Quotes about 8. The eighth of March. Top stamp phrase about the eighth of march

March 8 is practically the only day when a woman agrees with everything that is said about her.

What comes after International Women's Day? - International Women's Night!

Chess players watch their pieces the most

Every woman should have her own bezyminka

Passionate women are good to disgrace! ... as well as during the outrage and after the outrage.

A woman driving is like a star in the sky: you see her, but she does not see you.

Give a woman a million scarlet roses, and she will say that one white rose is enough for her.

No matter how much you feed a girl, you still have to solder.

There is no such woman who could not convince herself that she was right.

A real woman is not the one who gets a new boyfriend every evening, but the one who gets the same one every evening.

On one issue, men and women certainly agree with each other: both do not trust women.

Flirting is when a girl does not know what she wants, but by all means she achieves it ...

Most likely to undress a woman is not the one who dresses her, but the one for whom she dresses herself.

In a dispute with a woman, only an echo can say the last word.

A woman is like a bank, if she gives you something, then on credit, and if you want to get something from her, then you need to invest in her, invest and invest!

Apparently, God created woman later because he did not want to listen to advice when creating a man.

A woman is a weak, defenseless creature, from which it is impossible to escape.

If a girl says "no!" - it means "maybe!". If he says "maybe!" - it means yes!". If he says "yes!" It means she's not a girl anymore.

The chest has become larger - life has become more fun

If you persuade me for a long time, you won't persuade me for long...

Virginity is a feminine flaw eliminated by manhood

A girl is like a bullet with a displaced center of gravity: it hits the eye, passes through the heart, hits the pocket and exits sideways.

Men - linoleum. If you lay it well for the first time, then you can walk on it for 20 years.

A slut is a lonely woman who will yearn, yearn and go to bed alone. Decent - loves order: today one, and tomorrow - another ...

Girl, do you speak French?

The more often a woman moans at night, the less often she grumbles during the day.

Girl, are you local? - No! I am double!

A real woman must cut down a tree, destroy a house and raise a daughter.

If you have found the woman of your dreams, you can say goodbye to the rest of your dreams.

If a girl knows her worth, then she called her more than once

If a woman keeps a secret well, then she has no girlfriends

If a woman sat on your neck, then you no longer need to carry her in your arms

If a woman is angry, it means that she is not only wrong, but also understands it.

If the legs are from the shoulders, the head is not needed on them.

There are a thousand ways to make a woman talk, but none to silence her.

Girl, 90/60/90, looking for adventure in her second 90

Another day turned out to be a waste of makeup...

A misogynist is a man who hates women as much as women hate each other

Women's observation: “Life is full of adversity and suffering. Grief and hate. Disappointment and betrayal. And then, finally, you find exactly the hairdresser you need! .. "

A woman who values ​​herself too low brings down the price of all other women.

A woman only tells the truth when she wants to hide a lie behind her.

A woman can do everything; man - everything else

A woman rarely forgives jealousy and never forgives her absence.

The woman is sure that two times two will equal five, if you cry properly and make a scandal...

Women are not born, they are made

Women inspire us to many great things... They prevent us from doing it.

Women are consistent in their impermanence

Women don't count their age. Their friends do it for them.

And she put her feet on his shoulders trustingly...

And to this man I gave the best three days of my life...

The eternal question of women: what would it be to eat to lose weight?

How to choose the most stupid out of 10 blondes? - By lot.

What kind of mother am I? I am your father!

When do women talk the least? - In February.

A beautiful woman: a feast for the eyes during a plague for the ears

A beautiful woman pleases the male gaze, an ugly woman pleases the female

A woman's dream is to be a dream woman

Dear girls, it's silly to worry about some stains there. You have to worry when they are not!

A young girl dreams of changing her last name, marital status and husband

A young beautiful woman is a miracle of nature. A middle-aged beautiful woman is a miracle of art.

Silence is the only thing of gold that women do not recognize

A man can swear anything with his hand on a woman's heart

On the second day, when the vocabulary ran out ...

Random number generator won by a wide margin at the World Women's Logic Championship

The inscription on the mirror: others are not better

The best 10 years of a woman's life are between the ages of 28 and 30.

A real woman should cut down a tree, destroy a house and raise a daughter.

Unmarried? - Yes. Twice...

It's not true that women can't keep a secret. You just need to remember that this is not an easy task, and women usually cope with it collectively.

No, girl, what are you! You don't seem "a little stupid" to me. You are a little smart!

There is nothing more unstable than a dialogue between two women, as it instantly splits into two monologues.

Nothing in the appearance of a man irritates a woman like the lack of money.

Oh girl, you are an angel. Hopefully no wings...

Announcement: a sociable, pretty girl without complexes will sell a wagon of cement

She was my dream girl... Until I found out my girl's dream.

She was in her seventh month of happiness

She spoke incessantly: she had nothing to be silent about

From Worry to Panic - 28 days

It is very easy to be beautiful, it is much more difficult to convince others of this.

Only one person can truly understand a woman. Pathologist.

For some reason, out of 2 lovers, one must be a bitch

Why are all women so stupid?

The product of a woman's mind and her beauty is a constant value

There was a girlish cry, smoothly turning into a female ...

Every year it becomes more and more difficult for a woman to get used to the fact that she is thirty

It is not difficult to make a woman happy; It's hard to be happy on your own...

Silicon Valley is a hollow between the breasts of a movie star

With traces of artificial intelligence on the face...

The sum of leg length and skirt length is approximately the same for all women.

So what is your unshakable essence?

Three periods in a woman's life. In the first, she gets on her father's nerves, in the second, her husband, and in the third, her son-in-law.

Women have two main problems: nothing to wear and a small closet

The ability to fly on a broom is what distinguishes a witch from an ordinary woman.

A frequent woman

Contraceptive appearance.

The longer the legs, the shorter the nights

The smaller a woman's breasts, the closer to her heart she perceives what is happening.

What can a woman do from nothing? Hairstyle, salad and tragedy.

What is maximum information at minimum cost? - Mini skirt.

March 8 is the day when even the most intelligent men spend their stash in the most stupid way.

Do not ask men to carry you in their arms! Ask them to take their paychecks home.

Men sighed, crowded around the flower stall, but secretly rejoiced at the extra day off!

Why is it considered normal to give a frying pan on March 8, but to give a hammer on February 23 is stupid?

In our age of electronic technology, a simple visit with congratulations is so lacking - everything is just sms-yat and “postcards” are hung on the “walls” ....

Today is March 8, which means we need to throw all sorrows and problems into the closet, put on a smile, posture and good mood, and then we will be the most beautiful and most desirable! Congratulations to all on March 8!

Today I will not be strong - I will be weak. Today I will not be brave - I will be a coward. Today I will not be a bitch - I will be a sweetheart. Today is March 8 - I will be a WOMAN!

For an extra day off, men shower women with flowers and gifts!

I congratulate you today, let your dreams come true. A wonderful day - March 8, the day of tenderness and beauty!

Let everything be like in a fairy tale today, all the princes will rush on white horses, all the frogs will become princesses, and all the sleeping beauties will wake up and find their good fellows.

International Women's Day is just a warm-up before International Women's Night.

I wish you love and joy on this bright women's day! Congratulations on the beginning of spring and hugs tightly!

If your husband came to you early in the morning with a bouquet of roses, your brother made coffee for you, your dad brought you buns, then everything has already happened, it means that the holiday has come to you, then you need to have fun, then it will be good!

I love March 8 - after all, dad and 2 brothers live in the same apartment with me, and on this holiday they even blow dust particles off me and mom!

Today, women attract public opinion to themselves not by rallies, but by drinking. On an equal footing with men.

On March 8 - Give women not only flowers and gifts, but also warmth and their unfulfilled desires.

Statuses about March 8 - quotes, phrases, aphorisms: March 8 is not sexism, but just gender equality.

If you wake up on the morning of March 8, and there are no flowers, no champagne, no diamonds around ... pinch yourself, you are still sleeping!

If March 8 falls on a Friday, then we can assume that the weekend was a success. And if it's on Monday - we can assume that the week is gone!

The beautiful half of humanity has already froze in anticipation of its day - March 8th. But the time has come for men to thank their women for the foams, gels and shampoos presented to them on February 23rd. Only on March 8, one shampoo, perhaps, is not enough! Here you will find the funniest and most interesting statuses about March 8, we have selected aphorisms and sayings about Women's Day, playful sayings about how men prepare for this holiday, and how women are waiting for it. A fun selection will be of interest to everyone without exception, because even though the day is considered feminine, but for men it does not pass without a trace.

International Women's Day has a long history, originally associated with a rally for women's equality. Today, this holiday has no political context, March 8 is an occasion to please lovely ladies and pay attention to them. In many countries, only women do not work on this day. In our country, March 8 is declared an official holiday for both women and men. Men love the day off, although this day is not connected with them in any way, so on this day they simply have to pay attention to their woman, it would be nice to do all the homework for her!

Flowers are an obligatory attribute on March 8. But flowers alone on this day can not get off! They should be accompanied by small and big surprises that women love so much.


March 8 is practically the only day when a woman agrees with everything that is said about her.

Let's start with the fact that this is the only day when no one dares to reproach her for anything))

So he needs it, he didn’t think of buying three times)

March 8th. They, women, have sweet tea with a cake and chocolate, and we, men, again eat this bitter, tasteless vodka ...

Are you here at all?)

March 8 is the day when even the most intelligent men spend their stash in the most stupid way.

It’s nobody’s fault for them that they don’t have enough mind to spend in a sensible way!)

According to the results of a sociological survey, 7% of men said that on March 8 they would give flowers to their beloved women, and 93% - a flower.

I don’t understand now, 93% are all rednecks, or are they just going to give an orchid?)))

Yes, no matter how much it costs, take it!)

If a man has not congratulated you on March 8, it is only because he considers it his holiday.

Okay, then I myself congratulate him on Women's Day.

Men, love women not only on March 8, but also on other days, because it is women who decorate your life, simplify it, make it more interesting, moreover, they give you this life!

Women deserve attention, care and love every day.

I'm afraid that suddenly a blonde is driving there in a Porsche just presented to her ...)

March 8 is the only day of the year when fuel surcharges and pollen tax are included in the price of flowers.

Are these bees in the hives rioting there or what?)

On March 8, I woke up in the morning from the noise in the corridor and the cry of my father: “Go to sleep quickly! I'll bring you coffee in bed now!

Was he going to bring it to me for lunch?))

March 8th is a magical day that turns the most ordinary carnation into a beautiful rose, at least for the price.

This is so that men immediately lay out the amount that they had to spend a month on flowers ...)

All right, girls, socks, panties, deodorants were presented, now we are waiting for diamonds!!!

And let them just try to give us panties ...)

What will come after International Women's Day?
- International Women's Night! ...

Continuation of the banquet))

No one pulled you by the tongue, but now hold on!)

The wife wakes her husband up on the morning of March 8 and asks:
- Expensive. Do you remember what holiday is today?
- Of course I remember! Today is February 23 according to the old calendar...

Then live according to the old calendar, and I went to celebrate my day in a new way)

On March 7, due to numerous requests from men, the “Simple” shampoo, the “Normal” lotion, the “God knows what” lipstick and the “Yes, any already” perfume will go on sale.

Men, aren’t you afraid that you will then see all this “who knows what” and smell these “yes, any already”?)))

Is your loved one sitting in the kitchen with a knife and fork in hand? Do you think he eats like always? No, he is preparing a gift for you by March 8!

I’m afraid to clarify, he’s cooking, or maybe he’s just thinking what to give ...)))

Brad Pitt and Antonio Banderos were very surprised when they found out how many Russian women were waiting for them on March 8.

And why are our actors not like that?)

Today is March 8, which means we need to throw all sorrows and problems into the closet, put on a smile, posture and good mood, and then we will be the most beautiful and most desirable! Everyone since March 8!

Let every woman feel like a queen on this day!

It is a pity that they are not discharged at work ...)

For an extra day off, men shower women with flowers and gifts!

On everything, cunning people agree, just not to work ...)

Did you prepare a gift for yourself first of all?)))

Someone only from wallets, and someone from credit cards ....)

Judging by his taste, I don’t even have to paint ...)

March 7th: Men's day, scurrying around in lingerie stores. March 8: Boxing Day. March 9th: exchange day for the correct size in lingerie stores.

Do you know why Women's Day is on the 8th? Because the girl is the 8th wonder of the world.

Not like a man ... 23))))

A woman needs to buy a gift, and not how to choose for a housekeeper!

There are holidays that women wait for a whole year to receive their treasured gift. This is Birthday, New Year, Valentine's Day and, of course, March 8th. May the wishes of all girls, girls and women come true on this day and they will feel like real princesses and queens. Do not forget to congratulate your daughters, mothers, girlfriends and just all good women! After all, March 8 is not in vain a day off, it is given in order to remind you that lovely ladies should hear gentle words addressed to them and receive pleasant surprises!

Aphorisms about a woman

You will never find a woman without a ready answer, unless she turns out to be without a tongue. - W. Shakespeare

A woman is conservative by nature, she is looking for solid foundations everywhere, and this is quite natural, since a solid ground is needed for a home and a cradle. - J. Michelet

A beautiful woman is pleasing to the eyes, but kind to the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other a treasure. - Napoleon I

Women rule us; Let us try to bring them to perfection: the more they know, the more perfect we will be. Men's wisdom also depends on the development of the female mind. - R. Sheridan

If God had appointed a woman to be the mistress of a man, he would have created her from the head; if he had been a slave, he would have created her from the foot; but since he appointed her to be a friend and equal to a man, he created from a rib. - Saint Augustine

Woman is the first human being to be enslaved. A woman became a slave even when there were no slaves. - A. Bebel

Love the woman as you make her, or make her as you love her. - Spanish saying

The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third. - A. Carr

Prolonged misfortune reconciles all men with a woman, and the loss of beauty - all women. - D. Diderot

Treat women with care! It is made of a crooked rib, God could not make it straighter; if you want to straighten it, it will break; leave it alone, it will become even more crooked. - I. Goethe

Silly beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look deeply into every feature of her face, into her smile, look - her beauty will gradually turn into a striking ugliness. - I. Goncharov

Give us the best mothers and we will be the best people. - J.-P. Richter

There would have been as many Petrarchs in the world as there were Antonievs, if Lauras had not come across less often than Cleopatras. - C. Colton

The actions of women are like flea races: the same determination and inconsistency. - A. Grigorovich

The night gives shine to the stars and women. - D. Byron

Outfit is a preface to a woman, and sometimes the entire book. - N. Chamfort

The inaccessibility of women is one of their outfits and attire to enhance their beauty. - F. La Rochefoucauld

Yesterday this woman was so simple and kind, today she is proud and impudent!.. And only because a feather plucked from an ostrich's tail appeared on her head. How proud this bird must be, which has many of them and, moreover, its own! - A. Carr

Of all the paths leading to a woman's heart, pity is the shortest. - D. Byron

There is nothing more paradoxical than the female mind. Women are difficult to convince of anything: they must be brought to the point where they convince themselves. In order to learn their dialectic, one must overturn in one's mind all the school rules of logic. - M. Lermontov

Sometimes a woman's heart is like snow: barely defiled, it immediately turns into mud. - J. Cherville

Women drink flattering lies in one gulp, and bitter truth in drops. - D. Diderot

You can ask a woman why she is crying, but you should never ask her why she was crying: she does not remember it. - A. Dumas son

There are women made for love and there are women made for intrigue. - W. Thackeray

A woman is more likely to love a man whom she hates than one to whom she is indifferent. ***

Without women, the beginning of our life would be devoid of support, the middle of pleasure, and the end of consolation. - N. Chamfort

Only women can be not only the best judges of women, but also their executioners. - M. Twain

Women are more likely to overcome their passion than their coquetry. - F. La Rochefoucauld

The greatest proof of female affection is the sacrifice of fashion. - P. Buast

It is easier for a woman to defend her virtue from men than her reputation from women. - Rochebrune

If women are given under the supervision of men, then they are not out of danger, only those out of danger who protect themselves of their own free will. - Indian saying

A woman always has three ages: apparent, real and ascribed to herself. - A. Carr

You are a woman and you are right about that. - V. Bryusov

Even the most beautiful girl in France can only give what she has. - French proverb

The expression on a woman's face is much more important than her clothes. - D. Carnegie

A woman who could manage the state very wisely, tomorrow will create for herself a master who cannot be given ten chickens to manage. - Cardinal Mazarin

Women and foxes, as weak creatures, are distinguished by excellent tact. - A. Beers

If the woman is wrong, go and apologize. - French proverb

Women have equal rights with us, but it is in their interest not to enjoy these rights. - C. Talleyrand

Ugly women are always jealous of their husbands. Beautiful - not before, they are jealous of strangers. - O. Wilde

A diplomat is a person who remembers a lady's birthday but forgets her age. - R. Frost

A woman's dream is to be the woman of her dreams. - E. Sevrus

A woman guided by reason, not by heart, is a real social infection: she has all the shortcomings of a passionate and loving woman, but none of her virtues; she is without pity, without love, without virtue, without sex. - O. Balzac

A woman would be in despair if nature made her the way fashion makes her. - P. Buast

Women do not have a second love; their nature is too tender to be able to bear twice this terrible shock of feelings. - G. Heine

The virtue of women comes often from the avarice of their lovers. - Horace

It often happens that after a woman has given the key to her heart, she changes the lock the next day. - O. St. Beve

The measure of a woman's dignity can be the man she loves. - V. Belinsky

It is indeed necessary that the virtue of a woman be great, for it must often suffice for two. - C. Silva

Women are argued with the heart, not the mind. - M. Arnold

Because of her maternal instinct, a woman prefers to own one share in a hundred for a first-class man, and not the whole block of shares for a minor. - B. Shaw

You should never trust a woman who tells you her age. A woman capable of this is capable of anything. - O. Wilde

Not all married women are wives. - Japanese proverb

Rogues demand purse or life, women both. - S. Butler ("Encyclopedia of Aphorisms", Minsk, "Modern Writer", 1999). Something similar is found in W. Shakespeare, but about doctors. Perhaps there was a mistake in some collection.

A woman does not change in two cases: if she believes that her man is the best, or if she believes that they are all the same. ***

You can scold women, cheat on them, even ruin them - and they will forgive you; but if you touch their appearance, they will hate you forever. - P. Kok

A woman cannot be a good wife who is not and is not capable of being a friend to her husband. - Penn

A wise woman will build her house, but a foolish woman will destroy it with her own hands. - Proverbs of Solomon

A fickle woman is one who no longer loves; frivolous - the one who loves another; windy - one who does not know if she loves and whom she loves; indifferent - one who does not love anyone. - J. La Bruyère

A woman in love is more likely to forgive a big indiscretion than a small infidelity. - F. La Rochefoucauld

Women have an extraordinary ability to create illusions, to be different from what they really are. - N. Berdyaev

Women do not love each other, and the reason for this dislike is a man. - J. La Bruyère

For too long a slave and a tyrant lurked in a woman. Therefore, she is incapable of friendship: she knows only love. - F. Nietzsche

Women, like dreams, are never what you want them to be. - L. Pirandello

It is a sin if a woman looks less beautiful than she could be. - M. Cervantes

Do not tell a woman that she is lovely: tell her that there is no other woman like her in the world, and all doors will be opened to you. - I. Rekar

The most stupid woman can cope with a smart man, but only the smartest can cope with a fool. - R. Kipling

When a woman ceases to love a man, she forgets everything - even the favors with which she gave him. - J. La Bruyère

A smart woman is the one in whose society you can behave as stupidly as you like. - P. Valerie

Nature said to the woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must be prudent by all means. - P. Beaumarchais

Women are not able to comprehend that there are men who are indifferent to them. - L. Vauvenargues

A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it depends on her to direct a man to where the Lord God wants to lead him. - G. Ibsen

Nature intended to make a woman the pinnacle of creation, but she made a mistake with clay and chose too soft. - G. Lessing

The morality of peoples depends on respect for women. - W. Humboldt

A woman is unusually prone to slavery and at the same time prone to enslave. - N. Berdyaev

There are a thousand tricks to get women to talk, but none to silence them. - Bush

The main thing for a woman is not to have a spiritual mentor, but to live wisely and not need him. - J. La Bruyère

Nature has endowed woman with tremendous power, and therefore it is not surprising that laws limit this power. - S. Johnson

The kingdom of a woman is the kingdom of tenderness, subtlety and tolerance. - J. Rousseau

Oh those women! If you want the simplest of them to learn to be cunning, lock her up. - P. Beaumarchais

You contemplate a star for two reasons: because it sparkles, and because it is incomprehensible. But next to you is a more tender radiance and a deeper mystery: a woman. - V. Hugo

Women have everything - the heart, even the head. - J.-P. Richter

The mind of most women serves not so much to strengthen their prudence, but to justify their recklessness. - F. La Rochefoucauld

To respect women is a duty that every honest man must obey from birth. - Lope de Vega

A woman rarely forgives us jealousy and never forgives her absence. - J. Thule

When a woman is wrong, the first thing to do is to apologize and shut up. - F. Croisset

In some cases, one woman is much more insightful than hundreds of men. - G. Lessing

Beautiful women die twice. - P. Buast

Being a man is a lot, but being a woman is even more. - M. Larney

When a woman chooses a lover, it is not so important for her whether she likes him as whether other women like him. - N. Chamfort

Most women give up not because their passion is strong, but because their weakness is great. - F. La Rochefoucauld

In the eyes of a woman, an idea always has a face. - F. Croisset

If a woman hates you, then she loved you, loves or will love you. - German proverb

There is no woman who manages to say "goodbye" in less than thirty words. - B. Shaw

Resentment has more power over a woman than love, especially if this woman has a noble and proud heart. - Marguerite Valois

How little we can say about a woman when we are happy. And how much when unhappy. - E. Remarque

People ceased to be animals when a man began to appreciate beauty in a woman. - N. Chernyshevsky

The true beauty of a woman is in health, in the ability to be energetic. - Jane Fonda

If you don't want to submit to a woman, don't conquer her. - A. Ratner

For other women, a bouquet of roses is not enough: they also require a man to change the water in a vase. - I. Gaudin

The girl who laughs is already half conquered. - English proverb

A woman who everyone considers cold has simply not yet met a man who would awaken love in her. - J. La Bruyère

The heart of a woman, offended by betrayal in her love, is like a fortress captured, devastated and abandoned. - W. Irving

Women are never as strong as when they arm themselves with weakness. - I. Bunin

A woman's heart contains her soul and mind. - R. Gurmont

There are women in whose character pride dominates to such a strong degree that they confiscate any praise, no matter who it is said about, for their own benefit. - G. Fielding

A woman can be a person or a thing. She is a person if she does not depend on the person she loves, if she is the mistress of her judgments and plans, her body and thoughts. She is a thing if she allows herself to be treated as a thing, perhaps beautiful and precious, but not having a will of her own, subject to the desires and whims of the owner - something like a pleasant meal that satisfies hunger. - A. Morois

There are female souls who are forever languishing with some sad thirst for love and who never love anyone because of this. - I. Bunin

Women are masters of the art of bandaging wounds - almost as well as the art of inflicting them. - B. d "Oreville

Women, like queens, hold nine-tenths of the human race in captivity of slavery and hard work. And all from the fact that they were humiliated, deprived of their equal rights with men. - L. Tolstoy

A beautiful woman should occupy the second step; the first belongs to a lovely woman. This becomes the mistress of our heart: before we give an account of it to ourselves, our heart becomes a slave of love forever. - I. Bunin

The woman is sacred; the woman you love is doubly sacred. - A. Dumas-father

There is nothing sadder than the life of women who only knew how to be beautiful. - B. Fontenelle

Women are not at all to blame for the fact that sometimes they refuse to obey the rules of conduct established for them by society - after all, these rules were composed by men, and moreover, without any participation of women. - M. Montaigne

Most of all, a beautiful woman is hurt by the one who does not look in her direction. - T. Fuller

A woman looks prettier before her eyes, looking at herself in the mirror. - W. Hazlitt

There can be no order in the mind and heart of a woman if her temperament is not in harmony with them. - F. La Rochefoucauld

The whole worldly science of a woman consists of three ignorances: at first she does not know how to get a groom, then - how to be with her husband, and finally - how to sell children. - V. Klyuchevsky

Women guess everything; they are wrong only when they reason. - A. Carr

The life of a woman is a never-ending story of hobbies. - W. Irving

The story of woman is the story of the most monstrous tyranny the world has ever known: the tyranny of the weak over the strong. - O. Wilde

If a woman loves a boor, then he is certainly an unrecognized genius, a chosen soul, etc., so that because of this natural tendency to squint, they see neither the true when they meet him, nor the beautiful where it is. Their common disease is to demand oranges from the apple tree. - G. Flaubert

A woman can please several men with traits sometimes opposite. And it also happens that everyone loves in her a property that she is deprived of, let's say constancy, although in reality this woman is windy. - L. Vauvenargues

We adore a woman because she rules over our ideal dream. - I. Bunin

The only thing that tires and kills women is boredom. - A. Carr

Almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love. For her, if she loves, love contains the whole meaning of life - the whole universe! - A. Kuprin

Silent diamonds often act on the female mind more than any eloquence. - W. Shakespeare

There are three categories of egoists: egoists who themselves live and let others live; egoists who themselves live and do not let others live; finally, egoists who do not live themselves and do not allow others to live. Women mostly belong to the third category. - I. Turgenev

Women usually not out of malice, but by their nature, hate those whom their husbands love. - T. More

There are women with whom no one falls in love, but whom everyone loves. There are women that everyone falls in love with but no one loves. Only that woman is happy, whom everyone loves, but in whom only one is in love. - V. Klyuchevsky

A beautiful woman is heaven for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the pocket. - B. Fontenelle

To be a prisoner of a mistress is worse than to be a prisoner in war; the enemy is more likely to have freedom, but the woman's fetters are long-term. - Peter I

Women are the difficulties that men love to fight. - E. Wilson

A long life becomes a torment for a woman who believed all her happiness in dragging a crowd of admirers behind her. - Voltaire

How many stars in the sky, so many deceptions are fraught with a woman's heart. - Hippocrates

The most beloved women were those whom the beloved rarely saw. - A. Morois

Women's treachery is useful in that it cures men of jealousy. - J. La Bruyère

With a woman, the same thing often happens as with America: some discover her, while others give her a name. - M. Almazan

Women are always more constant in hate than in love. - C. Goldoni

It is not so difficult to overcome a woman's virtue as to overcome her disgust. - P. Boschen

A misogynist is a man who hates women as much as women hate each other. - G. Mencken

The most painful regret of an aged pretty woman is regret for herself. - P. Buast

Every woman is a rebel by nature, and she rebels exclusively against herself. - O. Wilde

Mental properties of a woman are usually determined by her external appearance. - O. Goldsmith

There are two ways to command a woman, but no one knows them. - K. Hubbard

A woman begins to think only when she begins to speak, and she begins to speak when she begins to feel; her mind is the accountant of her tongue, and her tongue is the secret of her heart. - V. Klyuchevsky

A woman before marriage is a provocateur; after marriage - gendarme. - G. Mencken

The great power of women is in their absence. - A. Morois

Yes, women, there is no mistake,
A fatal power has been given to you;
One smile is enough for you
To rise or fall. - A. Musset

Only a truly good woman can do a truly stupid thing. - O. Wilde

A woman is not only able to understand self-sacrifice: she herself knows how to sacrifice herself. - I. Turgenev

A woman must leave the house three times in her life: when she is baptized, when she is married, and when she is buried. - T. Fuller

A long life becomes a torment for a woman who believed all her happiness in dragging a crowd of admirers behind her. - Voltaire

Women are the difficulties that men love to fight. E. Wilson

When women talk about women, they especially praise the mind of the beautiful and the beauty of the smart; the voice of a peacock and the plumage of a nightingale. Jean Paul

Thinking women are the ones they don't think about. - B. Shaw

Women are dangerous; beautiful ones are nowhere near as dangerous as those with mental advantages over physical ones. For the former are accustomed to being courted by men, while the latter, playing on the self-love of men and luring them with flattery, gain more admirers. - G. Heine

Whoever has not seen a woman in love cannot say what a woman is. - T. Gauthier

The woman reigns, but does not govern. - E. Girardin

The surest way to correct a woman is to show her an ideal and say that this is her portrait. Out of jealousy, she will want to become his original and will certainly succeed in becoming his tolerable copy. - V. Klyuchevsky

Women love Vanity Fair not because they want to sell themselves, but because they want to know their worth. - H. Steinhaus

What is the smartest woman? The one that I want to thank even for the refusal. - V. Klyuchevsky

The less a woman brings to her husband, the more she demands from him, so the less it costs, the more it costs. - V. Klyuchevsky

A woman begins to think only when she begins to speak, and she begins to speak when she begins to feel; her mind is the accountant of her tongue, and her tongue is the secretary of her heart. - V. Klyuchevsky

Three periods in a woman's life: when she is not afraid to betray her age, when she is afraid to betray her age, and when her age betrays her. - L. Cumor

Women are heaven for the eyes, fire for the wallet and hell for the soul. - Spanish saying

Being young but ugly is just as disappointing for a woman as being beautiful but not young. - F. La Rochefoucauld

A cheerful woman becomes a refuge for her husband in moments of failure; endlessly complaining, she is like a leaky roof through which water pours all the time. She doesn't hide, she irritates. - A. Morois

If there were no women, all the money in the world would mean nothing. A. Onassis

Women are masters of the art of bandaging wounds - almost as well as the art of inflicting them. - B.d "Oreville

Women have too much imagination and sensitivity to have much logic. - P. Buast

Although women dream of happiness,
But, even if life is a continuous leisure,
They only consider it pleasure
What can cause envy among girlfriends. - E. Sevrus

Women do not follow bad advice - they are ahead of them. A. Erman

Some women think that they know the world by learning what men need from them. - W. Schwebel

There are differences in every woman:
Language, character, appearance,
Your understanding of decency,
And the devil sits in each one. - E. Sevrus

A woman is an invitation to happiness. C. Baudelaire

Old age becomes a living hell for women who had nothing but beauty. S. Saint-Evremont

A woman who considers her beauty to be a virtue, herself declares that she has no greater dignity. - P. Buast

Every woman has the age she deserves. G. Chanel

Women are never as strong as when they arm themselves with their impotence. - P. Buast

Without exception, all women think they have a sense of humor because they like to giggle at their girlfriend; but only one in a thousand has the intelligence to laugh at herself. - B. Shaw

HE is in the kitchen, with a quiet obscenity,
cutting eggs for salad
smoke coming out of the oven
the hungry cat looks evil!
She drinks coffee in bed
Kirkorov sings songs to her ...
Already in the morning a little addicted ...
Who can guess what the date is!?

March 8. Morning. I get up. I'm going to the bathroom. There's a scream. He: - Well ... went back to bed, I'll bring coffee right now!

Today, each of us deserves compliments and the most beautiful words of admiration. Since March 8, friends!

May your life be beautiful and all dreams come true! Be gentle, sweet, smile, Love, dream, hope, wait!

Happy grandmother, mother, sister,
Aunts, girlfriends and just girls!
I wish you always be happy
Strong, kind, very beautiful!
May the sun always smile at you!
May your dreams come true soon!

March 8: drunk women, covered in chocolate, walk down the street, hit bottles of perfume on their heads and pester with the question - "did you give birth, blah."

Lie in bed in the morning... Wash, stretch, brush your hair... Get new tights out of the closet, and drink 100 grams of vodka under lemon juice... Drive your male husband into the kitchen... This is the day! Not that, February 23!

There is one day in March
The most terrible for men.
He's number eight
Men bring flowers -
They want to please their wives
Vacuum and wash
Wash dirty dishes
Wipe the dust everywhere
All whims are fulfilled,
Mother-in-law is called mother
Take out the bucket with garbage
And don't ask for help...
They read poems about love
And in my heart I'm already dreaming
Lie down on your favorite sofa
blue turn on screen,
Get some rest
And an hour or two to take a nap,
Turn from side to side...
And wake up on the ninth...

So let's summarize March 8: 10 sms, 5 mms, 15 graffiti .... and at least someone thought of visiting or calling!

Happy holiday, dear, beloved, respected, beautiful. Let spring live in your heart!

On the 8th of March, the girl wants to smell from the guy the smell of the deodorant that she gave him on February 23rd.

- Shut up, woman, your day is March 8!
- Be silent yourself, your day is April 1st - the day of the fool!

According to the results of a sociological survey, 7% of men said that on March 8 they would give flowers to their beloved women, and 93% - a flower.

Why do the prices for shaving foam and panties not change by February 23, but flowers double in price by March 8?

I want the government to give at least one real man to every single girl in honor of March 8.

March 8th is a magical day that turns an ordinary carnation into a beautiful rose, at least for the price.

Men, do not give women soft toys on March 8. On March 8, the toy must be solid.

I will warm your favorite flowers with my breath, on the day of Women's Charm, they are beautiful, just like you! Happy holiday!

On this festive day, I wish all women a light gait and a proud posture that does not change under the weight of everyday life.

Each child who came to his mother early in the morning on March 8 and just kissed her awake will be more precious to her than a million scarlet roses!

March 8 is practically the only day when a woman agrees with everything that is said about her.

Let the first snowdrop give you beauty, the spring sun give warmth, and the March wind give hope, and happiness, and joy, and only good!

Here are the girls on February 23 are photographed in military uniform caps. So the time has come for most of the current guys to be photographed on March 8 in a dress and with flowers.

Dear ladies! Remember! If a man did not congratulate you on March 8, then he considers this holiday his own!

March 8 is celebrated by almost the whole world -
No wonder mimosa blooms on this day!
As they say, a souvenir is not important,
And the only thing that matters is ... the absence of sclerosis!

On March 8, men iron, wash, clean, cook. And with all this they are doing themselves an amazing service, because a woman, looking at all this bacchanalia, understands that only she knows how to iron, cook, wash and clean! Girls, girls, women, grandmothers, all with the Eighth of March!

The blizzard has long since died down, spring is knocking on every house. I congratulate you, my friend, on International Women's Day!

From the sofa I give commands loudly,
The husband washes the floor and fries the chops.
In the eyes of his enthusiasm for the child!
Eighth of March - role-playing games!

March 8 is the day when even the most intelligent men spend their stash in the most stupid way.

Him: What would you like for March 8?
She: I would like an apple ... bitten ... and preferably on the back of a new phone ...

All the money went into gifts
For flowers, postcards, stamps.
Kitchen, vacuum cleaner - on me.
Sweat trickles down my back.
I missed billiards and cards.
Here it is, damn it, March 8th.

Hurry up for the flowers
Gift to grandma and mom
Give it to your sister too.
Run! What are you worth?

March 8, reminds me of a fairy tale about Cinderella. After 12 o'clock, the woman again turns into a dishwasher and cleaner.

With the aroma of roses, mimosa, March 8 hurries to us.
Let tears shine with happiness and it will be hot with passion!
I want to be loved, do not lose faith in a dream.
Live, shooting with eyes, exuding beauty!