How to choose a professional hair dryer for home use. Competent choice of hair dryer

A hairdryer is simply necessary for women, since quite often there is a need to quickly get ready by washing your hair. What kind of it will you buy, what will it be like, and what pros and cons will it have? There are several subspecies of these devices, and the choice of a good hair dryer depends on many factors. Therefore, now we will learn how to choose the right reliable and inexpensive hair dryer for home use, which will serve faithfully and will not burn out in a month. After our article, choosing a model for yourself according to the following characteristics will not be difficult.

Device types

Directly to the types and subspecies of models for personal and family use include:

  • Devices with a brush in the form of a nozzle - stylers. They combine a standard device and brushing. As a rule, such hair dryers have a low power and are very convenient in the event that you urgently need a nosebleed hair styling. In addition, manufacturing firms help experienced cosmetologists with the richest range of linings.
  • Concentrators. If you only use the appliance when you need to style your hair, then you definitely need this model. You can find ratings of different hair drying devices on the forums. You can also see the price for them there. This device is versatile. He can both dry and style the hair with an air stream, while narrow-slot devices, on the contrary, concentrate the air stream on only one curl.

Professional apparatus

A professional hair dryer is designed for continuous and long-term use. Almost always, this type of technique is actively used in beauty salons. This machine is suitable for all hair types. It comes with a lot of attachments. There is no need to overpay when buying it if you use the device every 2 days.

Hairdryer diffuser

Diffusers. They were originally designed to diffuse air flow. Therefore, such a device dries not one curl, but several at once. Ideal for almost instant drying. But there is one drawback: it cannot be used too often, but you should not completely reject its usefulness in beauty salons. Today in stores you can buy various attachments for this type of equipment.

Model for home

A hair dryer for home has less power than a professional device, therefore, hair dries longer. It is not suitable for permanent use. Also not suitable for unhealthy hair, as it has many disadvantages, but it is cheaper than the rest. Here manufacturers follow the rule of price-quality ratio.

Compact model

The compact model has a small size, high power and a foldable handle. Usually does not have attachments. This hairdryer can even fit into a miniature handbag. Here the rule also works: the ratio - price-quality should be optimal. And remember, the choice of a model is about performance, not price. You can find more detailed tips on choosing a reliable hair dryer on the thematic forums. In the same place, we made ratings, based on the reviews of real model owners, by which you can choose the best hairdryer.

Device power

To buy a good device, you need to pay attention to the power of the device you need. Today there is a false opinion that the power of a device is directly proportional to its quality. This is far from the case. There are many tips for choosing a reliable hair dryer on the Internet. How to make its choice in terms of power? Pretty simple. There is no point in taking a low power model if your hair is below the shoulder blades. And for unhealthy, sensitive hair, you can buy an inexpensive but good device with a power of no more than 1.2 kW. You should not take an overly powerful apparatus. Firstly, you will simply overpay if you take more, besides, you will harm the health of your hair. For thick, long, and heavy hair, a device of 1.6 kW or more is required. This will make your hair look lush and beautiful. The best option is a hair dryer with power adjustment. Such a purchase can be made not only for you alone. You will definitely not overpay if you take it for a large family.

Number of speeds

When buying an inexpensive but good device, you need to pay attention to the number of speeds. A good hair dryer can have 3 speeds - low, medium and maximum. More is not needed for him. You will simply overpay if you neglect this advice on choosing a reliable device.

Temperature modes

Hot air from the dryer makes hair brittle. How to choose a model for temperature? The choice of a good device should be made individually, for each person - his own model. The more modes the device has for changing the temperature, the better. This will not only keep your hair healthy, but also create strong curls with its help. The choice of a good hair dryer is carried out according to the number of its temperature regimes. Today there are about five of them in the device. Choosing a good model is not that easy. The principle - I'll take the one that costs less, will not work here, since the health of your hair will directly depend on this tool. But everyone, for sure, would like the electrical appliance to be of high quality, and to work as long as possible. Therefore, this advice on choosing a reliable hair dryer will never be superfluous.

Additional functions

Hair dryers can be of three types: professional, household, that is, for home use, and compact, which take up little space, and you can take them with you on a trip. Each of these types has its own pros and cons. Professional models are mainly used in beauty salons and hairdressing salons. They are distinguished by their high power - from 1600 to 2300 W. With this device, the hair can be dried quickly enough, which is necessary for a hairdresser. But you need to understand that high power can cause hair overheating, and therefore damage them. And if at home you dry your hair often enough, then it is advisable to use products with thermal protection, or purchase a device with a lower power. In this case, a household option is suitable, the power of which is usually between 1200 and 1600 W. Drying with such a hairdryer will take a little longer, but it will be more gentle on the hair.
Well, a compact, or travel device, usually with a power of up to 1200 W, is lightweight, and can be folded so that the hostess can even place it in a small bag. But more often than not, this is where its positive aspects end.

Devices with attachments

  • Of course, hair dryers differ not only in power, but also in other technical characteristics, functions and the presence of a variety of attachments. The build quality is important for any technical product, and for a hair dryer, the material from which the body and the heater are made is also of great importance. The cheaper models use metal heaters that don't heat very evenly and adversely affect hair. The best option would be a ceramic heater. It distributes heat evenly, and the device does not get hot in your hands and spares your hair from overheating.
  • A good hair dryer usually has three speeds and three degrees of temperature, and an optional cold blower feature that helps keep your styling in place. In modern models, another additional function is often present - this is ionization, which prevents hair from electrifying, and, accordingly, they should turn out to be smoother and shinier.
  • Almost every hair dryer comes with one or more attachments. You will find the concentrator in the box with any model. It is shaped like a cylinder with a flattened end to help direct the airflow precisely. Many kits come with a diffuser, which may only be needed for curly hair. And in more expensive models, you can find an active diffuser, which also massages the scalp and creates volume at the roots.


How to decide which model to buy? No matter what they say, more eminent companies follow technical processes more carefully, adhere to the established norms, and monitor quality control. From more or less well-known and available manufacturers in our country, good products are produced by companies - Rowenta, Mozer, Bosch, and Braun... I would advise you to choose from these companies so that your hairdryer will serve for a long time

Rating of the best hair dryers 2018

The price category will also depend on the manufacturer and the product configuration. The higher the power of the device and the more additional functions - the higher its price will be. You can find detailed information on any model on the Internet. Well, we will only advise a list of the best hairdryer models that have become very popular in 2018, you just have to choose from our rating that model of the hairdryer that you prefer and of course your pocket.

A modern hairdryer is no longer just a primitive device with a fan and a spiral, but a modernized device with great possibilities for hair care. If the first hair dryers simply had a devastating effect on hair health, then special technologies and a number of additional useful functions have been introduced into today's hair dryers for maximum protection.

For example, the cool air function protects hair from overheating and locks in style. And such a function as air ionization is designed to remove static electricity from the surface of the hair and make it smooth, more manageable and silky. In addition, moisture is retained in the hair due to ionization. It is not uncommon today to find hair dryers with a steam function. Steam keeps the hair moist while the hair is shaping. Steam also reduces the level of harmful effects on the hair structure.

Hair dryers differ from each other, both in technical performance and in their purpose. Depending on the scope of application, the devices can be divided into three groups: professional hair dryers, household and compact.

Professional hair dryers

Professional models are designed for very heavy loads. They are actively used in hairdressing and beauty salons. These models simply have to be as reliable and durable as possible. After all, they have to work 8-10 hours a day. The power of such models ranges from 1400 to 2600 W. At this power, a fairly strong wave of hot air is created. In the clumsy hands of an amateur, the device is unsafe. There is a risk of harm to the scalp and hair health. But if the styling is done by a professional, then there is no reason for concern.

These hair dryers are quite massive (weighing from 400 to 800 g). Compared to other types of hair dryers, professional models are the most noisy at work. A professional hair dryer usually has two to three air flow rates and three to four temperature levels. There is definitely an option for quick air cooling. Thanks to a special filter, this type of device is protected from the ingress of hair, small particles and household dust inside. The filter can be easily removed and washed with plain water or cleaned with a soft brush.

Almost all professional hair dryers are equipped with a ceramic heating element, which contributes to more even heating. They also tend to have a beneficial air ionization function for the hair.

All models are equipped with a well-insulated, thick and flexible power cord. The wire length is three or more meters. This is necessary in order not to limit the freedom of movement of the master during work. The service life of such a device is up to ten years or more. The cost of a professional hair dryer is an order of magnitude higher than ordinary household models.

Household hair dryers

What's good for a professional doesn't always suit an amateur. Unlike professional models, a household hair dryer is designed so that you can use it yourself at home. Dry your hair, increase the volume of your hairstyle, make styling to your liking - all this can be done by yourself and without much effort, if you choose the right hairdryer, as they say "for yourself."

Agree that it is more difficult to do styling on your own head than on someone else's. Therefore, household hair dryers have slightly different parameters.

First, they are smaller in size than professional "brethren". Therefore, it is more convenient to manipulate them. Secondly, they weigh less to make it easier for you to hold the device over your head. Thirdly, the power of household models is much lower and this is not a disadvantage. Indeed, the higher the power of the device, the sooner the entire working process goes through. With a high power hair dryer, you simply may not have time to style your hair before it dries, and instead of a neat hairstyle, you will get a complete mess on your head.

Household hair dryers, as a rule, have an ergonomic cylindrical shape and a comfortable handle. All sorts of "little things" in the form of a humidity control sensor (the light changes color when the hair is dry) and also the introduction of an automatic shutdown sensor system (the hairdryer turns off when it is lowered onto the table) make working with the device as convenient as possible.

For everyday household use, you should not buy a professional device with high power. Whatever protective functions a professional device may have, it is not designed to be used every day. Therefore, for self-service, it is better to have just a household hairdryer with an average power of 1200 - 1400 W. This is quite enough for drying hair (the optimum temperature is about 60 degrees) and styling (no more than 80 degrees).

Compact hair dryers

It is easy to guess that this is a miniature device. There are models with a folding handle. Thanks to this design, the device can be easily stowed in luggage. It is comfortable to take it with you on a trip.

Portable models are usually low-power (less than 1200 W). Some of them are adapted to operate on recharged batteries, which is convenient in circumstances when it is not possible to use electricity. The functionality of these devices is minimized and they usually do not have protective functions like ionization of hot air. If the hair dryer has a very low power (for example, only 400 - 600 W), then it should not work for a long time (the engine may overheat). They should dry their long hair in several stages with short breaks so that the hair dryer can cool down.

Other types of hair dryers

Depending on the ability to do different types of styling, hair dryers are divided into the following types:

  • Hairdryers concentrators. In appearance, the device looks like a flat narrowed funnel (also called a nozzle). This specific shape helps to concentrate the air flow and deliver it in a targeted way to the right place. You can model a single strand, leaving the rest of the hair temporarily wet. This approach makes the styling neat, and also allows you to implement original hairstyle ideas.
  • Hair dryers diffusers. Models with a voluminous wide attachment in the form of a set of small branched plastic or rubber "fingers", which during the procedure raise the strands at the roots and create a light massage effect. This design contributes to soft, gentle drying of the hair, since here the hot air does not go in a continuous stream, but is scattered over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe head. Drying takes place mainly at the roots, and the ends of the hair may even remain slightly damp. Thus, using a diffuser hair dryer does not lead to breakage and split ends of the hair. Owners of thin hair are recommended to use just such a hairdryer. It is also the best option for drying damaged hair after a perm. However, this type of hair dryer is only suitable for drying hair and adding volume to the hair, but it is not suitable for styling.
  • Stylers (hair dryer). The main advantage of this type of device is that it can be used to simulate different hairstyles. For example, curl curls, create volume at the roots, make curls at the ends, style hair "from the face" or vice versa, and each time do the styling in a new way. On some devices, the working part can automatically rotate. It's convenient, but it takes some skill. This type of hair dryer is often supplied with several attachments. Thus, it can combine a hairdryer, brush, curling iron, curling iron, hair straightening plates. Stylers have little power because they are in close contact with the hair, but they are extremely effective nonetheless.
  • Multifunctional devices. Inexpensive highly specialized hair dryers can only do one thing. They have one attachment. But one cannot fail to mention that there are also multifunctional models that are equipped with several different attachments.

The more different attachments there are, the wider the range of capabilities of the device. If you are constantly in search of new images, you tend to constantly change something in your hairstyle, then you should have a multifunctional device at hand. Only a model equipped with all the attachments listed above will give real scope for creativity. Of course, multi-appliances are much more expensive than mono-hair dryers, but this is justified by the fact that you get everything you need for styling right away, and you don't have to buy each type of hair dryer separately.

A very important point - when using any thermo-unit, you need to know when to stop.

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A hair dryer should do the simple task of drying your hair quickly after washing to keep it looking good. What else can you expect from this device besides warm air? Along with the increase in the number of different models and types of structures, several parameters can be obtained that will make the use of this device more pleasant.

How to choose a hair dryer? To decide on a model, you need to find out which parameters you should pay attention to. Some of the guidelines in this article will help you decide on a model.

Choosing a hair dryer by parameters

When deciding which hairdryer to choose for hair styling, it is important to choose a design corresponding to the hair structure - length, thickness, density, shape of the strands. Consider the drying frequency:

  • If the hair is dried infrequently, it is healthy, strong, a fairly simple model.
  • If the hair is dry, styling is done daily, the curls are electrified, tend to lose moisture, before buying, you need to delve into the parameters of the device.

The most important parameters directly affect the condition of the hair, the convenience of drying:

  • ionizer,
  • cold air flow,
  • temperature control,
  • regulation of the flow rate,
  • power,
  • various attachments.

The appearance of hair, styling, hairstyle largely depends on the hair dryer. Therefore, for many women, it is very important.

When deciding which hair dryer to choose, you need to analyze the basic parameters of the device. Usually, when choosing a suitable model, take into account:

  • price,
  • features of the model,
  • the presence of the ionization function,
  • the presence of cold air,
  • the ability to regulate the temperature.

Power is rarely paid attention to, but it is an important characteristic. Let's consider the device parameters in more detail.


A desirable feature of a good hair dryer is light weight. Low weight will allow the hand not to get tired when drying, which is especially important for women with long hair. Using a heavy hair dryer for a few minutes is a pretty serious exercise for the muscles of the arm, especially if you need to do complex, prolonged styling.

Button layout

The location of the buttons is very important so that their use is intuitive, there is no risk of pressing an unnecessary button accidentally.


Power affects the drying speed. High power ensures short drying times.

  • There are low-power models with a power of 200-400 watts. These devices are suitable for rare use, drying short hair.
  • Some models boast a power output of 2400-2500 W - a fairly high figure. Appliances with high power can dry hair too quickly, you may not have time to give the curls the desired shape. High power is not always relevant. It is convenient when the drying speed can be adjusted with the speed, blowing force.
  • Long, thick, healthy hair needs a lot of power - 2000W is enough.
  • For long, thin hair, a 1500 W appliance is enough.
  • Which hair dryer to choose for short hair? For owners of short hair, 1500 watts is enough.
  • If you do not need to spend a lot of time in the morning for drying, styling your hair, a high-power hairdryer is ideal - above 1800 W. Professional best hair dryers with power from 2200 W have additional functions. For example, the new Air Plus technology, thanks to which air passes through the device faster. Professional models are ideal for quick styling.
  • Which hair dryer to choose for straight hair? It's worth considering a high power model. With a concentrator attachment, these hair dryers will help you quickly make your hair with a strong air flow. The device will surprise you with how quickly you can achieve perfectly smooth, straight hair.
  • Avid travelers, people who regularly visit the pool, come in handy with a compact model of a slightly smaller size, quickly hiding in a bag. Compact models are characterized by less power - the smaller the size, the smaller the engine.
  • A low power hair dryer isn't just for travelers. It is useful for drying, styling curly hair.

Blowing force adjustment

Usually the blowing force can be adjusted. If a weaker airflow is required, the airflow control can be used. It is important that the hot air does not burn the hair. Some models have 4 levels of temperature, 4 levels of air flow, allowing a number of combinations to be set. The more temperature and flow levels there are, the more versatile the device is.

Hot or cold air

Temperature control is a huge plus of a hair dryer. It is great if it has a cold air function. Cold air in a hairdryer is very useful:

  • helps to fix the hairstyle;
  • reduces scalp sweating;
  • high temperature opens the scales and cuticles of the hair, cold pulls them out, smoothes them, does not expose the inner part of the hair to excessive loss of water.

Typically, the air temperature changes in 3 levels:

  1. summer,
  2. warm,
  3. very warm.

If during the drying process it seems that the air is too hot, you can reduce the air temperature in a convenient and quick way.

Ceramic heaters

Ceramic heaters heat up evenly, all curls are in contact with the temperature at approximately the same level. An even better heater is ceramic tourmaline, a natural source of negative ions.


The following nozzles are most common:


In the process of drying the curls, positive charges are produced, which open the hair scales, the hair becomes electrified, and becomes dull. Ionization prevents this phenomenon. The ion generator, located in some models, produces negative ions, neutralizes positive charges.

Additional options to make it easier to use the hair dryer

  • rotating cable (sometimes with automatic twisting function);
  • handle, hook for hanging;
  • silent work;
  • ergonomic handle covered with anti-slip coating;
  • foldable handle;
  • optimal dimensions of the dryer;
  • voltage selector for travelers (some countries may have different voltage, for example, the US voltage is 110V).

Which hair dryer is better to choose?

Considering hair dryers offered by different companies specializing in the production of hair styling equipment, you should first of all pay attention to the parameters most often used by family members.

Review of hair dryers for home use

Options Philips Moisture Protect Bosch ProSalon Power Braun Satin Hair 7 SensoDryer Babyliss Le Pro Intense Remington AC3300 Rowenta Respectissim Silence
Power, W 2300 2180 2000 2400 2200 2300
Temperature levels 3 3 4 2 3 3
Speed 2 3 2 2 2 3
Cold air + + + + + +
Ionization + + + + + +
Diffuser + + + + +
Concentrator + + + + (x2) + +
Cable length, meters 2,5 3 2,7 3 1,8
Hanging holder + + + + + +

Hairdryer for tourists

Compact travel hair dryers are characterized by:

  • small size,
  • folding handles,
  • changeable voltage, allowing you to travel freely.

Simplified models are small, ergonomic, do not have:

  • cold air flow,
  • ionization,
  • diffuser.


A hair dryer is a necessary device that helps to quickly dry curls, especially in the morning, when there is not enough time to organize a flawless hairstyle. Among women, there is a common misconception that daily use of a hair dryer destroys dry curls. This is not entirely true, modern equipment has many functions, additional attachments, provides comfort and safety.

The correct choice of a hair dryer is made taking into account:

  • hair type,
  • structures,
  • length,
  • drying frequency,
  • other factors.

In professional hairdressing salons, models with a power of 1900-2000 W are used; for home purposes, less powerful models with a power of 1600-1500 W are suitable. Drying temperature should not exceed 55 degrees. Powerful flow affects the volume of the hairstyle, drying speed, makes curls shiny and healthy.

It is a mistake to believe that the choice of a hair dryer can be carried out directly in the store. Sellers do not really care, they need to sell the product and get a percentage. But what is such a purchase fraught with? First you need to study all the parameters of the hair dryer, and then make a choice in favor of this or that device. In order not to be unfounded, let's consider the main criteria that should be emphasized. So, let's begin.

Hair dryer type

  1. Hair dryer with brush. If your hairstyle involves constant styling using a hair dryer and brushing, you should give preference to just this option. Power does not matter in this case, it will be more difficult to dry your hair in the usual way. But the plus of the device is that it can be used to create absolutely any styling, be it large curls or root volume. A hairdryer with a brush is suitable for girls with not very thick and fine hair.
  2. Standard hairdressing hairdryer. If you have dried your head at a hairdresser's at least once, then you probably know which device the masters use. A standard hair dryer is voluminous, powerful, has a lot of functions. If you don't need to take the fixture with you, and you plan to dry exclusively at home, this is ideal. Usually, the device comes with 2 nozzles (diffuser and guide). Suitable for all hair types, but it is heavy, so it is worth getting used to it first.
  3. The hair dryer is compact. The name suggests that this type of device is ideal for transportation and use in the "field" conditions. The compact device has a relatively small size, fits perfectly in the hand, so you can do styling of any complexity yourself. Sometimes the handle of a compact hair dryer folds down, which makes it even more convenient. Such a device costs less than the standard one, but is almost as powerful as it. Ideal to take on the road and business trips.

Hair dryer characteristics to look out for

The main parameters include the presence of additional functions (ionization, for example), all kinds of attachments, power, operating modes. Let's dwell on each aspect in more detail.


  1. Pay attention to this parameter first. Power determines how quickly you dry your hair without damaging it from high temperatures.
  2. Many people mistakenly believe that it is power that determines the final temperature of air heating. However, this statement is wrong. Power is the speed of air circulation, it is the airflow that is responsible for the speed and quality of drying.
  3. If your hair is weak and thin, you don't need to purchase a hair dryer that is too powerful. An indicator of 1200 W is quite enough. You will preserve beauty and not dry your hair. In addition, with very short hair, a powerful hairdryer will not allow you to create a beautiful styling, because moisture will quickly evaporate.
  4. For medium, long hair with optimal density, a 1600 W device is ideal. However, a hairdryer remains a universal option, which has the ability to adjust the power at your discretion.

Operating modes

  1. It is worth clarifying in advance that there are several main directions of the hair dryer operating mode. The first is the ability to regulate the temperature of air heating. The second thing to be mentioned is the blowing speed. Pay attention to these characteristics.
  2. It's good if the hair dryer has a temperature control. Also, the cold drying mode does not interfere (usually such a button is marked with a snowflake "*"). Make sure that there are at least 3 levels of temperature control.
  3. There are household appliance models with only one regulator. That is, when you reduce the blowing speed, the temperature is automatically reduced. It is very comfortable.

Filter availability

  1. Previously, it was not possible to open and clean the hair dryer from dust. Today you have a great alternative - buying a hair dryer with a filter. This facilitates the cleaning process and increases the service life.
  2. Pay attention to the presence of this very filter. As a rule, it is placed on the back of the device and covered with a mesh. If the element is easy to remove, you will have no difficulty in caring for the hairdryer.

Ionization function

  1. Modern manufacturing firms are increasingly supplying devices to store shelves that are gentle on hair. A hairdryer with ionization is just such an option.
  2. Ionization is marked with a special button. This function is required to enrich the hair with oxygen, prevent the static effect (electrification), and improve the quality of drying.
  3. A hairdryer with such settings will become a real assistant in caring for your hair. As a result of its use, the hair does not dry out, does not frizz, and the likelihood of split ends is reduced.
  4. This result is achieved due to the fact that the hair is charged with negative ions. They become as smooth as after using an iron.
  5. Cold airflow is set due to the presence of a separate button. First, drying is carried out with a hot air stream, then the result is fixed with a cold blower.


  1. When choosing a hair dryer, you should pay attention to how many nozzles are included in the kit. This way you can get the most out of your home appliance. If you are only drying your hair with a hairdryer, there is no need for an abundance of all kinds of attachments.
  2. A professional device must have a nozzle with a diffuser. This attribute delivers air diffused and soft, it does not harm the hair. This addition protects the structure of the curls.
  3. Some manufacturers produce a hair dryer with an active diffuser, in which moving tips are present. Thimbles of this kind massage the scalp and add volume to the hair at the roots.
  4. Almost any model of hair dryer has a concentrator nozzle. The attribute looks like a flattened cone. As a result of using a hair dryer, the air flow will blow in the exact direction. Hair dries much faster. The attachment is convenient for styling.

Today, when choosing a hair dryer, you can get lost. Manufacturers around the world offer an impressive number of models for various applications. Among the variety of household appliances, there are several of the most popular models for all occasions.

"Bosch PHD9760 / 9769"

  1. The model is multifunctional and easy to use. This kind of hair dryer is suitable for home use and professional hairdressers.
  2. The attribute has a fairly high power and 6 speed modes. The hair dryer boasts three temperature settings, including the ability to use a cool stream.
  3. This model has several positive qualities. The hair dryer is equipped with a powerful motor, due to which the attribute works without problems for a long time.
  4. The device has an ionization function that can be turned off with a button. The hairdryer comes with many attachments, a long cord and a quick dry function. The diffuser is easy to use.
  5. As for the cons, there are not many of them. The model is heavy, with prolonged use, the hand quickly gets tired. Also, the cost of a hair dryer is about 4000 rubles.

"Philips HP8280"

  1. The manufacturer of this hair dryer model has taken care of a stylish design. The fair sex fell in love with the attribute not only because of its appearance, but also because of its impressive list of characteristics.
  2. The hair dryer is equipped with a thermal sensor, when the hair dries, the device reads the values \u200b\u200band gradually reduces the temperature of the supplied air. As a result, the hair is not destroyed.
  3. Of the advantages of the hair dryer, several speed modes, power, the ability to use a cold stream and the ionization function can be distinguished. The attribute has a stylish look, a removable filter, a long cord and comfortable attachments.
  4. Of the minuses, the high price of the hair dryer immediately catches the eye. Its cost is about 6,000 rubles. Also, the model is relatively heavy.

"Panasonic EH-NE31"

  1. The main quality of the hair dryer is compactness and convenience. With this model, you can quickly dry your hair.
  2. Convenience and ease of use of the model allows you to use the hair dryer in different power air flows. As a result, even thick hair can be quickly dried.
  3. Among the advantages of the device stand out multifunctionality, compactness, simplicity and low noise. As for the cons, the hairdryer is not supplied with attachments. The cost is about 2500 rubles.

"Polaris PHD 2077i"

  1. The hair dryer stands out from the rest with its design, high quality, an abundance of additional attachments and functions. Also, the model has a low cost.
  2. The hair dryer fits perfectly in the hand, is light in weight and size. The advantages include a unique appearance, good functionality, protection against overheating and ease of use.
  3. The hair dryer works in 3 temperature modes with different power levels. Hair dries quickly. The disadvantages include the fact that the cord does not have the ability to rotate. Also, the model is quite noisy. The average price is 1,500 rubles.

If you want to find a quality hair dryer, there are many models and their capabilities to explore. Consider your hair type and budget. Today in electronics stores there is an abundance of different hair dryers. Rely on a renowned company, functionality and equipment of the model.

Video: how to choose the perfect hair dryer

The morning of modern girls does not begin with coffee, or rather, not only with it. Before leaving the house, among other things, you need to have time to wash your hair and do the styling. In conditions of a catastrophic lack of time, one cannot do without a hairdryer. We will not frighten readers, but only warn that the hair dryer from an assistant can turn into a real enemy, acting slowly and confidently, day after day, killing healthy hair. You should not go to extremes and completely abandon artificial hair drying - you just need to know which hairdryer is right for you. We figure out what a good hair dryer looks like and what it can do, what attachments and functions are needed, which ones can be easily dispensed with, and which brands can be trusted. Bonus tip - rating of the best hair dryers on the market in 2017.

Girls and some men who are used to devoting a lot of time to their appearance know well the features of their hair. Since each of us is individual, there is not and cannot be a general formula that allows you to determine exactly which hairdryer is better. Going to the store, you should at least roughly know your hair type and determine the requirements for a hairdryer. It can simply dry your hair, or it can be a multifunctional professional device.

Enough lyrics! Let's move on to the main parameters that are important to consider when choosing a hair dryer. We will not torment you with an abundance of text - everything is short and to the point:

  • power of household hair dryers ranges from 200 to 2000 watts. Anything bigger is already professional models. The generally accepted rule is that the thinner and more damaged hair, the lower the power should be. In fact, it is difficult to find a hairdryer with a power below 1400-1600 W, they are represented mainly by road options that do not dry as quickly as we would like;
  • nozzles significantly increase the cost of a hair dryer, but often remain dusty in the box. The most popular nozzle is the concentrator, which allows you to direct the entire flow of air to a small section of hair and make the desired style. Diffuser nozzle with finger-like protrusions should dry your hair faster, without injuring it, and make it fuller. It is difficult to do a neat styling with it, but at the expense of gentle drying everything is correct - the nozzle is well suited for injured hair. Hair dryer styler - a separate type of device, it resembles a round comb. Manufacturers offer a variety of attachments for such hair dryers, allowing you to curl, add volume, detangle and straighten hair. Such hair dryers are no longer intended for drying, but for gentle hair styling;
  • air temperature... Hairdressers literally scream that it is necessary to dry your hair with cold air, as hot air spoils it greatly. Only now there is not always time to wait until the hair dries out under the currents of cool air, therefore, ideally, the hair dryer should provide for temperature control. This is also important if several people with different hair types use the device at once. The required minimum is the presence of the function of supplying cold air, and in a high-quality device, the temperature should change almost instantly;
  • heating element type when buying a hair dryer, it usually bothers us least of all, and manufacturers prefer to divert our attention from this moment, pointing out the ionization function and other fashionable "gadgets". In the most common hair dryers, a metal heating element is installed, it often overheats and unnecessarily heats the air, and as a result, we get dry hair and scalp. Ideally use ceramic coated heating element, and even better - with tourmaline, but there are few such models on sale;
  • optimal number of speeds - 3, which meets any drying conditions. No longer required;
  • additional functions... Some models have the function ionizationwhich supposedly should make hair smoother and more manageable. The result is not very effective: fluffy hair still has to be smoothed, and ionization kills the effect of voluminous hair. Modern hair dryers have the function steam humidification, we will not deny its effectiveness, but it will not work for thin brittle hair;
  • overheat protection, a long cord with a hinge and a durable plastic case - a guarantee of long and safe use of the hair dryer;
  • manufacturer name means a lot. The proven ones include the German brands Bosch and Braun, the French Rowenta and Babyliss, the Italian Piu, the Japanese Panasonic, the Dutch Philips, the English Scarlett and Remington. There are cheaper Polish counterparts on the domestic market.

For reference! It is optimal to dry your hair at a temperature of 50-60 0 С, keeping the hair dryer at a distance of 5 cm and not staying for a long time in some areas. The roots can be dried with slightly hotter air, the tips with cooler air. If the hair has already dried out, the temperature can be increased to 70-80 0 С. It is recommended to fix the styling with cold air.

Best hair dryers 2017: rating

Bosch PHD9760 / 9769

The secret of the success of any technique is simplicity, functionality and low price. This model confirms this, being practically the sales leader in the domestic market. The model has everything you need and has almost nothing superfluous. Among the main advantages long wire, several heating modes and removable filter, therefore, as necessary, all the "insides" of the hair dryer can be cleaned of hair and dust. Light weight, excellent design, the quality of the plastic is on top, power also. There are no obvious flaws, therefore, with a small amount of subjectivity, we can call the model the best hairdryer on the market at the moment in terms of price and quality ratio.

Polaris PHD 2077i

If a small amount is allocated for the purchase of a hair dryer, but you do not want to sacrifice quality at the same time, then the model from Polaris is optimal. Hair dryer looks great, differs non-slip grips, lightweight and equipped with an ionization function. In reviews, users share their experience that ionization has a noticeable and extremely positive effect on their hair. The disadvantages of the model are difficult to find, given its price. The only thing, at first there may be a smell of plastic, but this is a feature of most new products.

Dyson supersonic

This hairdryer is the other extreme in terms of cost. It stands like a top smartphone, differs unusual appearance and, according to the manufacturer, he should do real miracles with his hair, and one wants to believe in this, given the price. The main feature of the model is lack of blades... I remember that Dyson once completely changed the view of how a vacuum cleaner should work, developing cyclonic devices. Hair dryers are next. Dyson Supersonic produces a more powerful and directed air flow than a conventional hairdryer, hair will no longer be sucked into the hairdryer, and the noise from the model is less than from a simple hairdryer.

The heating temperature is set from 28 to 100 0 С and is precisely maintained during the drying period, the attachments are held by magnets, the hair dryer is light and ergonomic. It costs, however, more expensive than most professional models, but is positioned exclusively as a household one. This is something like Apple in the world of hair dryers, but among the minuses is the price and the need to get used to use.

Bosch PHD1150

Compact travel hairdryer with foldable handle and sufficient power. Supplied with adapter for 110 V sockets and convenient storage bag and transportation. For owners of short or thin hair, such a hairdryer will be universal. There is nothing superfluous in a hairdryer device, so if ionization and cold air are needed, look towards other models. For such a small price, this is a very good hair dryer.

Rowenta CF 9220

This hair dryer has become so popular that it can be safely called a folk model. High-quality performance, the required minimum of features and a relatively low price became the key to success. Ceramic coated tips and rotate automatically. There are 2 rotation speeds, there are also two attachments in the kit - these are brushes with different diameters, 3 and 5 cm. It is easy to operate the brush, it allows you to curl and straighten your hair, the effect is worth the money spent. Users only complain about the cold air supply, or rather, the cold air becomes hot over time, but this is the best model among the hair dryers with a rotating brush.

Philips HP8230

Another quality hair dryer that deserves our attention. The model pleases with the ability to independently adjust the temperature and air flow rate, has removable filter, stylish and ergonomic design. Users praise the hairdryer for the lack of unnecessary bells and whistles for which you have to overpay, as well as for its reliability. The model has no drawbacks.

BaByliss 2736E (2735E)

An excellent hairdryer with an extended range of attachments, which include a concentrator, straightening attachment and brushes, all of them have a ceramic coating, they can rotate for comfortable styling and great results in the end. Of the pleasant features, the presence removable filter and case... The device copes with its functions with a bang, but users complain that over time the nozzle holders fail - this is the weak point of the model.

Lumme LU-1042

The cheapest hairdryer in our review.It's compact road model with a folding handle, but at the same time it has a decent power, so you won't have to worry about drying your hair for a long time. The advantages include a pleasant design, a minimal price and the absence of unnecessary functions, among the shortcomings - lack of cold airbut this feature is not that important on the road.

Parlux 385 PowerLight Ionic & Ceramic

This hairdryer is located on the border of household and professional... It is powerful, allows you to accurately regulate the heating temperature and air flow intensity, has an ionization function and is equipped heating element with ceramic coating... The model will be an excellent option for those who already have a decent experience in creating hairstyles and know how to handle powerful hair dryers. The striking appearance attracts attention and will not make you look for a device for a long time. If you need a powerful semi-professional device, then this hairdryer is the best choice.

Braun AS 530

Rounding out our rating is the Braun hair dryer. The model is compact, lightweight and steam humidification functionmaking it even easier to achieve perfect styling. The kit includes a comb attachment and a round nozzle with teeth, so hair can be curled or straightened. In the reviews, users note that using the device it is possible to achieve salon styling.

Finally, we note that together with a hairdryer, it does not interfere with the use of special heat protection products for hair. Hot air styling is not recommended more than 4 times a week to maintain healthy hair.