What benefits and payments are pregnant. Getting payments from several employers. Monthly allowance for the period of leave for child care until they reach the age of one and a half years

Many women at the stage of planning the conception of the child concerns the question regarding the order, the size of social benefits and benefits associated with pregnancy. Among the benefits of pregnant women in 2019 there are several types of payments. All of them are divided into three large groups:

  • labor benefits;
  • benefits non-working pregnant women;
  • medical benefits.

What benefits are pregnant in 2019 among all these directions, you should know every future mom.

Labor benefits at work pregnant women in 2019

Labor benefits for pregnant women 2018 are primarily aimed at facilitating working conditions, which contributes to a healthy baby tool. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides pregnant women with many benefits. If you wish for a future mother, if it becomes hard to deal with his professional duties, the employer is obliged to reduce the rules of development or translate to another place of work, which eliminates the impact of harmful factors. Under such conditions, a position and wages that were before pregnancy are preserved for pregnancy.

Russia also has some types of prohibited work for women awaiting the birth of a child. Such works include places where a woman, by virtue of their professional duties, is forced to raise gravity over 5 kg, where there are night shifts and contact with poisonous substances.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a change of a pregnant woman of the kind of activity with piecework, conveyor work, on weekends and holidays, with frequent business trips. Also, to the number of factors in which the change of the kind of activity is required, the occurrence of discomfort during the performance of official duties associated with having a child (for example, if a woman is a cook, and it worries toxicosis).

To get benefits to pregnant at work in 2019, a woman is enough to write a statement about the request for the transfer of it to another job responsibility, it is also necessary to provide the employer to a certificate from a doctor, in which the requirement to delivering a woman from unfavorable working conditions. This procedure does not provide any records in the employment record and change the size of wages.

According to Article 90 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, pregnant has the right to work part-time, having coordinated it with the employer. In this case, no amendments are made in the labor and insurance experience of a pregnant woman, and the wages are numbered according to the hours worked.

The labor rights of a pregnant woman in the Russian Federation regulate the requirements for its workplace - the premises should be equipped with ventilation, good lighting, with normal air temperature and optimal humidity. The workplace of a woman waiting for the birth of a child should not be near the copy and multiplinary technique, and at a computer you can spend no more than 3 hours in shift.

According to the benefits of pregnant women in 2019, established by the state, the employer must send his employee awaiting the birth of a child to the annual paid leave with one hundred percent payment.

Benefits of pregnant women for medical care

In 2006, the Government of the Russian Federation launched the State All-Russian Health Project, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of medical services in the maternity hospital and women's consultations. What benefits are pregnant in 2019 for medical care?

Art. 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Art. 20 The Fundamentals of the Russian Federation provides that services and assistance to citizens of the Russian Federation in state and municipal medical institutions are provided free of charge, including pregnant women.

According to the orders of "On Medicinal Support of Pregnant Women", each future mother can receive a number of drugs absolutely free or with a 50 percent discount.

To get all the benefits for medical care during pregnancy, a woman needs to adhere to such a general order:

1. It is important to try to account for women's advice on the place of residence Up to twelve weeks of pregnancy. For the early state registration, the state provides for stimulating benefits and payments to pregnant women in 2019 in the amount of 500-1000 rubles, depending on the region of the Russian Federation.

2. Regularly visit the Cabinet Cabinet Gynecologist and take all the tests in a timely manner.

3. At the 30th week of pregnancy or on the 28th (with multiple pregnancy), a generic certificate is issued. It can be used to purchase drugs, paying birth, as well as a medical examination of the baby for the first year of life.

Free medical services Pregnant in 2019:

1. Services of doctors - gynecologist, therapist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, dentist. For free medical services specialists, it is necessary to take a direction in the chicken gynecologist.

2. General studies. For the entire period of pregnancy, a woman is laid for free three planned ultrasound, in case of deviation from the norm there may be more. In order for the study to be free, it is necessary to have a direction to the procedure from the chicting gynecologist. In addition to ultrasound, the future mother must pass the ECG, as well as fluorography with all members of his family living with her.

3. Laboratory studies. According to the order of the Ministry of Health, a pregnant woman has the right to a number of free analyzes - common, biochemical, serological, cytological and additional testimony of the gynecologist.

4. Manipulations and physiotions. According to the testimony, a pregnant woman has the right to free physiotics - electrosone, electric and others. For the appointment of a free-free physician, intravenous and intramuscular injections are carried out, as well as other manipulations.

Documents for receiving pregnant benefits to maternity leave in 2019

Benefits and benefits to pregnant women 2018, which have not been employed before pregnancy, differ significantly from material assistance to working. A pregnant woman can be recorded in the employment service, registering as unemployed, and receive unemployment benefits before the start of pregnancy and childbirth. Regardless of the social status, the presence or absence of work, the woman has the right to receive child care benefits up to 1, 5 years.

The following documents are needed to receive pregnant benefits to maternity leave 2018:

  • passport of a pregnant woman;
  • certificate from female consultation, which confirms the fact of registration of up to 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • application for a benefit for early registration;
  • help from the employment service to confirm the status of the unemployed;
  • certified extract from the employment record;
  • help from the district office of the Social Protection Service that the payment of a woman has not yet been conducted.

These documents make it possible for pregnant women to get social assistance if they are registered for pregnancy up to 12 weeks.

Pregnant women after the 30th week of pregnancy have the right to go on maternity leave. Appointed only to those who have had a permanent place of work. Also rely on material assistance from the state when careing, women who lost the place of work as a result of the liquidation of the enterprise or quit no more than a year ago.

In 2019, the size of such support from the state is 5,768, 31 rubles, but this amount may differ depending on the region. The state is paid 140 days. Based on this, the minimum amount of maternity payments will be slightly less than 27 thousand rubles. The maximum amount of payments can be a little more than 228 thousand.

The calculation of the average wage is carried out in two preceding the year before maternity leave. Employed women receive benefits equal to the average wage, and it is issued for them every 140 days. Pregnant students receive benefits equal to the size of the average scholarship. Future mothers who have lost jobs in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise can count on allowance for the size of only 300 rubles.

The main benefit is a maternity allowance that you receive for maternity leave. The duration of the vacation is set as follows: 140 days for ordinary births, 156 days with complicated birth (including) and 194 days. Pregnancy and childbirth can be obtained at the place of work. At 30 weeks of pregnancy in the women's consultation, you must issue a disability leaf (sick leave). You are present in the accounting department of your company to accrual the benefit. The manual must be paid on time no later than 10 days from the date of the provision of documents. You can see for a manual, both during pregnancy and after childbirth, but no later than 6 months from the date of maternity leave.

Pregnancy and childbirth benefits is paid in the full amount of your average earnings. But there is a limitation of the upper limit of the benefit. If your salary amounted to less than 38,583 rubles, you will not touch these restrictions. But if more - pay attention to the formula for calculating the maximum benefit size. The maximum is calculated on the basis of the amount of 463,000 rubles per year, that is, when divided by 365 days - 1268 rubles per day.

The formula for calculating the total amount of allowance is: multiply your average earnings per day on the number of maternity leave (140). If your average day earnings are more than 1268 rubles, multiply by 140 this amount. That is, the maximum allowance for ordinary childbirth will be 177,589 rubles.

If your work experience at the time of reaching the decree is less than 6 months, the manual is calculated on another formula. Then the monthly amount of the benefit may not exceed the minimum wage (minimum wage). The same will be the maximum allowance, if you are an individual entrepreneur. You can receive benefits if you took part in the FSS (Social Insurance Fund) and paid contributions at least during the year.

If you study at the university on the day office, the amount of benefits will be calculated based on scholarships.

If you work part-time in several different companies, please contact each employer separately.

Disabled women for pregnancy and childbirth is not paid. Have you become unemployed as a result of the liquidation of the enterprise? Did this happen during the last year? You can apply for the payment of benefits to Rossen (district management of social protection of the population). The manual will be 412 rubles per month. In addition, in some regions there may be additional payments for this category of pregnant women. So, in Moscow there is an additional allowance for women dismissed due to liquidation within 12 months. This allowance is 1,500 rubles per month.

Manual for working women who put into account women's advice on early pregnancy

If you are on the period of up to 12 weeks, you have a federal allowance in the amount of 400 rubles. There is also a Moscow allowance in the amount of 600 rubles. For those who have stuck up to 20 weeks. To obtain these benefits, you must take appropriate certificates in women's advice. The federal allowance is issued in the same place where the manual for pregnancy and childbirth, and the Moscow surcharge - through Rossen. This type of benefits applies only to working pregnant women.

Other pregnant benefits

Keep in mind that in addition to cash payments, you have the right to a number of benefits.

Pregnant women have the right to free receipt of some. The recipe is discharged in a female consultation, and you can get medicines in district pharmacies. The list of free drugs includes basic drugs that are usually prescribed during pregnancy: iron, folic acid preparations, multivitamin complexes.
On the recommendation of the gynecologist's doctor, you can even get free food. The grocery set includes vitamins and dairy products.

In the presence of testimony, pregnant women can also be issued free trips to the sanatorium. They are issued for a rehabilitation period after staying in hospital for medical reasons.

As you know, pregnancy is not a disease, but a woman who is in a happy waiting would like to feel more careful and understanding towards himself. Russian legislation contains many rules designed to protect a pregnant woman from the arbitrariness of employers. It is also worth noting that maternity leave, as well as a child care vacation in our country, is one of the most prolonged worldwide. Payments and benefits are pregnant are designed to calm the woman so that the thoughts about the material benefits do not distract from joyful expectation.

Labor benefits and pregnant women

A pregnant woman who decided to get a job cannot be denied employment, motivating these reasons associated with its pregnancy. It is also forbidden to arrange when taking a test.

Already working pregnant women can not:

  • attract to overtime and work at night;
  • call from vacation due to production necessity;
  • replace the next labor leave by cash compensation;
  • attract to work on watch conditions and send on business trips;
  • fuse except the elimination of the employer's company.

If a pregnant woman works in dangerous or harmful conditions, then it must be translated into less dangerous areas. Pregnant women can not be involved in underground work (with the exception of sanitary work). According to a pregnant woman, it is obliged to transfer it to easier work or reduce the rules of development. At the same time, the average earnings remain.

At the request of a pregnant woman, she can have a short-range working day or a reduced work week. In this case, the salary is paid in proportion to spent time.

Thus, pregnant benefits are to ensure favorable working conditions.

Is it possible to dismiss a pregnant woman?

Russian legislation prohibits employers to dismiss pregnant women at the initiative of the employer. All such cases are prosecuted, the termination of an employment contract with a pregnant woman at the request of the employer is criminalized. And women who fired, can apply to the court.

However, there are exceptions:

  • complete liquidation of the enterprise;
  • the expiration of the contract, which was signed for a certain period (for example, for the period of absence of another employee);
  • if a pregnant woman was offered job options from which she refused, and in the organization there is no other work (including the pregnant employee, which could be executed.

Pregnant payments

Women who stood up for their pregnancy in early terms is paid a one-time allowance, the size of which is indexed. This allowance is federal, but regions can establish additional benefits paid on the same basis.

The main payment of pregnant women is for pregnancy and childbirth. The manual is paid when leaving for maternity leave. The manual is paid for 140 days of the decree (156 days - with complicated childbirth, to which the cesarean section, and 194 days - if the pregnancy is multiply) in the amount of average earnings. At the same time, the benefit is not subject to income tax.

If a pregnant woman is studying at the university and receives a scholarship, then for it, pregnancy benefits and childbirth is calculated based on the size of the scholarship. Disabled women, this allowance is not paid. The minimum allowance is paid to pregnant women dismissed from work due to the liquidation of the organization during the year before the intended maternity leave.

Other pregnant benefits

  1. At the conclusion of a doctor, a pregnant woman relies full nutrition, to ensure which it can be provided with products (usually dairy products) in special items.
  2. The gynecologist can prescribe a pregnant woman with vitamins and drugs necessary during this period. Such drugs are provided to women for free.
  3. If there is indications and after being in the hospital, a pregnant woman can be directed to spa treatment for free.

Manual for pregnancy and childbirth, one-time allowance for women in medical institutions in early pregnancy, one-time allowance at the birth of a child.

Today, women reached such heights, which Russians began to start the centuries and dream. They work in all areas near men, along with them, and sometimes better men. At the same time, women are significantly inferior to men in the wage level, in participating in political life, in management and at the level of decision-making. Among those who lost their work most are women.

Therefore, women as never before know how they can defend their rights and legitimate interests. The Constitution of the Russian Federation and labor legislation established equal rights of men and women to work and his payment.

A single system of public benefits is established by the Federal Law No. 81 of 19.05.95 "On government benefits to citizens with children." This law guarantees the material support of women in connection with the birth and children. Such guarantees are: - Payment of relevant benefits and the provision of relevant little.

The size This manual is the size of the average earnings, monetary allowances (for passing military service), scholarships (for students with a separation from production) or minimum wage (for the unemployed, dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise).

The manual is paid for the entire period of maternity leave, which is: 70 (in the case of multiple pregnancy - 84) calendar days before delivery and 70 (in the case of complicated birth - 86, at the birth of two or more children - 110) calendar days after delivery .

For appointment and payment of this manual, you must provide the following documents:

  • women subject to public social insurance - disability sheet;
  • unemployed women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise - a statement on the appointment of benefits, a disability sheet, an extract from the workbook on the last place of work, certified in the prescribed manner, a certificate from the state employment authorities on the recognition of these citizens by the unemployed;
  • women learning with a separation from production and undergoing military service is a medical certificate of the established form.

Pregnancy benefits are paid no later than 10 days from the date of providing all necessary documents.

2. One-time allowance for women in medical institutions in early pregnancy

The right to such a manual have women who are registered with the medical institution in early pregnancy - up to 12 weeks. This one-time allowance is prescribed and paid in the amount of the minimum wage. The manual is assigned and paid at the destination and payment of maternity benefits and childbirth. To assign this manual, a certificate is provided from the female consultation or other medical institution that has put the woman to record in the early periods of pregnancy. This allowance is paid simultaneously with maternity benefits. If the specified reference is presented later, the manual is paid within 10 days after its provision.

3. One-time benefit at the birth of a child

The right to receive this manual has one of the parents or a person replacing it. In the case of birth (under the age of three months), two or more children are assigned a one-time allowance and paid for every child. A one-time allowance at birth (adoption) of the child is paid in size Fifteentent minimum wage set by federal law on the child's birthday.

The one-time allowance at the birth of a child is appointed and paid to one of the parents or a person who replaces it, at the place of work (services, studies), and if parents or a person replacing it, does not work (does not serve, not learning) - the body of social protection of the population The place of residence of the child.

The manual is appointed if the appeal followed him no later than six months from the birth of a child. For appointment and payment of benefits, it is necessary to submit the following documents:

  • application for the appointment of this manual;
  • help on the birth of a child issued by the regions of the registry office (issued when registering a child)
  • if both parents work (learn, serve), additionally provides a certificate from the place of work (services, study) of another parent that such a manual is not appointed.

A lump-sum benefit at the birth of a child is paid no later than 10 days from the date of providing all the necessary documents.

4. Monthly allowance for the period of leave to care for the child before reaching them the age of one and a half years

The monthly allowance for the care period of the child is paid to the person on maternity leave, before reaching the child of the age of one and a half years. The manual is appointed if the appeal followed him no later than six months from the date of reaching a child of one and a half years. At the same time, the manual is paid over the entire period, during which the employee was on vacation for child care.

The size The benefits are two minimum wages established by federal law, regardless of the number of children, for which care is carried out.

The right to the monthly allowance for the child's care period before the age of the age of one and a half years is maintained in the case of a person who is on leave to care for a child, on conditions of incomplete working time or at home, as well as in the event of a scholarship in order to continue learning. Mothers simultaneously having the right to a monthly allowance for a period of leave to care for the child before reaching them the age of one and a half years and on unemployment benefits are entitled to one of these benefits by their choice.

For the purpose and payment of a monthly child care allowance are provided with the following documents:

  • application for the appointment of such a manual
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate.

Instead of mother, child care leave can take at its place of work or grandmother. To make such a vacation, it is also necessary to provide a certificate from the place of work (study, service) of the mother of the child, that it does not use the specified vacation and does not receive the relevant benefits.


Hello, in fact, there are benefits, for certain medicines and services so accurately. Read here [link-1]. I know about it from a pregnant girlfriend, but it is better to check the information youself.

02/03/2019 15:53:25, Sofa

Hello expensive people. Tell me please. I am very pleased. I have a benefit at work before and after. I'm registered in women's consultations, came there for 15 weeks. Do I have some benefits and payments before and after. And I still want to go to the institute this year. Is there any benefits Upon arrival. And I would like to know sitting on maternity aids. And after childbirth for which I can claim. I think the same questions are tormented by many girls. Very grateful who will answer me. Thank you. Thanks and a great day and evening

06/14/2018 16:26:57, Anya and Ilyusha


12/30/2008 11:14:41, Svetlana

Please tell me, I work for a private booking company (5
months), settled from the employment center and took me to subsidia
such if I'm leaving in Dicret Who will pay for me to pay a manual?
In advance Boltar for attention.

12/30/2008 11:14:37, Svetlana

29.12.2008 00:27:32

i expect the birth of a child in May 2009, what material help can I apply as not unemployed? And what can my husband qualify for how to work if its salary is 21,000 rubles.

29.12.2008 00:20:44

Hello! At the moment I am on your childcare leave. The child is 11 months old, and a one-time allowance cannot be paid to me in connection with the company's leication that lasts for 5 months. What to do?

12/21/2008 10:00:59, Olga

Hello! I would like to ask you about a lump-sum material assistance in connection with the birth of a child, which is 10 thousand rubles. Can I get her if I am not 30 years old?

12/18/2008 17:03:07, Tatiana

Good day. My baby is almost 4 years old, I work. Recently, there are increasing cases when I was delayed at work after the end of the working day. I bring up her alone (with my husband we divorced). Tell me please, whether the employer has the right to detain me at the workplace at the same time, without paying for processing.

12/04/2008 07:50:26, Eugene

Hello! What documents are required to present a husband to receive benefits for the birth of a child (8000 rubles) Since I do not work and never worked and unemployment benefits

11/25/2008 17:38:35, Julia

Hello. I am on vacation to care for a child up to 1.5 years old. You never want to list the employer, referring to the fact that there is no money, but the salary has already issued to your employees. How can I get my money where you can seek help? When Must with an employer to pay them, at the beginning of each month or a month later

11/17/2008 10:46:54, Irina

Hello! I am 29 years old, my first baby will be born! I wanted to know what kind of certificates are required to make a husband to receive a child's birthday benefits since I don't have unemployed and unemployment benefits

12.11.2008 17:40:00, Tatiana

hello! I am a student, to educate the child I will be alone. Now I have 19 weeks of pregnancy. I would like to know what it should be relying, what benefits for pregnancy and then after the birth of the child. Included in the consultation I got late, in 18 weeks.

Hello!!! You can ask you for the benefit to receive an allegedly (8 000 UAH) indeed until 2008 or in 2009 will also act !!! I was still told that I supposedly increased the allowance to 12 000 UAH. Thank you!

02.10.2008 16:43:20, Elena

I work at a private enterprise, at the moment I am on 4 months of pregnancy. My husband is translated from Khabarovsk to Moscow and I will have 2 months before going to maternity leave to move to Moscow. I will reflect on my own request in connection with the translation of the husband to a new place of service. I have a question: can I already be in Moscow through socially to get maternity and just do I have any allowance?

09/10/2008 03:52:58, Tatiana

Comment Article "Benefits and benefits to pregnant women and citizens who have children (start)"

Up to one and a half years, a child will receive a 20 percent benefit from earnings in 2 previous years. Question: 1. How do you have a vacation at work, what do I have right? If pregnancy leave and childbirth, is it necessary for hospital? Care vacation for child ...


Calculate that the decret is not provided with care. Thanks!

Hospital leaf, which is 70 days old, and payable in the amount of 100 percent, you are definitely not accurate, it is just adopters. You can, on the basis of a decree on guardianship from the date of the decision, issue a child to care for a child up to three years. Up to one and a half years, a child will receive a 20 percent benefit from earnings in 2 previous years. But there are both restrictions on the minimum and maximum on this manual.

01/14/2015 18:06:36, accountant_

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. To appoint pregnancy and childbirth, it is required: a statement about the appointment of benefits; Help on the birth of a child from the registry office (fixed FZ) - at birth and for ...


at the same time I ask:
when decrehensive are considered, they summarize zp before the deduction of income or take 13%, and then sum up?

Officially, you must calculate within 10 calendar days;
pay in the coming day set for payroll. According to labor law, the salary must pay 2 times a month. (Although some enterprises are informally paying 1 time per month.) But according to the documents you have to pay exactly on September 25, because by this time is obliged to make calculation and accrual (9 + 10 \u003d September 19).

The manual according to childbirth is paid with the adoption of a child by age up to 70 days (if the date of birth is transferred, then from the new date). The right to a one-time allowance at the birth of a child has one of the parents or a person replacing it. (as amended by federal law from ...


The manual according to childbirth is paid with the adoption of a child by age up to 70 days (if the date of birth is transferred, then from the new date).
Pregnancy benefits to be simply can't, you were not pregnant.
The postpartum part is paid.
Up to 6 months (or is 3?) - This is a childbirth allowance.

Either sn, or payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth or care. With the adoption of a child (children) under the age of three months, maternity benefits and the childcare allowance for 1.5 years due to birth or from the end of the decree?


Until the age of 70 days, the kid should receive maternity leave at work, sick leave in the hospital, where the baby was born. Then, if you are in Moscow, then go to the fees with documents. There are writing statements on the payment of 5,000 rubles, 42240 rubles (Moscow five salaries), 11703.13 rubles. These are all one-time payments. If the court for adoption was in Moscow, then also an application for 12 thousand every month to 18 years of the child.
He herself two weeks ago in the feast wrote.

Yes, get. If you are in Moscow. That, together with the birth certificate, you had to give 2 birth certificates. One for the payment of a one-time in a child (give it to the accounting), the other for the Moscow payment (with her in sobes). For Moscow, the first amount of 10988 rubles. Second 5000 rubles. Even in the intercourse, you make a one-time payment in the transfer of a child to the family (for any region) the amount of 10988 rubles. And if we adopted in Moscow, we receive a one-time Moscow payment in adoption of about 40 thousand rubles.
This is about one-time. If you are in Moscow, I can also write about monthly.

Should we pay her maternity allowance for her? At what time you need to assign a child care allowance and in what size? Certificate of adoption I did not bring. I was asked only the child's birth certificate and the application.


I also found, maybe someone will come in handy:
"Salary", 2008, N 2

Question: The employee adopted an eight-month-old child. Should we pay her maternity allowance for her? At what time you need to assign a child care allowance and in what size? What documents a worker is obliged to submit to the accounting department?
Sophia Pashtawn, Accountant of a construction company, Nizhny Novgorod

Answer: Let's turn to paragraph 2 of Art. 10 of the law N 255-FZ. It says that the insured person has the right to be for maternity benefits, if the child adopts a child under three months. Payment is made from the date of adoption of the baby and until the expiration of 70 calendar days from the day of birth.
In your case, the child has already been eight months old, so the employee cannot claim for maternity benefits and childbirth.
However, the worker has the right to go on leave to care for a child up to one and a half years and receive the appropriate benefit. This follows from Part 2 of Art. 256 Labor Code, Art. 13 of the Federal Law of 19.05.1995 N 81-FZ "On State Guidelines for Citizens with Children" and paragraph 35 of the Regulations on the appointment and payment of public benefits to citizens who have children approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2006 N 865 (hereinafter referred to N 865). The manual will be appointed from the day the child's leave to the day of execution of the child and a half years (PP. "A" p. 42 of the decree N 865).
According to paragraph 44 of the Resolution No. 865, the employee will receive a manual in the amount of 40% of average earnings at the place of work over the past 12 calendar months preceding the month of the occurrence of childcare leave. At the same time, the minimum amount of the benefit is 1500 rubles. per month during the period of leave for the care of the first child and 3000 rubles. - For the second and subsequent children. The maximum amount of child care benefits cannot exceed 6000 rubles for the full calendar month.
To get a benefit at the place of work, the employee must submit documents into accounting in accordance with paragraph 50 of the Resolution No. 865, namely:
- application for the appointment of benefits (in arbitrary form);
- a copy of the certificate of adoption of the child, for which care is carried out;
- a copy of the birth certificate (adoption, death) of the previous child (children), if the mother has an adopted child is not the first;
- Help from the work of the husband's husband employees (if he is also a adopter) that he does not use child care leave and does not receive the relevant benefit.

Department head
applications of legislation
in the mandatory area
social insurance
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