Experiments and experiments on drawing (preparatory group) on the topic: Snowflakes - Balleries. An abstract of classes on visual activities in the preparatory group "Decorative drawing. Snowflake

Marina Alikaev
An abstract of classes on visual activities in the preparatory group "Decorative drawing. Snowflake"

Fine activity. An abstract classes in the preparatory group.

Topic: « Decorative drawing. Snowflake» .

Types of children activities: Productive, educational and research, communicative, motor.

Integration of educational regions: "Art Creativity", "Cognition"», "Communication", "Physical Culture".

Goal pedagogue activities:

Learn to transmit natural images in graphically, weather phenomena;

Shape skills decorative drawing;

Educating love for nature, prerequisitive, accuracy, develop creative imagination.

Planned results of the development of the content of the educational region "Art Creativity": The child shows a creative interest in beauty in the surrounding world; for image items transmits their proportions and the mutual location of the parts, uses rhythm, symmetry in the compositional construction; Shows accuracy and organization in the process of performing work.

Planned results of integrative development quality: The child shows cognitive interest in the world; Can apply independently learned knowledge and ways activities; knows how to work according to rule and sample, listen to an adult and execute its instructions, enjoy the schemes; Owns elementary self-control, receptions for making their actions with a sample, can find errors and correct them; The child has a need for motor activity.

Materials and equipment:

- Demonstration material: technological map of constructing pattern; illustrations: "Winter fun children", « Snowflakes» ;

- Handout: narrow stripes, measuring rules, cards "Find a couple".

Structure occupation

I. Organization moment.

Love children beyond nature

So that then seen paint.

II. Introduction to the topic:

1. Opening conversation on illustration "Winter fun children".

What season pictured artist? (Winter.)

Than busy children? (Play B. snowballs, ride on the sledding, roll from the mountain on skis, pose a snowman.)

Do you like winter?

2. Riddles.

We fly in the air,

We spawned and glue. (Snowflakes)

What are the stars through

On the coat and on the scarf,

All through, cut,

And you take water in your hand? (Snowflakes.)

III. Message Topics and Objectives lessons.

Educator. Today I offer you draw here such a snowflake.

The tutor shows a drawing - sample « Snowflake» .

IV. Work with dispensing material.

Using the narrow strips to lay down snowflake. I will perform this task on the board, and you are in your desktops. Follow "step by step" By sample, check your actions with mine, and you will succeed.

Educator and children fold snowflake.


From the sky is falling snowflakes

As on a fabulous picture.

We will catch them

And show mom's mom.

(Children raise hands above their heads and make grabbing movements, as if they catch snowflakes.)

And there are drifts around

The snow was covered by road.

(Pulling - Hands to the sides)

Do not bother in the field so that

Raise the legs above.

(Walking in place, knees high rise.)

Won fox in the field jumps,

Like a soft red ball.

(Jumping in place.)

Well, we go, go

(Walking in place.)

And we come to your house.

(Children sit down.)

V. Exercise for attention.

Each child is offered a card "Find a couple".

Find each snowfish couple.

Children perform a task. To the one who first picks steam snowflakes, Medal is handed "Attentive".

Vi. Explanation of the teacher on the technological map.

Stage I. First draw a horizontal line. Cross it in the center of the vertical line. Received a sign of addition. On each line, I dwell from the center an equal segment and draw dashes.

Stage II. Now spend two more straight lines through the intersection point of two straight lines.

III stage. After that, from the center, we put the segments of the same value, we mark invask, we draw two short lines from each side.

IV stage. Then in the center draw an asterisk. Opened snowflakeBut not very beautiful.

V stage. Add short lines (or "Tick"to snowflake turned out openwork.

VI stage. Now we supply all the drawing lines with a pencil of blue.

VII. Outcome lessons.

1. Analysis of the works of children.

All drawings turned out beautiful, neat. We will definitely place them at the exhibition, show your parents. Maybe one of you wants to read the poem about their snowflakes?

The child reads a poem.


Light - fluffy

Snowflake white,

What a clean,

What a bold!

Dear Burneu

Easy swears

Not in return azure

It is asking for Earth.

Wonderful azure

She left

Ourselves in unknown

The country has long.

In the rays of shine

Slip, skillful,

Medium flakes melting

Saved - white.

K. Balmont

2. Conversation.

What we didked today?

What happened? What caused difficulties? What did you not understand?

What would you like draw another time?

What did you like and remember on this classes?

Publications on the topic:

Goal: Cause children interest in the image of the winter decor and the emotional response to poetic images of nature.


1. The development of the chamorar, shallow motors of the hands.

2. Education of perfection and accuracy.

3. Development of children's creativity.

Integration of educational areas: Music, communication, reading fiction.

Preliminary work: Heading poems about winter, snowfish. Consider illustrations, reproductions of winter. Observation of winter phenomena, behind the falling snow.

Developing Wednesday: White paper sheet A-4, simple pencil, adhesive pencil, napkins, scissors. Recording works of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons" ("December", "January", "February").

Structure occupation

I. Introduction to the topic.

Children, see how beautifully outside the window. What do you think, why did it become so beautiful? (children's responses). Yes, now winter has come! The snow laid a fluffy blanket of the field, forests, at home - it became light, fabulously, beautiful. Which of you wants to read the poem about the winter?

Children read poems I. Surikov: "Winter".

White snow, fluffy

In the air spinning

And on the ground quietly

Falls, falls ...

- Did you like it, what kind of different words picked up the poet about winter? How does it say about the snow? What is he? What does snow do? What words did you remember?

- You also know how to pick up different words. Tell me, what snow happens (white, fluffy, silver, sparkling).

Snow light, fluffy, can spin. It consists of many very beautiful snowflakes.

Reading verse T.A. Shorygin: "Snowflake".

I sat down on a mittens

Light snowflake

And naughty like a bird

Ice back.

I froze quietly

So as not flourished

Soon my mitten

It will become white.

- Today we will produce from a paper strip here such an unusual snowflake and decorate our group.

II. Showing work techniques.

Explanation of the sequence of performance.

1. From two sides of the sheet, mark the segments of 1 centimeter width.

2. Cut the sheet of paper on strips.

3. Spread the strips in such a way as to get "droplets". In total, it should turn out 6 pieces.

4. Cut strips in half and glue them. To get small rings, you will need 7 rings.

5. Stick the steady rings into a wide part of the droplet. The remaining seventh ring will be the middle of the entire design. Enclose "Droplets" to the ring. And we will have a beautiful snowflake.

Fizkultminutka "Snowflake"

La La La La La La, (fingers of both hands to connect with pads and rounded (in the shape of a ball, clouds)

The cloud across the sky.

Suddenly out of clouds above the ground (lift hands up, fingers dilute to the sides)

Flew snowflakes swarm. (Turn the hand brushes, slowly lowering hands)

The wind reheated, thugged - (pour on the hand, the lips round and stretch slightly)

The swarm of the snowflakes took off. (Shake hands brushes, rotating and lifting them up).

The wind is spinning with them, (rotate hands with hands, circling on the spot, around him).

Maybe make friends.

The record of the work of PI Tchaikovsky is included: ("December", "January", February ").

III. Practical work.

Children perform work in the scheme.

IV. Outcome.

Here are some beautiful snowflakes from us! The educator reads the poem from Z. Christmas "Star-Baby".

White, patterned asterisk, baby,

You push me on your hand, sit for a minute.

The stars in the air is a little bit,

The village and melted on my palm.

Children are spinning with snowflakes.

In independent activities, children decorate the reception room, a group, make snowflakes for their home.

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

kindergarten №1 "Rodnichok" p. Mountain Krasnopartizansky district of the Saratov region

Abstract Node

on artistic and aesthetic development

in the preparatory group

Subject: "Snowflake"


Roslovtseva N.G.

2015 - 2016 academic year

Objectives: Learn symmetrically, depicting a snowflake using a tension. Learn to draw crumpled paper with a paint.

Tasks: Teach children to notice the beauty of the winter landscape. Develop a creative imagination. Educating the desire to draw, create an environment that helps reflect the image of the winter miracle - snowflakes.

Demonstration material: Snowflakes 5 pieces, different in size and method of manufacture.

Distribution material: paper - blank, pieces of paper, white gouache, blue, purple, napkins.

Methodical techniques: conversation - dialogue, viewing illustrations and conversation on them, physical attack, summing up.

Move node

Guys, tell me, and now what time of year? (Winter).

Correct guys. Now we have winter, (show illustrations with winter scenery).

And what changes in nature do we occur in winter? (On the street it is cold, it is snow, the sun does not warm, the cold wind blows, the birds flew into the warm edges, some animals in the winter hibernation)

We and we also prepared for the winter. Delivered their warm fur coats, hats, boots.

And what paints prevail? (children's responses)

Guys, and even in winter it happens to snowfall when there are many beautiful, fluffy, sparkling, fragile snowflakes flying from the sky.

Tell me, what else is white winter? (Snow, drifts, patterns on glass, trees in the snow, snowflakes).

Listen, how music transmits the beauty of white, fluffy snowflakes, (children listen to music).

And now guess the riddle:

Became in the stars

In the air a little

Village and melted

On my palm. (Snowflakes)

Showing many different snowflakes.

Guys, what snowflakes do you see? What are their rays? How many rays in snowflakes? Which of you saw more rays? Snowflakes are the same?

And I also prepared the poem of the city of Abelian "Snowflake":

- drop, snowflake,

On my palm:

Cray for a long time, you

Rest a little!

- What a tricky!

You think I do not know:

On her palm warm

Immediately I melt!

- What is this poem? (About snowfish.)

- Why did the snowflake wanted to fall on his palm? (From the warmth of the hands she melts.)

Let's take a little rest before going to work!

Fisminet "Snowflake"

Snowflakes fall from the sky, (Masha's hands)

As on a fabulous picture.

We will catch them with their hands (clap in your hands)

And show mom's mom.

And there are drifts lying around, (sat down)

The snow was covered by road.

Do not bother in the field to, (walk on the spot)

Raise the legs above.

Independent work.

Well, what guys have rested? And now let's sit at the tables and start drawing our snowflake. Everyone on the table has a sheet - the billet, which we did with the guys in advance. What do you think it looks like, what are we talking about today? (about snowfish).

We have been drawn with a snowflake with a brush, flomuses, plasticine, and today we will learn to depict it with an unconventional way, mint paper. At the same time, we lamented my fingers. I explain the phased performance of drawing. Prepare paper lumps. First, dry up one lump in the purple paint, and then, using the mixing method, wean the paint onto the sheet - the workpiece. So I paint the whole sheet with different paints by changing paper. I am waiting for a leaf to dry, and then remove the isolent, after which the colorful composition remains.

Children draw musical accompaniment.


Oh, what beauty turned out, all of you are well done! All drawings lay out on one table. Children carefully go out of the tables and admire the snowflakes of other children. Guys, let's leave your mood on the board. (cloud, sun). Thank you, everyone coped with the task, well done!

municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Children's garden of the general developmental type with the priority implementation of activities on the physical development of pupils No. 46

Abstract Node in Fine Activity:

Subject: "Snowflakes"

(Preparatory Group)

Performed: MADOU Educator kindergarten № 46

Shcherbinina Rufin Nikolaevna

Revda, 2014.

Goal: Create conditions for familiarization with non-traditional drawing technique.



    learn pupils to draw hexagonal snowflakes with symmetric rays with wax chalk on a pattern (hexagon), fixing the ability to mix colors to get shades ("winter") cold colors and skills to work watercolor under the law of contrast;

    continue to learn rationally position objects on A4 format, build a symmetrical pattern in the hexagon;


    develop a small motorcy of the hands due to work with wax cramped, tassel and sign patterns of hexagonal shape;

    fastening the skill of the sequential execution of the work, respectively, the points of the plan: idea, spinning, assembly, finishing, fixing the ability to perform the background of the erosion;


    educating the ability to see the beauty of the environment through the works of the art of Russian artists.

Equipment for the pupil: simple pencil tassel, watercolor paint, drawing album, jar with water.

Equipment for the tutor: presentation "Snowflakes"; musical accompaniment; Cards with words: "WINDOW", "Split", "Assembly", "Finish"; watercolor paints; Tassels; jar with water; Distribution materials in the form of hexagon patterns.

Structure occupation

Stages. Time.

Actress of the teacher

Estimated replies of pupils

Forms, methods, funds

Organizational stage

Hello guys. I am very glad to welcome you today at our segment of visual activities. And so that our work is able to, we must be fully prepared for it. Let's check your readiness for the lesson. You should lie on the tables: a drawing album, tassels, watercolor paints, a simple pencil.

Guys, I want to congratulate you, today is the first day of winter.

Imagine that you are snowflakes that slowly, smoothly, circling in the air, fall on the ground. Let's also quietly and calmly sit at the desk.


The main stage


Formation of visual representation

Independent work

Guys, look at the reproduction of the painting of Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov "First Snow". What do you think about what time will we talk about today?

Good in our winter! Huge snowy bedspread covers everything around. And how to hit frosts, they, in a fabulous pattern, they paint trees and at home.

What colors used an artist for writing a picture? What are these colors? Where are the snowflakes clearly visible?

Guys, want, I will open you a little secret? I am a wizard. And now I will demonstrate your magic abilities. And you want to know what we will draw with you? Then listen carefully to the riddle and watch for my hand: see, I witched a sheet with water and cover it only with cold colors. What happened? Please note where snowflakes are better visible darker background.

Arrived asterisk

In the air a little

Village and melted

On my palm.

Right! The topic of our exercise "Snowflakes". Guys, do you want to become artists - wizards? Whoever guess what focus? Now I will teach you this.

So, today at the lesson we will draw an unusual, unconventional way - wax chalks of snowflakes, and paint with watercolor paints, and try to show all the beauty of snowflakes.

And now we will admire this miracle of nature. Please note what form are snowflakes. Watch the snowflakes have long ago. Back in 1635, the French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes wrote that snowflakes are like roses, lilies and wheels with six teeth. The first photos of the snow crystal under the microscope were made only in 1885 by American Wilson Bentley. Photographed for its life more than 5 thousand snow crystals, he came to the conclusion that there is not one among them. By the way, the snowflakes are absolutely transparent. They only seem white because of the refraction of light on the edges of the crystals.

So guys, remember: Each snowflake is the only and unique! But all the snowflakes have something in common, who will tell me what? But at the same time they all have six faces and one axis of symmetry.

Look at my snowflakes. They have all 6 rays, the rays are symmetrical. The elements from which the snowflake consists, is repeated six times. On my snowflakes 2-3 elements.

Before proceeding to work, we will remember the plan we will adhere to during the entire lesson. Who can list me the points plan? The first paragraph of the plan is idea. Guys, what did we think to do today at the lesson? That is, we will draw snowflakes with wax crayons, and then paint them. What elements will we use? Well done, it means that we have practically performed this item.

The second point that will need to perform - spinning. See how easy I will make a snap-in snowflakes on a landscape sheet. I beautifully placed templates of future snowflakes and bury them with a pencil. Working with a pencil, I do not click on it. The lines should be lightweight, thin so that they are not visible under the paint. After I covered the templates, connect the corners of the hexagons. After that, I compose elements. I want corner. I repeat it equally 6 times. What else is adding an element? Like?

Assembly - the third point of our work. You will need to circle with a wax small line that you joined the corners of hexagons. Try to circle them with a sharp chalk, so that your snowflakes do not get sophisticated. After that, the same lines you need to circle various items. It is necessary to circle so that there are no wrong elements. Here look. After the end of working with the wax chalk, you need to put a layer of paint over the drawn snowflakes. Guys, and what paints will we paint? First, wetting the paper sheet of paper, take blue and start covering a sheet of paper with horizontal lines from top to bottom. Add another color to get a smooth transition. And immediately I perform the fourth item - finishing - if somewhere is not bright and bad snowflakes, you need to add paint until the work dried.

Guys, let's take a little rest:

In the meadow, the snowball quietly falls on the meadow.Snowflakes, white gunki.But suddenly the breeze, he smelled snowball,All mushki dance, white snowflakes.

Getting Started, do everything carefully, do not turn around. Do not turn the album and do not lift it until the painted leaves are dry.

Help pupils in creative work.

About winter.

White, gray, blue, yellow. Cool. Where dark background.



All snowflakes are 6 rays, symmetric rays, identical patterns of patterns.

Conference, spinning, assembly, finish.

Draw snowflakes.

Sticks, corners, circles, rhombus, etc.

Method of stimulating and motivating interest in teaching.

TSO use

Demonstration of photographs of snowflakes.


Frontal survey.


Frontal survey

Frontal survey



Demonstration coloring snowflakes



Tips, tips, instructions, explanatory-illustrative

Showing successful work

The final stage

So comes to the end of our occupation. Let's see what you got beautiful snowflakes.

You got a whole snowfall!

What are interesting, beautiful, elegant snowflakes.

Successfully arranged composition, symmetric patterns.

Successful shades similar to natural.

Successful background, on which snowflakes are clearly visible.


Guys, tell me what you studied today?

What new have you recognized?

Thanks to all. Do not forget to get on the table. Remove the garbage so that in the group it was pure and cozy.

We learned a new method of drawing - an unconventional way to draw snowflakes with wax shallow.

Analysis of children's work

Generalization and systematization of studied material



directly educational activities

in the senior group on the topic:


Direction: Artistic and aesthetic development.

Education area:artistic creativity.


Educational: Continue to acquaint children with non-traditional drawing methods: with cotton sticks, gel. Fasten the ability to rhythmically position the pattern elements.

Developing: develop aesthetic perception, the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding world; Develop imagination, interest in creative activity.

Educational: to educate love for the beautiful, the desire to bring the work started to the end.

Integration of educational areas:"Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Music".

Equipment: Toned blue paper, gouache white, shiny gel, cotton wands, simple pencil, snowflake samples, computer.

1. The organizational moment:

All reprovel in places, not close to anyone,
In secret, I will tell you: "It will be interesting!"

Guys! Guess the riddle:

What a carved sprocket
On the coat and on the scarf.
All through, cut-off
And take the water in your hand. (snowflake)

Oh, guys, see who flew to us? (snowflake).

Who knits snowflakes and throws from the sky?
Patterns of such even mom does not know
And the yarn did not meet anything anywhere -
Our city is all white, slightly blue.
And maybe they are cut out of the Citz
And quietly descend to me on the eyelashes?
The tear on the cheeks they slowly melting ...
Where does snowflake from? At least someone knows?

2. Viewing snowflakes.

What do you think, where do snowflakes come from?

What are snowflakes from?

Are the same snowflakes? (No)

What do they look like? (asterisks, flowers, lace, etc.)

Probably she got lost, lagging behind her girlfriends and flew to us into the group.

Let's not leave our guest in trouble, draw a girlfriend for her.

3. Snowflakes:

Now we draw snowflakes with you, and we will draw chopsticks.
- What kind of paint? (white).

How many rays in the snowflakes? (6 rays)
- All snowflakes are different, but the basis has a common form - six rays that diverging from one point. Look, on a roller in the middle, we put the point, spend the pencil line from the center to the corners of the rosets: one - up, the other down, and then two left and two to the right. Now, with the help of a stick, we draw a snowflake, connect the rays - draw a circle around the point, then decorate the rays. Come up with your snowflake pattern. Then the snowflakes decorate a brilliant gel. Let's open a neat cover, we applied to the snowflake and slightly pressing, put the point on the snowflake.

4. Phys. a moment:

Snowflakes fall from the sky, hands up, tightening and
As on a fabulous picture. We catch snowflakes.
We will catch them with their hands,
And show mom's mom.
And there are drifts around, turns to the right and left
The snow was covered by road.
Do not brand in the field so that your knees are high.
Raise the legs above.
Won fox in the field jumps jumping.
As if soft, redhead.
Well, we go, go Steagam.
And we come to your house.