Indian men. What do indian men think about Russian women

Indians, of course, unique people. They are not like either by Europeans or the rest of Asia. Neither culture nor traditions or life. They also have a head in their own way. Often their logic and cause of actions are not possible to understand and accept.

From the experience of interaction with Indian Hinduers, I have formed a list of characteristics, which most often corresponds to "every self-respecting Indian-Hindu."

Indian. A resident of the village in Madhya Pradesh.

Indian. Brushes teeth in Ganges. Varanasi.

So, a real Indian.

Indians. Go to the temple Ramayana. Chitrakut.

  1. He completely lacks the concept of personal space.

Indians. Eat hang out on Bokhali Beach. Calcutta district.

+ Unpretentious, you can save 10 Indians in one room economically :), it is easy to contact, it is divided by all his thoughts, things and food.

Note personal space for Indian also does not exist. Be prepared for an annoying look at you and your things, push in transport, a very close contact in line, an infinite clinging with an attempt to start a conversation on the street, in a restaurant, in the store - on everywhere. If you are visiting Indians - all the time will be crowded in your room. If you are in the hotel and opened the door - several pairs of eyes nearby are immediately formed. If you want to ride relaxed on a bike alone or sit together with your half in the park - it will not work.

  1. Liar.

No Problem - Indiana says. Tense, you are waiting for problems.

That's My Garantee - Indians promises. At this point, he does not even think about how he will fulfill warranty.

I Will Do My Best is wishes. Keep in mind that in 5 minutes he will forget about his words.

IT Will Take Only 5 Minutes. For Sure - may mean 5 minutes, and maybe 2 hours. Never predict.

Indians are lying selflessly, artistic and beautiful. Rarely the target is negative, rather to paint. The rest of the Indians admire when listening to beautiful lies, even if they know that it is not true. Himself lied, too, Nimalo does not care about whether the truth will come out. He only seeks the moment of glory or postpone the problem for later, and there it will understand if that.

if you do not have experience in communicating with Indians - you will be waiting for problems and disappointment.

+ This is a big talent, often worthy admiration, as before the actor or the reader epic. You can lie yourself without shame and conscience. Indians are not disappointed and offended.

Indians. Khajuraho.

  1. The feeling of tact with a high-quality Indian is not familiar.

fall by tactless questions, it will be annoying on the answers and dig. Post all the information available to you, loud and loud.

+ Indian can ask any tactless questions, he will not be offended. You can burn slightly, refuse something, not to answer the question - they will not be offended.

The word "no" in Russia is usually understood from the second time, and in India - from 3-5. For the Indian normally continue to insist on something.

  1. Most of the Indians who came to me, not spoiled by tourism, are completely not greedy.

Indians. Calcutta. P / s / cm. What in the background on the wall.

+ Not on tour. The environment can count on sincerity and any possible assistance, including in matters related to money. Well, it is generally nice to watch the preservation of self-esteem even with poverty.

No minuses

  1. Indian is a real family man.

+ Family values \u200b\u200boccupy a very important place. Respets senior relatives, loves children, rare divorces.

Indian with son. Himalayas, Darasala.

Less independence in life. The family's opinion in most prevails over their own.

  1. His horse is bad manners. The unusually loud seasoning for meal, blowing, spitting and, the most repulsive - constant scratching in all possible places. It's just awful!

the whole point is one big minus. They just cause disgust with their manners.

+ What are the pluses here. You just need to accept that they have other standards. Some British also look at the Russians and think "Oh God, he put his elbows on the table, did not bother his napkin on his knees, knocking a spoon about the cup." Here everyone has its own. And the Indians, by the way, about us, too, not the best opinion. They are outraged by girls in shorts, scenes of type Girl gives kick a guy in a joke (Mr!), Smoking girls. Loudly Falling and raking with hand food, they criticize such ladies for the complete absence of a manner :)

Hindu eat hands. Bokhali Beach. Calcutta district.

  1. Indian believes that everything that happens - happens by the will of God, karma, fate, etc.

Indians in religious clothes. Hampi.

He here does not affect anything. What to worry, better a flairy, look at the stars.

+ No stress, positive look at things, faith in the best. Even with a terrible life, the Indian does not stop believing that tomorrow his luck will come.

Indian shakes on the banks of the ganggie. Varanasi.

Passive approach, waiting that everything sails itself. Not a willingness to take responsibility for your actions and failures.

  1. And the reader and the reaper (priest?) And on the Dood, the play. Compared to the same Russians, Indians are quite creative personals. They love to dance, do not hesitate to sing, many draw, pump, cut out.

Festife in Manali. Himalayas.

Festival in Manali. Ats dancers.

+ It happens to fun with them, well, for the Indians themselves, for general harmony

Birthday Krishna. Khajuraho.

Confidence in its talent usually greatly exceeds the quality

  1. Indian has its own concept of beauty. And natural and innocent. Nature is lit. They are removed only where necessary, no step in the left, nor step into the right.

Village in Madhya Pradesh.

Rarely decorate your home. And if you decorate, it is not very neat, often tasteless. The same in clothing - combine incompatible, like shock combinations, unexpected accessories.

Indian fashionist. Himalayas.

Somewhere on the expanses of India.

Indians. Ellora.

Apparently, they are on the stage of self-development, when they look inside, and not out?

Maharashtra resident.

So do not need a river clean, no gardens without paper, nor design in the house. And for whom you are worthy of beautiful trash?

Trash. Calcutta.

Although, rather, they are just lazy. The Indian concept of comfort is radically different from our. Primitively equipped bathrooms, mining furniture, storage of clothing in bags in suitcases instead of a comfortable and beautiful chest or cabinet and the subsequent picking in these bags are not embarrassed. Updated tools for construction, stupid knife, sometimes in a single face, in the kitchen. Sticking wires and chatting outlets. Hard beds, on which they eat, and guests are imprisoned. And sleep often in clothes in the coup. And all from unwillingness to spend some time on the housework.

Many tourists crush: poor Rickshaws sleep in their strollers. Believe me, they normally. The floor of India sleeps in beds comparable from the stroller rickshah in comfort, even having the opportunity to improve the conditions.

all item. Especially nature frustles, which suffers from anything.

+ if you try to understand, and not to condemn, probably, the high level of poverty puts priorities in a different way.

Indian carries cargo through the Calcutt bridge.

Well, and if you look at yourself. Did you remove trash in Russia after a picnic in the forest 80 years ago? And now not everyone is cleaned.

  1. An important saclite of Indian is very clever, without blinking the eye, merge from the theme and ignoring uncomfortable questions. In particular, concerning his jambs. You are a question for him or a claim - he quickly-quickly burned to another topic. You repeat - he turns away, begins to do something. For the third time, he, like "Oh, completely forgotten, I urgently need to be attributed to mom tomatoes / call a friend / pick up clothes from the laundry", etc. The more you give - the more eyes begin to run, hands, the bustle begins, the tension is visible, but does not want to give up. I like to play this game with our Indian workers. I always win) Only if the employee does not wait until I distracted for a moment and does not flit slowly)

And this of their manner at the right moment sharply forget English) Yes, so naive sincerely) just skill!

With the indian reluctance, give some information, get it very hard. Such communication can be very annoying, especially when there is no time.

+ The moral state of the Indians. Wall between you and nuisance - Nirvana inside)

What was not voiced out loud - it was not.

Unperturbable juice-plug. Delhi.

  1. All five-minute familiar Indians immediately become his friends, brothers, sisters, etc.

+ positive, easy interaction, a large number of familiar, connections, the ability to easily find the necessary people, information, help

For foreigners it looks annoying. Especially for people from more closed in the culture of countries.

Indian schoolchildren. Kumii.

  1. Indian is absolutely sincerely very self-confident. He believes that everything is best and better than everyone. Cope with what was not done before, 100%

+ What are these complexes? Need to try! The right approach.

- It is easy to spit or break. Be carefull:)

  1. Very proud. Always remembers the Casta and the situation.

Indian pilgrim. Orch.

+ Indians who are not related to tourism behave very worthy. Refusal to gifts and money, hungry on throwing eagerly on food. Every time we erase the only shirt. Nice to look at.

Sometimes too you choose. For example, the restaurant workers from the 3rd caste (from podcast fishermen, Swiy or laundry) is blicking the nose when I force them to raise a piece of paper with the floor. Do not boring this thing! Dishes at all want to wash. This is a low job, try to find such an employee with us in Khajuraho. The dishwasher gets more than the waiter. Floor washer never drops to toilet washing, etc.

Important seller. Orch.

  1. Slow and lazy. When you look at the working Indian, it seems that he is about to fall face down and will fall out.

Sleeping seller Mo-Mo. Bugs, Himalayas.

make work 3 times longer than required with poor quality

+ having agreed in India, I realized that they would survive. With a more intense mode in such a heat and die for a long time.

  1. Extremely curious. Returning to the point about tactlessness - the nose fuss everywhere. Hide something from Indian is not possible. As soon as something happens on the street, everyone immediately throws their business and run to watch.

- Something happens constantly, so the work is idle until the Indian overhears, looks out and discusses. Breaks in places of origin of accidents, catastrophes, etc., a true chaos is formed.

Everyone knows everything. In general, all this is boredom. They just have nothing more to do.

Curious Indians. Maharashtra.

  1. Closed and stronger in everything related to relationships between men and women. More details

Is there anything else that I missed, or somewhere wrong? Write in the comments!

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Many Russian women, tired of the daily difficulties of Russian life and instability, are looking for a better life for themselves and children abroad. Many really find their happiness in another country, but not every can quietly experience the time of adaptation to another culture, the businesses and customs.

The letter of our compatriot reveals a lot about the hardest living conditions of the Russian wife in India, nevertheless, I managed to understand this country, to put up with the way of their life and feel very happy next to your husband.

Hello, dear readers of the site! I want to tell you about the life of the Russian wife in India, about those nuances that should be known if you plan to marry the Hindu and live in this country.

The first and important - climate of India

Live in india From the point of view of the climate, it is very difficult for me.

I am married for two years, of which I spent all months of Indian summer in my homeland. It begins here in March. There is such a heat that I constantly circled my head, the temperature was 49 on the thermometer, and in sensations - all 59). I could not stand and left for my relatives.


If you think you can escape with air conditioning in the house, forget about it, even if you are lucky, and your husband will earn very well to pay for the giant bills for electricity, and you will have a new air conditioner that will withstand such heat, then in The heat will turn off the light due to overloads.

The problem with electricity interruptions is relevant for all India, somewhere - every day, somewhere - less often, but the light turns off throughout India regularly. You have no chance to escape :-) And most likely the air conditioner will be in one of the rooms. I have never seen the house where the air conditioned would be in the whole house or apartment.

In general, I choose the escape for 2-4 months, returning to India in the rainy season. But still it is difficult to breathe here because of high humidity, there is not enough air all the time. Naturally, you are wet all the time, you wake up in the morning - you can press T-shirt. That's just now, at the end of October, the temperature is normalized (as our traditional summer), but still you want a couple more degrees in less.

The sun. Someone thinks that if you live in a sunny country, then you should be tanned. Unfortunately, I am paler than in Russia, here is a terrible sun, I feel what it is dangerous, very strong, and I know that it is better not to go on it. Also, take a walk in the T-shirt and it will not work because of the clothes.


Traditional National Women's Clothes in India It is believed to be Saria or Salvar Salvar, Salvar Kamiz, etc. This is, in large cities, everyone is dressed as they want, I was not so lucky.

My husband and I live in the capital of one of the states in the center of India, and this is not Delhi, Pune, Mumbai or Balglor.

The city is not small, but I would still call it a big village. Therefore, open the legs above the knee is not allowable - it is already erotic, naturally, no skirts or shorts above the knee. No neckline, open shoulders, it is a bad tone. Jeans, of course, can be worn, but it is hot.

It is still better to wear a jacket and a slurry (long shirt and wide pants), and from above Chunri (long shawl) which only interferes and even hotter from him. Because of this clothes and the sitting lifestyle for 5 months I scored 15 kg, now I sit on a tough diet. You just do not feel how you will distribute you :-)

In addition, all parties, I have to dress up in Sari.

To put it beautifully to dress, you need years of training, once I have already tried to dress it myself, it was falling back in the car :-) So every time we call your girlfriends, the relatives of the husband, so that anyone dressed him on me. Well, the service is dressed. It annoys. In addition, it is not convenient to walk in it.

A little retreat on the topic what is the service.

Service is a servant, or an uneducated local population or those who could not find work better. The service is a girl (woman), there may be several different women who come every day or 5-6 times a week. They clean, cook, wash the dishes. You can take a worker with accommodation, then she will fully manage in the house, will be able to wear you, the massage will make if the back grabbed.

In major cities of India, the service is brought from the villages, but not rare cases when they are mocking. On this topic, even films are removed, read recently about the family of doctors from Delhi, who locked the 13th summer girl and left to relax ...

As a rule, a service that is only cleansing, halchiers. If you do not stand above them, will only pretend that they work.

At first it was not convenient for me, and now sometimes I even go to them, but it should be used to everything too. And in English does not say.

In India, it is not customary to walk in the house in shoes, everyone wants barefoot. You go to visit, remove shoes, in the temple, in the store Sari, jewelry, many small offices, such as aircraft, etc.

On the street you also walk in slaps, which means the legs constantly in dust. When I just arrived, by the way, could not understand, why do all the Hindus have such legs dirty? 🙂 They have another habit sitting on a sofa in a pose of a semi-trip or just raise up, showing their feet ...

Now understand. In general, you can imagine what skin on the legs now.

If you leave on the scooter to the street, you are forced to tinkering a handkerchief of the hectare type to close the whole face, on the hands of long gloves, because on the roads dust post!

Streets walking in India

By the way, the roads. More precisely, what should be called dear, in real life -


it is a piece of asphalt, which was put something, curb - land and garbage. No one repairs anything, because of the earthlings of the dust of the dust.

There are no sidewalks. Trucks, scooters, rickshaws, cyclists, cars and pedestrians - all on the narrow strip of asphalt. And with no rules of the road. Just take care of your car and do what you want!

Trucks carrying you towards your strip on the highway, cows, standing with herds in the middle of the streets and the highway is all true.

Rearview mirrors are better to carry themselves, otherwise they will demolish, nobody uses them. The turn signal, and what is it? :-) And if you, God forbid, you will undeten the beggar, even if he commemorates himself to rush to you under the wheels, will begin to extort money with the whole of the village :-) and many, many other charms. If someone has eaten in you, I'll go right away, I will not even talk, and you sit and wonder how so you can ...

Everything is driving! It is funny to me when I read news from Russia about 0.2 ppm, here they cannot stand on their feet, smoked, drunk driving. But you can drive without documents, I go and go, neither documents for a car, nor right, the police only smiles at me and asks where I live :-) And for an ordinary Indian question, the price of a question 200 rupees ...


When I wrote about the curb, I already said that around the garbage. But not only there! India - Before Zhuya Dirty country. Urn for the Hindu - under the legs. All the curbs, all the unknown places are a garbage. Cows, pigs, dogs graze on the trash. And this is not a joke and not joke, and not my negative attitude is a reality!


Yes, outside the cities of India is a very beautiful country. But I repeat - only outside the city.

In the district, niriously beautiful jungle, where you can stay for a couple of days at the hotel and ride on safari. However, you will not succeed in the forest on the woods on the kebab. There are no forests in the traditional understanding of our understanding, if there is a small forest belt, it is impossible - snakes there.

So if you want to see indian nature - That is just in the jungle to look around the parties from an open jeep. The jungle do not walk :-) :-) :-) :-) But it is interesting if time and money allow you to ride often.

In addition, it is usually near the cities there is a dam or a reservoir, it is not possible to swim, but it's easy to sit on babe, if you are lucky, there will be a little people. In India, there are many people everywhere for our standards :-) You will not be able to stay together anywhere. And the police are generally on duty, which is watching young couples, so that they do not sit together and, God forbid, not kissing :-)

Insects - another trouble of India

You will never be alone, there will always be 10-15 types of insects next to you. This is primarily small ants. They live absolutely everywhere. In all houses, I live on the 7th floor, I do not know how to get rid of, I constantly betray, but it is useless, they are too much, they find a way out everywhere. They live in the walls and destroy them in quiet ...


Cockroaches. Hindus is not afraid of cockroaches, it is normal for them. In the summer to those who live in private houses, huge cockroaches are crap. When I saw it, right away jumped up with my legs on sofa, the Indians just laughed.

I have not seen any house without cockroaches. I myself betray, but it seems to me that one is doing this in the house, a house of 3-4 years. Here, of course, the climate is to blame, it is very blissful for any living nature.

But the Hindus is to blame too. What do we do after meals? That's right, my dishes. Here, the tableware is going all day, goes like a heat waiting for the morning service. And not once, I met that the damage for cleaning the Hindus is arranged right in the corner of the kitchen, without a bucket, without a package.

Also, our rats come across the platform, the lizards regularly crawl into the house, followed by half a day with a broom :-) In general, do not buse. In the evening, they overcome mosquitoes, crickets fly away, etc., do not open the window, overwhelmingly, sleep is hard. Exit - mosquito net, but the air through it weakly passes.

Recreation and work of Hindus

As for the wives of Hindus, I do not take to say in numbers, but for all the time I met only one married woman working - this is my mother-in-law, it works as much as 4 hours a day :-) Her position is good, the salary is not very :-)


As a rule, women are worked here before marriage, and after Housvifa Housewife becomes. Some get married immediately from the house, even without learning what work is outside the house.

As a rule, the Indians live in large families, the daughter-in-law is brought to the house, and now it is considered a member of this family. We live separately, because my husband himself wants this, he has freedom-loving character, but there are not many people who confront the will of parents. And I know that one day we will have to live together, in India, parents are not thrown alone, even returned from America to live with them. Many and not married women do not work, their brothers are fed, etc.

In general, a whole day, a woman is at home, deals or manages the service or herself prepares-removes.

On a weekend, together with her husband, she can go on a visit to relatives, or maybe someone invited a wedding, or the festival passes, then folk festivities, and you can go to the exhibition-fair. Everything. There is no more entertainment.

The most favorite occupation is to go to visit each other and gossip. And what else to do ??? At best, a woman can go to the salon or shop accompanied by mom or mother-in-law, sisters, but in no case alone.

At the expense of walks. On the streets of foreigners, it is not recommended to walk, since the local population is wild, and they can do whatever. For example, to run up and grab off for the chest (with me it was, people - savage simply), or snatch the bag, or throw something in you. It is not safe, so sit at home or move on a scooter or car. Gasoline is expensive, and the salaries are small here, so do not take away.


That is why the trade in vegetables and any trifle from the tables on the wheels is common. This is when a person, laying up vegetables on such a table, rolls him and shouts: "Cabbage, potatoes ...", then a woman can go out and buy what she needs. In general, such trade is very common, you will come to you with tissues for Salvar Sail, and with a small small kitchen.

By and large, everything buys a man into the house when traveling home from work, with a rare exceptions you can take you to a supermarket, like an exhibition :-) :-) :-)

I will say to myself that I needed a lot of blood in order to overtake the right to drive and buy products yourself. If a woman tries and get a resolution from her husband, she can attend yoga (it takes us at 5 am) or a sports club. Only a husband before the wedding tell about it, and then yoga assumes a moderate sex life, and the Hindus is very active in this regard people, not in vain kamasutra was written here :-)

All women watch Indian TV series. They are the same type and are dedicated to relationships in a large family when everyone lives in the same house. There, events are always developing equally, the beloved daughter-in-law, an unloved daughter-in-law, as a result of good, unloved.

In this regard, the mother-in-law is divided into good and evil, neutral does not happen. My dear. They love me from the first second :-) It's hard to understand it, yes?) And they love! Well, there are evil, poisoning the existence of a daughter-in-law, just like in their series. Well, they are also bored, it is necessary to entertain yourself somehow.

Food, products and shops in India

The shops. If you think that you can easily go to the nearest


shop and buy everything you want, you are mistaken. Without a husband (read - without knowing language) you can buy only vegetables, bread, milk, eggs, only if there is a tray nearby. My shop opened a couple of weeks ago, but I can only buy something that I know how he sounds in Hindi, they do not speak English in street shops. Shop - not self-service, which makes it difficult for the purchase process.

There are shopping centers in which the supermarket is located, but they still need to get there, here I do basic purchases. There prices are higher, but you can stand up, read, if necessary, translate what you need. The service personnel is trying to speak English.

So, forgot to such products: sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, meat, cheeses, sausages, sausages, salting, smoked, canned food, caviar any, bread black and our white, butter without salt, dill, parsley, salad, bell peppers, Millet, buckwheat, tasty in conventional frying fish and much more.

In fact, you can eat only Indian food and so to speak dietary Russian :-) Because you will have borscht without meat, sour cream and dill, etc.

It is difficult to get used to Indian food: specific spices, tastes, and every day the same thing, rice, gave (local soup sauce), vegetables, pellets. Only now I used to eat it, but I cook everything myself, only cakes prepares service, for me it is difficult. But at first it was to tears, very hungry. Even the sandwich does not do. But there are advantages, fruit here are very affordable, watermelons, apples, grenades constantly. Mango, Sitafal for seasons.

Yes, and also, the Hindus eat hands. They put rice on the plate, poured him gave him, it turns out the porridge and eat it with their hands, at these moments I stop there or look clear in my plate, because it looks terrible, and they will be completely fingers. At home, the husband eats fork, thank God.

Restaurants and cafes. I still can't eat outside the house: not


tasty, acutely and all some kind of taste, whether Panir (home cheese), or chicken - do not discern. Only emission of money, you have one expensive restaurant for the entire city, which prepares the paste and is not very.

Sometimes we eat there, just to get out of the house. In general, restaurants, of course, are beautiful, cozy, the Hindewings are well done. But when they learn to bring dishes and glasses, without sticking your fingers in the food, I am applauding.

I hope, I revealed for you the features of Indian life, I will write about the habits and the nature of the Hindu themselves in the continuation of this article.

Elizabeth, letter to the editorial office of the site

(Visited 11 311 Times, 252 Visits Today)

My name is Anna, I was born and grew up in a small provincial town in the south of Ukraine. Everything in my life went according to plan and, as they say, nothing foreshadowed surprises in the form of a marriage with a foreigner.

How I got acquainted with the Indian and married

Once I registered on the Pigner's Friends website to improve your English and expand the circle of communication. Among all the correspondents, a young man from India was especially highlighted - as it turned out, we had a lot of common interests and similar views on life.

Very soon our friendly correspondence has acquired a romantic color. Two years later I came to India, got married and for eight years I already call this country with my second home.


Honestly, it was difficult to get used to a new surrounding. Not one year left for adaptation.

The main difference compared to life in my hometown was to the local population. Since my appearance is straightely different from the appearance of Indiana, I had to constantly deal with an excess of attention from strangers.

Want to feel like a movie star - come to India. Wherever I went - to the store, shopping center, in the park or market, hundreds of views were constantly directed at me. People are suitable, asking to take pictures together.

I will never forget as a little girl, pointing at me with my finger, shouted with delight: "Dad, see, live doll Barbie!" And this is in Mumbai, a modern metropolis with a developed tourist industry, where the appearance on a foreigner is not so rare on the street! Probably, somewhere in the outback it would be much more difficult.

Conventional picture on the streets of India


The climate is hot here, tropical. Solar weather holds almost a whole year, with a break on the summer months, when we have the rainy season.

Honestly, I do not feel much discomfort about climate. Yes, it is hot here, but the sunny days at any time of the year and bright paints are much more preferable to the notorious servers, with which it had to fight from October to March in my native country. Here you forget that somewhere there is a seasonal depression!


As for the wardrobe, I did not have to make any radical changes to my wardrobe. I have never been a fan of mini skirts and deep neckline. Jeans and T-shirt - quite acceptable clothing in the Indian metropolis.

On the streets of the city you can see girls and women both in the clothes of European brands and in traditional Salvar Camiza and Sari. With Sari I did not work out - after having tried this difficult outfit, I decided that for everyday life he fits little. To this you need to get used to childhood.

But Salwar Kamiz is a very comfortable suit, ideal for local climate and cultural traditions. It consists of three parts: wide pants made of lightweight fabric, allowing the body to breathe, tunic and a wide scarf - duppati.

As a rule, women buy material and turn to the tailor for individual tailoring, accurately customizing the suit under the features of their figure. Given the huge percentage of the Muslim population, on the streets you can see a lot of representatives of this denomination in the traditional black paranger.

National cuisine

Indian food is another aspect to which a foreigner is not easy to get used to. The main difficulty is an abundance of spices and lack of familiar products (cheese, buckwheat, dairy products, etc.).

No day do without traditional rice. My husband and his parents liked the dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, which I tried to introduce as an alternative to a daily rice with a lental chowder, but neither borsch, nor potato mashed potatoes, nor dumpling and dumplings were able to make decent competition with traditional Indian dishes.

Over time, I got used to this provision of affairs, new taste preferences and culinary habits appeared. In our diet, there is always consisting of Chapati (wheat flour pellets, baked on a dry pan), went (rice-legless cakes cooked for a couple), a huge variety of stewed vegetables, dishes from chicken, rice with lentil sophisticated, Biriani (something like Our Plov) and sweet Indian tea.

Traditional street food


Despite my intentions to learn Hindi, I'm still not talking about this language. My closest surroundings communicates exclusively in English, but for a hike to the local market or travel to Rickshaw and minimal knowledge to me.

By the way, Ricksha is a three-wheeled mini-machine, ready to deliver you to anywhere in the city - much more convenient to our crowded minibuses!

Family and marriage in India

Despite the fact that India is rapidly changing, there are still traditional views on family relations, which were developed for thousands of years.

Wola Parents - Law, Husband - Head of Family. Very often married and get married to those who will choose their parents. This is the so-called "arranged marriage".

As for the age of marriage, representatives of the middle class prefer to marry closer to 30 years. Many of them have any special experience of romantic relationships with the opposite sex. Early marriages are common among the poor.

Weddings are walking with a special scale, while the main costs fall on the shoulders of the bride's parents. In addition, they have to pay the bridegroom "Dauri" - the godded daughter, which is beginning to save almost from the moment of the birth of the girl. That is why many Indian families rejoice in the appearance of boys.

When my youngest daughter was born, some of our acquaintances considered more appropriate to express sympathy instead of the expected congratulations! It is not surprising that Indian doctors are forbidden to inform the sex of the child with his future parents until the end of pregnancy!

Katean Subadzhi, a 28-year-old Gooan, physical education teacher, never been outside of India, but he has many friends and familiar among foreigners, including Russians. In an interview with "C", he shared his opinion about Russian women, Putin and changing life around.

"Russian women are very strong," says Catean. - You can make decisions yourself. For example, if you want to travel, you do it. You earn money yourself and leaving. No one can stop you, no one has the right to ban, because it's your life.

Indian women have other values, they are much stronger depending on their family: parents or husband. They are unable to break out of their lives. If a girl is 25 years old, parents think only about to marry her. The declaration she is going to see the world, she will twist her finger at the temple: crazy! And God forbid, the girl will want to travel alone, people immediately decide that she is a whore.

Bad, when the family decides for you: where to learn, for whom to get married. Everyone has his own feelings, and he must have a choice: to live as your mother lived, and before that grandmother and great-grandmother, in the same house, among the same environment, or live in the modern world.

Help: Goa - state in the south-west of India, the smallest among the states in the area and one of the latter in the population. Former Portuguese Colony. The population is 1.5 million people.

- But after all, your women also work and earn money?

- Yes. When I worked in a bank, ten women accounted for six men. My boss was a woman. But they spend earned money only for family and boyfriends. Now many Indian girls leave learning abroad, become photographers, models and never return back.

- But what will happen if you lose it, lose your family?

- Of course, it is bad, not only for Indians, for any people. But we have too much influence the family. If you are crossed out of the circle, you will never take back.

- Under what circumstances can it happen?

- For the most different. For example, if you love someone from another caste. I have a friend of Brahmins, who loved the girl from the lower caste: there people earn their lives exclusively manual hard work: they make some things from bamboo sticks or something like that. The girl answered him with reciprocity, however, they could not be together because of caste differences.

- What is actually the difference between people from different castes?

- Yes, there is no difference! In India, there are two lower castes: some make things from bamboo sticks, others, for example, clean the shoes. A guy from such a caste worked with me in the bank - he did not differ from me. We shared even food with him, and it was normal.

- How can you find out that a person belongs to a certain caste?

- We have different surnames. Of course, the last name can be changed, but everyone still knows where you came from, see the color of your skin, which is slightly different. Now many are not before that, however, in India, there are still many religious and superstitious people. We are the world's largest country that believes in supernatural forces.

- What professions most prestigious in India?

- Teachers, doctors, police. From the latter, almost everything depends on. If someone caught you at night, help cops. If you want to arrange a night-party, a cops will help. If someone offends you, the cops will help. Even tickets for the Sunburn festival can be bought from them.

- But do they have to pay for everything?

- And very big money. You pay a policeman, and they decide all your problems. Therefore, everyone wants to be kopami.

Such different people

Catetan dreams of travel: intends first to visit 29 states of India first, and then go beyond its limits. A month ago, he traveled to Rajasthan (this is the state in the west of India, on the border with Pakistan - aut.). He says he was struck by people and how they differ from the inhabitants of Goa: "They are much happier, although the poorest. They are merry, full of enthusiasm, very musical. There is a beautiful architecture, delicious food, although there is no fish due to the lack of sea. "

"Last year, in the Himalayas, I first saw the snow in my life and flew on the aircraft for the first time," Catean says. "If I really liked the snow, although I've never wanted to fly exactly so much."

- What do you like to eat?

- Curry from fish with rice. I worked for ten years in a cafe on the seafront, which belongs to my family, and, naturally, he fed there. So, I waited every day five in the morning to eat curry from fresh fish. And I'm not tired.

But, in principle, I can eat any food. If hungry, eat anything. Give me bread with cheese, and I eat. Once, Russian friends even tremble me lamb kebab. It was very tasty.

- Do you like to fish?

- Oh yeah! This year from April to July I fished almost every day from seven in the morning to ten in the evening alone.

- And a favorite means of movement?

- I adore led bike. We wanted to go to Rajastan on the bike, I invested all my money in his preparation, but then we have considered the number of days that we spend on the road, and the time we will spend on the spot, and decided to move on the train.

- How do you feel about Russian?

- I like the Russians, although, I have to admit, your language seems very rude. Because of this, many local people consider you aggressive. And not only local.

In the 60s of the last century, when hippies appeared in Goa, life changed greatly. Before that, we were only practicing fish and rice growing. Americans and Europeans brought new, alien subcultures, for example, nudism. Then the Jews appeared, many Jews, but when the Russians began to ride in Goa, the Jews ran away to other states.

Everything becomes another. We also began to constantly think about money, a lot of drinks, forever hurry and show aggression.

- What do you think about Putin?

- Of course, Putin is a dictator, and some of his solutions seem to me stupid, for example, what he forbade the Russians to depart into some countries. But on the other hand, it can be seen that he cares about you. I would like to be such a ruler in India.

- Now I want to work at school, with children,and with small, - clarifiesis he . - The second important thing for me is a study of yoga: I plan to go for special courses. Yoga gives calm, peace, relax for the soul and body. She makes you younger and healthier. After comprehending the technique, I want to teach This people. Free of charge, everyone.

Photo Olga Revenko