Annual circle of worship. Circle of Orthodox holidays

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The topic "Circle of Orthodox Holidays"

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Danilenko Maxim Anatolyevich

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Modern Orthodox holidays are of great importance for both the Russian Church and for all Orthodox Christians. They are dedicated to memories of various events from the life of Jesus Christ and his students, the Mother of God, as well as the memory of martyrs and saints, the whole life of which was a great example of the dedicated service to God. In addition to the holidays dedicated to the memory of gospel events, the Orthodox Church celebrates the most important Old Testament dates, as well as holidays having an exceptionally local meaning. Depending on the time of the celebration of Easter, or rather, after forty days after it, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Ascension Day of the Savior. Trinity, or Pentecost. In addition to the listed holidays, a particularly solemn church celebrates the Christmas, baptism, or a bias, and the penitution (meeting) of the Baby of Christ with an older Simeon. With a special tenderness of Christians, memorable dates dedicated to the Mother of God are celebrated - the Christmas of the Virgin, the introduction of her for the temple, the Annunciation and many others.

Holidays occupy an important place in christian life. In church calendars, there is not a single day in a year, in which there would be no other event related to the name of Jesus Christ, the Virgin, the saints, the miraculous icons, the cross. Each number of each month, every day of the year is dedicated to or memories of special events, or memory of special persons, "says one of the Orthodox publications. - In honor of this event or face, special chants, prayers and rites are installed, which are introduced new features in the constant course of daily service - features varying every day. From this is formed a circle of annual services.

Each people have their own holidays. Any holiday has its own beauty, their customs, rites and signs. A lot of them and in Christianity. Many traditions we lost, but kept much, because they are based on the brightest, clean gusts of the soul.

The purpose of the test work is to consider Orthodox holidays.

The achievement of the purpose of the study is implemented through the solution of a number of interrelated tasks:

1. Give the overall characteristic of Orthodox holidays.

2. Consider the two-month holidays.

3. Reveal the Great and Throne Holidays.

The object of test work is the theory of religion.

The subject is the Orthodox holidays.

When writing test work, training materials of such authors were used, like Isaev E. L., Zelenkov M.Yu. and etc.

1. The two-month transient holidays

Holidays occupy an important place in a Christian cult. In church calendars there are not a single day in a year, in which there was no other event associated with the name of Christ, the Virgin, the saints, the miraculous icons, the Cross. In honor of this person or events installed special chants, prayers and rituals.

Among the two-month holidays, Christmas is celebrated; Trinity, or Pentecost, is dedicated to the New Testament story about the Fourties Day after the Easter of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles; The Presentation of the Lord, the main plot of which was the evangelical story about the blessing of the born Jesus in the Jerusalem temple as God; The baptism of the Lord (Epiphany) is established in honor of the baptism in Jordan Jesus Christ John the Baptist; The Transfiguration of the Lord is dedicated to the Gospel story about the Transfiguration of Christ on Mountain in the presence of his students; The entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem (Verbal Resurrection) is based on the gospel story about visiting Christ and his students of the Jerusalem Temple, from where he expelled changed and merchants; The Ascension of the Lord - is celebrated as the Ascension of Christ on the sky on a fortieth day after the resurrection; The elimination of the Cross of the Lord is devoted to the found cross, on which Christ was crucified on Calvary; The Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the introduction of the Music Mother of God, the Annunciation and Assumption of the Mother of God - the four two-month holidays dedicated to Mother Jesus Christ.

The two great holidays followed by the two-year holidays - the cutting of the Lord, the Christmas of John the Forerunner, the holiday of Saints Peter and Paul, the contest of the head of John the Forerunner, the Pokrov of the Holy Virgin. They also enjoy great reverence in the Orthodox Church.

Throughouts are noted everywhere. This is the names of the holidays dedicated to the images and events, in honor of which this temple or his throne was built. These are local holidays, although they can be celebrated and as generally Christian.

There are holidays that are widely marked only in Russia and therefore are called Russian holidays - Nikolin and Ilyin Day, Suns, holidays of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God, Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. These holidays reflected the features of Russian mentality and significant historical events.

Depending on the semantic load and the nature of the memories, all existing holidays can be conditionally divided into several categories.

First of all, these are holidays dedicated to the memories of events from the life of the Savior, the Motheratic holidays, to the number of which can be attributed and dedicated to the particularly honorable icons of the Mother of God, as well as memories of the exploits of the holy martyrs and the God's root.

The significance of the event of the Orthodox holiday determines whether it is anticipate by the special services of pretreatments and incentiveness, i.e., by those days when believers should prepare themselves to the perception of its events. Simply put, the more important for the church the event of the holiday, the solemn it should be marked. Accordingly, small holidays and holidays of local values \u200b\u200bare noted either less pompous or only in the temples of a particular diocese. The latter mainly concerns the thrust temple holidays and the days of memories of local saints.

Regarding the calendar, all holidays can be divided into transient and incredit, i.e., dedicated to a specific date. The main transient holiday is Easter. Depending on Easter, the time of celebration of the Ascension, the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, as well as Pentecost, the events of the Great Post and the passionate week. The main negligent holiday of the year is Christmas. However, before looking into the church calendar, it should be aware that all holidays of the Russian Orthodox Church are customary to celebrate in accordance with the Julian calendar, therefore, in the modern Orthodox calendar, two dates usually indicate - according to a new one and old style.

Easter is the most revered in Orthodoxy, the general Christian holiday, established in the memory of the resurrection of the crucifier on the cross of the Son of God's Jesus Christ. Since the idea of \u200b\u200bresurrection is central to Christianity, the central place of cultural studies is allocated to the holiday and dedicated to this event. XX century: Encyclopedia in 2 volumes. - St. Petersburg: University Book; LLC "Aletäya". 1998. Orthodox theologians call him a "holiday of holidays" and a celebration of celebrations. This holiday is celebrated on the first resurrection after the spring equinox and full moon. For the calculus of the Day of Easter, special tables are compiled - Easter.

For a long time, disputes about the time of Easter celebrations did not subscribe until in 325 at the I universal cathedral in Naqueta did not take the rulings on her on the first Sunday after the spring equinox and the full moon behind him. In different years, this day may occur in the period starting from March 21 and ending on April 24 in the old style.

On the eve of Easter, about eleven o'clock in the evening in all temples serve the survival of the Great Saturday, after which Blagovest announces the beginning of the procession. Believers led by the priests overlook the temple with burning candles in their hands. While the procession bypasses the temple building around the building, the solemn blessing is replaced by a continuous chime of bells - from large to the smallest. The bell chime ceases when the procession is again suitable for the closed doors of the temple, which symbolize the tomb of the Savior. Then the festive trail sounds and the selected temple opens. In this solemn moment, the priest announces the people: "Christ is risen!", To which the believing choir responds: "Truly resurrected!". So begins the first morning Easter.

At the first Easter liturgy, on a long tradition, the first chapter from the Gospel of John, who often sounds in different languages \u200b\u200b- Russian, Greek, English, that is, on those who are spoken by Christians around the world. Special solemnity of the Easter service emphasize both frauding chants, and a special ringing of bells, and at the very end of the service there is a consecration of Artos - a huge prosphora, in shape resembling cake. Throughout the Easter Sedmian, Arthos is standing next to the royal gates, then after Saturday Liturgy, serve a chin of the fragmentation of Artos and distribute it pieces with praying.

After the end of the liturgy, you can begin, that is, to treat the consecrated cake, painted egg or a piece of cottage cheese Easter. From that moment, the great post ends, and the laity can take ordinary food. On Bright Sedmice, it is customary to share food with hungry and helping weak and orphans. Believers attend relatives and, according to custom, exchange a three-year kiss, accompanied by Easter crips. At Easter, it is customary to give each other painted eggs in memory of the visit of Mary Magdalene to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. According to legend, Maria brought him a message about the resurrection of Christ and extended an egg, which in antiquity was considered a symbol of the birth of a new life. Tiberius skeptically reacted to this news and said that he would believe her words only when the presented egg turns. And the egg immediately changed the color, after which the red, or, in modern tongue, painted, the eggs became one of the main symbols of the Resurrection of Christ.

2) Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem.

The Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is one of the main two-month holidays established by the Russian Orthodox Church. For the first time, the mention of his celebration is found in written sources III century. This date is very important for the Christian teaching as a whole, since the fact of the Savior's arrival in the city, where people who are clothed with the authorities were particularly hostile to him, indicating that the cross suffering and the death of Jesus were free. The time of celebration of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem directly depends on the date of the occurrence of Easter and falls on the day exactly a week before it. On the events related to this holiday, they tell all the exclusion of evangelists, which also indicates its particular significance.

3) Ascension of the Lord.

The ascension of the Lord celebrate on a fortieth after the celebration of Easter. This holiday is always celebrated on Thursday on the sixth week, and the traditions of the Church regarding Ascension go back to the apostolic times. The events that the Celebration of Ascension is devoted to the end of the Savior's earth's activity, which from this day is inferior to his spiritual stay in the church. After the resurrection, Jesus for forty days was the apostles, instructing them and arguing in the true faith. He taught his chosen on how to act after the ascension to heave him.

4) Pentecost. Day of the Holy Trinity.

On this day, the Church recalls events related to the descent on the Apostles of the Holy Spirit. The fiery languages \u200b\u200bof the Holy Spirit were students of Christ on the holiday of the Old Testament Pentecost. From the title of this ancient holiday takes place the first name of the holiday of modern. The second name is dedicated to another significant event, since it was on this day that the apostles opened the third hatch of the Holy Trinity, after which the teaching about the Triune God gained full clarity for them.

Among other traditions of Trinity, there is a custom to decorate at home and temples by green branches of trees, grass and flowers. A similar tradition existed in the Old Testament Church, but the Church of Christ filled it with a new meaning. Currently, the green decoration of temples symbolically means the prosperity of the Orthodox Church and the renewal of the person of the Holy Spirit.

From the very first time, the Day of the Holy Trinity is considered the birthday of the Christian Church, created by not human tricks, but Divine grace. In IV century AD Saint Vasily Vasily wrote cranked prayers, donne read by priests at the festive evening. According to custom, the evening of the Holy Trinity is committed immediately after the liturgy.

2. Two-sixteen non-long holidays

The dates of the two-month non-leaving holidays are celebrated on strictly established days of the church calendar. These holidays include: Christmas, the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos in the temple, the exposure to the Honest and Lord's Cross, Epiphany, or the Baptism of the Lord of Our Jesus Christ, the Presentation of the Lord, the Annunciation of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Assumption of the Mother of God.

The dates of the two-month non-leaving holidays are celebrated on strictly established days of the church calendar.

Christmas of the Virgin (September 21). The date of birth of the Virgin Mary is Mother Jesus Christ - in the family of the pious righteousness of Ionim and Anna.

This day is revered as "the beginning of salvation." The elimination of the Cross of the Lord - Crossing (September 27). Establishing a holiday is associated with finding when excavations in the IV century. The cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. The holiday symbolizes the atonement by Jesus the sins of the world through the crusst suffering.

Introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 4). According to legend, Maria, the future of the Virgin, in infancy brought to the Jerusalem Temple to make a rite of dedication to God. Such a rite existed only in relation to the boys, so the girl's dedication became the sign of the top elect.

Christmas Christ (in Orthodoxy is celebrated on January 7). Although the exact date of the birth of Christ is not established, modern researchers call 7-6. BC, since today the date of death of the Tsar Herod is definitely determined - the 4th year BC. And we remember that it was he ordered to destroy all the babies in the vicinity of the city of Bethlehem in the hope that Christ would be among them.

Baptism of the Lord (January 19). As indicated in the Holy Scripture, Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River from the Prophet John, that is, he accepted the rite of purifying ablution, symbolizing the beginning of his ministry to God. The Greek word "Baptisma" - "Omotion" - translated into Slavic as "baptism", because it is believed that Jesus consecrated the rite of abamination with his death on the cross. Presentation of the Lord (February 15 - on the 40th day after the Nativity of Christ). This holiday is introduced in IV. In memory of a remarkable event. The baby Jesus brought to the temple for the traditional dedication to his God, where he met with an older Simeon, who was previously predicted that he would still see the Savior during his lifetime. As the evangelist Luka writes, Simeon blessed Jesus.

Annunciation (April 7). Celebrated as a day in which the Virgin Mary came Archangel Gabriel and announced that she would give birth to the Son of God.

Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19). During the prayer on Mount, Favor Jesus was transformed by the Divine Light, and the apostles Peter, John and Jacob saw Christ surrounded by the prophets of Moses and Elijah.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 28). It is noted in memory of the death of Our Lady. It is believed that her death came around 48 in the city of Ephesus, where John the Theologian (one of the apostles) lived after the death of Jesus.

The Orthodox Church attaches great importance to posts. The post, as a rule, is preceded by large church holidays.

The essence of the post is "cleansing and updating the human soul", preparations for an important event of religious life.

Large multi-day posts in Russian Orthodoxy Four: before Easter, before the day of Peter and Paul, before the audit of the Virgin and before Merry Christmas.

orthodox post Holiday Prestinal

3. Great and Throne Holidays

The most revered in Orthodoxy is the holiday of the Pokrov Virgin, celebrated on October 1 under Art. Stud. According to the teachings of the Church, the holiday is established in honor of the events of 910, when the B. Andrei in Constantinople and his disciple was the Bogannik and, covering them with a white bedspread, ascended to God with a prayer for the deliverance of all people from trouble. This appearance of the Virgin coincided with the attack of Saracinov and convinced the people that the victory would be on the side of Byzantines. In Russia, this holiday imposed on the Slavic holiday of the end of autumn field work and is not very widely and bright. The church gave this holiday the meaning of the worship of the Virgin exactly as the keeper of the Russian people.

Two holidays related to the Great are associated with the name of John the Forerunner or the Baptist. This is the Christmas of John (July 7) and the convention of the head of John the Forerunner (September 11). According to the Gospels, John is a provisional, the forerunner, the coming to the Earth of Jesus Christ. He as if he baptized Christ in the Jordan River, and then was thrown into the dungeon for the performance against the King Herod and executed at the request of the wife of King Iodiada, who asked John's head. The question of whether John the Baptist ever lived on Earth, for many years spores among scientists.

Most of them are inclined to consider it a real historical face. However, the evangelical history of John is a myth, due to the desire of Christian theologians to give Jesus the features of the Messiah, the appearance of which is predicted in the Old Testament.

In fact, Introduction to the church calendar of the Christmas of John the Baptist pursued its goal to displace the ancient holiday of summer solvent, widely observed with pagans. And the feast of the care of the head of John, or, as he was called in the people, Ivan Lena (a one-day post was established on this day), marked the beginning of autumn, the end of agricultural work. From here and the household content of these holidays, which played hardly a bigger role than their religious meaning.

It is widely celebrated in Orthodoxy the holiday of the Apostles Peter and Paul (July 12). In Russia, he coincided with the beginning of Senokos. In addition, Peter at different nations was considered the patron saint of fishermen, beekeepers, livestock guard from predators, which exactly and created among believers the authority to this holiday. And here is a special popularity of the Holiday Crucification of the Lord, because it marks the Jewish ceremony of circumcision, which was not perceived by Christians. But in our country, folk festivals are held on this day, since the Holiday Crucification of the Lord falls on January 14 ("Old New Year").

The prestial holidays occupy a great place in the life of believers. Each Orthodox Church is devoted to some kind of image (Christ, Virgin, Holy, etc.) or the event of Christian history. In a memorable day of this image or event, a temple throne holiday is celebrated. For the first time in Russia, the throne holidays began to be observed during the period of feudal fragmentation (XII-XIII century) and reflected the desire of the princes to acquire individual patrons of their territory. In Russia, some saints are worshiped everywhere, and some are only in separate regions. The most common are the cults of St. Nicholas Millytsky (the day of memory of this saint is celebrated twice a year), Ilya of the Prophet and the Great Martyr George.


Thus, according to the conviction of the church, her holidays are not just a certain memories of the events committed; Holidays acquire believers to the very reality, which is standing for one or another Christian celebration and which has over-temporary and incredit meaning. Any Christian on the Days of Holidays is urged to be sifted with the events recalculated by the Church, to the personal experience of joys and sorrow, seemingly long-lasting days of sacred history.

The holiday is always the actualization of the celebrated event that becomes the reality of today. For Christmas in the church, it sounds: "Dacy (i.e. today) Christ is evident in Bethylege", on the feast of the Epiphany: "You're safely consecrated." The church does not live with the memories of yesterday's day, but for her festive joy is always the joy of "fit", as a real and incessant manobob.
It is important to remember that from the first days of the history of the Church, the whole life of Christians - even in the most difficult days of persecution - Gromova I. A. Orthodox and folk rites. - M.: Drop, 2005. - P. 5-7. As a single and endless celebration, as one big holiday.

Most of the most important holidays of the church year are associated primarily with the events of the Holy New Testament History, although some of them are based on apocryphic sources (for example, the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary or the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother), others generally take their beginning from much later than gospel memories of events (Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord or the Pokrov of the Most Holy Virgin).

From the ages of the century - along with changing and recycled litrorsible charters - the liturgical forms of the celebration of one or another memorable event changed. Orthodox worship has become increasingly complicated by the century, the charter of the two-month and great holiday services has significantly changed, making them new, even more elevated poetic-symbolic features.

List of used literature

1. Boruhankov Yu.F., Applekov I.N. Fundamentals of religious science. - M.: Higher. Shk., 2006.

2. Gromova I. A. Orthodox and folk rituals. - M.: Drop, 2005.

3. Zelenkov M.Yu. World religions: history and modernity: tutorial. - M.: Law Institute Mitita, 2006.

4. Isaeva E.L. Orthodox holidays. - M.: Ripol Classic, 2008 - 64 p.

5. Culturalology. XX century: Encyclopedia in 2 volumes. - St. Petersburg: University Book; LLC "Aletäya". 1998.

6. Lobazova O.F. Religious studies. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation Dashkov and K °, 2006.

7. Radugin A.A. Introduction to religious studies: theory, history and modern religions: a course of lectures. - M.: Center, 2005.

8. Reznik E. V., Chuina Yu. Yu. Religions of the world. Orthodoxy. - M.: World of Book, 2007.

9. Sergeeva A. R. Russian: stereotypes of behavior, tradition, mentality. - M.: Flint, Science, 2005.

10. Koverdiaev F. Welkov Family Features of Russian Orthodoxy // Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. - M.: GU HSE, 2005.

11. Khoruzhenko K. M. Culturology. Encyclopedic Dictionary. - Rostov N / D.: Phoenix, 1997.

Posted on Allbest.ur.

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in ultimate. Churches is one of the components of the feast of the year of church. Holidays and memories of P. To. (Unlike the holidays and memories of the annual stationary liturgical circle) are not timed to the dates on the sunny calendar, and depend on the holiday of Easter, which does not have a fixed date on the sunny calendar (it is calculated along the sunny-lunar cycle of Easter). In different years of ultra. Easter may have to come from March 22 to 25 Apr. (Art. Art.).

Easter is preceded by periods of cooking and repentance (i.e. the preparatory period for the great post and period of the Great Post) and the memories of the sorrowful events of the legend of Christ to the death and its crucifixion (the period of passionate week) and follows the joyful period of Pentecost, dedicated to the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ and events, directly related to him - the ascension of the Lord and the Descent of St. Spirit on the Apostles. This joyful period ends Sunday after the feast of Pentecost, when the memory of all saints is celebrated.

As in the saddemic and annual fixed circles, the memories of the days of the city p. K. Focus in the gymnographic chants and biblical and patristic readings that make up the variable parts of the daily circle services. Hymnographic follow-ups. To. And the Old Testament readings of this period are contained in triodes traditionally divided into lean and color. Lenten triode covers the period of the Great Post and Passionate Sedmitsa, until the evening on the day of the Great Saturday, color triode is the period of Pentecost, from Easter to the week of all saints. The colorful triode received its name from the holiday of the entrance to the Lord in Jerusalem (Waiful weeks, also called the Color Week - see, for example, in the lean trio: - L. 386), since in the early tradition (in the Russian church remained Until the Ser. XVII century.) The 2nd h. Triodi began not with the submission of Easter, but from the service of Lazareva Saturday, closely connected with the holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. Students. Name of color triodes in the Serb. Church source "Triode Lazeatants" also indicates the beginning of the Lazareva Saturday. Color triode, when it begins with Easter, may be called "Pentikostarion" (Pentecost; in Greek. Churches are accepted precisely this name, while the lean triode is called simply trigge).

Due to the permanent use for the divine service, Triodom, part of the year, K-paradium contains memory and holidays. k., also refer to the "triodi singing period", unlike the "oxychy singing period" - all the rest of the year (Rosanov. Charter. P. 10). Charter of the divine service G. p. B. k. Describes in 2 chapters of the typicon - 49th (for triodes) and the 50th (for trio color). The 51st chapter contains the charter of the Apostolic (Petrov) post, starting immediately after the week of all saints.

The Lord of the holidays in the city of paragraph. to.

The main structure of G. p. B. K. Form several. The most important in the year of the Lord's holidays. The main one - Easter, "Holiday Holidays"; Following it, the 3-month old residents of the holiday of G. p. K.: Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem (Celebrated a week before Easter), the Ascension of the Lord (40 days after Easter), Pentecost (also called the Trinity, and the Memories of the Descent of St. Spirit). A week of Antipasha is adjacent to the LOR Proshi, K-paradise, although it does not formally relate to the two-month holidays, but close to them in their charter. Also to the gentlemen of the G. P. b. To. The Council of Pentecostals (the statutory features of its worship allow us to attribute the learning to average or even to small holidays, nevertheless the babes have a 7-day contribution with the giving), and in a broad sense - all Sundays G. p. to.

Sunday days G. p. B. to.

are an essential element of its structure. The topic given in the worship service of one or another Sunday often becomes the theme of the entire next week. Among weekly memories of p. To. You can highlight 3 main categories.

By the 1st belonging the week, the themes of the divine services are connected with the evangelical readings of Sunday Liturgy. In p. To. 6 such weeks, 3 to Easter: Mytar and Pharisei Week (Liturgy Gospel: LC 18. 10-14), Prodigal Son Week (Liturgy Gospel: LK 15. 11-32), meat suite, or a week about a terrible court ( Liturgy Gospel: MF 25. 31-46) - and 3 after: Relaxed Week (Liturgy Gospel: In 5-15), Samaryni Week (Liturgy Gospel: In 4-42), Blind Week (Liturgy Gospel: 9. 1-38).

While the structure of the church year as a whole, as well as the lectural system in Orthodox. Wool service in the 2nd thousand. According to R. Kh. It is based on the afterconoborical K-Polish liturgical tradition, the hymnographic follow-ups of lenger triodes preserved traces of the influence of the ancient Jerusalem worship. This tradition had different from Sovr. Level system. In particular, on Sunday days the Great Post read: in the 2nd week - the parable of the prodigal son (LC 15. 11-32), in the 3rd - parables about the judge and widow and Outar and Pharisee (LK 18. 1- 14), in the 4th - parable about Merciful Samarynin (LK 10. 25-37), in the 5th - parable about rich and about Lazar (LC 16. 19-31). T., reading, for example, the parables about the prodigal son in the Jerusalem tradition was located inside the Great Post. And although after IX century. Justice. The world has overwhelmed everywhere on the afterconservational K-Polish lender system, the development of those gospel readings according to the ancient Jerusalem lectural system to the present. time can be found in the chants of the lean trio (in the canons of Sunday morning (in the 2nd week of the post) and in some chants of the 3-6th week of the post (primarily in the self-person)). T. about., As a result of the interaction of various liturgical traditions, the composition of lenger triodes has become such that, for example, the topics of Proverbs about Mytar and Pharisees and the prodigal son arise in Triodes twice.

The 2nd category can be attributed to those Sundays G. p. To., Memory-free memory is not directly related to gospel readings: a chear-minded week (remembrance of the expulsion of Adam from Paradise), Orthodoxy for a week (Iconament approval memory in 843; songs and liturgia readings of this day are preserved. and the ancient memory of all sv. prophets), SWT week. Gregory Palama (in memory of the approval of the exercise of SVT. Gregory about divine energies), a crosstroonny week (celebration in honor of the Cross of the Lord; In the K-Field of this day, the enhanced preparation began to be announced to the sacrament of baptism; with a cross-plane weekly due to centuries. Centralization - Wednesday The subsequent saddemic, when (like on Friday, this week) is performed by the worship of the cross), the Mironoszitsy Women's week, the memory of the VII Ecumenical Cathedral of 787 in the 7th week for Easter, all saints.

In the practice of Russian and some other dr. Local churches, the following Sunday after the week of all saints is marked by the Cathedral memory of all national saints (see Art. All Saints, in the Earth of the Russian Same, Week). These subsections are not part of triodes (for example, the submission of Rus. Saints is placed in the service minimum for May or June) and, so., Formally do not relate to memos of G. p. to.

3rd category of resurrection G. p. B. To. Forms forms, the memory of the to-rykh is associated with the memories of the annual fixed liturgical circle close to them: both in the various editions of the Studiosky Charter, and in adopted by Jerusalem Charter, this is the memory of St. John the Distiller and Mary of Egyptian, Great Teachers of the post and prayer, - In the 4th and 5th Sundays of the Great Post (K-Polish Tipikon Great C. IX-X centuries. Pointing for these resurrection memory of SVT. Domestic and MCH. Zinovia is similar to the memory of Schchench. Smirnsky's 2nd Polycarp in the 2nd Sunday of the Great Post) . The establishment of these memories is probably due to the ancient tradition of transferring festive services from weekdays on Saturdays and Sundays of the post (Wed: 51st rights. Lodic.); An indication of this is present in some editors of the Studiosky Charter. The transfer of memo was caused by the desire to preserve the unique character of the worship services of the gray days of the Great Post, since the commitment of festive services in honor of the honored saints may not correspond to the overall confusion of a great utility service.

Saturday lenger triodes having a festive dedication

Certain memory related to the annual fixed liturgical circle is fixed behind the non-fish Saturday Days of the Great Post. This is the memory of all reverend fathers, in the feat of the given, in the cheese Saturday; Navy. Theodora Tyron on Saturday is the 1st week of the post and praise of the CVA. The Mother of God on Saturday Akathist. As in the case of Sunday days, the memory may have been transferred to these Sabbaths from the corresponding days of the holidays of the stationary liturgical circle (eg, the connection of the Saturday of Akathist with the holiday is obvious - common chants sound in both services). However, it is possible to otherwise explain the establishment of these memories. In some ancient liturgical traditions (for example, East Sir.) Most of the saints were initially mobile, therefore, possibly some of the submaths of Sabbath and weeks. To. (For example, Women's Mironoszitsi) have been preserved as a trail of an ancient practice to associate the most important holidays not with the date of the Julian calendar, but from the city of paragraph. to. (For more information, see Art. Year church). Another 2 Saturdays of lenger triodes, having a very special liturgical chin, belong to the cycle of the passionate week (see below).

Surveral worship G. p. to.

2 days of the universal (maximum complete) commemoration of the deceased - Saturday meat suite before the meat-supersonal week and Saturday before Pentecost, also called Troitskaya, - belong to G. p. To. The clock themes also have 2, 3 and 4th Saturdays of the Great Post, but the main theme of the service is the major service of the deceased, whereas on Saturdays of the Great Post - the glorification of all saints, and the mercy of the deceased becomes a secondary topic. When coincided with the memory of the Great Saint or on the holiday, the requiem service meat support and Trinity Saturday is not canceled, but or the holiday service, or the Sabbath itself is transferred to the other day (see Art. Universal Saturdays). Integrated. Outbound Saturdays (Saturdays post) is committed by ordinary Surveral worship, similar to the Savory for the 13th Gl. Tipicon (except for the fact that triodi chants are added), to-ry, when coincided with the memory of the Great Saint or with a holiday, canceled (see Art. Surprising Worship). Due to the fact that in the period from Lazareva Saturday to Antipashi, the Charter cancels the vowel muming of the deceased (Panhokhids, Lithium, Foundation), except for the unlawful on the liturgia and (if necessary), the funerals, the tradition (not marked in the liturgical books) arose in the Russian Church Miscellaneous on Tuesday the 2nd week for Easter, this day is called Radonitsa.

Great repentant canon

Another important structural element of P. b. K.- Thursday is the 5th week of the Great Post, when the Great Canon PRP is fulfilled on the morning. Andrei Cretsky (Jerusalem Charter determines the Sit Great Canon in parts also on the first 4 days of the 1st week of the Great Post).

Passionate sadmitsa

From Monday, after the holiday of the entrance, the Lord in Jerusalem begins a special period in the service of Orthodox. Churches, which continues until the holiday of Easter and is called the passionate week. To this period, they are directly adjacent to the preceding as meaningfully and chronologically Lazarev Saturday and the holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. Days of the passionate week include the word "Great" - the Great Monday, the Great Tuesday, etc. This is the time of the memories of the events directly preceding the Resurrection of Christ, - His last teachings in Jerusalem, the betrayal of Judas, arrest, trial of the Lord and his crucifixion. The worship service of these days, as well as the subsequent Easter, is not repeated more than ever in the year and is his vertex (see Articles The Great Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; the great Thursday; Great Friday; Great Saturday).

Easter worship

The overall structure of memories of P. b. to.

t. Oh., Includes: 1) Preparatory period to the Great Point (where their services have a week about Mytar and Farisay, a week about the prodigal son, meat-minded universal Saturday, meat subsidiary and cheese saddimians (already being a pre-post period) ending with Saturday All reverend fathers, in the feat of the given, and the cheaucet week); 2) The period of the Great Post (consisting of 6 weeks, each lies with its week: Orthodoxy, SVT. Grigory Palama, Crescent, PRP. John the Districties, the PRP. Mary of Egyptian, the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem; In addition to weeks, special days are Saturdays (first Queue 1, 5 and 6th - Navy. Theodore Tyron, Akathist and Lazarev), Wednesday and Friday 4th and Thursday 5th weeks, and partly and weekdays 1st week); 3) the period of passionate saddemitsa (Lazareva Saturday and the Entrance Week of the Lord in Jerusalem are adjacent to K-Rom); 4) The period of Pentecost (opened by a light saddemic and continuing next 6 weeks, each of which begins its week: antipashi, wives, about the blind, fathers of the VII of the Universal Council; to the special days of the period of Pentecostal period Also holidays of the bastards of Pentecost and Ascension of the Lord, the Days of Professional Easter, the Council and Ascension, the Surface Troitskaya Universal Saturday); 5) The feast of Pentecost, his inpraward (including Monday of St. Spirit the next day after the holiday), the detachment and the week of all saints.

All Sundays, as well as Saturdays and special days of g. to. (including the days of cheese, passionate and bright weeks) have a unique liturgical charter; The charter of the first 2 weeks of the preparatory period to the great post is ordinary (but the Charter deliberately facilitates the charter of the entire preparatory period to the great post as a whole - the number of cafia in the morning and others is reduced); On the saddemic days of the Great Post, the service comes on a high-grade rank characterized by an abundance of earthly bows, a kind of system of services, etc. (see Art. Great Post); The worst of the majority of Pentecost's days is similar to the divinence of the biocremary of the two-place holiday in a monthly service (these minimities refer to the preceding memos of color triodes), although it has its own characteristics.

Interaction of memories of P. b. k. With a still annual liturgical circle

The charter of the compound of the indispensable sequence of a fixed circle with submission of G. p. To. sets out in the 49th and 50th chapters of the typicon. One of the characteristic features of a great charter is a tendency to reduce the number of festive services. Therefore, in the part of a fixed annual circle, K-paradium often falls on a great post, there are only a few. Great and middle holidays (i.e. indicated by signs, and), and the overwhelming number of days contains the memory of the saints without a path. Even in the case when the saint (without a festive sign) has some festive elements (for example, a tropar or a poem of), on weekdays of the Great Post they are canceled. The great features of worship (the main of the first-singing "Allilia" on the morning) is canceled only when coincided with the Great or middle holiday of monthly (from the Power and above - see the signs of the holidays of the month).

In MN. Days of P. b. To. Mineya is canceled at all (it never belongs to the feast of the Annunciation of the Holy. Virgin Mary and in some cases - to others. The most important memos). These include all Sundays G. p. k., All the days are passionate and light saddiments, as well as meat support and trinity universal Saturdays; Saturdays of all reverend fathers, in the feat of the seekers, IMLC. Theodore of Tyron, Akathist and Lazareva; Wednesday and Friday 4th and Thursday of the 5th week of the post; Environments of the bastards of Pentecost, his return and return of Easter; Thursday of the Ascension of the Lord and Friday His return; Monday of St. Spirit and Saturday of Pentecost. Minii's submissions, not sung these days, the charter prescribes to perform on the vortices of the saddis days of the Great Post.

Complex compounds of the sequence of P. b. C. With fixed holidays are set out in the brand chapters placed in the Personal Tipicon (ch. 48). There is several. Large cycles of brand chapters devoted to the compound of the sequence of a few holidays of this period with various days of G. p. K.- 23 Feb. (Acquiring the head of John the Forerunner), March 9 (40 martyrs), March 25 (Annunciation, so-called. Blagoveshchensky chapters), 23 Apr. (Navy. George Victorious), May 8 (AP. John the Theologian) and May 25 (2nd and 3rd Accession of the Head of John the Forerunner).

Influence of G. p. B. to the rest of the year

Dates of memory and holidays G. p. B. k., Despite the fact that they cover only part of the year ("Triode's singing period"), not only define the annual circle of Evangelical and apostolic readings in the current year (see Art. Ledimentarium), but also set the sequence of octyha glazes throughout the year Before the next Easter.

Lit.: Nikolsky. Charter; Rozanov. Charter; Debolsky. S., Prot. Days of Utreme Services. Churches. T. 2. SPb., 190110. M., 1996R; Athanasius (Sakharov), Sacrediap. On the commemoration of the worn under the Charter of Ortas. Churches. St. Petersburg, 1995.

A. A. Lukashevich

3. Circle of annual service.

Every day a year, every number, each of the 12 months of the year, is dedicated to the memoirs or what? Or sacred events, dear to the heart of a Christian, or memory of various saints. Special prayers, chants, readings and rituals, mounted in honor of these events and persons, form a circle of annual divine services. Some of the hostilities of the annual circle are committed in a more solemn way, called holidays, and the worships committed in them are divided into the Lords, Virgin and Saints. Some of the holidays are always committed on certain days of the year and are called immobile. The greatest of all Christian holidays - Easter, on the day of which we glorify the resurrection of Christ, is not timed to a certain day of the year, but happen on different days in a period of time between March 22 and April 25, because, according to the church establishment, it is celebrated in the first Sunday Day after the spring full moon, which happened after the day of the spring equinox. Therefore, Easter is a moving holiday. Depending on the day of Easter, some other holidays are celebrated, which are therefore also moving. Depending on the degree of solemnity, holidays are divided into great, medium and small. Of the most important holidays are twelve, which are therefore called the two-month. Their number does not include Easter, which is the "holiday of holidays and celebrations of celebrations."

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3. Narrow circle Consider now carefully who entered this narrow circle. First of all, this Simon Peter is the closest student, the closest friend and comrade. In MF 16:17 Jesus calls his "Varion". The Greek Varion is most likely not the Aramaic Bar Jona ("Son

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1. The circle of daily worship still in the Old Testament was established to consecrate the church prayer for certain hours of the day. This custom has passed into Christianity. Services designed by St. The church for public prayer and committed every day in the laid hours, total

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2. Circle of saddock worships except for every day of the daily circle immutable for each day, still changing the prayers in connection with the memories that the church connects the Church every day, the first day of the saddemitsa

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13. The circle of daily worship in the circle of daily worship, includes the following 9-h services: 1. Ninth hour, 2. Evening, 3. The Village is small (the great post is great), 4. Quick, 5. Maternity, 6. First hour, 7 . Third hour, 8. Sixth hour and 9. Divine liturgy, sometimes replaced by

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Excerpts from the sermons of the annual circle how can we serve the Lord?: From the word on the week of Holy Mironositz and Righteous Joseph, beloved, and we are more than two, and not two times, and many times do business, very similar cases of saints Mironosuits and Righteous Joseph, I.

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The holidays of the annual cycle as the dissemination of Christ is the number of saints increased: the martyrs and the rates of God. The greatness of their features became an inexhaustible source for the pious Christians and artists who were in their memory

From the book of the author

The holidays of the annual cycle as the dissemination of Christ is the number of saints increased: martyrs and waters. The greatness of their exploits gave an inexhaustible source with pious Christian songcomers and artists to compile in memory of their various prayers and

The annual circle of worships is the order of services for every day of the year. Such services are performed only once a year and are called annual. In addition to the weekly circle of worship, almost every day is devoted to the memory of the saints or sacred events. Ritals and chants of the annual circle join the rites and chains of the weekly circle. The services in the days of great holidays and posts are the strongest. By solemnity of worship, the days of the year are divided by great, medium and small holidays, as well as not holidays.

The church year begins on September 14 (according to the old style - the 1st), and the entire annual circle of worship is being built depending on the date of Easter. By the time of celebration, holidays are divided into movable (transit) and fixed (non-transmitting). Failing holidays are obeying the sun calendar and each year have the same date. The dates of passing holidays are calculated depending on the date of Easter and every year fall into different numbers, but the same day of the week is celebrated.

Easter, or - the main and most solemn church holiday with special, none of any similar church services. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday day after the spring full moon, after the Jewish Easter. It does not happen on April 4 (March 22) and later May 8 (April 25).

Next after Easter in importance are 12 Great Two-Piece Holidays In honor of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God and five great events of the holidays.On the eve of the Great Holidays, the All-Night Vigil is always served:

Two-month Overgoing Holidays:

Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem - a week before Easter;
Ascension of the Lord - the 40th day after Easter;
Day of the Holy Trinity, or Pentecost - the 50th day after Easter.

The two-month non-transmitting holidays:

Christmas of Christ - December 25 (January 7);
Epiphany, or baptism of the Lord - 6 (19) of January;
Presentation of the Lord - 2 (15) of February;
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - March 25 (April 7);
Transfiguration of the Lord - 6 (19) of August;
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 15 (28) of August;
Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 8 (21) September;
Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - 14 (27) of September;
Introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary - November 21 (December 4).

Great inseptive holidays:

Circumcision of the Lord and Memory SVT. Vasily Great - 1 (14) January;
Christmas of John the Forerunner - June 24 (July 7);
Saints of the Narrow Apostles Peter and Paul - June 29 (July 12);
Condition of Head of John the Forerunner - August 29 (September 11);
Pokrov to the Most Holy Theotokos - 1 (14) of October.

An important part of the annual liturgical circle is posts. These are periods of abstinence, repentance and enhanced prayer for the forgiveness of sins. The most prolonged and significant posts are fortified (before Christmas) and (before Easter), as well as (begins a week after Pentecost and lasts from 8 to 42 days) and (before the holiday of Assumption).

Also in a year there are special days intended for the generally worker commemoration of the departed - the so-called parental days. It is Saturday to Maslenitsa (meat support), Saturdays of the second, third and fourth weeks of the Great Post, Saturday before the Holy Trinity holiday and Tuesday of Fomina of the week (2nd week after Easter), which is also called. These days in the temples are committed by dihides on all the departed. On Radonitsa, it is customary to visit the graves of loved ones and pray for their rest. In addition, on Saturday, over the afternoon of the memory of St. Dimitria, Solunsky (November 8) and on May 9, the Russian Orthodox Church makes a commemoration of the Orthodox soldiers who died on the battlefield.

Visiting worship for several years, we get used to their order, we see some sequence and pattern. Great holidays, the days of the memory of the saints are repeated again and again, allowing us to see the verge of sacred events that have escaped last year. Today, in our school again, Liturgika's lesson, during which the abbot of the temple in the name of the Holy Routed John Kronstadt R.P. Mokrus Priest Evgeny Klelementov will tell our students about the annual circle of worships ..

Church worship is aimed at reading and chanting the true teachings of Christ, in persons and actions to portray the most important events from the sacred history committed for our salvation, as well as to arrange believers to prayer and repentance. And most importantly, the Orthodox Christians enter the mysterious communication with God, through the commission of sacraments during worship, and especially the sacraments of Holy Communion, they receive fertile forces for righteous life.

As we have already spoken at one of the lessons in our school, all church worships are divided into three circles: daily, weekly and annual. Today we will talk about what services make up the basis of the annual circle of worship, about what is changed in it, and that constantly.

Overgoing and non-transmitting holidays

Every day a year is dedicated to the memory of certain saints, as well as special sacred events. In the church calendar, the time of holidays and posts are set. Holidays also differ from themselves to the importance, duration and solemnity of worship services.

Light Resurrection (Easter) is the most significant event of the church year. These are holidays holiday and celebration from celebrations. Easter is not earlier than March 22 (April 4, Art.) And not later on April 25 (May 8, cent.), On the first Sunday day after the spring full moon.

Then, the twelve great holidays are followed in honor of the Lord of our Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, who are called the two-one. There are holidays and in honor of the Great Saints and in honor of the infertility forces of heaven - Angels. Therefore, all holidays in the year in their content are divided: on the Lordsk, Virgin and Holidays dedicated to the Holy.

By the time of celebration, holidays are divided into: still, which are every year in the same numbers of the month, and mobile, who, although there are the same days of the week, but fall on different numbers of the month in accordance with the time of the Easter celebration.

The two of these circles were formed on the basis of two calendars - lunar and sunny. The lunar calendar gave the basis of the Easter cycle of the holidays, and Sunny - christmas. Easter Christ is the very first holiday of Christians, but he is connected with Easter Jewish (Old Testament), since Christ was crucified on the eve of this holiday. Jewish Easter was calculated on the lunar calendar and did not have a solid date. The Soviet of the theologians of Israel annually established the holiday of the Jewish Easter on the first spring full moon. Since the death and resurrection of Christ coincided with the days of Old Testament Easter, the Christians left for the feast of the resurrection of Christ the same ancient European name, giving him another meaning. And in determining the duration of the Easter of the New Testament, they had to focus on Easter Jewish. As a result, complex calculations were required, which created the principles of church Easter. Depending on the Easter holiday, the holidays of the Lord in Jerusalem, Ascension, Pentecost were calculated. These holidays make up a "movable" circle, as each year they fall into different numbers.

The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is later compared to Easter. He began to be celebrated from the end of the II century. Day and month of birth of Jesus Christ in the Gospels are not specified. The church elected the date of this holiday on December 25, when the peoples of the Roman Empire (especially its western part) celebrated the "Birth of the Sun". The daytime luminaries rose above the winter solstice point, and people are praised by the Divine Light, coming to the world. For the church, on December 25, he turned into the glorification of Christ born on Earth, whom Fathers of the Church were called the Sun of Truth. Day of Christmas Day of Christ every year accounted for the same day of the winter sun (December 25, Art. Art.) And the number of other holidays (such as the Annunciation, the Presentation of the Lord), calculated, based on this date, did not change either. So there was a "fixed" circle of holidays.

At the beginning of the second millennium, the twelve majority of the "Boxed" name were allocated from the church holidays. The non-administration of the two-month holidays belong:

The number of passing holidays, the date of which depends on the date of Easter, includes:

a week before Easter - the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem;

The 40th day after Easter - the Ascension of the Lord;

The 50th day after Easter - Pentecost;

Easter is not included in the number of two-month holidays, as in the church calendar it stands a mansion, perceiving as "holidays holiday and celebration of celebrations." Before some large holidays, the days of "pretreatments" were installed, and a few days following the holiday were called "beggar". During the days of pretreatment and inseparable services, some prayers and chants dedicated to this holiday are read and fell.

Days of memory of saints

At the end of the first and during the entire second millennium, the church charter continues to enrich the saints and new holidays. For example, in memory of the phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin in the Varlaner Church (X century), the Pokrov's holiday was established by the Most Holy Virgin.

By the end of the 8th century, almost every day is dedicated to either a holiday or a saint's memory. This is evidenced, in particular, the Rev. Theodore Studit, who in one of the sermons (pronounced on January 28) says: "Yesterday we praised the St. Goldist; Today I praise the confused Ephraim, and tomorrow we will praise another saint. "

The saints, the memory of which is celebrated by the Church, in Tipicon are divided into several categories, depending on how the service dedicated to them is. The holy "with a running" is the holy, on the day of the memory of which a vigil vigility is committed. In the days of the memory of the saints "With Pins" on the morning, it was put on rapidly and sing a great gloriousness, in the days of the memory of the saints "with a gloriousness" - only the slook, without Polyeleray. The saint having a "on 6" sign, six stimihir on the "Lord, the Appeats", and a holy, not having a festive sign, only 3 stimiters. There are in the church calendar and the saints that a separate service was not compiled at all.

With the greatest solemnity, the days of the memory of the saints "with the occasion" are noted. In the church calendar of such days a bit:

September 26 / October 9 and May 8/21 - days of memory of the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian;

January 30 / February 12 - three saint (Vasily of the Great, Gregory Theologian and John of Zlatoust);

Those who have in tipicon marked are added to the listed mensions of the saints: "Inspectorate the rector, we create a vigil." The Charter prescribes to make a burden also on the day of the Holy Memory, which is devoted to the temple.

In addition to those who entered in the communications list of the Saints "with the Distribution", in every local Orthodox Church there are especially revered saints, which are performed by a vigil vigil. In the Slavic churches, it includes, in particular, equivalent to Cyril and Methodius (memory 11/24 May). In addition to the Day of Memorial of St. Nicholas Millytskyi 6/19 of December, another holiday was distributed in Russia, on May 9/22, in honor of the transfer of his relics from the world of Lycian to the Italian city of Bari 22. In the Russian Orthodox Church, the all-night vigil is accomplished in the days of memory Many Russian Saints, including St. Sergius of Radonezh (July 5/8/18 and September 25 / October 8), St. Peter, Alexy, Iona, Philip and Ermogen (October 5/18), Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky (January 2, January 2), Saints New Martyrs and Russian confessors (on Sunday after January 25, Art.).

As the dissemination of Christ, the number of saints increased. The greatness of their exploits gave an inexhaustible source of Christian songcomers and artists to draw up in memory of their various prayers and hymns, as well as artistic images. The Holy Church included these spiritual works in the composition of church worship, timing reading and singing the last to the days of the saints. Wested and diverse a circle of these prayers and chants; It is deployed for a whole year, and for every day there is not one, but somewhat glorified