What can you give a man for 30 years. Choosing a present for a thirty-year-old man for an anniversary - a reasonable approach

Rida Khasanova October 26, 2018, 16:40

Select a good gift for a man far from easy, because you need to take into account his tastes, hobbies and preferences.

With the approach of a significant event in the life of a loved one, many of the fair sex are lost in search of an original presentation. For girls who cannot make their choice, ideas for the best gifts for a 30-year-old man who has everything will help.

How to choose a gift for your beloved man for the 30th anniversary?

Buying a presentation for a loved one is a joyful and at the same time exciting process. Every woman wants to surprise her soul mate by choosing something special.

Good gift ideas for men you love:

  1. Globe bar- a luxurious gift for a beloved man who has everything. You can stop your choice not only on the desktop version, but also on the outdoor object. It all depends on the material possibilities. The globe bar is a stylish piece of furniture that will serve as an excellent gift for a person who loves beautiful things. Whether it is a study or a living room, the minibar will take its rightful place in any interior. In addition, the item allows you to hide your favorite alcoholic drinks inside.
  2. Heated cognac maker- it is not just a decorative component, but also an important element of the correct use of cognac. A special stand allows you to position the cognac glass at a certain angle, and a paraffin candle heats the alcohol to the desired temperature. Connoisseurs of this drink know that the right temperature promotes the development of the aroma. Such an accessory is a wonderful gift that will be useful for a true admirer of cognac.
  3. An unusual gift for a young man for his birthday - bathrobe with exclusive embroidery. On clothes, you can place any inscription that will be pleasant to the hero of the occasion. Terry dressing gown with original inscription will warm your beloved man on cold winter evenings, reminding you of care.
  4. Can be presented to a guy for 30 years from a girl festive romantic dinner... The girl should think over the holiday atmosphere in advance: stock up on candlesticks, scented candles. You need to create pleasant lighting, prepare dinner and let the man enjoy a pleasant company with romantic music.
  5. Cufflinks- a great accessory that will emphasize the social status of a man. They can be made from silver or gold. You can add originality by adding engraved cufflinks. Such a gift will bring solidity and enhance the image of a man.
  6. Fitness bracelet- a useful gift for a young man who takes care of his health and leads an active lifestyle. The smart bracelet has a large number of functions: it measures the pulse, counts the number of steps, monitors sleep phases and stimulates a man to lead an active lifestyle.

Globe bar

Heated cognac maker

Men's gold onyx cufflinks, SL(price by link)

Fitness bracelet

What to give a friend for 30 years: a list of gifts

What could be better than true friendship? A friend's birthday is a great occasion to please a man with pleasant gifts and extraordinary surprises.

It is important to know his tastes in order to choose a present that will bring him joy. Possible gift options:

  1. If a friend loves outdoor activities and prefers to spend enough time in nature, he can be presented with picnic items: folding table and chairs, a metal thermos, a set of dishes, a flask. With the help of such accessories, outdoor recreation will become not only pleasant, but also comfortable.
  2. For the car enthusiast, accessories such as a heated glass scraper or anti-glare sunglasses.
  3. In addition to practical and useful gifts, you can surprise your friend by giving him unforgettable emotions. Can be presented to a friend for 30 years certificate for lessons of high-speed or extreme driving. In his heart, every man is a little extreme, so no birthday person can resist such a presentation and will be incredibly happy with the opportunity presented.
  4. An original gift for a 30-year-old man - tickets to a concert of his favorite band. Such a present will evoke new impressions, emotions and drive. It is better to give your loved ones feelings and emotions, and such a gift will not be forgotten even after the end of the concert.
  5. You can give a cool gift from friends. As such, a cartoon with a picture of a friend is ideal. To create such a presentation, you can use the services of an artist. And simple caricatures in a comic but good-natured form can be created using online services.

Picnic set

Anti-glare car glasses

Extreme driving

What to give a male colleague for 30 years?

The 30th birthday is an important age for every man. By reaching this age, many representatives of the stronger sex achieve heights in their careers, manage to start a family and have children. Life takes on the character of regularity and stability.

When choosing a present, you need to take into account the profession and social status of a man

In a work collective, a person spends up to a third of his life. Therefore, on the eve of a solemn event in the life of a colleague, one has to think about his congratulations. Presentation options:

  1. What working days can be without the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. You can give a French press to a man for 30 years on his birthday. Despite the fact that many organizations have a coffee machine, none of them can compare with a drink prepared in a French press. This device was invented in France at the end of the nineteenth century and has since become widespread. In addition to coffee, the use of the device allows you to brew teas, herbal infusions and make cocoa. When making coffee, it is possible to use coffee beans of various degrees of grinding and add spices.
  2. A book for a man as a gift is a carrier of knowledge and valuable information. Present in the form printed edition remains a symbolic and pleasant gift even in the age of information technology. Finding a book for a male colleague is a painstaking business. The topic of the publication may be similar to the favorite hobbies of a colleague. Interesting gift books can be found in limited editions and special editions. This approach will be appreciated by men who prefer rare specimens.
  3. Having shown excessive selectivity and imagination, you can present to a colleague personal album, made according to the sketch in the printing house. To make an original photo album, you need to collect memorable photographs of the man and contact the image printing center. In addition to printing, many commercial organizations offer their clients the services of a designer and illustrators to create an original author's gift. Such a present will forever remain one of the brightest and leave wonderful impressions.
  4. Bright and stylish things for the office will delight a colleague and allow you to plan your day by keeping active records. A personalized diary with engraving is a great gift in an original design. A large number of commercial organizations offer their services for engraving on a variety of materials: fabrics, natural leather.
  5. Inexpensive gift for a 30th anniversary - creative organizer for the desktop. Such a thing is a great way to keep the table in order. Moreover, the author's organizers have an attractive design, becoming an addition to the birthday person's interior.

French press for a colleague as a gift

Personal diary

Unusual organizer for a colleague

DIY gift for a man for 30 years

Birthday is the best reason to pleasantly surprise a man with a homemade gift.

If you want to see delight and joy in the eyes of the birthday man, you need to turn on your imagination and use all your creativity to make a creative gift for 30 years. Presentation ideas:

  1. A comic medal for a man for 30 years is an original congratulation to the hero of the day, which can be both the main gift and a pleasant addition.
  2. You can make a poster for a man with your own hands. If you use personal photos and clippings from magazines and newspapers, you can get a creative gift that will delight the birthday person. They complement the poster with sweets and other decorative elements.
  3. An anniversary diploma to a son-in-law is an inexpensive and funny present. Such a comic document will be a pleasant present. Inside the diploma there is a bright insert, which may contain a cool congratulation to the hero of the day.
  4. You can surprise a man with a gift made on your own by creating video... This idea is easy to do. By adding a musical composition to the slides of photographs, you can mount a real photo show that will delight the hero of the day.
  5. Charging station- a useful present that provides power to several devices. Few people know that, having shown imagination, you can make such an accessory yourself.
  6. Edible bouquet- an original gift that will be appreciated by a representative of the stronger sex. In such a composition, it is appropriate to use smoked cheeses and sausages, snacks, nuts, beer and other food that men like.

A diploma for a son-in-law

Edible bouquet for a man

Approaching the choice of a gift creatively, you can find the most successful option. Imagine, put your strength and emotions into a gift, and you will make the anniversary of your dear man unforgettable.

You can find out more options for presentations for your husband's anniversary by watching the video:

Choosing a gift for a 30th anniversary

Thirty years is already a mature age. Therefore, gifts to a man who should be “thirty” should be chosen more meticulously.

Although this task is difficult, we will make it easier for you by providing several interesting and useful options. Among them are both ordinary and very original presentations that will surely please creative and creative representatives of the stronger sex.

3D Puzzle UGears "Safe"

What to give a guy for 30 years if you know for sure that he will not be offended when he sees a children's gift, but, on the contrary, will be delighted? Buy him a safe! But, of course, not a real one, but in the form of a 3d puzzle, which still needs to be assembled.

The elements of this puzzle do not need any additional actions (scissoring, gluing with tape or glue) - you just take them out of the box and start enjoying the process.

As a result, you should get a product, the appearance of which completely repeats a real safe, equipped with everything you need - rotating handles, a combination lock.

This is also a great gift option for a child, because this puzzle develops such qualities as accuracy and patience. In addition, it helps to understand the basics of mechanics, promotes the development of creativity, fine motor skills of hands. And in the assembled form, the safe will decorate the room, sitting on the desktop of the birthday person.

External battery "Stone" with the name of the hero of the occasion

If you want to present a more practical thing to your man for thirty years, stop the choice on this "pebble".

A stone is a thing that has been actively used by mankind for more than one millennium. Previously, stones helped us create various useful objects, make fire. But evolution has not spared them either, and now, using a stone, you can even charge your phone!

This external battery can be used when traveling, on a sortie - in short, wherever there are no power outlets. Together with the miracle stone, adapters are supplied for different mobile devices.

The birthday boy will be grateful to you for such an excellent gift - after all, he no longer has to constantly monitor the charge level of his phone. Also, this battery can be presented to a friend who is a fan of various modern high-tech accessories.

Pen "Legend"

The accessory is made in black and gold tones and contains engraving. If you don't know what to give a guy for 30 years, choose this pen. Thus, you show him that you think he is a cool businessman. It can also be presented to a colleague, boss, subordinate - a man or a woman.

The handle will perfectly complement the entrepreneurial image. It will "hint" to the birthday boy's business partners that its owner is serious about his business and never throws words down the drain.

"Selfie time" - a wireless device for selfie lovers (manufacturer - Matteo Tantini)

Even at thirty, many cannot imagine their life without social networks. If your lover is a fan of all sorts of Facebook Instagram, feel free to give him this selfie stick. This item will come in handy for a walk with friends, at a concert. Well, the two of you will be photographed, of course. As you can see, a selfie stick is a very useful accessory!

The monopod can be used with any phone, it can be charged for twenty hours, it is equipped with a camera shutter remote control using Bluetooth technology. Its length is 82 centimeters. The device will help you get even more virtual fans!

Oscar statuette

Treat your boyfriend with the most prestigious award in the film industry - give him an Oscar! And don't be confused by the fact that he is not a popular artist. The main thing is that he plays a major role in your life.

The accessory is made of artificial stone with a silver coating; it looks a lot like a real Oscar. It contains the name of the hero of the occasion, and the nomination in which he won.

"Oscar" is a universal gift, it can be presented to both a lover and a friend, boss, colleague.

"Man No. 1" - delicious chocolate in a beautiful package (Belgium)

For some reason, it is believed that only the fair sex need compliments. But a kind word, as you know, is pleasant for a cat, and even more so for a man!

Let us guess - for the previous birthday you presented your loved one with the most ordinary chocolate bar, right? But now you have a chance to express your love in a more perfect way. Present him chocolate "Man # 1" - he will be very grateful to you!

Frame "Matrix" made of metal

It can be placed anywhere - even in the bedroom, even in the office. The frame boasts a beautiful and versatile design that will perfectly complement any photo.

Upload the required photo to our website and get a great result that will surely delight your loved one.

On the street is the 21st century - forget about the "real" photo studio. We will save you time that you can spend with your loved ones.

A universal choice of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

I welcome dear blog readers! Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to guess with a present for a girl who is turning 30? If you have a problem: what to give a girl for 30 years, then I will try to offer successful gift ideas. After all, this is more difficult than picking up.

But I seem to know the answer to the first question. It's just that her value bar has become much higher, which means that banal gifts such as a frying pan, iron or vacuum cleaner do not pass. Better, if you are so obsessed with a practical gift, give the appropriate certificate to the right store.

What to give a girl for 30 years?

  1. Let's start with precious metals and stones. Most ladies will be delighted with such gifts: rings, bracelets, earrings... An exquisite piece from a jewelry store for an anniversary is a proven option. But there is a nuance: you need to know what jewelry the hero of the day prefers. Do not know? Then take a beautiful gold chain with an uncomplicated pendant.
  2. Or imagine how, together with a gorgeous bouquet, you present sophisticated necklace or unusual bracelet... It is unlikely that this will leave her indifferent.
  3. The desired option is gift card to a perfume and cosmetics store or a SPA-salon. Everyone wants to become even more beautiful, because this universal present is always in handy. I think it will not be superfluous for the 30th anniversary.
  4. Order a good artist to write portrait by choosing a good photo in a suitable style: graphics, painting or pop art. No doubt she will love the amazing oil painting.
  5. Maybe she wants to learn how to cut and sew? Make up or hair? Mastering photography? Pay her what she needs courses.
  6. If a young business woman has a round date, then you need to buy items that correspond to her position. For example, sets of genuine leather: a beautiful business bag or briefcase, business card holder.
  7. Present an exclusive design laptop case, a unique mouse or other gadgets. Finally, buy a new laptop model.

To the high society girl who has everything

It is quite difficult to find something for a girl who has everything - it will puzzle anyone. How to surprise, how to lure? The hand does not rise to give some standard trinket, but I really want to make an unforgettable present ...

Don't be tempted to choose expensive gifts. Today, for little money, you can buy many at the same time unusual and high quality things. And they are packed quite presentably.

  1. Buy glamorous auto kit- does she have a car?
  2. If your wealthy girlfriend understands humor, get her original apron... Now finding such an option is a simple matter. She will definitely be pleased with such an apron.
  3. Does she visit foreign countries? Then a useful offering will be unique card, which is specially pasted over with a protective film. The film is filmed only in the place of the globe where the tourist's foot has stepped. Hand over such a card with wishes to further conquer the world - it will worthily appreciate your choice.

Cool gifts

At such a beautiful age, a lady is able to appreciate something cool, original. Therefore, there is a reason to use the services of companies that produce original gizmos.


  • personal calendar,
  • Hollywood star with her name
  • or an Oscar statuette

There are many things to dream up here. And it's easy to implement. Such gifts really like adult girls.

The birthday girl will surely like the issue of the Pravda newspaper, in which she will find articles about the events of that day and congratulations to her beloved.

A gift to a friend as a gift to friendship!

  1. Present to your friend ice cream maker- you won’t go wrong. One can only dream of such a wonderful device, which makes our life sweeter and more enjoyable. Imagine, now she can enjoy delicious ice cream at any time! And the delicacy will be made from a natural product, without any additives or impurities there.
  2. Will please set of modern stylish glasses... Such a gift will bring true joy to the girl who, by her nature, loves to decorate her home with beautiful, special and stylish items. Do not spare your money, choose branded high quality glasses.
  3. Hand over beauty salon certificate with the words: "If you decide to change your image." The girlfriend herself would hardly dare to change the appearance, and so, when the service has already been paid for, she may decide.
  4. She will remain pleased from hair dryer with ionizer- it does not dry out the hair. A necessary thing for any woman, because tidying up the hair is a daily ritual for us.
  5. And you can give such a bold gift, which is subscription to classes with a newfangled type of dance... Let him try the unknown.
What flowers to give?

Well, if you don't know, then I can only answer one thing: which one is supposed to be! A bouquet of roses - only necessarily pink. It is they who are suitable for 30 years, because they are the personification of stately tenderness.

You can stand out with a bouquet of white calla lilies or dracaena indoor flowers, that is, with the white color of elegance or a symbol of love and well-being.

Signs of love and admiration for your beloved

You can't think about the gift of your beloved for a long time - of course, precious decoration... Ideally, a jewelry set. Let's say a necklace and earrings. It's a good idea to hand over a beautiful pendant with a natural gemstone, or a gold bracelet, or pearl beads. Choose a graceful and elegant piece.

Although, according to the polls, the majority of Russian women in their 30s want to be given a "jam" modern gadget... Buy a new smartphone, e-book or tablet.

How to please a lonely unmarried lady?

It is difficult to please a thirty-year-old girl with a gift, and it is doubly difficult for an unmarried girl. Such a person usually needs more kind sincere words, sincere compliments.

  1. Hand her comic reward... For example, the Order "For Irresistibility in Everything!" will certainly amuse the birthday girl.
  2. Cool ones will suit her dumbbell alarm clock"Morning work-out". This unusual souvenir with a built-in alarm clock will provide a cheerful start to every day. The alarm clock rings until the hostess lifts the dumbbells 30 times!
  3. And if she's a passionate photographer, it’s a good move. photo lens mug. The original mug will be the daily embodiment of your favorite business and a source of pride, will sincerely delight the owner.

Surprise for wife - so that the hearth does not go out

Except for the husband, probably no one is in such an ideally advantageous position when choosing an anniversary gift. And do not complain that you have to break your head. The main advantage is that you know the desires of your soul mate. You can even pick up the item you need when you visit the mall together. This is often a practical necessity. For example, don't buy jewelry for your wife yourself. Better go to the salon together.

  1. Give your soul mate fashionable leather jacket or a fur coat. Don't you know about fashionable clothes at all? Well, stop at a cashmere warm sweater, a set of scarves or spring shawls from Italy, or versatile shawls from France. You can't go wrong.
  2. An offering for the wife's birthday is not a big and expensive one, but a welcome one. For example, a good way out, which will undoubtedly please any woman - perfume, the main thing is to know what she likes or wants.
  3. Bring your spouse "into the light" - give tickets to a play or a movie, to a concert of a famous artist, visit an exhibition of artists, a gallery of paintings, visit a night show with your beloved.
  4. And which wife will refuse dinner at a restaurant? It is important to make the holiday gift a real surprise and really distract her from everyday life.
  5. Well, the best gift from a husband that any 30-year-old lady dreams of receiving is attention. Which can manifest itself in the form exotic butterfly.

The most dear - a gift to my sister

You can give your sister literally any thing on this memorable day.

Even from among those that you do not dare to give to close friends. She is the only one who will not look for false meanings in things useful for the economy, will take them for granted.

  • Hand her an ingenious kitchen assistant - a multicooker, or an irreplaceable house cleaner - a robot vacuum cleaner. By the way, the steam station is a smart iron machine that will allow a loved one to always look perfect.
  • Present a bath with a hydromassage for the feet - then you will hear her thanks many times.

On this, perhaps, I will conclude my post. What is the moral of today's review? The main thing is to please the birthday girl with your attention. And you can give completely different things. Good luck and new gift ideas!

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

30 years is a significant milestone in the life of every person. That is why the choice of what to give a girl for 30 years must be approached responsibly. On the one hand, you should not hint the birthday girl at her age and give anti-aging creams. On the other hand, gifts should be serious, not childish and useful.

How to maintain the balance of "youth-seriousness" and pleasantly congratulate the girl on her 30th birthday?

At 30, a girl is surrounded by many people - parents, husband (or loved one), friends, colleagues, and possibly children. Each of the beloved people seeks to congratulate the birthday girl on such a significant date - her 30th birthday.

You can congratulate a girl individually or collectively. Do not forget that 30 years is still youth, and, perhaps, the birthday girl will not refuse a noisy party.

Advice! The price of a gift can reach several tens of thousands of rubles. It is recommended to combine financial forces and make the birthday girl the desired gift. At this age, a girl can buy herself a lot, so it is better to surprise her with a collective and expensive gift.

From husband

A husband is the first person who thinks about a gift to his wife (see). It is not so difficult to come up with what you can give a girl for 30 years from a loved one. Who, if not a husband, understands and knows his wife better than anyone else.

Maybe the wife has been asking for something for a long time? Or is he dreaming of going somewhere? Or is she expecting a romantic impulse from her husband? Or maybe she is saving up for training courses? A husband can fulfill many of his wife's dreams.

A few examples of gifts from a husband for his wife's 30th birthday:

  • certificate to the spa;
  • dinner at a luxurious restaurant;
  • photo session for two;
  • boat trip;
  • hot air balloon flight;
  • horse ride;
  • tour to another country;
  • perfume;
  • silk scarf;
  • coat;
  • jewelry;
  • fashionable clutch;
  • leather gloves;
  • bathrobe (bath or silk);
  • smartphone;
  • tablet;
  • joint portrait painted in oil.

Advice! You should not give your wife household items - dishes, cutlery, washing machine or dishwasher. Firstly, all these items and devices necessary for life can be bought just like that. Secondly, a personal gift will not work: all family members will use household items.

From parents

Parents can give their daughter a touching gift for 30 years (see). Any person at any age is pleased to receive a little thing reminiscent of parental love. At the age of 30, the daughter hardly expects global gifts from her parents, so it is worth presenting something valuable for the soul.

Ideas of what to give a girl for her 30th birthday from her parents are suggested in the table:

Image Description

An unusual mug is a simple but pleasant gift that literally warms you with warmth. You can choose a mug with an unusual design or with a funny inscription, as well as order a mug with a family photo.

An album with a photo of the birthday girl in different years will remind of childhood. Parents will surely have memorable photographs that can be collected into one beautifully designed album (can be individually made to order).

Personalized cosmetics are a practical and memorable present. Hand cream, shower gel, body milk will come in handy for any girl, and the inscription on the bottles with individual congratulations will remind you of parental care.

The manicure set includes all the necessary tools for a manicure or pedicure, as well as a hand bath. The daughter will be able to process her nails and monitor their condition at home, saving on the services of a master.

A wrist watch is an elegant accessory, especially if the strap is made of leather or precious metal. A small watch will emphasize the femininity of your daughter, remind you of the time and leave a long memory of your parents.

From friends and girlfriends

Sincere friends are important people in every life. If the birthday girl has many good and funny friends, they can organize a house party for their beloved girlfriend or make a collective gift (see).

What can you give a girl for her 30th birthday from friends:

  • sweets (big cake, basket of chocolates, box of muffins);
  • a bottle of wine and a wine set (cork, corkscrew, bottle holder);
  • chocolate fountain;
  • a subscription to your favorite magazine;
  • dance courses;
  • a steam generator for ironing clothes;
  • hairdryer or curling iron to create hairstyles;
  • laptop table;
  • aero sofa;
  • fondue set or sushi machine (depending on preference);
  • a gift of interest (an African drum, a concert ticket, a book with reproductions of paintings, camping equipment, etc.);
  • gifts for needlework (sewing machine, glue gun, organizer, magnifying glass for embroidery, etc.).

Do not forget about the congratulation itself. The congratulation instruction for each girl is individual. You can, for example, collectively sing a song, tell the legend of a gift, or arrange an Oscar.

Who is the gift?

The choice of what to give a girl for 30 years largely depends on what the birthday girl does. 30 years is a sufficient age to grow into a qualified specialist, start a business or become a mother. Depending on the lifestyle for the girl, you can choose a suitable gift.


A 30-year-old gift for a girl who is building her career should be practical and useful. It's not just about functional things to work with. The opportunity to relax after a hard day is also a useful gift. Various massagers (for eyes, feet, back), aromatic oils, a ticket to a cultural event will help you relax and take your mind off your work.

Gifts for a busy woman:

  • massage certificate;
  • yoga subscription;
  • continuing education or business courses;
  • external battery;
  • a flash drive with a large amount of memory;
  • orchid in a box;
  • purse;
  • heated mouse pad;
  • car coffee maker;
  • stylish briefcase for documents;
  • a flower pot with an auto-irrigation system (provided that the girl loves indoor plants);
  • a set of jewelry (chain, bracelet, earrings) in a simple style, suitable for work;
  • cute alarm clock.

Young mom

By the age of 30, many women become mothers, and some for the second or third time. If a girl is on maternity leave in her 30th birthday, then you can please her with pleasant personal gifts (see).

Often, girls on maternity leave are looking for suitable needlework that can give an idea for a gift. For example, a birthday girl loves to sew with her own hands. Then a roomy organizer, a sewing machine or tutorials with patterns will come in handy.

Do not forget about the rest of the young mother. A visit to a beauty salon will help you get away from everyday worries and put yourself in order.

Examples of gifts for a young mother for 30 years are presented in the table:

Image Description

A hammock chair will not take up much space in the apartment, and in the country it will outshine any other furniture. Such an individual hammock relaxes and sets you in a good mood. A young mother in such a chair can comfortably breastfeed her baby.

A robot vacuum cleaner is a simple but useful gift for a girl on her 30th birthday who is on maternity leave. If the apartment is large, and there is not enough time to clean the floor, then a special robot will help with this, which will independently collect all the dirt and dust.

The modern Polaroid camera takes snapshots (prints out on the built-in printer), corrects photographs and uploads them to social networks. The camera will be a pleasant present for a mother who wants to capture the first years of her baby's life.

A steamer is a useful household item that a woman who monitors her diet will definitely like. The lactation period requires a special diet from the mother. In addition, pregnancy often adds extra pounds. The steamer prepares healthy and healthy food while preserving the taste and vitamins.

The player can become an indispensable tool for walks. While the child sleeps in the stroller, the mother will be able to listen to her favorite music, radio or study foreign languages.

Advice! Better to avoid gifts for the baby. Clothes for growing up, baby food, toys are essential things that every mother needs. However, do not forget that this is the birthday of the mother, and not her child.


If a girl freelances, works at home and has a creative profession, then an original gift for a girl for 30 years will come in handy. Unusual gizmos will decorate your home workplace, help you organize and create a pleasant atmosphere that sets you up for productive work.

Gifts for a freelancer are suggested in the table:

Image Description

Heated slippers are a fun gift that will come in handy during the cold season. In such fluffy slippers, the freelancer will feel warm and comfortable throughout the working day at the computer.
Refresher courses, at times, are simply necessary for "free artists". These can be training courses, master classes, planning trainings or raising income online, and so on.

A houseplant will create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere, especially if there are no flowers in the house or there are not many of them. An unpretentious dracaena will complement the workplace.

A comfortable chair is the dream of many freelancers. A durable armchair with a comfortable shape with a padded seat will make your work more comfortable and relieve back pain.

The ministepper is an effective exercise machine for those who walk a little. Freelancers often sit at home for a long time, and daily ministepper training will help keep yourself in good shape. Some models are equipped with expander, which also allows you to load the muscles of the arms and back.

The video in this article will suggest a few more gift ideas for the girl's 30th birthday.

At the age of 30, for many, life is just beginning: past mistakes are taken into account, plans are made, skills are tried in various cases. A 30th birthday gift should support the girl's aspirations and beginnings, no matter what she does.

It's good if you prepared for such a significant event in advance - you saved money, and compared, chose. But situations are different - and in this case, you should not do something beyond your capabilities. Give a man for his 30th anniversary, albeit an inexpensive, but memorable present.

  • It could be a cartoon ordered from one of the street caricaturists. Ask the artist to write your congratulations on the bottom of the canvas of paper.
  • Make a video film in which everyone will say a warm word to the birthday person - his family and friends, friends and colleagues. Make an effort, try to find people living far beyond the borders of the country - the hero of the day probably does not communicate with them so often, and certainly does not expect a surprise of this format.
  • Draw up a birthday calendar - where the calculation of the new year begins not from January 1st, but from the man's birthday. Let it be a flip copy - on each of the pages you can add a photo of the hero of the day.

With humor in life: comic options for what you can give a man for 30 years

Situations are different: someone does not have enough money for a more worthwhile present, and someone does not know what to buy because the hero of the day has everything. The salvation in this situation will be creativity, coupled with a comic approach. Having shown imagination, you can organize just a grandiose congratulation, which will remain in the memory of the hero of the occasion for a long time. What cool can you give a man for 30 years:

  • Buy the guy a tic-tac-toe alcohol game. Even if a person does not drink much, it is a matter of honor to take a sip of a couple of grams of brandy for a knocked down chip! Moreover, the play capacities are really microscopic.
  • Order a construction helmet for him. Attach beer can holders to it. Put the tubes in the kit, from which the hero of the day can savor the intoxicated drink.
  • Is he a motorist? In this case, you probably have everything you need for a comfortable trip - from a radio tape recorder to a video recorder. And he has a pump - electric. That will be his bewilderment, and after the delight, when he finds an old rusty pump under the gift wrapping "greetings from the USSR". Undoubtedly, it is impossible to use the unit (and there is no need), but as a comic presentation - why not?

Appliances and gadgets - out of competition

If your budget allows, look towards gadgets and accessories. An e-book, a tablet, an MP3 player - all this will resonate in the heart of the birthday boy. If possible, talk to the family of the hero of the day, his loved ones: having thrown off, you can donate from digging a really worthwhile and useful thing. For example, a new smartphone, multicooker, washing machine or dishwasher.

Do you have a slightly different amount? Note the phone case, netbook USB flashlight, stylish headphones.

When emotions overwhelm ...

An excellent option for a non-standard gift is a certificate for master classes. What it will be depends on the preferences and hobbies of the hero of the occasion. If you are in close contact with a person, you probably know his passions - fishing or hunting, cars, rock music. Build on those "want" ones and teach a paid diving lesson, an extreme driving workshop, or some drumming.

Does the person have any obvious preferences? .. Nobody canceled the universal approach:

  • several hours in the sauna;
  • a trip to tasting elite alcohol;
  • dinner in a cafe where you can eat anything and as much as you want;
  • anti-stress massage session.

Fans of "tickling their nerves" will be delighted with the opportunity to climb the skies in a hot air balloon or jump into the abyss from a bungee. Yes, the prices for such services are considerable, but the mass of emotions experienced by the hero of the occasion is worth it!

What categorically does not need to be presented to a man for his 30th birthday

What representatives of the stronger sex do not like so much:

  • deodorants;
  • shower gels;
  • shampoos;
  • shaving foam.

A new machine is also not worth buying - a person can buy it all for himself.

It is easier for enthusiastic people to pick up presents: several ideas of what to give a friend for a man for 30 years?

Is your friend a collector ..? Or does he like to work in the country - planting, weeding, ennobling the site? .. Or maybe a man is keen on photography? .. It is a pleasure to give gifts to such people. For 30 years, the following options are suitable for a man as a present:

  • Those who walk through life with a camera do not need to buy a camera or lens. You can pick up a new filter, lens cleaner.
  • For a hunter or fisherman, choose new accessories - a fishing rod, a case for a gun.
  • The tourist will sincerely thank you for a powerful flashlight and a portable battery-powered radio.
  • For a numismatist, prepare a gift box with a unique coin inside, for a philatelist - a stamp.

Expensive gifts for dear people: we will show you what to give your beloved man for 30 years

A husband or boyfriend is often given an expensive gift in every sense for such an anniversary. It can be a gold jewelry (chain with a cross, bracelet, cufflinks), a paid subscription to a fitness room, a vacation ticket.

As an addition to the main present for your beloved man for 30 years, you can order a photo collage from your joint photos or a photo session.

But don't overdo it. Even if you think that your man is a romantic nature, you do not need to give mimicry tinsel. Leave all kinds of hearts and cards, plush animals and colorful candles for Valentine's Day.