Psychic photography test. Materialization of your thoughts and desires. Meditation techniques and dream solving

Everyone has some kind of ability, but not everyone has psychic abilities. Scientists claim that all people are endowed with a sixth sense from birth. How to test psychic abilities yourself? For this, there are special methods that reveal the presence or absence of a supernatural gift. They are simple, but able to bring out the characteristics of you that you did not know about.

What counts as psychic abilities

Psychic abilities are a special, phenomenal gift that allows a person to see what is not given to others. He can look into the future or find out information about the past, predict future events and how to act in a specific situation. Such a person has a special connection with the immaterial, subtle world at the energetic level. Psychic abilities are considered:

  • The gift of healing.
  • The ability to predict the future.
  • Seeing information about objects at a great distance.
  • Transmission of thoughts at a distance.

This is not a complete list of abilities, each person endowed with a supernatural gift can have various talents.

How psychic abilities are manifested

How do I know if I'm a psychic or not? Many people ask this question. Psychic abilities can manifest in different ways, but there are basic signs that will let you know that you are endowed with a special gift:

  • You have vivid prophetic dreams.
  • You can sense other people's feelings.
  • The person who offended you always gets what he deserves.
  • You are often lucky.
  • When you get close to technical devices, their work changes.
  • Animals behave strangely in your presence.
  • When you touch the sore spot with your hand, the pain disappears.
  • Your thoughts often materialize.
  • You feel addicted to the paranormal.
  • You don't like it when doors are open in your room.
  • After the death of a loved one, you have felt inexplicable strange things.
  • You often see something out of the corner of your eye.
  • Hear strange sounds in another room when no one is in the house.

If you have noticed any of the listed signs in yourself, then you probably have extrasensory qualities.

How to know if you have psychic abilities

There are many ways to determine the presence of supernatural abilities. Let's consider the most effective ones.

How to find out about superpowers by date of birth

To pass the test and detect the presence of psychic abilities, you only need your date of birth. Supernatural abilities can only have a person's date of birth, which, when adding up the numbers, has the numbers 66 or 666. So, we write your date of birth, for example: 12.1999. Now we add the numbers of your date of birth like this: 26 + 12 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 66. It turned out as a result of passing the test that a person born on 12/26/1999 has a talent for witchcraft, because the number 66 is hidden in the date of birth.

Find out about the presence of extrasensory abilities in the hand

You can recognize superpowers simply by looking at the open left palm. The following signs indicate that you are a clairvoyant:

  • You see a pronounced cross under your index finger.
  • A horizontal straight line runs through the palm.
  • You see the letter "M" below your middle finger.

If you notice one of the signs, this indicates the presence of psychic qualities. If you find two or all three signs in yourself, you definitely have superpowers and can predict the future, you need to develop this ability.

How to test psychic abilities using maps

Your intuition will tell you a lot, for this you need to take a deck of cards, any will do. You need to discard all unnecessary thoughts and concentrate, then shuffle the deck. Draw any card face down and try to guess what color the suit is. If after several tries everything went well and you manage to guess, make the exercise a little more difficult. Now try to guess the suit of the card along with the color. In such a simple way, you can easily find out if you have superpowers.

How to know if I have the gift of clairvoyance through dreams

Dreams are usually deciphered using dream books, but in fact they are inaccurate. To identify psychic abilities, you will need to compose your personal dream book. To do this, you need to wake up, write down your dreams every morning. This should be done immediately after waking up, dreams are quickly forgotten. Every evening, analyze all the events that happened during the day and compare them with the recorded dreams.

After a while, you will be able to understand what signs dreams give and learn to predict future events, if you cannot do this, then you do not have extrasensory talents. You can understand this after a week of the experiment.

How to develop psychic abilities

Well-known psychics claim that it is necessary to develop psychic abilities starting with tuning exercises, they will put them on the right track. You need to close your eyes and imagine that you have a point in the middle of your forehead, on which you need to concentrate all your thoughts, doing developmental exercises. To learn how to concentrate, start with simple tuning exercises:

  • In the morning after waking up, try to grasp what information you will receive today, negative or positive, and what problems or joyful events you will have to face today.
  • When the phone rings, try to guess who is calling without looking at the screen.
  • The moment you are about to go outside, try to guess who you will meet first, a woman or a man. Gradually complicate the task by anticipating what kind of clothes the person will be wearing.

By doing such simple exercises regularly, it will take only one week, and you will feel that your level of extrasensory perception increases.

Psychic abilities can be tested in the described ways, and there are many free and paid tests on the Internet, but after identifying them, it is imperative to develop such a rare gift. You can start on your own by doing simple exercises, and then you need to sign up for courses of famous psychics. They conduct individual trainings. A person must develop any ability.

There are people who are able to feel and see what is beyond the reach of an ordinary person. They can see through walls and know for sure what will happen in the near future. Surely many of you will want to test your psychic abilities, and what if you can do such miracles?

It's a shame to know that you don't even know about their existence and don't strive for their development. Do you have superpowers? It's easy to check.

Prepare the necessary items:

  • Unplayed deck of cards
  • Family album

As you run your hand over the photos in your album, listen to the sensations. Try to catch the difference between photographs of people living and dead. Maybe you will hear some sound or see some picture, feel the tingling of your fingers or a chilling cold. All sensations are strictly individual, but the main criterion is that at this stage you could feel the difference in energy coming from photographs of living people and dead people.

Let's move on to the next stage - testing strangers. Take a stranger's album and repeat your experience. If your feelings do not deceive you, and you are able to distinguish living people from the dead, then you are endowed with superpowers.

Experimenting with a deck of cards

Now let's use the cards. Remove a card from the deck without looking at it. Using your energy, try to determine what suit the card is, what color and property it is. Do not be discouraged if the first time you didn’t succeed. Try to repeat your experience over and over again. Superpowers do not always manifest themselves immediately. You need to be extremely calm and do not rush. Testing psychic abilities is not an easy task.

There is a chance that you will accidentally guess several cards, but it is so small that it is not even worth talking about it. One thing is for sure, if you managed to guess several cards in a row - do not hesitate, your intuition works great!

The next step is to test your psychic abilities. Almost all the dreams of psychics have an informational load and are prophetic. You need to figure out which dreams you see more often. Try monitoring your dreams for two weeks. If their coincidence with reality is not uncommon, you have a sensitive perception that needs to be developed.

How to develop superpowers: learn to feel color

Cut five pieces of 10x10 cm colored paper. With your eyes closed, move the sheets and place them in different envelopes. Place the envelopes on the table in front of you. Without opening your eyes, bring your hand to the envelope and try to determine the color of the paper in it.

Opening the third eye

The third eye of a person is located between the eyebrows, and purple is the color of psychic energy. Close your eyes and focus your attention on the area where the third eye is supposed to be. If you can imagine how the energy potential increases, your ability to feel intuitively will increase manifold. Tip - practice different.

Learn to paint with your left hand

If you're right-handed, don't try to portray something intelligible. Relax and try drawing geometric or abstract shapes, drawing all sorts of lines.

As you try to use your left hand, you will begin to develop the right side of your brain, and therefore your intuition. At the same time, the unconscious creation of some images, performed with the left hand, will help you release your subconscious.

Development of tactile sensations

There is a special exercise to develop tactile sensitivity. Take three pieces of fabric with a variety of textures. For example, wool, velvet and silk. With your eyes closed, touch each piece of fabric with your left hand. When touching the fabric, remember the sensations that you experienced. Repeat the exercise many times.

Learn to feel other materials

Over time, it will become easier for you to feel subtle vibrations in other materials and substances. You must learn to feel glass, plastic, wood, iron, holding your hand at a distance of up to 10 cm and feeling the energy vibrations coming from them.

Keep a dream diary

The information we receive in a dream may come from the astral plane or from our subconscious. As soon as you wake up, write down your dreams in a diary to learn how to remember and interpret them correctly. Keep a pencil and notebook next to your bed. If you woke up in the middle of the night due to the fact that you dreamed of something, write it down in a notebook, otherwise in the morning you may not remember all the details.

Learn to feel your aura

It will also help to test psychic abilities and develop them. At a distance of 30 cm from your body, hold your hands straight in front of you. Turn your palms towards each other. You will immediately feel the energy that emanates from the palms. Keep your hands at a distance of 15 cm, and then start moving them towards each other. Be attentive and you will feel the aura. The site team wishes you success in the development of psychic abilities!

Our distant ancestors knew how to use psychic abilities... Even kings listened to clairvoyants and telepaths in determining the state course - their word was worth its weight in gold. It is believed that psychic potential is inherent in absolutely everyone. It's just that one has talent in plain sight, while the other is hidden so deeply that a person himself does not even suspect about its existence. Amazing coincidences, déjà vu - all of these phenomena can indicate your latent possibilities.

Read each of the suggested statements and answer the question, has this happened to you? For each answer “often” add 2 points, “sometimes” - 1 point, “never” - 0 points.

Psychic ability test

1. Suddenly it seems that you are not experiencing some events for the first time. Details come to mind: it was the same weather, the same person was nearby.

2. When you first come to visit new friends, orient yourself in their house as if you have already been here.

H. You are introduced to a person and you are firmly convinced that you have met him before. After questioning, it turns out: you could not see each other for objective reasons.

4. Dreams that you leave your body and fly - cross a room or travel by air.

5. You are quite capable of committing unplanned actions, because the day before you did them in a dream.

6. You see a dream, the hero of which is unfamiliar to you. But soon you unexpectedly come across this person in reality.

7. In a dream, you will learn information that concerns the past of people close to you. After talking with others, you find out that everything you dreamed is true.

8. You woke up some time ago, but the feeling of unreality does not leave. Movements seem slow, people seem strange.

9. Simultaneously with a loved one, you express the same sentence aloud.

10. A coincidence has unexpectedly disrupted your plans. Thanks to this, life has changed dramatically.

11. One has only to think about someone or something, and you immediately come across this person or phenomenon.

12. Contrary to common sense, you can change your mind, succumbing to a sudden impulse, intuition.

13. Suddenly you feel mental or physical pain. And later you will find out that a trouble happened with a loved one at this time.

14. Every time you pass through a certain place - on the street or at home - you feel anxiety and involuntary trembling for no reason.

15. If you have a pet, then he sensitively captures at a distance not only your emotional state, but also intentions.

Psychic Abilities Test Results

0-5 points.
Abilities are safely hidden from prying eyes and from your own. You can awaken the psychic talent in yourself if you show patience and begin to train specifically. But it looks like you feel great in the role of a rational and pragmatic person.

6-15 points.
The psychic gift sometimes makes itself felt. But you tend to take all unusual coincidences as a curiosity. Try to pay more attention to them and draw conclusions for the future. Soon, many problems will disappear from your life by themselves, involuntarily.

16-30 points.
It seems that you are aware of the fact that you have some kind of power. But it is not easy to accept, the unusual gift is a little scary. Learn to trust your instincts and be sure to develop your abilities further. And you will be able to use them for your own benefit and for the benefit of others.

AND ANOTHER TEST for psychic abilities

It is believed that a certain gift is hidden in each of us. But in some, the ability to foresight is strong, while in others the sixth sense is dormant, only occasionally making itself felt. Our exercise will help develop intuition.

To pass the test picture, you only need to determine what is shown in the photo that we have prepared for you. However, it will not be easy to do this, because we will temporarily hide most of the photos from our readers.

This exercise helps you start looking around with your inner vision, seeing things that you usually can't see with your eyes. You may not succeed on the first try, but don't be discouraged and just try again and again.

How to work with photography

To begin with, do not try to finish building the image logically, looking out for not hidden details of the photo. This is a very tempting path, but completely false, because it does not help your subconscious to get involved in the work.

Work with the image when nothing distracts you. Of course, you can take our test both in the workplace and with friends. But the ideal option would be a quiet room and a calm environment.

To avoid the temptation to seek out image details with your eyes, many practitioners advise closing them altogether. If you close your eyes but the image is not moving, run your hand across the monitor or bring your palm and hold it in front of the image. At this moment, you replace eye contact with tactile, and other channels of perception open.

Seeing everything at once, especially on the first try, is difficult enough. So determine what you can feel. Working with the image with the palm of your hand, you can catch the texture of the object, what it feels like, heavy or light, cold iron, or there is something warm and alive. There may be a sound or smell that will also lead you to the true picture.

Try to take our test and find out more about your abilities!

Test setup:

1. For each attempt you can spend the minimum 5 seconds.
2. The test will take about 5 minutes and will contain 50 attempts.
3. You must concentrate and try to guess where the ace is hidden!

Show results:

Clearvision- the allegedly occurring ability of a person to receive information in addition to the well-known mechanisms of perception and channels known to science and recorded by modern scientific means, including information about events of the past and future. Clairvoyance is not recognized by modern science, it does not have reliable confirmations obtained under the conditions of a correctly set experiment. (Wikipedia)

Clairvoyance is closely related to concepts such as extrasensory perception, telepathy and mediumship, although these concepts are often used imprecisely and are considered equivalent. Clairvoyance usually refers to several different types of supernatural abilities (Wikipedia)

The reality of clairvoyance is not recognized by modern science. Until now, claims of the existence of the ability to clairvoyance have not received scientific confirmation. The National Science Foundation (USA) classifies clairvoyance as one of the most common pseudoscientific delusions among Americans. (Wikipedia)

A medium is a sensitive individual who, according to the followers of spiritualism, serves as a link between the two worlds: the material and the spiritual. The practice of mediumship is also used in Spiritualism, Candomblé, Umbanda, and other esoteric traditions. (Wikipedia)

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The development of psychic abilities in humans.

Many people dream of possessing some kind of psychic abilities. Therefore, they think about how to find out if they have such abilities or not.

Any person has certain knowledge and skills. Some try to develop them, and the abilities begin to manifest themselves at different periods of time. Others have the makings asleep. But how do you define your own abilities? There are certain methods for this, special tests. They will be discussed in today's article.

Determining psychic abilities and intuition by date of birth?

If you want to know exactly whether you have psychic abilities or not, then this material will help you. Because here you can learn about methods for detecting such unusual opportunities.

We offer you a very simple test. With the help of it, you will determine if you have a tendency to conjure and use magical power:

  • In order to pass the test, you will have to use only your own date of birth, plus a calculator. This is only if you cannot or do not want to count yourself.
  • It is worth noting that the presence of otherworldly qualities can only be judged when 66 or 666 is present in the date of birth after adding the numbers.
The gift of clairvoyance
  • Write your own date of birth, for example, 08/30/1999.
  • Now add your own date numbers using the following method: 31 + 08 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 66. In order to get 666, you just need to look at the date when the person was born.

The meaning of this test, no doubt, you will understand. If the date contains such a combination of numbers 06.06.2006, then this person has magical abilities, sensitive intuition. Consequently, he has the ability to develop his own gift of clairvoyance.

How psychic abilities and intuition manifest themselves: signs

There are a lot of people in the world. And each has its own abilities: someone dances beautifully, and someone paints pictures beautifully, and some have psychic abilities. However, the signs of such qualities in people manifest themselves in different ways and may differ. Consider with you the brightest and most pronounced signs.

  • Frequent colorful, lucid dreams. If you constantly see vivid dreams, during which you travel or they convey pictures of the future, then you can undoubtedly count on the presence of magical powers.
  • In some cases, people, thanks to such dreams, can live more than one life. There are a huge number of technologies that allow you not to get lost in such events. But the main thing that will allow you to develop strength and the manifestation of awareness is to write down your own dreams.
  • In this way, you can check how accurately the dreams that were transmitted to you are being realized.
  • Involuntary treatment of people with the help of the palms. Many people with healing properties have similar opportunities. In addition, there is an opportunity to affect the whole body, on the energy of a person, heal wounds, heal diseases and cleanse the chakras.

  • Fear of an open door. The first sign of magical capabilities is the anxiety that appears when a door is open in the room. It has always been assumed that the openings of windows and doors are the line that is located between our world and the other world. People who have strong energy sensitivity do not always linger in a doorway or near an open window.
  • A still open door or window can lead to a loss of its energy, therefore, most of the rituals are carried out in a room exclusively with a closed door and dim light.
  • The ability to materialize one's own thoughts and desires. You have 100% special ability when your dreams and thoughts come true on a regular basis. For many, only positive desires come true, but there are also those for whom negative ones come true. In general, these individuals must follow their own desires. In the event that this happens to you sometimes, then try to develop more opportunities with the help of a special technique.
  • Clear recognition of the feelings of other people. The next manifestation of magical powers is empathy. The person who owns it feels the emotions of others and their feelings, sometimes as if they are his emotions. It is a pity, such an ability is not often found. It is possessed by some magicians who actually help. Often, the ability is found in psychologists or psychotherapists.
  • The ability to predict what is happening in the near future. The ability to foresee the future is a complete guarantee of the presence of magical abilities. Images usually appear during sleep, touching certain things, using a mirror ball.
  • Sharpened intuition. A person knows when he needs to stop or what to do at a certain moment or in the near future. He often finds himself in the right place and meets those people who are needed. Also, such a person can predict the onset of danger.

Psychic and Intuition Tests

There are a huge number of tests, passing which you can learn about your own magical abilities, if they, of course, exist. Just answer the questions we suggested Yes or no.

  1. Can you notice or discern his energy in a person?
  2. Do you feel the danger? Can you get out of any situation without much loss? The intuition of self-preservation in the face of trouble always comes to your aid?
  3. Do you influence the decisions of other people, can you inspire your own thoughts in such a way that your interlocutor switches over to your side?
  4. Do you have the ability to foresee future moments, do you prevent any events?
  5. Have your friends begun to notice that you are a good conversationalist and that it is easy to talk to you?
  6. Love spell, damage, evil eye - have you practiced similar methods on anyone?
  7. Are you interested in magic? Do you study a lot of literature about magic and various methods that relate to it?
  8. Are you guessing by any method available to you? Most importantly, do you predict people come true over time?
  9. Each person is like an open book. Can you see through a person, feel what he is striving for and what you feel?
  10. Do you constantly think about life, read a large number of books? Do you have your own self-improvement in the first position?
  11. Is loneliness a common thing for you? After all, it is it that gives you the opportunity to discover your potential, to reveal your own inner world.
  12. Are you fluent in certain magical elements?
  13. When you get to a cemetery or a vacant lot, you are not afraid, are you not lost?

In the event that you were able to answer positively to 8 questions or more, then you have magical power. Develop it. It all depends only on your capabilities and desires.

What zodiac signs have psychic abilities and intuition?

Absolutely all people, of any zodiac sign, can have psychic powers. But only each sign has its own talents. Let's find out what powers all signs are endowed with.

  • Aries. A very strong sign. His main ability is the ability to charge other people with his own energy. Aries is like an ordinary light bulb - light emanates from him. In addition, a person born under this sign is capable of infecting clothes and other things with energy. The most important thing is that this energy is good.
  • Calf. Lucky financially. This sign belongs to the world of money. Guesses for money, uses money conspiracies and rituals. To achieve their own desires, Taurus often writes their own money fantasies on a piece of paper.
  • Twins. Sharp on the tongue. He can jinx and damage. Only from one glance and a bad word, he can harm a person. However, this person also acts positively - he can sincerely wish good and good luck.
  • Cancer. The person has a keen intuition. He can guess the events taking place in the near and distant future. However, very often a person born under this sign does not speak to people about his own feelings, and when his prophecies come true, a phrase like “I knew everything” will already be ridiculous. Many astrologers advise Cancers to describe their feelings and feelings to their loved ones more, as this is how they can save them from harm.
  • A lion. Leo manages easily with love spells and conspiracies. Leos have control over this topic. And it is not strange that Leo often has violent love.
  • Virgo. People definitely have supernatural powers. They are fortune-telling on cards, own palmistry. If a person under this sign wants to seriously engage in the study of cards and fortune telling in the palm of his hand, he will be able to succeed very quickly.

  • Libra. Libra's supernatural abilities are manifested through internal energy. Libra rules the elements. Libras can easily test their own abilities. They must "order" the weather for a certain day from nature and check how their assumptions will come true.
  • Scorpio. A person of this sign is considered magically strong. He owns almost all kinds of magic. The main feature of the Scorpio man is he fights bad energy, evil eye and damage. By his own presence, Scorpio protects loved ones from trouble and disease.
  • Sagittarius. The main magical powers of Sagittarius are his intentions, thoughts and words. The main companions of Sagittarius are the arrow and the target. This means that in order to realize his own desires, he clearly articulates his own intentions. And it does it best on paper.
  • Capricorn. Capricorns can become wonderful astrologers, numerologists or palmists. They are subject to sciences that will allow them to show their own mind, logical and mathematical capabilities.
  • Aquarius. Often see prophetic dreams. They partly listen to their own dreams, because thanks to them they receive a large amount of information that is useful to them.

  • Fish. The man of this sign is wonderful guesses with the help of coffee grounds, cards and runes. In addition, Cancer can cleanse the space from energy pollution. Pisces also has great intuition. This enables a person to guess future events.

How to discover and develop psychic abilities in yourself: exercises

Magical powers are consequences that can manifest themselves due to important factors and conditions. Some of them help predict the future, tune the energy, and develop the brain's abilities. The following exercises can be distinguished that help develop psychic abilities.

Developing intuition:

  • Psychic capabilities depend on the mind. Most scientists claim that earlier people had very powerful brains. He functioned in a completely different way, not like that of modern man.
  • Almost 90% of all its capabilities, which allowed ancient people to communicate between each other for a very long time. The brain works actively - it is more likely to predict the future. Logic and abstract thinking will help open magical possibilities.
  • Regularly record your own thoughts and what you are waiting for in order to check them in the future and compare them with real events.

We learn to feel our own aura:

  • The person is surrounded by an energy field. To guess the future or follow the mood of people, you need to understand your own aura. Almost any person felt when negative energy emanated from another person.
  • If you want to feel the boundaries of your own field, letting someone into it, to feel changes, do this: move your hands to the sides - you will see your biological field. Stretch your arms forward and you become a magnet.
  • Practice this exercise in your mind with the person sitting opposite you. This way you can develop the sensitivity of the magnet.

Learning to meditate:

  • Breathe deeply and infrequently. Clear your own mind of extraneous thoughts to feel the energy of the world around you
  • First, do it at home, then you can move to other places.

Learning to guess dreams:

  • Prophetic dreams are a gift that is given to man from nature itself. This is the best prediction method, since the human brain is distracted from problems and work during sleep, and can more effectively interact with the biofield.
  • Do you want to develop this gift? Before going to bed, get rid of unnecessary thoughts and think about exactly what interests you. So you can see a prophetic dream. However, before that, watch yourself. If you see positive results, then you are on the right track.

Learning to see future events:

  • Those surfaces that are reflective are said to help keep track of what is out of sight. In this regard, the ideal assistant is a mirror. Experts say the mirror is considered the border that separates the worlds.
  • The mirror shows the future only to the chosen people. Exercises can help you find out whether you are the chosen one or not.
  • In order to test your own strength, take a couple of mirrors so that they show an endless tunnel. Sit between the mirrors, consider what you see in this tunnel. Create complete silence around you, darkness, do everything calmly.
  • However, be extremely careful. After all, exercises in which mirrors are involved are sometimes dangerous with a small biofield.

The development of psychic abilities according to the Silva method

A famous parapsychologist from America proposed an unusual method. Thanks to him, you can establish thinking, direct the functioning of intuition to control. Silva decided to suggest some exercises to develop the "sixth sense". This allows a person to get additional opportunities to improve and reach new heights in their own life.

According to Silva, you can control your mind at various levels:

  • Level 1. A person is awake, can use 5 physical senses
  • Level 2. This consciousness is suitable for meditation, using intuition.
  • Level 3. A person is in deep sleep, for example, during prolonged meditation using various methods of extrasensory perception
  • Level 4. The person is deeply asleep. At this level, he is located in unconsciousness

Read more about the Silva Method in his book Mind Control. You can buy the book at.

How to reveal psychic abilities in yourself and develop them in 2 weeks?

Do you want to develop psychic abilities in yourself in 14 days? Let's consider with you some recommendations that will help you in this matter:

  • First, perform a ritual of cleansing your own inner aura. Get rid of negative emotions and thoughts. Reach harmony within yourself. You can meditate
  • Never tell anyone that you are doing this kind of workout. Since it should be kept secret from prying thoughts
  • Do special exercises every day. If you do not do this, you may not expect a good result.
  • Use your own abilities only for good purposes, otherwise your abilities will be lost
  • Study a lot of information that relates to extrasensory perception. After all, theory is also considered important, as is practice.

Now let's look directly at the exercises themselves:

  • Learn to feel the human aura with your hands in 2 weeks. Do this: Sit in a chair straight, relax to the maximum. Move your hands to the sides, place your palms parallel to each other at a distance of 30 cm. Slowly bring your palms together, and then spread them apart so that there is a feeling of warmth and elasticity throughout the body.
  • Take 2 pictures showing a deceased person and a living one. Close your eyes, get rid of unnecessary, distracting thoughts, focus. Place one hand on the photo and feel the energy coming from it. Repeat on the second shot.
  • To develop your own intuition, try to learn to write with the opposite hand during this time.

How to discover and develop psychic abilities in yourself: tips

How to open and develop psychic abilities in yourself? The most important thing is to really strive for this and stubbornly go towards the goal. If you want to find a good method that will help you with this, then first listen to our simple recommendations.

  • Try to be positive. Since doubts will distract you and suspend the whole process.
  • Pay special attention to your own feelings and feelings. Watch out for every little thing that happens around you in order to catch a supernatural signal.

  • Record all your dreams and visions on paper. You can have a special notebook. In this way, you will track whether there is progress in your studies or there are no positive shifts at all.
  • Imagine a variety of events in front of you as often as possible. Use any photo for this purpose. After looking at one photo for a few seconds, close your eyes, reproduce what you saw in the picture.
  • Use a technique called audio hypnosis. This technique allows you to concentrate well, tune in to positive thoughts, thereby throwing out of your head what interferes with obtaining a positive result.

We hope our small tips will help you become a great psychic! But remember not to use your gift to enrich yourself or harm others.

Psychic books: a list

  • Author - Elina Boltenko: "A textbook on extrasensory perception"
  • Roberts Jane, Psychic Abilities.
  • Gennady Kibardin: "Secrets of clairvoyance: how to develop the ability for extrasensory perception."
  • Noreen Rainier: " Practicum of a psychic "
  • Yuri Ivanov: "How to become a psychic"
  • Nonna Khidiryan: “ Extrasensory perception. Answers to questions here "
  • Sanders Jr. Pete: "You are a psychic!"
  • Alexey Pokhabov: "Vertical Will"

You can choose books on extrasensory perception according to your taste in this.

Stones that enhance psychic abilities

Azurite- the strongest of all stones that give the power of consciousness.

Sardonyx- has the power of self-healing of its owner, by harmonizing the work of all body systems and better work of the human mind.

Heliotrope- a stone for witchcraft in ancient times. It is used for bracelets, rings and rings, to stimulate human extrasensory perception.

Video: Clairvoyance course. How to become clairvoyant and open the third eye?

Although many do not know about this, each person has the ability to subtle extrasensory perception. It's just that not many managed to reveal them in themselves. What does this ability include? It is a gift that manifests itself in a combination of strong intuition, telepathy, and anticipation. And no magic, just the ability to feel the bioenergetic vibrations of the earth's field in a different range. People who have managed to discover this potential in themselves, manage to “recognize the signs of fate”, more subtly feel the reality surrounding them, since the threshold of their perception is much lower.

The subject of extrasensory perception excites and intrigues. Therefore, some people are interested in how to test psychic abilities in themselves. This can be done quite simply by resorting to simple methods.

There are several exercises that can tell you where your ESP is in development.

We offer a test to check psychic abilities. You need to answer the following questions:

  1. Do you think you have a well-developed intuition?
  2. Place your palms opposite each other at a distance of 20 cm. Can you feel warmth between them?
  3. Have you ever had people in your family with any unusual abilities - witches, healers, etc.?
  4. Are you light asleep?
  5. Can you easily convince a person of something?
  6. Can the sick person next to you feel better?
  7. Have you ever had the feeling that there is someone in the room, although this is not so?
  8. Do you feel uncomfortable in certain places, as if something bad happened here?
  9. Do you sometimes talk to things?
  10. Are you lucky?

If you have the majority of positive answers, then this is probably a sign of enormous psychic potential.

By the way, it is believed that women, whose age is about 30 years and older, have the opportunity to show their psychic abilities much faster. During this period of life, high energy potential and sufficient life experience. And this is a great base for discovering uncharted boundaries in yourself.

How to use cards to determine the presence of psychic abilities

There are a number of tests and techniques that you can take online on the Internet and find out the result immediately. But, you can use simple objects or even limit yourself to your own imagination to test yourself.

There is a way to test psychic abilities at home using just an unplayed deck of cards. Take out, without looking, the first card that comes across. Now try to guess her suit, color, property. Any of this. Take your time, concentrate. Even if you didn't succeed the first, second or third time, it doesn't matter. Try again and again. The main thing is to remain calm and not lose patience. After all, testing your psychic abilities is not an easy task. Over time, you will start to succeed. When you notice that you are guessing one card after another, it means that your intuition has begun to work harder.

If you succeed in identifying the cards quickly enough, then your extrasensory perception is at its best.

Many people with well-developed extrasensory perception have learned to use tarot cards, which suggest intuitively the right decision to them.

Meditation techniques and dream solving

You can simultaneously test and engage in the development of psychic abilities using meditative techniques. These methods consist in opening the "third eye". All you need to do is provide yourself with a quiet and calm environment that encourages concentration.

The "third eye" is located between the eyebrows. Close your eyes and imagine a purple dot flaring up in this area. Mentally look at this point without looking up. If you can increase your energy, you can also strengthen your intuition. This is one of the simplest yet most effective meditation techniques.

Solving dreams is another effective method. Analyze your dreams carefully. You can even keep a diary in which you will write down everything that you dreamed about. Thus, if you can notice that something is coming true from your dreams, then you definitely have a strong sensitive perception.

What will help develop psychic abilities: effective ways

We offer several more ways to check the presence of extrasensory abilities and, at the same time, give a powerful impetus to their development:

  • Use your left hand. If you are right-handed, then you need to "load" your left hand with drawing or writing. By training it, you will train the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for creativity and intuition. Don't try to write or paint beautifully. Just learn to clearly control her movements.
  • Learn to feel colors. Prepare several pieces of colored paper, put them in separate envelopes, mix and place them in front of you. Raise your hand to them, try to recognize colors using your intuition.
  • Feel your aura. Place your palms opposite one another and feel the warmth between them. This is the aura. You can even spring them at a distance, feeling the movements of the aura.

Do these exercises regularly, and you will notice how your intuition becomes your faithful assistant. You can trust her by listening to her prompts.

Develop tactile sensitivity through exercise

Prepare three pieces of cloth with a completely different structure. It can be silk, velor and wool. Close your eyes and touch them with your left hand. Remember your feelings. Repeat the exercise many times.

You also need to learn to feel other materials as well. Plastic, wood, glass, iron emit different vibrations that can be distinguished from each other.

Now you know how to check if you have psychic abilities. Use these tips and you will be amazed at the potential hidden within you.