Which comb is best combing hair. What break is suitable for you? Choose together

Unlocking naughty curls, giving a hairstyle, removal of contamination, massage of the scalp ... With all these tasks, only one thing copes with all these tasks - comb for hair. So, it is absolutely everything in it - both the form, and the material, and even how comfortable to keep it in your hands.

Today, probably, the most popular form is comicing the massage brush. It not only combs her hair, but also massages the skin of the head, providing blood flow to it. Especially well coped with this task brush, at the ends of whose cloves there are small balls, similar to the matchheads. But such a comb does not suit the owners of oily scalp, because in this case the massage and stimulation of the sebaceous glands will only be harmed.

To comb thick and long hair, the brush should be quite large - at least 12-16 rows of teeth. But the shape of the brush is a square, oval, round - can be chosen at its discretion, it does not affect the quality of combing.


If your hair is thick and naughty, it is better if the teeth will be quite thick and rare. They will greatly cope with all the "confusing moments", but will not pass out and break the hair. But the owners of thin hair will make a brush with quite frequent and thin cloth. It will help create an additional volume when combing.

There is another variety of brushes designed specifically for laying. In such models, the framework on which the teeth holds are absolutely empty inside and is equipped with several holes. Such a design allows air when laying a hairdryer to pass through the comb and strand and thus better dry hair.

Another indispensable assistant when laying - brasching, or round brush. Most often, it also has a skeleton base with small holes for air passage. Brasing is suitable for giving the hairstyle of a certain form and creating volume. The largest brashiki are designed for long hair. To create Kudrey, it is better to choose medium-sized brash, and the thinnest will fit for modeling hairstyles from short hair or for bangs.

Comb-crest also has many modifications intended for different types of hair. For example, a comb with rare and wide cloves is absolutely indispensable for combing immediately after washing, because it does not damurgate the hair when combing, so it should not be sharp faces and seams. A more frequent comb is suitable, for example, to create a probor.

If the cloves on the crest of different lengths or are located at different angles, then this comb is intended for the PC. By the way, the jar on the tooth helps to pull out separate hairs from strands, due to which the nobody is obtained more voluminous.

We will materialist

Pay attention to the fact that a pile of combs. Give preference to natural materials, such as boar's bristles. In fact, it is the same hair, but more tough and durable, because friction does not arise between the bristles and our hair. Such a comb is gently sliding through the hair, without pulling out and without confusing them. "Bristy" comical is especially recommended by the owners of thin, weak and blond hair. But those whose hair is thick and tough, it is better to choose a comb, in which plastic cloves are dubbed bristles.

Also pay attention from which material is made of a comb. Wooden remove static electricity, which can accumulate on her hair. But the tree has its drawbacks. For such a comb, hard to care for. After washing at best, she will darken, and at worst - can crack.

Metal combs also perfectly remove static electricity, but they often do not need to use them, especially if your hair is thin and brittle. Plastics - the most budget and affordable option. In addition, they are easy to wash, they serve for a long time, they are comfortable to carry them. But here our lap this practical material is not to taste at all. First, plastic combs additionally electrify hair. Secondly, if the cloves are poorly polished and have irregularities, they can cause many problems - fragility, the appearance of split tips.

For laying it is better to choose a comb with an iron basis having a ceramic coating. Thanks to the properties of ceramics, heating is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the base, and under the influence of heat, the strand becomes softer and better gives in to laying.

By the way, professionals advise to buy comb, whose knobs are made of rubber or traffic jams. They will not slip even out of wet hands.

Olga Karaseva
Photo Getty / Fotobank. Alexander Zelentsov

Thank you for help in preparing the stylist material Sergey Maslov and editor of the online journal of hairdressers www.hairnow.ru Cyril Kulikova

Luxurious long and thick hair require constant and gentle care. Any representative of beautiful sex knows about it. Good shampoo, mask, balm or air conditioner will help save curls shiny, soft and silky, but these are far from the only treatments for hairstyle.

A properly chosen brush will help to avoid the appearance of sequential, brittle and damaged hair. Combing is a regular procedure, so the comb must be as gentle as possible for any type of lap.


Incorrectly chosen comb, massage brush or comb not only will not bring use long hair, but they will harm them strongly. A high-quality comb stimulates the influx of blood to the skin of the head, helps strengthen hair growth and makes them healthier, smooth and shiny.

The procedure for combing long curls is also different from combing short hair.The process begins with unraveling tips, gradually moving to the roots. At the same time, the strands need to be carried out to prevent the hairs and confuse them.

Long hair besides certain difficulties in leaving and combing, gives its happy owners of a real space for creating all sorts of hairstyles. For this, one combs will be small, so there are at least 2-3 in the Arsenal of fashionista, or even more. One is intended for daily care, the second will help with stacking, the third will come in handy to create a festive hairstyle or haircut.

Best models

All combs can be very conventionally divided into three large groups:

  • combs;
  • massage brushes;
  • combs for laying.

The choice of a suitable model directly depends on the length of the curls, their thickness and state. The material from which the comb, the number and length of the bristles is made, the quality of the product is also taken into account.

Comb skeleton. Most often is made of plastic and is intended for drying and styling hair with a hairdryer. Thin, long teeth help to separate strands from each other and exclude the possibility of their cutting and injury. Such a model is suitable for straight hair.

Round comb is mainly used for laying. With it, you can easily create such beautiful hairstyles as Kare, Bob, Page and other models. It is equally well suited for thin and thick hair. With it, you can create luxurious waves, large curls, straighten naughty strands. A round comb is produced in several diameters, so that using models of different sizes, you can safely experiment and create curls, curls, curls.

The massage comb, in addition to straightening and unraveling hairs, also has a stimulating effect for the scalp. Due to massage teeth, an improvement in blood microcirculation occurs, hair growth is enhanced.

Models can have a different form (oval or rectangle) and run from different materials (wood, plastic, ceramics).

Depending on the material from which the accessory is made, shafts are divided into:

  1. Wooden. Suitable for curls of any length, there are long and short, frequent and rare teeth. Wood apple trees, pines, birch, oak, juniper and other trees have a beneficial effect on the scalp.
  2. Silicone. Perfectly suitable for easy combing, so it is recommended to girls and women with thin, brittle, weak hair. Silicone is not electrified, soft, pleasant to the touch, perfectly washes.
  3. Ceramic. Ceramics is a heat-resistant material, so such combs are usually used when laying using a hair dryer.
  4. Plastic. The advantages of such combs include their low cost, low weight, hygiene and practicality in care. Disadvantages - short-life, accumulation of static voltage.
  5. Metal. It is best to give preference to models with rounded silicone or rubber balls on the tooth. They do not injure the skin of the head and hair.
  6. With genuine bristles. Advantages: lack of static electricity, soft, careful care for the hairstyle, no interaction with cosmetics. Such teeth are not suitable for very thick hair.
  7. From carbon. Comb is performed from alloy graphite and rubber. Perfectly suitable curls of different types.
  8. From nylon. Hygienic, durable, inexpensive option for straightening climbing hair and styling.
  9. From Ebonita. Material has antistatic properties, simple and practical in care and use.

Tools for professional hairdressers are divided into comic for the separation of strands, staining, felting, giving volume, twisting and other manipulations and procedures.

  1. Long hair is best suited massage brushes and flat comb. To create an evening version with curls and curls, you can choose Brashiki (round brushes) of different diameters.
  2. To care for curly and wavy curls, it is best to choose combs with long and rare teeth.
  3. For hard, thick hair, it is best to choose the most gentle options for accessories: from ebonite, silicone or carbon. Teeth should be rare.
  4. "Revip" thin hair will help a massage brush, flat comb and brush.
  5. If the hair is fat, it is better not to use comical with natural bristles and massage brushes. Excessive stimulation of the skin of the head will lead only to even greater planting of the hair.
  6. Dry and brittle hair are characterized by a special fragility. Soft silicone accessories will be suitable for care.
  7. Instructed strands need special care. It is best for them to make a comb with genuine bristles. The teeth should be large enough.
  8. Polists her hair and make them smoother and shiny flat brush with genuine bristles.
  9. To straighten the curls, it is best to purchase heat-ending.
  10. Combing thin wet hair (for example, after bathing in the pool) will help a flat skeleton comb.

Any accessory needs regular and thorough care:

  1. It is necessary to remove the hairs stuck between bristles daily.
  2. 1-2 times a week is rinsed in a soap solution.
  3. Wooden accessories are not recommended to store near heating devices or indoors with high humidity.
  4. The fatty falling or dirt is removed by hydrogen peroxide or diluted solution of ammonic alcohol.
  5. Combs from the ebony is not recommended to wash in hot water. The material at high temperatures is deformed and destroyed.
  6. You can not use cracks with cracks and damaged teeth. Such an accessory must be replaced.
  7. Any combs and brushes need regular upgrade.

Every girl, concerned about their hair, should know which comb is best suited for her hair type. Combing is a daily procedure, so it must be as gentle and thoughtful.

Features and advantages

Incorrectly fragmented comb will damage the hair, tear strands and even contribute to the cross section of the tips. It can also electrify hair and make them more fluffy.

But the qualitative comb selected in all the rules, on the contrary, will provide your hair due care.

Regular combing provides blood flow to the head, which accelerates hair growth and makes them healthier.


There are several types of comb. Each of them has its purpose and features. That is why in the assortment of the real girl there should be not one comb, but at once several models performing different functions.


The most common comb classical form should be every girl. But they differ in the material. It can be artificial, natural or mixed.

The best option is a comb with genuine bristle. Wooden comb perfectly massages his head.A thin ridge of this type helps to unravel curls, making a hairstyle neat and well-groomed. Such a comb is too voluminous to wear it with you. But it is perfect for combing their curls before bedtime.


High-quality massage brush is another useful accessory to care. It is needed for a head massage, which, in turn, contributes to an increase in blood circulation and, accordingly, faster hair growth.

Combing hair with a massage brush, you make them smoother, smooth and well-groomed.

There are different options for such combs: wooden, metal or plastic. Experts recommend choosing wood. The massage of the brush made of natural material is capable of bringing maximum benefit.


For a long time, beauties use thin crests to care. The history of such combs is so long that the appearance of the first comb dates back to the times of ancient Rome. In those times, the ridges were made from bones, but today the models made of wood or plastic are more popular.

Plastic ridges are still undesirable - they will only exacerbate the confusion of your hair and strengthen their electricality.


Another important variety is compact combs that can be taken somewhere with you. These can be small brushes, crests, or even multifunctional models that are simultaneously combing, and a mirror. They are easy to fit in the bag, so you can always adjust your hairstyle during the day wherever you go.


Brasing is a special comb, which are most often used in professional laying. They have a cylindrical shape and a circular hole directly inside the case. Such brushes should be used for styling with a hairdryer. So you will get the most beautiful and spectacular laying at home. With the help of a brash, you can create large curls, as well as to give a special form of a short-cut chapel.

It is best to choose Brasing with the most natural bristle. In this case, your hairstyle will not be too voluminous and electrified.

The secret of the work of Brasing from a professional hairdresser:

Popular Materials

Combly differ not only in their appearance, but by what material is made of. Let's look at the three most popular options that modern girls enjoy in their daily life.


Combus from wood is, in general, the best choice for girls, regardless of the type of hair. Such brushes are best suited for care. They do not electrify their hair, but only as small as possible smooth them. Those combs are best combing hair after applying masks or various styling. This is justified by all these funds do not enter the chemical response with elements available in their composition.

When choosing materials, it is worth paying attention to the features of each of them. So, birch comb contributes to the treatment of dandruff. It also enhances the effects of masks on your hair.Soothe the damaged scalp and soften it is worth using an oak comb.

Another popular option is a juniper comb. In addition to a pleasant forest fragrance, which gives this brush, its plus can be called and the ability to calm and remove stress. But if you have problems with dandruff, then you should buy a cherry comb.

When choosing wooden brushes, it is better to abandon colored models. Your purchase should be the most natural possible and, accordingly, high quality.


From breakdowns made of plastic, it is better to refuse. They do not care for their hair, but only strengthen the literacy of the strand and spoil the general condition of the hair. More useful for hair carbon or silicone brushes.

They are used by professional stylists and hairdressers. It is not worth using them on a daily basis, but they are suitable for certain procedures - haircuts, laying or staining. In this case, thin plastic combs perfectly shared strands and easily wash.


Another common option is a metal comb. It allows you to unravel even the most cooked curls. But stylists are recommended not to use such combers with the owners of painted hair. The fact is that the metal can enter into reactions with the chemical components of your paint, changing the shade of your hair.

In addition, rigid metal can be injured by strands of hair. This is especially true of the owners of subtle and brittle strands.

Which is better

The choice must match the individual characteristics of your appearance. First of all, pay attention to the length. For owner of short-cut hair, it is enough to choose one high-quality comb. But if you have long curls, then you should get two brushes - one for daily use, and the other - for special occasions when you need spectacular laying.

As a combat for daily use, it is best to choose a classic brush with genuine bristles. But for laying, you can choose Brasing, which will allow you to lay your hair without any problems in the desired hairstyle.

Another important point about which is worth remembering - a massage brush is best suited for long hair, while for short hair will be more useful. The length of the hair depends on the length of the teeth. The longer your curls, the longer, respectively, should be the teeth on your scallop. This will facilitate the combing process.

If you have dry or risen hair, then the brush must be supplemented as soft and elastic cloths. You can also pick up a comb with genuine bristle, which also does not injure hair. If you have oily hair, then you better enjoy wooden or horny comb.

For thin and straight hair, you can choose any massage brush. Similar solids do not harm hair and do not spoil their structure. The same brushes are worth buying and with hair loss. If this problem is relevant for you, then it is better to buy just such a soft comb that will smooth out curls without pulling them out. But due to the fact that such a brush also massages the head, the influx of blood to its surface increases, which means that the hair begin to grow faster.

But the intricate and naughty curls will be easier to comb with rare cloths. So curls are divided into thin strands, and you do not damage them at the same time.

For thick hair, a wide comb with natural bristles is intended. It is for her that you can make the most effectively combing strands, separating them.

In addition, comb is needed to provide full-fledged daily care. At least once a week, the brush is to rinse. Of course, this can only be done if the material allows. To do this, it is first used boiling water, and then a soap solution. Mucked this way the comb must then rinse well and dry, putting on a dense terry towel.

It is also worth remembering that the comb that you use on a regular basis cannot be transferred to someone. Do not use one brush for two even with loved ones so that your hair always remains healthy and looked well maintained.

But even if you provide proper care with your comb, it still should not serve you longer than six months. Even if the comb still looks decently, every two seasons it still should be replaced with a new one.

Also change the comb is standing if you have noticed at least minimal damage on it. If the tips of the cloves crack, then it's time for you to buy a new brush - this comb will only harm the strands.

As the girl with beautiful long strands says in one well-known advertising: "The hair is our pride!" To be proud of right by them, you need to make it right and regularly, and not the last role is played in this case. What should it be and how to choose it right?

Types of brushes

What combination is better for hair?

This question asks for itself any representative of the finest floor.

It must be remembered that when choosing this accessory, it is necessary to take into account the type of hair, the condition of the scalp and tasks that are planned to be solved with it. But first of all close attention requires material manufacturing material and the appearance of the product.

Both the handle itself and the base with the tooth should be smoothly polished: no jar, sharp faces and seams should not be, as they can easily damage the hair structure and scratch the surface of the head.

As for the material, today the following products are presented on the market:

  • Plastic. The most common and budget option. Not the best solution for leaving, because plastic creates a static electricity charge, besides, such an accessory causes the appearance of brittle and sequential strands;
  • Wooden. If you doubt what hair is better to use, give preference to natural and eco-friendly wood. It can be used to apply masks and other healing compositions for applying masks and other healing compositions with cosmetic components and does not distinguish toxins and harmful elements. However, the teeth must have a smooth and well-polished surface. If this condition is observed, the brush can be used for wet chapels;
  • Natural bristle. It is ideal for leaving the curls, because it does not damage their structure, it acts gentle by massaging the skin of the head, giving strands with shine and smoothness, and preventing the appearance of split tips;
  • Silicone. Excellent alternative to plastic. Silicone does not electrify curls, well divides them, not confusing, which makes it possible to easily apply mousse or foam.

Child Nuances

Every woman who follows the condition of their hair must be a few brushes. The universal version does not exist.

What combination is better for thin, devoid of hair volume?

Buy an accessory from natural bristles, just keep in mind that pleasure is quite expensive. And in order not to run into the fake, spend the experiment: Heat the natural pile. At the same time you must feel the smell of Painne. If you have long curls, with the help of such a brush you can easily make a "horse tail" hairstyle, smoothly combing strands into a bundle.

What other racial is best combing long hair?

In principle, the product from silicone or wood will be combined.

A small thickening on the tip of each individual element of the wooden accessory contributes to the massage of the skin of the head, thereby enhanced the blood circulation and the growth of the chapels. This option will be suitable for confused, naughty hair, especially after a chemical curling.

Which comb better to lay the hair?

Skeletal brush is specifically designed for drying hair with a hairdryer. Sheets are rare and large, and the base holes provide good air circulation, which is the prevention of burns.

However, if it may well provide the volume, then the finishing of the tips is not very coping. In the latter case, it is better to use round brushes - brashiki. Stop such a hair - one pleasure. It will provide a good root volume and round tips. But to do with its help, the curls are not worth - you can confuse long hair that you have to cut them. After laying on the hair, it is recommended to apply wax or any other special tool and combing the hair to the crest with rare teeth. This will allow you to distribute strands as if you just came out of the salon.

The same crest with rare teeth can be just a salvation for the owners of thick and curly hair.

What combination is best for sequent hair?

If you are hard to comb your thick, curly and confusing curls with a brush from natural bristles, but you like it very much, look for a combination analogue, in which natural bristles are adjacent to plastic teeth. It will be easier to slide on the chapel and give her shine.

As already mentioned, you can choose the accessory from the tree for the sequential strands and alternate these two brushes.

Use massage brushes is useful to all, but not those who have too fat from nature
Hair, because you can only increase the secretion of subcutaneous bass. Reflecting on what accessory is better suitable for your strands, pay attention to the brand and brand of the product. Never buy it in dubious places - transitions and spontaneous markets. And most importantly - follow the rules of care and love your curls, never with force again and again do not go through the tangled lump.

At first, you disperse it with your hands, and then spend the comb on this place.

Without combing, there is no decent hairstyle (the option "Shaggy nest" is not counting). Is it possible to make stacking without using the comb? And please fix the hairstyle? Not to mention the fact that all the hair is combing (excluding the owners of Lysin): men and women, from younger years and to deep old age. In general, the value of this humble accessory is difficult to overestimate. But from a good combs directly the state of our hair. How not to be mistaken, especially with the current tremendous choice?

Manufacturers offer dozens of various types of comb, models vary with appointment, shape and manufacturing material. From such an abundance just a head around! What is hair comb - the best? Answer: The one that is suitable for you.

And attention when buying should be paid to: Material manufacturing

Mini-excursion in history: a couple more hundred years ago, women combed their curls to the turtle or wooden ridge. Now the list of raw materials is essentially wider! So, there are plastic, and metal, and wooden comb, with artificial and natural bristles on sale. What are the advantages of these materials? And disadvantages?

but) Horn (buffalo, bull, yak, goat, etc.) or turtle shell- Undoubtedly, this is a great choice! The composition of the hair and horns are in many ways similar, there is such a small microparticle that is not only harmless - on the contrary, for the chapels there is a continuous use. So, when combing hair does not electrify. Also, possessing a soothing effect, horny products help with insomnia and migraines. In addition, such solid decreases and make hair smoother. However, as it usually happens, there is a significant drawback here - the price. Such material manufacturing is quite expensive. In addition, jar, chips and cracks in such a comb can damage and turn hair.

B) Plastic -the most common and inexpensive material. Most comb are possessed plastic teeth. Another advantage of such suites is simplicity in care: it is easy to wash that the germs will not be hordes. Disadvantage - plastic is strongly electrified. True, this flaw can be compensated by treating the surface with a combustible antistatic agent.

at) Metal. Care should be caution here. If you are customized to get a comb of such a material, it is better not to skit and choose a model from a well-known brand - a muster metal products are often dangerous. So, if there are no protective balls on the tooth, when combing it is possible to damage the hair and the scalp. And they heal such scratches for quite a long time.

In addition, since the metals are prone to oxidation, when painting hair from the use of these combs should be refrained.

Finally, for daily use, it is better to choose products made from another material. For frequent use, metal is not suitable.

At the same time, such models have a couple of advantages: first, they are not electrified, and secondly, they are easy for them to care.

d) Silicone combs.Decent choice. Combles from such a material are well sliding through the hair, anti-static, many use them with a chemical twist. Another advantage is silicone harmless to the scalp. At the same time, similar models from plastics or iron will cost cheaper.

e) Tree -this is excellent, like all natural, product making material. Such models are not electrified, and also does not injure hair. Moreover, they are useful, for example, combs from juniper soothing the scalp.

Choosing a wooden comb, you should pay attention to the quality of its grinding. So, if the comb is not smoothly sharpened, it can turn hair.

Minus wooden combs - they are quickly dirty, and therefore require frequent cleaning. Note: The unwashed comb can turn into a real seedler of microbes!

e) Natural bristles -a huge plus of any brush! This is useful for both beauty and hair health. Use when laying / combing brushes with genuine bristles gives the hair glossy gloss. The main minus here is the price. Quality, unfortunately, costs money.

Form and task combs

Form of the race speaks of its appointment, and not at allabout creativity designers, as you might think, looking at other models.And the appearance of calculates in the first place first of all from its mission. In general, all models can be divided into two groups: for combing andfor laying hair.

How to comb your hair?

Flat Rask. Without a handle, there are two species: with the same teeth along the entire length and combined - on one side of the teeth are massive and rare, and on the other - thin and frequent. This is a universal comb that best use short hair owners.

Massage brushes. The main function is combing; For laying, such models are also not suitable. But there is a weighty bonus: justifying its name, brushes also massage the scalp, thereby improving blood supply. And it accelerates hair growth!

Recommended by long hair holders, in this case the most optimal option is a massage brush with a combined - natural plus nylon cloves - bristles, for example, a wooden brush from the Hercules brand. If you choose a model, completely consisting of natural bristles, long hair will be difficult to comb.

Brushes shovels.Some buy them only for combing; Others also use brushes with a hairdryer, pulling hair.

Combs -these are flat combustures with rare long teeth. The scope of their application is also not limited to the combination. In addition, the ridges are actively used to evenly distribute masks through her hair.

What to lay your hair?

Skeletal Combs (Other Tunnel Name) Made specifically for hair styling with a hair dryer. Rare and large teeth in such models contribute to the neat separation of confused hair, and the base holes allow air better to circulate, which protects the skin of the head from the burn.

Tunnel combs two types: one and two third parties.

Three-row brushes Help to increase the volume, they are often used to create a nobody. Such models are produced by both genuine and artificial bristles. In addition, for the nosha, there are special combosity, which received the name of the same name. Their distinctive features are alternating long and short teeth.

Round Brushes (Brashikha) In skillful hands are capable of much. With their help, you can create waves or curls, as well as stretch (straighten) furry hair. Manufacturers offer brain with different diameter volume: large - for long-haired women, small - for owner of short haircuts. Wooden models with genuine bristles most often buy in order to smooth hair.

In some brains, the basis of a holey, in others - no (in this case, the hair will dry longer). Through the holes the air flow passes, respectively, the hair is dried faster.

Combs with a tail (long and pointed handle) are used to separate strands, for example, to create a smooth probor.

Combs-fork. On one end, they are made in the form of a fork, and on the other - in the form of scallop. Used to create hairstyles, as well as to give the shape of bangs, curls either by combat.

In addition, there are combs created torture, there are models designed specifically for a haircut, for extensive hair ("Trident" - the main teeth are broad, between them, small teeth). Etc. etc. A complete list of existing calculations is not limited to the above models.

It is interesting!Denman has developed several types of flavored hair brushes. Under the influence of the hair dryer, the fragrance from the brush is enhanced by filling the space with fresh fruit odor. Smooth pins with rounded tips provide careful, but reliable capture strands when laying. The brand offers brushes with blackberry aroma, strawberry, coconut and lemon.

How to choose a comb?

On the toilet table of a modern woman most often lies several combs - for combing and creating styling. Choose auxiliary stamping makes it necessary depending on the desired hairstyles. But as for hairbrows intended for combing hair, there are a number of general recommendations.

1 Holders of long hair is best to choose between massage brushes or shovel brushes, for short can be used flat comb.

2 hair brushes, as you know, are large and small. In large models, respectively, it is convenient to use the owners of thick long hair, and smaller brushes are girls who have their hair shorter.

Three curly hair is easiest to comb on wooden or silicone crest with rare cloths.

When buying, it should pay attention to how it is processed. The surface should be smooth and without burrs (especially this applies to wooden ridges and horn products). Teeth do not have to be sharp. In order not to injure the skin of the head, at the end of the teeth there should be drop-shaped thickening.

The rubber base of the massage brush must be elastic and durable, no breaks.

How to care for the comb?

Any comb must be cleaned regularly. For brushes, many use wet napkins (they remove dirt from each tooth) and shampoo with warm water. For comb, special cleaning are convenient for cleansing. So, there are universal cleaning, designed for comb, and for loans. In addition, there is cleaning made only for combs with frequent teeth.

Some, by the way, brush their combs in the dishwasher, throwing there at the same time and plastic toys.

Finally, if the favorite comb was damaged, it should be immediately thrown away. Broken teeth can harm her hair or scalp.