Decorations from citrus shoes for the new year. How to fill the apartment with the aroma of the new year: we make a festive garland from oranges

Before the new year, quite a bit of time remained, and therefore many people are already beginning to think about how you can decorate the New Year tree so that it struck everyone around them. Of course, now in stores you can find a large number of diverse Christmas tree toys for every taste and wallet size.

But if you want such a Christmas tree, as you, exactly no one else, it is possible to use original decorations made from undergraduate tools. Do not know where to start? Then remember the stories of your moms and grandmothers. Previously, the Christmas tree was decorated with fruit and candy. So why don't you make the same "delicious" decorations?

Of course, candy on the Christmas tree can not be delayed for a long time, especially if there are children in the house, but the fruits will become a real find for you. It is best for this purpose to use oranges or tangerines, as their fragrance is perfectly combined with the smell of needles. Moreover, even the smallest family members can participate in the manufacture of toys from citrus.

How can you make such fragrant ornaments?

There are several options for making Christmas tree toys from oranges.

You can simply cut them into them with circles whose thickness should not exceed 15 mm. After that, the oranges must be put on the baking sheet covered with foil, and put in the oven for 4 hours. Temperature mode must be minimal - no higher than 65ºС. Every hour the circles need to turn over. After you get oranges from the oven, they must be put on the napkin so that they are cooled.

Then you need to do the hole in them and pull the rope or ribbon through it. That's all - your New Year's decoration is ready. One rope can hang one mug or several at once. You can also create a fragrant composition of dried oranges and cinnamon sticks, or make a whole garland from citrus circles. Options for such jewelry you can look at the photo on the Internet.

To create Christmas tree toys, you can use curtrous fruit peel. Mandarins are well suited for this, and oranges can also be used. On the inside of the peel can be handle to draw any shape that you want. After that, it needs to be cut with scissors or knife. Sometimes the orange peel is too thick.

In this case, it is necessary to scrape her white layer with a knife. If you want all figures to be the same size, you can use molds for cookies to cut them.

An important point - a hole for a rope needs to be done in the peel immediately, until she dried.

After that, the resulting figures need to be put on paper under a heavy press, which can be used as a big book. It will not allow the skin to be screwed during drying. Your decorations will be ready in a few days.

You can also independently make New Year's orange balls. First, on the whole orange, it is necessary to make several incomplete cuts, after which it needs to be put on the battery, all night. And in the morning you should get the flesh out of it, expanding the cuts slightly. From above you need to make a hole for the rope. After that, the orange must be placed on the battery. Thus, it is dried within 4 days, periodically turning.

As you can see, from orange you can make a lot of beautiful and original Christmas decorations. To do this, everyone needs to show a little fantasy.

Moms and dads know that the new year must certainly smell oranges, tangerines and ... cinnamon. Grandmothers and grandfathers will definitely add Olivier with champagne on the list of New Year's aromas, but we will not use it for the New Year decor. We will create beautiful New Year's chitrus decorations and create pleasant fragrant memories of childhood.

Preparation for the New Year 2019 should not turn into an endless race to fulfill all items that are inscribed by your chance in the letter of Santa Claus. Truth. There are many wonderful ways to make a child happy. A gift is only one of these ways.

When all the wishes come true - well, but gradually the miracles created by the hands of the parents or Santa Claus still begin to be perceived as granted, as due. But if you teach the child to rejoice not only when he gets, but when he creates and gives, then consider that you give him more chances of happiness in the future.

Here and the manufacture of wonderful Christmas decorations from citrus fruits can be such a step towards getting pleasure from creativity and from the possibility of pleaseing close to the gift made with your own hands! And also ... This wonderful fragrance!

Just imagine: the child gives a great pleasure to do something with his parents, this wonderful evening smells like oranges, tangerines, cloves and cinnamon - passes 20 years and 30 years, but every time, breathing the aroma of citrus, your child (already grown) will be tide Positive emotions, return to childhood and draw strength from the source, which once opened the family for him!

Ideas for gifts

  1. Package of different fruits and spices for their decoration
  2. Books about the New Year: Andreas H. Schatl "The Adventures of Julius Dandelion. Save the New Year, "Clark Moore Clement" New Year's Eve. Mouse fairy tale ", E. T. Hofman" Nutcracker and Mouse King ".
  3. New set of children's dishes, cutlery or bright rope.

Task for parents

Arrange flavors evening. Show the child, looks like cinnamon, carnation, nutmeg. Share together, what decorations you will do for the New Year. You can make it possible today: then, on the eve of the holiday, the creation of a decor for the new year 2019 does not take you a lot of time.

Task for a child

Together with my mother, read the poem L. V. Zubkov "Orange". True, sharing is great?

We divided the orange.
A lot of us
And he is alone.

This slicing is for hedgehog.
This slicing is for striking.
This slicing is for ducklings.
This slicing is for kittens.
This slicing is for beaver
And for the wolf - the skin.
He is angry with us - trouble;
Spare - who is where!

Who would you like to treat a tasty orange or chocolate santa frost? How about lonely grandmother from the second floor?

Christmas christmas decorations

To make New Year's decorations from the bake of the orange, first need to put them on.

Cut the orange with circles of 2 mm in the thickness and put them in the oven on a baking sheet with a stainless grid (not on the usual, otherwise they can burn). Dry citrus in the oven for 3 hours at a temperature of 120 ° C. Cool down and use for the New Year's decor!

To decorate you need:

  • dried orange circles
  • carnation
  • tape or rubber band


After you kept orange slots, it remains for small. Take the carnation and decorate it in a circle of the middle of each citrus circle. Felt fragrance? Soon he will delight you at hell!

Now you only need to stretch a beautiful ribbon through a small hole in the slot and hang on the Christmas tree!


No less beautiful on the Christmas tree will look a citrus decor of crusts!

To do this, you will need:

  • orange, Lemon or Mandarin
  • iron mold for cookies
  • stationery knife
  • thread

Source: Instagram @HAPY ._. PAPPY


  1. Clean the citrus so that the peel remains as much as possible. Scroll and cut it to lay on the table with the cloth.
  2. Using a biscuit mold, squeeze the shape of a Christmas tree, asterisk, etc.
  3. The area around the hole from the cut can be cut off the stationery knife so that it is more for several centimeters in diameter from the cut figure.
  4. Insert the cut figure into the back image back, upholstered side.
  5. Take a rope toy from above, hang on the Christmas tree!

Garland from citrus

For such garlands you need:

  • dried circles of oranges
  • whole dried oranges
  • cornish sticks
  • ribbons
  • thread


How to dry citrus for decor (circles) we have already told you higher, and in general the form of oranges are dried by the same principle. Only on fresh fruit you need to make many longitudinal cuts, as shown in the picture and put in the oven for 2-3 hours.

To create a garland, slide all the dried oranges and citrus mugs, tie the chopsticks of cinnamon and tape contrasting colors!


You can also create a simple but pretty garland from orange peel. With the help of molds for a New Year's cookie, squeeze the asterisk or Christmas tree out of it, dry in the oven and slide on the thread!

Source: Instagram @MAMAVKURSE

Together with the baby, make an eco-garland for a house of citrus flowers!

For her you will need:

  • wooden stick.
  • rain
  • thread
  • beads
  • shishki.
  • orange crusts



Christmas tree from orange

A small Christmas tree of orange circles can be a wonderful decoration of the New Year's table!

For her you will need:

  • dried orange circles
  • wooden bar
  • orange crust
  • small pot or bucket

Source: Instagram @ All4mammy


  1. Orange rings are on the wand, and on top of the glue-gun or on super-glue, put a star from the dried peel.
  2. How to strengthen the craft in a pot: a lot of options - you can make a salted dough or other mass for modeling, tamper into a pot and insert sticks. You can pour sand and also to stick twigs. Well, the most durable way is to use alabaster (you can buy in a construction store).
  3. After you strengthened the Christmas tree, put a few wooden chips, cotton wool or sprinkle its base with artificial snow.

Another very beautiful decoration for the festive table can be made of fresh oranges!

For the Christmas tree you will need:

  • oranges
  • gvorzika
  • cone from foaming
  • live fir branches
  • toothpick

I went to the store today, looked at oranges and for the first time in a long time I wanted to buy them. The fact is that I practically do not buy citrus, as soon as seasonal berries appear, and then fruits. This does not apply to Orange Freusha or Juice, which I can drink at any time of the year and at any time of the day. But just begins to get cold, a desire to break down one-different sunny orange juicy orange slices.

We do not grow oranges, unfortunately, but there are many other fruit trees, whose sapling can be purchased directly from the monitor here The Florium Shop is just a rusty garden of a wide variety of plants and not only trees, flowers, berries, decorative shrubs - a lot of things!

And there are no oranges in every store. And an orange time begins not only in the gastronomic topic, but also in home, decorative and cosmetic. I myself use oranges for needlework. The truth is very modest, based on how they can be applied. I dried the mug of the orange, dried small cubes of the orange zest and added handmade in soap, and more from the zesto made roses. In fact, there is a huge number of ideas using this popular citrus.

How to put the orange circles

To apply dried orange, lime, grapefruit or lemon in the decoration, they need to be sued correctly. I once spoiled the whole picture when dried in the oven on a small fire. It is best to use a cunning and simple to device from cardboard. For this, you will need two cardboard strips in size somewhere 10 by 30 cm. On the narrow edges, one strip must be pasted flights from the same cardboard 2 cm wide. Now you need to pierce the hole with a seer, not afraid - more and all tricks. The washed and dried fruits to cut into the plates thick three, four centimeters and put in an improvised dryer (on the cardboard with sideboards and cover the second). At the edges, the design is to take off binders (stationery clips) and place on the battery or in openings between its sections. Usually for complete drying enough two or three days. You can dry in the oven on a small fire and a lid ajar. This will be needed for several hours.

This is what the dryer looks like.

Photos from

And now is the time to admire the products where dried slices are used.

In interior compositions.

For the manufacture of wall wreaths.

As well as for topiaries.

For garlands.

For desktop wreaths, there are also candles in orange crust - Beauty!

In the manufacture of candles.

And it's just in the topic: gel candle in orange cortex

and ordinary candle-tablet.

Candlestick with robes from orange crusts.

Very beautiful interior ate of handmade using dried oranges.

And Christmas trees, they can be used and as New Year's toys.

And so I plan to decorate the Christmas tree this year, plus my braided products.

The topic is completely close to the new year, so I can also get together, since such an orange theme turned out!

Perhaps one of the most beautiful ways to decorate your home for winter holidays is the introduction of natural beauty and comfort. Aroma of pine branches and cinnamon sticks, citrus smell of oranges, wreath of refreshing eucalyptus, welcoming you at the entrance to the house ...

Therefore, today we will share an incredibly simple way to add a "natural" barcode to your festive decor, namely, creating dried citrus garlands that exude a delightful spicy fragrance. And if you hang them on the windows, then dried oranges, passing sunlight, will fill the room with warm and bright orange light, serve small "stained glass" - very beautiful.

How to do?
Preparation: 5 minutes
Baking: 3 hours

We will need:
Oranges (we took 2 oranges for three garlands)
Acute knife
Parchment paper or baking sheet

Preheat oven to 150ºС. Put the parchment paper or baking sheets on the baking sheet. While the oven heats up, take a fighter knife and finely cut oranges: each piece should not be thicker 3-4 mm. Then put the circles on the paper towel (it is also desirable to cover above it too) to give it to absorb excess juice.
Bake oranges need approximately 3 hours - until the circles are dried. Watch that nothing burned out! For this, do not forget to flip oranges in the process of baking (that is, somewhere after 1.5 hours).
Note: Another recipe recommends riding on slow heat (140-160ºС) for 4-10 hours.

When our oranges are sufficient, proceed to the creation of a festive garland. To do this, you need to do two holes at the top of each circle. In order not to spoil the lump, you can take a sharp nail. Grind the thread into the holes, placing oranges evenly from each other. When the whole thread is filled, make nodules at each end.

Ready! Now our garlands can be lovingly hang on the windows or walls. If you use them as a decoration ate, these fragrant slices will play the same role of lanterns, absorbing the light of the New Year's garland. And even less original they will look at the chandelier.
Another option is to add dried apple rods on the oranges, lemon slices, grapefruit, Lyme (in fact, here who has enough fantasy :)), bumps and so on., Then such a garland can be surrounded by a large beautiful candle on a festive table. The view will be unique.

  • Orange Candles and Pomanders

    On Yol always wants at home tasty smelled. Probably, it goes from childhood, when cookies were baked for holidays, and from the street, playing in snowballs, it was possible to run into a warm core-ginger house.

    ᅠᅠ There are a lot of options, how to bring home the yol spirit, ranging from, actually, cooking liver and aromamasel and finishing the Christmas tree. Our favorite method of people who do not have time is in the chaos of work and preparation for the holiday to find at home orange, carnation and play fruit inquisitor.

    ᅠᅠ Who cleaned in the Citrus Room, he knows that homemade can run from corridors and the kitchen on the smell. Orange, covered with cloves as in horror films, the fragrance gives no less strong, and a little more tart.

    ᅠᅠ All you need, it's directly orange, carnation and a toothpick or knife (the skin of the orange will need to be punched or put it, because stick the dried bud in the thick side of the fruit is a cunning thing).
    ᅠᅠ From the pole to the pole, insert the orange and insert the carnation into the punctures. You can make beautiful: parallel lines cut through the strip in the skin and turn tapes in them. Tie a loop and hang on the Christmas tree, windows or any other place where your favorite cat's paws will not reach.

    ᅠᅠ Well, a completely favorite method is to make orange candles when there are 20 minutes. You can dilute the action with warm socks, your favorite cat and a glass of mulled wine.

    ᅠᅠ We take:
    ᅠᅠ A pair of oranges,
    ᅠᅠ Carnation,
    ᅠᅠ knife
    ᅠᅠ round spoon (or just tea, but it will have to be tormented),
    ᅠᅠ Plate under the flesh
    ᅠᅠ Paraffin (fragments either with a candle with phyel),
    ᅠᅠ Fitil (if you take a candle on the smelting, then use the one that is already inserted into it),
    ᅠᅠ Pencil.

    ᅠᅠ 1. We dress warm socks, turn on your favorite cinema, inlating prophylactically cat (your hands will then be in juice) and cut off the orange maquer with a knife.
    ᅠᅠ 2. I clean the flesh with a spoon, you can eat in the process. : 3.
    ᅠᅠ 3. We smoke a candle, get the wick, it will come in handy.
    ᅠᅠ 4. The wick is cut to the desired amount / length, tie to the pencil, put the pencil smoothly in the middle of the open orange, the tip of the phytel should get to the bottom.
    ᅠᅠ 5. In the water bath, we melt carefully (very carefully) paraffin and no less gently pour it into an orange.
    ᅠᅠ 6. Let us freeze.
    ᅠᅠ 7. The edges of the orange decorate the carnation.

    ᅠᅠ To whom is lazily, you can simply cut off the lid, "dig" in the orange to the hole and put there an ordinary tea candle there. Faced, it will heat orange and carnation. The smell will be wonderful.

  • Windy balls :: Homemade chambers with their own hands

    Traditionally, over the windows, it is worth hanging a brilliant golden or silver ball so that he, having flimsy with his mirror sides, was distilled off evil and negative from you and your home. ᅠᅠ Do not forget only wipe it from dust so as not to get the opposite effect.

    ᅠᅠ However, color or transparent witch's balls were also in honor, because do not limit themselves.

    :: Making ::
    ᅠᅠ To make such an overag, you will need:

    • transparent balls (best) / Colored / gold or silver Christmas balls, not sealed and with fastening for hanging
    • filling depending on your purpose: Herbs, essential oils and stones
    • acrylic gold or silver paint (optional, if your ball is transparent, but you want to paint it)
    • wax candle
    • eroticing: Juniper, incense or wormwood
    ᅠᅠ First you need to buy a pair of transparent balls on the Christmas tree. Now such sold already with filling (most often you can find fluff or feathers in them), and this filling will need to be removed.

    ᅠᅠ If you want to hide the contents of the ball from an extraneous eye (which is not necessary), then dissolve a slightly (!) Acrylic paint water to dilute the luggage of the consistency, drop a few drops inside and how you should shock so that the paint is distributed throughout the ball. Let dry.
    ᅠᅠ For stupid: the same, just squeeze the brush.

    :: Filling ::

    ᅠᅠ Fill your ball depending on what you do it.

    • For love and well-being on this front, rose petals are suitable, hacking rose quartz or pink tourmaline and several drops of lavender or pink essential oil.
    • To protect against negative, use salt and hacking the smoky quartz. Morion, wormwood, juniper or white sage are also suitable. Essential oils can be used as grass: juniped, wormwood. Well suited incense. Please note that essential oils should be natural.
    • For prosperity and well-being, citrines and pyrite, sage and cinnamon (and / or their essential oils) are suitable. However, the nutmeg will too will be fine
    • For success in studies or knowledge of the new, do not forget the rosemary (and / or its essential oil) and an amvestist or a mountain crystal.
    • Use Yashma and Omelo to improve health.
    ᅠᅠ Do not put a lot and do not put large stones: it is very important that the ball does not get too heavy, otherwise he can fall and crash.

    ᅠᅠ When filling the witch ball, concentrate on what exactly you do. If you think you need, read the plot. But the main thing is to create a charm with confidence and peace inside.

    ᅠᅠ Having finished filling it, put a "cap" on it, burn the candle and dig a connection with the wax, seating the ball.
    ᅠᅠ Release on the Kurilnice incense, juniper, white sage or wormwood and carry the finished ball through the smoke.

    ᅠᅠ Everything can be hung.

    :: Location on the Christmas tree or at home ::

    • The desired and priority goal, the higher the ball hang.
    • Another distribution option: Balls of knowledge and love, hinder closer to the top of the Christmas tree, protection and prosperity balls - in the middle.
    • Also, the balls of love can be hung over the bed, prosperity - above the workplace, protection - above windows or door, health - in the kitchen or in the room to whom this health is useful
    ᅠᅠ Some say that spent balls need to be bought away from flowing water, but if you make them like a decoration on the Christmas tree, you can store them from year to year as a family talisman.

    ᅠᅠ If you use them not for the Christmas tree, but at ritual purposes, then keep the ball on the altar before the desired execution, after which it needs to be buried away from crowded places and water.

  • Citrus for the preparation of dried oranges on the Christmas tree should be without damage (there should be no traces from shocks, cracks, frostbite traces). You can take not only oranges, but also other citrus fruits, such as grapefruit, lemon, lime.

    Citrus needs to be very well flushed to get rid of dust, dirt and possible waxing. Watch dry.

    Sharp knife to cut oranges with thin circles. Thickness should be about 0.3-0.4 cm, but not more than 0.5 cm, otherwise they will dry in the oven for a very long time. Try to cut the oranges so that all the slices are the same throughout the thickness, because the thin edge will dry faster and start burning, while the thick remains wet.

    Now the orange circles need to be blown out with paper towels or napkins to remove as much juice as possible. To do this, it is necessary to make a cutting board with several layers of paper towels, decompose the orange mugs, to cover with another layer of towels on top and slightly press the palm to the extra moisture to be absorbed into them.

    Send a baking tray to the oven preheated to 70-80 degrees to dry for 4-6 hours. The drying time of oranges will depend on the thickness of the fruit themselves and the features of your ovens. I dried my oranges 4.5 hours in the gas oven. To achieve a temperature of 70-80 degrees, you can insert a wooden blade, opening the oven door.

    Every hour you need to turn the citrus mug so that they are evenly sucked.

    If on the contrary smaller circles are already fully prepared, they can be removed from the oven: carefully separate from paper, and shift to cool on the grille.

    After ready-made dried oranges to completely cool on the counter or grille.

    From such dried oranges, a fragrant decor can be made, attaching a bay leaf and cinnamon sticks. Such a bundle fill the room with spicy aromas.

    If you want to save dried oranges ahead and use as an additive to dishes, then store them in a tightly closed jar. Dried oranges are enough to grind in a coffee grinder or blender and add to fish, meat dishes, as well as used for cooking cocktails, add to baking.