Prevention of bad habits in children and adolescents. Report "The work of the class teacher on the prevention of bad habits"

Harmful habits are a term characterizing such a lifestyle in which a person consciously makes harm to his health, dealing with certain things that bring pleasant sensations. This is especially characteristic of adolescents who are still developing and do not have clearly developed principles. Prevention of bad habits - a number of events that should be held at school and other educational institutions, as well as in the family. After all, to deal with the already established lifestyle, even if it carries serious harm, it is much more difficult than preventing the appearance of dangerous impulses. Yes, and do not everyone know how harmful it is.

Varieties of bad habits

Specialists allocate many types of bad habits. Some of them came to us from the distant past, and something appeared only in recent years. The most common and dangerous today is tobacocuria, drug addiction, toxicism and alcoholism. But there are others. Let's briefly describe each of them.

Tobacocking - Beach of modernity. Fortunately, today there is increasingly the question of how to reduce the number of people suffering from this bad habit. The government prohibits the sale of minors cigarettes, smoking in public places, increases the value of tobacco products. And all this benefits, but does not save adolescents and their friends from the destructive habit completely.

The main danger of tobacocuria is rapid addiction and great harm to the health of the growing organism. The prophylaxis of smoking is best to start with conversations of adolescents and their parents. Even if mom or dad smokes, let it share with her son or daughter, as the habit of the body feels and how difficult it is to part with it. It is necessary to describe the minuses of smoking, including yellow teeth, shortness of breath, unpleasant smell of mouth, insomnia, sweating.


When toxicizing, a person enjoys inhaling vapors of certain substances. Certain independently with this problem is very difficult. Therefore, if there are suspicions that the child suffers from toxicizing, should immediately seek help from a specialist. Increased aggressiveness, inadequate behavior, mystery and other uncharacteristic behavior of adolescents should be alert. And attention to these symptoms of the appearance of a harmful habit can draw both their parents and teachers.


The main danger of alcoholism is the inconspicuous attachment that is difficult to overcome. So, first, the drinking of alcoholic beverages or beer occurs only on holidays, then more often, and then no gathering of teenagers or a meeting with friends do not do without a bottle. Here parents will also have to start with themselves. If alcohol is a frequent guest on the table, it is unlikely that the "diligent" conversations will bring at least any favor.

It is also important to follow, what is the circle of communication of adolescents. If it includes those who are engaged in sports, has a favorite case, then you can not worry. But the unfavorable company is a reason to alert. It is easier to prevent the occurrence than to treat a person from alcoholism, toxicizing or drug addiction.

In addiction, pleasure is obtained from inhalation, administration of intravenous, swallowing or smoking of narcotic substances. Adolescents who have such a bad habit, as well as suffering from toxicizing and alcoholism, can be calculated in inadequate behavior. Usually, the changes not only are not only their parents, but all others. In addition, bruises from injections may appear in the hands, and the eyes will look unnatural and "glass".

Even if it seems that the teenager will be able to cope independently or uses "light" drugs, which are easy to refuse, should not be hoped for their own strength. It is better to seek help from specialists. After all, even the "light" drugs are addictive and adversely affect not only the physical, but also on the mental health of adolescents. Moreover, addictive to addiction in some cases may arise after the first uses of the narcotic substance.

Other bad habits

Other harmful habits include such:

  • game;
  • shopogolism;
  • overeating;
  • nail spraying;
  • picking in the nose;
  • crunch fingers;
  • rhythm retirement with hands or legs and others.

All of them are dangerous to varying degrees. For example, picking in the nose and the crunch of fingers bring inconvenience to a greater extent to the people around. And gambling, although different from alcoholism, drug addiction and toxicism, is still making a mountain for the whole family. After all, a person suffering from this habit may become mentally unbalanced or even losing control over himself and cause someone harm. In addition, the person immersed in the computer world ceases to lead a normal lifestyle, all his free time devotes the game, spends money in it.

Influence on human health

It is very difficult to find the body or system in the human body, which would not suffer from the bad habit, it does not matter, from drug addiction, alcoholism, tobacco or another. Nevertheless, it is especially dangerous to the impact on the condition of the heart, blood vessels, the head and spinal cord, bones and joints, sexual and respiratory system. It is worth remembering that the smoker pollutes not only its lungs, but also significantly increases the risk of atherosclerosis of vessels.

The influence of tobacco and alcoholism and addiction on the state of the health of future children suffering from one of the bad habits of a woman is even more scary. Such kids often observe a lag, problems with a blood, sexual, respiratory system, neurological diseases.

Yes, and for others, the person with bad habits is a considerable danger: from passive smoking to the murder in order to receive money for the purchase of another dose of drugs.

Ways to combat bad habits

Depending on which harmful habit needs to be eradicated, as well as how much the person is tied to it physically and mentally, the methods of struggle differ. For example, to cope with tobacocco, alcoholism in the initial stages, experts recommend to distract and find a lesson that will relax.

It helps to cope with the harmful habit of sports. It does not matter that you choose: yoga or swimming, running on long distances or dancing, rumba or weight lifting. Remember that the intensity of training should increase gradually. It is best to seek help to experienced trainer, tell him about his problem. Then classes will be useful and will help to achieve success in getting rid of cigarettes or alcohol.

The technique of laying a cigarette is good for later. Unfortunately, this method works only when initial stage Dependencies. In the case of a tobacco, after consulting with a specialist, you can buy chewing pupbles, lollipops, plasters, helping to cope with nicotine addiction. Today it is also fashionable to replace the usual cigarette to electronic.

Specialized clinic will help to get rid of drug addiction, toxicizing and alcoholism at the running stage. The integrated effect of psychotherapy, medicines and other techniques allows you to get rid of bad habits forever. But the result will be the maximum, only if the person himself wants to cope with addiction.

Preventive measures

The best prevention of bad habits is a healthy and active lifestyle. It is unlikely that a person who is fond of dancing or rowing on kayaks will decide to smoke or get drunk. It will help to throw out the negative, switch with problems the most different sport.

And the upbringing is of great importance. A child who has grown in a non-smoking and non-singing family, where from his small years there are conversations about the dangers of bad habits, will not smoke or get into alcohol. But here the environment in which a teenager develops is of great importance. If all of his peers drink and smoke, then it's difficult to try against the temptation. Moreover, adolescents are rarely aware of how dangerous one and another habit.

That is why it is so important in schools and other educational institutions to hold various events designed to explain the whole seriousness of the problem, prevent its appearance. Prevention of bad habits, especially drug addiction, toxicizing, tobacco, alcoholism, in schools and universities can be carried out in different ways:

  • promotions, concerts and other events;
  • performances of people who raise the bad habit and returned to a normal lifestyle;
  • posters, brochures, newspapers;
  • lectures and lessons dedicated to a certain harmful habit.

In addition, classes of beloved affairs will also serve good prevention. Sewing, embroidery, beadwork, drawing, game on various musical instruments and many others. Walking and trips to various places, dancing, hardening, rollers, bike or skates - Choose what to do. Various sections, mugs will also take a teenager, distract from the harmful effect of peers, will make more enduring, purposeful.

Preventing harmful habits, including constantly conductive activities in educational institutions, conversations of parents at home, as well as other measures - the easiest step that will help avoid many troubles and preserve the health of the growing body. Help the teenager find yourself in life, develop the ability and desire to know the new, do your favorite thing. And then harmful habits will never be a problem for him and his loved ones.

Municipal government special (corrective) educational institution for students, pupils with limited

health opportunities "Special (Correctional) Secondary school - boarding school VIII View №13"


"The work of the class teacher for the prevention of bad habits"


Need Indiano O.V.,

Classroom teacher

8 "b" class

Yurga 2015.

From the experience of the class teacher to prevent harmful habits "

"Acts - fruits of thoughts.

There will be intelligent thoughts - there will be good actions "

Gracian-I-Morales Baltasar,

Spanish writer

The harmful habits of schoolchildren are the reason for the grievance of teachers and parents. In order for students to learn a healthy lifestyle, you need timely prevention that will save them from a detrimental dependence.

If earlier adolescents of high school students suffered from harmful habits, then this is typical of middle-class students. What attracts the guys such a detrimental attachment? Most likely, teenagers want to look like adults look like.

Harmful habits allow them to somehow feel free and independent. Each schoolboy knows that such a healthy lifestyle, but for some reason some guys he does not attract completely. A healthy lifestyle is, first of all, work on yourself. The person next to him should eat right, play sports and, most importantly, to abandon all bad habits forever.

But not all modern teenagers are fully aware of how important it is to follow the condition of their own organism from the young age. Some believe that they will always remain as healthy and beautiful as now. The formation of such an irresponsible approach to the problem of the right lifestyle has a decisive effect of modern cinema, the media.

Previously, the attitude of schoolchildren to harmful habits was mostly negative. The Soviet Ministry of Culture followed what artistic films tell about what the media says; In those days, propaganda against smoking and alcohol consumption was very actively carried out.

But a couple of dozen years ago, the youth was able to watch completely different films in which the main characters appeared in front of the viewer with a bottle of beer and a cigarette in his hand. In those days, American film polishes enjoyed great popularity. Schoolchildren watched them, and in the subconscious information was postponed that smoking is fashionable.

Of course, in the formation of such an irresponsible approach to his own health, not only films are to blame, but the whole society as a whole, and the public ideology. At the moment it has already become apparent that the problem of bad habits that schoolchildren suffer should be done very seriously.

Family, parents, school, friends and the closest surroundings are undoubtedly playing an important role in the life of a teenager. Mom and dad should become a positive example for the child. It is important not to just read it notation, but on your example, to show how bright and saturated life without bad habits. It is important to show him that only a healthy person can rejoice in life, since poor well-being bewildered all sorts of hunting for fun and entertainment. In order for the child to hear all that parents are trying to convey to him, they should become for him those people whose opinion is absolutely authoritative. But are there many such parents who themselves do not suffer from bad habits? That is the question. In our school, we often have to communicate with such parents.

For our children, teachers are educators from an early age. Therefore, the formation of a negative attitude towards the use of tobacco and alcohol, education of respect for oneself and their health, an increase in interest in a healthy lifestyle is a task that is a mandatory element of educational work.

I bring to your attention an approximate development of a class hour for the prevention of bad habits.

Smoking and Health

Goals and objectives:

correctional educational:form a negative attitude to tobacco and raise interest in the zoom;

correctional-developing:develop cognitive interest; expand knowledge about the dangers of smoking and about a healthy lifestyle, the ability to compare, summarize, correctly state your thoughts;

correctional-educational: bring up respect for yourself and their health, self-esteem; active life positions of a negative attitude to smoking;

heir-saving:implement the prevention of dysfunction.

Type of classes: Mastering a new material.

Methods and techniques of training: Story, conversation, game, independent work, modeling situation.

Forms of cognitive activity: Individual, front, work in pairs.

Material equipment and didactic support: computer, presentation; Illustrations, cards, white paper circles.

Terms and concepts: Tobacco, nicotine, passive smokers.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

Exercise "Book".

Stand up please. To make it easier for you to work and think in the lesson, do an exercise that will improve the brain circulation.

To lean down, not bending legs in the knees, and try to touch the tips of the fingers to the floor, linger in this position until 20 seconds.

(students perform exercises on the instructions of the teacher)

II. Actualization of knowledge.

Introductory conversation.

Why do a person need to follow personal hygiene rules?

(Pupils answer questions)

The game is "yes-no".

Pictures are attached on the board. Consider them, let the girls choose those where the correct actions are shown, and the boys are incorrect. Explain your choice.(The boy is engaged in sports, the girl eats, the boy smokes, the children look at the TV at the later time, the boy cleans his teeth, the girl is not hairstyle, the girl is happily, etc.)

(students are suitable for the board, choose illustrations and explain their choice)

III. Goaling, planning activities in the lesson.

1. Reading the story "What to choose"

- Listen to the story.

(can tell the prepared student)

What to choose

I have two friends: Vadim and Tolya. Vadim is very independent. He recently began to smoke and now looks like an adult. Girls pay attention to him. But I heard that it is very harmful: in cigarettes poison, he poisoned the body. Smoking people more often sick and more often die.

And toly does not look so fashionable as Vadim with a cigarette. But the roofy is always cheerful, funny and strong. He is engaged in sports.

And I think I think that I do: smoke, how to vadim, or to do sports, how tool?

(students listen, answer questions)

Where is the place of our hero: next to Vadim or Tolley?

What place will you choose?

What is the subject of class hour? ("Smoking and Health")

Today we have to find out: why it is believed that smoking harms health than it is dangerous why people begin to smoke and why with this habit - smoking - it's not easy to cope with this habit.

IV. Mastering a new material.

1. The reasons why people start smoking.

Why do children start smoking?

Some children want to become adults earlier than this period comes. Therefore, they begin to smoke, eat alcohol.

Smoking is one of the most common bad habits.

Raise your hand, who has smoked in the family?

Who smokes from you?

What do you feel while in the same room with smokers?

(Cough, nausea, dizziness)

2. Story about the dangers of tobacco.

And it is not good, since the cigarette is the chopped grass - tobacco. The tobacco contains poison, and the name is nicotine. This is one of the most dangerous poisons of plant origin.

Sparrows and pigeons die if their beak is just to bring a glass wand moistened with nicotine. The rabbit dies from ¼ drops, and the dog is from ½. For a person, the deadly dose is 2-3 drops. Look: a drop of water is a lot or a little?

(Teacher shall cause a waterproof pipette on glass)

½ is half, ¼ is the fourth part of this drop. And if we translate all this on cigarettes, one pack of cigarette, downloaded at a time for an adult person, and for a child - pollins. This was proven by many facts.

Once in France, a monstrous contest "Who more will rational". As a result, two-winners have died, smoking 60 cigarettes, and the rest of the contestants in severe condition fell into the hospital. Such examples can be given a set. Death can come from one cigarette if she has been downloaded for the first time.

Raise your hand, who tried smoking?

And who smokes now?

Tell us about your impressions, about your condition, when you tried smokingfirst time.

(Statements of students at will)

At the first smoking, the man will trigger in the throat, the heart is rapidly, in the mouth - the opposite taste, darkens in the eyes, the head is spinning, nauseous. So the body struggles with poison and "says" the owner: "Do not ruin yourself! Never try again! "

And if the first cigarette will be followed by another, the body ceases to resist, the person gets used to smoking, and then it is already difficult to quit. And you need to fall! Why?

3. The effect of smoking on the human body.

Read the article.

The effect of smoking on the human body.

Smoking contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases. The most sensitive tobacco is a nervous system, which very quickly "answers" to the effects of tobacco smoke poisons. Smoking can complain about fast fatigue, irritability, dizziness, nervousness, headaches. Smoking adversely affects the senses. Nicotine dults taste perception. If you smoke for many years, vision and rumor can worsen. Respiratory organs take over the first blow. Under the influence of tobacco, teeth are destroyed, there is plenty of salivation, digestion deteriorates, the appetite decreases. A stomach ulcer develops. Always affects smoking on the liver, promotes the development of diseases of the larynx, pharynx, esophagus, oral cavity. The voice becomes rude, hoarse.

Name which human bodies suffer from smoking.

Conclusion: Scientists and doctors have proven that the smoking person reduces life, it is before dying, more often sick, and it looks unimportant: yellow leather-teeth-fingers, cough, a sipid voice, a constant unpleasant smell of tobacco.

4. Conversation "Passive smoking".

And what happens to people who do not smoke, but are located next to smoking people?(children's responses)

Why is this happening?

It turns out that we are becoming passive smokers. Tobacco smoke is harmful to us no less than the smoker itself. If the smoker gets smoke several times in his mouth from a cigarette and exhale it on a napkin, then a brown stain will remain. This is a tobacco to bewilder - a poison that is contained in smoke. If this is a friend to aque the ears of the rabbit, it will get sick and die.

What do you need to do if there was a smoking person nearby?

(Move away, ask not to smoke.)

Do you smoke at home in the apartment? What should you do?

(To air the room, not to be in this room)

It turns out that children from families who smoke at home, more often there are colds, bronchitis and pneumonia. These children are more often sick in early childhood, more often skip school and generally get a smaller health stock for future life.


V. Fixing the studied material.

1. Using the poetic lines.

Smoke around from cigarettes,

I have no place in that house ...

2. Conversation "Fighting Smoking".

Is it possible to smoke everywhere?

All over the world is fighting tobacco. In many countries, it is forbidden to smoke in the workplace. A serious employer may refuse to work or dismiss smoking.

We live in Russia, where still people have not realized, what harm brings smoking himself to the smokers himself, his family surrounding it.

3. Drawing a prohibitive mark.

Let's express your protest smoking, - draw a sign prohibiting smoking.

(Students get circles from white paper, draw a sign.)

The best sign hang in our class, and the rest of the school.

4. Situation modeling.

Let's see the scene:

Vania. Hurrah! All our adults left! Anya, let's try anything interesting! Let's try learn how to smoke.

Anya. No! What are you! It's not good!

Vania. My friend Tolik said that it was not difficult. But class! Sit ... smoke ... as an adult! Come on, Anya! Parents still do not recognize anyway. And from one time nothing will be!

(Watch the scene, offer your answer options)

What would you answer Wana? Explain your refusal.

Now you have learned to say "no"; I hope that this ability to you will come in handy in the future life.

5. "How to quit smoking?"

And what about those who are already smoking? Who has the desire to quit smoking?

Is it easy to do? Some to quit smoking, it takes from4 to 10 attempts. And the less experience, the easier it is to do it.

(listen to the speech, answer questions)

6. Independent work in the pairs of "Ladder of Soviets".

Make a staircase of tips. You have cards with advice: where do you need to start? Spread in the order of action.

Staircase Soviets:

Make a decision (see yourself without a cigarette).

Buy instead of seed cigarettes, candy, etc.

To say "No" to yourself (make a decision).

To say "no" to friends surrounding.

Earn motivation (for which I throw smoking).

Thank you.

(Work in pairs. Spell with a report on the work done)

Vi. The outcome of the lesson.

1. Summarizing conversation.

Did you like the lesson?

What new have you recognized?

What conclusion for myself?

What will you tell your friends?

2. Action "I am changing a cigarette on the candy."

I propose to hold a campaign "I am changing a cigarette on a candy" in our class.

Candy as a reward will receive those children who do not smoke.

What harm from drugs

Drug addicts are rarely worried about 30 years old. Usually drug addicts are made by people who have a decline of physical and mental strength in order to fight in life for their place under the sun.

Absolutely all researchers (whether doctors, sociologists, teachers, etc.) agree that drug addiction is most dangerous in adolescence, when a person is only still formed by the worldview.

One of the American narcologists R. Christofsen writes: "I have never met a chronic drug addict aged for more than 30 years. The case is that a person begins to use drugs at eighteen years old and to twenty years old becomes a "chronicle", that is, it needs every day the consumption of his doping, there is practically no chance to live a chance to thirty, even if, before the beginning of his destructive addiction, he was distinguished by athletic Health. "

Drug addiction is a very terrible disease, since it is expressed in painful dependence on any drugs - whether medicines, anasha or heavier drugs.

A drug addict in search of money for the next dose can go absolutely to all - theft, deception, and in some cases for murder. As soon as he accepts a drug, it becomes a little easier. It is for such a short relief drug addict, often even consciously, deprives himself all the rest of the joys of life.

Taking drugs, addict simply signs myself a death sentence. However, narcotic substances are very expensive. And those who deal with their spread get tremendous money from this. Honest work like this money will not earn, but the drug dealers always need buyers for their goods, which will be ready to post any amount for the dose of the so necessary substance. At the same time, they are started in a variety of sophistication so that the person first tried the drug.

Often the first dose is sold for a minor amount or is given at all for free. Drug traffickers may be deliberate to send their agent to the company of adolescents or schoolchildren so that he "put them on the needle." They are determined to make anything that at least one of their familiar begin to take or at least once tried this poison. Even the first dose of drugs may be fatal.

Drugs kills the strongest, smart and volitional people. Almost no one can cope with him. Drugs are a matter of health.

Children and adolescents very often began to die due to drug overdose. The prevalence of drug addicts among children and adolescents is the trouble of a very large number of parents.

In some countries, in addition to drug abuse, the number of people who consume volatile toxic substances, such as different kinds of solvents, tools for chemical cleaning of clothing, substances for combating insects and rodents are increasing. When inhalation of vapors of such substances, a typical pattern of poisoning with certain impaired activities of the central nervous system is obtained. With a small dose of such substances, it ends with a short faint and hallucinations. With a big dose, death may come.

The effect of fainting, as well as other violations of the activities of the central nervous system are associated with oxygen starvation of brain cells. After such an impact, most of the brain actively functioning to this cells fishes.

The peculiarities of the pharmacological action of narcotic substances such that their re-use leads to pronounced physical and mental dependence. All such substances can be caused by a different violation of the central nervous system in duration. The main mechanism of such an impact is oxygen fasting and violation of the regulation between the main centers of the nervous system. Such a condition is regarded as something unusual and pleasant. The distorted perception of himself and the surrounding many seems to come out of any complex life situations.

Repeat receptions are addictive and addiction. In this situation, a person is looking for an explanation and a reason to get away from reality. The formation of dependence on any narcotic substance is also accompanied by a change in the reaction to its use. If before it develops a constant dependence on a substance, a slight drug poisoning causes a change in the perception of the surrounding world, improving the mood, then after addiction to get the same effect, need a much greater dose.

It happens that because of the addiction, the drug ceases to give drug addict euphoria and becomes simply necessary for survival in principle. Then this narcotic substance becomes only a means to eliminate aggressiveness, malice, longing and apathy.

Under the constant influence of narcotic substances, a person becomes more and more closed, rude, losing relationships, friendly and other social ties, losing almost all cultural and moral values. All this becomes possible due to pronounced disorders in the central nervous system and the brain.

It is the brain - the main target of narcotic drugs. Many scientists have long established the relationship between the normal activity of the brain and life expectancy. It was also found that all violations in the activities of the central nervous system lead to the fact that the vital activity of numerous organs and systems is violated. The earlier the organism is attached to the effects of narcotic drugs, the more disadvantaged the impact will be on it.

According to physicians, the distribution of drug addiction in the modern world is no less terrible danger for present and future generations than epidemics of plague or cholera in the past. Recently, the number of centomies has increased significantly. We are talking about those people who abuse chemical, biological or medicinal substances. These substances are addictive, but not recognized by the legislation of narcotic ones. In this regard, there are different opinions and sense that not all drugs are dangerous. This is another myth. They simply have potent means and weak, and different types of drug addiction proceed in different ways. The general is only the result: a person completely loses control over himself. In order to save people from drug addiction, all states in the world go to extreme measures.

In Russia, it is forbidden to keep drugs - even small doses. This is persecuted by law. Never touch the drugs, do not take them, do not put in your pocket, nowhere to hide anywhere. To be part that drug addiction is a disease that completely changes the human person, making a person for a living. A drug addict can give a drug for storage and convey to you himself to take a suspicion.

None of the pretext is not trying the drug. If it still happened to you, then refuse the next dose to not be addictive. If you feel that I got into the network of addiction, immediately advise with those from adult people who you trust.

Harm smoking for smoker environment

Today, negative consequences of smoking are known to everyone. Smoking harm is obvious and for the smokers themselves, and for their loved ones, which suffer from passive smoking and are also subject to risks caused by the consequences of smoking. In particular, it is proved that the consequences of smoking are an important factor in the risk of lung cancer.

Passive smoking contributes to the development of diseases characteristic of smokers. Harbor smoking for people in one room with a smoker arises due to the fact that it is forced to absorb substances allocated to the so-called "lateral flow" of smoke. The main flow of smoke enters the light smokers, and the part of the smoke that stands out into the atmosphere is inhaled by all who is nearby.

Passive smoking is inevitable when regular staying next to smokers. According to scientific research, for one hour, a man inhales a dose of smoke, which is equivalent to smoking half of the cigarette. Experts estimated that during passive smoking for 8 hours the body causes the same harm as from active smoking of one cigarette every 5 hours. With passive smoking, the same poisonous substances are inhaled as with active.

The harm from smoking is also aggravated by the fact that in the side stream of smoke there is even more carcinogenic substances than mainly. The consequences of smoking are due to the fact that individual doses of carcinogens are summed up in the body until critical thresholds achieve critical thresholds.

Harm smoking parents for children

The child of active smokers, in the process of passive smoking, acquires a violation of the function of respiratory organs and other consequences of smoking, which their parents suffer. The risk of the development of lung cancer in children depends on the smoking of their parents, and the smoking of the mother has a greater impact on this.

No smoking harm exists not only for individual families, but also for the population as a whole. The harm smoking causes non-smoking family members of smokers, uncomfortable smoking of parents for children, as well as for a child in the womb. The consequences of smoking can be a failure of physiological processes in the fetal body.

The habit of smoking is especially dangerous for children and adolescents who learn from their parents. The delay in growth, general development, violation of the exchange processes, decline in hearing, vision, a number of nervous disorders is such a fee for children's and teenage smoking. Schoolchildren smokers are usually distinguished by low mental abilities, weakly have little, very often disturbed discipline. In adolescents, Nicotine is striking first of all, the non-fierce nervous and cardiovascular system. It is a special anxiety and the fact that, according to domestic studies, at the age of 12-13, they smoke about 7%, and among 16-year-olds - already 40% of boys, and some girls begin to smoke in high school.

In connection with such damage to the smoking damage, it is worth thinking that it prevents smoking to refuse cigarettes, tubes, etc.? Based on its subjective sensations, smokers often report that the cigarette frees from the sense of stress. And maybe smoking causes stress? Most smokers are recognized that the first rounded cigarette not only did not give them pleasure, but caused an instant deterioration in well-being, and her taste seemed disgusting. "Pleasure" from smoking is just the result of the habit.

Smoking - Dear Habit

It is known that in many developed countries the price of cigarettes is artificially supported at a high level. This is especially characteristic of countries where a conscious policy is being conducted against smoking citizens.

Buying cigarettes, does not prevent you think about how much the treatment of the consequences of smoking, such as dental destruction, chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, cancer and much more. If to the amount spent on cigarettes, add all costs for the treatment of the consequences of smoking, it turns out that the real value of the buried cigarette is much higher than the price paid for it in the store.

Why do you think you are lucky?

You are deeply mistaken if you think that you will not touch the negative consequences of smoking. You are not an exception and live, like all living organisms, according to the laws of nature. If you smoke, you die in any case before !!! Each cigarette unlocks a piece from the died of a segment of life .-- Is it worth continuing? ..

Beer addiction

If you want to be healthy, there is no need to smoke.

If you want to be reasonable, so why drink?

And alive to stay - do not be friends with the needle.

"Drug addiction - the path to AIDS!" - Tell me a friend.

Brain and heart heals physical education, sport.

And health strengthens the reached record.

The introductory word of the class teacher:

Dear Parents! Please remember. How many times in the last 2-3 weeks you came home and sincerely, without a special educational task, "in the sober mind and sound memory" spoke to your child about Tom. What is beautiful life, what a pleasure to be alive and healthy, love, laugh, crying:

Among the universal whining about bad people, growing prices, no tender housing conditions, bad weather, about the deterioration of the environmental situation, about "such-xy" politicians help our own children believe that life, despite all the problems and difficulties, - Great and invaluable gift? ..

After all, if we ourselves do not believe that life is beautiful and amazing, and we do not prove it to children in your example, what we can oppose drug culture, which claims that, except tobacco, alcohol, drugs, psychedelic rock, debauchery and tsky behavior, in this There is absolutely nothing to rejoice in life, and there is practically no sense to live without it. We do not have the right to forget that for the child the most effective sample of life-boredom or death is his parents.

Activating game "Association"

School psychologist:

Dear Parents! Please take a clean sheet and handle. Try to write as many words of the Associations as possible for 2 minutes.

Habit -:

Cigarette -:

Alcohol -:

Health -:

Prevention -:

Consider the number of words-associations for each word. Do independently for myself: what emotional color in most cases are words-association.

Analysis of students' responses 8A and 5B classes.

School psychologist:

Your children were performed similar to work.

The maximum number of words called to the first word -: Of these, positive emotional color -: words, which is:%, negative -: words, which is:%. All other words are also analyzed. The school's psychologist reads the most accurate definitions, gives an assessment of the "attractive" word, makes conclusions, about which concept children have greater information.

Organization of discussion of the causes of harmful habits.

Classroom teacher:

Habit - the second nature, as often we hear these words. Each person has a large number of habits, both harmful and useful. Habits are automated actions that are manifested independently of the desire of a person. Useful habits help us feel collected, organized, ready to overcome difficulties. They help a person in stress. In conditions of time deficit. Unfortunately, people - both in adults, and in children they themselves arise not only useful, but also bad habits. Any reason appears not by chance. What are the reasons for the appearance of bad habits?

1. Ignoring the peculiar features of the puberty.

For students of 5-9 classes, the environment plays a major role, first of all friends. It is from the environment that the behavior of children depends largely, their attitude to the elders, to their duties. To school and so on. In addition: at this age, the experiments are very high. Children try to drink, smoke. Many in the future it can become a habit.

The greatest difficulties arise when communicating with adolescents 12-17 years. And it is not by chance. A teenage (puberty) period is characterized by the fact that yesterday's child enters the process of puberty. The child has a socio-psychological attitude towards others, and first of all to peers, teachers, parents; They begin to be fairly clearly identified, the traits of character are, there are interests, inclinations to a particular activity, etc. The basis of personality is manifested.

The formation of character and personality properties is inextricably linked with the desire for independence, hence the attempts to free themselves from the care of parents and the elders, to determine their attitude towards the surrounding. The lack of life experience and the frenzy direction of aspirations and beliefs often create a whole number of difficulties for a teenager. In particular. When communicating with others.

The most characteristic of early adolescent age is the reactions of protest or opposition, imitation and compensation. These reactions occur periodically in a family circle or school microcollection (class) in connection with the situation unfavorable for a teenager, have a clear orientation against those persons who, in his opinion. Maintenance in its occurrence. The most important thing during this period is to cultivate independence in children. The ability to defend your opinion, not to go on others.

It is necessary to form a critical attitude towards the tempting offers of advertising and the seductive proposals of peers (try something to experiment with something.

Advertising tobacco and alcoholic beverages acts mainly on children and adolescents. This is due to the absence of their critical understanding of beautifully decorated, seductive offers. The bait serve bright paints, beautiful people and prestigious things. Attract gorgeous landscapes. Foreign words and promises of something unusual: travel, adventure new features. The child can ask: "Why advertise tobacco and alcohol, if it is dangerous substances?". You can answer like this: "Advertising is not prohibited. And people themselves must learn to see the traps to not fall in them."

Social contacts of the teenager are significantly expanding, there are many social and personal problems in front of him, which he tries to comprehend. Failures are experiencing extremely painful and rapidly, as an increased emotional lability, vulnerability and impressionability is typical for a puberty period.

Teenagers often complain about reduced performance, fatigue, headaches, violations of the flood process. Often, during this period, so-called puberty behavioral crises are noted:

1. Increased attention to its health and fear of getting serious illness.

2. False belief in its physical inferiority (improper facial features, ugly figure, thin legs, etc.)

3. The desire to comprehend everything alone, to understand, find an answer to exciting questions in books and even in philosophical works. Such teenagers avoid contact with peers, seek solitude.

4. Violations of behavior - rudeness, surfaction. Negative attitude towards adults.

By virtue of emotionally-volitional immaturity, a teenager with a weak educational control can easily get under the influence of the asocial elements that mask their true essence of beautiful phrases and reasoning about the "true life philosophy" without prohibitions and conventions that are not consistent with the officially adopted "educational".

Pubertal behavioral crises, as a rule, arise under adverse conditions of upbringing or in children suffering from chronic diseases (rheumatism, tuberculosis, heart disease, etc.). They are possible and against the background of residual phenomena of organic lesion of the central nervous system. In physically healthy adolescents with proper life and labor attitudes, the pubertal period proceeds relatively calmly.

2. Organic brain lesions, chronic diseases, intoxication, etc. This reason covers the paramedic school.

One of the reasons that can cause harmful habits, nervous mental disorders is organic lesion of the brain. The most common residual phenomena of the cranial and brain injury. It may arise both during the birth, and in the early years of life. These lesions can not manifest any painful violations for a long time, as a result of which parents forget about them.

The lesions of the central nervous system occur and due to changed cerebral infections (meningitis, encephalitis) or general infections (rheumatism, viral flu). Traumatic damage Against this background cause rather pronounced violations in the mental development of the child.

Extremely adversely affect the nervous psychic condition of the child various physical defects of both congenital and acquired character, especially cosmetic defects of the face (hunger of the lip, wolf fall, etc.).

Such children from an early age when communicating with others, especially with peers, begin to painfully worry their "inferiority."

Among the reasons that cause violations of behavior and generating bad habits, intoxication occupies a special place. The most common is alcoholic intoxication - often periodic under the influence of senior adolescents, parents or close peers. Another form of intoxication occurs as a result of the use of narcotic drugs - tranquilizers (sadocent, elenium) and antihistamine preparations. Neuroinoxication has an extremely adverse effect on both the child's body and his personal formation.

3. Mental injuries. This reason covers a narcologist.

Mental injuries are super-resistant for the personality of experience, accompanied by negative emotional reactions. The reasons most often have various conflict situations. More often, the so-called generation conflict occurs as a result of excessive guardianship and control of the elders for the behavior and actions of adolescents. The adolescent deprivation of communication with peers, with whom the durable and emotionally significant relationships were established.

Extremely painfully perceived by children and breaking the usual life plants: moving to another city, the transition to another school. Sometimes the cause of experiences becomes conflict as a result of a complex of own inferiority. More often, he arises in a teenager with border mental retardation, as the result of its insolvency in the assimilation of the curriculum. Frequent "educational" conversations of teachers, threats and punishments by parents.

The cause of mental injury may be unreasonable accusations of a non-aggative act. Awakened and rejected toastful youthful inlentibility, disadvantaged by pride, disclosure of carefully hidden secrets and others

4. Nearmonic family and improper upbringing. Classroom teacher.

A typical mistake is a shortage of attention to the child in the family, when well-groomed, in time the fed, carefully dressed child can be internally lonely, psychologically neglect. Since before his mood, experiences. There is no interest in anyone.

Psychological negotiability is particularly harmful if it is combined with a hyperopica: where the hard recommendation dominates. Where everything is determined by the instructions and instructions, there is no place for morality. We are so afraid. So that our children do not make mistakes in life that we do not notice how, in fact, do not let them live. We trample and break their PRA, data from birth, and then surprised by their infantality, discontenancy, personal insolvency that the fear of life prevails with them over the fear of death:

What is dangerous hyperemp? The child is not formed and the skills of self-control and self-regulation are not fixed. With the weakening of the senior control, it turns out to be disoriented in its behavior. This can explain the situation. When an excellent party, the obedient son of his parents, suddenly turns out to be involved in unlawful actions. Including the use of narcotic substances.

It is important to understand: the child limited in its activity does not acquire its own life experience; not convinced personally in what actions are intelligent, but what no; What can be done, and what should be avoided.

So hyperopka in some children suppresses the initiative, other, more active., Leads to impulsive, unmotivated actions, third is pushing to secure, the desire to deceive adults. And then it is important to know what your child is busy, sometimes outwardly the absence of any unwanted actions hides behind a harmful occupation. For example, a child behaves quietly, not rude, does not miss lessons. Well, what does he do? After all, the use of narcotic substances are just "quiet" in contrast to those who use alcohol.

You need to learn to trust the child by giving it a space for life, for his mistakes, for his own experience, manifestations of independence

The family contributes to the formation of both psychological and social properties of the individual. If a teenager is brought up in a harmonious family, all members of which are associated with warm emotional attachment to each other, the unfavorable environment (asocial company) does not have a deformal impact on it, as a teenager from a disadvantaged (non-harmonic) family.

Harmonious relationships are more often installed in full families, where there is a father, mother, grandmother. Grandparents and other relatives. No harmonic families are often there, where there is no one of the parents, there is a stepfather or stepmother, which did not find emotional contact with the child.

The familiar family should be attributed to the internal solidarity, there is no mutual understanding in solving life problems, there is no excessive dominance of some members over the other, there is no emotional heat, conflict situations often occur.

5. Forms of manifestation of behavioral violations and bad habits.

Classroom teacher.

Various forms of violation of behavior and bad habits are not always fixed with age. They can smooth. However, these changes are initial manifestations of neuropsychiatric disease. The painful manifestations arising in adolescence for a while may disappear, but will certainly be shown in more mature age.

1. Fears and obsessions.

The emergence of various fears is quite characteristic of children's age and puberty. Most often it is a neurotic fear of darkness, loneliness, separations with parents, high attention to their health. In senior children and adolescents, obsessive fears are complicated, and actions take the form of painful protective. Sometimes quite complex rituals. The obsessive fear of becoming accompanied by frequent washing of hands. The obsessive fear of getting a bad mark leads to a variety of prohibitions (for example, not to go to the movies or not to watch TV, etc.).

2. Motor dismissal.

Motor dismissal refers to the most submitted violations of behavior in childhood and early adolescence. She manifests itself in nonsense, abundance of not suitable movements. Brushy, the desire to run chairs, jump, try various rolling games are combined with such children with increased distractions. Infertility to significantly concentrate attention. The child cannot focus on the explanation of the teacher, it is easily distracted by homework, as a result of which his performance suffers seriously.

3. Saving from home and vagrancy.

Care out of the house, sometimes multi-day vagabonds manifest themselves most often from 7 to 14 years. This is a kind of form of protest or resentment on teachers and parents. It is important to note that departures from the house are carried out alone, without any preparation and thinking about possible difficulties and deprivation. In terms of frequent care, the teenager often gets into the company of asocial elements and begins to get used to alcohol.

4. Appetite disorder.

Appetite disorder in children and adolescents occurs for various reasons. It may be the desire to draw attention to and achieve the desired goal or a reaction to a quarrel, separation from relatives and loved ones, heavy experiences. The reason for the restriction in food or refusal is also the desire to lose weight, fix the figure.

5. Fear of its physical inferiority.

This is understood by the unreasonable conviction of the physical disadvantage. This phenomenon is more common in girls.

6. Pathological hobbies (hobbies).

They are characterized by extreme obsession or excessively intense character, unusualness and perseverance, when everything else (study, entertainment, meetings with friends) moves back to the background.

7. Tabacocoaching.

In the smoking process itself, the desire to imitate adults to feel adults. Teenager when smoking copies all the details of this process, characteristic of the person to whom he strive to imitate. With the negative attitude of the parents to this pathological habit of the child begins to smoke with a secret in the company of peers, away from adults. In the smoking process, the desire of adolescents to grouping is being implemented. When smoking, you can talk to the forbidden topics., Find mutual understanding and support from the interlocutor, to increase your authority among peers, expand friendships. To buy cigarettes, a teenager begins to "paint" money from parents issued to various purposes. A passionate desire appears with a chic to remove a pack of a pack in beautiful packaging and throwing labels, print, take out a cigarette, smoke and treat peers. The emotional background, created by the ban and desire to communicate with like-minded people, contributes to the consolidation of the habit.

8. Alcohol abuse.

Acquaintance with alcohol takes place predominantly on holidays, where the teenager often triggers alcohol in small quantities, and they drive curiosity to the beverage. In a pubertal age, the teenager wants to seem adults, better than others .. In this (15-17) age and alcoholization begins. It has been established that the adolescent is not the taste of the beverage, and its action is a state of intoxication. The systematic use of alcoholic beverages should be attributed to the most harmful habits of adolescents, as it leads not only to various violations of behavior, but also the development of alcoholism, a painful state, which is more correct to name alcohol addiction.

social teacher

MBOU Corrective boarding school № 8


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Signature ______________ \\ _ Date _________ \\ _

Abakan 2012.

I.-part. Justification of the chosen pedagogical trajectory.

At the present stage of development of pedagogical science, problems of a theoretical and practical nature were aggravated. One of these problems - the diverse forms of bad habits growing on a massive scale, which should include: alcoholization, tobacocco, drugs, toxicizing, computer addiction and other phenomena. The most common forms of bad habits are alcoholization and tobacocco. There is a steady "rejuvenation" of adolescents using nicotine and alcohol. As studies show, the presentation of children of 7-8 years about alcohol and nicotine is very contradictory. On the one hand, children know that they are dangerous, harmful, they can not be used. On the other hand, they are constantly watching how these substances use people around them are parents, familiar adults, teenagers. For many children, alcohol and nicotine becomes a symbol of adulthood, independence. This, in turn, awakens the interest and desire to get acquainted with the foaming agent, which is not only "skipping" into a certain company, but also used by schoolchildren as a method for removing the voltage, stiffness when communicating. Finally, younger schoolchildren, largely inherent subordination by external pressure, imitating a person who is interesting to them is attractive for them, authority. The child of 6-7 years should master effective behavioral schemes that allow it to establish contact with an unfamiliar person, to remove the tension in the situation of a possible conflict with others, and also be able to refuse to offer a friend, not offending him. Thus, maintaining preventive work among junior schoolchildren to form and develop children's sustainable intrapersonal behavioral mechanisms within the framework of a healthy and safe lifestyle is not only necessary, but also will be able to create a rather durable barrier for possible involvement in drugs.

In the consciousness of the child, the simultaneous presence of contradictory information about alcohol or smoking arises. It is these contradictions that are the basis for the occurrence of curiosity to foaming substances. The earlier a child with foaming substances get acquainted, the higher the risk that in a more "mature" age he will have addiction to alcohol, smoking. In the younger school age, the child passes through the so-called crisis of 7 years. The situation in the school can largely affect the formation of a certain attitude towards alcohol, smoking. A child who has not found himself in a school that feels outlawing is trying to find ways to compensate the position of the lagging position. It is necessary to take care that the child does not have an inferiority complex formed. You need to give him a chance to feel at least in some kind of successful. The most typical scheme of the behavior of younger schoolchildren is imitation. Most often, the sample for the younger student is his parents. The moral atmosphere in the house, emotional intimacy and the trust of households to each other is of great importance.

The main direction of work on the prevention of tobacco, alcoholism should be the rationale for the need maintaining and maintaining health at any age, the condition for the refusal of harmful habits.

Such a question setting the basis for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in general. But intimidating the consequences of smoking not only ceases to be perceived by children with time, but also forms unconscious fear for the health of smoking parents.

Thus, the main tasks preventing the development of bad habits from younger students - clarification of benefits from physical education, hardening the organism, keeping the right healthy lifestyle and incompatibility with this use of surfactant, and also consideration of the reasons for smoking adults and harm from passive smoking.

II.-part. Analysis of the mentor's experience.

The internship took place in Sayanogorsk Lyceum No. 7 in the empty Natalia Danilovna. In general, the study of the experience of my mentor's experience is aimed at raising a negative attitude towards alcohol abuse, tobacco. It took place on class watches and extracurricular activities. Such a direction of preventive activity implies individual and group forms of correctional work with children who have psychophysical and social problems. The most effective areas of activity of early prevention of bad habits in younger students are:

· Prevention of causes and consequences of tobacco and addiction (using all means of conversation, lectures, videos, posters; conducting discussions, role-playing games, excursions).

Nicotine, contained in tobacco smoke, makes it difficult to work the heart, speeds up the pulse.

Smoking man, most often, is irritable, tense.

3. Work in pairs.

And this is not all the detrimental consequences. Now I suggest you work in pairs.

You need to consider drawings lying on your desks, and discuss what other consequences, except harm to health, has smoking.

So let's find out what else you can call as a detrimental consequences of smoking.

1. Clothes and smoker's hair well smells.

2. Smoking - is more frequent cause of fires.

3. A lot of money is spent on cigarettes.

4. Due to smoking, adolescents often arise quarrels with adults: parents, teachers.

4. Economic calculation.

Well done! You faithfully called the consequences of smoking. And in order to confirm your rightness, I suggest you to carry out small mathematical calculations.

Suppose that the pack of cigarettes costs 7 rubles. The smoker smokes 1 pack per day. What do you think how much money does he spend on cigarettes for 1 year?

7 rubles for 365 days, we get 2555 rubles.

Guys, what do you think it is a big amount or small?

What can I buy, having this amount of money?

What conclusion can be done?

True, the smokers, "a huge amount of money, which could be used for other purposes flies to the pipe.

And now, let's try to solve another task.

We have already found out that Nicotine is a deadly poison for the human body.

It is known that the deadly dose of nicotine for a person is 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight. In one cigarette, it contains from 3 to 12 mg of nicotine (depending on the grade of cigarettes). To calculate, we take the average number of mg nicotine, well, suppose 6 mg.

So, proceed to the calculation. We know that the weight of Kolya is 50 kg, it means that the deadly dose of nicotine for the boy will be 50 mg. If 1 cigarette contains 5 mg of nicotine, then a deadly can be smoking approximately 8 cigarettes at the same time. If there will be a larger number of nicotine in the cigarette - 12 mg, then the number of cigarettes, whose smoking is dangerous for life.

So, we made calculations. What conclusion can be done after solving this task?

For a five-grader, a deadly dose can be from 4 to

8 cigarettes.

Guys, we made serious conclusions that smoking - not only adversely affects the human body, but also causes serious damage to the budget.

And what do you think, why many people smoke? (Answers listened).

So, the reasons you say -:\u003e That is just excuses. Therefore, the wisdom is not to start smoking in general.

5. Selection of safe and interesting ways.

A person in his life can find a lot of safe and interesting ways to spend time. What do you think may be an interesting occupation for a person?

Guys, how do you think people are serious about sports, smoke?

Smoking is incompatible with sports, so most athletes never even tried smoking.

Let's try to choose safe health and interesting ways to choose.

These are sports. Classes of loved business. Classes in circles. Reading literature.

V. . Outcome.

Suitable by the end of our occupation. Let's summarize.

What was the question today?

What are the facts for you the most interesting?

What conclusions did during the lesson?


Smoking tobacco is harmful to health. Smoking can lead to excessive waste of money. Smoking can lead to conflicts with non-smoking people, to conflicts with adults. Smoking is a frequent cause of fires, as a result of which in any other people are dying.

What kind of main conclusion did we come with you? Right. It is best not to start smoking at all.

Thus, the "early prevention of bad habits from younger schoolchildren is very important for a healthy lifestyle of a child.

List of references:

1., Kuznetsova of the child and his health. - M.: Ventana Graf, 2003

2., Parachsova of the Junior School Day. - M.: Ventana Graf, 2002

3. Is your child bastkova? - M.: Ventana Graf, 2002

4. Babenkova to teach a child to take care of his health. - M.: Ventana Graf, 2003

5. Zaitseva learn physical education. - M.: Ventana Graf, 2002

6. Zaitseva and thin children. - M.: Ventana Graf, 2003

7., Polyanskaya raising the younger schoolboy. - M.: Ventana Graf, 2002

8. Kopylov, Polyanskaya Education of weakened children. - M.: Ventana Graf, 2003

9., Makarova and child health. - M.: Ventana Graf, 2002

10. Makeeva to protect the child from smoking and dating with alcohol. - M.: Ventana-Count, 2002

11., Wheels of the prevention of drug addiction at school. -M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2000