Stephen Peacock. Personal development for smart people. Personal development course for smart people. Master class from a recognized specialist

Steve Pavlina

Personal development for smart people


“When I'm working on a problem, I never think about beauty. I only think about solving the problem. But after the end, if the solution is not beautiful, I know that it is not correct.”

Richard Buckminster FULLER

Do you remember the first time you became interested in personal development? I definitely remember. It was in January 1991 when I was in a prison cell. I was just arrested for grand larceny. It wasn't my first encounter with the law, so I knew I was in trouble. I was 19 years old.

I started stealing after moving to Berkeley, California, during his first semester at UC Berkeley. I I didn't steal for money or reputation, I stole for the thrill. I addicted to the adrenaline rush. The urge to steal was so strong that shoplifting became a routine, no more than an espresso every day. Usually I didn't care what to steal, I was attracted to the act itself. During a typical walk, I would steal a dozen candy bars and then leave them in a public place in the belief that someone would eat them. I didn't eat candy because he considered it unhealthy.

While I sat in jail for several days in January, doing nothing but wallowing in my own stupidity, the reality of the situation I was in came crashing down on me. At school, I was an honors student, president of the math club, and captain of the Academic Decathlon team. My future in computer science as a whole looked incredibly bright, but somehow I tore it to pieces. Now I was planning to spend the next year or two behind bars.

Upon returning to my apartment after three days in jail, I received a letter from the university informing me in no uncertain terms of my expulsion. Apparently schools do this kind of thing if you don't show up to class and your grade point average starts with a decimal point after the decimal point. At that moment, I realized that there are two main options for how to act in such a situation: grow up or give up.

For the next few months, while awaiting trial, I was in total panic. Almost every day I woke up in the afternoon. I played video games for days on end, sometimes for 18 hours. These are single player NINTENDO games, not online multiplayer games. It's hard to feel motivated when you expect to go to jail for a while.

Eventually, I was provided with a lawyer and I met with him in his office to discuss my position. Before I could open my mouth, he said, “Steve, I've taken a look at the file, and since this is your first offense, I'm sure we can get it down to petty theft. If you plead guilty, you'll get a reduced conviction and end up with community service. I I am well acquainted with the district attorney, and I am sure that he will go for it. I resolutely against the proceedings in court, since the evidence against you is undeniable, you were caught red-handed.

My thoughts immediately began to move. First crime? Does he confuse me? Why does he think this is my first crime? Does he know about past crimes? If he thinks this is the first crime, will others in court think the same? Should I clear up his serious misconception?

While I was deciding how to answer, I heard a voice in my head: Keep your mouth shut! I I realized that if I said now, it could have negative consequences later, but there was also a faint hope that the consequences would be positive. I realized that at worst, the lawyer would be very angry at the end, but at best everything was too good to go through. Grand theft is a criminal offence; petty theft is only a petty crime. I decided he had to take the risk. Risk was an all-too-familiar pastime.

A few weeks later we went to court and I was terribly nervous. My plan was to keep my mouth shut as much as possible and say as little as possible. Outside the courtroom, I reviewed the documents on my case. None of my past transgressions were listed. Was it a human or computer error? Anyway, it was one big mistake in my favor.

Of course, when my lawyer and I entered the courtroom, the court was sure that this was the first crime and the process proceeded accordingly. I pleaded guilty, and did not mind with the mitigation of the category for petty theft, having received 60 hours of community service. I was dizzy as I rushed out of the courtroom. The next two years of my life belonged to me again.

I worked those 60 hours like it was my dream job, knowing that my punishment could have been 17520 hours. It is difficult to remember a more joyful time in my life than the days spent cleaning up the garbage in the EMERYVILLE MARINA park. You have no idea how wonderful freedom seems when you know you could lose it. I I felt huge gratitude for the second chance I got, which I don't seem to deserve.

I would like to say that my recovery from these events was quick and easy, but it is not. Despite this amazing gift, turning your life around was incredibly difficult. I said goodbye to his friends from Berkeley and moved back to his native Los Angeles. I got a job in retail with a minimum wage. Even with a criminal record, I could most certainly have found a better position, but I just didn't want to. I I just wanted to play without risk, stay below the radar, leading a "vanilla" life, devoid of stress and excitement. Courage is now my enemy.

For a year of a quiet and peaceful life, I worked on myself. Gradually, I developed a new code of ethics to guide me, integrating the values ​​of honor, integrity, honesty, humility, and fairness. This conscious recovery process was to continue for at least a few more years. As the months went by, I started to feel like I was getting better, and I decided it was time to get back to my studies. I figured that if I were educated in computer science, it would somehow erase my past mistakes.

In the fall of 1992, I entered California State University Northridge (CSUN), starting as a freshman. At CSUN, the Computer Science program was not overcrowded, which meant that there was plenty of room for new students. I was guaranteed admission even if I just filled out an application form, so they didn't care if I failed at UC Berkeley. Now at 21, I wasn't the same as I was at 18. Something had changed. I developed a passion for personal growth, and felt a strong desire this time to do his best.

In my opinion, I was already three years behind, and could not accept the fact that I would need another four years to finish my studies. I I knew that I myself was responsible for this situation, and I really wanted to speed up the process. So I set the ambitious goal of graduating in three semesters while taking a triple load. My friends thought I was crazy, but they couldn't look into my heart. I I was 100% committed to my goal and knew that nothing could stop me on my way to achieving my goal. It was the only way to honor the great gift of freedom.

To prepare myself for a large amount of work, I studied time management techniques and immediately applied the new knowledge. I listened to motivational cassettes every day to maintain a positive attitude. I practiced daily to cope with stress, and found creative ways to increase productivity. I I felt a huge flow of energy and drive, because I knew that I was doing everything on the verge of my capabilities. I worked hard and did a great job. I I even doubled my math workload. When I graduated, I received a special award as the best computer science student of the year.

Steve Pavlina is one of the most famous self-development experts in both the US and Russia. For many years he studied the literature on personal growth and came to the conclusion that today there is no truly effective approach. There are many methods for spiritual development, and they all contradict each other. Trying to put these ideas into practice, Steve got only a rambling mishmash of views. Taking this problem seriously, he found the "general scheme" behind all attempts at personal growth, and created his own - universal! - method.

This method consists in using the seven universal principles to reveal the unvarnished truth about one's inner qualities. The reader is invited to analyze in detail their ideas and beliefs in every area of ​​life (family, career, health, relationships, spirituality), and then apply simple exercises in order to change them for the better. Stories from the life of the author and valuable practical advice will help you understand how these principles work, allow you to succeed in business, family, sports, and become a truly happy person.

Steve Pavlina's book is for those who really want to "live" and not "survive", who want to know life from different angles and change their habits and beliefs once and for all!

On our website you can download the book "Personal Development Course for Smart People. A Master Class from a Recognized Specialist" by Steve Pavlina for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read a book online or buy a book on the Internet store.

Richard Buckminster FULLER

From book:

Steve Pavlina

Personal growth for smart people


Do you remember the first time you became interested in personal development? I definitely remember. It was in January 1991 when I was in a prison cell. I was just arrested for grand larceny. It wasn't my first encounter with the law, so I knew I was in trouble. I was 19 years old.

I started stealing after moving to Berkeley, California, during my first semester at UC Berkeley. I didn't steal for money or reputation, I stole for the thrill.

I'm addicted to the adrenaline rush.

The urge to steal was so strong that shoplifting became a routine, no more than an espresso every day. Usually I didn't care what to steal, I was attracted to the act itself. During a typical walk, I would steal a dozen candy bars and then leave them in a public place in the belief that someone would eat them.

I didn't eat candy because I thought it was junk food.

While I sat in jail for several days in January, doing nothing but wallowing in my own stupidity, the reality of the situation I was in came crashing down on me. At school, I was an honors student, president of the math club, and captain of the Academic Decathlon team.

My future in computer science as a whole looked incredibly bright, but somehow I tore it to pieces. Now I was planning to spend the next year or two behind bars.

Upon returning to my apartment after three days in jail, I received a letter from the university informing me in no uncertain terms of my expulsion. Apparently schools do this kind of thing if you don't show up to class and your grade point average starts with a decimal point after the decimal point.

At that moment, I realized that there are two main options for how to act in such a situation: grow up or give up.
For the next few months, while awaiting trial, I was in total panic.

Almost every day I woke up in the afternoon.

I played video games for days on end, sometimes for 18 hours. These are single player NINTENDO games, not online multiplayer games. It's hard to feel motivated when you expect to go to jail for a while.

Eventually, I was provided with a lawyer and I met with him in his office to discuss my position. Before I could open my mouth, he said, “Steve, I've taken a look at the file, and since this is your first offense, I'm sure we can get it down to petty theft.

If you plead guilty, you'll get a reduced conviction and end up with community service. I know the district attorney well, and I'm sure he'll go for it. I am strongly against the proceedings in court, since the evidence against you is undeniable, you were caught red-handed.
My thoughts immediately began to move.

I really wish I kept a daily record of my early vegetarian and vegan 30 day trials as I love to go back and see what I ate back then. Those recordings could be a huge help to share with others for their own good, especially since my results were so positive.

When you get overwhelmingly positive results from temporary experiments, make them permanent and build on them for your own growth. Let these new habits strengthen your foundation.

If you continue to make such self-improvements year after year, then you may encounter some setbacks from time to time; but in the long run it is reasonable to expect your health to improve substantially.

For me, the biggest benefit was spiritually rather than physically.

Thanks in large part to the health changes I have made over the past 15 years, my thinking is clearer and faster than it ever was, and I can concentrate very well to ignore distractions.

It benefits me personally and those for whom I work.

Your path to better health may not follow the same route as mine, but the good thing about the principles of the universe is that they are independent of personal circumstances.

You can use the same process that I used to become a master of your own body, even if you ultimately decide to handle your differences differently from how I handled mine.

Health and courage

Try hard to implement a plan for health and stamina. Don't be intimidated by difficult goals for your body. A weak mind creates a weak body. Turn the pursuit of health into an adventure of a lifetime. If the goal does not scare you even a little, then it may not be worth pursuing.

Do you prefer running a marathon or a triathlon?

Do you think mountain climbing will be a fun pastime? Are you interested in a black belt in martial arts? Take a break from the monotonous treadmill and do something physical that inspires you.

Live the way you think healthy and energetic people should live.

Take the initiative to prevent health problems. Use diet and exercise to prevent disease and keep your body strong and energetic. Don't wait for a crisis to appear before you take action to improve your health.

Receiving conventional medical treatment should be considered as a last resort after all preventive measures have failed. It makes little sense for primary care to be provided by those who are interested in your continued care.

Make your exercise program simple and clear.

Don't over-complicate your life with fantastic and expensive exercise equipment; do not mistake factory supplements, powders and shakes for natural nutrition. There is a simple rule of thumb that will save you a ton of money: if it's in a tin, bottle, or canister, then you don't need it.

For years, my only workout was to get up before dawn and go for a run of 25 to 45 minutes. I did this almost every morning and enjoyed the extra physical energy and receptivity throughout the day.

On January 1, 1997, I made a New Year's resolution to practice at least 25 minutes every day, throughout the year. When it rained, I ran in the rain. When I was very tired, too sick, or came home well after midnight, I still got up and ran.

I successfully completed this challenge without missing a day, tearing up all my excuses for not exercising with a scream. If you are worried about weakness, cheer up, because constant training will significantly strengthen your immunity.

A small amount of water falling from the sky is hardly enough reason to skip a workout. In fact, the experience can be quite invigorating. Once, I was doing a 12-mile practice run with LA Marathoners in heavy rain and wind.

People drove past us, honking loudly and making encouraging gestures, perhaps startled and pleasantly surprised by all the fitness freaks who were paddling through the puddles along the ocean shore.

I don't remember the details of most of these early training runs, but I remember one of them very vividly, even though it was 9 years ago. Two hours in the rain was worth it to remain a cheerful and vivid picture in the memory.

By the way, when I finally entered the L.A. Marathon, it was raining continuously for the first two hours of the race. It is best to use your courage to prevent disease and enjoy excellent health instead of facing severe disease.

But if you find yourself on the last path, realize that the best healthy habits prevent disease, and the habits that cause disease prolong it.

It will take a lot of courage to break with the most ingrained negative habits and recover from a serious illness, and there is no guarantee of a favorable outcome; but, if you value your own life, then it is worth the effort to restore your health and enjoy a few extra days on earth.

Health and intelligence

Smart healthy habits create long-term sustainability by enabling you to focus more time and energy on what is truly important to you. When you put good habits on autopilot, you don't need to be overly concerned about your health.

You can simply use your body as a creative expression machine, knowing that your habits are successful in maintaining - and even improving - your health.

Although it can be very difficult to establish good habits while they are just taking root, the effort to maintain them becomes minimal. In fact, you should expect a net benefit from your best healthy habits in most cases, even in the short term.

For example, regular aerobic exercise makes me feel refreshed with very little sleep, so this habit pays off a lot. Snacking on fresh fruit throughout the day is also very effective.

Eating a few bananas is virtually effortless and the reward is increased energy and receptivity without any lethargy or sleepiness. A collection of healthy habits creates a constant sense of positive flow.

The human body is an exquisitely beautiful marvel for us to behold, but it's even more important to be healthy on the inside than to look like a supermodel on the outside.

As far as body image is concerned, your best bet is to accept and love yourself for who you are, including the body parts you don't find attractive.

Do your best to ignore social conventions that tell you that you have to look a certain way. If you look like a toad, there are plenty of colorblind people out there who will mistake you for a frog princess.

All your experience in the material world passes through your physical body. This is your main interaction machine on earth, so it makes sense to take better care of it. Try to get the most out of your life right now.

Create excess power in yourself so that you can live your life feeling alive and energized, not tired and sick. Even if your health is not perfect, take the time to praise your level of health, whatever it may be. Learn to be grateful simply for the fact that you live in your body on this beautiful planet.


about the author

Steve Pavlina runs one of the most popular personal growth sites on the Internet, creatively called

He has written over 700 free articles and recorded 20 free audio programs on topics such as productivity, relationships and spirituality. Steve's site enjoys over two million monthly visitors from 150 countries and continues to post new material every week.

Prior to launching, Steve founded and ran Dexterity Software, a video game development and publishing company, for over 10 years.

He also served as president of the non-profit Association of Shareware Professionals and was later inducted into their Hall of Fame. He willingly stepped down from this post in 2004 to embark on a new career in personal growth, a decision he considers extremely rewarding.

Steve lives with his wife and two children at Area 51 aliens in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Steve Pavlina

Personal development for smart people


“When I'm working on a problem, I never think about beauty. I only think about solving the problem. But after the end, if the solution is not beautiful, I know that it is not correct.”

Richard Buckminster FULLER

Do you remember the first time you became interested in personal development? I definitely remember. It was in January 1991 when I was in a prison cell. I was just arrested for grand larceny. It wasn't my first encounter with the law, so I knew I was in trouble. I was 19 years old.

I started stealing after moving to Berkeley, California, during his first semester at UC Berkeley. I I didn't steal for money or reputation, I stole for the thrill. I addicted to the adrenaline rush. The urge to steal was so strong that shoplifting became a routine, no more than an espresso every day. Usually I didn't care what to steal, I was attracted to the act itself. During a typical walk, I would steal a dozen candy bars and then leave them in a public place in the belief that someone would eat them. I didn't eat candy because he considered it unhealthy.

While I sat in jail for several days in January, doing nothing but wallowing in my own stupidity, the reality of the situation I was in came crashing down on me. At school, I was an honors student, president of the math club, and captain of the Academic Decathlon team. My future in computer science as a whole looked incredibly bright, but somehow I tore it to pieces. Now I was planning to spend the next year or two behind bars.

Upon returning to my apartment after three days in jail, I received a letter from the university informing me in no uncertain terms of my expulsion. Apparently schools do this kind of thing if you don't show up to class and your grade point average starts with a decimal point after the decimal point. At that moment, I realized that there are two main options for how to act in such a situation: grow up or give up.

For the next few months, while awaiting trial, I was in total panic. Almost every day I woke up in the afternoon. I played video games for days on end, sometimes for 18 hours. These are single player NINTENDO games, not online multiplayer games. It's hard to feel motivated when you expect to go to jail for a while.

Eventually, I was provided with a lawyer and I met with him in his office to discuss my position. Before I could open my mouth, he said, “Steve, I've taken a look at the file, and since this is your first offense, I'm sure we can get it down to petty theft. If you plead guilty, you'll get a reduced conviction and end up with community service. I I am well acquainted with the district attorney, and I am sure that he will go for it. I resolutely against the proceedings in court, since the evidence against you is undeniable, you were caught red-handed.

My thoughts immediately began to move. First crime? Does he confuse me? Why does he think this is my first crime? Does he know about past crimes? If he thinks this is the first crime, will others in court think the same? Should I clear up his serious misconception?

While I was deciding how to answer, I heard a voice in my head: Keep your mouth shut! I I realized that if I said now, it could have negative consequences later, but there was also a faint hope that the consequences would be positive. I realized that at worst, the lawyer would be very angry at the end, but at best everything was too good to go through. Grand theft is a criminal offence; petty theft is only a petty crime. I decided he had to take the risk. Risk was an all-too-familiar pastime.

A few weeks later we went to court and I was terribly nervous. My plan was to keep my mouth shut as much as possible and say as little as possible. Outside the courtroom, I reviewed the documents on my case. None of my past transgressions were listed. Was it a human or computer error? Anyway, it was one big mistake in my favor.

Of course, when my lawyer and I entered the courtroom, the court was sure that this was the first crime and the process proceeded accordingly. I pleaded guilty, and did not mind with the mitigation of the category for petty theft, having received 60 hours of community service. I was dizzy as I rushed out of the courtroom. The next two years of my life belonged to me again.

I worked those 60 hours like it was my dream job, knowing that my punishment could have been 17520 hours. It is difficult to remember a more joyful time in my life than the days spent cleaning up the garbage in the EMERYVILLE MARINA park. You have no idea how wonderful freedom seems when you know you could lose it. I I felt huge gratitude for the second chance I got, which I don't seem to deserve.

I would like to say that my recovery from these events was quick and easy, but it is not. Despite this amazing gift, turning your life around was incredibly difficult. I said goodbye to his friends from Berkeley and moved back to his native Los Angeles. I got a job in retail with a minimum wage. Even with a criminal record, I could most certainly have found a better position, but I just didn't want to. I I just wanted to play without risk, stay below the radar, leading a "vanilla" life, devoid of stress and excitement. Courage is now my enemy.

For a year of a quiet and peaceful life, I worked on myself. Gradually, I developed a new code of ethics to guide me, integrating the values ​​of honor, integrity, honesty, humility, and fairness. This conscious recovery process was to continue for at least a few more years. As the months went by, I started to feel like I was getting better, and I decided it was time to get back to my studies. I figured that if I were educated in computer science, it would somehow erase my past mistakes.

In the fall of 1992, I entered California State University Northridge (CSUN), starting as a freshman. At CSUN, the Computer Science program was not overcrowded, which meant that there was plenty of room for new students. I was guaranteed admission even if I just filled out an application form, so they didn't care if I failed at UC Berkeley. Now at 21, I wasn't the same as I was at 18. Something had changed. I developed a passion for personal growth, and felt a strong desire this time to do his best.

In my opinion, I was already three years behind, and could not accept the fact that I would need another four years to finish my studies. I I knew that I myself was responsible for this situation, and I really wanted to speed up the process. So I set the ambitious goal of graduating in three semesters while taking a triple load. My friends thought I was crazy, but they couldn't look into my heart. I I was 100% committed to my goal and knew that nothing could stop me on my way to achieving my goal. It was the only way to honor the great gift of freedom.

To prepare myself for a large amount of work, I studied time management techniques and immediately applied the new knowledge. I listened to motivational cassettes every day to maintain a positive attitude. I practiced daily to cope with stress, and found creative ways to increase productivity. I I felt a huge flow of energy and drive, because I knew that I was doing everything on the verge of my capabilities. I worked hard and did a great job. I I even doubled my math workload. When I graduated, I received a special award as the best computer science student of the year.

In the last semester, I worked as a contract programmer, developing computer games for a local game studio, and I also served as vice chairman of the school computer club. It took a lot of hard work and conscious effort, but I successfully achieved my goal of completing college in three semesters. Somehow, this achievement has helped me free myself from the pain and guilt of the past, while learning valuable lessons.

A book by an American expert on personal growth and self-development Steve Pavlin "Personal Development" for those who are looking for their own path, looking for themselves in life. This work is universal and suits absolutely every person who is looking for his vocation.

What will help develop

  • Seek the truth with open eyes.
  • Feel free to accept your discoveries and their consequences.
  • Rid your life of lies, denial and fear.
  • Personal relationships can be the richest source of spiritual growth.
  • If you spend too much time alone, then it is quite possible to lose touch with reality!
  • If you want to earn a lot, you must create significant social value. The more you produce them, the more money you can get. This is a mutual benefit outlook, as you put value into the system while benefiting others.

Did you know that you also influence everyone you deal with? By our example, we teach others how to live.

When you are in a close relationship, remember that your partner is not your property. Don't cling to people so tightly that you deprive them of their ability to connect with anyone other than you.

The best thing you can do to empower other people is become strong. You will bring much more benefit to others if you follow this principle. Relaxing yourself won't help anyone. For the whole body to be strong, the individual cells must take good care of themselves.

If you're in need of a new relationship, don't wait for people to come to you. Take the initiative. A long wait is fraught with many missed opportunities and leads to disappointment!


Probably the most common way to make money selling your time. You get a job and change hours to dollars. The higher your ability to create something socially significant, the more you can earn.

The difference between earning twenty-five and two hundred and fifty dollars is that the second job has much more social value!

  1. To make a career satisfying you can't just plod along like a blind man on the path that others have taken. Don't compromise. If you realize that you are moving on a path without a heart, leave it as quickly as possible.
  2. Try to avoid common mistakes and don't hold on to a career that robs you of power. If your contribution is not valued or respected, get up and leave. Go where your talents will be recognized. Otherwise, you will just continue to humiliate yourself.
  3. You are fully responsible for the development of your career, so it makes sense to do what you love, and not be content with what you hate. Your current position is the result of your previous decisions, and if it does not suit you, remember that you are always free to make a new choice. The only person who can stop you from doing this is yourself.
  4. Your career is your occupation. At a basic level it's just what you spend your time on. Of course, if you are going to live consciously, this choice becomes very important.

Personal efficiency

Highlight exact time for work on a separate issue or habit. A single hour a day can give you a healthier body, a finished book, or a profitable website in a year.

  1. Daily goals. Set goals in advance for each day. Decide what you will do and then do it. Without a clear focus, we get distracted too easily.
  2. The worst thing is the first. To avoid procrastination, learn to tackle the most frustrating tasks first. Deal with them in the morning, do not put off until the evening. This small victory will set the tone for the whole day.
  3. peak productivity. Determine when your productivity peaks, and plan the most important things for this period. Do less important things at other times.
  4. Zones free from communication. Allocate inviolable periods of time to perform specific work.

If you know exactly what you want, don't settle for anything else. Take it for granted that success takes time perhaps more than you wished for. Get rid of the worldview based on the principles of "easy and fast", "for nothing", etc. Roll up your sleeves, work hard and know that your efforts will eventually pay off if you learn and grow.

Take a look around and look at the results you have achieved so far. Life is just following your commands. If you want other results, you must give other orders. You are the only one who has the right to make decisions. No one but you can be the leader of your life.

Set yourself a daily minimum of productivity in a particular business. This ensures constant progress and is a fantastically effective way to develop self-discipline.

Use of time

Time is not a resource at our disposal. We can't waste time. No matter what you do or don't do, time passes by. You have no choice - to waste time or not. Your only choice is where to focus your attention in the present moment.

  • Your choice is yours alone and no one can dictate it to you. Never make excuses for what you want. You want what you want and that's enough.
  • If you want results, go ahead and achieve them yourself. Taking responsibility for your life means being willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve your desired goal.
  • Nobody will come to rescue you. No one will build the career of your dreams for you, no one will solve your problems in personal relationships. No one will remove excess fat from your body. If you don't actively solve your problems, they will never be solved.

If you try to refuse or evade the burden of responsibility, then after some time it will still fall on your shoulders. You allowed yourself to weaken your zeal in career matters, began to consume fast food in large quantities and quarrel with loved ones - which means you are creating trouble that you either way, you'll have to experience it for yourself.. The sooner you realize that total responsibility is inevitable, the better it will be for you.

When your strength is insufficient, you cannot meet your own needs and desires effectively and become a victim of the environment. When your power is great, you arrange life as you choose, and the environment becomes a reflection of it.