Injuries, accidents among children. Prevention of injuries and death of children from external causes

Every second since child in the parents' apartment accident. More than half of all accidents that children are trapped in take place exactly where they should feel safe, that is, at home. Children push a pot of boiling water off the stove and scald themselves, slide down unprotected stairs, or drink dishwashing detergent. In early childhood, so-called "domestic accidents" are the number one cause of death. The most dangerous place for children is the kitchen, then according to statistics children's and living room. All this is at least tragic, primarily because some accidents could have been avoided. However, it is certainly wrong for fear of planting child in a cell. Then in the first moment, having lost control, he will do something that will possibly have fatal consequences. Constantly foster children never recognize danger and therefore cannot overcome it. Children have a clearly expressed motor impulse and need to explore, which they must show, but in any case the house must be safe for children. Given their age, they need to be introduced to the typical dangers in the home and garden. It's not easy, but it's possible. In order to avoid accidents, you should check your apartment for "child-friendliness", which will be discussed below.

Prevention of accidents with children

Three glasses of liquor can be deadly for a three year old child. For smaller children, even smaller doses of alcohol are enough to cause serious disgust. Particularly dangerous, because it is seductive, is alcohol in chocolates with liquor filling, raisins with rum and the liquor itself. In addition, alcohol is found in perfumes, eau de toilette used after shaving, and medicinal tinctures. Therefore, everything that contains alcohol should be out of reach for children and be locked up.
Curiosity and the love of lasagna constantly attracts children to the balcony railing. The second source of danger is the bars of the lattice, which can be located at such a large distance between them that the child can stick his head between them, but cannot get out. That's why, little children, never leave to play on the balcony unattended. It is best to additionally cover the bars of the lattice from the inside with a strong canvas.
When children learn to walk, they often fall. Then the danger is the fins of the radiators, often with sharp edges or protruding air valves. If batteries with iron ribs are located openly, it is recommended to make a sheathing for them.
They can be dangerous for child- a slider, because it is very tempting to get up on your legs, clinging to these panels. Before child starts to crawl, check whether the curtain rods and their fastenings are really strong.
Ironing machines and irons
Both of them cause toddlers passion for imitation, the result can be severe burns. Therefore, ironing machines and irons should never be left unattended and it should be remembered that even after switching off they remain hot for a long time.
They look as fun as candy, and most of them even taste sweet. Therefore, drugs are probably the most common cause of poisoning. All medicines must be kept in a lockable medicine cabinet.
Little things
Buttons, beads, peanuts, small toys - all this, of course, should be securely hidden from children.
Only on the first floor, windows are inherently safe for children. All the rest need to be secured additionally, because all children like to climb on chairs and look out the window. It is best to provide windows with lockable handles on the frames that hold the window even in a tilted position.
There is a danger much more serious than burning fingers on the hot surface of the oven - children can knock over a pot of hot liquid on themselves. Many oven doors also get hot, which can cause burns.
There should be no defective wires at all, and all open electrical wires should be hidden. If possible, wires should be clipped behind furniture or rolled up immediately when not in use. As soon as the child begins to walk, the use of protective plugs for sockets becomes mandatory.
Electric shock from the outlet is generally one of the most dangerous accidents. Therefore, consistent advance preparation is the best remedy: all sockets must be equipped with protective plugs. Plugs need to be checked regularly because even small children quickly figure out what's wrong.
Fire has a magically attractive power. And therefore, everything by means of which fire can be made is dangerous. For this reason children should not be left alone with matches, lighters or burning candles. By the way, only electric candles should be lit on the Christmas tree.

About child safety both parents and employees of children's institutions should think. But the child cannot be monitored 24 hours a day. Therefore, it is much easier and easier to secure the microcosm in which the child lives. Every person who has children must turn his apartment, his personal plot into a safe zone, where no emergency with a child should happen.

First of all, parents should understand for themselves what is safe for the child and what is fraught with danger. To do this, you need to read special literature, learn from the mistakes of other people whose families had accidents.

Prudent precautions are the principle that should reign in your home.

Accidents are the leading cause of child death worldwide. If in the countries of Western Europe three children die every day as a result of accidents, then in Russia five of them die.

And how many millions of children are sent daily to polyclinics for emergency medical care!

And how many children are sent to hospitals and intensive care units every day!

The most dangerous in terms of traumatism is children's age from 1 to 2 years. If just a few days ago a child could not reach a kettle boiling on the stove or a shiny outlet, today he is already doing it. He is interested to see how everything works, and his interest in the world around him is increasing every day. The child tries to crawl everywhere, touch and study every thing.

Every child is curious to the point of impossibility. Everyone has a lot of imagination and a lot of unspent energy. Children need to know what surrounds them, how it works, why it shines. What yesterday they were absolutely not interested in, today becomes vital.

In the conditions of a house and an apartment, especially many tragedies happen in the summer months and, for some reason, on Sundays. Sunday night is the culmination of childhood injuries and accidents. Why this happens is difficult to explain.

In street conditions, the road is especially dangerous for children. This applies more to children under 12 years of age. Yes, and to be honest, even we, adults, sometimes neglect the rules of the road. What is there to say about the child. Cases of child injuries on the roads are a headache for traffic police and parents. So teach your child the rules of the road and the elementary basics of self-preservation. Let the child remember for the rest of his life that:




Young children do not understand what risk is. They don't know what danger is.

They have no experience to tell them WHAT TO DO AND WHAT NOT TO DO.

Find something else of interest:

A young mother rushes to her four-year-old son on the playground: he has just fallen down the stairs. At first, she is simply frightened and preoccupied, but when she is convinced that nothing terrible has happened and only a small scratch on her knee testifies to the recent catastrophe, she, grimacing, explains to her friend: “He falls for the third time today; I tell you, these accidental falls are deliberate. He is still mad at me that I came home from the hospital with my little sister, makes me tear apart, jealous of me for her and demanding attention to myself.

It all seems to be a coincidence, but most of us are quite familiar with such “deliberate accidents”. In fact, they have a deep idea, and although such observations have been made throughout human history, they have only recently become the subject of scientific consideration.

When our daughter was nine years old, she severely sprained her ligaments in her leg. After the pain and fear had passed, the daughter was delighted to learn that she would have to walk on crutches for several weeks. She could not wait to go to school with them, and the reaction of her classmates did not disappoint her: this event brought her so much fame and attention that she did not even expect. Everyone wanted to try crutches, and our daughter reveled in the fact that she was the owner of them. One girl in the class didn't like it; two days earlier, she had jumped off a rock wall onto a concrete platform and hurt her leg. Time passed, and she only limped slightly, but a few days after our daughter's "triumph" she suddenly began to jump on one leg, claiming that her bruised leg was getting worse and worse. We sympathized with her mother and teacher and joked about crutches becoming an infection. We were experienced psychologists and came to the conclusion that the glory of one girl can poison the life of another. Fortunately, children are able to insist on their own, and when things began to take a turn for the worse, the girl's parents had to consult a doctor. The second leg injury turned out to be a real sprain, which is not always immediately apparent. The sprain was complicated by the fact that the treatment was not carried out in a timely manner, and, to the grief of our daughter, her classmate also began to walk on crutches.
You can say: "Enough of us new theories," but this is not the end of the story. A fourth grade teacher told us a few weeks later that she now keeps a daily record of incidents in her class. Although they were, fortunately, insignificant, they happened three or four times a day! And it all started with one sprain! Were they "deliberate accidents"? How can we determine this? Do children cause accidents unconsciously? When we are dealing with a series of accidents, is it always an accident?

The very nature of childhood poses particular challenges to the study of infant exposure to accidents. Children by nature are more curious, more adventurous than adults. In order to grow and learn, they must experiment and explore, having "at the same time less experience and not so mature judgments. They are really worse than adults in controlling their impulses, but at the same time they have boundless energy, more more opportunities and more diverse experiences.Technological progress also creates many dangers in their path: more cars, more heavy traffic, crowded cities, more potentially dangerous electrical equipment in the house.In addition, the daily life of children is full of conflicts with elders, struggle for greater independence, against adult control.

Several recent studies provide information that parents and teachers may find useful. They report that in studying children's susceptibility to accidents, it is important to distinguish between temporary susceptibility, which appears at some time in the child's life and quickly passes, and such susceptibility to accidents, which acts continuously for a long time. It turns out that changing relationships with adults and intense struggles for independence can cause temporary periods of accident proneness in children. This may explain the fact that accidents occur more frequently with some children and less frequently with others. It is also possible that the challenges of growing up may cause a certain exposure to accidents. If, for example, a child experiences a whole series of such incidents over the course of a year, and before that nothing similar happened to him, then perhaps your child is trying to cope with some growing up problems in a similar way. You should watch him carefully, but do not worry.

In the event that such behavior becomes persistent, special assistance and supervision by a specialist may be required. Many adult survivors of trauma have been exposed to them since childhood. And it seems that often they unconsciously used accidents as a way to solve their psychological problems. Sometimes children deliberately want something to happen to them, by doing this they seem to punish themselves for this or that offense.

Recurring accidents are sometimes a way for a child to make contact with other peers and get proper attention from adults. It can also be a way to satisfy the child's need to be handled, comforted, cared for, and he cannot find another way to satisfy his desire. Although such children seem reckless, taking dangerous situations lightly without the necessary precautions, in fact they may think, like Tom Sawyer: "They will be sorry when I die!" Feeling that they are being treated unfairly, they unconsciously hope that the accident will make their parents feel sorry for them.

Dangerous exposure to accidents may also reflect a fear of bodily harm: sometimes an actual injury is less painful than childhood fantasies of a more serious one and can alleviate, at least temporarily, such fears. Too many accidents can also be caused by anger and hostility that is too tightly suppressed and cannot be expressed in an acceptable way. Some of these feelings may be a reaction to overprotection by adults who do not leave little opportunities for independence; a clipped-wing situation can cause repressed resentment that finds expression in trauma. These are all serious and complex issues that baffle and worry any parent and require expert advice. Fortunately, we are learning more and more about the emotional problems of childhood, and the system of special children's clinics and consultations provides more and more opportunities for professional help.

However, we must remember that severe accident exposure is not as common in children, and most of us will be more interested in the various variations of temporary accident exposure.
Some studies even suggest that some of the children are prone to accidents! Even a certain dose of disobedience to adults gives vivacity and sharpness to the emerging personality! Before labeling all behavior that leads to accidents as "deviant", we need to stop for a moment and think about the fact that while calm, cautious, and obedient children can lead safer lives, curiosity and enterprise, at least in reasonable amounts, are the basis of human progress.

As adults, we as parents have a responsibility to create a safe enough environment for our children. Some of the latest research comes across the interesting information that it turns out that there are such children who, while not getting into accidents themselves, somehow manage to involve others in them! This fact indicates that it is generally necessary to observe children playing. We want our children to learn by doing, but it would be foolish to stand by if one child encourages another to do dangerous things or if they are teased by older and stronger children. Children cannot cope with sudden and too strong impulses, and self-control develops in them gradually, as they grow up. Adults are responsible for taking reasonable precautions both at home and where our children learn and play. It is necessary to demand traffic control on busy streets, the safety of playgrounds, schools and residential buildings, which must be built in compliance with mandatory rules, to ensure that household and other electrical and mechanical appliances are in good working order.

In assessing real dangers and possible accidents, we are faced with the same dilemma that often arises in the process of education: how do we set reasonable limits and at the same time not suppress our children's healthy desire for independence? "Some accidents with children are caused too frequent "can't".

Each of us, based on our own life experience and based on the characteristics of temperament, must come to a balanced decision on how to prevent accidents in our own children. We can do our best to make sure that children who often suffer from accidents need help to cope with their deep emotional problems. Active, impulsive, energetic children should have the opportunity for organized physical education, which they love so much. Most importantly, we do our best to better understand the children we live and work with, to best meet their real needs for support, attention, and encouragement from adults.

Ed LeChamp. "When Your Baby Drives You Crazy"

Prevention of injuries and death of children from external causes

Child injury and its prevention is a very important and serious problem, especially in the summer, when children have more free time, are more often on the street and are left without adult supervision.
Despite the wide variety of injuries in children, the causes that cause them are typical. First of all, it's a disorganization external environment, negligence, oversight of adults, careless, incorrect behavior of a child at home, on the street, during games, sports. Naturally, the psychological characteristics of children also contribute to the occurrence of injuries: curiosity, great mobility, emotionality, lack of life experience, and hence the lack of a sense of danger. Adults are obliged to prevent possible risks and protect children from them.

1) elimination of traumatic situations;
2) systematic teaching of children the basics of injury prevention. At the same time, it is important not to develop feelings of timidity and fear in the child, but, on the contrary, to instill in him that danger can be avoided if you behave correctly.

The most common injury in children is domestic. The main types of injuries that children can get at home, and their causes:

burns from a hot stove, dishes, food, boiling water, steam, iron, other electrical appliances and open flames;
falling from a bed, window, table and steps;
suffocation from small objects (coins, buttons, nuts, etc.);
poisoning with household chemicals (insecticides, washing liquids, bleaches, etc.);
electric shock from faulty electrical appliances, exposed wires, sticking needles, knives and other metal objects into sockets and wall wiring.

Falls are a common cause of bruises, broken bones, and serious head injuries. They can be prevented if:
do not allow children to climb in dangerous places;
install railings on stairs, windows and balconies.
In the summer, playgrounds, and especially swings, become a zone of increased danger. If the child falls off the swing, he should cling to the ground and crawl away to avoid additional impact. A voluntary swing jump never ends with a safe landing on your feet. From a sharp touch with the ground - a fracture of the ankles, tibia, dislocation of the ankle joints.

Broken glass can cause cuts, blood loss and infection. Glass bottles should be kept away from children and babies. Little children should be taught not to touch broken glass.
Knives, blades and scissors must be kept out of the reach of children. Older children should be taught to handle these objects with care.
You can avoid many injuries if you explain to children that throwing stones and other sharp objects, playing with knives or scissors is very dangerous.
Sharp metal objects, rusty cans can become a source of wound infection. Such items should not be on children's playgrounds.

Trauma on the road.
Of the various injuries, every two hundredth is accounted for by street transport. But their consequences are very serious. The most dangerous car is standing: the child believes that if the danger is not visible, then it does not exist. But, leaving behind such a car on the roadway, 63 out of 100 children involved in a road accident fall under the wheels of another car.

Children should know and follow the following rules when crossing the road:
- stop on the sidelines;
- look in both directions;
-before crossing the road, make sure that there are no cars or other vehicles on the road;
-when crossing the road, hold the hand of an adult or an older child;
- walk, but never run;
- cross the road only in designated places at the green traffic light;
- you need to go out on the road calmly, with concentration, confidently and so that the driver sees you;
- it is necessary to cross the road perpendicular to the axis, and not diagonally;
- if the traffic flow is caught in the middle of the road, you should stop and not panic;
- a small child should be transferred across the road only by the hand;
- it is necessary to teach the child not to succumb to the "herd" feeling when crossing the street in a group;
-children should not play near the road, especially with a ball;

To avoid accidents, children should be taught to walk on sidewalks facing vehicular traffic.
Older children need to be taught to look after the younger ones.
When transporting a child in a car, it is necessary to use a special seat and seat belts, the child must be seated at the back and on the right.

Cycling accidents are a common cause of injury among older children. Such cases can be avoided if relatives and parents teach the child safe behavior when riding a bicycle. Children should wear helmets and other protective gear.

No other hobby of children has led to such an influx of the wounded as rolling (roller skating), which in Lately became especially popular. In rolling, the demands on body control are too high - the slightest failure leads to a fall, which is always fraught with injury.

When buying roller skates for your child, teach them how to stand on them and move around. To do this, you can bring to the railing, put between two chairs. Follow the correct setting of the ankle joint.

Do not buy Chinese-made roller skates for children, although they are cheaper. They are traumatic and short-lived.
The bootleg should be a good support, so it should be firm.

Hire an experienced skater if you can't teach at least one braking technique yourself.
Be sure to get knee pads, elbow pads, wristlets and a helmet. This will prevent major injuries.
Learn to fall correctly - forward on your knees, and then on your hands.
You need to ride away from highways.
Teach children to avoid high speeds, follow the terrain of the road, be careful.

Water injuries
Adults should teach children the rules of behavior on the water and not for a minute leave a child unattended near water bodies.
Children can drown in less than two minutes even in small amounts of water, so they should never be left alone in or near water, incl. - in the bathroom.
It is necessary to close wells, bathtubs, buckets of water.
Children should be taught to swim from an early age.
Children should know not to swim without adult supervision.

Burns can be avoided if:
-keep children away from hot stove, food and iron;
- set the stoves high enough or unscrew the handles of the burners so that children cannot reach them;
- keep children away from open flames, candle flames, bonfires, explosions of firecrackers;
- hide from children flammable liquids, such as gasoline, kerosene, as well as matches, candles, lighters, sparklers, firecrackers.

Choking on small objects
Small children should not be given food with small bones or seeds. Children should always be supervised while eating. Feed your baby shredded food.
Coughing, noisy rapid breathing, or the inability to make sounds are signs of breathing problems and possibly choking. You should make sure that everything is going well with the child. If he has difficulty breathing, the possibility of small objects entering the child's airways cannot be ruled out, even if no one saw the child put something in his mouth.

Poisonous substances, medicines, bleaches, acids, and fuels such as kerosene should never be stored in food bottles - children may drink them by mistake. Such substances should be kept in tightly closed labeled containers out of the reach of children.
Bleach, rat and insect poisons, kerosene, acids and alkaline solutions, and other toxic substances can cause severe poisoning, brain damage, blindness, and death. The poison is dangerous not only when swallowed, but also when inhaled, in contact with the skin, eyes and even clothing.
Medicines intended for adults can be fatal for children. Medicines should be given to a child only as prescribed by a doctor and in no case should he be given medicines intended for adults or children of a different age. It is necessary to store medicines in places inaccessible to children.
Misuse and overdose of antibiotics can lead to deafness in young children.

Electric shock
Children can be seriously injured by sticking fingers or objects into electrical outlets; they must be covered to prevent electric shock. Electric wires should be out of the reach of children - exposed wires are especially dangerous for them.

It is very important for adults to behave correctly in all situations, demonstrating to children a safe lifestyle.

Do not forget that the example of an adult is contagious for a child!

In Belarus, about 30% of the deaths of children aged 0-17 years are the result of external causes. That is, deaths that could have been avoided.
The main risk group is adolescent boys from 15 to 18 years old, who account for the vast majority of injuries resulting from external causes.
Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death in the 5-18 age group. The second leading cause of child mortality (especially for children aged 1 to 4 years) is drowning. In third place is asphyxia (mechanical strangulation), a problem that more often affects young children. The list of leading causes of death also includes poisoning, including from alcohol, falls, burns and murder.
About 10% of the deaths of children and adolescents as a result of external causes are the result of suicide.
Prevention of child and adolescent injuries directly depends on the measures taken by society and the state. The most effective measures to reduce child road traffic injuries include the use of child car seats and seat belts (including in the rear seats of a car), speed limits in populated areas, and the use of reflective elements at night. In the summer, it is necessary to prohibit children from swimming in places not equipped for this and without adult supervision.
The use of autonomous fire detectors in the homes of large and disadvantaged families, the prevention of ice injuries, the education of children in a negative attitude towards alcohol and drugs, the attentive attitude and care of parents - these and other factors largely contribute to reducing the death of children from external factors.

It seems that you are looking after the children, you do not lower your eyes, but take them and ... please go to the hospital. Mothers-heroines shared with us cases that added a lot of gray hair and feelings of guilt to them. This can happen to anyone!

“That evening, for the first time, we had sub-zero temperatures. The husband came home from work. I was cooking dinner, and my son was sitting in the arena. The husband decided to light the fireplace and put in a damper for safety. I took my son out of the arena to play with him. At this time, I came from the kitchen and saw both the fireplace and my son not in the arena, and nothing skipped a beat. I saw that my son ran up to the shutter and put his hand on it and did not pull it back. I ran up, pulled my son's hand away from the damper and was stunned. The palm was white. She ran to cool her hand, her husband called an ambulance. The ambulance said to go to the hospital. The hand was treated and we were sent home. Daily trips to the burn center for dressings began, threats of surgery if the wound did not close, and a horror that I don’t even want to remember. There was a 2nd degree, on one see a very deep 2 tbsp. Everything ended well."


“I had a case when I mastered the sling. I tied it up, I’m walking, it’s good after the stroller, mobile. And she fell, fell straight ahead, as soon as she managed to turn around so as not to completely crush the child. Why dont know. Either she stumbled, or the center of gravity was disturbed, but I'm not used to it yet, or I just tied the sling incorrectly. Everything worked out, too, but the rest of my daughter's infancy, I only used the stroller.


“My daughter was electrocuted at the age of one and four months. Moreover, from the very beginning this tape recorder seemed unsafe to me (the old cassette player and the cover that closed the window for the cassette were missing). But my husband, with me, touched everything with his hand and said that everything was safe. But it turned out that there is another place with a small section of bare wire, and the daughter just managed to grab the window for the cassette with one hand, and with the other - for this place. Then she received pinpoint burns and not dangerous, but the fact that for several seconds the current went through the region of the heart is, as the doctors said, not good. She was then kept in the hospital for 5 days under observation.”


“I have two children with a difference of 2.5 years. The eldest was 3.5, the youngest 11 months old. I, a tortured mother, wanted to calmly eat a herring in the kitchen, while the children peacefully play in the room. I hear a knock and a roar of my daughter - I run - she lies on her stomach and cries, fell from the Swedish wall, like on her forehead - I call an ambulance, examine how they taught for signs of a concussion, everything is fine, I give my breast, the child calms down and falls asleep. I calm down, but then I see that a huge hematoma is pouring along her head - on the right and behind, very large. An ambulance arrives, I wake up the child, they examine her, they take us away. They took an x-ray for my daughter ... A fracture of the skull, and about 2/3 around the circumference of the head, the doctor reassures that at this age the death rate is only 1 out of 100. We lay for a week - they even let us go for a walk - drank medicine and played all day, the only thing is that you can lie down was only on the left side.


“The rope came off the sled when their dad was running - the daughter slowed down into a tree, minus two teeth (well milk teeth).”


“The son, not yet walking, crawled out of bed at night and fell under the heating riser, which was warmed up that very night - a burn on his neck.”


“And our son fell out of a shopping cart in a supermarket with his head on the floor - I thought I would die right there, my eyes were dimmed and my heart was seized. It worked out."


“At the age of 4, we dropped a large dose of medicine into the child’s nose (stupid bottle, it was not clear how much they dripped), the ambulance barely delivered, 4-5 days in toxicology. There I saw enough of what accidents happen to children.


“In my case, my son found a bottle of acetic acid. Where? It’s a mystery to me, because I definitely didn’t have it, and everything in the kitchen in the cabinets was also empty. As a result, he spilled it on his feet, there was an ambulance, and a burn department, and my tantrums on the topic: I'm a bad mother - I didn't keep track. As a result, I needed the help of professionals. Now my son is 10, goes in for swimming, has a 3rd adult category. Not a trace is left."


“The eldest mistook a pepper spray for hairspray (I don’t remember where I found it). It’s good that she didn’t splash around her face, but on her hands, deciding to check if there were sparkles, so it worked out.”


“My daughter at 2.6 years old fell head down from the hill, and I controlled her from the side and behind, and she fell forward, right in front of me. The father-in-law spoke out everything, as if she had not seen it.


My daughter was 2 years old when one day she took out a razor from the bottom of her aunt's bag and shaved her lip.


“My child ate a corner of mayonnaise at 8.5 months. from the garbage bag in the kitchen, I slept, and my husband was in another room, ended in a hospital and esophagofibroscopy.”


“I myself managed to confuse the vial of Espumizan with an identical vial of alcohol. After giving birth, they gave me injections with this alcohol, wiped it. In short, in the morning, in the dark, dripped ... The child immediately became like a rag doll. The ambulance arrived very quickly. They took me to Filatovka. There he examined the ENT and the toxicologist diagnosed him with alcohol intoxication, and they let us go home. But what I experienced is indescribable! The child was three weeks old. I still blame myself for my inattention."


“I cleaned my youngest son’s ears, he was one and a half years old. The phone rang, I went to the phone. And then the cry of my son is heard, such a cry, terrible! I run into the room, he screams and holds on to his ear ... I put a wand in my ear, apparently that I have the strength, I saw what to do with chopsticks, if they weren't right! We rushed to the doctor with sobs, it turned out that the perforation of the eardrum ... "


“My year old leaned his palm against the elevator door, the door began to open - accordingly, the palm went along with the door - and the fingers were pulled into the gap! My brother and I pulled the door back with all our strength to free the handle - no result at all! Somehow she freed her fingers, they were swollen, but, fortunately, there was no fracture, only a hematoma. I blame myself so much for this incident, because I knew that accidents happen to children and you need to take them in your arms in the elevator!

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