How can a pensioner receive monthly cash compensation for local telephone services?

Benefits for paying for a MGTS home phone for pensioners are a separate type of support for this category of citizens. To obtain such a privilege, a number of conditions and requirements are provided, as well as the need to go through a separately defined procedure, since a particular telephone company seriously controls the subjects claiming benefits and discounts. In MGTS, benefits for pensioners are provided to the home phone and the Internet serviced by the specified company.

Subjects of receipt

The privilege for the telephone, despite the wide use of such a means of communication by citizens, is provided to a limited list of persons. MGTS is a telecommunications company in Moscow, spreading its work over vast territories and offering a wide range of services. At the same time, the organization exercises strict control over customers, fulfillment of obligations and the possibility of realizing subsidies when using the network.

Phone benefits for pensioners are considered a mandatory support measure, but only if the person is in a certain benefit group:

  1. . The title must be confirmed by relevant documents, in accordance with the law of the city of Moscow.
  2. Pensioners in the status of a labor veteran. This category requires the receipt of either mandatory insurance pension coverage or other pension options.
  3. Persons recognized as rehabilitated. The pensioner must also provide documentary evidence of this fact.
  4. Disabled persons, including those who received a group during the war, as well as persons equated to them.
  5. Persons who participated in the war, transferred to the reserve, served in the internal affairs bodies and the security service. This includes members of both ordinary and commanding structures.
  6. A pensioner or a pensioner who has received special orders, medals, diplomas.
  7. Visually handicapped. It is necessary to establish the first group or the third degree of limitation of labor abilities.
  8. Single citizens or families consisting only of pensioners. Here, an important condition is the achievement of the age of fifty-five or sixty years by a woman or a man, respectively.
  9. Unemployed persons of retirement age who are recognized as needy, who have dependent children under the age of eighteen.

The provision of benefits for paying for the telephone for pensioners is carried out only after payment for the services and upon presentation of papers confirming the right to a subsidy.

Provision procedure

Benefits for a home phone for pensioners are issued according to the requirements of the company offering the type of service in question. Such subsidization does not represent the abolition of the obligation to pay for the telephone, but the reimbursement of expenses through the provision of discounts. The amount of compensation is fifty percent of the amount paid.

The user of telephone services, even if he falls into the preferential category, pays all expenses. Citizens fully contribute funds to the accounts issued to them. Only then can the benefit be realized. The pensioner must send an application, and then the money spent will be returned to him. This procedure is a must. In addition, the subsidy will be distributed only to one city number. If there are several networks, the subscriber can choose the appropriate option on his own.

However, it is typical for the Moscow region that only MGTS provides compensation to pensioners for a telephone. The assistance program in this case is officially provided for and has a regulatory conclusion. Conditions are different for other companies. For example, Rostelecom does not provide. The only relief is the establishment of tariffs with discounts and more favorable conditions for the category of citizens in question.

The implementation of compensation for the telephone to pensioners is carried out not by the telephone company itself, but by the social security authorities. A package of papers should be sent there, which will serve as the basis for making a decision, namely:

  • identity document;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • certificate of disability, other medical documents;
  • veteran's certificate;
  • an agreement with a telecommunications company for the provision of services;
  • income statement;
  • documents establishing the fact of the presence of awards.

It is allowed to request additional papers if other circumstances are required to establish benefits.

An application for a telephone subsidy to a pensioner is a document, the content of which may influence the decision. It should include information about the applicant, the grounds for applying for assistance, as well as the details that will be required for the payment of funds. The appeal is certified by the date and signature, the list of attached papers is indicated below.

Compensation for paying for the use of the telephone is one of the measures of social support for pensioners (part 3 of article 12.1 of the Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ; Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of September 29, 2009 N 804n).

The amount of such compensation is determined by the authorized executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (part 9 of article 12.1 of the Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ). So, in Moscow, the monthly monetary compensation for paying for local telephone services is established by the Law of the City of Moscow dated 03.11.2004 N 70. The procedure for its appointment and payment is determined by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 08.02.2005 N 62-PP. The amount of compensation in Moscow is 230 rubles. per month (clause 4.2.9 of Appendix 1 to the Decree of the Government of Moscow of December 9, 2014 N 735-PP).

Calculates and pays compensation to the district Department of social protection of the population of Moscow (hereinafter - RUSZN) at the place of registration of the pensioner (clause 1.3 of the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 08.02.2005 N 62-PP).

Those who live in Moscow and are subscribers of telephone networks, with the exception of cellular subscribers, can apply for compensation (Article 1, paragraph 3, 4, part 3, article 3, part 7, 8, article 8 of the Law of the City of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 N 70; clause 1.1 of the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 8, 2005 N 62-PP; p paragraphs 9, 10 of Appendix No. 1 to the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 08.02.2005):

– single pensioners (women over 55 and men over 60);

- families consisting only of pensioners (women over 55 and men over 60);

– non-working pensioners who have dependent children under the age of 18.

Note. Compensation is not paid to pensioners who are serving sentences in correctional facilities on the basis of a court verdict (item 6Order, approved. Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 08.02.2005 N 62-PP).

Pensioners who are subscribers of more than one subscriber number are paid one compensation (clause 5 of the Order).

Step 1. Prepare the necessary documents.

To receive compensation, you will need the following documents (clauses “l”, “m”, clause 4 of the Order):

- an application with a request for payment of compensation and an indication of the method of payment of compensation (through a post office, a branch of the Savings Bank of Russia or OJSC "Bank of Moscow", through a banking application to the Muscovite's social card), as well as bank details and bank account number;

- a pension certificate or other document confirming the fact of receiving a pension or life maintenance;

- a passport or other document proving the identity of the applicant and his place of residence in Moscow;

- information (certificate) of the telecom operator on the existence of an agreement for the provision of a subscriber number;

- for single pensioners or a family consisting only of pensioners - a single housing document, a copy of the financial personal account or an extract from the house register;

– for non-working pensioners who have dependent children under the age of 18:

a single housing document, a copy of the financial personal account or an extract from the house book, confirming the fact of cohabitation with the child;

employment history;

child's birth certificate.

Step 2. Submit documents to the RUSZN customer service or through the Portal of State and Municipal Services of Moscow.

You can apply for the appointment of compensation in person or through a representative. The representative must present a power of attorney confirming his authority, as well as a passport or other identification document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Documents can be submitted (clause 9.22 of Appendix 1 to Decree of the Government of Moscow of 23.04.2014 N 219-PP; clause 5.2 of Decree of the Government of Moscow of 10.02.2015 N 41-PP; Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 22.12.2012 N 1376):

- to the RUSZN customer service located in any convenient MFC.

Note. Addresses of MFCs and their working hours can be found on the Portal of State and Municipal Services of Moscow;

- at any convenient RUSZN (in areas where there is no MFC);

– through the Portal of State and Municipal Services of Moscow.

Note. To submit an application electronically through the Portal of State and Municipal Services of Moscow, you must:

– register on the Portal;

– select in the “Electronic Services” section the subsection “Benefits, social sphere” and the desired service “Get monthly cash compensation for paying for the phone”;

– fill out an online application;

- attach scanned documents to the application;

- within five working days from the date of registration of the application, submit the original documents to any convenient RUSZN customer service at the MFC.

On the Portal of State and Municipal Services of Moscow, it is also possible to make an appointment with the RUSZN client service at the MFC. Electronic pre-registration will save you from queues.

Step 3. Wait for the appointment and payment of compensation.

The term for the provision of this service by the RUSZN client service at the MFC (including through the Portal of State and Municipal Services of Moscow), including the period of interdepartmental interaction, is no more than 30 days from the date of receipt of the application and all necessary documents.

The decision to refuse to provide compensation can be appealed to the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow, as well as to the court.

In case of appointment, compensation is paid from the 1st day of the month following the month of applying with title documents to the RUSZN client service at the MFC (RUSZN where there is no MFC) (clause 3 of the Order).

The amounts of accrued compensation that are not claimed by the pensioner in a timely manner are paid for the elapsed time, but not more than for three years preceding the month of applying for their receipt (clause 10 of the Procedure).

Payment of compensation is terminated (clause 7 of the Procedure):

- in the event of the death of a pensioner, as well as recognizing him dead or missing in the prescribed manner - from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the death occurred or the court decision came into force on declaring him dead or on recognizing him missing;

The most unprotected segment of the population at present is pensioners.

Circumstances are developing in such a way that the government must take care of them 100% so that this category of citizens does not need anything. But, sometimes it is very difficult to implement, for example, if there is a protracted economic crisis.

Reliable information about what exactly the elderly will be deprived of is not yet available to the public, but one should not immediately be skeptical about these forced measures.

The main goal of officials is not to harm people, but to maintain a stable financial condition in the country.

Payment types

A pensioner-veteran of labor can receive social support and cash payments on the basis of his certificate after he is granted a pension.

Veterans of labor in Moscow can apply for next payments:

  1. Monthly city cash payment (EGVD). It is set only if the pensioner does not receive a monthly cash payment, the source of financing of which is the federal budget.
  2. Monthly cash compensation for local telephone conversations.
  3. Monthly monetary compensation of the city. Applications for the following year must be submitted by October 1 of the current year.
  4. Reimbursement of expenses related to travel to the sanatorium and back.

List of benefits

If the amount of the labor pension received by a labor veteran does not reach the established in the area of ​​​​residence, then the citizen has the right to apply for.

IN tax legislation There are also several:

Muscovites can count on all the benefits established at the federal level, namely:

  • 50% discount when paying for the phone;
  • 50% compensation for utility bills;
  • free travel on city public transport and commuter trains;
  • monthly city allowance;
  • free sanatorium-and-spa treatment, if a labor veteran has health problems. By the way, rail transport to and from the destination will also be free.

Monetization of benefits

Only .

IN money equivalent only the following privileges can be sent:

  • free pass;
  • medical provision;
  • treatment in a sanatorium.

At the same time, a retired labor veteran may not worry about other benefits, for example, he will still have the right to compensate for 50% of the amount of utility bills, even if he writes an application for the conversion of other benefits in the appropriate amount of money.

Design rules

To begin with, a citizen who has approached the retirement threshold must find out if he is entitled to title "Veteran of Labor". The detailed procedure for its assignment can be found in the social protection authority in accordance with the place of official registration. Here they will be able to suggest what length of service is required to obtain this title. Generally, a woman must have a total of at least 35 years of service, and a man at least 40 years.

If a citizen belongs to the preferential list, then you can proceed to collection of necessary documents and writing relevant statements. The first should be left in Multifunctional center (Department of social protection) who accepts documents. It is recommended to make copies of all papers in 2 copies, since in accordance with one package of documents a title is awarded, and on the basis of the second, a monthly cash payment is made, guaranteed to all labor veterans. The issuance of a certificate usually occurs after 45 - 60 days.

Now you can start submitting documents for receiving compensation for payment of housing and communal services. Surely, the same department accepts applications (only in a different office). 50% of the amount actually spent by the beneficiary or in accordance with the norm regarding electricity, gas, heating and water supply is returned.

Collection of documents

Registration of a veteran's certificate involves the collection following documents:

It is necessary to submit both copies of documents and their originals. In addition, you should prepare one matte photograph 3*4 cm, which will then be pasted into the certificate.

For getting reimbursement of utility bills required:

  • passport;
  • pension and veteran certificates;
  • insurance pension certificate;
  • account number to which the money will be transferred.

Remember that if the monthly cash payment is transferred to the card on the same date, then preferential compensation for housing and communal services will appear on the account (passbook, plastic card) only after utility payments are made.

What to expect for labor veterans in 2019

The media raised the issue of upcoming changes that the Government of the Russian Federation plans to make to the law regarding benefits for labor veterans. This category of citizens should probably expect the following innovations from legislators in 2019:

  1. When paying for electricity, a 50% discount is applied, which is repaid at the expense of funds from the Federal budget.
  2. Labor veterans can ride municipal public transport absolutely free of charge. If they wish, they can monetize this benefit and receive compensation in the amount of 3,785 rubles for a month.
  3. In the presence of medical indicators, non-working veterans of labor can undergo sanatorium treatment free of charge. They are advised to keep tickets proving their travel to and from their place of treatment. Upon arrival, citizens can present travel documents to receive compensation for expenses incurred.
  4. If a labor veteran has dental problems, he can go to the dentist. a polyclinic at the place of residence and they will make dentures for him free of charge. Such patients will only have to pay the cost of consumables, which will be used by specialists in the manufacture of dentures from precious metals and cermets.
  5. Veterans of labor who continue to carry out professional activities may apply for leave at any time convenient for them.
  6. This category of citizens has the right to receive free medical services in the institution to which they are assigned.
  7. Veterans of labor can ride for free in suburban transport, plying throughout the Moscow Region.

The rules for compensation of payment for housing and communal services for labor veterans are described in the following video:

The most socially unprotected category of citizens are people who are unable to work because of their age, living on social benefits. The question of what benefits are available to single pensioners in Moscow, whether there are other groups that enjoy privileges, worries older people who count every ruble until retirement. Finding this out is not easy, as legislation changes regularly. To determine the amount of social benefits, discounts on utility bills due to individuals receiving an old-age pension, you need to know what benefits are established for pensioners in Moscow in 2018.

What benefits are provided to pensioners in Moscow

The country is aging, the number of pensioners is increasing, the economic crisis, creeping inflation depreciate pension benefits, forcing older people to cut needs to a minimum. Understanding the situation, trying to remedy the situation, the state is introducing a number of measures aimed at supporting the normal standard of living of the elderly. All options for the privileges due are divided into two types - provided at the federal level and sponsored by the local budget. Preferences are divided into several types:

  • tax benefits for pensioners in Moscow;
  • discounts on utility bills;
  • social targeted assistance provided to needy citizens;
  • benefits for the purchase of medicines, trips on intercity, urban transport, the provision of treatment, the purchase of vouchers.

At the federal level

For an elderly person receiving old-age benefits, regardless of place of residence, the state guarantees various types of preferences that can be used if necessary. These include:

  • Cash monthly payments established for certain groups of citizens - heroes of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of the defense of Moscow, military operations.
  • Preferential rights for exemption from certain taxes - on property, personal income tax.
  • Compensation for payments for utilities, contributions for the overhaul of an apartment building.
  • Tax deductions when buying an apartment.
  • Benefits for disabled pensioners in Moscow and other persons for the purchase of expensive medicines according to the approved list of medicines subject to compensation.

Local Benefits

The federal budget cannot bear the burden of fully providing pensioners in need with the required benefits. Some obligations for payments, discounts and benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018 were shifted to local authorities, which are obliged to provide the following privileges to needy elderly citizens:

  • targeted social and material assistance;
  • privileges for the payment of transport tax, contributions for a land plot;
  • compensation for the use of a landline telephone;
  • opportunity not to pay for garbage collection;
  • free medical care at home, if health does not allow visiting the clinic;
  • receiving dental care under a social program;
  • a trip once a year to a place of sanatorium-resort rest according to the relevant medical indications.

Legal regulation

Pensioners in Moscow, as well as other subjects of the federation, enjoy the benefits based on the articles of various regulatory documents. Officials rely on the following prescriptions when determining the amount of discounts and cash payments:

  1. Articles 159-160 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, stipulating the receipt of benefits for payment of housing and communal services.
  2. Decree of the Government of Russia dated July 17, 1995 No. No. 710, stipulating the rules for providing preferential medical care to pensioners.
  3. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 225 dated November 22, 2004, establishing the rules for preferential receipt of medicines.
  4. Letter of the social insurance fund No. 07 44SHSH dated February 9, 1996, providing benefits for the treatment of war veterans.
  5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2005 No. under No. 761, which provides for benefits for paying utility bills and other payments for housing.

What are the benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018

Residents of the capital who receive state old-age pension benefits enjoy extensive privileges. These include:

  • tax incentives;
  • deductions for property tax when acquiring real estate;
  • cash monthly and lump-sum payments provided to needy individuals whose minimum income “does not reach” the subsistence level in Moscow;
  • compensation for utilities, gasification, major repairs;
  • free or subsidized medicines;
  • medical care, including dental services, compensation for rehabilitation facilities, travel to the place of sanatorium treatment.

Tax preferences

Retirees are exempt from certain taxes. Benefits are given for the following types of tax payments:

  • Tax on immovable property owned by a pensioner, if the cost of housing does not exceed 200 million rubles. Real estate refers to residential and non-residential premises (garages, outbuildings, registered in the name of this individual).
  • Transport contributions, if the power of the car is not higher than 100 hp, rowing or motor boat - below 5 hp.
  • Land tax. The right not to pay is given to disabled people, participants in the Second World War, the Chernobyl accident.
  • personal income tax. Pension, other income of an elderly person is not subject to this fee.

Tax deduction for working pensioners

If an individual who is on a well-deserved old-age rest continues to officially work and has acquired real estate, then he has the right to tax deductions when buying an apartment. You can apply for a benefit for the previous three years, if there is evidence of the acquisition of real estate. The deduction is given upon presentation of a certificate of ownership or a contract on equity participation in housing construction.

Social supplement for pension up to the subsistence level in the capital

If a non-working resident of the capital provides local social security authorities with information that the amount of pension received is lower than the subsistence minimum (PM) in Moscow, then he is entitled to monthly cash compensation payments up to the minimum amount established by federal law. In Moscow in 2018, the amount of the PM was 11,560 rubles, in the Moscow region - 9,160 rubles. When paying money, the targeted assistance received by the pensioner, all types of subsidies are taken into account.

Subsidies for utility bills

Paying for utilities places an exorbitant burden on the shoulders of an elderly person. The federal authorities provide benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018 for utility payments. If the total amount of utility payments paid by a citizen who has presented a pension certificate is 3-10% of his income, then he is provided with a subsidy. The amount of compensatory payments is determined individually, taking into account the amount of the pension, paid utility bills, and is subject to review every six months. You can also compensate for the gasification of the house carried out at your own expense.

Phone reimbursement

Elderly citizens who use a landline telephone, permanently residing in Moscow and receiving pension benefits, enjoy benefits when paying for communication services. The amount of the discount is 190 rubles. To receive it, you must apply. The benefit is provided upon presentation of a pension certificate and applies to payment for intracity telephone lines.

Free and subsidized medicines

An elderly person who is on a well-deserved rest can claim to receive free medicines according to the established list approved by the Moscow Government. If an expensive drug was purchased at his own expense, then a resident of the capital once a year can compensate for the amount of money spent by contacting the FSS at the place of residence. You can find out the list of medicines prescribed free of charge or at a reduced cost from the attending physician, who is obliged to provide information about the preference to the patient.

Medical service

The list of benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018 was significantly expanded due to the introduction of privileges for receiving medical care. Seniors are entitled to the following benefits:

  • Free medical care out of turn in polyclinics at the place of residence of the pensioner.
  • Providing vouchers for sanatorium treatment according to the doctor's indications.
  • Discounts in pharmacies when purchasing medicines.
  • Full or partial compensation payments for the purchase by an elderly person of means of technical rehabilitation, according to medical prescriptions.
  • Compensation for the cost of dentures made in public clinics.
  • Other types of social targeted medical care provided individually.

Monthly compensation payments to working pensioners

Officially employed citizens are often unaware of the additional payments due. Compensatory preferential payments can be received by working elderly people whose income, including pension benefits, varies between 12,000-20,000 rubles. You can count on additional payments when working according to the approved list of professions, where there are librarians, nurses, paramedics, janitors, kindergarten teachers and other citizens. Monthly compensation payments are assigned to people with proven health problems, regardless of profession and position.

Luzhkov's payments

In the list of benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018, there is a Luzhkov's allowance. Getting it is associated with some difficulties, since the amount of assistance is tied to the size of the social standard of Moscow and the PM. Pensioners living at least 10 years in the capital, with a low level of income, receive an additional payment up to the social standard adopted for this period, which is 14,500 rubles for 2018. If a pensioner has been living in Moscow for less than 10 years, then he can only claim an additional payment to the PM, the amount of which is smaller and amounts to 11,560 rubles.

There are no automatic charges. To receive a surcharge, contact the MFC or the PF branch at the place of residence with the necessary documents. Required to present:

  • a passport with a residence permit proving a ten-year residence in Moscow;
  • SNILS;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • application for a supplement.

Transport benefits for Moscow pensioners

Persons receiving pension payments can travel free of charge in Moscow using buses, metro, trolleybuses and trams. These benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018 are possible upon receipt of a social card of a Muscovite, or a ticket issued by the social security fund. To get it, you must have a permanent Moscow registration. Pensioners present the required package of papers to the employees of the RUSZ Moscow for the right to preferential travel. This includes documents, a complete list of which can be obtained by calling the social security hotline.

Features of preferences for certain categories of pensioners in 2018

Certain categories of residents of the capital have advantages in accordance with the rules established by federal and regional legislation. Preferences differ from the basic privileges of Moscow citizens receiving age-related pension benefits. Social protection measures for such Muscovites are extensive and include a variety of discounts, compensations and cash assistance. There are several groups that have individual benefits:

  • lonely people;
  • persons receiving "military pensions";
  • disabled pensioners;
  • labor veterans.

Lonely and underprivileged

Infirm elderly citizens living alone, without the help of close relatives, can count on the following list of benefits:

  • Discounts on utility bills, major repairs. Pensioners over 70 are provided with 100% compensation.
  • Free production and installation of dentures, incl. from expensive materials.
  • Free medicines or discounts on the purchase of medicines.
  • Extraordinary medical care in hospitals, clinics, at home.
  • Targeted household assistance for the purchase of products, necessary things and medicines.
  • Assistance to carers for the care of the elderly, deprived of the possibility of self-care, citizens.
  • Free or discounted housekeeping services for apartment cleaning.
  • Funeral services with discounts.

Benefits for military pensioners in Moscow

Citizens who served in the army, former military, have special prerogatives, even if they have not reached the age required for the calculation of social state age benefits. They are given the right:

  • Receive compensation for housing and utility bills. Persons who have reached retirement age can apply.
  • Do not pay land, road, property tax payments.
  • Arrange a child in a kindergarten or other pre-school institution within 30 days after the application is submitted.
  • Free travel on city and intercity transport.
  • Rehabilitation once a year in a sanatorium type institution free of charge according to medical prescriptions and health conditions.

Disabled pensioners

Regional legislative authorities established special benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018 who have a certificate of the presence of a disability group. These citizens have the following privileges:

  • do not pay property taxes;
  • receive a special regional pension supplement;
  • enjoy free travel on any public transport, except for fixed-route taxis;
  • are provided with free rest in a sanatorium based on the instructions of the attending physician.

Labor veterans

The state encourages long work experience and active professional activity, rewarding individuals with special privileges. The following benefits have been established for pensioners-veterans of labor in Moscow in 2018, if they have confirmed data on work experience of more than 40 years:

  • free travel on all types of urban transport, with the exception of minibuses;
  • compensation up to 50% of payment of utility bills;
  • the right to an unpaid two-week additional leave for employees;
  • preferential dental services of state polyclinics;
  • discounts on medicines, medical care services;
  • regional surcharges to PM in Moscow;
  • monetization of discounts if a person refuses privileges.


Labor veterans living in Moscow can apply for tax, medical, transport and social benefits, as well as additional pension payments.

Legislation provides for labor veterans to receive federal and regional benefits. Legal regulation of social protection and compensatory measures to support the population in the regions is carried out by the authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation and on the basis of:

  • Law of the City of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 N 70 (as amended on December 14, 2016) “On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow” .
  • Decree "On the procedure for providing certain privileged categories of citizens with a place of residence in the city of Moscow, sanatorium treatment, as well as free travel on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back."
  • "On the provision of subsidies for the payment of housing and utilities in the city of Moscow."
  • On state social assistance.

Regional benefits

Regional benefits for labor veterans in Moscow in 2018 are divided into several types:

Type of benefit Description
Transport Free travel on public transport, as well as on the suburban train
Compensation for housing and communal services Half the cost of housing and communal services
Communication services Paying only 50% of the phone fee
healthcare Medically prescribed spa treatment and reimbursement of round-trip train fares, as well as the provision of medical supplies
Additional payment Regional supplement to the amount of the pension payment when taking into account indexation for the year
Prosthetics Free production and repair of dentures

When applying for a certificate at the social security authority, a citizen can find out in detail what benefits are provided to a labor veteran in Moscow and immediately apply for the necessary compensation, payment of benefits, and a set of social services.

note : federal benefits for labor veterans also continue to operate along with regional measures of social support for this category of citizens.

Easy access to transport

This measure of social support for the population is provided to veterans of labor in the city of Moscow on public passenger transport. With the exception of:

  • taxi cars;
  • fixed-route taxis.

The procedure for obtaining such a benefit is to collect the necessary documentation for the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, and then submit an application by personal appeal, through the MFC or the State Services portal. Within 30 days, the citizen will receive the result of his appeal.

Transport benefits can also include reimbursement of travel expenses to the place of sanatorium treatment at the expense of public funds, if there are no grounds for refusing to provide benefits to a citizen. To apply for this type of social assistance, you will need documents from the list:

  • passport;
  • veteran's certificate;
  • work book (for working labor veterans);
  • application for payment of travel to the place of treatment;
  • travel documents;
  • pensioner's ID.

As a result of the appeal, it is possible either to reimburse the expenses for the labor veteran's travel to the place of treatment or to receive a reasoned refusal to provide benefits.

Compensation for housing and communal services

Labor veterans who wish to receive compensation for housing and communal services must apply to the administration of the social protection authority with documents such as:

  • application for payment subsidies;
  • passport;
  • confirmation of income;
  • receipts for utilities and major repairs;
  • residence permit in this premises;
  • the first payment for housing must be documented;
  • applicant's bank details.

As a result of the appeal, the citizen will receive a notice of the provision of a subsidy for utility bills or a refusal. A motivated refusal can be appealed both in court and out of court. A citizen can independently calculate the amount of the benefit on receipts for an apartment.

note: the benefit for heating, electricity, overhaul is 50% of the amount accrued in the receipt.

The procedure for issuing compensation for electricity consists of several stages:

  1. Apply for a refund of half the cost of payment for electricity to Mosenergosbyt PJSC through the personal account of the site or directly to the company's branch.
  2. Prepare all necessary documents.
  3. Get the result of the appeal (refusal or satisfaction of the application).

A labor veteran can submit an application independently, or through a social worker or another person. The electricity supply company will calculate the amount of the benefit for electricity on a monthly basis.

Communication services discounts

Health Benefits

Medical benefits include providing pensioners with vouchers to places of sanatorium treatment for labor veterans. The following list of documents is required for registration:

  1. Applicant's passport.
  2. Medical certificate on the appointment of sanatorium treatment.
  3. Ticket application.
  4. Documents confirming the received titles, orders, medals.

The term for consideration of the application is 10 days, after which the citizen is informed about the registration of the application. As a result of the application, the labor veteran is sent an order to allocate a place in a sanatorium. The voucher itself must be provided 18 days before the date of arrival at the medical and health institution. Together with the ticket, travel documents to the destination are issued.

In addition to treatment in a sanatorium, a labor veteran can apply for free medicines or their purchase at a reduced cost. Such medicines are provided on the basis of the opinion of the attending physician, as well as their availability at the pharmacy.

Financial support

A measure of material support is provided for those labor veterans who meet several conditions at once:

  • Have reached retirement age.
  • The amount of accrued labor pension is below the subsistence level.

A regional additional amount of money is paid and issued only if these conditions are met and is called the monetization of benefits. The allowance can also be calculated for the refusal of a labor veteran from the set of social services assigned to him by law. But for this you need to file an application for refusal to the social security authority.

A separate measure of financial support for labor veterans is tax benefits. In this case, pensioners are exempted from paying the cost of land tax.

For centenarians, a decree of the city of Moscow established an additional one-time payment for centenarians aged 101 and older in the amount of 15 thousand rubles.

Preferential prosthetics

A measure of gratuitous assistance to veterans of labor in Moscow in the manufacture and repair of dentures. The state pays just in such situations. The exception is compensation for the cost of prostheses made of precious materials, as well as cermets.

In order to issue compensation, a citizen entitled to a benefit should prepare documents for prosthetics. A labor veteran must submit to the social protection authority:

  • passport;
  • confirmation of the doctor about the need for a prosthesis;
  • veteran and pension certificate;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • information about the composition of the family and their income;
  • copies of the above documents.

Directly at the department of social protection, you will need to draw up an application for the provision of preferential prosthetics. After that, the citizen remains to wait for a decision, positive or negative. Reasoned refusal can be appealed through the court.

You can learn more about receiving benefits for labor veterans in the regions by watching the video

Higher education. Orenburg State University (specialization: economics and management at heavy engineering enterprises).
March 11, 2018 .