Choosing a birthday present for a pregnant girlfriend. What to give a pregnant woman: useful ideas

Pregnancy is perhaps the most unusual and exciting time in a woman's life. During this magical period, it is so pleasant to pamper her. Gifts for pregnant women are another way to remember the touching waiting time for your baby.

A gift for a pregnant wife, girlfriend, sister, colleague, daughter can be chosen absolutely for every taste and wallet.

Remember the main thing - avoid fragrant gifts and presents with a pronounced taste, because the senses while waiting for a child, like the entire body of a woman, experience an increased load, and such a gift can cause an attack of toxicosis.

So, let's choose what to give a pregnant woman.

Gifts for motherhood

Gifts for newborns should be given if you know for sure that the woman is not superstitious and does not think that by accepting the gift, she will "jinx" the child. Many people believe that you shouldn't buy a single rattle for your baby before birth. If your expectant mother is not one of them, feel free to give baby clothes, toys, diaper cake (many craftsmen offer them). Close relatives can give more expensive and bulky gifts - a crib, a stroller, a walker, a chaise longue, a chest of drawers for changing. A sling will be a good and convenient gift, only beautiful and comfortable. Babywearing has been gaining popularity lately.

You can donate a certificate for attending courses for future parents or a gift edition of a book on child care.

Gifts for a comfortable pregnancy

Clothes for pregnant women

It is very pleasant to receive a gift for a pregnant woman, which will make the waiting time for the baby beautiful and convenient. Clothes for pregnant women belong to this category of gifts. T-shirts with cool drawings and inscriptions about the expectation of the baby are very popular. By the way, there are such T-shirts for future fathers. A couple expecting a baby can be presented with T-shirts that overlap in style.

Convertible jacket

A very practical gift is a special jacket that will first cover the growing tummy, then the baby, and then completely turn into an ordinary jacket for a slender young mother.

Cosmetics for expectant mothers

This can be a cream for stretch marks or a tonic for the legs. If you find such a gift too intimate, you can present a certificate to a cosmetics store, where the expectant mother will choose what she needs.

Pillow for pregnant women

A wonderful gift for a pregnant girl is a special pillow for pregnant women. There are pillows of various shapes - in the form of a bagel, a horseshoe or a crescent. As a rule, they are large in order to comfortably support a woman while she sleeps. In the future, such a pillow can be used for breastfeeding and for sitting down or laying the baby.

Gymnastic ball

Another gift is a gymnastic ball with a book or a disk with a set of exercises for him. This ball will be used by a pregnant woman to relieve tension from the spine. You can take it with you to the hospital in order to comfortably experience contractions. And then you can rock the baby on it and do special children's gymnastics on a fitball. Also, the ball will help a young mother get in shape faster after pregnancy.

To help the expectant mother

Gifts from this category can be distinguished separately. They also make the waiting time for the baby and life with the baby comfortable. This includes a steamer, pressure cooker and multicooker, a blender, a juicer, a yogurt maker and even a bread maker to make everyday life easier in the kitchen and healthy nutrition for mom and baby.

A robot vacuum cleaner will allow a young mother not to be distracted by cleaning. And the new delicate washing machine will take care of your baby's clothes.

Decide what to give the pregnant woman so that the household distracts her from the baby as little as possible.

Gifts for the soul

Pregnancy is not a disease. Therefore, the gift may not be directly related to the expectation of a child. After all, a woman remains herself and retains her former hobbies.

An interesting book, a subscription to a beauty salon, computer literacy courses or a driving school (in early pregnancy), an embroidery kit, a yoga or swimming pool pass, cinema or theater tickets, a mini-trip or a walk around a country estate will delight any woman. and a pregnant woman - especially, because she became more emotional in connection with her situation.

In the decree, many women master new wisdom for themselves. Perhaps your friend or sister will start knitting or felting from wool, master decoupage or start sewing toys. Gifts associated with a hobby will be received with delight by needlewomen.

Traditional gifts will also delight the woman. A classic birthday present for a pregnant wife from her husband is jewelry.

A very beautiful and original gift is a "pregnant" photo session. Capturing forever the moment when mother and child were one is truly priceless. From the photographs, you can prepare a photo album about the happy nine months. Or you can shoot and edit a video that tells the story of forty weeks of waiting frame by frame. Such gifts are expensive, because they are evidence of family history.

A woman "in position" needs special attention from those around her. It is not easy for her: significant changes are taking place in the body, the mood "jumps", the burden of responsibility for the incipient new life, which completely depends on it, is constantly felt.

What to give a pregnant girlfriend for her birthday? How to please her on February 14 - Valentine's Day? How to make the approaching one memorable for her, how to celebrate March 8, so that the expectant mother can feel not only a "vessel" with valuable contents inside, but also still a charming friend (wife, lover)?

  • What to give a pregnant girl for her birthday
  • What to give a pregnant wife to her husband
  • Gifts for a pregnant colleague on her birthday or before "decree"
  • Gift ideas for a pregnant sister or daughter-in-law
  • Choosing a gift for a pregnant mom
  • Wedding gifts for pregnant couple
  • Symbolic presents
  • Useful gifts
  • DIY presentations

What to give a pregnant girlfriend

A gift to a pregnant girlfriend, not only for her birthday, but for any reason, must meet the following requirements:

  • improve mood;
  • do not focus on any problem or disease (that is, you should not stop choosing an acne cream - although they appear in most ladies "in position", it is unlikely that such a present will bring joy);
  • to be helpful (or just pleasant).

The following gizmos can be useful to a woman:

  1. Double boiler.
  2. Juicer.
  3. Blender.
  4. Bread maker.
  5. Yoghurt maker.
  6. Food processor.
  7. Washer.
  8. Vacuum cleaner
  9. The robot is a vacuum cleaner.

Healthy nutrition of a girl (preferably even before the moment of conception of the baby, and only after that it is simply sacred) is the basis of the basics. A sister or daughter-in-law can be presented with something to facilitate the cooking process. Do you like freshly squeezed juices? Give a juicer. She teaches herself to cook without oil, steamed? Let her enjoy her brand new steamer.

For the birthday girl, the best gift idea would be something that she dreamed of, but could not buy herself (there was not enough money or time to look for a model suitable for all characteristics).

And don't forget: a birthday is not a reason to give something for an unborn baby. After all, this is, so to speak, a purely individual holiday! Let the woman know that you love her and are ready to take care of her. Let's continue the list like this:

  1. Cosmetics.
  2. Hair care products.
  3. Decorations.
  4. Linens.
  5. Bright cozy blanket.

From cosmetics, it is better to choose not decorative, but caring options, for example, based on natural oils. Cleansing milk, cream with olive oil or other herbal ingredients will help keep the skin toned and prevent stretch marks. At the same time, on such cosmetics there is no unpleasant inscription "from stretch marks", reminding a woman that her figure is radically changing.

Hair during the period of bearing a child under the influence of hormones becomes lush and thick. But they still need protection. Natural masks with clay and other herbal ingredients will delight the birthday girl.

Jewelry for any of the fair sex is appropriate for March 8, birthday, Valentine's Day. But approach the choice with caution: do not buy rings, anklets (at this time). Better consider pendants, brooches, chains, necklaces.

Convenience and comfort for pregnant women come to the fore. Nice new linen made of silk or cotton is what you need. And you can hide with a blanket in the evening, having gathered to read a book, for which there was finally time on maternity leave.

Choosing an original gift for a pregnant wife is a daunting task for a husband! In any case, it seems so at first. But remember what your wife's interests are, and compare them with her current capabilities - everything will fall into place. So ideas:

  1. Hike to a chic restaurant.
  2. A huge bouquet of flowers (choose without bright aromas, but eye-pleasing colors).
  3. Erotic lingerie, modeled taking into account the figure of the girl "in position".
  5. Body art for the tummy of the expectant mother

Of course, a trip to a wonderful cafe or restaurant can only be planned if the expectant mother does not have toxicosis. But flowers are always a wonderful gift, although not entirely unusual. However, if you wish, you will be able to turn it into an unsurpassed one! Let it be a huge bouquet or a bouquet with a soft toy in the center. Or with a piece of jewelry "hidden" in some flower. In a word, the best gift for a woman on her birthday, March 8, February 14, is flowers. And no one forbids them to be supplemented with something.

Amazing lingerie set or "pregnant" photo session? Why not?

But in the latter case, invite a real professional photographer. He will make truly beautiful portraits of the expectant mother.

What to give a pregnant colleague before the decree

By tradition, employees give something useful for the unborn child or something that can make life easier for a young mother at first:

  1. Sets for the baby.
  2. Bed.
  3. A stroller.
  4. Toys.
  5. A set for the preparation of oxygen cocktails.
  6. "Baby Monitor" set.
  7. Various devices to facilitate the preparation of baby purees (needed when it’s time to teach the child to complementary foods).

You can present something cool to a young female colleague. For example, a bracelet with figures in the form of strollers or with figures of babies.

Birthday gifts for pregnant women are a topic that requires special delicacy. Of course, if you choose a present for your friend, fitball with funny faces will do. And if just an employee?

If this is the case, seriously think about the "Baby Monitor" or "Video Baby Monitor". However, such a gift is good if the pregnant woman is not prone to anxiety and superstition and is willing to accept something for the unborn baby.

What to give a pregnant sister for her birthday

Gifts for a pregnant sister for her birthday and March 8 are an interesting topic. It is easier for a loved one to find something really necessary or very desirable. Perhaps she has long wanted to get something from the following list:

  1. A ticket to the theater for an interesting production.
  2. A ticket to an exhibition or concert.
  3. A book (on a favorite topic or childcare).
  4. Certificate for the store for mothers and expectant mothers.
  5. Gift certificate for attending a manicure session.
  6. A session for a facial massage.

As for the tickets - perhaps the sister would like to attend such an event with her husband or with someone from close relatives. Her desire is the law, and therefore 2 tickets are needed. Reading a book can be much more useful than jumping from site to site on the Internet, sometimes bumping into inaccurate information and annoying spelling errors. In the decree, free time appears, which can be devoted to reading on exciting topics. So we need to use time efficiently - soon it will be sorely missed!

When choosing a massage certificate, limit yourself to a face massage - general massage for ladies "in position" has limitations.

Gifts for pregnant mothers

Present what she needs for a hobby:

  1. Fluffy knitting threads.
  2. Embroidery kits.
  3. Canvas and paints.
  4. A sewing machine.
  5. Comfortable and warm slippers.
  6. Cute pajamas with a picture or funny inscription.
  7. Something to care for your baby: a highchair, a set of baby dishes.

Mom has to deal with a lot of things in a short time. And therefore, after handing over a gift, do not limit yourself to this: help as much as you can with the housework. She will definitely appreciate it!

Gifts for a pregnant woman for a wedding

Is the bride expecting an early replenishment in the newly created family? She probably won't give up:

  1. A beautiful dress that accentuates her pretty tummy.
  2. A pregnancy diary, where she could write down the most important events of this period.
  3. A set of CDs with pleasant classical music.
  4. A set of little things for a newborn.

If the term is still short, you can give a voucher for a short trip for the bride and groom or a course to a sanatorium for the weekend. Let them gain strength, enjoy each other's company.

Symbolic gifts

If you are not closely related to the heroine of the celebration, a symbolic present is quite suitable for your birthday and March 8, which is simply nice to receive:

  1. A mug with a playful inscription.
  2. "Thematic" statuette: for example, a stork figurine.
  3. A box of chocolates.
  4. Original packaged jar of good honey.
  5. Fragrant black tea (or green, herbal - whichever she likes best).
  6. Antistress toy.
  7. Money box.
  8. Postcard with a chocolate bar in an inside pocket.
  9. Digital photo frame.

Little things? Of course. But they can cheer up no worse than an expensive gift, if presented at the right time to the birthday girl.

Useful gifts

Among the things that can bring real benefits for the hero of the occasion, we note:

  1. Fitball.
  2. Bandage.
  3. Fetal Doppler (a device that allows you to track your baby's heartbeat).
  4. A flash drive or any drive that will become a "repository" of important information for the family: "pregnant" photos, the first pictures of the mother and child, and everything else that makes up the history of the family.
  5. Certificate for courses for pregnant women.
  6. Pillow for expectant mothers.

Any of these gifts will provide practical help to the expectant mother either in maintaining her own health, or in preparing for a new life stage for her and painless entry into it. Just be careful: if a pregnant woman is too suspicious, anxious, fetal doppler is not for her. She will begin to worry if suddenly it seems to her that he is giving the "wrong" signals.

DIY gifts

We will complete the list with gifts that you cannot buy in a store, but for many they are of much greater value than some expensive jewelry or fashionable gadget. It:

  1. Photo-portrait of the hero of the occasion, decorated in a homemade painted frame.
  2. Beaded earrings and beads, woven by your beloved sister.
  3. A painting painted by my niece.
  4. A fantastic robot sculpted of clay by a friend's son especially "for Aunt Natasha."
  5. Mittens, socks, scarf knitted by mom or girlfriend.
  6. Self-knitted baby booties.
  7. Bright plate decorated using decoupage technique.
  8. A huge bouquet of sweets.
  9. A set of flowers in pots for creating a home garden, selected and carefully grown by someone from your loved ones and relatives.
  10. The most delicious cake in the world, baked by mom according to the "proprietary" recipe.

There are many ideas - you just have to choose the most suitable one. Remember the main thing - the gift should bring pleasant emotions to the expectant mother, please and cheer up. Then he will be accepted with gratitude and will be remembered for a long time. One of the most unusual gifts expected by a pregnant woman is home help. As well as the possibility of good rest and health recovery. You can systematically start helping a pregnant woman around the house or giving her free time during the day, for example:

  1. Pay for the services of a maid who will help the woman from time to time.
  2. You can help purchase paid medical services if they are desirable or necessary.
  3. Pay for massage courses or beauty treatments.

Remember attention and care at this time is no less necessary than things. We wish you happy holidays.

” №3/2015 26.04.16

You present her with a luxurious bouquet, and she wrinkles her nose and talks about a possible allergy in the unborn baby. Give a chic handbag - and it bursts into tears at all: there, you see, a bottle and a diaper will not fit. What gift for a pregnant woman will you like the most?

Of course, the easiest way to please a wife is to openly ask what she wants as a gift. But it will be more enjoyable if it comes as a surprise.

Idea 1. A beautiful and elegant gift for a pregnant woman

A non-trivial and tasty option for a gift for a pregnant woman: instead of a bouquet of flowers - a "bouquet" of real fruits. Stylish and elegant. True, you will have to make sure that the gift set contains as few allergens as possible. Exotic fruits and citrus fruits in large quantities are not useful for pregnant women, but green apples are highly recommended.

Presenting fruit without wine is bad manners. Buy non-alcoholic wine for pregnant women. No, not the so-called "children's champagne" with the taste of sour citro, but the real good grape wine, but marked "non-alcoholic". The alcohol content in this noble drink is no more than one percent, so it will not harm the expectant mother. And the benefits - as much as necessary. Non-alcoholic red wine contains the same substances beneficial for pregnant women as regular ones: for example, antioxidants that protect the heart and blood vessels.

Idea 2. A gift for a pregnant woman: helping my wife save time and energy

If your other half devotes a lot of time to cooking, a multicooker can be a very good gift for a pregnant woman. When the baby is born, your hostess's time will dramatically decrease, and the multicooker for a nursing mother saves both time and effort: I loaded the food, and after a while the dish is ready.

A set of stylish and beautiful cooking utensils is also a good option. Let him combine business with pleasure - prepare food and admire the beauty!

Idea 3. Special gifts for pregnant women

It is believed that any gift for a pregnant woman! - should be conceptual and useful. Of course, there is some truth in this. Electronic scales, a drug for measuring blood pressure, books and films about pregnancy, childbirth and the peculiarities of the neonatal period - things, of course, are necessary, and most importantly - relevant.

Ladies, whose belly has already grown so much that it interferes with normal sleep, will be grateful for a special pillow for pregnant women. There are many different designs of these pillows, and they all make it much easier for expectant mothers to find a comfortable position during sleep.

Idea 4. Sports equipment

To relieve lower back pain due to a growing abdomen, exercise on a fitball for pregnant women is often recommended - this is such a huge ball on which you can sit. Present it to your pregnant fitness lover and you will see, she will love it. You can also please her with a subscription to special sports courses for expectant mothers - yoga, swimming, aerobics for pregnant women.

Idea 5. Entertainment for a good mood

Why not present a gift to a woman that is not related to pregnancy? If a book is a detective story of a favorite writer (or poetry of a favorite poet). If the film is either one that she would definitely like, or one that you would not mind watching with her.

Tickets to the cinema or theater are also fine - of course, for the two of you. Just in case: even if your beloved is a passionate admirer of action and horror movies, choose something as calm and positive as possible.

Idea 6. A romantic trip as a gift for a pregnant woman

A luxurious gift - a romantic trip for a pregnant woman (of course, if it is not tomorrow to give birth and the expectant mother is not contraindicated in moving in space). A healthy dose of romance for pregnant women is very beneficial. And then, when the long-awaited baby is born, for some time you will definitely not have time to travel. Enjoy your freedom while you can.

Remember that it is undesirable to dramatically change the climate for ladies in an interesting position (especially in the last trimester of pregnancy). Choose something as close as possible to your native conditions.

A good option for recreation can be found at home.

Important: this gift should not be a complete surprise in the spirit of "Darling, we are leaving tomorrow!" The wife should have time to consult a doctor about travel.

Idea 7. A gift for a pregnant woman: fashionable

Now for pregnant women they sew such beauty that it becomes enviable for non-pregnant women. So if you are tired of seeing your woman in denim overalls of the "Karlsonchik, dear" style, feel free to go for clothes for pregnant women. Make a gift for both her and yourself. If you doubt the size, take something from her wardrobe with you. The store will understand you. There, by the way, it will be possible to buy special cosmetics for pregnant women - hypoallergenic, without artificial colors and flavors.

Idea 8. A gift for a precious woman

Every woman, even the most pregnant one, is, first of all, a woman. It's just that some of us forget about it for a while, focusing on the "inner world". A great way to remind your wife how precious she is is to give her something precious. Brooches, chains, pendants, beads, earrings - in general, the entire range of jewelry stores is at your service. In addition to rings, it is better to wait with them: after all, many ladies in a “position” even have to take off their wedding rings due to edema.

Such a gift is especially good for its durability. A beautiful decoration will be for a woman an embodied memory of a beautiful holiday that you gave her. Much later, putting on your gift, she will remember that in that difficult period for her, when weight gain, edema, toxicosis and varicose veins took up arms against her, you continued to see in her a woman - the most charming and attractive. This is not forgotten.


    You can find a suitable gift for any hobby.

    What to give a pregnant wife for her birthday?

    Husbands in this exciting time for both should pamper their soul mate.

    Just don't give your wife gifts with pronounced aromas and unusual tastes.

    The sensory organs of your spouse are already overloaded during pregnancy, and such offerings can cause toxicosis.

    I also want to dwell on - to give them or not? Give, and toys will not hurt either. Close relatives are not prohibited from buying larger and more expensive gifts - baby cot, stroller or chest of drawers, on which it will be convenient to swaddle the baby.

    You will be sincerely lucky if the birthday girl is not superstitious and gladly accepts gifts for the unborn child. And not only the coincident birthday can serve as a reason for the celebration. Arrange for loved ones a special holiday for the upcoming birth in the European style: get together before the birth of the child - let them give baby things. This will be a holiday gift for a woman in position.

    In general, a perfectly acceptable option. However, I advise not only husbands, but also everyone else, to be careful and take into account the attitude of the birthday girl herself to such gifts. If your pregnant wife, daughter-in-law, sister or girlfriend suffers from superstition, then refrain from such a presentation. Fortunately, there are enough other options.

    I advise husbands to remember about traditional gifts.

    Present your spouse with jewelry for her birthday. Or arrange a photo session. Imagine, the spouse will be captured in the photographs, being one with your future baby))) There will be something to show and tell to a grown-up child in a few years.

    1. If you have your own digital camera, you can capture these nine months in stages and then make children's photo album, preserving the memory of these wonderful days of waiting for a son or daughter forever. You can, of course, shoot something similar with a video camera, but the photographic version, although without movement, is somehow more lively and closer.
    2. With absence digital camera there is a reason for a suitable gift for the day of "jam" wife. Moreover, with the birth of a baby, all mothers have an irresistible desire to photograph a newborn almost every minute. And this is understandable, you need to capture the first smile, the first game, the first steps.

    Girl, give birth in comfort!

    You can pick up comfortable clothes as a gift:

    1. For example, T-shirts with "humorous" images and funny inscriptions like "I'm expecting a baby". By the way, get a similar thing right away and.
    2. An excellent gift that the expectant mother will undoubtedly like will be the so-called convertible jacket... This special clothing changes along with the development of the fetus: first, it covers the growing belly, then the baby, and then it becomes a daily jacket for the mother who has grown slimmer after childbirth.
    3. A special pillow for persons in an interesting position, it will generally be the most wonderful offering for any girl. There are several types of such a thing. All of them are designed to provide a restful sleep for a woman. With the birth of a baby, such a pillow finds additional use - it is used when feeding a child, the child is seated or laid.
    4. Another useful gift is a big one. gymnastic ball with a set of special exercises during pregnancy. It helps well the spine, tired with strong tension. The ball can be taken to the maternity hospital for comfortable transfer of contractions. After childbirth, it will be convenient to rock the child on it, to engage in developmental gymnastics with him. The ball will help the youngest mom to easily get fit. In general, the gift is versatile and practical at the same time.

    Useful gifts for the expectant mother

    There are gifts that will make the life of the expectant mother much more convenient and comfortable:

    1. Modern household appliances will make her everyday life easier - this is a slow cooker, a double boiler, a pressure cooker, a blender, a yoghurt maker, a juicer. Almost all of them are designed to automate the process of preparing delicious food for the expectant mother and baby herself.
    2. The ideal assistant for a pregnant woman will be robotic vacuum cleaner... Will bring cleanliness and order, without distracting her for cleaning.
    3. Takes good care of baby's things when washing new automatic car because it has such a unique mode as delicate wash.
    4. Give your daughter-in-law or sister a newfangled thing called baby sling... A very practical invention for mom. The main thing is that the baby is always with his mother, and at the same time does not interfere - mother's hands are free and she can freely clean the house, walk with the baby, and go shopping in the supermarket. By the way, doctors fully approve of this unique device.
    5. A woman needs encyclopedias about motherhood, cartoon books, beautiful bedding and many other practical items. Therefore, choosing such a gift, you immediately find yourself among those who gave her a truly necessary item.
    6. It is appropriate to give money... They will definitely come in handy for future parents. Perhaps they will be spent on buying a stroller. And believe me, it will be much nicer than a box of chocolate or a souvenir candle.

    In conclusion of my post, I want to remind you once again: when choosing a gift for a woman in a position, you must always proceed from the tastes of the birthday girl.

    On this I say goodbye to you until we meet again! Be sure to tell your friends, or rather drop them a link to today's sensitive topic. Goodbye!

    Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

The best friend is expecting a child: new sensations, new emotions, new interests fill her present life. Nevertheless, on her birthday, despite her pregnancy, she dreams of gifts that are needed not for the unborn child, but for herself - a charming young woman. What to give a pregnant girlfriend for her birthday? It is difficult to decide on the choice of a gift, because the difficult period of waiting for the baby could well change the tastes and preferences of a friend.

Gifts for beauty and health

It is common for a woman to show increased attention to her beauty, and pregnant women in this regard are no exception. Changes in figure and appearance, so beautiful and unique, cannot but disturb the girlfriend who is expecting a baby. Special cosmetics (creams and oils against stretch marks, foot care for edema, body balms and lotions, face and breast creams) will give a woman confidence in her irresistibility.

Women tend to show increased attention to their beauty in any condition and pregnancy is no exception.

As a gift for the birthday of a pregnant woman, floor scales are very suitable: with their help, you can always control your weight, and the grams and kilograms gained during this period only please, and do not make you worry about the figure.

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman do not go unnoticed for her: the larger the belly becomes, the more difficult it is to choose a comfortable sleeping position. Curved pillows for expectant mothers are a great gift idea. Thanks to their special shape, the heaviness in the lower back is felt less, in addition, you can choose the ideal position in which the tummy will not be squeezed and interfere with a comfortable sleep.

Curved Cushion for Expectant Mothers - Great Gift Idea

If a friend has always been a supporter of an active lifestyle, then she will not want to spend all the months of pregnancy lying on the couch or sitting in an armchair. Does a woman expecting a baby want to keep her body in good shape? An ideal gift would be a subscription to the pool or body flex. Surely, a friend will be delighted with the ball-fitball presented for her birthday - with it you can master a new complex designed for pregnant women.

Any woman wants to keep her body in good shape during pregnancy, the ideal gift in this case is a subscription to the pool.

Gifts for the soul

The best friend usually knows about the hobbies of the hero of the occasion, so she will present the lover of drawing - a set of brushes and paints, keen on embroidery - new patterns and a set of threads or beads, a fan of music - a selection of her favorite compositions. The pregnant woman has much more free time, and her friend will like any gift associated with a hobby.

Any gift for a pregnant woman should be interesting, useful and cause a lot of positive emotions in its owner

It happens that before expecting a child, the girl did not have any particular preferences in the way of spending her free hours, but during pregnancy she became interested in photography, reading books, writing poetry or knitting. Who, if not the best friend, can support her in her newly emerging hobby? Birthday gifts in this case should be in line with the young woman's new interests.

The following will also be relevant:

  • a beautiful large photo album (in it the expectant mother will place her photos "with a tummy", and the first pictures of the baby, and family photos);
  • a colorfully decorated diary of a pregnant woman;
  • a fascinating book about expecting a baby or raising a baby.

Birthday gifts for a pregnant girlfriend can be different - from T-shirts with playful inscriptions to a chic multicooker. The main thing is that the offering is made from the heart, and on her birthday the expectant mother feels like a wonderful woman adored by friends and family.

Look for more ideas for gifts for a pregnant girlfriend on her birthday in our gallery. Happy viewing!