Career or family, what is more important? Career or family

Family or career - what is more important? This question is an eternal feminine problem, because men have everything much easier if the man is successful in the business sphere, he rises the possibility of self-realization and the choice of life companions becomes wider.

Women are all much more difficult.

Success in the career does not guarantee their personal happiness.

Many talented women leaders are hard to find a life satellite. Children as a result, provided themselves, as their mother spends all their time at work.

Of all the above, it means that the whole bet must be done on the family?

But here many women lie disappointment. The feeling of unrealizations in the majority forms a large complex of inferiority, because the circle of communication of housewives is limited to the family. Being in the search for self-realization, the woman surrounds a very big care of her husband and children, which over time develops into a mega-control rate, which destroys many marriages.

What then give preference: career or family? Or can try to combine them?

When solving this complex dilemma, thoughts come to mind: you need to do everything in consistently. First career, and then the family, or vice versa. It would seem that everything is simple and logical, but here are a lot of their pitfalls.


Let's try to figure out and put a career on the first place, and then family and children.

Young girls, complete enthusiasm and energy, ready for unexpected acts, which often lead to success, are never limited to thoughts that they can not work. They only answer for themselves, are not burdened with children and family, can devote all their time and not worry that they will still have to explain to someone why you delayed at work. They do not have to restore themselves after childbirth, because while you give birth and nurse your baby, your knowledge is obsolete, the abilities of learning significantly decrease, interesting ideas are invented and embodied by someone else.

It seems to be the benefits to the first place a career and quite essential, but here there are many of your minuses.

Delighted into the work, many women dulp their desire to become a mother. It seems like you want children, but you will not decide on this act. Once you understand what I am satisfied with your life and do not want to change anything, everything suits you and so. But what about the maternal instinct?

In many Western countries, women give birth after thirty, as it is considered fashionable. The older the woman, the more difficult to get pregnant to her, according to modern doctors - Late childbirth is a very big risk and for a woman, and for a child.

Family is more important?

Let's try to formulate a question differently, and put a family at first place, and then career.

This option is not so common, but there are many of its positive parties.

First, there is no complex that you have no family.

After all, at the subconscious level, every woman dreams of getting married and give birth to a child, and if she is deprived of it, then over the years, it develops a complex that keeps in the further creation of normal relations with people. You calmly give birth, do not worry that there is quite a bit of time and you have to go from maternity leave, and you give your baby a lot of maternal care and caress that it is necessary for him.

If a woman has a good marriage, then their husbands are very supported in their endeavors, and sometimes, they can even give initial capital for these endeavors. But here is not so smooth!

One, probably, from the main issues - when can you take care of a career?

When will the child go to a kindergarten or shoots to school? Or maybe when will you go to the university? After all, on each of these life stages, you will seem to you that your child is still small and needs maternal support.

As they say in verses Edward Asadova "... children are always for mother children, let them even twenty, at least thirty years ...". If you repel from such reasoning, then career time may not come. Time does not stand still, and while you give birth, you raise the child to your feet, your enthusiasm, knowledge and skill are lost, and many new promising competitors appear on the labor market, and in a few years you can be far overboard business sector. Also, not every husband wants to support the initiative of his spouse to make a career, and choose between a favorite thing and a person dear for you is very difficult, as a family or career dilema.

Combine family and career?

But how to combine a family and career? There is a large mass of examples in which women are successfully self-realized and as business women, and as wives and mothers. And what about them did, and what helped them achieve such results? First, it is the ability to balance between family and career, faith in yourself and in your strength.

If you want your life to be saturated, then you should never choose between a career and family, and better try to learn how to combine these two sides of your life!

Since ancient times it was believed that the woman was a custodian of the focus, the work of which is washing, cleaning, cooking and raising children, and all that was washed, what to clean and from what to cook - male care. But times are changing and today there is a lot of interest for many women. And here is the question: Career or family for a woman is important? Each himself plays priorities, making a choice.

Career ladder

Modern woman wants to have financial independence from men. Work for a woman is not only a means of earnings, but also improving self-esteem, confidence and self-realization. Often about your own business or promotion on the service staircase, the beautiful floor is thinking even before the creation of the family. In this case, it may be so that the creation of a family and its further development is simply no free time. Many say that the family is the main career of a woman, but for someone a family is a job.

Advantages and Disadvantages when choosing a career


  • The opportunity to devote the life of what you like;
  • Financial independence;
  • Authority and respect of colleagues;
  • Expansion of the horizons and self-realization;
  • More interesting, rich life.


  • Combining career and family, a woman cannot give love, affection and tenderness to fully their children;
  • Chronic frequent lack of free time;
  • Family conflicts;
  • Stress and overwork the body, which leads to sleep and irritability;
  • Big competition and male chauvinism;
  • Loss of an old circle of communication (and lack of time in search of a new one).

Family focus

A woman-housewife gives all her strength to the family: takes care of children and husband, drawing up the house. This option is ideal for almost every man: there is always clean in the house, after work there is always a delicious dinner, children do not decide on the TV, receiving proper education. In the first pair, the woman is also insanely happy such a coincidence, because it is all day with those who love her and whom she loves. Why is the question arises more importantly, work or family? Being a whole day of the house, women do not receive enough opportunities for the development of personal qualities and skills that can provide professional activities. From here, depression will appear, the complex of inferiority and questions on the topic "What did I achieve?" Even with work, there can be no speech about career growth. After all, you need to come home in time, cook dinner, prepare clothes to school to school and so on. In general, the choice of family also has its pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • The ability to support the house in order and be near the children;
  • Care for yourself and for health;
  • Periodically meet friends;
  • Walking on various events with children.


  • Financial dependence;
  • Caring for the house and loved ones turns into a duty;
  • Monotonous life "on schedule";
  • Lack of husband and his help.

For wonderful women

Sometimes it happens that it is not a simple desire for women, but the need due to lack of funds. Not any man can feed the whole family independently, and then the discussion on the topic is more important, as best and more correctly does not even arise in the heads of spouses. Then he should stick to some simple rules.

  1. The first thing to do is to distribute home duties between husband and wife. This will help reduce the load on a woman and will allow her to successfully climb the career ladder.
  2. Do not abuse work: not to achieve all heights, do not earn all money. But household affairs and close to the recycling may well suffer.
  3. Detish work and home. If you have a harsh boss at work, then at home should be reincarnated in the most delicate and loving parent, in which the child needs so much.
  4. Do not discuss at home working questions, better talk about the impressions of the day and plans for the future. This not only gets closer with the family, but will allow to reset the tension accumulated per day in an attempt to find an output in a particular project.
  5. Do not forget that the husband also needs care and attention. Therefore, if possible, try to compensate for all the work taken overtime.
  6. In life, you should not forget about the most important, golden rule: career needs to be built thanks to professionalism and unique skills, and not by increasing working time.

I would like to add some of the advice of the psychologist Elena Tararina. "A woman who has created a family and gave birth to children, but realized that she lacks such an option as a career and self-realization, should be honestly to say that this is a huge piece of nerves, forces and internal discipline," the psychologist notes. She says that you should not believe in a stereotype that a woman is not able to be a beautiful wife and mom and have a successful career.

This article only told about some nuances of choice in this matter, and what is better for you and your family you must decide for yourself.

In the life of each woman comes the moment when she gets up before choosing - a career or family. Of course, there are women who know how to combine both and more, but it is very difficult to determine how well they get it, and, reaching career successes, whether there are no problems at the same time. Therefore, before making a choice, it is very important to weigh all the "for" and "against" and try to find a compromise. This will help honestly answer the question than you are willing to sacrifice, family or career.

What is more important, quarry or family

Now more and more women wish to realize themselves on a professional field, make a career. If earlier this trend was traced among women who have reached the age of 40, now the very young girls who have completed institutions or technical schools are striving for this. But sometimes, reaching career heights or disappointed in the work, they remain alone, sometimes destroying the family, but not creating it more often. To make the right choice and avoid solitude, it follows from the very beginning of the career race to expand all priorities for yourself. After all, a often woman who stubbornly strives to make a career, was simply not able to establish a personal life at some reason, sending his energy to another direction.

According to polls, it is by 40 who most women begin to regret that they have chosen their careers. If coming out married, the girl does not want to give up career, it is necessary that her husband supports her choice, otherwise she will have to give up or from a family, or from a career. It is still better to abandon the career, because not a single woman is unknown by the concept of careerism, it is more applied to men. In the nature of the woman laid the role of not director and managerial, but the role of the custodian of the focus, never a real woman will come into the struggle for the place under the sun with rigid men.

Choosing a career in the presence of a family, a woman cannot fully give their love, attention, affection and care. Children are not allowed to heat them, which directly affects their development and very often in a negative plan. In addition, the career is not always a thoroughly suspended choice, but simply helps any person, not only a woman, feel its own significance.

It should not be in pursuit of career heights to forget that not only success on professional field is important in this world. Work plays an important role in our lives, it helps to self-realize, show all its abilities, develop the best qualities and skills. But each woman is intended to become another happy wife who is loving mother and caring daughter. Only inability to make a choice correctly and distribute time prevents this fully.

The chief advice of psychologists is that the woman must learn to feel, understand what she wants at the moment to then do not regret his choice. Separately, I would like to mention that if you have made a career, but still lonely left, should not be desirable. While in your life there was a worthy man, it is better to deal with the construction of a career, and as soon as this meeting will take place, direct all its energy on the family.

How to combine a career and family

Sometimes it's not just a desire to make a career forces a woman to work, but also a banal lack of funds for a full existence, not all husbands can provide a family. In such a situation, there is no longer worth the problem of choice, if a woman values \u200b\u200bher husband, she remains only to learn how to combine work and family.

  • The distribution of responsibilities between husband and wife will help reduce the load on a woman and give her the opportunity to successfully overcome the career ladder if she strives for it. Therefore, talk about who from you and what will answer.
  • Try to distribute the duties at work so that it did not suffer from home affairs because of her, and most importantly, your loved ones. When using numerous techniques, how rationally distribute work time and responsibilities, it is quite possible. Organize your workspace and at work, and at home, so optimally, to save time on performing various operations.
  • Do not take work home and do not discuss the whole evening working questions, pay free time and weekend only family. Learn to share work and house.
  • To avoid problems, if you earn more husband, and he shows discontent, try to create a professional growth and atmosphere for her husband, which will feel that he stays in the house with a full master, despite your progress. Even better if you give him to understand that only due to his support, help, good advice and faith in you, you have reached such career heights. We often remind you that all your successes at work is a common merit, but do not intercept.
  • Remember, workolism and desire to make a career are incompatible.
  • Do not sacrifice the time allotted for communication with children. Gifts, sports clubs and the best nanny will not replace the children mom, so sacrifice the career for the sake of children. Cut away with children all your free time, arrange a joint vacation, play, interest school affairs and hobbies.
  • Be sure to remember that the husband also needs your attention and care. If you are forced to work overtime, inform your spouse and do not forget to compensate for it in the nearest day off, setting up a romantic morning, turning into lunch and dinner. Try to avoid work on weekends and refuse overtime. Build career not by increasing working time, but thanks to your professionalism and deep knowledge.

Career and family for women

If you think and honestly answer the question of yourself, it turns out that many of the women seek to make a career in order to get acquainted with a decent man and at the same time achieve certain material stability and level in society. Some other pronounced reasons forcing perseverance to overcome the step behind the step of the career ladder, no. Having achieved the desired, usually women no longer seek to move even higher, it remains even today the prerogative of men. Women who received the right position and reaching a clearly defined level of income, begin to think about creating a family, that it is time for all efforts to send it to the search for a decent man, the birth and raising children.

Therefore, if there is in the nature of energy and ambitions, the woman is best to realize itself first as a business personality and only after that a family creation. Unrealized professional potential can be an obstacle for a happy family, as it becomes the source of quarrels, scandals and mutual claims. To avoid this if the woman feels the need and desire to work, let it work and does not suffer that she choose a career or family. After all, it is quite possible to combine career and family, simply by organizing your working day and distributing the duties.

A self-realized woman is much calmer and happier than that that sacrificed the sake of the family with his dreams. Unfortunately, it is worth remembering that now men are no longer holding back nor society nor the church, nor children, and a woman who knows how to provide themselves, will not be in a difficult material situation, if a man decides to leave her. Besides, everyone has the right to choose and freedom in decision-making, so make a career if you want it, but remember that becoming honorable former director of the plant on a pension, you will want to stay relative and close people nearby, so do not forget about Family, Career A glass of water will not give.

Do not look at those women who have completely devoted themselves to the family. If you look closely, many of them simply do not want to work and comfortably in their own world. They easily made their choice, because they do not have any overestimated goals and desires. They want to stay, first of all, his wife, mother, daughter and a woman, and not a senior worker, but also the risk of being in a difficult situation increases if the family disintegrates.

Only one thing remains the best option if you have ambitions and abilities, implement them until you have a family, as soon as you get married, take time and effort for the family, and then you can successfully combine and career and family without making a choice between them.

Because of the economic situation in the country, this situation is often found in modern families when both spouses work. Psychologists believe that this is an important factor affecting family life. Women who used to study all their free time, began to work quite a lot, practically renounced former duties. In many pairs, there is a question about who and how to deal with household matters, how home duties will be divided.

Often, couples that devote themselves work are most often faced with conflicts in the family. Both men and women get tired of the working days, monotonous work. Having come home, the tired spouses can "break" each other and, without noticing, to create a conflict. When both spouses are busy promoting their career, it is quite difficult to get away from conflicts and quarrels. They often lack time either on a family or homemade household troubles or on themselves.

How can it threaten? The answer to this question lies on the surface. Marriage can break. Spouses will be doomed to loneliness. They are deprived of family heat and support for a loved one. And even achieved in the work results may not bring proper pleasure. How to avoid such a fate?

Param with a similar problem you need to try to take care of your relationship. A marriage that does not fit feelings is doomed to the fact that the work will push the thoughts about love and about the second half. That is why it should be aware of their mistakes in time. So far noted late. It is not necessary to choose a career or family. You only need to learn to combine them.

For constantly working spouses, it is important to spend your free time together, organize joint campaigns to cinema, cafes or museums. Warm family hearth joint dinners. At least at home. Trips outside the city, in nature, will also have a beneficial effect on the relationship. It is important to find at least 15 minutes to just chat with your loved one. Not on household topics, but about feelings and experiences of each other. At such moments, you should carefully listen to the partner, try to give him advice. The main thing is not to forget about each other and do not put a career above the family, because the true love is not so simple.

Home duties can also pull a couple down. Do not wait for family troubles to grow into a conflict. Responsibilities just need to specify in advance and divide between spouses. Without forgetting, at the same time, leave the work that the couple can perform together. Thereby combining the necessary work on the house with a pleasant time to walk with a loved one.

What is more important - family or work? Everyone has the right to solve himself. But those who value and first and the second should be able to correctly distribute their time, so as not to be subsequently from the "broken trough."