Quotes about unhappy love. Statuses about unfortunate and unhappy love

Statuses about unhappy love

Write on the asphalt his name ... Let the whole world will help erase him from your life.

Everything was predetermined ... and the blow, and the fall, and darkness; Did the stone know that he was prepared for the bottom ... and that his life would end so? I would know the stone ...

Relieve him, apologize and wish love and happiness. She knew his number by heart and immediately scored him ... His fingers were automatically gained to pain the familiar figures her numbers ... She presented the phone to his ear ... He did the same thing ... . . W... .

Sometimes you write a message a message, not your hands write, soul. You click "Send", and the heart of a small fraction somewhere in the throat. And then stops the stomach stone. He read, but did not answer ...

Today SMS came from an unidentified room with content: "You yourself know that I am very ashamed." I'm sure it was God.

Something bad me ...
- Why?
- Oh, I didn't write you ...
- That is, you are fine for me?

There are no more walks and restaurants, they remind you of you. More about any coffee and sweets, they remind you of you, more than any sun and air, they remind you of you, and you want to say that you do not want to kill me?

To speak out - it is to write three A4 sheets in the Word, I do not miss any tears, a single smile about what happened to you, and then take and close, not saving.

Too many sugar in tea. To get up too early in the morning. Too cold on the street and inside me ... just too much in my life. But almost no ...

Someday we will accidentally meet on the street ... you ask: "How are you?" And I will look straight in the eye and I will answer that everything is wonderful ... And it will be true ...

My boy. Here rains are poured by day.
And love is dying by reasons.
You burn me off prostitutes.
I am with dear men you.

How much I remember, always said that I had no bad habits. I would still - I do not smoke, do not drink, with drugs are not familiar at all. That's just nothing, compared to one of my habit ... habit of doing wrong conclusions and mistaken in people. Honest word, it would be better to smoke ...

Mental? Stand!
Can not? Stop doing that!
Tears? Utya!
Painfully? Top!
Resentment? Forget!
How? Somehow.

And then I decided - I never and no one would be able to return to my life.
I will die from boredom, fucking from loneliness, let's get out of the window, I will be handful to eat pills from depression ... but I will not allow return.

Fuck me a city in which strangers mistaken in the backs are wrong, but not to meet you. Just a gait in the coat these glitches are all teased and tease my short-sighted memory.

You make the view that you have fun, that everything is really good. But you will not be deceived - in fact, everything is terrible, and very hurt. And you can look good to look good, buy a new dress, make a new hairstyle, - longing in the eyes will not remove any make-up ...

Morning. Bed. It's time to get up. Univer. Friends. I am going home. Dinner. ICQ. Bar. Friends. House. Dinner. The Internet. Bath. Bed. Turn off the light. You see, there are no you in this list ....

You know, I missed it so ...
- ... And tell me a fairy tale ...
- So I have already started ...

And fate helps me today to mock you. For the first time I did not hear a call. In the second phone stupidly turned off in my hands, not even letting it decide, I will take a tube or not

Hi, honey! You know, and you dreamed of me at night! We walked on the seashore and admired the sunset! We kept hands, laughed and smiled! True, great?
- Yes, cool ... But I still will not sleep with you.

It's a pity.
- What a pity?
- It is a pity that they did not work ...
- In my opinion, everything turned out. Just ended.

Quietly ... quiet! .. quiet! I can not hear his steps if he wants to go back ...

And I still paint the eyelashes ... I still smile as much ... I eat pineapples from the can ... And at night with a cup of hot chocolate, looked at the plaid, I look out the window ... And everything seems to be left same ... just now without you .....

He asked God: for which I all said to him, I don't want to live. I wonder God really anyway? Or he just knew that I would survive?

Mom, he gone. I hurt me.
-What are you roaring? When shit on the street go around - do not cry. And now go around and do not cry.

I'm not jealous.
I'm not jealous.
I'm not jealous.
I'm not jealous.
I do not want to jealous.
Quite quite.
No no no.
Bitch, sample her head

Statuses about unhappy love

Statuses about unhappy love

Unhappy love is a terribly unpleasant thing, but her fate, which brends two people against their will.

It is strange that people are of such great importance to give first love, because if you figure it out, the latter is much more important.

Love is the only unchanging myth that lives in our heart constantly.

Men are different: one lacks the reciprocity of one woman and he is looking for her from different ladies, and another lack of life in order to love the very same thing. (Konstantin Khabensky)

Unhappy love always support unjustified hopes and contrived illusions that feed, the so-called, torment.

I want to see you again in order to understand, it will be nice to me again or no longer.

Love has one wonderful quality, it can make good even the most nasty and unpleasant weather.

It is better to die than to live a long life in which you will not be.

I can't stand her pathos and frivolity, how, after all, it's good that she is not mine ...

We are always trying to find out: what we feel today to our chosenses is true love or not yet. So, if over time the soul hurts everything as well, but something too late, it means that it was real.

Continuing the best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

Perhaps love for a woman, like love for life, is rarely mutual.

Unimaginably strong Web of love, consisting of subtle invisible labels.

Nothing spoils the relationship as their clarification.

Love like a flower - she needs time to bloom.

There is a light on Earth shelter. Love and loyalty live there. All that sometimes only dreams to us - forever settled there!

The smaller people know about your relationship, the more stronger!

Mother's love is the only love that is impossible to wait for treason.

As long as we love, we can forgive

Sad and hurt when love combines two hearts, but they cannot be together, as one of two fools.

This is not love is a habit. And as they say, bad habits need to throw.

Fueling love is not the end, because there is a possibility that she will return again.

For most people, the problem of love is to be loved, and not to love, be able to love.

Especially sharply loneliness is felt in winter when one is really cold.

Do not confuse love and desire. Love is the sun, desire - flash.

If in the absence of a person you are completely indifferent to him, and his presence is drunk you with happiness, what is really going on?

I believe in you. You believe in me. Why don't you believe in us?

When someone you love, no one will force you to believe that you can not love the one who you love.

Love is like a cat. She scratches us to blood, even if we wanted to just play it.

Love is a disease, which every time - new symptoms.

The bonfire of love is burning while there is an answer from the second side. I could not answer, start looking for an excuse.

Still, a wonderful thing is the first love, especially if you manage to get rid of it on time.

Love without pain is not love.

Where there is no love, no soul.

Last minute, someone falls in front of the explosion, and the world will be saved.

The richest in the world is the wind. People throw money, hopes, words, love.

Hold me stronger, keep my world in my palm, do not let go ...

Love has two barriers - circumstances and fears. We often lack courage to cross over the stones of the past, the doubts of the present.

Love is worthy of only the one, which is right to you at the distance.

It's hard when you put a point in a relationship, and someone is very close to two more.

It is unlikely that someone even with the minimum amount of pride will tell about their problems to the person who admitted to him in love.

Perfect love died, and worse than died: left fashion.

We can sometimes love ten years old, lovingly - a lot - two. Inhuman - always one ... (Marina Tsvetaeva)

Yes, I believe in love at first sight. Especially clear this I realize when leaving my car, I catch a huge number of female lovers, just looking at me, but on my Bentley.

The man asked the wiser: "What is the most beautiful woman?" ... he thought and answered: "Favorite" ...

If anyone says that love and the world is a cliché that went along with the sixties, it will be his problem. Love and world eternal (John Lennon)

Unrequited love, as a barrier, prevents false a worthy person.

Relationships are unsuccessful when a person is partly - with another, and partly with someone fictitious.

It is not difficult to kill love, it is difficult to kill memories.

Unrequited love, as if life in the room among the mirrors. In these mirrors, you are not reflected, but another person.

Love begins where they do not expect anything in return.

You know, I love you, because I'm trying to find an excuse even when there is no reason, no sense to justify.

If the guy wants to be with a girl, he will achieve her, no matter what.

The difference between the love of friendship - for the latter there is no shelf life ...

True king - only one queen needs.

They did not live ... They beat each other, fearing and lose each other and come too close.

Everything comes back ... And if you allowed yourself to destroy love - she will destroy you themselves.

Live and not love - it is impossible, you need to live and love, but only carefully.

You can love, not even receiving reciprocity. After all, much worse ... broken heart.

Love is not when he says to you: "I love you," and when you just look at him and understand - loves.

Love is a sweet Western, with which no one breaks out without tears.

A huge amount of forces is inserted into unrequited love. Such a quantity is enough for lifting to that height, with whom our object of adoration spits on us.

In love, as in nature, the first cold is more sensitive.

Love is the same as the flower, which for some moment you can only give to someone alone.

There is no word in love. It seems - love either "is" or "no".

Sometimes fatigue, doubt make you give up the search for love. And it remains only to wait when she falls from the sky.

Sad statuses will not cause sympathy. They will only rejoice that you are bad and hurt.

Sometimes it is better to love someone who will never be yours than who will never be loved or beloved.

Love - Fire: Does not shine - everything is dark, but shining - it is not wise so burning.

Do not rush to get closer, do not rush to fall in love, do not rush to reject, do not rush to leave. In a hurry, you can roam love by taking it for a random episode in your biography.

Unrequited love as a fence covering the horizon. Behind it, you will not be able to see real feelings.

Nothing burns like you.

Blind love leads to the appearance of a deaf wall of misunderstanding.

Every love is happiness, even if it is not divided.

Male is a tough when he does not like more. In particular, if he loves another.

It does not matter how many relationships were behind. After all, it is worthwhile to talk about love - and only one person arises before the eyes ... One memory.

No stronger than that love that between the fly and spider. It is a pity she is unrequited ...

It makes no sense to look into the future, because I now live with you: seconds spent with you and clock without you ...

One outstanding personality can completely kill the ability to bind, responding to minor love of people who are easier. Remember, the art of parting exempts not for, but only from.

If love does not make crying - love.

You will confess in love - you will be unloved.

Search for a man who will make my life easy? I would prefer someone who will make it interesting.

It is not always asked for forgiveness to the one who is to blame. Forgiveness, one who values \u200b\u200brelations.

Sometimes it seems that my fate is the forever broken heart!.

It happens, love will turn away so far as the road will not find the road.

Yes, if our ways are dispersed in a black day, remember! I can never leave your heart. And you - mine. We are together forever.

A person who received a negative response to his recognition in love can fall into deep depression. In such situations, psychologists recommend sharing experiences.

You can open the world alarm using status on social pages. Observing in this way of friends about your unfortunate love, you will receive support for friends who have experienced such a situation.

Statuses about unhappy love suitable for any situation:

  • The heart in the shreds, dripping blood. Thanks for this, "girlfriend" love.
  • What should I do? Without your love, it stops time.
  • Let me go! My heart is busy with you.
  • I'm watching the furtively. On the other you share a piece of paradise.
  • Among millions of "yes" is your "no", as if thunder among the clear sky.
  • Maybe you will understand that without your smile I do not live?
  • Without your words, I love, I miss, "I can't think about happiness. Just ... dying ...
  • True my calm, please.
  • You are my forbidden fruit.
  • Heavily love at a distance. It hurts when your love does not suspect your existence.
  • I have breakdown, lacking a dose of your love.
  • Perhaps I will see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you say: "We will be together all the time."
  • It turned out, love is not such a sweet feeling.
  • I do not want to eat, breathe hard .... All I can - only dream of you.
  • You can crash about the rocks, tear into pieces, but does it save from unrequited love?
  • I want to become a scientist and create a time car. I'll see the time ago and do everything to never know you.

In each in life there are moments when you want to scream about your pain all over the world. What if the heart wants to open and at the same time afraid of being ridiculous? The answer is simple: post the status on the page with meaning. Thus, you can tell about your feelings, even if it is unhappy love. Believe me, the person who has caused your sufferings will understand everything.

Statuses with meaning of unhappy love:

  • Remember, people. For unrequited love, everyone is equal: and jesters and kings.
  • Feelings from unrequited love are comparable only with the thirst for the wanderer in the desert.
  • You know what "Mirage" is a feeling when you look at an expensive person, and you can't touch, because not yours.
  • From unrequited love, as from violated wine, no benefit, no satisfaction.

  • Baking Whose - then the heart of the stones remember: the planet is round, and your heart can also get under the evil sight of Amur.
  • It is impossible to make a person love you just because you wanted so much. Take this truth.
  • We are so alimply when you are loved and so wounded when they are in love.
  • It is impossible to switch the desert without water, and in the heart of non-existent love to find.
  • Do you know why many people wear masks? They are afraid to open and not get an answer to their feelings.
  • Bypassing flour from unrequited love, it is impossible to learn to sincerely love.

Statuses about unrequited love are located.

  • We must be grateful to unanswered love for many masterpieces created by her prisoners.
  • Nothing is cheerful as passion magnet. Nothing to blame the blood like an unrequited love.
  • How easily in love with the heart breaking the stones of cold indifference.
  • The unfortunate people know how to give advice, well, they themselves, falling in love, the mind is losing somewhere.

Modern technologies allow you to express your feelings for a guy without a personal meeting. He will just see your status on a social network page.

Statuses about unhappy love for a guy:

  • Why did you bring fate? Why only the heart turned into ashes? Why did I open? Why did love come .... Why, because it is poison that poisoning blood.
  • At least a smile show that you guess about my existence.
  • You are beautiful, as if Cherub, but indifferent seemingly Sphinx.
  • I freeze without your smile.

I gave you my heart. It is a pity that you did not appreciate such a treasure.

  • I wanted to become your dessert, but you probably do not love sweet.
  • You are indifferent, and I suffer. It doesn't matter that in vain, I still dream about you.
  • With you I forgot that you can love mutually.
  • You forced me to close my pride in the castle.
  • My ohwow of your green eye, dragged me with my head.
  • I catch a smile designed to me.
  • Mommy, I fell in love with an indifferent person.
  • When you love unanswered, it seems gray even summer.
  • It is a pity that not mine ....
  • Life without your love, as if food without salt - Fresh and tasteless.
  • I invented a new reality and we are together in it.

Life is very unpredictable. At one point, it can be asleep to heaven, give love and immediately reset into the abyss of longing and disappointment. Survive such moments helps communication in social networks. And not last place here are statuses. They can encrypt the message to the right person. Beautiful words make it possible to tell not only about mutual, but also unhappy love.

A selection of statuses about unhappy love

Write on the asphalt his name ... Let the whole world will help erase him from your life.

Everything was predetermined ... and the blow, and the fall, and darkness; Did the stone know that he was prepared for the bottom ... and that his life would end so? I would know the stone ...

Relieve him, apologize and wish love and happiness. She knew his number by heart and immediately scored him ... His fingers were automatically gained to pain the familiar figures her numbers ... She presented the phone to his ear ... He did the same thing ... . . W... .

Sometimes you write a message a message, not your hands write, soul. You click "Send", and the heart of a small fraction somewhere in the throat. And then stops the stomach stone. He read, but did not answer ...

Today SMS came from an unidentified room with content: "You yourself know that I am very ashamed." I'm sure it was God.

Something bad me ...
- Why?
- Oh, I didn't write you ...
- That is, you are fine for me?

There are no more walks and restaurants, they remind you of you. More about any coffee and sweets, they remind you of you, more than any sun and air, they remind you of you, and you want to say that you do not want to kill me?

To speak out - it is to write three A4 sheets in the Word, I do not miss any tears, a single smile about what happened to you, and then take and close, not saving.

Too many sugar in tea. To get up too early in the morning. Too cold on the street and inside me ... just too much in my life. But almost no ...

Someday we will accidentally meet on the street ... you ask: "How are you?" And I will look straight in the eye and I will answer that everything is wonderful ... And it will be true ...

How much I remember, always said that I had no bad habits. I would still - I do not smoke, do not drink, with drugs are not familiar at all. That's just nothing, compared to one of my habit ... habit of doing wrong conclusions and mistaken in people. Honest word, it would be better to smoke ...

Mental? Stand!
Can not? Stop doing that!
Tears? Utya!
Painfully? Top!
Resentment? Forget!
How? Somehow.

And then I decided - I never and no one would be able to return to my life.
I will die from boredom, fucking from loneliness, let's get out of the window, I will be handful to eat pills from depression ... but I will not allow return.

Fuck me a city in which strangers mistaken in the backs are wrong, but not to meet you. Just a gait in the coat these glitches are all teased and tease my short-sighted memory.

You make the view that you have fun, that everything is really good. But you will not be deceived - in fact, everything is terrible, and very hurt. And you can look good to look good, buy a new dress, make a new hairstyle, - longing in the eyes will not remove any make-up ...

Morning. Bed. It's time to get up. Univer. Friends. I am going home. Dinner. ICQ. Bar. Friends. House. Dinner. The Internet. Bath. Bed. Turn off the light. You see, there are no you in this list ....

You know, I missed it so ...
- ... And tell me a fairy tale ...
- So I have already started ...

And fate helps me today to mock you. For the first time I did not hear a call. In the second phone stupidly turned off in my hands, not even letting it decide, I will take a tube or not

Hi, honey! You know, and you dreamed of me at night! We walked on the seashore and admired the sunset! We kept hands, laughed and smiled! True, great?
- Yes, cool ... But I still will not sleep with you.

"Mashe, in your room smells of whiskey." - No, mom, so smells of unhappy love ...

It is more difficult to refuse and forget not by the person himself, and the dream that he presented, and you believed in her ..

Paradox: Unhappy love, like happy, drawn into habit ...

Nothing is wrong with man as fragments of their own happiness.

It just hurts to lose someone seems to be looking for a lifetime.

Only the status remains from love ...

It is said that everything goes ... well, come on, pass already, you will be blocked for me!

The soul flew into the abyss. Probably the dream catchies.

There is one difference between us - I will pay and forget, and you come back and remember ...

I do not hold an evil on him - let go with the world ...... but in the ass !!

Sucera! - What, dear? I did not hear .. - I missed, I say, I missed, cute ...

"I love you" - and you at least once said it really sincere?

Every man should remember that the woman goes out of someone, but first of all, from someone ....

He will definitely pay when it will understand that he lost you forever. Sooner or later, he will hurt ...

It will be very bad - call. We will smoke together, even if they threw, even if each other.

Who needs it "I didn't want to offend you," when you sit and think how many pills need to drink, so as not to give up ...

He lost the goddess because of a couple of minutes of pleasure with a whore .. \u003d (

Why if the guy writes statuses, then they are about sex, and if the girl is they about unhappy love?

- Walk out that fools are lucky. Conclusion, unhappy, for not a fool.

Mom, he left! - So what are you roaring? On the street shit come around and do not roar! Take and now go around and do not revive!

Everything is fine with me !! ... and I'm already accustomed to the knife in the back and a fragment in my heart ...

It is impossible! "- the reason was said." This is a recklessness! "- I noticed the experience." It is useless! "- replied pride." Try! "- whispered a dream ....

There are such songs that you turn on, compress and wait - "Now it will hurt"

It makes no sense to remember who once forgot about you ... Status about unfortunate and unhappy love

Quietly ... quiet! .. quiet! I can not hear his steps if he wants to go back ..

He said that I was in love ... I, too ... But how to say that not in him?

I'm trying to kill love, but I kill the liver.

I loved - it did not appreciate. I believed - they did not understand. I waited and spit on it.

Little just go away, you need to go away and do not go back ...

To lie about what you love is more than a sin ...

I am very, very, very much I love and I will still be how many votes will be with the status ... I just love him and I can not forget it, but he is on the other.

Who had an unsuccessful first love?

A month ago, I had an unhappy love on Tverskaya. Treatment cost 200 bucks.

Why are you calling me?! I will not take the phone ... Why do you write letters?! I will not write the answer ...

Love brings suffering even the gods.

A woman cannot change - she just stops love.

And now there is an emptiness. Only hurts in the heart. Unbearable.

Quality to survive the minute when it seems that everything is over.

The rain died and the pain was gone ..... I dried up all my eyes .... the look was completely different .... the heart is looking for his rest ...

We played a draw. You are anything. I belong to no one.

The most tragic love is not unrequited, and when it is mutual, but to be very long.

Tears flow ... And on the face a smile ... You do not understand anything, but I only whisper: "Go away, go ...

In your words, the truth is exactly as much as in the juice package, on which it is written that it is 100% ...

He tried to find another with the same eyes like her ... But he forgot that the miracle of the world is impossible to repeat ...

The main thing is not to stay in this world alone when there are so many people in it ...

Statuses about unfortunate and unhappy love