Stretch marks. Striae. Salon removal methods. Cosmetics for stretch marks

What are stretch marks (striae)?

Throughout their lives, women experience a variety of events: puberty, pregnancy, diets followed by weight gain, and many others, which expose the body to severe trials. The skin is extremely sensitive to tension, resulting in purple streaks that turn white over time. These strips are commonly referred to as stretch marks.

Stretch marks Is a skin defect caused by damage to the elastic fibers of the epidermis as a result of excessive tension and / or hormonal changes. Hormonal changes in the body lead to a disruption in the synthesis of two most important components of the skin - collagen and elastin proteins-polymers. As a result of the lack of these two substances that give the skin the quality of rubber - extensibility, contractility and firmness - the skin begins to become thinner. Thinning of the skin occurs in areas prone to the greatest stretch. So, the growth of the fetus leads to a relatively rapid stretching not only of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, but also of the skin - which in turn leads to tears.

Naturally, intradermal tears do not remain "unsealed". The body quickly restores the lost integrity by "covering up the cracks" with connective tissue. This process is identical to wound healing after injury. As a result, stretch marks appear on the surface of the skin. At first, the connective tissue contains blood vessels, which gives these lines a pink or purple hue, then gradually the number of vessels decreases and stretch marks turn white. The connective tissue does not contain pigment, therefore it does not change its color when sunburned. So stretch marks are especially noticeable on the beach.

In the English language literature, stretch marks are called: Striae Atrophicans, Striae Rubra, Striae Alba, Stretch Marks, Striae Distensae.

As we have already said, in the vast majority of cases, stretch marks are observed in women, although they can be seen in men, but, as a rule, they are obese and with signs of endocrine imbalance or even pathology.

What do stretch marks look like?

Striae look like marks from lashes. At the initial stage, striae are pink or purple in color. Over time, they take the form of parallel elongated folds with a width of several millimeters to one centimeter. They are white with a pearlescent tint, slightly sunken and covered with wrinkled epidermis, which seemed to be large for the area it occupies.

Why it happens? The fact is that after the appearance of connective tissue in the internal tears of the skin, there are blood vessels in it, giving stretch marks a red or blue color. Over time, the vessels become desolate and stretch marks turn white. Stretch marks are represented by connective tissue in which there is no pigment, therefore, with tanning, the striae remain white and are more noticeable against the background of tanned skin.

At the site of stretch marks, the hairs disappear, the secretion of sebum and sweat cease.

Why do stretch marks appear?

Circumstances contributing to their appearance:

  • o pregnancy;
  • stretching of the skin (especially often in the abdomen);
  • obesity; an intensive increase in body weight, when the skin simply cannot keep up with growing fat reserves;
  • puberty (puberty): often at this time, striae appear on the inner thighs and in the lumbosacral region;
  • drastic weight loss. By the way, I would like to note that those women who risked putting themselves silicone implants, and then will be forced to remove them, run the risk of acquiring very unattractive stretch marks in addition to small breasts.
  • endocrine diseases, in particular Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, characterized by an increase in the synthesis of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands. In this case, the entire skin begins to lose elasticity, and stretch marks spread throughout the body.
  • long-term use of glucocorticoids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone, etc.) both internally and locally.

The mechanism of the appearance of stretch marks is not well understood: experts are discussing the role of mechanical stretching, the influence of certain hormones ... Some of the experts believe that the appearance of stretch marks depends on a hereditary factor. This is probably correct, because we inherit the constitution from our parents. And if your mother has signs of pregnancy on her belly, then you may have the same picture. What to do? Monitor your weight and prevent sudden weight loss and sudden gains.

By the way, there are many myths about the appearance of stretch marks. For example:

  • Stretch marks can appear due to sunburn and prolonged exposure to the sun. In fact, existing stretch marks just become more visible on tanned skin.
  • The risk of stretch marks increases after age 30. This is absolutely not the case, since just a young organism is more sensitive to any hormonal changes, and therefore to the appearance of stretch marks. So, in this sense, late childbirth is less risky.

Where do stretch marks appear?

During pregnancy, stretch marks most often occur on the abdomen, hips and chest. Stretch marks that appear in adolescence are more often located on the abdomen, hips, lower back, and chest. That is, they can appear on all parts of the body that are most affected by sudden changes in weight.

With prolonged use of glucocorticoids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone, etc.), as well as with Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, stretch marks can appear all over the body and on the face. At the same time, stretch marks occupy large areas and are themselves more extended and wider than stretch marks that occur during pregnancy and adolescence.

Are stretch marks dangerous?

Stretch marks do not affect health, however, some of the causes that cause them, in particular Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, can be dangerous to health.

If stretch marks appear outside of pregnancy, with an increase in blood pressure, redistribution of fat deposits in the upper body, as well as with the appearance of unwanted hair on the face, chest, upper back (hirsutism), it is imperative to consult a doctor.

They seem to be invisible and invisible, but they are not. Stretch marks can occur for a variety of reasons and should be treated accordingly.

Stretch marks?

Stretch marks, or striae, are uneven stripes of different widths on the body, that is, they are a kind of skin defects. They can be colored in different ways: from dark red to white. What causes stretch marks on the body? Firstly, these are hormonal changes in the body. These include pregnancy, puberty, the use of hormonal medications, and disorders in the endocrine system. Secondly, stretch marks can appear as a result of rapid muscle gain and accelerated growth.

How to identify stretch marks on the body? To do this, you need to remember that it is on the stomach, thighs, chest or buttocks.

If the stretch marks are caused by rapid muscle gain, they can also appear on the insides of the arms, thighs, and shoulders.

What causes stretch marks on the pope? From many microtraumas of the subcutaneous tissue and, consequently, the skin itself. As a rule, this is a genetic predisposition.

Like this? It is worth warning right away that you can completely get rid of stretch marks only with the help of surgical intervention, since striae are complex skin defects. What can you do at home? Stretch marks can be visibly weakened and the skin smoothed. For this, the following means are used:

  • mud and algae wraps;
  • cosmetic masks;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • massage and compresses;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • home peeling;
  • mesotherapy.

After it became clear what the stretch marks appear from, you can proceed with possible home treatment. What is advisable to do? Firstly, these are cosmetic masks, as a rule, oil masks. They help to smooth the top layer of the skin, making it smoother and more elastic. To do this, you need to prepare the following mass: 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil or almond oil + 4 drops of juniper and orange essential oils, mix everything and apply to problem areas with massage movements.

Secondly, for this you need to buy kelp at the pharmacy. It should be diluted with warm water, add 4 drops of juniper and orange essential oil, mix everything, apply on unwanted stretch marks, wrap it with cling film on top and walk like that for 40 minutes.

Thirdly, it will help to smooth the skin. It is advisable to use sea salt and coffee here, since these components are natural, the result of their action will not keep you waiting long.

What are stretch marks? What causes stretch marks on the body? How to get rid of them? All these questions worried and will concern women all over the world. It is important to know that you can significantly reduce their manifestations at home and at no special cost. The main thing is to follow the instructions above exactly.

Stretch marks on the skin (striae) are familiar to most women - such a cosmetic defect usually appears during pregnancy and remains after the birth of a child. Striae can also appear with a sharp weight loss - for example, when a person gets rid of 20-30 kg of excess weight in a short period of time. Stretch marks on the skin are inherent not only to women, doctors often note their appearance in men.

As a rule, striae are present on the thighs, buttocks, chest, and abdomen. They are, in fact, scars caused by stretching and microtrauma of collagen and elastin fibers. Of course, such a cosmetic defect causes a lot of problems in life, which is why medicine not only found out the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the skin, but also identified possible methods of getting rid of them.

The main reason for the appearance of the cosmetic defect in question is the low elasticity of the skin, its low ability to restore. The origin of stretch marks on the skin is explained very simply: in places of micro-breaks of elastin and collagen fibers, connective tissue begins to form, which externally manifests itself in stripes of various colors.

Factors that can lead to a decrease in skin elasticity:

  • diseases of the endocrine system - more precisely, some of them (for example, Cushing's syndrome);
  • long-term use of steroid drugs;
  • hormonal disorders during pregnancy or adolescence;
  • sharp and constant fluctuations in weight;
  • heredity.

Some doctors argue that the cause of the appearance of stretch marks on the skin can be determined even by their location - vertical striae are observed in people who quickly gained weight or are in the postpartum period, but horizontal ones - with hormonal imbalance.

Note:in fact, striae do not pose any danger to human health and life, being only a cosmetic defect. But if they did not appear against the background of pregnancy and childbirth or a sharp fluctuation in weight, then it is necessary to visit an endocrinologist - most likely, some kind of endocrine system disease is progressing.

Stretch marks in different people look completely different, as it depends on the individual characteristics of the structure of the skin and the state of the hormonal background. For example, the color of stretch marks can vary greatly from white to purple, and the color intensity of stretch marks will depend not only on the structure of the skin, but also on the "age" of stretch marks - newly appeared ones have a red-violet color, but after some time they brighten, sometimes turning into completely white stripes.

Interesting fact:
striae on the skin almost never tan - they will definitely stand out against the background of the general appearance. This is due to the fact that the connective tissue contains practically no melanin, although there are isolated exceptions.

The size, number and relief of stretch marks on the skin are also highly individual indicators. Some women note only narrow stripes of stretch marks, which are slightly depressed against the general background of the skin, while many simply suffer from wide stretch marks with a convex relief. Doctors say that many factors can influence the formation of the appearance of the cosmetic defect in question, and they can predict what will become impossible with stretch marks a few years after the appearance.

The most typical appearance is the stretch marks that appear on the skin with Cushing's syndrome (endocrine disease):

  • the skin becomes thin;
  • the vascular pattern of the skin is noticeable even to non-professionals;
  • various types of rashes appear on the surface of the skin - for example, acne or subcutaneous hematomas;
  • the skin begins to peel off - clearly localized foci of such a phenomenon are formed;
  • striae most often have a strict localization - chest, abdomen or shoulders.

In addition to stretch marks on the skin with Cushing's syndrome, there are:

  • intense pigmentation of the skin;
  • moderate in nature;
  • improper distribution of adipose tissue (disproportionate).

People with such stretch marks will first of all take various measures to eliminate them, but it must be remembered that until therapy against Cushing's syndrome is carried out, no procedures will relieve the patient of stretch marks. As part of the treatment of the underlying endocrine disease, doctors make the following appointments:

  • surgical removal of pituitary cortitropinoma;
  • surgical intervention for the removal of the adrenal gland;
  • drug therapy with steroidogenesis inhibitors - for example, Aminoglutethimide or Chloditan.

Stretch marks are treated only if this cosmetic defect disrupts a person's usual life, his psycho-emotional background. But it must be remembered that the earlier the treatment of stretch marks on the skin is started, the more likely it is to succeed. For example, striae at the age of 12 months are much less susceptible to even the most modern procedures than those that appeared only a month or two ago. But even old stretch marks can be corrected and made almost invisible.

To eliminate the cosmetic defect in question, various methods can be used:

Note:medical wraps are recommended to be carried out as part of the treatment of stretch marks on the skin only if the cosmetic defect has appeared recently and has a small spread.

  1. RF-lifting... A radio-frequency electromagnetic effect is exerted on the skin, the deep layers of the cover are warmed up to 40 degrees - this activates the recovery processes in specific problematic areas.

It is extremely rare that striae are treated with a radical method - plastic surgery. For example, if there is excess skin with stretch marks on the patient's abdomen, then doctors perform abdominoplasty and remove a section of the skin along with stretch marks. But such treatment of the considered cosmetic defect is always associated with the risk of developing purulent complications, blood loss and other undesirable consequences.

Note:the use of advertised creams, ointments and gels for the treatment of stretch marks on the skin is ineffective - they are simply not able to penetrate deep into the connective tissue and somehow affect its structure. Although such remedies can reduce the intensity of the manifestation of a cosmetic defect, striae simply become less noticeable, paler.

Traditional methods of treating stretch marks

If stretch marks on the skin are not very pronounced, have formed recently, then alternative methods of treatment can also be used. The most popular are:

  • drink at least 2 liters of ordinary clean water per day - this amount does not include teas, coffee, drinks;
  • regularly take a contrast shower, and after this procedure, apply moisturizing agents to the skin;
  • adjust the diet - the menu should contain foods rich in vitamins A and E, various minerals;
  • additionally take fish oil and preparations of vitamins A and E;
  • periodically conduct courses of wraps, vacuum massage.

These simple rules will help prevent the appearance of the cosmetic defect in question during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with fluctuations in weight. But if stretch marks have already appeared, then you need to immediately seek help from a doctor - first visit a dermatologist, and he, if necessary, will refer the patient to narrower specialists.

Striae are an unpleasant phenomenon, so you need to know not only preventive measures, but also ways to eliminate the problem.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical columnist, therapist of the highest qualification category

Many people mistakenly believe that striae appear only in women who have given birth, but adolescents, young nulliparous women, and even the stronger sex can also be affected by this phenomenon. In fact, striae or stretch marks are micro tears in the skin that result from weakening or damage to collagen and elastin fibers.

This can happen due to hormonal changes or sharp fluctuations in weight, which are indeed often observed during pregnancy and after childbirth. Stretch marks can appear on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, chest and even the back, while striae can be both single and multiple. In appearance, they look like jagged furrows on the skin, the shade of which can range from dark purple to almost white. Striae do not pose any threat to health, but they are a very undesirable cosmetic defect for many women. That is why the question of how to get rid of stretch marks on the body is so acute for the fair sex.

Why do stretch marks appear?

As already stated, the appearance of stretch marks occurs when the skin fibers break that arise for the following reasons:

  • hormonal changes in the body- for this reason, striae can appear in adolescence during puberty. Improper nutrition and lack of physical activity can also contribute to the appearance of stretch marks;
  • sharp fluctuations in weight- if the weight is gained rapidly, and then also quickly shed, the skin simply does not have time to stretch and contract properly. That is why, if they want to lose weight, all girls are advised not to strive to lose weight too quickly, since it is unlikely that striae can be avoided;
  • and in the postpartum period the two factors listed above are combined at once. If after childbirth a woman loses weight too quickly, stretch marks appear on the skin, sometimes their appearance occurs even during pregnancy, when the belly increases in size;
  • striae also may be a consequence of diseases of the endocrine system, especially those accompanied by obesity;
  • sometimes the occurrence of stretch marks is associated with hereditary predisposition.

It is worth noting that the owners, as well as women taking hormonal drugs, are most susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks.

Modern treatments for stretch marks

You can try to get rid of stretch marks using the methods that modern cosmetology offers. Among the most common and effective methods are the following:

  • mesotherapy- injections of drugs into scar tissue to improve its structure and bring it as close as possible to healthy skin. This cosmetic procedure is especially effective in the fight against young stretch marks;
  • ozone therapy- introduction of oxygen and negative ions into areas of skin with stretch marks. This procedure also allows you to make striae much less noticeable;
  • LPG massage- stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, as well as blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • microdermabrasion- the procedure used for large areas of the skin is mechanical resurfacing. As a rule, this method is used to deal with old stretch marks;
  • RF lifting- another procedure that stimulates the regeneration of dermal cells and allows you to reduce stretch marks;
  • laser resurfacing- the procedure is painful, but very effective, because with its help stretch marks are completely removed, and new, healthy connective tissue is formed in their place. This method is especially effective in combination with the so-called middle peels, for example, chemical.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of stretch marks, however, with the help of various cosmetic procedures, you can make them almost invisible. Among the existing methods of dealing with stretch marks, their complete removal can be achieved only with the use of rather unsafe laser resurfacing.

What can be done at home

Not all women are ready to resort to the services of professional cosmetologists to remove stretch marks due to their high cost and pain. Of course, you will not be able to completely get rid of stretch marks at home, but with the help of some means, stretch marks can be significantly reduced.

Especially popular are scrubs that are easy to prepare yourself:

  • salt scrub, olive oil and sugar, which are mixed in equal parts;
  • sugar and sea salt scrub with the addition of almond oil;
  • ground coffee scrub, a pinch of cinnamon and a few drops of olive oil and a little liquid soap or shower gel.

The scrub must be applied on and massaged for several minutes, then rinsed with warm water, and then applied to the skin with a moisturizer. It is best to use a regular baby cream.

To fill the lack of moisture, you can use essential oils to help reduce stretch marks and restore skin elasticity:

  • in the morning, you can apply a mixture of a couple of drops of lavender oil, orange oil and 30 ml of almond oil to the skin;
  • for evening use, a mixture of five drops of lavender oil and a tablespoon of wheat germ oil is suitable;
  • old striae will help reduce the regular use of a mixture of five tablespoons of olive oil, a spoonful of wheat germ oil and ten drops of rose oil.

Any oil mixtures must be applied to problem areas with light movements, without rubbing. After ten minutes, the skin can be blotted with a tissue to remove any residual oil.

In addition to the above means, wraps, which can be carried out both in beauty salons and at home, can provide significant help in the fight against stretch marks. For this procedure, you can use vitamin mixtures, mummy, a decoction of chamomile in milk and other means that help improve the condition of the skin and activate the renewal of its tissues.

Massage for stretch marks

The effectiveness of any procedure in the fight against stretch marks will help to increase regular massage. For its implementation, you can use various aromatic oils that help to increase the elasticity of the skin. Especially useful are oils containing.

The following types of massage have gained particular popularity:

  • honey massage- it is necessary to apply a little natural honey on problem areas, and then make patting movements so that the honey is absorbed into the skin. The massage should be continued for twenty minutes, then rinse off the remaining honey with warm water;
  • cupping massage- the procedure is performed using a special jar and promotes the activation of blood circulation and tissue regeneration.

Prevention of striae

Every woman wants to be perfect. We buy expensive creams, go to expensive spas, pay big bucks to fitness instructors. And suddenly, one by no means a beautiful day, we find an ugly cobweb on our skin - stretch marks or, scientifically, striae. They appear on the thighs, stomach, or, horror, on the chest. They can appear, both in an adult woman who has given birth, and in a thin seventeen-year-old girl. Why does this defect appear? And how can you prevent it from occurring?

Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks

Stretch marks or stretch marks are a type of scar formation on the skin. They appear as a result of hormonal changes in the body, mainly in women. From an excess of hormones, the activity of cells responsible for the elasticity of the skin is disrupted. The production of collagen and elastin drops sharply, connective tissue fibers begin to break down, and their elasticity decreases. The inner layer of the skin, the dermis, stretches from normal to very thin. And where it is thin, there it breaks. Basically, a stretch is a small scar at the site of the torn fibers.

Fresh striae are filled with connective tissue with many capillaries, therefore, initially stretch marks are reddish or purple in color, over time these capillaries age and collapse, the scar turns pale and becomes barely noticeable white. But since the connective tissue does not contain pigment, these places never tan again. In the summer, you can retouch them a little by rubbing with a cotton swab along the entire length of the self-tanning cream.

Young girls, during puberty, as well as pregnant women are especially susceptible to this skin defect. During these periods, the hormonal surge in the female body is especially strong. The skin of women who are rapidly gaining and losing weight also stretches and loses its elasticity.

The main factors

The degree of susceptibility to stretch marks depends on the following factors:

  1. Genetics. It is believed that the structural features of the skin are inherited. Therefore, if your mother or grandmother has stretch marks on the body, it is worth paying special attention to prevention already in adolescence.
  2. Geography. Women in southern countries are much less prone to stretch marks than women in the north. This is due to the fact that northern women have thinner skin and, accordingly, the likelihood of micro-tears is higher.
  3. Age. The greatest number of stretch marks occurs precisely at the age of 15-18. The body grows so quickly that the skin "does not have time" to stretch. The delicate and thin skin of the breasts is especially susceptible to stretch marks, at the moment when the breasts begin to grow. Striae can appear literally overnight. With age, the likelihood of stretch marks drops sharply due to wrinkles on the skin.
  4. A special condition. Pregnancy is a time of a rapid surge of hormones that excites a woman's body for 9 months. In addition, weight is rapidly gained and the skin on the abdomen and chest is stretched, which in 90% leads to stretch marks in the places of greatest tension - on the abdomen, hips and chest.
  5. Sport. Stretch marks can appear in the case of a sharp increase in muscle mass in athletes. Abrupt cessation of training can also lead to them.
  6. Sharp fluctuations in weight. Excess weight leads to loss of skin tone and strong tension. But losing weight too quickly leads to the formation of stretch marks. Nutritionists advise losing no more than 2% of your original weight per month to prevent stretch marks.
  7. Diseases. In general, a harmless skin defect can be a sign of endocrine system disease. Therefore, if striae appear for no apparent reason, consult a doctor.

Prevention of stretch marks

Prevention of the appearance of stretch marks on the skin should begin at a young age. It is especially important during critical periods of puberty and pregnancy. It is much easier to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin than to mask existing stretch marks. Completely "cure" stretch marks is possible only with the help of laser therapy, removing the layers of skin with healed tissue. Therefore, in case of a tendency to their appearance, try to additionally support the skin of the chest, abdomen and thighs.

Prevention can be divided into two main parts: a healthy lifestyle and skin care for problem areas.

A healthy lifestyle includes:

  • Healthy eating... Especially good are foods rich in zinc, copper, vitamins C, B 5 and E - these are substances that contribute to the production of collagen. There are many of them in avocados, liver, green peas, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, whole grains. Protein-rich foods are very useful. Protein is responsible for the regeneration of tissues in the body and prevents them from breaking.
  • Healthy skin tone... Loose skin has less collagen. The contrast shower perfectly increases the tone and blood circulation, the skin of the thighs can be wiped with an ice cube. Massage with the help of slaps and tingling has an excellent effect on the skin.

Particular attention should be paid to caring for the skin of the thighs, abdomen and chest:

  • Base and essential oils. Today they can be bought at any green pharmacy. It is preferable to use base oils rich in vitamin E, such as almond, olive, wheat germ oil. These oils can be mixed with each other, or you can choose one. They create a film on the skin that prevents the evaporation of moisture from the deep layers of the skin, and also nourish the upper layer. Certain essential oils, such as geranium, orange, lemon, mint, and rosewood oil, are also very useful for stimulating blood circulation. Essential oils dissolve in the base oil. No more than 5-6 drops per tablespoon of oil. Using a mixture of oils, you should do an active massage or simply rub them along the massage lines and allow to fully absorb.
  • Skin peeling. Scrubs improve blood circulation, causing a rush of blood to the massaged area, and also exfoliate the upper dead layer of the skin, which allows the skin to "breathe" more actively. Sleep coffee mixed with honey or olive oil can be used as a scrubbing agent for the abdomen and thighs. For the breast, a softer massage from a third of a glass of natural yogurt, a tablespoon of almond oil and one lemon peel grated on a fine grater is suitable.
  • Wrapping. They also saturate the skin with useful microelements, vitamins and amino acids. Distinguish between algal and mud wraps. The most effective algae is spirulina; problem areas are wrapped in algae, and then with plastic and a towel for an hour. Do 5-7 procedures every few months. Mud wraps are carried out according to the same principle.

And, of course, a great way to prevent stretch marks on the skin is to monitor your weight, avoiding sudden fluctuations.


You need to start treating stretch marks as early as possible, since old stretch marks are much more difficult to remove. To get rid of stretch marks, use:

  • Aekol is an oily solution of vitamins A and E, it is used externally. Aekol accelerates skin regeneration.
  • Aevit - oral capsules containing vitamins A and E.
  • Contractubex is a gel for the treatment of scars and stretch marks.
  • Strataderm is a silicone gel that normalizes collagen synthesis in problem areas of the skin.
  • Bella mama oil for stretch marks - consists of twelve types of oils that restore the functions of the skin.

Stretch Mark Treatment Techniques

The following methods of treating stretch marks are also used:

  • Laser resurfacing (peeling) - laser beams penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and destroy the stretch marks fibers.
  • Mesotherapy - injections under the skin of special solutions: collagen, plant extracts, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins.
  • Chemical peeling is the application of chemical solutions to the skin. The method has many side effects, sometimes it is difficult for patients to tolerate.
  • Microdermabrasion - mechanical resurfacing of stretch marks. A rather painful method, it is not used on large areas of the skin.
  • ELOS-rejuvenation - simultaneous exposure of the deep layers of the skin to laser, light energy and radio frequency radiation, due to which enhanced collagen production begins.
  • Ozone therapy - the introduction of a therapeutic mixture consisting of oxygen and ozone under the skin, or applying the composition to the skin in the form of masks.

How to get rid of stretch marks - 10 available ways

Unfortunately, you can completely get rid of stretch marks only with the help of a surgeon or laser resurfacing. But this does not mean that striae cannot be hidden. Over the centuries, women have accumulated good experience in preserving the beauty of their skin. But it is worth being patient, making striae invisible takes time and methodical adherence to the method you choose.

  1. Scrubs... One of the most effective ways to make stretch marks invisible is to frequently exfoliate problem areas. As a scrubbing agent, you can use dormant coffee, sugar, salt ground in a coffee grinder, apricot or plum pits, strawberry or kiwi seeds with pulp. For better hydration, mix the scrub with one or two tablespoons of olive or almond oil and a tablespoon of natural yogurt. Massage problem areas in circular motions using exfoliation 2-3 times a week.
  2. Massage mixtures with essential oils. Some essential oils enhance the cells' ability to regenerate. Massage blends include base oils: olive, almond, wheat germ and essential oils. For stretch marks, lemon, orange and tangerine oils, geranium, lavender, neroli and rosemary oils are recommended. Take no more than 6 drops of essential oils for a large tablespoon. You can choose to mix the oils to your liking.
  3. Baths for firming the skin. It is useful to combine therapeutic baths with salt and essential oils with massage mixtures. To do this, add 2 drops of chamomile essential oil and 3 drops of lavender oil to a tablespoon of sea salt. For a bath, 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture are enough. Take these baths 2-3 times a week.
  4. Mumiyo. Rubbing from mumiyo promotes healing of scars. To do this, dissolve 1 g of mumiyo in a tablespoon of boiled water, add 80 g of baby cream. Rub in striae once a day, preferably after scrubbing. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days.
  5. Lotions with essential oils. It is a blend of pure essential oils. You need to rub the lotion with one or two fingers pointwise into the stretch marks, gently massaging the skin. For example, a lotion made from lavender, neroli and frankincense oils is helpful. Take 2 drops of each oil.
  6. Seaweed. Wraps with spirulina algae will help get rid of fresh stretch marks. Places of striae are wrapped in algae, then a bag and a blanket for an hour and a half. In total, about 12 procedures are required.
  7. Massage. An active massage with or without oils will help improve blood circulation in problem areas. Anti-cellulite massage helps well in the abdomen and thighs. Remember that the movements during the massage should be towards the heart. Cover the heated area with a blanket after the massage. The good thing about massage is that it can be done at any time, for example, while watching a movie.
  8. Wrapping. To restore the skin in places of stretch marks, it is useful to do wraps with cocoa butter, lanolin, and therapeutic mud. To do this, apply the product to the skin, wrap with plastic and a warm towel. After an hour, the wrapping can be removed and the rest of the product can be removed.
  9. Oils. Even in ancient times, Slavic women fought stretch marks with flaxseed oil, rich in vitamin E. Today, almond, olive, wheat germ oil, and pure vitamin E, which can be added to oils, are also suitable. Stretch marks can be massaged with oil, or you can simply rub it in several times a day. For oily skin it is better to take almond oil, and for dry skin - wheat germ oil.
  10. Diet. But all procedures will be useless if the diet is poor and unbalanced. In order for the skin to have enough substances for the production of collagen and elastin, eat plenty of various greens, nuts, pumpkin seeds, seafood, fruits and vegetables.

The most important thing to remember is that the fight against stretch marks must be consistent. Do not give up the procedures in the middle, do not do them at once after two - it will not bring any benefit. Combine different methods, observe which of them the skin responds best. Each person is individual, if you find "your" remedy, you will quickly and easily return the beauty to your skin. But this is so important for us women.