Dark matter and energy as much interest. What is she - Dark Matter? About the nature of dark energy

Recently, in cosmology - science, which studies the structure and evolution of the Universe, the term "Dark Energy" began to be widely applied, which causes people far from these studies, at least easy bewilderment. Often, another "gloomy" term - "dark matter" appears in a pair, and it is also mentioned that, according to observations, these two substances provide 95% of the total density of the universe. Speed \u200b\u200ba ray of light on this "Mother Kingdom".

In the scientific literature, the term "dark energy" appeared at the end of the last century to designate the physical environment that fills the entire universe. Unlike various types of substances and radiation, from which it is possible (at least theoretically) to completely clean or screen some volume, dark energy in the modern universe is inextricably linked with each cubic centimeter of space. With some stretch, it can be said that the space itself has a mass and participates in gravitational interaction. (Recall that according to the well-known formula E \u003d MC 2, the energy is equivalent to the mass.)

The first word in the term "dark energy" indicates that this form of matter does not empty and does not absorb any electromagnetic radiation, in particular light. With conventional substance, it interacts only through gravity. The word "energy" opposes this medium structured, that is, consisting of particles, matter, emphasizing that it does not participate in the process of gravitational bought leading to the formation of galaxies and their clusters. In other words, the density of dark energy, in contrast to the usual and dark substance, is the same in all points of space.

In order to avoid confusion, we will immediately note that we proceed from the materialistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe world around us, which means that everything that fills the universe is matter. If the matter is structured, it is called substance, and if not, as, for example, the field, then - energy. The substance, in turn, is divided into ordinary and dark, focusing on whether it interacts with electromagnetic radiation. True, according to the tradition, the dark substance was called "dark matter" in the cosmology. Energy is also divided into two types. One of them is just radiation, another substance that fills the universe. Once it is the radiation that determined the evolution of our world, but now its role has fallen almost to absolute zero, more precisely to 3 degrees Kelvin - the temperatures of the so-called relic microwave radiation, which goes in space from all sides. This is the rest (relic) of the hot youth of our universe. But about another type of energy that does not interact with a substance or radiation and manifests itself exclusively gravitational, we would never know if not research in the field of cosmology.

With radiation and conventional substance consisting of atoms, we are constantly dealing in everyday life. Much less we know about dark matter. Nevertheless, it is quite reliably established that its physical carrier is some weak-inactive particles. Even some of the properties of these particles are known, for example, that they have a lot, and they move much slower light. However, they have never been registered by artificial detectors.

The biggest error Einstein

The question of the nature of dark energy is still foggy. Therefore, as often happens in science, it is better to answer it, describing the prehistory of the issue. It begins in a memorable for our country in 1917, when the creator of the general theory of relativity Albert Einstein, publishing the solution of the task of the evolution of the Universe, introduced into the scientific circulation the concept of cosmological constant. In their equations, describing the properties of gravity, he designated it by the Greek letter "Lambda" (λ). So she received her second name - Lambda Member. The appointment of the cosmological constant was to make the universe stationary, that is, unchanged and eternal. Without a lambda member of the equation of the general theory of relativity predicted that the universe should be unstable, like an air ball, from which all air suddenly disappeared. It should not seriously study this unstable universe Einstein, but was limited to the fact that he restored the equilibrium by the introduction of the cosmological constant.

However, later, in 1922-1924, our outstanding compatriot Alexander Fridman showed that the fate of the Universe cosmological constant could not play the role of the "stabilizer", and risked to consider unstable models of the universe. As a result, he managed to find the non-stationary solutions of Einstein equations, in which the universe as a whole was compressed or expanded.

In those years, cosmology was a purely speculative science that was trying to purely theoretically apply physical equations to the universe as a whole. Therefore, Friedman's decisions initially were perceived - including Einstein himself - like a mathematical exercise. They remembered him after the opening of the galaxies' run in 1929. Friedman solutions perfectly approached the description of observations and became the most important and widely used as a cosmological model. And Einstein later called the cosmological constant with his "the largest scientific mistake."

Far from supernovae

The gradually the supervisory framework of cosmology was becoming more powerful, and the researchers studied not only to ask questions to nature, but also to receive answers. And together with the new results, the number of arguments in favor of the real existence of the "big scientific error" Einstein also increased. In full voice, they were talking about this in 1998 after observing the distant supernovae, which indicated that the expansion of the Universe accelerates. This meant that a certain sweeping force acts in the Universe, which means that the energy corresponding to it, similar to its manifestations on the effect of the lambda member in Einstein equations. In essence, the lambda member is a mathematical description of the simplest private case of dark energy.

Recall that according to observations, the cosmological expansion obeys the law of Hubble: the greater the distance between the two galaxies, the faster they are removed from each other, and the rate determined by the red displacement in the galaxies spectra is directly proportional to the distance. But until recently, the Hubble law was directly tested only at relatively small distances - those that managed to more or less accurately measure. On how the universe was expanded in the distant past, that is, at large distances, it was possible to judge only on indirect observational data. A direct verification of the Hubble law at long distances was managed only at the end of the 20th century, when a way to determine distances to distant galaxies on the supernovae flashes in them.

The outbreak of supernova is a moment in the life of a massive star when it is experiencing a catastrophic explosion. Supernovae is different types depending on the specific circumstances preceding the cataclysm. When observed, the outbreak type is determined by the spectrum and shape of the gloss curve. Supernovae, which received the designation Ia, occurs with the thermalide explosion of white dwarf, the mass of which exceeded the threshold value of ~ 1.4 of the mass of the Sun, called the chandranekar limit. While the weight of the white dwarf is less than the threshold value, the strength of the stars gravity is equalized by the pressure of the degenerate electronic gas. But if a substance flows into it in a close double system from a neighboring star, then at a certain point, electronic pressure turns out to be insufficient and the star explodes, and astronomers register another outbreak of supernova type Ia. Since the threshold mass and the reason why white dwarf explodes, always the same, such supernovae at the gloss maximum must have the same, and very greater luminosity and can serve as a "standard candle" to determine intergalactic distances. If you collect data on many so supernova and compare distances to them with red bias of galaxies, in which outbreaks happened, then it is possible to determine how the pace of expansion of the universe has changed in the past, and choose the appropriate cosmological model, in particular a suitable lambda member value (Dark density Energy).

However, despite the simplicity and clarity of this method, it faces a number of serious difficulties. First of all, the lack of a detailed theory of the explosion of the cull type IA makes their standard candle status. On the nature of the explosion, which means, on the luminosity of supernova, the speed of rotation of white dwarf, the chemical composition of its kernel, the amount of hydrogen and helium, flowed on it from the neighboring star. How all this affects the shine curves, while it is reliably unknown. Finally, supernovae flashed not in an empty space, but in galaxies, and the light of the outbreak can, for example, it is weakened by a random gas-pepped cloud that met on the way to Earth. All this makes doubt on the possibility of using supernovae as standard candles. And if only this argument was in favor of the existence of dark energy, this article would hardly be written. So although the "supernova argument" provoked a wide discussion about the dark energy (and even the emergence of this term himself), the confidence of cosmologists in its existence relies on other, more convincing arguments. Unfortunately, they are not so simple, and therefore it is possible to describe them only in the most common features.

Brief history of time

According to modern ideas, the birth of the universe should be described in terms of the not yet created quantum theory of gravity. The concept of "the age of the universe" makes sense for moments of time not earlier than 10-43 seconds. On a smaller scale, it is not possible to talk about the usual linear flow of time. The topological properties of space also become unstable. Apparently, on a small scale space-time filled with microscopic "moles" - a kind of tunnels connecting the separated areas of the universe. However, it is also impossible about the distances or order of the following events. In the scientific literature, such a state of space-time with fluctuating topology is called quantum foam. According to the reasons unknown, it is possible due to quantum fluctuations, in the space of the universe there is a physical field, which at the age of about 10-35 seconds causes the universe to expand with colossal acceleration. This process is called inflation, and the field causing it is an inflaton. Unlike the economy, where inflation is the inevitable evil with which it is necessary to fight, inflation in cosmology, that is, the exponentially rapid increase in the universe is benefit. It is for her that we are owned by the fact that the universe gained a large size and flat geometry. At the end of this short era of accelerated expansion, the energy stored in the inflation generates the material known to us: a mixture of radiation and massive particles, and is barely noticeable on their background, heated to a huge temperature. We can say that this is a big explosion. Cosmologists speak about this moment as the beginning of the radiation-dominated era in the evolution of the universe, since most of the energy at this time falls on radiation. However, the expansion of the Universe continues (although now without acceleration) and it is differently reflected in the main types of matter. The insignificant density of dark energy over time does not change, the density of the substance falls inversely proportional to the volume of the universe, and the radiation density decreases even faster. As a result, after 300 thousand years, the dominant form of matter in the universe becomes a substance, most of which is dark matter. From this point on, the rise of the perturbations of the density of the substance, barely trembled at the stage of dominance of radiation, becomes fast enough to lead to the formation of galaxies, stars and so necessary humanity of the planets. The driving force of this process is the gravitational instability, leading to the buccination of the substance. As soon as noticeable inhomogeneities remained even since the decay of the inflaton, but so far radiation dominated the universe, it prevented the development of instability.
Now the main role is started to play dark matter. Under the action of its own gravity, the region of high density stops in their expansion and begin to shrink, as a result of which gravitational-bound systems, called halo, are formed from dark matter. In the gravitational field of the universe, "Persians" are formed, in which the conventional substance rushes. Accumulating inside halo, it forms galaxies and their clusters. This formation process of structures began more than 10 billion years ago and walked along the increasing, until the last fracture has come in the evolution of the universe. After 7 billion years (this is about half of this age of the universe) the density of the substance that continued to decline due to cosmological expansion, it became less than the density of dark energy. Thus, the era of dominance of the substance was completed, and now dark energy controls the evolution of the universe. Whatever her physical nature, it manifests itself in the fact that the cosmological expansion again, as in the inflation era, begins to accelerate, only this time very slowly. But even this is enough to slow down the formation of structures, and in the future it should stop at all: any insufficiently dense education will be dispelled by the accelerating expansion of the universe. A temporary "window" in which the gravitational instability and the galaxies arise, won't walide after a tet of billion years. The further evolution of the Universe depends on the nature of dark energy. If it is a cosmological constant, then the accelerated expansion of the universe will continue forever. If dark energy is an ultra-plastic scalar field, then after it reaches the state of equilibrium, the extension of the universe will slow down, and possibly changes with compression. While the physical nature of the dark energy is unknown, all this is nothing more than speculative hypotheses. Thus, only one thing can be said with a certainty: the accelerated expansion of the universe will continue for several more tens of billions of years. During this time, our Space House is the Milky Way Galaxy - is somewhat alive with its neighbor - Andromeda nebula (and by most of the galaxies-satellites of smaller mass included in the local group). All other galaxies will fly over long distances, so many of them cannot be seen even in the most powerful telescope. As for the relict radiation, which brings us so much of the most important information about the structure of the universe, its temperature will fall almost to zero, and this source of information will be lost. Humanity will remain robinzone on the island with an ephemeral prospect of acquiring at least Friday.

Large-scale structure of the universe

Cosmologists have two main sources of knowledge about the large-scale structure of the Universe. First of all, it is a distribution in the space of glowing matter around us surrounding us, that is, galaxies. The three-dimensional card shows which structures - groups, clusters, super-consumption - the galaxies and what are characteristic dimensions, forms and numbers of these formations. Thus, it becomes clear how the substance in the modern universe is distributed.

Another source of information is the distribution of the intensity of relic radiation in the heavenly sphere. The sky map in the microwave range carries information on the distribution of density heterogeneities in the early universe, when its age was about 300 thousand years - it was then that the substance became transparent to radiation. The angular distances between the stains on the microwave are talking about the size of heterogeneities at the time, and the brightness drops (they, by the way, are very small, the order of the cell's share of the percent) indicate the degree of sealing of the embryos of future galaxies. Thus, we have, as it were, there are two time cuts: the structure of the universe at the moments after 300 thousand and 14 billion years after a large explosion.

The theory says that the characteristics of the observed structures are greatly dependent on which part of the matter in the universe falls on the substance (usual and dark). Calculations based on observational data show that its share is about 30% today (of which only 5% fall into a conventional substance consisting of atoms). So, the remaining 70% is matter, which is not incorporated into any structures, that is, dark energy. This argument is not so transparent because there are complex calculations that describe the formation of structures in the universe. Nevertheless, he is really stronger. This can be illustrated by such an analogy. Imagine that extraterrestrial civilization seeks to detect a reasonable life on Earth. One group of researchers noticed a powerful radio emission running from our planet, which periodically changes the frequency and intensity, and explains it by the operation of electronic equipment. Another group sent a probe to the ground and photographed the squares of the fields, road line, cities nodes. The first argument, of course, is easier, but the second is more convincing.

Continuing this analogy, it can be said that even more visual evidence of reasonable life would be the observation of the formation of listed structures. Of course, a person is not so far in real time to observe how the accumulations of galaxies are formed. Nevertheless, it is possible to determine how their number changed along the evolution of the universe. The fact is that, due to the limb of the speed of light, observation of objects at large distances is equivalent to the reply to the past.

The rate of education of galaxies and their clusters is determined by the rate of increasing density perturbations, which, in turn, depends on the parameters of the cosmological model, in particular on the ratio of the substance and the dark energy. In the universe with a large proportion of the dark energy of perturbations, they grow slowly, and therefore, today the clusters of galaxies should be slightly more than in the past, and with distance their number will decrease slowly. On the contrary, in the universe without dark energy, the number of clusters is pretty quickly reduced with the deepening in the past. Finding out from observations the rate of appearance of new accumulations of galaxies, it is possible to obtain an independent estimate of the density of dark energy.

There are other independent observational arguments confirming the existence of a homogeneous medium that has a decisive effect on the structure and evolution of the universe. It can be said that the statement on the existence of dark energy was the result of the development of the entire observation cosmology of the twentieth century.

Vacuum and other models

If in the existence of dark energy, most of the cosmologists no longer doubt, then there are no clarity on its nature yet. However, physics are not the first time in such a position. Many new theories begin with phenomenology, that is, a formal mathematical description of one or another effect, and intuitive explanations appear much later. Today, describing the physical properties of dark energy, cosmologists utter words that for the uninitiated more similar to the spell: this is the medium, the pressure of which is equal to the energy density in size, but the opposite by the sign. If it is a strange relation to substitute the Einstein equation from the general theory of relativity, it turns out that such an environment is gravitationally repelled from itself and, as a result, it is accelerated expanding and nothing will be gathered in any clots.

It is impossible to say that we are often dealing with such a matter. However, this is how many years have been described by vacuum for many years. According to modern ideas, elementary particles do not exist in an empty space, but in a special environment - physical vacuum, which just determines their properties. This medium may be in various states that differ in the density of stored energy, and in different types of vacuum, elementary particles behave differently.

Our ordinary vacuum has the lowest energy. Experimentally found the existence of an unstable, more energetic vacuum, which corresponds to the so-called electroweak interaction. It begins to manifest themselves at the energies of the particles over 100 gigaelectronvolt - this is only an order of magnitude lower than the possibilities of modern accelerators. Even more energetic types of vacuum are predicted theoretically. It can be assumed that our ordinary vacuum has no zero energy density, but just such that gives the desired value of the lambda member in the Einstein equation.

However, this beautiful idea, in order to attribute the dark energy vacuum, does not cause delight among researchers working at the junction of the physics of elementary particles and cosmology. The fact is that such a variety of vacuum must correspond to the energy of the particles of the entire number of electron-rolled. But this energy range, lying on the border between infrared and radio pleasing, has long been long and across the physicists, and nothing abnormal is found.

Therefore, researchers are inclined to the fact that dark energy is the manifestation of a new one and not yet detected in the laboratory conditions. This idea is similar to the one that underlies modern inflationary cosmology. There, too, ultrafast expansion of the young universe occurs under the action of the so-called scalar field, only its energy density is much higher than that is responsible for the current leisurely acceleration in the expansion of the Universe. It can be assumed that the field that is a dark energy carrier remains like a relic of a large explosion and for a long time was in a state of "hibernation", while the dominance of the radiation first lasted, and then dark matter.

Negative pressure and gravitational repulsion

Describing dark energy, cosmologists believe that its main property is negative pressure. It leads to the appearance of repulsive gravitational forces, which non-specialists sometimes speak as anti-gravity. This statement contains two paradoxs at once. We will analyze them consistently.

How can pressure be negative? The pressure of the conventional substance is known to be associated with the movement of molecules. By hitting the wall of the vessel, the gas molecules transmit their impulse to it, repel it, put on it. Free particles cannot create negative pressure, they cannot "pull the blanket on themselves", but the solid body is quite possible. A good analogy of the negative pressure of dark energy is the air balloon sheath. Each of her square centimeter is stretched and seeks to squeeze. Appear somewhere in the shell, she would immediately stron in a small rubber cloth. But while there is no break, the negative tension is evenly distributed over the entire surface. Moreover, if the ball is inflated, the rubber will become thinner, and the energy stored in its tension will grow. Similarly behaves with the expansion of the universe density of the substance and dark energy.

Why does the negative pressure accelerate the expansion? It would seem that under the action of the negative pressure of dark energy, the universe should be shredded or at least slow down its expansion, which began at the time of the Big Bang. But everything is just the opposite, because the negative pressure of dark energy is too ... Veliko.

The fact is that, according to the general theory of relativity, gravity depends not only on the mass (or rather energy density), but also on pressure. The more pressure, the stronger gravity. And the more negative pressure, the more weaker! True, pressure achievable in laboratories and even in the center of the Earth and the Sun, too small so that their influence on gravity can be noted. But here is the negative pressure of dark energy, on the contrary, so large, which crosses the attraction and its own mass, and the mass of the remaining matter. It turns out that a massive substance with a very strong negative pressure is not paradoxically compressed, but on the contrary, scatters under the action of its own gravity. Imagine a totalitarian state, which, seeking to ensure its safety, clamps freedom to such an extent that citizens are massively running out of the country, rebellious and eventually destroy the state itself. Why are excessive efforts to strengthen the state turn on its destruction? These are the properties of people - they resist suppression. Why is the strongest negative pressure instead of compression leads to expansion? These are the properties of gravity, expressed by Einstein equation. Of course, an analogy is not an explanation, but it helps to "put in the head" of the Paradoxes of dark energy.

How to weigh the structure?

Dark energy is the most important evidence of the existence of phenomena that are not described by modern physics. Therefore, a detailed study of its properties is the most important task of observational cosmology. In order to find out the physical nature of the dark energy, it is necessary first of all to investigate as accurately as possible, as the expansion mode of the universe has changed in the past. You can try to directly measure the dependence of the rate of expansion from the distance. However, due to the lack of reliable methods for determining extragalactic distances, it is almost impossible to achieve the necessary accuracy on this path. But there are other, more promising methods for measuring dark energy, which are the logical development of the structural argument in favor of its existence.

As already noted, the rate of formation of structures is very dependent on the density of dark energy. She herself can not be bought and creating structures and prevents gravitational buccination of dark and ordinary matter. By the way, therefore, in our era, those lumps of substances that have not yet begun to shrink, gradually "dissolve" into the sea of \u200b\u200bdark energy, ceasing "feel" mutual attraction. Humanity is thus witnessing the maximum in the history of the universe of the formation of structures. In the future, it will only decrease.

To determine how the Dark Energy Density changes changed with time, you need to learn to "weigh" the structure of the Universe - Galaxies and their clusters - on different red shifts. There are many ways to do this, because measurement objects - galaxies - well studied and visible even at long distances. The most straightforward approach consists in a thorough calculation of galaxies and their structures in the considered three-dimensional map of the spatial distribution of galaxies. In another method, the mass of the structure is estimated according to the inhomogeneous gravitational field created by it. Passing through the structure, the light is deflected by its gravity, and as a result, the visible images of distant galaxies are deformed. This effect is called gravitational linlication. Measuring the arising distortions, it is possible to determine (weighed) the structure on the way of the light. The first successful observations have already been made to this method, and space experiments are planned for the future - after all, it is necessary to achieve maximum measurement accuracy.

So, we live in the world, the dynamics of the expansion of which is managed by an unknown form of matter. And the only reliable knowledge of it, in addition to its existence, is the equation of the state of a vacuum-like type, the very peculiar relationship between energy density and pressure. While we are unknown, whether the character of this connection is changing over time, and if so, how. So, all reasoning about the future of the Universe, in fact, are speculative, based largely on the aesthetic views of their authors. But we entered the era of accurate cosmology based on high-tech tools for observing and developed statistical data processing methods. If astronomy continues to grow in the same pace as today, the mystery of the dark energy will be solved by the current generation of researchers.

Observed processes Theoretical Research
  • Cosmological models
    • Big explosion
    • Universe Friedman
  • Cosmology chronology

There are two options for explaining the essence of the Dark Energy:

To date (2012), all known reliable observational data does not contradict the first hypothesis, so it is accepted in cosmology as standard. The final choice between two options requires high-precision measurements of the extension speed of the universe to understand how this speed changes over time. The expansion pace of the universe is described by the cosmological equation of state. The resolution of the equation of the state for the dark energy is one of the most pressing problems of modern observational cosmology.

Dark energy should also be a significant part of the so-called hidden mass of the universe.

Opening of dark energy

Based on the observations conducted in the late 1990s, the observation stars of type IA was concluded that the expansion of the universe accelerates over time. Then these observations were supported by other sources: measurements of relic radiation, gravitational linance, large explosion nucleosynthesis. All data obtained fit well into the lambda-CDM model.

Supernovae and accelerating universe

The cosmological constant has a negative pressure equal to its energy density. The reasons for which the cosmological constant has a negative pressure, flow from classical thermodynamics. The amount of energy concluded in the "Box with Vacuum" volume V.equals ρV.where ρ - Energy density of the cosmological constant. Increase the volume of the "box" ( dV Positively) leads to an increase in its internal energy, and this means the fulfillment of negative work. As work performed by change dVequals pDVwhere p. - pressure, then p. Negative and, in fact, p \u003d -ρ. (Coefficient C², binding mass and energy, is equal to 1).

The most important unresolved problem of modern physics is that most of the quantum field theories based on the energy of a quantum vacuum, predict the enormous meaning of the cosmological constant - for many orders of excessive permissible on cosmological representations. The usual formula of the quantum field theory for summing up vacuum zero field oscillations (with circumcision by the wave number of oscillatory modes corresponding to the planacian length), gives a huge vacuum energy density. This value, therefore, should be compensated by a certain action, almost equal (but not exactly equal) in the module, but having the opposite sign. Some supersymmetry theories (SATHISH) require the cosmological constant to accurately be zero, which also does not contribute to resolving the problem. Such is the essence of the "Cosmological Constant" problem, the most difficult problem of the "fine tuning" in modern physics: no method is found to derive from the physics of elementary particles an extremely small meaning of the cosmological constant defined in cosmology. Some physicists, including Stephen Weinberg, consider t. N. "Anthropic principle" the best explanation of the observed fine balance of the energy of a quantum vacuum.

Despite these problems, a cosmological constant is in many ways the most economical solution to the problem of the accelerating universe. The only numeric value explains many observations. Therefore, the current generally accepted cosmological model (lambda-CDM model) includes a cosmological constant as a substantial element.


An alternative approach was proposed in 1987 by the German Christophe Physico Physico. The leaves came from the assumption that dark energy is a kind of particle-free excitation of a certain dynamic scalar field called by Kintesesen. The difference from the cosmological constant is that the density of the quintessence may vary in space and time. In order for quintessence to not "gather" and form large-scale structures following the example of conventional matter (stars, etc.), it should be very easy, that is, to have a large computers wavelength.

No evidence of the existence of Kvintessence has not yet been detected, but it is impossible to exclude such existence. The hypothesis of quintessence predicts a slightly slower acceleration of the universe, in comparison with the hypothesis of the cosmological constant. Some scientists believe that violations of the Einstein equivalence and variations of fundamental constants in space would be the best evidence in favor of Kwintesesen. The existence of scalar fields is predicted by the standard model and the theory of strings, but there is a problem similar to the variant with the cosmological constant: the theory of renormalization predicts that scalar fields must acquire a significant mass.

The problem of the cosmic coincidence puts the question of why the acceleration of the universe began at a certain point in time. If the acceleration in the universe began before this moment, the stars and the galaxies simply would not have time to form, and their life would have no chance of the emergence of at least in the form known to us. Supporters of the "Anthrop principle" consider this fact the best argument in favor of their constructions. However, many models of quintessence provide for the so-called "follow-up behavior", which solves this problem. In these models, the Quintessence field has a density that is adjusted to the density of radiation (without reaching it) until the development of a large explosion, when the equilibrium of substances and radiation is. After that, the quintessence begins to behave as the desired "dark energy" and eventually dominates in the universe. Such development naturally establishes a low value of the level of dark energy.

On the other hand, dark energy can dispel over time or even change the repellent effect on the attractive. In this case, gravity prevails and will lead the universe to "Great Compression". Some scenarios suggest the "cyclic model" of the Universe. Although these hypotheses are not yet confirmed by observations, they are not completely rejected. A decisive role in establishing the ultimate fate of the universe (developing on the theory of large explosion) should be played accurate measurements of the acceleration rate.

The accelerated expansion of the Universe was opened in 1998 with observations of supernova type IA. For this discovery Sol Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam Riss received the Astronomy Award for 2006 and the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2011.

see also



  • Dark energy near us is a popular brochure, A. D. Chernin, Gaish Moscow State University.
  • AD Chernin: Physical Vacuum and Space Anti-Gravity
  • Documentary - Dark Matter, Dark Energy (2008)
  • AD Chernin. Dark energy and worldwide antihistribution. // UFN, 178 , 267 (2008).
  • V.N. Lukash, V. A. Rubakov. Dark energy: myths and reality. // UFN, 178 , 301 (2008). (Comment on Article A. D. Chernina)
  • Robert R. Caldwell, MARC Kamionkowski, Nevin N. Weinberg, Phantom Energy and Cosmic Doomsday (Astro PH: 0302506)
  • Mark Throdden, Jonathan Feng.. Dark worlds

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Dark Energy" in other dictionaries:

    Dark energy - (TE) The strange energy of the non-barion world (see), present in our universe and manifests in the form of antigravity the ability to "repel" from ordinary matter. As a result of numerous (500,000 for the period from 1995 to 2005), observations with ... Large polytechnic encyclopedia

"Information based on JesciiDiology is designed to radically change all your current vision of the world, who, together with everything that is located in it, from minerals, plants, animals and people to distant stars and galaxies - in reality is an unimaginable complex and Extremely dynamic illusion, no more real than your son. "


1. Counting the masses of the universe.

2. Dark matter.

3. From what is the mass of the universe.

4. Dark energy.

5. Dark matter and dark energy from the point of view of Jescianiology.


List of references.


We visible substance - only a small part of what our universe consists of. All the rest - dark matter and dark energy. The purpose of the abstract - an author's attempt to understand what is a dark matter and dark energy from the point of view of scientists, and how the nature of the dark matter and the dark energy is explained by Jesciadiology, which gives us the latest cosmological ideas about the universe and man.

1. Counting the mass of the Universe

After opening in 1929 by Edward Hubble red displacementin the spectra of remote galaxies it became clear that the Universe expands. The forces of gravitational attraction, acting between the individual parts of the universe, seek to slow down the runoff of these parts.

It all depends on the mass of the universe. If the mass is large enough, then the forces of gravity will gradually stop the expansion of the universe, and it will be changed by compression. As a result, the Universe, in the end, again "collapses" to the point, from which once began to expand. That is, if the mass is less than some critical mass, the extension will continue forever, and if more, the universe will begin to shrink.

The value of the critical medium density of the universe was calculated, which corresponds to about 10-29 g / cubic meters or on average five nucleons per cubic meter. Different methods were measured hundreds of times and calculated the concentration of nucleons averaged over the volume of the universe. The results of such measurements are somewhat different, but the qualitative conclusion is unchanged: the density value of the universe is barely reaching a few percent of the critical density.

2. Dark matter

In the mid-30s of the 20th century, the Swiss astronomer Fritz Zvikki measured the speed with which the galaxies of the cluster "Veronica's hair" (and this is one of the largest clusters known to us, it includes thousands of galaxies) move around the common center. The speed of galaxies turned out to be much more than it could be expected, based on the observed total mass of the accumulation. This meant that the true mass of the cluster "Veronica's hair" is much more visible. The main amount of matter remains invisible and inaccessible to direct observations, showing itself only gravitational, that is, just like the mass.

About availability hidden masses in the accumulations of galaxies, experiments on the so-called gravitational linlication also testify. In accordance with the theory of relativity, any mass deforms the space and like the lens distorts the straightforward course of the light of light. By distorting the image of the galaxy, the distribution of the substance in the cluster lenses can be calculated and thereby measure its full mass. The calculated mass always turns many times more than the contribution of the visible substance of the cluster.

In the 70s, American astronomer Vera Rubin studied the speed of rotation around the galactic center of the substance located on the periphery of the galaxies. In accordance with the laws of the Kepler (and they are directly followed from the law of the world community), when moving from the center of the Galaxy to its periphery, the speed of rotation of galactic objects should decrease inversely proportionately square root from the distance to the center. Measurements showed that for many galaxies this speed remains almost constant for a very significant distance from the center.

These results can be interpreted only in one way: the density of the substance in such galaxies does not decrease when driving from the center, but remains almost unchanged. Since the density of the visible substance (contained in the stars and interstellar gas) quickly falls to the periphery of the galaxy, the missing density should provide something that we cannot see for some reason. For a quantitative explanation of the observed dependences of the speed of rotation from the distance to the center, the galaxies are required so that this invisible "something" was about 10 times more than a conventional visible substance. This "something" got the name "Dark Matter" (in English "Dark Matter") and still remains the most intriguing mystery in astrophysics.

Explain the formation of galaxies after a large explosion without dark matter was also impossible. The forces of gravitational attraction, which acted between the flying fragments that arose during the explosion of matter, could not compensate for the kinetic energy of the spool. The substance simply should not have gathered in the galaxies that we, nevertheless, observe the modern era.However, assuming that particles of conventional substance in the early universe were mixed with particles of invisible dark matter, then in the calculations everything becomes in its place, and the formation of galaxies from stars, and then clusters from galaxies becomes possible. At the same time, as calculations show, first in the galaxy was bored a huge number of particles of dark matter and only then, due to the forces of grave, elements of the conventional substance were harvested, the total mass of which was only a few percent of the total mass of the universe.

Finally, the general theory of relativity uniquely binds the pace of expansion of the universe with an average density of the substance concluded in it. Under the assumption that the average curvature of space is zero, that is, it acts in the geometry of Euclide, and not Lobachevsky (which is reliablely verified, for example, in experiments with relic emission), this density should be equal to 10-29 grams per cubic centimeter.

The density of the apparent substance is about 20 times less. The missing 95% of the mass of the universe is dark matter. The measured density value is measured from the expansion rate of the universe. If in reality the density of the universe is exactly the critical, this cannot be a random coincidence, and represents a consequence of some fundamental properties of our world, which still has to understand and comprehend.

3. What is the mass of the Universe

The true mass of the universe was much more visible masses concluded in the stars and gas-pepped clouds and most likely close to critical. And perhaps exactly equal to her. The visible world was only a small addition to something, of which the universe is in reality. Planets, stars, galaxies, and we are with you - just a shirma for a huge "something", about which we do not have the slightest idea.

By the beginning of the XXI century, as a result of perennial observations in SuperKamiokande experiments (Japan) and SNO (Canada), it was found that neutrino has a mass. It became clear that from 0.3% to 3% of 95% of the hidden mass lies in long neutrino- Let their mass extremely small, but the amount in the universe is about billion times more than the number of nucleons: in each cubic centimeter it contains an average of 300 neutrinos.

The remaining 92-95% hidden mass consist of two parts - dark matter and dark energy. An insignificant share of dark matter is a conventional baryon substance, built of nucleons, respectively respond to the residue, apparently, some unknown massive slightly interacting particles (the so-called cold dark matter).

It turned out that Mass of the universeit has the following composition:

    Visible substance - 5%

    Neutrino - 0.3 - 3%

    Barium Dark Material - 4 - 5%

    Nebarion Dark Matter - 20-25%

    Dark energy - 65-70%

4. Dark Energy

Inflationary cosmology has not predicted the transition of the slowing down expansion of the universe into accelerated. And when astrophysics opened this phenomenon, watching outbreaks of far supernovae, standard cosmology did not even know what to do with it. The dark energy hypothesis was put forward simply in order to somehow bind to the theory of paradoxical results of these observations.

At the beginning of the last century, Albert Einstein, wanting to provide a cosmological model in the overall theory of relativity, independence on time, introduced into the theory of the theory of the so-called cosmological constant, which was denoted by the Greek letter "Lambda" - λ. After the extension of the universe was opened, the need for it disappeared. A. Einstein called the cosmological constant λ with his biggest scientific mistake.

However, decades later it turned out that constant Hubble, which determines the rate of expansion of the universe, changes over time, and its dependence on time can be explained by selecting the value of the very "erroneous" Einstein constant λ, which contributes to the hidden density of the universe. This part of the hidden mass and began to call "Dark Energy".

Dark energy is evenly distributed through the universe, in contrast to the conventional substance and other forms of dark matter.She happens to be antigravitational field Unknown Nature - due to its presence, the pace of expansion of the universe is growing. Dark energy makes our universe expand on the exhibitor, periodically double the dimensions.

As a result, the density of matter and radiation constantly falls, the gravitational curvature of space weakens, and its geometry is becoming increasingly flat. Dark energy whatever swells itself, accelerating and running out the usual matter collected in galaxies. And even dark energy has a negative pressure, thanks to which the force occurs in the substance that impede it with stretching.

The main candidate for the role of dark energy - vacuum. Vacuum energy density does not change when the universe is expanding, which corresponds to negative pressure. Another candidate is a hypothetical exhaust field called quintessence.

5. Dark matter and dark energy from the point of view of Jescianidiology

The Jescianiological interpretation of the nature of dark matter and dark energy differs from scientific. The creation of the Universe is much deeper and conscious than the universe formation models described by scientists, such as the "large explosion" model and its inflationary interpretation, as well as an alternative cyclic theory of Stajhardt and Tewoon.

From point of view jesciidiologyat the same time, an infinite multitude of differently difference and different-quality universes were formed. Universe, which we are able to perceive with the help of our senses and designed instruments, presents a small part of one type information Universe- synthetic, that is, formed by the focal dynamics of the forms of self-consciousness. Atoms, molecules, elementary particles, animals, plants, minerals, the phenomena of nature, planets, stars, galaxies, all visible and invisible objects are different-quality forms of self-consciousness, which their focal dynamics form a lot of interrelations between Informationand Energy. The measurement and quality of subjective reality, in which the identity of themselves self-realistic, depends on the density of the identity of the identity of the energy of energy information and the qualities of the information involved information. That is, the dimension of the reality around us for each of us is different and depends on the quality of our thoughts, feelings, mental reactions, current representations.

The dimension of the subjective reality, which forms at the moment all the humanity of the Earth corresponds to the 3-4 dimensional range of the manifestation of the forms of self-consciousness. Power carriers and information in this - wave range are the varietial forms of photon identities and fermions, which are the structural basis of us and the reality surrounding us. What goes beyond the range of their creative activity, that is, beyond 3-4 dimension, perceived by us as "Dark matter". In our range, most of the surrounding reality is "dark matter", because atomic energy information relationships does not forms anything in our dimension.

Infinite multiple difference, Districted and diversified universes Formed as a result of initialization by impulse potentials. And some of the previously balanced information became dislying, unbalanced, that is, the desire to balance with information - energy. A corrective interaction arose between unbalanced and balanced parts of information - universal plasma-differentiating radiation (opts), which instantly determined all the potential options for creative activity of all sorts of self-consciousness to restore the equilibrium state of information. Objectively, the restoration of equilibrium occurs simultaneously, simultaneously, and subjectively - inertially - for example, in our synthetic type of universe using the focal dynamics of all forms of self-consciousness, many different-quality space-temporary continuums were formed with different dimension ranges.

Upda is a binding basis between all the dimension ranges and between all forms of self-consciousness. Due to the opts, our 3-4-dimensional range is structured not only by waveforms of self-consciousness, but also Dolels (2-3-dimensional range) and Flax (4-5-dimensional range).

Other dimension ranges in our range are manifested due to the opts real defects, "Dark Energy", "Dark Material". "Dark matter" and "Dark energy" are an "internal" creative potential, a glitter-structuring opts, without which no energy information interaction in space and time would be impossible.Upda in our dimension range is the basis for materialization in the system of perception of all the surrounding reality, that is, that part of the information that after initialization has become a dismissive, unbalanced and balanced by the focal dynamics of different-quality forms of self-consciousness.

By balancing the focal dynamics, the dismissions part of the information space of the self-consciousness, we realize our interests in this range and gradually begin to realize ourselves in the conditions of the 4-5-dimensional range, where we, and the surrounding reality, and the "Dark matter" will have other characteristics.

The mechanism of manifestation in self-consciousness of the surrounding reality is based on the initial existence of all sorts of events, both perceived and inaccessible to our subjective perception. The focal dynamics of each form of self-consciousness is simultaneously multipolarized in a countless set of all sorts of development options, inertially resonational and narrowly-specific space-time, through the entire multidimensional closing of the entire set of identities of self-consciousness, which are already initially structured by their configurations this climbing of the universe.

Ecumenical act, which seems to be scientists as « Big explosion» From the point of view of JesciDiology, one of the countless options for "quantum displacements" is inertially carried out in the focal dynamics of the conditional observer of this glitter (singular, holographic, simultane-one-time) act.

The main cause of open scientists "accelerated expansion of the Universe" is egllylerifable (evolutionary) trends of focal speaker forms of self-consciousness 3-4-dimensional ranges that are accompanied by an increase in energy information relationships. The total focal dynamics of the forms of self-consciousness of current humanity, increasing energy-information relationships (in the direction of the spectrum of the highest quality elections), consistently breaks out of the limited possibilities of the quantum-wave existence into the focal dynamics of the phlax forms of the 4-5-dimensional range of self-consciousness.

To change the traditional worldwide communicationcomes antihagnitionwhich is already observed in the form of an accelerated expansion of our universe and is an indicator of quality - the total focal dynamics of humanity and other forms of self-consciousness of our universe sequentially moves from a quantum-wave 3-4-dimensional into a phlax 4-5-dimensional range of manifestation of identity forms. The cause of antihistribution is to help with the universal cosmic energy inherent in it, in which all the galaxies and all universes are immersed. The energy of opts is the potential energy of any of the interactions carried out inherent in the form of forms in the state of their absolute completion. Thanks to her, through better options for focal dynamics of any forms of self-consciousness, absolutely all effects are created: time, space, gravity, anti-gravity and countless many of others, about which we do not know anything.

Open by astronomers "Dark energy" is the energy of opts, which at each point of manifestation of the so-called "dark matter" is the entire creative potential of the universe, all hidden realization capabilities, potentially available from any of the forms of self-consciousness.


So, our universe is 95% consists of something, we do not know about almost anything.The hidden part of the universe, which scientists called "dark matter" and "dark energy" is the energy-information relationship between atomic forms of self-consciousness, which go beyond the limits of the wave 3-4-dimensional range of our universe, that is, these interrelations belong to the forms of self-consciousness 2-3- dimensional and 4-5-dimensional universes. The total focal dynamics of the forms of self-consciousness of current people are continuously enriched with new energy-informational relationships and tendentically shifts into subjective reality, which structure 4-5-dimensional universes.

Experience shows that all the riddles that put nature in front of humanity, sooner or later were resolved with the help of completely new knowledge and concepts, which humanity had never had any idea. At the moment, this newest knowledge is Jesiadiology.

List of references:

    "The amazing story of black holes" Alexey Levin. "Popular Mechanics" №11, 2005.http://elementy.ru/lib/164648.

    O. Ooris. Basics of Jesciidiology. The newest cosmological ideas about the universe and man. Tom first. Crimea, 2013.http://www.ayfaar.org/iissiidiology/Books.

    O. Ooris. Basics of Jesciidiology. The newest cosmological ideas about the universe and man. Tom the second. Crimea, 2013.

The universe consists of only 4.9% of the usual substance - the Baryon matter, from which our world consists. Most of the 74% of the entire universe falls on mysterious dark energy, and 26.8% of the mass in the Universe falls on non-individual physical laws, difficult particles called the dark matter are difficult.

This strange and unusual concept of dark matter has been proposed in an attempt to explain inexplicable astronomical phenomena. So about the existence of some powerful energy, so dense and massive - it is five times more than a conventional matter of matter, of which our world consists, we are, scientists spoke after the detection of incomprehensible phenomena in the gravity of stars and the formation of the universe.

Where did the concept of dark matter come from?

So, the stars in the spiral galaxies like ours, have a rather high rate of treatment and in all the laws with such a fast movement should simply fly out into the intergalactic space, like oranges from the overturned basket, but they do not do it. They hold them some strongest gravitational force, which is not registered and is not captured by any of our ways.

Another interesting confirmation of the existence of some dark matter scientists received from the research of the cosmic microwave background. They showed that after the large explosion, the matter at the very beginning was homogeneous distributed in space, but in some places its density was slightly higher than on average. These areas have a stronger gravity, unlike those surrounded, and at the same time, attracting matter to themselves, they became even dense and massive. This whole process was to be too slow, in order for only 13.8 billion years, (and this is the age of the universe), form major galaxies, including our Milky Way.

Thus, it remains to be assumed that he accelerates the pace of development of galaxies, the presence of a sufficient amount of dark matter with its additional gravity, significantly accelerating this process.

What is she - Dark Matter?

One of the central ideas that Black Matter consists of still not open subatomic particles. What kind of particles and who claims to have a lot of candidates.

It is assumed that fundamental elementary particles from the Fermion family have supersymmetric partners from another family - bosons. Such weak-inactive massive particles are named Wimp (or simply VIPs). The easiest and easiest of the stable superpartner is neutralino. Here he is, he is the most likely candidate for the role of the substances of dark matter.

At the moment, attempts to get neutralino or at least similar or at all a different particle of dark matter did not lead to success. Samples of obtaining neutralino were taken on ultra-high-energy clashes on gaining fame and different assessment by a large hadron collider. In the future, experiments will be carried out with even greater collision energies, but this does not guarantee that at least some models of dark matter will be detected.

As Matthew McCalow says (from the center of theoretical physics of the Massachusetts Technological Institute) - "Our ordinary world is designed difficult, it is not built from the same type of particles, and if the dark matter is also complicated?". According to his theory, hypothetically dark matter can interact with himself, but at the same time ignore ordinary matter. That is why we cannot see and somehow register its presence.

(Map of Space Microwave Background (CMB) made by Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP))

Our galaxy Milky Way consists of a huge scale of the spherical rotating clouds of dark matter, it is mixed with a small number of ordinary matter, which is compressed under the action of gravity. It happens faster between poles, not as in the equator area. As a result, our galaxy acquires a look of a flattened spiral disc from stars and immersed in a spheroidal cloud of dark matter.

Theories of the existence of dark matter

To explain the nature of the missing mass in the Universe, various theories were put forward, one way or another, speaking on the existence of dark matter. Here is some of them:

  • The gravitational attraction of the usual registered matter in the Universe cannot explain the strange movement of stars in galaxies, where in the external areas of spiral galaxies of the stars are treated so quickly that they would simply be flying out into the interstellar space. What keeps them, if it is impossible to fix.
  • The existing dark matter exceeds the usual matter of the universe of 5.5 times and only its additional gravity can explain the uncharacteristic movements of stars in spiral galaxies.
  • Possible particles of dark matter VIMPs (WIMP), they are weak-sewing massive particles. In this case, descended supersymmetric partners of subatomic particles. In theory there are over three spatial measurements inaccessible to us. The complexity is to register them when additional measurements on Kaluzy-Klein theory are inaccessible for us.

Perhaps whether to register dark matter?

Through the land, there are huge number of particles of dark matter, but since dark matter does not interact, and if there is interaction, it is extremely weak, almost zero, with ordinary matter, then in most experiments there were no significant results.

Nevertheless, attempts to register the presence of dark matter are trying in the experiments of the collision of various atomic nuclei (silicon, xenon, fluorine, iodine and others) in the hope of seeing the return from the particles of dark matter.

In the Neutrino Astronomical Observatory at the Amundsen station - Scott with an interesting name IceCube research on the detection of high-energy neutrinos born outside the solar system.

Here on the south pole, where the temperature overboard up to -80 ° C, high-precision electronics is installed at a depth of 2.4 km, ensuring a continuous process of observing the mysterious processes of the universe, occurring beyond the edge of ordinary matter. While this is only attempts to come close up to the adequate secrets of the Universe, but some successes are already there, such as the historical discovery of 28 neutrinos.

So. It is incredibly interesting that the Universe, consisting of dark matter, inaccessible to the visible study by us may be many times more complicated by the device of our universe. And perhaps, the universe of dark matter significantly exceeds our and precisely there are all important things, the echoes of which we are trying to see in our ordinary matter, but it is already moving to the science fiction area.

This article was written by Vladimir Gorunovich for this site and the site "Vikivanation", placed on this site in order to protect information, then adjusted.

Dark energy (Eng. Dark Energy) is a hypothetical form of energy, the existence of which is assumed to be some cosmological models (accelerated expansion of the universe).
As part of these models, there are two options for explaining the essence of the Dark Energy:

  • dark energy is a cosmological constant - the unchanged energy density, evenly filling the space of the Universe (in other words, the non-zero energy and the pressure of the vacuum is postponed);
  • dark energy has some quintessence - a dynamic field whose energy density can change in space and time.
The first explanation is made in cosmology as standard. The choice between two options requires high-precision measurements of the expansion rate of the universe. The expansion pace of the universe is described by the cosmological equation of state.

It is assumed that the dark energy should also be a significant part of the so-called hidden mass of the universe.

    1 Dark Energy and Cosmological Models
    2 Dark Energy and "Expansion of the Universe"
    3 Dark Energy and Fundamental Interactions
    4 Dark Energy and Energy Conservation Law
    5 Dark Energy and Field Theory
    6 Dark Energy - Outcome

1. Dark Energy and Cosmological Models

The conclusion about the presence of acceleration in the alleged (high explosion hypothesis) expansion of the Universe was made on the basis of supernovae conducted in the late 1990s. Then to justification was added: the so-called relic radiation, gravitational linlication, nucleosynthesis of the hypothetical large explosion. The data obtained is consistent with the lambda-CDM model.

In astronomy, distances that are not permanent measuring (distances to other galaxies) are determined using the Hubble and Red Displacement Act. But the Hubble Law requires the introduction of a habble parameter of an equal ratio of a certain known distance to the magnitude of the red displacement. In astronomy, the distance to the supernova type Ia type can be determined by its luminosity by the method of the "standard candle" using the fact that all overrunional type Ia bodies that are at the same distance must have almost the same observed brightness. Comparing the observed brightness of supernovae in different galaxies, you can define distances to these galaxies.

In the late 1990s, for remote galaxies having supernova type IA, it was found that supernovaes have the brightness below the one that it believes based on the distance of the distance determined by the Hubble law. It turned out that the distance to these galaxies calculated according to the "standard candle" method (for supernovae Ia) turned out to be more than a distance calculated by the Hubble law based on the previously established value of the Hubble parameter. What was concluded that the Universe expands with acceleration. Based on these observations, the existence of an unknown type of energy with a negative pressure called "Dark Energy" was postulated.

But you can make another conclusion: hubble law does not work or not accurate, and not to introduce hypothetical acceleration of the fictional expansion of the universe. As for the period of the start of the accelerated expansion of the Universe (approximately 5 billion years ago), it has the same attitude to reality, as well as the alleged hypothesis of a large explosion, the age of the universe (13.75 billion years).

Cosmologists did not want to deal with their mistakes and shifted everything to physics. Of course, physics will figure out with this fairy tale, but with physics enough and other mathematical fairy tales of waiting proceedings.

2. Dark Energy and "Expansion of the Universe"

The extension of the universe is not experimentally proven. No one measured the distance to the remote galaxies and did not show that it increases over time. The red displacement in the spectra of remote galaxies can be explained without resorting to the effect of the Doppler and the hypothesis of the "Big Explosion".
And since the fact of expanding the Universe itself is not proven - it is impossible to talk about the acceleration of a non-existent expansion of the Universe. Consequently, the cosmological models of the "accelerated expansion of the Universe" are just a darkening hypotheses and the existence of dark energy arising from them - just a suggestion of mathematical models, the loyalty of which is not proven in physics and causes reasonable doubts.

In addition, the hypothesis of "Big Explosion" today is rejected by physics:

  • the hypothesis of a large explosion ignores part of the laws of nature and therefore it cannot be considered as the theory,
  • the hypothesis of a large explosion introduces the non-existing form of energy, substances and elementary particles in nature,
  • the hypothesis of a large explosion does not take into account the real properties of elementary particles,
  • hypothesis of a large explosion manipulates with physical forces
Consequently: the hypothesis of a large explosion is a delusion in physics. Or in simple language: the hypothesis of a large explosion is the biblical fairy tale of the 20th century. It is not surprising that she liked the Pope Roman.

3. Dark Energy and Fundamental Interactions

The presence in the nature of the following two types of fundamental interactions is experimentally established:

  • electromagnetic interactions
  • gravitational interactions.
These types of fundamental interactions correspond to two forms of energy:
  • electromagnetic energy
  • gravitational energy.
Since all types of interactions in nature should be reduced to the two types of fundamental interactions listed, then, therefore, all forms of energy should also be reduced to these two forms of energy. And so far in nature there will be no presence of other types of interactions (except for fiction, naturally) - the presence of other forms of energy will not be proven.

Thus, dark energy, as some separate type of energy, contradicts the fundamental interactions existing in nature.

4. Dark energy and energy conservation law

Energy cannot arise from nothing - i.e. From vacuum, to create nothing and disappear to nowhere. The law of conservation of energy is the fundamental law of nature. All known science forms of energy obey this law. If dark energy really exists in nature, it should also obey the law of energy conservation. The introduction of nature for the dark energy of its own law goes beyond the limits of physics - physics studies only nature and its laws, and the world of fairy tales is not physics.

Consequently, in nature, the processes of transforming the "dark" energy in other types of energy, as well as inverse transformations should occur. All with what physics managed to face so far this similar to such processes of reaction with the participation of neutrino in the micrometer. Since neutrino is extremely weakly interacts with other elementary particles and in more than 99% of cases, the illusion of the disappearance of energy is created through the sensors (during neutrino emission, for example during the decay of the neutron) and the illusion of the emergence of energy from nothing (with neutrino absorption reaction). Physics has learned to recognize these events and found that the law of energy conservation works here. There are no other "losses" and "appearances" of the physics of physics.

Thus, if the dark energy really exists in nature, it should obey the law of energy conservation and in nature should be observed with hopping losses and the appearance of known forms of energy. From the absence of the latter in nature, it follows that dark energy as a separate form of energy in nature does not exist. In nature, processes can be observed with weakly interacting elementary particles (for example, neutrino and their excited states) creating an illusion of such events. But it will be a well-known form of energy.

Well, if any model ignores the laws of nature, then this suggests that before us, a mathematical fairy tale.

5. Dark Energy and Field Theory

According to the field theory of elementary particles, any form of energy in nature should consist of elementary particles existing in nature or be created by them. This form of energy can be transferred to elementary particles in a real state in accordance with the laws of nature, including the law of energy conservation. But since all elementary particles consist of an electromagnetic field - then this form of energy will be an electromagnetic form of energy (or its derivative - a form arising from electromagnetic energy or the electromagnetic energy generated).

Thus, dark energy either does not exist in nature or reduce the electromagnetic (or gravitational) form of energy - this may be neutrino energy, in giant quantities emitted by stars (see the red shift and mystery of solar neutrino).

6. Dark Energy - Total

Dark energy as a separate energy form:

  • contradicts the fundamental interactions existing in nature,
  • not observed in the transformations of the energy of different forms,
  • does not have any actually existing fields in nature.
The presence of the extension of the universe in physics itself is not proven: the red shift in the spectra of remote galaxies can be explained without resorting to the effect of the Doppler and the hypothesis of a large explosion. The need for some models in dark energy is not proof of its existence in nature.

Consequently, dark energy as a separate form of energy cannot exist in nature. In nature, there are "invisible" forms of electromagnetic energy - this is the energy, transferred neutrino, in the giant quantities of stars emitted by the stars. But in order to fill the Neutrino Universe 13.75 billion years is clearly not enough, but in general, it is better to say goodbye to a fairy tale about the big explosion - contrary to the laws of nature.

Vladimir Gorunovich