What to do a person who is going to take a shower. It will make you think: a frequent reception of the soul is harmful! You use a wedge wash

Often those who want to lose weight and increase muscle mass, refuse to themselves in delicacies, because in them, as well as a lot of sugar - a real enemy diet. But now we will delight the tracking Figure Lackle: There are many recipes for cooking desserts that will not add extra kilograms. In this article we will tell how to prepare protein ice cream at home. It is a rich protected delicacy charges energy, give the strength and helps to build muscles.

How to prepare a protein ice cream at home

Ice cream from protein can be bought in the store. But it's much more good and more useful to prepare it yourself: so we will definitely know that only the necessary ingredients, which means that the minimum of sugar and calories are. There is nothing complicated in the preparation of dessert: if you wish, it can be done even without ice cream. And if if in your home arsenal of household appliances there is such a modern miracle thing, then the preparation of protein ice cream will be even faster and easier.

So, there are two ways to make homemade protein ice cream:

  • With the help of ice cream
  • In a plastic container or zip pack

In any case, the key to the qualitatively prepared delicacy will be thorough mixing of ingredients and compliance with the proportions specified in the recipe. You can buy protein powder in a healthy and sports nutrition store.

How to make ice cream from protein without ice cream

  • Izenamin can replace a plastic bag
  • In a large package for 4 liters, put ice - fill it about 2/3 spaces.
  • There, for cooling, pour a salts of half a cup
  • In a small plastic package to place ingredients for protein ice cream
  • Small bag hermetically close and put in big
  • About 5 minutes to intensively shake the contents
  • Get a small bag and slip it with running water - so that salt does not get into ice cream

Basic recipe for home protein ice cream

This is a very simple recipe, complementing which, you can prepare a lot of new variations of the dish.

We need:

  • Protein - one and a half of measuring spoons
  • Almond milk - 1 cup
  • Sugar or his substitute - tea spoon
  • Zip bags with good fastener
  • In the container of the blender, pour a protein and add milk
  • Mix well mixture
  • Put ice cubes in a plastic bag
  • Add some salt - it is necessary for better cooling.
  • In a smaller package, send a mixture from protein and almond milk and tightly button
  • Package smaller Put in a large package with ice and salt
  • Shake packets for 8 minutes or more until you are satisfied with the resulting consistency.
  • Place the ice cream by vases
  • If you wish, you can decorate cinnamon or mint

If you want to make the taste of the dessert even more interesting - get the protein powder with taste of vanilla. Now sports nutrition stores offer a wide range of product. Then, without any problems, a protein vanilla ice cream will turn out. Specialized stores offer protein powders with cocoa taste, chocolate.

How to make protein ice cream without sugar

An interesting dessert is obtained with the addition of green tea:

  • A half spoons of protein powder
  • Glass of almond milk
  • Teaspoon of green tea
  • Tsp of honey

Preparation of delicacy:

  • Prepare similarly to the previous recipe, but add a green tea powder to a mixture of protein and milk
  • If desired, honey can not be added at all - the dessert will be less calorie, but more fresh
  • When adding green tea, you constantly try the mixture to get a rich taste, but do not overdo it and do not make ice cream from protein bitter

Ice cream from protein and milk

We need:

  • 250 ml. low-fat milk. You can use any: cow, almond, coconut
  • Skup protein powder
  • A pair of tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • Stevia to taste (as a sweetener)

Preparation of dessert:

  • Boil 200 ml. Milk by molds for ice and send to the freezer for several hours
  • When the cubes of milk ice are frozen, pour them into the bottle of the blender, adding protein, cocoa and milk residues
  • Send Stevia
  • Then decompose in the creams and decorate your favorite topping: coconut chips, ground nuts, chocolate crumbs or ripe berries
  • Eat immediately after cooking

Dessert can be prepared in the ice cream: Mix all the ingredients, and then act according to the instructions for the device.

Homemade Pistachio Ice Cream from Protein

Nuts are an excellent addition to any ice cream. People who hold diet food should not completely avoid this product. After all, nuts are rich in useful fatty acids, proteins, this is an additional source of protein.

  • A half scarecrow protein
  • Glass of milk - almond or cow
  • Teaspoon of sugar substitute
  • Half glass of peeled pistachios dry roasting


  • Nuts crush in a blender or sharp knife
  • In the container of the blender, place all the ingredients and carefully take care
  • Place in the ice cream or cook using the package method
  • When ice cream is ready, you can sprinkle from above with a small amount of crushed pistachios

Protein Strawberry Ice Cream

A good component for cooking ice cream from protein is strawberry. She will give dietary a lot of bright, summer taste and appetizing pink shade.

Need to mix:

  • Glass berries - you can use fresh or frozen
  • Skup protein powder
  • One glass of almond milk without sugar
  • Half of the teaspoon of vanillina - at will

All components are placed in the ice cream or in a small package, as indicated at the beginning of the article.

Banana and Protein ice cream

  • Prepare a banana puree, placing a fruit in a blender. In total, it should be half a cup of puree
  • A half of the score of protein powder with taste of vanilla
  • Half teaspoon vanilla
  • Also place everything in ice cream or prepare protein ice cream in packages, as mentioned above

Ice cream from cottage cheese and protein

Frozen delicacy from cottage cheese is gaining popularity in fitness circles. Dessert is light, tasty and low-calorie. At the same time very useful. An even more dietary will get cottage cheese ice cream from Protein. Cottage cheese is better to choose a non-residential or low-fat. And the same banana is suitable as an additional ingredient. If you want to enjoy banana ice cream from cottage cheese and protein, choose surpired fruits, on the peel of which there are many specks.

We start cooking:

  • Cut the banana to small pieces, pour them into the package and send it to freeze in the freezer - 15 minutes
  • In the capacity, place 300 grams of cottage cheese, one and a half a spoon of protein and freezing fruit pieces
  • Blender whip the mass until the consistency becomes homogeneous and smooth
  • Lay out the mixture into the plastic container, cover it with a lid and send it to the freezer for an hour
  • Then mix the mixture again blender
  • And again send to the freezer for another hour
  • If after that the mass freeze unevenly, take the blender again

Students of St. Petersburg University of ITMO created ice cream for weight loss and muscle growth: there are no sugar and fats in it, but a lot of protein. The product-novelty was called Pro & Ice and is already sold in the sports stores of the Northern Capital.

And we have prepared for you three simple recipes of cold desserts, which can be cooked at home yourself and happily cope with the coming heat without prejudice to the shape.

1. Chocolate protein ice cream


  • milk (for choice - cow, almond, coconut) - 250 ml;
  • protein - 1 stingy (30 g);
  • cocoa powder - 2 h.;
  • sweeteners (for choice - stevia, sukraloose, etc.) - to taste.

Pour the glass of milk on the molds for ice and put in the freezer for the night.
Frozen milk put into a blender and sweat with protein, cocoa and 50 ml of liquid milk. For sweets, add a sugar substitute.
Putting the resulting plastic mass in the creams and immediately serve on the table, sprinkling with coconut chips, grated bitter chocolate or fried chopped nuts.

2. Berry sorbet


  • frozen berries (to choose a strawberry, raspberry, sweet cherry, etc.) - 1 cup;
  • banana - 0,5 pieces;
  • lemon - 0.5 pieces;
  • honey - 1 tsp.

Berries get out of the freezer and leave for a while. After that, throw in a blender and move. Add a banana there.
Add lemon juice and honey to the bowl of the blender. Get out again.
The resulting mass is broken into a special mold for ice cream on a stick. If there are no, you can use plastic cups. Remove in the freezer for 2 hours.
Before serving, decorate sorbet with sprigs of mint.

3. Tropical yoghurt ice cream


  • natural yogurt - 210 g;
  • juice orange - ⅔ glasses;
  • bananas - 2 pieces;
  • zedra 1 Lyme;
  • lyme juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix in a blender to a homogeneous state of yogurt, honey, orange juice, cutting bananas, whole lime grade and 1 tablespoon of Lyme juice.
Pour the resulting mass in the molds or cream and put in the freezer for 4 hours.
So that the finished ice cream is easier to separate from the molds, lower them in hot water for a couple of seconds.

Good day!

In our city, the GurME store opened so long ago in one of the major shopping centers with many tasty and useful meals. My choice fell on protein ice cream, as I have never seen such products and, accordingly, I did not try.

Cost: 120 rubles.

Taste: chocolate.

Weight: 70 grams.


  • Ice cream lies in a cardboard packaging an extremely strange form, but convenient to put in a small handbag.
  • There are no spoons in the kit, so you have to choose: eat hands, find a grocery store and imperceptibly take from there, to carry ice cream home and there is a normal spoon. I chose the last option.
  • While I walked on shopping, ice cream melted, but did not flow out of the cardboard packaging. This is a huge plus.
  • On the side faces of the packaging on the left side of the useful properties of the product:

Source protein


Without harm to the figure

  • Proteins are very important to maintain the health of the body, so they must be consumed. I do not like oatmeal, cottage cheese, fish, so additional sources of protein will be just by the way.
  • All the properties described, I think, will enjoy the proper nutrition (I do not belong to them). In the store they told me that it was suitable for vegetarians.
  • On the side face of the package on the right side, the manufacturer, the location of it, the production address, the phone number and mail for communication.
  • On the second side face, the storage condition is indicated:

Store at a temperature not higher -18 ° C

  • Shelf life:
  • Structure:

Serft protein concentrate, milk protein concentrate, cream, fructose, sweetener - xylitol, drinking water, stabilizers - mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, horn tree gum, guar gum, carrageenan.

  • A warning:

Without adding preservatives, artificial flavors, dyes and sugars. Contains sweetener. With excessive use there may be a laxative effect.

  • Food value per 100 g (average values):

Proteins - 15.0 g

Carbohydrates - 5.5 g (including sucrose - 0 g)

Energy value per 100 grams: 109 kcal / 460 kJ

=> I think that 15 grams of protein for ice cream weighing 70 grams - a lot, it is also without sugar, preservatives, dyes. Price-quality ratio is normal. You want a product that will not harm the figure and health, pay 120 rubles. 109 calories per 100 grams are very small, as a result, 76.3 kcal leaves 70 grams.

  • The shelf life is normal. Manufactured 12/12/2017, you can store 12 months.

Characteristics, Content Box

  • How I lack the spoon. The content is empty without it!
  • I have nothing to taste anything like that, any chocolate ice cream is not like that. It is completely failureFight cocoa distinct taste, without bitterness. It fatty, not just water and sugar, as it happens in an ordinary chocolate ice cream.
  • Ice cream is very tasty, I ate the whole box for moments 3 maximum.
  • Ice cream satisfying. I ate on an empty stomach, after the dessert I did not want to eat anything else.
  • It is clear that the tide of 15 grams of the protein will not appease in any way, ie, you will not become a halkom or instantly a great swing, but the body inside is glad that it was not a bunch of carbohydrates, but proteins, useful proteins.

Of all the above, I want to conclude: A protein ice cream, though there is a lot of money (120 rubles for 70 grams), but it is useful. I will not please yourself with something like every day, but try protein ice cream - a wonderful experience, a sense of unique taste and joy for the body.