How to exfoliate lips at home? Lip augmentation mask. Pork fat lip balm

The best way to soften chapped lips is by using time-tested folk remedies. The positive effect is achieved after the first procedures.

Honey is a powerful remedy for softening chapped lips

It is simply impossible to overestimate the benefits of natural honey: it not only softens the chapped skin of the lips, making it soft and tender, but also heals deep cracks. This is due to the wound-healing effect of the beekeeping product. It is recommended to take some candied honey, warm it up a little in your hands and apply it with massaging movements on chapped lips. After 2-3 minutes, the honey should be washed off with water at a comfortable temperature.

In addition, to soften chapped lips, it is recommended to use a honey-sour cream mixture (1: 1 ratio). The composition is applied with gentle massaging movements on the skin of the lips and the mixture is left overnight, and in the morning it is washed off with warm water.

Curd mask is an effective remedy for softening chapped lips

To prepare a healing composition, you need to take a little fat cottage cheese and mix it with cream (you should get a thick pasty mass). The curd mass should be applied to chapped lips and left for 5-7 minutes, then remove the rest of the mixture and rinse with warm water.

Aloe can help soften chapped lips

Aloe vera juice, which has miraculous properties, will help soften chapped lips and accelerate tissue regeneration. To do this, take a fresh leaf and squeeze a few drops of juice out of it. This procedure must be carried out twice to three times a day for 5-7 days (the aloe leaf must be stored in the refrigerator).

Aromatherapy - help for chapped lips

A cosmetic mixture consisting of patchouli aromatic oil (3-4 drops), almond oil (30 ml), vetiver essential oil (3-4 drops) and neroli aroma oil (1 drop) softens the skin and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissue. Shake the container with the mixture well and leave in a cool place for 2 weeks. With this composition, you need to cover the skin of the lips and leave the product overnight. In the morning, the composition must be washed off with water.

Features of additional care for chapped lips

After each bath or shower, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to your lips. Alternatively, you can use pureed avocado or apricot pulp mixed with cream or olive oil. Before going outside in winter, you should definitely apply lip balm to your lips, and in summer - sunscreen lipstick.

Lip charger. Exercises. Folk remedies. At home.

Lips are the sexiest and most attractive part of a woman's face. In order for the lips not to lose the power of their charm, they need careful care. Unfortunately, lips dry out and flake off. Of course, this must be fought.

An indispensable assistant in this is petroleum jelly or hygienic lipstick. Either one or the other, apply on lips (in a thick layer), wait a couple of minutes and gently massage lips with your finger. Then remove the product with cotton wool or a tissue.

Smooth lips, beautiful and young. How to make lips beautiful, smooth and tender?

You may not believe right away, but there is exercise, lip exercises at home. It will help maintain the freshness and shape of this beautiful part of the body:
  1. With inspiration, say: "o", "y", "a", "s", "and". You need to pronounce the vowels several times.
  2. Imagine that there is a burning candle in front of you. Pull your lips out and blow on it. Blow slowly, then blow as if you are trying to "drive" the air away from you. This exercise must be repeated ten times.
  3. Blow out air (forcefully) for six seconds. Now you need to relax and open your mouth. Stretch your lips over your teeth, relax again and smile.
  4. Try sticking out your tongue as much as possible. Hold it in this state for three seconds. Now remove your tongue and relax as much as possible. Repeat this exercise five times.
  5. Move your lips (in sync with the lower jaw), pulling them forward. Lower your lips and close your mouth. To make it easier to do this exercise, pretend that you are a fish. The exercise must be repeated ten times.
  6. Whistle every day. Whistle at home, of course, but not anywhere in a public place.

Lip masks. And folk remedies.

There are very good lip masks. They nourish and soften them. Here is a recipe for one of them. Think about what you like best for taste: sweet apple, beet, apricot, banana or cucumber. Grind the product of your choice thoroughly and add half a teaspoon of butter (butter) to it. Apply "Delicious cocktail" gently on your lips. Rinse well after fifteen minutes.

And here is one option that helps moisturize your lips. Mix one teaspoon of cream with one teaspoon of cottage cheese. Rub and apply to your lips in such a way that a few millimeters of contour is captured around them. Wash off the mixture after ten minutes.

The skin of your lips help smooth out Here's a tool: mix cottage cheese and cream, add a few drops of peach oil to it. A teaspoon of the mixture is sufficient for the application. After ten minutes, wash off the product from your lips.

Can be done tea compress... Brew black tea. Blot a cotton swab with it, put it on your lips and lie down for twenty minutes on your favorite sofa. Then remove the compress from the lips, rinse them. Use oil (nourishing) or balm.

by the way, if you managed to buy butter, then you can experiment with it: take it out of the refrigerator and let it melt a little. When it melts, apply it to your lips (in a small amount) and massage your lips for about one minute. The oil can be replaced with honey.

Honey- also a wonderful tool. Apply it to your lips, just don't massage. After ten minutes, wash it off with water (preferably warm).

Such a mask will have an excellent nutritional effect: one table. Stir a spoonful of honey with one spoonful (tablespoon) of lard (pork fat). The lard, first, needs to be melted: it can be over gas, or it can be done in a water bath. Put the finished mixture in a jar and store in the refrigerator. By the way, this mixture is enough for 2 or 3 times.

Lip massage. It can be done using a toothbrush or the tip of a towel (terry cloth). Once you are done with the massage, lubricate your lips with almond, peach, or some other vegetable oil. Let the oil soak in.

Sour cream mask very moisturizes lips: add three drops of lemon juice to one (teaspoon) spoon of sour cream. Then add tea there. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Apply the mask to the lips in a thick layer. Hold it for fifteen to twenty minutes.

To save your lips there are also many cosmetics. Read and choose:

  1. Clinique: Lip Revitalizing Treatment.
  2. Dior: A product that fills in the wrinkles of the lip contours.
  3. Lancome: lip rejuvenating effect.
  4. LOreal (Combleur Double - Soin).
  5. Bourjois: lip gloss, lip balm, night lip balm.
  6. Shiseido: Lip nourishing agent.
  7. Vichu: a stick specially for the lips.

Of course, many funds are far from cheap. But, in this case, the price justifies the quality.

Smooth lips, beautiful, young. How to make lips beautiful, smooth and soft?

To keep your lips always young and attractive, you need to remember some "points":

  1. Avoid strong wind and frost; they will "form" cracks on your lips.
  2. Use lipstick (hygiene or cosmetic). Apply lipstick to clean skin.
  3. Get rid of dead skin on the lips using exfoliation (it can be in the form of a cream or lipstick). Do not forget to do the disposal procedure at least once a week.
  4. Do not use separately persistent lipstick, as it dries out the lips very much (or rather, not the lipstick itself, but some of the substances it contains).
  5. Drink a lot of water (at least two liters per day). It is water, not juices, drinks, coffee, and so on.
  6. Don't lick your lips.
  7. Moisten lips with chamomile infusion overnight.

Here are the components which are very important for the lips. You can, when choosing a lipstick, cream or gloss, look for these components in their composition:

  1. Peptides. Increases skin elasticity, moisturizes the skin. They take part in enhancing the action of hyaluronic acid and collagen.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil. Used as a healing agent.
  3. Vitamin C. Produces collagen, which in turn makes the skin firm and taut.
  4. Cacao butter. Nourishes and tones the skin.
  5. Aloe juice (aloe extract). Has anti-inflammatory effect, moisturizes the skin.
  6. Hyaluronic acid. Retains moisture.
  7. Vitamin E. Helps in the regeneration of skin cells.
  8. Vitamin A. It is an antioxidant. Its solution (oily) is often used in lip masks.

NS continuation follows:

Good day to all!

Lip skin is very thin and requires constant care. Today I will tell you a couple of recipes to make your lips soft and delicate.

Toothbrush massage

While washing your face, you can gently massage your lips in a circular motion with a soft toothbrush. This increases blood circulation, removes dead skin particles, makes lips plump and softer.

Lip masks

I use honey as a nourishing mask, I just put it on my lips and wait 5-10 minutes.

You can also make masks from:

Honey and sour cream

Honey and banana puree

Vaseline and cinnamon - They say that this mask has an increasing effect, but I did not notice it.

Lip scrubs

Before applying the scrub, the skin of the lips needs to be prepared. To do this, we moisten a cotton pad in hot water and apply it to the lips for 1 minute to steam the skin. Then we apply the scrub itself and massage the lips with light movements, after that we leave it for 3-5 minutes and wash off with water.

Recipes for very light yet effective lip scrubs.

1) Sugar scrub

○ Honey (1 teaspoon)

○ Sugar (1 teaspoon)

○ Any base oil (essential oils can also be added)

We mix all the ingredients and get a thick and sweet scrub that softens the skin of the lips and exfoliates the keratinized particles.

2) Kefir oat scrub

We mix kefir and chopped oatmeal.

Instead of kefir, you can use honey or sour cream.

This scrub is suitable for those with sensitive skin, it exfoliates and nourishes the skin of the lips very delicately.

3) Cinnamon scrub

○ Cinnamon (slightly less than 1 tsp)

○ Honey (1 tsp)

○ Oil (Olive, Peach ...)

The skin will tingle slightly, if the burning sensation is severe, then the scrub should be washed off. Before applying, you should check if you have an allergy.

4) Gentle scrub from clean line is also great for scrubbing lips because of its small and delicate particles.


To keep the lips soft, they need hydration. Hygienic lipsticks and balms will help us in this, they will also protect your lips outdoors from chapping, peeling and much more. I love to apply balms or petroleum jelly at night, in the morning the sponges are soft-soft!

Before applying lipstick, you should apply lip balm while blotting your lips with a napkin, so your lips will not look dry.

How to make a colored lip balm from old lipstick?

I think everyone has lipsticks that are tired or just no longer like the color. So they can be transformed into something new in a matter of minutes.

The easiest recipe:

Vaseline (can be replaced with solid oils)

Old lipstick / balm

We put all this in a water bath or in the microwave. Stir and pour into a mold, leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After hardening, we get a full-fledged lip balm / lipstick.

Women's lips, like the eyes, are the most expressive part of the face, on which representatives of the strong half of our humanity especially stop their eyes. Moisturized, smooth and velvety lips reflect the beauty and sensuality of a woman at any age. Therefore, it is important not to forget that in addition to caring for the skin of the face, it is necessary to carry out a thorough lip care so that this part of the face remains young and attractive for many years.

Home Lip Care

The structure of the surface layer of the lips has a very thin and delicate structure, under which the sebaceous glands are almost completely absent. This factor makes the lips an extremely sensitive and vulnerable part of the facial area, instantly reacting to adverse environmental conditions (frost, wind, sun, temperature changes, etc.). Lips are especially prone to manifestations of inflammation, peeling, irritation, cracks. In addition, with age, all intracellular processes slow down in the skin tissues of the lips, namely, the water balance is disturbed and the natural production of elastin and collagen fibers decreases, which, accordingly, leads to the appearance of wrinkles and a violation of their shape and clear contours. Based on these factors, the conclusion is obvious: systematic lip care is essential in general care measures for the skin of the face and is a guarantee that soft and clear lips will not give out your true age, even at the peak of maturity.

Home Lip Care is based on three principles: cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing, protection, which is an absolute analogy to daily skin care in general.

  • Purification.

This is the first and most important step in lip care. It includes daily lip cleansing from impurities and make-up residues. To carry it out, it is enough to have a regular cleansing milk or emulsion (this can be the same cleanser that you use to cleanse your face) and cotton pads, with which you should thoroughly wipe your lips before applying a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Also, in addition to daily lip cleansing, it is necessary to carry out a mild exfoliating peeling every 7-10 days. Candied honey or sugar combined with 1: 1 olive oil are perfect for a gentle lip exfoliation.

Consider! Cleansing the lips should be carried out with light circular motions, without stretching their thin top layer - otherwise you can provoke premature wrinkles with your own hands.

  • Moisturizing and nourishing.

Home Lip Care at this stage involves the use of natural masks, creams and gels, which should be selected in accordance with the season. For example, in summer and spring, it is recommended to use moisturizing gel formulations with a high UV protection factor, and in winter and autumn, it is recommended to give preference to nourishing fatty creams that protect against the negative effects of frost and wind.

It's important to know! An eye cream is perfect as a moisturizer and nourishing agent for the lips (the skin tissues in these facial areas are similar in structure and sensitivity). Also great for nourishing and moisturizing lip masks can be prepared at home from improvised products.

  • Protection.

In addition to constant hydration and nutrition, the skin of the lips needs careful protection from external aggressive factors. Therefore, during the day, be sure to use a high-quality moisturizing decorative lipstick or lip balm, which will prevent the lips from drying out and cracking them. When choosing a daytime lip protector, pay attention to the fact that it included: natural oils and beeswax, vitamins A, C, E, F, proteins, herbal extracts and sunscreens with a high index (at least 25). These ingredients can provide your lips with intense and long-lasting hydration, promote healing of cracks and wounds, prevent dryness and inflammation, and create a protective barrier against the adverse effects of sun, wind and frost.

Also lip care should include regular massage, which should be carried out to increase the blood supply to the skin tissues, which will have a beneficial effect on the healthy color and beautiful shape of the lips. In order to carry out such a procedure, you do not need to have special skills and techniques. Simply pat your lips with your fingertips as you apply nourishing or moisturizing cream to your lips for a few minutes, starting from the center of the lips and ending at the corners.

Cosmetology advice: daily home lip care you can finish with a massage with a clean toothbrush with ultra-soft bristles, on which you need to apply the required amount of nourishing cream and massage the lips with it in different directions for 2-3 minutes.

Lip masks - recipes for all occasions

As mentioned above, lip care, in addition to daily moisturizing, should include procedures for intensive nourishment of skin tissues. This will be great help lip masks, which not only support and replenish the level of nutrients in the dermis of the skin of the lips, but also become a salvation for those whose lips need urgent restoration.

You can use the following proven and effective recipes for mask formulations that are highly nourishing, emollient and restorative:

  • 1 tea l. Grind fatty cottage cheese with the same amount of cream. Apply the resulting mixture in a dense layer on the lips, and cover with a cotton pad dipped in warm milk to enhance the nourishing and softening effect. After 20 minutes after application, the mask should be washed off with warm filtered or boiled water.
  • Grate ½ a baked apple through a sieve and combine with 10g melted butter. This mask can be applied both as a nourishing and therapeutic agent when there are small cracks on the lips.
  • 1 table l Combine sour cream with 5 ml of olive or peach oil, add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture and apply on lips. This mask will help prevent dry and flaky lips and keep them soft and velvety.
  • Flaxseed decoction will also help prevent flaky lips. You can prepare it like this: pour 20g of flaxseed into 0.5l of water and boil it over the fire until a viscous gruel is formed. She is the salvation of lips from flaky red spots.

In conclusion, it should be noted that lip masks, as well as for the face, have a pronounced effect only with regular use. Pamper your sponges with fruit or oil compositions at least once a week, before going outside, lubricate them with an emollient balm, hygienic or decorative lipstick, and then all kinds of troubles (cracks, inflammation, peeling) are guaranteed to bypass you.

The skin of the lips is very thin and delicate. The structure of the skin of the lips is different, it does not have sebaceous glands, therefore it often dries. Reacting sharply to temperature changes, wind, frost, sun, it dries out and cracks easily, small wrinkles appear above the lips. To keep lips always smooth and youthful, they need daily care. As with the skin of the face, they should be moisturized, nourished and protected. Home Lip Care includes: vitamin and nutritional masks, ointments, emollients, oils, creams and daily exercises, lip massage.

The lips are a sensitive part of the face, just like the eyelids, the blood vessels are close to the surface. Our lips are cracked, flaky, chapped, they are prone to various diseases (herpes, colds). They have to move a lot and often, shrink into a tube or blur into a smile, and then wrinkles appear. Lips are also a sexy part of the body that people pay attention to. All this suggests that lip care is very important for any girl and woman who wants to look beautiful and young.

There are many home remedies for lip care. Lipstick should be removed from the lips with cosmetic cream or milk. You should not bite your lips and tear off dead skin. Harmful microbes can enter through the wounds, which lead to inflammatory diseases of the lips. Try not to lick dry lips, but rather use gloss or emollients.

Lips can be lubricated with carrot juice or a mixture of this juice and honey (1: 1) - this prevents them from cracking and helps to maintain their natural color. Dry chapped lips can be lubricated with honey, and after a few minutes, wash off its remnants with an infusion of chamomile, calendula or eucalyptus - this quickly heals the cracks. It is also useful to wipe your lips daily with strong rosehip infusion. An effective remedy for cracking is sea buckthorn oil. Cracks can also be lubricated with calendula oil. Raw egg yolk, melted goose fat, fresh butter, warm olive or castor oil, an oil solution of vitamins A and E, flaxseed decoction (2 tablespoons per 0.5 water) heal and soften dry lips well. When treating lips, it is not recommended to use lipstick.

Lip skin needs exfoliation, hydration and nourishment. At home, you can exfoliate with a lip balm with soft, gentle grains (finely ground rice, nuts, and other hard particles). Gentle lip exfoliation is characterized by a large amount of oily part. It is also convenient to make, hard particles can be easily removed from the lips, and the soft base will remain.

The skin around the lips is dry and constantly clogged, therefore, creams with moisture-retaining components (shea butter, aloe juice) are used to moisturize it. These creams help to reduce wrinkles around the lips. At home, you can make creams, the recipes are presented below.

For lips, you need to do regular masks using natural products. Vitamin and nourishing masks are applied for chapped lips, cracks, peeling and kept for 10 minutes, then washed off with soft water and lubricated with vegetable oil. Such masks can also be used as a prophylactic agent, applying them once a week.

Lip massage... Use a toothbrush (special back) or terrycloth towel. This massage will exfoliate dead cells. Massage with light circular motions for 4-5 minutes, then apply cream or oil. Also, use your fingertips to pat your lips daily to improve circulation and keep your lips fresh.

Lip exercises

Lip exercises perform to improve their general condition and elasticity. Firm lips, look plump and sexy, do lip exercises every day and the result will exceed all your expectations.

Exercises with extended lips (pull your lips, but not in a tube, but gently pushing them forward):

- make 5 movements up (as if reaching for the nose) and down (pull your lips to the chin);

- make 5 movements to the right and left, while moving the lower jaw;

- make 5 circular movements with your lips, first in one direction, then in the other.

Pronunciation and breathing exercises:

- pronounce successively the letters A, O, U, I, Y;

- draw air into your lungs and blow slowly, pulling your lips forward;

- inflate your cheeks with air and slowly blow out the air, first continuously, and then pronouncing the letter P.

One more thing lip plumping exercise: With your fingers, pull the soft lips away from the teeth for 2 minutes, then stretch your lips and do the figure eight for 2 minutes. And finally, place your fingers on your outstretched lips and press for 2 minutes. By spending 6 minutes a day, you can increase the firmness and volume of your lips in just a week.

Recipes for masks, ointments and lip care creams

Lanolin Lip Cream

softening lip cream | lanolin, castor oil, rose oil | weathered

Melt 45 g of lanolin in a water bath, add 1 teaspoon of castor oil, stir, remove from heat and allow the mixture to cool. Then add 2-3 drops of rose oil and mix well again. This cream is used to lubricate chapped lips, it softens and moisturizes them.

1 hour | site | 2011-01-25

Pork fat lip balm

softening lip balm | pork fat, honey | dry skin

Melt pork fat (lard) in a water bath (0.5 teaspoon cube), add 1 teaspoon of honey to the melted fat. Pour the resulting mixture into a jar or tube for lipstick. Leave to cool in the refrigerator. Lubricate your lips as needed.

10 minutes | site | 2011-01-25

Mask with curd for lips

nourishing lip mask | cottage cheese, carrots | normal skin

1 teaspoon of cottage cheese is mixed with 1 teaspoon of carrot juice. The mask heals, moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the lips.

5 minutes | site | 2011-01-24

Massage with pieces of fruits and vegetables

nourishing lip mask | banana, strawberry, melon | normal skin

Cut a piece of fruit: kiwi, banana, strawberry, melon, watermelon, cucumber. Massage over lips for 5-10 minutes.

1 minute | site | 2011-01-25

Cream for deep cracked lips

medicated lip cream | Potentilla, butter | dry skin

Prepare Potentilla Rhizome Powder. 5 grams of this powder is added to 1 teaspoon of butter, heated in a water bath. The cream will contain medicinal substances that are essential for chapped lips.

10 minutes | site | 2011-01-25

Emollient lip oils

emollient lip oil | sesame oil | dry skin

The lips are often dry and need help. Use sesame oil. Take a drop and warm it up with your fingers, apply it to your lips. The oil softens and nourishes with vitamins.

1 minute | | 2010-08-16

Apple lip mask

softening lip mask | apple, butter | dry skin

Mix equal parts fresh applesauce and butter. The mask softens the skin of the lips and heals cracks.

10 minutes | site | 2011-01-24

Sour cream lip mask

nourishing lip mask | sour cream, vegetable oil, lemon | normal skin

Mix sour cream with vegetable oil in a 2: 1 ratio. Add 2 drops of lemon juice, apply the mixture to your lips and let sit for 9 minutes. Rinse off with cool water or a piece of ice.

5 minutes | site | 2011-01-25

Cocoa butter cream for lips

softening lip cream | cocoa butter, beeswax, olive oil | dry skin

Melt in a water bath 7 g of cocoa butter, 3 g of white beeswax and add 10 ml of castor, olive or peach oil. This cream softens lips, eliminates dryness and flaking.

30 minutes | site | 2011-01-25

Lip mask with honey

softening lip mask | honey, olive oil, carrots | dry skin

1 teaspoon of olive oil is mixed with 1 teaspoon of linden honey and 5 drops of carrot or beet juice are added. The mask heals well and softens the skin, adds shine to the lips.

5 minutes | site | 2011-01-24

Balm with rose petals

softening lip balm | pink petals, pork fat | dry skin

Fresh petals of 1 rose flower are crushed and thoroughly ground with 1 tbsp. spoon of unsalted pork fat. When the lips are cracked and dry, they are lubricated with this ointment.

10 minutes | site | 2011-01-25

Ice for lips

toning lip toner | carrot, apple, cucumber | normal skin

Take any juice (carrot, beetroot, apple, cucumber). Freeze an ice cube and rub your lips in the morning. The ice will cause your lips to flush and plump.

5 hours | site | 2011-01-25

Galangal root cream

medicated lip cream | butter, galangal | dry skin

Melt 100 g of butter, add 0.5 tablespoons of powder of dry rhizomes of erect cinquefoil (wild galangal) and heat, stirring in a water bath for 10 minutes. Allow to cool and lubricate lips with this cream when cracks (seizures) appear.

20 minutes | site | 2011-01-25

Avocado oil for lips

moisturizing lip oil | avocado oil, rose oil, sandalwood oil | dry

1 tbsp. A spoonful of avocado oil is mixed with 2 drops of rose oil and 2 drops of sandalwood oil and lubricate dry lips. This oil moisturizes and smoothes the lips.

3 minutes | site | 2011-01-25

Castor oil with honey

medicated lip oil | castor oil, lemon oil, lavender oil | dry skin

10 ml of castor oil is mixed with essential oils of lemon, lavender and chamomile (1 drop each) and 0.5 tablespoons of honey is added. This oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the lips, heals cracks.

5 minutes | site | 2011-01-25

Creamy curd mask for lips

softening lip mask | cottage cheese, cream | dry skin

1 teaspoon of cottage cheese is mixed with cream. This mask smoothes and softens the lips.

1 minute | site | 2011-01-24

Kiwi and sea buckthorn mask

healing lip mask | kiwi, sea buckthorn oil | dry skin

1 teaspoon of kiwi pulp is rubbed with 8-10 drops of sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn and kiwi fruits, which contain a lot of vitamin C, perfectly heal the skin.

5 minutes | site | 2011-01-24

Peach butter with honey

medicated lip oil | peach oil, lemon oil, honey | dry skin

10 ml of peach oil is mixed with essential oils of lemon, lemon balm and chamomile (1 drop each) and 0.5 tablespoons of honey are added. This oil heals cracks (seizures), gives the lips freshness.

5 minutes | site | 2011-01-25

Beeswax Lip Balm

nourishing lip balm | chamomile, beeswax, petroleum jelly | normal skin

Prepare a chamomile decoction, you will need 1 tbsp. spoonful of broth. Melt the beeswax and cocoa butter in a water bath (you can use olive or castor oil). Add 1 teaspoon of petroleum jelly to the melted wax and pour the mixture into the broth, stirring gradually until cold. Put the balm in a jar. The balm is best used at night. Well nourishes dry and chapped lips.

1.5 hours | site | 2011-01-25

A mask to give a natural gloss to lips

moisturizing lip mask | cottage cheese, sour cream, carrots | normal skin

Mix 1 spoon of cottage cheese with 1/2 spoon of sour cream, add honey to 1 teaspoon of carrot juice. Lubricate lips with the mixture and leave for 10 minutes. You can eat the mixture or remove with a cotton pad dipped in vegetable oil.

10 minutes | site | 2011-01-25

Sour cream mask for lip skin care

moisturizing lip mask | sour cream, honey | weathered

Mix 1 teaspoon of linden or May honey and fresh sour cream and apply the mixture to chapped lips.