How to meet a girl on the street. Where to meet a girl for a serious relationship? How to get acquainted for communication

Many men prefer to get acquainted with those girls with whom they will bring circumstances for a long time: at the institute, at work or, for example, with living in the neighborhood. This option, of course, has the right to exist, but often a certain problem is in yourself: the service novels do not like the career in the best way, and a friend's girl is not the perfect option for creating strong relationships. Therefore, guys useful will learn how to get acquainted with the girl on the street.

Psychologists argue that there are no such places in which it would be indecent to make new acquaintances. The second half can wait everywhere, including on the street. Any acquaintance includes elements of the game, so it should occur according to certain rules.

How to meet on the street?

Many young people do not know how to start to get acquainted with the girl. The first sign that communication with a stranger on the street can be crowned with success is the contact "eyes in the eye", as well as a friendly and friendly expression. This suggests that the girl liked the guy, and she drew attention to him. But many men are lost at that moment and simply pass by, king themselves for indecision. Listen to such a chance stupid, it is necessary to take advantage.

If the guy reflects, where to get acquainted with the girls, then you should just get out of the house. Acquaintance on the street - at the same time a complex and promising case, because girls here can be found absolutely different. The difficulty of such communication is to act quickly and confidently, without disappointing an excellent stranger. Otherwise, she just turns away and continue his way.

Appearance - Business Card

When meeting, the girl appreciates not only behavior, but also the appearance of the guy. It is he who characterizes it first. It is important to look not only stylish, but also gently and well. Crumpled clothes and dirty shoes are unlikely to cause delighted glands of the elect.

What to say?

If the guy does not know how to get acquainted with the girl, he needs to work on the first phrase. It has an important meaning, since the first words will be the beginning of communication. Or will not be if the guy tells some nonsense. On the street, the girls often think about something, female, so they may not immediately respond to appeal to them.

Before contacting the stranger, it is advisable to call her smile and establish visual contact. The first phrase should be as efficient as possible and comply with several rules:

  • It should consist of several words (1-5), you can simply say "Hi!" Or "let's get acquainted ...".
  • No need to contact the girl with a question, because she may not answer. And then the guy will be in a stupid position.
  • The phrase must match the atmosphere, for example, it can be any comment: "Caution, driving a car."
  • If the guy is quite confident in herself, you can start with a compliment. But it is necessary to say it so that it looks like admiration, and not a simple banality. The phrase should "hook" a girl.
  • Contact the stranger you need positively and kindly to immediately arrange it to yourself.

What to talk about?

If the guy wants to understand how to learn to get acquainted with girls, you need to learn the main thing: to trust you, at the subconscious level, the interlocutor should get answers to the following questions:

  • What is a person?
  • What does he need from me?
  • Can I believe him?

If the girl is confident that communication will not bring her problems, she will probably be interested in a pretty and witty guy. You can tell about the place of study or work so that the interlocutor learned about you a little more.

It is not so important where to get acquainted, in any case you need to make sure that the reason for interest was extremely clear. If the main goal is long-term communication, you do not need to ask the girl a cigarette or asking what time it is.

How to interest the stranger?

The perfect option is when the girl is originally benevolently configured and reacts well to jokes. It means that she liked the man, and she gladly talks to him. But to enjoy such success, you need to know how to get acquainted with the girl and constantly work on yourself.

What if there is no sympathy?

Often, guys are lost in a situation where the girl supports communication, but there is no visible signs of appearing sympathy. If the stranger does not show emotions, you need to try to interest it.

You can use such options:

  • Call her smile, told a funny joke or prepared in advance in advance of life.
  • Integrate your social status if it is available. This does not have to be financial consistency, perhaps the guy participated in some competitions or was engaged in charity.
  • Tell about your extreme interests and hobbies.

To feel confident, you need to know not only how to get acquainted with the girl, but what to do in case of failure. If there is no positive result, and the girl continues to communicate "on the machine", it is better to complete the conversation, referring to employment or urgent work, and ask the phone number from a stranger. Rather, it should be no question, but a statement. It should be noted that he would gladly continue their acquaintance for a cup of coffee. Maybe the next time the mood is better, and she will answer the guy with reciprocity.

How to get acquainted in social networks?

Now young people spend a lot of time on the Internet and various social networks. Given this fact, guys do not forget that there, too, you can get acquainted with the girls. But if young people think that it is enough to send a message, and the girl will immediately continue to communicate, they are very mistaken. The technique of how to get acquainted in "VC" is quite complex, because you need to attract attention and stand out from hundreds of other accounts.

Work on page

The presence of a successful photo is important. Not every girl wants to answer if there is no idea about the account owner. No need to put pictures of kin-drive, inscriptions or photos of animals, such an approach will not succeed. The girl does not hear the voices, does not feel the aura, so she will put the first impression on the photo.

The "About me" section needs to be filling in detail and interesting, boring lines will not attract attention. You can specify bright moments that happened in life, describe hobbies and hobbies. Do not forget about the sense of humor, but you should not exercise stick, so as not to impress the jester.

first letter?

If the questionnaire is compiled and the photo is selected, then you can move on to business. First of all, it is necessary to choose the page of the girl who will become a "sacrifice". The first letter must be written in such a way as to pass and interest, call the desire to continue communication. If reading the message, she will smile - success is almost achieved. Such phrases like "hello, what do you do?" And "Hi, how are you?" You need to immediately exclude from the arsenal. The maximum that they can bring is a single answer from which to develop interesting and living communication will be very difficult.

The message must consist of several proposals. If the guy has problems with grammar, it is at least for the first time thoroughly check everything so that there are no errors. The girls are not only mixed, but also annoys, and repels. To understand what is better to write, it is worth studying the listing page, read her profiles and statuses. Often they can tell a lot about the views, mood and feelings of the girl. If the questionnaire shows favorite movies, you can write something like this: "Hi, Nastya! In the search for communication, I went to this site and found you. I love to go to the cinemas, I want to invite you to such a movie, and then you can drink delicious tea in the cafe. " Text, naturally, will change depending on the hobbies of the girl. It would be nice to reinforce your words with photos so that the story looks believable. Then the girl will go to the page and see a confident guy, having fun resting with friends and enjoying life.

Not rare the situation when young people turn to a psychologist with a question: "I'm afraid to get acquainted with the girls, what should I do?" If there is no nature of this gift, it means you have to constantly leave the zone of your comfort. At first, cotton legs, reinforced sweating and stuttering will cause a complete chat at the guy, but over time you can learn to control these processes and do not fall into panic. Any overcoming of their own fears and weaknesses is a step to freedom and self-confidence.

Find motivation

To understand how to learn to get acquainted with the girls, start best from yourself. Daily workouts and communication with different girls are the way to success. To be brave to communicate with the opposite sex, you need to find a motivational justification. It is not necessary to flirt with each familiar and unfamiliar launcher, you can simply talk friendly. Such communication will also give courage and confidence in their forces.

Active listening

If there are practically no knowledge of how guys get acquainted with girls, you can use tactics you need to ask more questions to which the girl will be pleased to respond.

It does not matter why you want to meet a girl. Knowing fish places and showing elementary male initiative, goals can be set any. You to help - the experience of podnatal men and my constructive tips. Clean a little time to find out the answer to the question that every second man is asked - where to get acquainted with the girl. Enjoy reading!

Statistics on acquaintances

Three Lifehak for dating

All women do it

Where to meet for sex

Selection site dating

Habitat: Successful and not very space to meet a girl

The question "where to meet" sounds hardly no more often with a topical "how." In fact, there is no right places and trouble-free phrases for dating. But there is the theory of the probability and practice of common sense, according to which the club, cafe and street are not the best families for dating.

Where you do not need to meet girls

Most guys are confident, club, cafe and street - fish places. I will say this - trite, boring and inefficient.

  • To get acquainted with a girl on the street, need eggs, and meanwhile, the street is low efficiency. People hurry, hurry, think about their own - it is difficult to snatch a person from context and focus on themselves.
  • In the cafe, people eat or occur in the case. Believe me, a rare girl like it, when in her plate or mouth looks around, where the worm came from. And ... such an awkward moment, who to pay at the expense.
  • Night club - a good place. His owners tried for you - caught up girls and introduced them into drunk condition. However, competition will be mad, investments - above average, and chances for long-term relationships are almost zero.

Now let's talk about the geography of successful hunting - where it is easier to meet a girl.

Top 5 places for effective dating

Psychologists are called: transport, library, fitness room, supermarket and sea.

  • Transport. It is convenient from the point of view of the closetness of space - at least until the next stop, the girl will be forced to listen to your tiras. The main thing is to quickly and carefully take the number. Her stop may be next. Your, by the way, too, even if it is not.
  • Library (exhibition, museum, concert hall and other). Psychologically mature girls come here who are ready for both serious relationships and flirts without commitment. The main thing is that these girls (praise intellect) are quickly denoted, from where and where the wind blows. If only your IQ did not give up.
  • Fitness Hall (yoga courses, swimming pool, dancing and so on). You are already united by something in common. This is general, multiplied by the pheromones of a semi-nailed sweaty body - an excellent springboard for unrestrained communication. In the end, it's just nice to know that your chosen one is watching the figure. By the way, if a girl likes, but I have questions, remember, she is on the way to perfection.
  • Supermarket. Women love to cook and talk about food, and you use this little female weakness. Record calorie product, ask for nuances of cooking. Do not forget to take a phone to get some more nutritional recommendations.
  • Sea. The atmosphere itself has a little immoral behavior. Moral - where house and work. Here - the sun, sand and flirt. And you get what you see, and not a cat in the bag. Flaws - evident. No makeup and clothing Oversisiz.

I remind you where the girl met - there and get acquainted. Do not wait until the beauty goes to the transport, store or buy a ticket to the sea.

For the future: where to get acquainted with a girl for a serious relationship

Places for dating worth calibrating with a loan to the target. It is clear, behind the ladies of a family type should not hunt in the club, and the girl for separation does not need to be sought in the museum. Although life happens in life, and in the still waters of devils are found. But today we are talking about places with high efficiency and probabilities of the first order. So, where to meet a girl for a serious relationship?

Statistics by acquaintances

Let us turn to the statistics on acquaintances with the final in the registry office ("without statistics is not at all a life and some kind of cortex", k / f "Service Roman").

  • 27% of married people got acquainted in public places like parks, cafes and cinema (a small percentage belongs to clubs);
  • 21% were connected by the bonds of marriage due to work - being colleagues or having become acquainted on the basis of professional activities;
  • 17% of spouses were familiar with school benches or student years, and some even what is called, from the sandbox;
  • 16% learned about the existence of each other thanks to friends or relatives, that is, in a narrow circle of loved ones.

The rest became acquainted in other circumstances. Conclusion We do the following - you can meet my "half" in principle everywhere, except for the sofa (if in the hands of a laptop is another matter).

Three Lifehak for dating

By the way, do you know what qualities a girl appreciate in a man most? Start acquaintance with this.

  • Girls love care. If you help bring the packages from the supermarket, pour oil into the car or tribal to open the door and skip forward, consider, acquaintance took place.
  • Girls love confident. Confidence is sexuality. But to be sure - it does not mean to climb immediately into the panties. This means - enter the driver's condition before the start of dating and get a maximum pleasure in the process.
  • Girls love compliments. True, say compliments - art. And do not turn him into Arthaus like this: "You are so beautiful that I am ready to drag 15 kilometers with a clear glass on the broken glass in order to jerk in your shadow."

For the night: where to get acquainted with the girl for sex

All women do it

Good sex appreciate everything. In the format "without obligations", many prefer to meet, and girls are not an exception. Each has its own reasons. Someone wants to try yourself in the role of a sophisticated Wamp woman, changing men, like gloves. The other was simply exhausted without tenderness, and is ready to sacrifice the principles. Third ... Listen, what's the difference? Just write down the closet: Women want, and more than you think. And one-time sex prefers many of them. Question - where is this found?

Where to meet for sex

Professional Pickaper is easy to hover the girl in the bed even with the library. The rest of the joy go to the club or on dating sites. The efficiency is high and there, and there. With the list of best dating sites, read the link. And do not be shy. You have the right to any whim. In addition to ordinary speaking portals, there are thematic: do not lose time on Mamba, when there is "black" if you love robustly, and so on. Let's talk about web dating in more detail, since it is this method of gender communication that comes out today to leaders.

Girls living on the net: where to get acquainted on the Internet

It does not matter what your grandmother thinks about the Internet. Remind her that the correspondence acquaintances existed in the days of her youth. Well, today everything is hanging out in the Internet space - they work, communicate and, of course, get acquainted.

Advantages of online dating

  • You can meet and communicate without separation from current affairs. Very convenient in the conditions of total time deficit.
  • The choice is not limited to anything - this is a place where there are no language or territorial barriers.
  • Nakhodka for introverts - people "in themselves", which neither whip, nor a gingerbread in public places.
  • Easy to take the first step. If on the street of eggs to approach the girl sometimes not enough, on the Internet, go to contact - two fingers omit on the keyboard.
  • Virtual communication provides an opportunity to think over your own words. In real life, we are subject to emotions that force us to act reactively.

If for you the Internet up to this point was the place where you can download music or watch pornography, it's time to expand the horizons.

Social networks as an order resource

Social networks are a find for a guy who wants to meet a girl. The account on the social network is the sea "hook", which are easy to turn into opens. Any photo, video or even like can be used with benefits for yourself. And do not forget to clean your page. Remove the posts that women are fools, and another compromising. Your account must be exemplary.

Underwater stones of dating sites

The main advantage of dating sites is their specialized profile. On the dating site, girls want, oddly enough, get acquainted. Take Pop Corn, choose a dating site - and kill. But do not count on easy prey and one hundred percent return, because ...

  • Many competitors. The Internet undertakes the cost of the guy and overestims the significance of the girl. Even the "scary" get a bundle of sentences per day. In order not to get lost in the masses, imagine the public from the best side. How to fill the questionnaire a guy to make an impression on the girl, we said - Click and read.
  • Many virtuals. A large number of women of different ages will never meet with you. They seduce, seduce and self-affirmation without personal contact. Someone is married, someone is afraid, and someone has nothing to do. Uyma you can merge a bit. Therefore, do not care. Slowly, but inevitably translated the conversation in the direction of the real meeting.
  • Many illusions. Communication on the Internet is communication predominantly with a virtual way. So the brain works: owning the minimum of information, the rest is thinking. Therefore, see the item above. As soon as possible, withdraw communication to another level.

I'm not talking about scammers, darkens, prostitutes and other categories of ladies who will definitely meet on your way. But I will master the road going. Go!

About Light Bulbs: The Secret of the Success of Thomas Edison

I repeat like a mantra: where the girl will like it - there is a place for dating. Street, concert hall, dating site - no place determines the outcome, but your ability to act. And the misfires happen to everyone, even at the Guru Picap. Accept as a fact - will be intermitted. And this is not a reason to return to the comfort zone. This is a stimulus to take our site in bookmarks and read expert advice on how to increase personal communication skills.

What is the light bulbs? Thus, Thomas Edison performed 10,000 unsuccessful experiments to create an electric incandescent lamp. Every failure, a great scientist perceived as an experience that promotes him closer to success. Take note. A stubborn and persistent assault can be any obstacle. Good luck!

We offer to view the video in the subject of the article:

If you are increasingly asked by the question: "How to get acquainted with a girl on the Internet?" You definitely need to read this article. In it, we will tell about how to make new virtual dating, which will quite differ in real.

Today it is difficult to meet a person who would not hear about dating on the Internet. Moreover, thanks to the Internet, most people decide their questions daily, earn money, getting acquainted and communicating. It is about communication and acquaintances today and talk today. After all, as it turned out, many guys have problems with this. But the thing is that they do not know how to place a girl to themselves and tie a virtual conversation.

What to hook a girl on the Internet?

Dating sites, social networks are a great opportunity to find a friend or soul mate. At first glance it may seem to do it is not difficult. After all, the fact that the interlocutor is on the other side of the monitor, somewhat shakes and gives courage. But not everything is so simple. Only one phrase can persecute further communication.

Before you write "Hello. Let's meet "think about what time a girl reads a similar" banalcin. " Therefore, do not hurry and remember, the first impression is impossible for the second time. You have liked the lady you should charm from the first phrase.

In order to interest her, adhere to the following advice:

  • Be original;
  • Do not use standard phrases for dating or paved templates;
  • Take care that your questionnaire is interesting.

Let's talk about how to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet, where to start a conversation. To begin with, it is a little time to study her questionnaire if it comes to a dating site, or shifting a page on the social network. The information received may be quite enough to ensure the fascinating conversation.

Which phrase can begin to get acquainted:

  1. Original.

After examining her profile or page on the social network, pay attention to what the girl is interested in what is more priority for her. You can write a traveler girl: "I see, you also love Istanbul, like me. Did you see the blue mosque? There is divine. " In most cases, the representative of the fine floor will not be able to ignore the message from a person who is interested in the same as she.

If the girl loves animals and itself is a hostess of any living nature, this information can be used in their own interests: "Good afternoon. I also dream about Pincher. How do you like them? ".

  1. Clinging.

Make the right compliment. It is not about the figure or pleasant appearance of the lady. With confidence I can say that she herself knows how beautiful. Shone deeper. Write about what her needlewoman, a beautiful mistress or a cook, what is her impeccable taste.

  1. Humorous.

This is a great opportunity to check if she understands jokes. Yes, and self-confidence can be demonstrated in this way. For example, you can start with the phrase: "I urgently call the police, you stole my heart" or something like that.

If you want to make a good impression on the girl, do not be annoying and do not write ahine. Also bother about everything written by you readable and did not contain errors. On this girls also pay attention.

In order to know how to get acquainted in and the Internet with a girl, it is necessary to remember the phrases that, when you first get acquainted to write in no case:

"Hello. Let's get acquainted?"

Blessing complete. What the guys are counting with this approach is unknown. As a rule, such statements are immediately ignored, as well as all the next author.

Phrases: "What are you beautiful!", "Your mother is not needed?" And other of the same plan also includes.

"Good day. Sorry you are worried. Do you want to talk? " Or "hello. I looked through the profiles on the site, and decided to write you. I hope not disturbed? "

Already from the first phrase you give you to understand that confidence in yourself is not yours. And why a beautiful girl's mattress? That's right, there is no need. Therefore, it will read the message, closes and forget about it.

"Hello. Maybe we go to the club / Park / Cafe? "

It is unlikely that the girl will respond positively to such a replica and answer at all. A sharp representatives of the fine sex are perceived and attempts to meet when the guy asks her phone number in the first message.

If the girl liked the little and you can't wait to get acquainted with her, remember what was said at the beginning of the article - the first impression you can produce only once. Therefore, bother to spend a little time to learn more about it. It will give you more chances to conquer the girl in the correspondence.

How to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet, what to write to her, and from which replicas it is necessary to give up, you already know. If you learned it, you have all the chances to interest the interlocutor from the first message. But this may not be enough.

If the girl answered your message, you need to interest it, make such a long-awaited connection to fail. How to do it:

Do not ask questions that can put it in a dead end, cause unpleasant emotions.

You do not need to start familiarizing with complex questions or those that require a bulky deployed response. From the very first seconds to communicate with you, the girl should feel ease and ease, and not feel at the interrogation by the investigator. More jealous and flirtuy - weaker representatives like it.

Do not overdo it with questions.

Some guys allow a common mistake - literally fall into the girl with questions. The desire to learn about the interlocutor is more welcome, but it's not worth the excerpt. Let me learn something about yourself.

Do not answer immediately to its messages.

This will create the visibility of your employment, will make it clear that this correspondence is not the only joy in your life. In most cases, this approach causes the interlocutor to revere, she begins to think about you, waiting for at least some reaction to his message.

And even better - from time to time come out of the network without warning. Try less time to spend online. After all, probably, you have work, hobbies or any other important things.

Try the strategy "interested - not interested."

What does it mean? Not always the initiator of the correspondence should be only you. Yes, and excessive obsession can push the interlocutor. If you see her interest in communication, from time to time let me in the correspondence in correspondence - "good", "clear", "OK".

In addition, do not write her every day. Let the ladies also show the initiative. After all, the game in the same gate is not your final goal. Right?

Using all these tips, you will know how to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet. And if you do everything right, soon a virtual acquaintance can turn into a real meeting.

How to understand what time has come, go to active actions and came up to offer an interlocutor meeting? Make it is very simple, it is enough to analyze her behavior. A girl who is interested in you:

  • Gives deployed and not dry answers to questions;
  • Quite often itself is the initiator of the dialogue;
  • Uses emoticons in the correspondence, to manifest emotions.

If you want to know how to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet, where to start, so start with the simplest - registration of the questionnaire. Yes, its filling may seem like a very boring process. But it is she who can play your hand.

Properly compiled questionnaire is a guarantee of success. After all, girls, unlike guys, pay attention to the information that a potential young man leaves in his profile. From it you can learn a lot of interesting and not always pleasant.

Some girls, studying the questionnaire, include ignore. After all, the fact that they read or saw, repels and creates a certain impression.

How to make a questionnaire correctly:

Lay out on a dating site or on a social network page your photos in good quality.

It is enough 3-5 photos. At least one should be visible by your face.

Before you upload a photo, think about it - if you are in a steep club with the sea of \u200b\u200balcohol, then you will not call interest in a modest and homemade girls. But the lover of the night rampant life will bend.

Therefore, selecting the interlocutor of interests, think over this moment, and choose the right photos.

Do not be vulgar and vulgar.

Talking with such copies of the representatives of the weak floor of the brief. If nature endowed you with the body of Apollo or this is the merit of the instructor of the gym, and you want to demonstrate it - please. But do it in an acceptable form.

No need to photograph your biceps in the mirror, or upload photos of male dignity. Take a picture of nature, on the background of the sea or mountains. Believe it, it will attract the attention of the girl much more than various vulgarity.

Fill out the questionnaire correctly, give as much information you need about yourself.

Tell me about your hobbies, as you like to spend time, what you want from life. Pointing the criteria for which you are looking for a girl, do not drive yourself into the frame - only blondes, only under 23 years old, only 90-60-90.

Be foreseen and indicate that you are looking for a positive and gentle girl with which you can create a homemade coin or have fun. Surely every second girl considers that it is suitable for this criterion.

Despite the fact that in the questionnaire you should tell as much as possible about yourself, still do not turn it into a resume. Not everyone is interesting to read where, when, who you worked and for what reason was dismissed.

Now you know exactly how to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet, what to write to her for the first time and how to be an interesting interlocutor. And remember, no rush. Communication should be easily and easy. Only, it will be able to move to the level above and from a simple correspondence to turn into a meeting, and may also turn into something more.

Do not lower your hands if the first time it did not work out to start a familiarity with the beauty you like. It did not work this time - it will be necessary in the next one. After all, experience comes with practice. Therefore, do not be afraid, try and achieve your goals.

Discussion: 10 comments

    After reading the article, how to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet, I learned a lot of new things for myself. Perhaps not by all the advice will use, but at the expense of what needs to be original in communication, that's for sure. I do not think that some girl wants to communicate with those who will seem uninteresting with her from the very first minutes and will just write "Hi! How are you?".

    And I did not think for a long time, how to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet, what to write to her. That the first step in mind, about Tom and said. I looked at the photo in her profile, seemed quite interesting. It turned out that we rested sometime in the same country. So it began to communicate with an interesting topic.

    Well done! Very sensible article turned out. It is written just for such as I, who are so crazy to write like a girl "Your mother you don't need"?) I decided to write for a long time, it's a pity that I didn't see the article before, I would not make a lot of mistakes.

    Regarding the rules of correspondence with girls. It seems to me not in our life to reduce some rules, duties. If I want to ask her what I am wondering, then why not talk about it? Just because the rules say so? Tacticity and caution our all, comrades!

    The author seems to be well and well wrote ... But he said that it was not necessary to immediately respond to her messages. What nonsense? Why make a person wait and play such children's games? It will not force the interlocutor to revere, but will give her to understand that she is not interested in the guy and the reason to drain from it than faster.

    I also did not like the author's words about what to make her wait. Who is this man, God himself? This is what, and she will find an interesting lesson very quickly and forget about the guy. Who initially needed to communicate, her or him?) Why do I don't understand so much, I do not understand.

    I have never thought about the fact that it also needs some kind of questionnaire. I don't think it is very important for the girl. If she likes communication with a man, then, in my opinion, she doesn't matter how his page in the social network is issued.

    And here I want to offer my version of the topic for conversation. The interlocutor will definitely interest non-standard questions that will require her kindness and desire to take her. You can see in what places it happens and ask "and where is the way, how to go there", of course, avoiding proposals to help you find the place with her)) then it will certainly run away.

    I was very lucky. The girl with whom I communicated was very humorous, so with ease I understood what I am now kidding and where you need to laugh) guys if the lady does not understand your sense of humor or does not want to continue to communicate on a certain topic, then you don't need to make it make it do ... Otherwise, very soon you will get it easy.

    I am very scary to write to her first. I read this article, I really liked some items. It's good that I did not write to her before. There were some ideas, but I am afraid that everything would spoil ... the author, please write how girls react to popular phrases guys not online, but in life)