Express face masks: fast and high-quality resuscitation of tired skin. A good way to tidy up: a quick face mask

Many women are familiar with the situation when there is an important meeting or event, where it is vital to show oneself in the best possible light, and as always there is not enough time for cooking. And even a professionally made make-up and outfit according to the latest fashion will not be able to hide imperfections and skin fatigue.

An express face mask can help with the solution of such a problem, at home giving the skin of the face vigor, refreshment and a healthy color. Undoubtedly, any woman with a high level of self-esteem should have several proven recipes for such a mask in stock.

Instant action of the express mask on the skin of the face

Most homemade masks require too much attention and time, since they are based on components of long-term exposure to skin cells. The main components of the express action face mask instantly manifest their properties not only on the surface of the skin of the face, but also in deeper layers, for example, they:

  • retain the required amount of moisture in the skin, keeping it healthier;
  • promote an even blood flow, which improves the general condition of the skin, dullness disappears and a healthy complexion is established;
  • make cleansing, due to the release of the upper layer of the skin from dead cells;
  • reduce obvious imperfections in the form of bumps and irregularities;
  • remove the smallest mimic, and even age-related wrinkles;
  • can reduce the brightness of age spots;
  • help to reduce the ugly shine due to the increased oiliness of the skin.

Such a complex, which has a positive effect on the skin, will help restore a healthy and even radiant complexion, hide such hated wrinkles and, most importantly, reduce all visible imperfections. And as in a fairy tale, all this can be achieved in just 15 minutes.

But still, do not forget that magic has a validity period, in this case it is only 4-6 hours. It is worth taking this feature into account and strictly monitoring the time. But not everything is so sad, it is enough to devote 10-15 minutes for such an express mask and the magic of healthy and radiant skin is with you again.

Indications for the use of express masks

Home express masks are still an emergency measure and you should not use them too often, because they do not penetrate deeply under the skin, but only work effectively on its surface. The main problems when you can apply such a mask are:

  • unhealthy complexion;
  • the smallest wrinkles;
  • pore clogging;
  • tiredness and lack of sleep;
  • malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands, which gives the skin an ugly shine;
  • all kinds of rashes;
  • increased skin pigmentation;
  • peeling and lack of moisture.

Homemade recipes for express face masks

The main criterion when choosing a quick-action mask at home is, undoubtedly, the availability of its components.

Express tea mask

  • Best applied to delicate skin around the eyes. Pour boiling water over several disposable tea bags and leave for at least 4-6 minutes. Then place in the freezer to cool quickly and apply to the eye area.

Universal lifting mask with honey

  • Heat 1 tsp. butter, add 1 teaspoon of honey and egg yolk. Add chopped walnuts to the resulting mass, 4-5 pieces are enough.

With vitamins

  • Most effective for dry skin. Mix 1 tbsp. olive oil + two tablespoons of orange juice + egg yolk.

With cucumbers for fatigue

  • Grate the pre-peeled cucumber and apply to the skin of the face.

From yeast

  • Add one teaspoon of sauerkraut juice to 1 tablespoon of sauerkraut juice. yeast. Then gradually introduce 12 tsp. camphor oils.

Cream mask

  • This remedy will help aging skin. Grind 1 tsp of cucumber and honey in a blender bowl and add cream with a high percentage of fat (2 tablespoons).

From potatoes

  • Grind 2 tbsp. tablespoons of potatoes (raw) and add one teaspoon of olive oil or sour cream.

From proteins

  • This mask will fix any problem spots on the skin. It is enough just to beat the white of one egg and add 1 tsp. wheat flour. Then, if necessary, add milk to the desired thickness.

Refreshing salt mask

  • Stir 1 tsp in one glass of water without gas. a spoonful of table or sea salt. Then strain 1 tbsp. lemon juice. After wetting a napkin or a piece of cloth in the mixture, apply to the face.

Oatmeal mask

  • The best mask for quick skin cleansing. Use a coffee grinder to grind 2 tbsp oatmeal flakes. spoons and soak the resulting mass in one tablespoon of warmed milk.

Knowing the recipes and using such express masks for a fresh face will not be difficult, to instantly prepare for an important event while maintaining inner calmness and self-confidence. After all, when a woman has beautiful not only her outfit, but also her skin, she will be able to conquer everything and everyone!

Today you are about to attend a very important social event or you are waiting for an unforgettable romantic date with your loved one, and your appearance with puffiness around the eyes, dark bags and a dull tint on your face leaves much to be desired? You know perfectly well that even impeccably done makeup can not always hide the obvious imperfections on the face, which appeared from chronic lack of sleep or after a violent party. But there is still a quick solution to this delicate problem! You will be helped by recipes of natural express face masks, which you can easily prepare at home on the eve of an important event.

It should be noted right away that express masks do not at all solve all the problems associated with incorrect home care or with various diseases that have a detrimental effect on the condition of the facial skin. In your arsenal must be present modern cosmetics (creams, lotions, gels, foams, milk), as well as masks (moisturizing, rejuvenating, whitening, nourishing, cleansing) for regular use at home. Express masks can be called "emergency" means that can significantly improve the condition of the epidermis for the next 7-8 hours from the moment the prepared mass from natural ingredients is applied to the skin of the face and neck. The fact is that the composition of these masks includes components with active substances that quickly penetrate into the layers of the skin and have a complex effect on the fibers of the connective tissue, sebaceous and sweat ducts.

Material navigation:


quickly moisturizes the skin and cleanses the ducts from sebaceous plugs, improves the state of the protective water-lipid layer;

Restores a natural, healthy complexion and evens it out, eliminating pallor, dull or yellowish tint;

Helps to instantly eliminate unhealthy greasy shine on oily skin, and peeling and irritation disappears on dry skin;

Instant whitening effect - brightens areas of focal hyperpigmentation (various pigment spots) in several tones, reduces the contrasting color of freckles and post-acne marks;

Quickly evens out uneven and rough relief of irritated skin, smoothes fine wrinkles well, tones the skin;

Cleanses the skin from comedones (blackheads) and small acne.


too enlarged and dirty pores, the skin has a grayish, dull, yellowish tint;

greasy shine (it is especially noticeable at a crowded event and does not look aesthetically pleasing) or peeling with redness;

noticeable swelling around the eyes with bruising or redness, dark circles and bags under the eyes;

bright age spots, freckles, acne marks or scars;

facial skin looks wrinkled, stale. The color is dull and unnatural, the face is slightly swollen.


➊ it should be borne in mind that the rapid effectiveness of the use of express masks is explained by the very active components that make up their composition. Therefore, it is not recommended to use these quick-acting masks if there are open wounds or pustules on the skin of the face, fresh stitches (applied less than a month ago), too thin and delicate (sensitive) skin;

➋ Before applying the product, you must thoroughly clean the skin, first with a foamy gel or foam, and then wash it with clean soft water at room temperature. Before using express masks, it is not necessary to steam the skin with water baths and hot compresses. In order not to waste precious time, use household appliances (coffee grinder, blender, mixer) to prepare the mask;

➌ despite the lack of time (you need to prepare for the event), spend 15-20 minutes with the mask applied in complete rest, lying down and relax so that the skin after applying the product really looks refreshed and clean;

➍ after the procedure, you must thoroughly cleanse your face from the dried product with lotion and then you can wash your face with warm soft water. Be sure to apply on your face after cleansing a protective soothing cream that is quickly absorbed;

➎ Apply makeup just before leaving the house. Do not overdo it with cosmetics (the condition of your skin will continue to recover and improve for several more hours, as the substances from the components of the mask are absorbed into the skin). Apply a thin layer of foundation, use eyebrow and lip correctors.


For dry skin
Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with the yolk of a raw egg.
Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and stir.

For oily skin
Pour 1 teaspoon of brewer's yeast with 1 tablespoon of sauerkraut juice.
Add a little camphor or sesame oil to this mixture (a little less than a teaspoon).

For combination skin

Finely chop the kernels of 5 walnuts in a coffee grinder,
mix them with 1 tablespoon of warm butter,
1 teaspoon honey and a raw egg.

For aging skin
Mix 2 tablespoons of heavy cream with 1 tablespoon of fresh cucumber grated on a fine grater
and 1 teaspoon of liquid honey.
You can add 2 teaspoons of olive oil,
if the skin is yellowish

For normal skin
Grate 2 tablespoons of raw potatoes on a fine grater,
add 1 teaspoon of olive oil,
1 teaspoon sour cream. To mix everything.

To cleanse clogged pores, whiten age spots
Dissolve 1 teaspoon of table salt in a glass of still mineral water,
add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
In the resulting solution, moisten a cloth and apply on the face.

For problematic acne prone, irritated skin
Mix the whipped egg white with 1 teaspoon of wheat flour
and a small amount of warm milk (to the desired consistency).

Express tea mask: remove puffiness around the eyes and remove bags

Pour boiling water over the tea bags,
insist 5 minutes,
cool for 2-3 minutes in the freezer,
apply to eyes for 15 minutes.
Can be combined with the use of a mask for the rest of the face.


photo: effect before and after applying express mask


Refreshing express mask for swelling and wrinkles:

An effective rejuvenating and purifying mask:

Home mask with instant anti-aging effect:

Dear friends! Please leave your feedback in the Comments, share with us your opinion on the results of using home masks. We will be grateful if you post in the Comments recipes for masks that have helped to improve the condition of your facial skin.
If you want to post your photos and video materials on the topic on the site, write to us by email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it.


LIFTING FACE MASKS - first aid before the holiday.

For those who have not had time to devote themselves due attention to skin care, an ambulance will help you with this - tightening masks. By choosing one of them, this day you will look dazzling.

But it is better to make tightening masks in the middle of the day, it happens that after applying such a mask, the skin turns red, this is good, blood circulation improves, after such a mask, the skin should rest for a couple of hours before applying festive makeup.

More about the mask with hercules

Hercules should be ground to a flour condition (for example, in a coffee grinder). You can grind a whole pack at once and store it in a tightly closed glass jar, using it as needed (and not only for masks).

All of these products can be used separately

  • beat the protein and apply to the skin;
  • combine the rolled oats with warm water until a not very thick slurry is formed, then apply to the skin;
  • just apply honey to the skin in a not very thick layer,
  • or by combining two or three products in different versions
  • accordingly, dilute the rolled oats not with water, but with whipped protein, and then add honey
  • For dry to normal skin can be added to the mask yolk, a little sour cream or baby cottage cheese(just a drop, otherwise the mask will lose its constricting effect).
  • For oily skin, some cosmetologists advise adding a few drops of lemon juice to the masks.

The mask is applied to a clean, slightly steamed face.

After applying the mask to the face (and neck).

  • It is advisable to take a horizontal position, the mask should contract in a horizontal plane, and not pull the skin down under the influence of its own gravity and gravity,
  • close your eyes (the mask can be applied to the skin around the eyes, but be careful not to get it in your eyes - the evening will be lost!),
  • not to talk and in general - no facial expressions! (the mask should tighten evenly, and not take the shape of yours, God forbid, wrinkles).

Spend 15-20 minutes in such a pleasant state.

During this time, the mask should dry, and you should really feel its tightening effect.

  • If the mask did not have time to dry - you made it too thick, adjust the proportions next time. If the mask has dried in less than 10 minutes, freshen it up by applying another layer on top of the dried one.
  • In order not to open your eyes and not leave the horizontal position, ask someone to tell you the time and update the mask, or set an alarm (updating the mask, unfortunately, it will not help you).

How to properly wash off such a mask? This is done very simply:

  • collect warm water in your palms and lower your face into them, so several times.
  • The mask gradually gets wet.
  • Next, with light circular motions!
  • with your fingertips!
  • very neat!
  • without stretching the skin!
  • wash it all off.
  • Then apply the cream (of your own production) just as gently.

There is no need to use ice after such a mask. ... Moreover, if the mask is done in the evening, the strong tonic effect of ice threatens to result in the problem of falling asleep. It's another matter if you have a cultural program planned for the evening, then, of course, use it.

Firming face mask, with gelatin, will eliminate wrinkles and make the oval of the face more defined

Gelatin masks Recommended for aging, sagging, sagging facial skin and wrinkles, whitening effect. After cooling masks with gelatin thicken, due to which sagging cheeks and chin are tightened, wrinkles are smoothed, blood circulation improves, the skin surface is noticeably softened.
Besides, masks with gelatin after cooking, they can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator, without losing their useful properties.

Gelatin masks that soften and smooth the skin.

1) Pour gelatin with natural fruit juice or hot milk. Take half as much gelatin as milk or juice. Place the cookware with the mass in a warm place or reheat in the microwave. When the mass swells well, put it in the refrigerator and wait until it thickens to a gel state. No need to overexpose, the gelatin mask should not be very tight. When the mass thickens, apply it to your face. Time is 20 minutes.

2) Rub one peeled cucumber through a sieve. Separate the juice and pulp. Then add to the cucumber mass
2 teaspoons of warm green tea and 2 teaspoons of warm chamomile infusion and a teaspoon of gelatin. Heat the mixture until thick, then add cucumber juice and a teaspoon of aloe juice. Time is 20 minutes.

Firming gelatin mask.

Cooking method:
Pour gelatin with cold water, stir and leave for an hour until it swells. We grind glycerin and other components into a homogeneous mass. Then we mix the resulting mass with the swollen gelatin and heat until completely dissolved .
Mode of application:

  • Cut a wide bandage into three strips from 40 to 30 cm long and moisten in the resulting mass.

Then we apply it on the face in the following sequence:

  1. the longest stripe covers the lower part of the face,
  2. and smooth the ends of the bandage towards the temples,
  3. simultaneously tightening the skin and shaping the correct oval.
  4. Apply the second strip tightly on the forehead from temple to temple.
  5. The third stripe covers the middle part of the face from one auricle to the other.
  6. Additionally, the rest of the mass can be applied over the bandages.
  7. You need to keep the mask for at least 30 minutes.

Compositions (in grams):

  • 1) water - 40, glycerin - 40, gelatin - 10, zinc oxide - 10;
  • 2) glycerin - 10, gelatin - 10, water - 65, zinc oxide - 5, honey - 10;
  • 3) zinc oxide - 15, water - 50, gelatin - 10, glycerin - 25;
  • 4) glycerin - 25, zinc oxide - 5, water - 60, camphor alcohol -20, gelatin - 10, kaolin - 5;

Firming potato mask and anti-cellulite mask.

This potato mask has a firming effect and removes cellulite.

Knead 1 boiled peeled potato and mix it with 1 tbsp. spoon of yogurt.

Apply the resulting mass to problem areas and leave for 20-30 minutes.

After the expiration of time, wash off with warm water.


European cosmetologists have shared the recipe for the most effective anti-wrinkle tightening mask that can be available to any woman at home.

According to the creators of the beauty recipe, the effect of its application is visible within 15 minutes after application.

Research shows that cheese has a noticeable anti-age effect.

The recipe for a rejuvenating mask is very simple:

  • you need to mix 1 part of hard cheese grated on a fine grater with 1 part of cream (sour cream can be used).
  • Then apply this mixture to the skin of the face and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water.

Already after the first application of this mask, the result is visible . The skin becomes velvety, more elastic and the complexion is evened out... Regular use of the mask relieves fine wrinkles.

In the course of experiments, it was proved that masks containing honey and bananas also have a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Firming products. These products include:

chicken protein, rolled oats, honey... It should be borne in mind that if we want a good effect from the mask, we must monitor the quality of the products used.

Honey must be natural quality honey Try not to use buckwheat honey, but light varieties (linden, for example, or from wildflowers). Light honey causes allergic reactions to a lesser extent.

Buckwheat, even in a healthy person, can cause a sore throat - sore throat from honey, this is the first sign that you are lucky and you have come across natural honey! If, when you sample honey, there is no perspiration, a feeling of a lump in the throat when swallowed, then this honey is clearly not natural!

Eggs are desirable to be rustic.

Ripe and juicy fruits are the best ingredients for a dazzling appearance.

Of course, when you first apply "it" to your face, you will still look the same, but when you wash off the fruit and vegetable mask, your skin will be flawless. Face masks below are suitable for all skin types, you can experiment with different ingredients throughout the week. You need to apply such masks for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with water at room temperature.

  • Pumpkin mask... You will need a piece of boiled pumpkin, which must be mashed and mixed in a ratio of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of pumpkin puree - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil (can be replaced with soybean oil). This mask nourishes the skin well, making it smoother and more tender.
  • Grape mask... 4-5 large grapes without skin and seeds, knead and apply on face. This procedure perfectly tones and smoothes the skin of the face. If you want to get the effect of "lightening" the skin, add a few drops of lemon juice, such a mask will brighten the skin and reduce pores. But for aging skin, freshly squeezed grape juice mixed with honey in a 1: 1 ratio is quite suitable.
  • Apple mask... The tonic is super. All Wang needs to do is peel the green apple and grate it on a fine grater. Apply the resulting puree to the skin of the face, then follow the instructions above.
  • Peach mask... An excellent treatment that relieves irritation, moisturizes and soothes the skin for a healthy glow. It is quite simple to prepare the mask, mash the peeled peach with a fork - you're done.
  • Eggplant mask... This mask perfectly softens dry skin, relieving it of flaking. Peel the eggplant, rub it on a fine grater and apply the resulting mass on the face. Then follow the instructions above.
  • Lemon and honey... We often find such a combination in "store" cosmetics, it is quite simple to prepare such a rejuvenating mask at home. For this we need the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey. It is better to apply such a mask with a cosmetic brush. Caution should be observed for owners of thin sensitive skin.

Tomato ambulance

Tomatoes or tomatoes, whatever you like, you can call them,
are an excellent tonic, while
freshly squeezed tomato juice, pure or diluted in
proportion 1: 1 with milk, perfectly tones the skin of the face and

By the way, the same " tonic »Can also be used as a make-up remover, the skin after it is smooth and toned.

If you have dry and sensitive skin, use slices of tomato to give it elasticity and saturation of the upper layers of the epidermis with moisture.

The "salad" will help the mixed type of skin of the face.

In this case, you need to put tomato slices on your neck and cheeks, but “decorate” your nose, forehead and chin with a cucumber - the result will be amazing.

It is important for a modern woman to constantly be on top and look perfect, because you never know what kind of meeting a new day will bring! Therefore, it is necessary to master the most effective methods of quick transformation and urgently put yourself in order. Here, express masks will come to our rescue, which miraculously nourish the skin with vitamins, help to cope with bags under the eyes, cleanse the skin and remove oily sheen, give tired dull skin a radiant look and healthy glow.

In order for the express masks to have the maximum effect for us, in the morning, energize the whole body with the help of gymnastics and a cool bath with a few drops of toning essential oils, such as citrus fruits. After a bath and a contrast shower, a good mood is guaranteed to us! To make your day even better, make yourself a fruity drink using this simple recipe: In a blender, combine a sliced ​​peach without a peel, a slice of pineapple,? mango,? banana. Mix fruit puree with 80 ml orange juice and enjoy!

Now breakfast ... To get rid of possible puffiness, prepare for breakfast an express dish of vegetables that remove excess fluid from the body, for example, zucchini, cucumbers, broccoli, asparagus.
Sleeping tea bags can easily deal with puffiness under the eyes. Refrigerate and apply to eyes for 10 minutes. A couple more secrets of express beauty: to remove bags under the eyes, apply a regular tablespoon, pre-cooled, to the eyelids. Or apply a cold milk compress to your eyes for 10 minutes.
By the way, your cheeks will instantly acquire a blush if you rub your face with ice cubes from mineral water. Watermelon juice is also great at fighting skin swelling. Freeze watermelon juice in the refrigerator and rub your face in the morning and evening after washing your face.
For owners of oily skin for daily use, prepare ice for wiping from infusions of herbs: calendula, mint, parsley, rowan leaves. To resuscitate tired skin, it is very good to apply hot and cold chamomile face packs before bed. Recipe for chamomile infusion: 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers (buy at a pharmacy) pour half a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. Alternate hot and cold compresses for 10 minutes.
The express coffee scrub with cream will quickly help against pallor. It tones well and is able to revive tired skin. Well, for the lips, prepare a simple express mask that will soften dry chapped lips. Just smear honey on your lips and let it sit for 20 minutes (make sure you are not allergic to honey).
Well, now let's prepare a vitamin mask suitable for your face type. We offer several recipes for vitamin quick masks that give a quick rejuvenation effect. Keep in mind that sour milk is great for refreshing oily, flabby skin, carrots are a suitable soothing agent for sore or chapped skin, and lettuce has a quick beneficial effect on tired skin.
Recipe 1 - Moisturizing homemade avocado express mask - mint + avocado + lemon juice.
This treatment will leave the skin fresh, firm and youthful. Evens out fine wrinkles and improves complexion.
Grind the pulp of half an avocado and a few mint leaves, add 4-5 drops of fresh lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask and wash with mint broth.
Recipe 2 - Nourishing quick face mask - persimmon.
Recommended for all skin types.
Mash the pulp of 1 ripe persimmon fruit with a fork and apply on the face and neck for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water and apply a moisturizer or nourishing cream.
Recipe 3 - Quick Express Cucumber Face Mask - Cucumber Juice + Cream.
Gives a healthy complexion and light whitening effect.
Mix 1 teaspoon of heavy cream and fresh cucumber juice. Apply the mask to your face for 10 minutes, then wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in warm milk.

Recipe 4 - Express face mask - cottage cheese + honey + oil (olive - sunflower - cator).
Recommended for dry to normal skin.
Mix 1 tablespoon of fat cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of honey and a drop of vegetable oil. Apply the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.
Recipe 5 - Fast Facial Toner - Orange.
Recommended for oily skin. Perfectly refreshes the skin.
Cut 1 juicy orange into thin circles and apply on face for 20 minutes. Wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water at room temperature.
Recipe 6 - Express Facial Mask - Potatoes.
Recommended for dry skin. Has a light whitening and firming effect. When used regularly, potato masks are an excellent anti-wrinkle remedy.
Peel and grate medium potatoes. Apply the resulting gruel to the face and neck for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.
Recipe 7 - Vitamin express mask at home - sauerkraut.
Recommended for oily skin as it tightens pores and removes oily sheen.
Apply 100 grams of sauerkraut with brine evenly on the face. After 20 minutes, wash off with cold water.
Recipe 8 - Rejuvenating express mask - yolk + lemon + olive oil (sunflower - burdock).
An old proven remedy that nourishes and rejuvenates the skin.
Mix 1 egg yolk in the juice of half a lemon and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

When using masks and creams, be careful: any product may have an individual intolerance, check it first on the skin of your hand! You may also be interested in this:

Express masks for the skin - quick face masks at home reviews: 4

  • Natalia, Perm

    I remember my grandmother. He will smear his face with egg yolk, lie on the couch and the job is ready !!! All wrinkles are smoothed out. She always told me that there is nothing better than natural products, and the simpler, the better for express masks. I rub the carrots and directly with the juice on my face, great! This freshness and complexion improves. Also her recipe.

  • rakka

    Please tell me how to get rid of wrinkles!

  • Lena

    I give everyone a simple and quick recipe for an orange mask! Increases skin elasticity and improves blood circulation. Squeeze the juice from half an orange and mix with a little water. wet a tissue and place it on your face and neck for 5 minutes. refreshing!

  • Lisa

    Irreplaceable tips! Well done, I'm happy with what I read. I also have a great recipe for some masks for aging skin of the face, also for puffiness around the eyes. We take 1 tsp butter, 1 tbsp ground walnut, 1 tsp honey - perfectly moisturizes and removes irregularities.
    Raw potatoes through a fine grater - I make a compress around the eyes, and I use boiled potatoes in the form of a potato for my hands.
    To whiten the skin of the face and nourish it with the necessary vitamins, I use cucumber, parsley, milk or cream, depending on the type of skin. I also use turmeric with honey and essential oils for inflammation. The effect is stupid!

Good health to everyone who wants to look young and cheerful! The crazy rhythm of life, lack of sleep, and - often - and nights without sleep - all this is immediately visible on the face.

You can go to the salon, but as always, there is no time. Let's try to make our own face masks for fatigue.

Home salon

At home, you can also refresh your face, get rid of traces of fatigue. Take half an hour to make very simple yet effective masks to make your face shine with beauty again.

Potato masks will help to saturate the skin with useful substances, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C, as well as quickly remove bags under the eyes, signs of fatigue.

Option one: wipe warm potatoes, pour in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, apply on the skin of the face, stand for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Option two: grate the raw potato tuber on the shallow side of the grater, apply to the skin, stand for 10 minutes, rinse with water. Potato gruel moisturizes well, softens flaky, dry dermis.

Option three: knead hot potato tuber, add 1 egg yolk to the mass, pour 2 tbsp. spoons of hot milk. Cover your face with warm gruel, stand for 20 minutes, then wash first with hot, then cold water. The mask cleanses well, restores the dermis, makes it smooth and elastic.

You will need 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil. All this must be whipped well.

Apply the mixture to your face and neck, leave it on for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water. Then wipe with a refreshing lotion.

Grate the apple, pour in 1 tablespoon of milk, add 1 teaspoon of cornmeal. Keep the mass for 20 minutes.
The following mask is useful for the skin: beat the protein of 1 egg, pour in 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide, stirring continuously. Apply the mixture in three layers, letting each layer dry. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Take 1 teaspoon juice of orange and lemon, add 1 tablespoon of honey, stir well. Cover your face for 30 minutes, then wash with warm water, rub with lotion.

Recipe 1. To 1 teaspoon of warm honey, pour in 5-6 drops of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Keep for a quarter of an hour, then wash first with warm and then cool water.

Banana Express Mask Recipe. Mash a well-ripened banana, apply the gruel on the face with a thin layer, after 15 minutes, rinse with cold water. The mask relieves fatigue, makes the skin soft and tender.

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Grate fresh cucumber, add 2 tbsp. spoons of natural yogurt. Apply to under-eye, face and neck. Wash with water after a quarter of an hour.
Grind oatmeal in a blender, add 1 tablespoon of warm, boiled water and 1 teaspoon of olive oil to them, mix everything. Cover your face, hold for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Grate carrots, add 1 teaspoon of honey, mix. Cover your face, wait 15 minutes, wash your face with warm water.
Mix the yolk with lemon juice, apply on the face, skipping the area around the eyes, rinse off with water after 20 minutes.

Glycerin masks have excellent moisturizing properties. Glycerin forms a thin film on the surface of the skin, which prevents the evaporation of moisture from the cells.
In addition, they are capable of:

  • smooth out wrinkles
  • eliminate flaking, dryness
  • perform protection.

When composing a glycerin mixture, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recipe. An increased dosage of glycerin can lead to excessive dryness of the epidermis. Before applying the mass, you should steam your face to open the pores.

Excellent treatment with glycerin and vitamin E. Combine 25 ml of glycerin with 10 ampoules of vitamin E. Apply the resulting composition for 1 hour. You don't need to wash your face, just blot your face with a paper napkin.

Have you been sitting at the computer for a long time, have you felt tired eyes? Thermo mask will save you from these problems in a matter of minutes.

How do I use it? Open the package, put the contents over your eyes, and secure with loops behind your ears. The package contains activated carbon and water.

When you open the package, oxygen enters it, the contents begin to heat up, the heat causes the moisture to evaporate.

As a result, a very pleasant vapor is formed, which envelops the area around the eyes, as well as the eyes themselves. The result is an eye spa treatment that relaxes your eyes.

For skin fatigue, purchase Siberica gel. Natura Siberica is created on the basis of Kurim tea, a special Siberian plant.