How to establish relations inside the family. Joint dinner in a family circle. Do the way I want

The reasons for cooling any marriage relations are the same and at the same time for each family are different. Some love had a life of life, others suffer from constant lack of money, others simply stopped understanding each other, and the fourth problems began with the birth of a child. And although at the wedding, everyone promised to be with his spouse and in the mountain, and in joy, in practice it is not always happening. The problems accumulate, for them, the spouses cease to distinguish between the family happiness, to which they sought, forget about the love, on which they built their marriage. And if in this case leave everything as it is, then the divorce is not far off. So why do relationships get worse? How to establish relationships with her husband? What prevents to live happily and love each other as before?

Causes of cooling of relations in marriage

Do the way I want

"Nothing, he will correct, I will redone him," the bride says self-confidence when relatives or are closely mentioning the lack of her groom. There is only a name in such a relationship from love, since love is the unconditional and disinterested adoption of the partner entirely, together with the pros and cons of his nature and character. Not a single wife managed to remake even the most slightly accrastful husband. This must be remembered and guided by this rule all life. The character of a person is formed by 5-7 years, after that only the correction of behavior is possible, habits. An adult can take an independent decision and change. But make it do it, especially to remake his wife itself will not succeed.

Do not climb, I myself

Some mother girls raise up with the thought that a man is not an adult independent person, but a unreasonable child who needs to lead, to raise. Anecdote that a married woman always has a minimum one child - the one whom the mother-in-law bore, - could be funny if B did not hide a real family tragedy in himself. The man is trying to manage, it is arranged to work, it is forced to leave work, the man is expelled from the kitchen, because "everything will burn," they do not allow to take a baby in his arms, because "drops", control his expenses, taking the salary and gives him later "On the passage." And then complain to girlfriends, that with him the dust poured, and he left.

If not you…

A person is generally ungrateful and envious. Sitting at work, women with envy look at young mothers with kids, believing that it certainly easier than forced days to stay in offices. Looking at a childless girl who comes out of work, a large mother sighs: After all, the girl can be a whole evening free, and she washed tights, lessons with senior, cubes with medium, night crying younger. Married is jealous of those who are cheering in clubs unmarried, unmarried long-standing alone on holidays. And it pours out in the reproaches of wives who declare the husbands that if they were not, then their wives would have taken a career, they received another education, they would have learned foreign languages, they would travel around the world and in general, they would have been much higher. For some reason, such women do not take into account that you can travel and master your languages \u200b\u200btogether with your husband, and you can learn remotely - there would be a desire. No, it is much easier to say that all girlfriends live better, and I worse, because I have such a bad husband.

I'm on you the best years ...

This cause echoes the previous one. Nobody drove a woman in the registry office, no one forced her under the threat of life marries. Surely, she wished this marriage herself and wanted to put on his finger the cherished wedding ring. So why then follow the reproaches that the best years of life were spent on this man, and he remained ungrateful? The point here is not in the husband, but in the abnormal unhealthy of its attitude to her husband, for marriage and to itself. Women trying to put themselves with the victim, who gave everything, and gratitude did not receive in return. At the same time, it is usually not specified that it is "everything", which she gave, and what exactly should be thanks.

Of course, these examples are extended. But in each of them there is a fair share of truth for most families. Why are we trying to our husbands, even if we understand that it is not right? Because, firstly, we are so accustomed, we were so brought up, and we are watching such behavior in the families of our relatives and acquaintances, and secondly, we just do not know what to do if everyday life interferes with the relationship how to establish relationships with her husband After quarrel.

What if life is hired by love?

It is not necessary to fit into all things at the same time and sole. Distribute things between all family members, but do not try to shove them completely all. Even a two-year-old child is able to put his shoe boots on a shoe shelf, folded into a toy box and wipe - let it not do clearance - a napkin spilled milk. More adult children will be able to buy home bread, pull out the garbage, pour flowers and wipe the dust from the furniture. My husband will redistribute food, washing floors, dishes, toilet bowls, sinks and other plumbers. Cleaning with cleaning furniture, washing curtains and knocking out carpets together. If funds allow, make yourself a "helper" - a multicooker, microwave, dishwasher and washing machine, robot vacuum cleaner. It's great to ease the life of the whole family.

Be sure to make the "exit" weekend. Even in a purely false house, you can get bored if you do not receive new impressions. With children, you can go on a family cartoon, in the zoo, in the museum or go on a tour of the city. You can visit the film or the performance of the category "18+", sit in the restaurant or just stroll through the night city.

It is very important to support her husband in his endeavors. No need to repair him obstacles or doubt his abilities. Woman's wise woman can make a king, a stupid woman will cut the wings to the most gifted, if, of course, he won't guess to get away from her before it happens.

How to establish family relationship after quarrels and scandals?

First of all, you need to remember the old-old joke, in which the psychologist advises the woman before returning her husband home to rinse the throat of the chamomile. In other words, you just need to be silent more. Do not inspire quarrels and disassembly yourself - mentally cozy the throat, and you can do it literally: type water, tea or decoction of any grass in your mouth and silent. Do the same thing when a habit of habit provokes you to the scandal - silent.

Remove egoism from your attitude to my husband. He wants to go to friends without you? Let him go. From what he will spend time with friends, your marriage is collapsed. But he will also not be stronger if the husband gives way to your whining or persuasion, will stay at home and promotes half a day with a displeased view.

Stop doing your comments. Get better. You are also far from ideal, so there is always over what to work. Start swing the press or run in the nearest stadium, attend courses of foreign languages \u200b\u200bor culinary skills, but simply make at home general cleaning and throw everything too much, then has accumulated over many years on the mezzanine and balcony.

Become more self-sufficient, do not cling to the hand of your husband in any situations. Learn to make decisions without advice with your husband, mom or girlfriends and carry responsibility for them. This is one of the main qualities of an adult and psychologically mature man.

Get yourself a rule: home affairs - for home, work causes - for work. The same applies to problems, experiences. Everything that happens at home in the family should remain in it. An unacceptable smart woman to endure for general discussion with colleagues family troubles. Similarly, you do not need to bring home a bad mood from work. Children and her husband are not to blame for the fact that the head of the head or you have been hardened with you. Separate not only flies from the kitlet, but also a family from work.

What else is needed for happiness in the family?

Be sure to behave a full sex life. Intimate proximity is necessary for normal healthy relations in the family. In no case is not a blackmail to have sex, do not make sex the subject of promotion, and the lack of sex is a subject of punishment. If the husband experiences the problems of an intimate plan or you have become unpleasant, you should visit the doctor. If the problem is not a level of physiology, but at the level of psychology, it will help to solve its psychologist or sexologist.

Do not let outsider people interfere in your relationship with your husband. In this case, all: parents, relatives, neighbors, friends, neighbors, pleasants. The marriage is between two people, it means that problems should be solved by them by two. If it is necessary to intervene, then let it be qualified, - medical, sexual, psychological, psychotherapeutic.

Financial well-being plays an important role for the family. A significant percentage of divorces falls on those families in which the standard of living is low, and costs are not always covered by expenses.

Housing conditions are the same important element as money. Accommodation with parents worsens the life of a young family, that spouse who led the family to his parents' house, remains a big child, he does not accept independent decisions and is more immersed in the family parental than in his own. Moreover, the presence of parents, according to psychologists, makes young spouses similar to his brother and sister. And such an attitude towards each other does not contribute to building normal interpole relations and sexual life. It is important to live separately from the parents, even if on a removable apartment. In any case, the family will benefit from it.

Health problems should not be silent, but it is not necessary to dwell on them. If one of the spouses is sick chronically, other family members should reckon with this, to assist him. But at the same time, it is unacceptable to manipulate household, speculating with their health. This makes a microclimate in the house of unhealthy and spoils the relationship between all living in the house.

These rules for establishing relationships with her husband are simple, but that is why they are difficult to observe. If the cause of your disadvantage in the other, then install it and work together over its elimination. Any collaboration can be solved only together.

Any married couple at some stage of their shared life is experiencing difficulties with understanding, which often leads to conflicts and quarrels. If there are love, respect and dedication in the relationship, in fact, such problems are temporary, and the spouses are able to overcome them. To do this, it is necessary to realize that family happiness and harmony are much more important than personal ambitions and the harder of everyday adversity.

Many women do not know how to establish family relationships with her husband, so often marital conflicts remain unresolved, and sometimes lead to the divorce. In this article, we will look at how to establish relationships with the spouse in various life situations to keep feelings.

How to establish relationships with her husband after a quarrel

As a rule, the woman in nature is more sensitive and emotional, so any event she perceives close to heart, making conclusions, often far from reality. Therefore, it is difficult for her to decide how to establish relationships with her husband after a quarrel: in conflict, it can see almost irreparable mistakes and insults. In reality, everything can be statistically different, so in this case it makes sense to pay attention to some recommendations:

  • Try to soberly assess the situation and look at the situation on the part;
  • Do not be afraid to be wrong;
  • Do not perceive forgiveness as a defeat;
  • Refuse the temptation to remember past resentment.

Keep the logic of judgments when negative emotions are overwhelmed, it is possible not to everyone. But in order to understand how to establish relationships with her husband after a quarrel, it is just necessary. Everyone can inflate the situation to the sizes of the catastrophe, but to see its true meaning, which in most cases is not worth the mutual reproaches and nerves - great art. Therefore, it should be calmed down and just think about how seriously everything that happened is.

The second answer to the question of how to establish relations with his spouse after a quarrel is the ability of a woman to realize and take their guilt in conflict. An objective assessment of any situation is, as a rule, the best way out. And, as many psychologists advise, just need to choose what is more important for you: to be right or be happy. If the relationship with the man's man, then personal ambitions themselves will go away into the background.

In order to know how to establish family relationships with her husband, you need to not perceive forgiveness as a defeat in some battle. After all, spouses are not enemies on the battlefield: they are allies. And if your husband is wrong, and you are ready to forgive him, it should not be perceived as weakness or recognition of one's own guilt. Such a step speaks of great love, which is above a minute impulse to destroy relationships.

Also, to know how to establish relationships with the spouse after a quarrel, it is necessary to deliberately prohibit yourself to return to past insults. After all, they are usually not related to the current situation.

How to establish relationships with her husband after his betrayal

Treason Men is very often perceived by him as a completely normal act, on which nature is pushing him. Naturally, it is a bad justification for a loving woman who requires loyalty and respect. If the spouse thinks that the relationship on the side is the inevitable dance with which his wife will have to put up, then think about how to establish relationships with her husband after his betrayal, almost meaningless.

But there are situations where such an act should be forgiven for the sake of preserving the family and to return the previous good relationship. Perhaps a man very regrets about the deed and still loves his spouse. Is it worth the sake of temporary passion or, especially, the pleasure of one night to destroy the marriage? ..

To understand how to establish relationships with the spouse after its treason, we offer the following tips:

  • Talk to my husband frankly and straight;
  • Offer him to feel in your place;
  • Try to convey to him your emotions and experiences so that he realize that you feel;
  • Try to evaluate its position and point of view in this matter.

If after such a conversation becomes clear that the man repents and is ready to correct, you need to forgive him (of course it is not easy). But in the case when he does not feel his guilt and requires an understanding of such behavior from his wife, the spouse will have to choose between a divorce and family life with constant treason of her husband.

How to establish relationships with ex-husband after a divorce

Often, former spouses come to the conclusion that they hurried with a rupture of relationships. This usually happens when after the divorce passes for some time and both assess the situation more soberly and without unnecessary emotions. Often, the question of how to establish relations with the former spouse after divorce, women who realize that family life is more important than evidence of their own right.

It should be noted that the random rush to return the relationship that occurs on the third day after the break or a week later, it may be a false signal. It can be a natural human reaction in the absence of well-established life norms. In a word, it's a habit: the woman got used to waking up and fall asleep with her husband, cook him food, washing and stroking his clothes, watching TV with him, etc. And when she discovers that all this is not, it starts thinking how to establish relationships With a former husband after divorce.

However, in order to actually realize that a joint life with his spouse is what a woman wants, must pass for a while. Therefore, do not affect the influence of the first reactions and try to get used to the new life.

If a few months later you will still regret the divorce, then it makes sense to seek a way to establish relations re-on. To do this, it is worth understanding how mutual such aspirations are. If the spouse is also ready to return everything, you should combine efforts and try to start all over again together.

In addition, it is necessary to deal with the cause of divorce once and for all. If you need a forgiveness of the offense, you should be ready for it: a cured mutual resentment if not immediately, then it will be possible to know about themselves. And a married couple can again be on the threshold of a break of relationships.

The best answer to the question of how to establish relationships with her husband is the most frank conversation with him. After all, the family is the Union where there should be no secrets and pioneering.

Life together. Many experts consider it difficult for the first 3-5 years of any marriage, but the current overloaded life makes amendments, and already the stacked spouses cannot agree in an elementary problem. Modern girls nobody trains how to establish a relationship in the family, as they did in the old days, therefore it is necessary to deal with their own trials and errors.

A happy and unshakable marriage is the result of general dynamic development. Permanent concessions and silence of the problem only aggravate the conflict, adding him notes of theatrical dramaticness. To strengthen both places even heal a joint life, the spouses need to figure out how to establish a relationship in the family without infringement of the rights of one of its members.

The main thing is to reconcile

First of all, every member of the family, even the smallest, is obliged to understand the rule of a happy life - it is impossible to avoid conflict, but the result of any debate or disputes should be complete and unconditional reconciliation.

In disabilities, resentment and pride sooner or later will raise the situation on the agenda again, then the scale of even the most trifling dispute will become equal to the global cataclyism. How to establish a relationship after such a hurricane in the family, it can be understood only with the help of specialists.

"Cold Approach"

World psychologists work in the field of reconciliation of married couples and every year the regiments of libraries are filled with fresh publications with a loud name: "How to establish a harmonious relationship in the family." The main council of leading experts remains a "cold approach" rule. Each quarrel has a root, so during the conflict it is necessary to try to determine the essence of the problem. Small trifle scandals are only a visual signal of the fatigue of people and the oversaturation of communication.

You can eliminate the conflict of this rank with a frank conversation, active recreation and change of the seized situation. Than saturated and friendly the atmosphere in the house, the more productive there will be communication with each of the family members. With small households it is worth discussing many questions that the child felt involved in a certain extent responsible for the process of creating a common well-being. Children need to teach the skill smoothing acute corners so that in the future they did not have to think about how to establish a relationship in the family. Then they will live much easier to live.

Decent answer

Many parents do not know how in the family after a quarrel, how to find a general link in communication with adolescents. In the latter situation, it is worth resorting to the method of "brought the old record". How? If the child receives a decent level response from his parents, the rebellion and hormonal bursts will come to no. Screams and insults in communicating with violent teenagers always play on the side of the same children.

Therefore, the right output will be a composure and complete determination in the decisions made. Take the side of the child only in cases where it may be available to set out all the arguments.

Husband changed

More often, family boats, swimming in a calm sea of \u200b\u200bprosperous life, come out on Iceberg called "Treason". Communication outside the family sooner or later lead to full or partial what to do in the situation when the husband returned to the family? How to establish relationships after treason? Tips of friends erase this event from family chronology work only during a friendly conversation.

In real life, women are quite difficult to accept treason as a common disaster signal. Most of the weak gender perceives such as personal insult and betrayal. Therefore, the process of reconciliation is delayed for a long time.

Why does this occur?

In its root, treason, both male and feminine, is a manifestation of hopelessness, devastation and extreme fatigue. Men's nature is subject to a permanent search for something beautiful and attractive. And women in the cycle of household problems forget to delight their partner, care for themselves comes down to elementary hygiene, and the flirting is completely evaporated from communication.

How to establish relationships in a family with her husband who changed? To make a right decision, it is necessary to find out for which reasons the spouse decided to do so. If the problem lies in aesthetic exhaustion, a woman should review their wardrobe, discuss with her husband, what images he likes most. Often it is precisely the visual poverty of his wife pushing the spouse in search of more spectacular and relaxed ladies.

Any woman is obliged to understand the elementary rule of living together with men - do not exercise in fencing with offensive and insults, any problem can be solved together. If the girl takes the fact of treason and decides to continue, she must be aware that the wrongness of her husband should not become a trump card in a sleeve, which appears every time more significant arguments in a quarrel with him cannot find recognition.

Fute in intimate life

How to establish relationships in the family after treason, if the cause of infidelity became sexy presumption? Specialists of many countries do not advise in this case to immediately break the vertices of BDSM or Swingers. The best solution can be frank and, most importantly, a constructive dialogue, during which it becomes clear what is missing to each of the partners. So that the problem has been solved, everyone should be as frank as much as possible with a partner, because fantasies and wishes may be incarnated only when they are voiced.

If changed the spouse ...

An equally difficult problem is the question of how to establish relations in the family with his wife, which has changed. First of all, a man is obliged to understand that women's infidelity is rarely a cure for boredom, most likely, the fantastic feelings are rooted. To establish a relationship with his wife, it is necessary to make everything lost over the years of marriage. After reconciliation, his wife and her husband should find a common occupation, the fulfillment of which will be interesting to both, and at the same time will not cause rivalry or disagreement.


Treason is a frequent phenomenon of families in which people do not bind anything other than the last name. Therefore, treat each other with respect. Always show your husband (or wife) so that you really love, even if there have been many years of living together.

Family for most people is the main goal and meaning of life. But every family man will give a lot to strengthen family bonds, making relationships and harmony inside the family.

About how to just return mutual understanding in family relationships, we will talk in this article of the site "What to do" (site). Perhaps 10 practical advice will help to acquire lost family happiness and warmth, turning a joint accommodation in a joyful holiday, uniting people.

1. Joint dinner in a family circle

Joint dinner, which we see in most American family meloders, is not as simple as it seems. The evening spent with loved ones is the path to mutual support and mutual understanding, a joint decision of family problems. And even when complex life situations are simply discussed at the table, each participant of dinner remains a sense of support and internally confidence that adversity is overcome.

The therapeutic effect, which gives a joint family dinner allows you to give out loud and find possible ways to solve it.

The unity acquired in a family circle has a huge impact on the development of children, the formation of the principles of morality and mutual execution.

2. Family manifestation of love

Do not be argued once again to remind the neighbor about your feelings. And even when your feelings are obvious, do not be afraid to repeat them again and again. In addition, the speech should be supported by the case. Romantic notes, inexpensive, but attentive gifts, unexpected SMS and sensual emails on e-mail - all this should not disappear in the first days of marriage and living together, should not be lost in everyday domestic issues and troubles.

Heat feelings, support without any reason, bright smiles, recognition in love and understanding is an important step towards strengthening family relationships.

3. Family traditions

To establish family relationships, inventing your own family traditions. Perhaps it will be a joint walk on Sundays or a special manner of celebrating festive dates, going to the cinema on weekends or a family-run shopping, - any individual family traditions lead to cohesion!

At the same time, it is important to ensure that each family member (including children) enjoy a joint pastime, not counting it for the duty, acting from sincere and bright motivations.

4. Reception of guests

Research surveys prove that children are very useful with adults. With the exception of parents, families of families may be such adults, therefore, it is so important to organize periodic receptions of guests.

Taking guests, the family is organized into a friendly team, which contributes to the unity and origin of common interests, family and human values.

5. Separation of responsibilities

Family traditions that were mentioned above may be supplemented by joint housing. Distribution of responsibilities In this case, learn responsibility and interaction. The common cause, divided between all family members and performed at the same time, is an excellent way to unwind the team, infecting the command spirit of both adults and children. At the same time, younger learning to respect parents and carefully study their valuable advice and instructions.

6. Gîte - Self Living

To establish family relationships can often help joint problems, goals and interests. In this regard, any homework is able to combine family members in common aspirations for care, love and affection towards her pet.

At the same time, important elements of living beaches are:

  • personal responsibility
  • feeling significance
  • joint joy
  • segregation of duties
  • friendly and joyful pastime in a family circle

7. Respect of the interests of the neighbor

Family is a group of personalities living under one roof, united by common concerns, values \u200b\u200band interests. But every person inevitably present their positive and negative qualities.

Attempts to remake the family member as a personality, attempts to suppress other people's views and characteristics of character, is the right path to the collapse of the family. A person should take the way he is, having heard and supporting in a difficult moment.

Regarding absolute, cardinal discrepancies are not to argue and swear, but to look for compromise solutions that arrange all family members. Comfort for all (and babies, and adults) - this is the main rule of family well-being!

8. Punctuality and word power

You can teach a close person to puncturally only a visual example of your own behavior. And it is extremely important when there are children in the family.

9. History of the family

Any full-fledged family is obliged to have his own story, which is important to be proud of. Joint memories, common joys and sorrow, experienced earlier, the basis of the future well-being.

If a child is growing up in the family, it is worth dedicated to his family story, told about the brightest life moments. Common family roots and family history, voiced out loud, allows children to realize themselves, makes it possible to understand who they are and from where.

10. Caring for each family member

You can establish relationships in the family by showing the feelings of elementary care for the near man. Do not blame others in their disadvantages, trying to concentrate on virtues.

Good deeds facing near and native people, genuine attention to their concerns and problems, is what many and many generations are related.

It is important for a person to feel its own significance and care, to receive understanding and support in a family circle, know what they think about him, they are waiting for him, they love and respect. Actually, this is the secret of family happiness, which will help strengthen the family, turning it into a strong, reliable and friendly team!


Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Currently there have been frequent cases when pairs face problems in relationships. Many people arise due to the fact that people do not know how to behave in a particular situation. Women do not understand how to establish relationships with her husband, which are already on the verge of a family relationship crisis. Couples ignore the features of male and female psychology. Ignorance and failure to fulfill the commitments of a man and a woman also aggravates the situation in the family.

The most important thing is to correctly make your choice of the future partner in life. If we choose a person who is incompatible with us, we are awaiting deep disappointment and suffering.

It is necessary to understand that men's nature is very different from feminine, and women's and men's psychology are two different things. Because of this misunderstanding, many conflicts and problems arise in family relationships. Women can not understand men, men cannot understand women - because they have different nature. Therefore, they tend to expect the impossible from each other.

Many family pairs have a relationship crisis

There are seven stages of relations:

  1. Chocolate phase or "Chemistry of love", which lasts about a year. When a man and woman fall in love, their bodies begin to produce certain hormones, the main task of which is to decorate the world with bright colors;
  2. Saturation is when feelings calm down. This is the period when we are usually accustomed to the presence of our partner. Romantic relationships become part of our life and reach their peak. The saturation period begins, followed by saturation;
  3. Antipathy, which is mandatory for all long-term relationships. This is the period of the beginning of the scandals;
  4. Patience. If we develop our patience, we will be rewarded by the development of the mind. This is the law of nature;
  5. Respect;
  6. Friendship - Serious Preparation for Love. This phase is based on previous relationships. Without mutual respect, the relationship will not develop;
  7. Love. This is a difficult and long way. The couple receives a well-deserved prize - true love. According to psychologists, people can pass these stages of love for about 12 years, and sometimes more.

Marriage is a very responsible step in relationships. Women are much more serious about this issue than men. Therefore, much more often for help, how to establish relationships with her husband on the verge of a crisis in family relations, women are addressed.

Women more often seek help to establish relationships with her husband on the verge of crisis

The ideal development of relations depends on each of the spouses - from their knowledge and duties. Relationships cannot develop by themselves - they need to work on them to both parties. When this does not happen, the relationship is spoiled.

Of course, problems arise and they need to decide. Do not blame each other when they arise. This is a manifestation of unreasonable egoism, which never leads to a true problem solving.

In the family, the worst crisis in relationship occurs after the birth of a child. The appearance of a small person is reflected in many levels, but mainly in relationships a couple, as this leads to a change in the established rules and the inclusion of the new role - upbringing. It is not by chance that the birth of the first child is considered a regulatory crisis in family life.

At best, new rules can help them achieve richest and more satisfactory relationships that bring together parental roles. In an undesirable case, the crisis may distract partners, and they remain at a distance due to the impossibility of understanding that it is necessary to change the relationship.

The worst crisis in relationship occurs after the birth of the child

Perhaps it is not by chance that the Chinese have the same hieroglyph that says the words "crisis and change". The idea is that the crisis contains the possibility of change. Let's look at some tips to help you understand how to establish relationships with your husband after the birth of a child, if they gave the crack:

  • The sooner the mother adapts to the child, the easier it will be for everyone in the family. And a new rhythm, which is good for everyone, will be faster;
  • There may be periods or difficult nights when the father goes to bed in the living room to relax or relieve the dream of a mother and a child. But it is inappropriate to stay there until the child is 5 years old;
  • Sharing one bed creates a sense of proximity between the two partners;
  • For a child who is used to sleeping with parents first, you can put the cradle to the parent bed, on the side of the mother. It is not recommended that the child sleeps between parents. Sometimes, the night touch between two partners remains the only intimacy that they can enjoy each other;
  • Do not forget to arrange a romantic evening to your loved one. Believe me, such surprises will only delight him and give confidence that he still takes an integral role in your life.
  • If you forget to give her husband due attention and plunge completely into households and a child, an option is possible that he will start looking for a lacking female attention on the side.

As a result, then women are trying to find a way out and a solution to how to establish relationships after its treason.

If a man lacks female attention, he begins to look for him on the side

Men's treason is divided into 2 categories:

  • When he is deprived of his female attention;
  • When the feelings were faded, and he is looking for new emotions on the side.

To determine the treason of your man is very simple. If he does not want to talk to you, constantly passionate about the phone, computer, meetings with friends and is still delayed at work - these are the first signals for anxiety.

It is meaningless to advise anything in this case, since every woman herself decides whether she needs a relationship after her husband changed it or not. The only thing to do is to frankly talk about all the problems of your family and come to a general solution.

If everything is bad, and you cannot solve problems yourself, you can turn to a psychologist or read books about family psychology.

There is a category of women who are not so believe in psychologists, how to establish relationships with her husband on the grain of family relations with the help of a conspiracy. While men often decide the problems of methodically, women show care. Women's prayer often focuses on what is the problem.

Woman to solve the problem resorts to prayer

All emotions and moving hormones make focus on the question of how they need to restore, or create relationships. By changing the "main subject" of each prayer, women seek a better result.

Tip: Pray specifically for the person who today is most annoying you. When we show undeserved grace to another person, she changes two lives, and not just yours. And then, at the end of the day, your kind words and thoughts will free you from everyone.

There are, of course, situations where you can no longer find a way to build relationships with your husband who are on the verge of divorce, but, most often, a reasonable way out is to regulate the relationship and the preservation of the family. Devotion is the basic quality of eternal love.