products from it will eat mole.

Acrylic yarn is often used for knitting, as it is very convenient to work with it. High-quality acrylic threads allow products for a long time to maintain their original shape. Therefore, if you care for things correctly, you can be sure that they do not sit down and do not roll.

The essential advantage of the described synthetic yarn is its low cost, which is very important, since not every crafter can afford to buy, for example, cashmere.

It is not necessary to worry about security acrylic, because the material before production undergoes a mandatory examination for compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

It should also be noted such a valuable properties acrylic as hypoallergenia, which allows the use of yarn in products for children. Also, the wool or cashmere patches can fall into the nasal sinuses of the child or eyes, and cause itching and irritation, and Acryl is deprived of this problem.

If allergies do not threaten, it is better to use a mixture of acrylic thread with woolen or cotton. Recommended ratio for wool children and acrylic 50 to 50.

Cons acrylic yarn.

Despite the abundance of advantages, acrylic flaws are also present. Fiber has a weak hygroscopicity, and like any synthetics, acrylic can electrify much, so it may sometimes be necessary to process it with special means. But be careful - study the composition of the solution, and even better - try the substance on the involving side or a small black piece of fabric.

Yarn from a mixture acrylic with natural fibers.

A mixture of yarn of several species combines the properties of all materials, it will be fluffy and soft, at the same time durable, color and shape-resistant. And all this for an acceptable price. Most often acrylic is used in combination with wool, mohair, cotton. This is especially characteristic of a machine knitting, where the synthetic fiber is used in an amount of about 30%.

Adding acrylic in wool products allows you to eliminate the thoroughbly, which is inherent in wool things. And clothing from a mixture of acrylic and cotton is not so strongly prone to deformation in the process of socks and care.

The main thing should be remembered that in a mixture of several types of yarn, the properties of the amount of which are more prevailing.

How to care for the products from acrylic?

Caring for acrylic wool products is easy. You can wash with other things with hands or typewriter on delicate mode at a temperature not higher than 40 ° C. Powder should not contain a bleach. Unscrew it is categorically prohibited. Squeeze better manually without making special efforts.

Dry things from acrylic fast enough. You need to handle when drying, as well as with wool products. The wardrobe object turns into the cloth and is carefully pressed. Sew should be dried on a flat surface, pre-laying under the item Cotton Cotton Fabric or Normal Sheet. It is forbidden to dry on the battery and especially above the gas stove.

What are the alternative ways of use of yarn?

Acrylic fiber is used not only for the production of yarn, but also to create knitwear for upper and lower clothes in combination with natural fiber.

And threads from acrylic can be perfectly decorated with interior, for example, applying an embroidery on the tablecloth, curtains, pillowcase. Acrylic is often added under the weaving of carpets and tapestries. It is not used in the pictures, since the thread gives some axes.

In any case, all the pros and cons will understand, only directly working with acrylic yarn.

Video on the topic

Learn more about how synthetic fiber is produced, and several acrylic yarn reviews, you can see on the video presented below.