How to make a big box of parchment. Unusual and tasty. Book

Phased master classes on independent making boxes for gifts

Beautiful box made with your own hands is not a gift by itself, but it can serve as beautiful packaging for the present on any occasion. Options for such original products Great set - from the simplest to incredibly complex. On this page you will receive gradual instructions, how to make boxes in the Origami technique, in the form of handbags, cradle, small cakes and envelopes. For ease of making, master classes are accompanied by schemes and templates.

How to make paper box-origami (with video)

This simple origami box, manufactured by their own hands, does not require gluing. Just fold the paper sheet as shown below.

  1. From the sheet of paper cut the square, as shown in the photos.
  2. Fold the square on the diagonals. Get off the paper.
  3. Move the corner of the square to the intersection of diagonals and bend the paper.
  4. Divide the opposite sides, as shown in the photo.
  5. Bend the corner of the square, as shown in the photo. Separate the corner.
  6. Also bend and break the rest of the corners.
  7. Bend the workpiece as shown in the photo.

If you want to make a box of paper with your own hands as standard as possible, it can be put it. To do this, wake the box glue boxes.

On these photos, it is shown to make a paper box in Origami technique:

You can leave a box in such a concise form, but you can give her a raisin by adding decorative elements:

Detailed instructions for making boxes-origami are given in this video:

And if you want to make a gift to your beloved person, then decorate a box in a romantic style:

Beautiful boxes-handbags do it yourself: master classes with video

Such a beautiful gift box made by your own hands does not require bonding. The difference is that you first need to cut the scan on the template, and then fold the box.

Your handbag is ready! But if it seems to you that it looks boring - we offer to take advantage of our ideas on decorating it.

Blue bag in classic style:

Here you can see the scheme of making box-handbags with your own hands:

Blue bag with embroidery:

  1. Make a box of dense silver paper.
  2. At the bottom of the front wall, fasten the "on the corner" a piece of lace or canvas. The bottom of the fabric is close by a piece of silk ribbons.
  3. From the same ribbon, tie a bow.
  4. Enclose applique with embroidered colors and a bow on the box valve.

This video describes in detail how to make a paper bag:

Golden handbag:

  1. Make a box of dense gold paper.
  2. At the bottom of the front and rear walls and on the bending of the valve, glue the strips of the golden paper lace.
  3. Shill the second glue with an artificial leaf outlet.
  4. Secure the outlet on the valve box. In the center ride a bead-star.
  5. The same beads fasten the box on the front wall.

In the next section of the article, you will find templates for making your hands-envelope boxes.

Making gift boxes-envelopes: instructions with templates

A gift box-envelope, manufactured with your own hands, also does not need gluing. Please note: the side valves are bent down the arc, due to this box, it turns out volumetric.

Take advantage of these templates for making paper-envelope box with your own hands:

There are a lot of decor options for such a box. Consider some of them:

Envelope box in New Year's style:

  1. Cut and fold a box of dense green paper.
  2. Puck the box with decorative scotch
  3. From a dense green paper cut out the Christmas tree and secure it in the center of the long side of the box.
  4. Decorate the Christmas tree by beads and pearl rhinestones.
  5. Stick on both sides of the Christmas tree Christmas figures.
  6. With the help of a white acrylic circuit, put a point on the box, depicting snow.

Council. The envelope box can be opened not only with long, but also with a short side. In this case, the decor can be fixed on a whole long side of the box.

Envelope Box in Romantic Style:

  1. Cut and fold a box of dense pink paper.
  2. In the left side of the front wall, make a strip of white paper lace.
  3. Using holes, cut out several flower and peas of white paper for the printer.
  4. Stick fine details on the box.
  5. At the valve glue the artificial flower. In the middle of the flower, fasten the pearl rhinestones.

Council. If the flower is not at hand, you can cut it out of thick paper and give the amount of embossed.

For the manufacture of an envelope box with a bow, you are acting step by step:

  1. Cut and fold a box of dense silver paper.
  2. Cut three pieces / silver-pink ribbon.
  3. From one piece glue the ring so that it can be put on a short side of the box.
  4. From the second piece, fold the bow and take it to the ring, closing the place of the gluing.
  5. The third piece of ribbons are covered with a long side of the box and both side valves.

Council. Before cutting off the ribbon, attach it to the surface of the box in places of sticking. Cut pieces for 2-3 cm longer than the past surface.

Below you can familiarize yourself with the master class on making a box with a lock.

How to make a box with your hands: master class with photo

This box also does not require gluing and is made on the basis of one template, but the design allows you to change the shape of the parties, so the packaging may look different.

You can make a paper box with your own hands according to these schemes:

Leave the box in this form or add decor according to the following instructions:

Council. If the acrylic contour is not at hand, use the helium handle or corrector. You can also cut the mug holes and stick them on the box.

Making a beautiful gift box-cramming with your own hands

This box can not save the shape without gluing. Glue apply on valves marked in the pattern of the template.

Look at the photo how to make a box-cradle with your own hands:

If it seems to you that the box looks not festively, follow the following instructions:

  1. Cut and bend a box of raspberry paper.
  2. Rubblyko and side walls inside the box are decorative tape decorative. Cut the surplus of the tape on the upper edges of the side walls.
  3. Glue the box.
  4. Puck the top of the box with decorative scotch. At the edges of the scotch strip glue paper lace.
  5. On the inner surface of the side walls, fasten the angel figures.
  6. Gold acrylic contour. Put points on the surface of the box. By the same contour, spend the lines along the edges of the scotch strips and the upper edge of the side of the box.

Council. Instead of metal figures, you can use stickers from golden paper or just cut from such a paper silhouettes of angels.

Below you can familiarize yourself with the instruction, how to make a box-pad with your own hands.

Master class on the manufacture of boxed boxes

The cushion box is similar to the envelope box, but, unlike it, requires gluing. And it closes at the expense of its own form.

Council. When gluing, make sure that the side sides of the box are completely closed valves.

Boxing pad can be made more solemn:

  1. Cut, bend and glue a box of dense silver paper with a holographic effect.
  2. Puck the middle of the top and side of the box with a decorative scotch, forming a bandwidth about 2/3 of the width of the box.
  3. From lilac paper cut the tag in the form of a cloud.
  4. Collect a bouquet of artificial colors and stamens and tie it fine lilac ribbon.
  5. Start the tag on the Scotch band, secure the bouquet from above.
  6. Stick the little figure of God's cow - it will create a bright accent.

Council. With paper with a holographic effect, it is quite difficult to work: it is too active in itself, and come up with a packaging design is not easy. The background for the decor can be created from scotch strips.

The final section of the article is devoted to the phased production of the box cake with their own hands.

How to make a box-cake with your own hands: phased instruction

This box-cake also need to glue to keep it form. But to close the box will help the "lock".

Take advantage of these templates for making box cakes:

You can create a box in the form of a chocolate piece of cake. To do this, follow the instructions:

Council. When making a ring for a gift box-torticity, you can use a thin color corrugated cardboard - it gives an extra volume, and the box looks like a real chocolate cake. But be careful: corrugated cardon is often brittle.

And other concerns).
But recently made a box as a gift and decided to lay out a small master class.

So do it box-clamshell with a surprise.
The idea is such - a person receives a huge box as a gift, opens it, inside another box is smaller, further - one more and so on until we have a tiny box with a small gift.
Such packaging is very convenient when you want to give a small gift like jewelry (rings), money or any other memorable gift.

The clamshell box decides several tasks at once:
1. It has an impressive look and does not create the impression that a gift is not enough (this is for giganty lovers))));
2. Such a box is much more pleasant to get than just a banal envelope with money;
3. The box can be decorated with different wishes, photographs, small commemorative objects and becomes a repository of pleasant memories, and this, you agree, more valuable than even the gift itself.

What will be needed for work:

1. Cardboard (binding or corrugated)
2. Wrapping paper different
3. Decorative elements from paper, wood, beads and everything you want to decorate the box.
4. Two-way tape (thin and foamed)
5. Paper for paper (PVA, moment of crystal or any other with which you are used to working)
6. Paper or greasy scotch of different widths
7. Scissors

Working hours:

The time to assemble the box entirely depends on the size. A box of 30x30x30 cm can be collected 1-1.5 hours (this is only one external box!), Internal boxes are smaller can be collected from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Plus, add a time to decoking here - about half an hour for each box. In general, you can lay on the assembly and decor of the entire packing 10-15 hours. Therefore, plan to create such a package in advance, at the last moment it will not be done exactly.

I'll say that this option does not claim high witness, it is made quite simple and quickly, so we believe that this is an option of a simple clamshell box))) You can confuse and make the box-cladder ideal in all respects, but get ready to spend several Full days, since the study of parts will require an appropriate approach.


1. Before starting work, decide on the size. I recommend starting from the largest, external box, as it takes the largest piece of material and on the basis of this you can plan the dimensions of the internal boxes. It is better to make a box in the form of a cube, then it will be easier to count the sizes - all the dimensions are equal to the Cuba. Each subsequent box must be 3 cm less so that between the boxes inside the decor and the lid can be placed. Also, decide what size you should have the smallest inner box in which a gift will be located.

2. Select the base material.
Corrugated cardboard (from old boxes or bought by specially sheets) is much easier, so the total weight of the finished box-clamshell will be relatively small. But consider that the boxes will be volume, so the view will be not very compact and neat.
Binding cardboard It is much harder, but it is even, well glued and keeps paper, and much thinner corrugated, so the box will turn out to be smooth, beautiful and neat.

3. On the basis of the box, we will leave 5 sheets of cardboard identical size. In my case, these are sheets of 30x30 cm (hereinafter all sizes will be given on the basis of the size of my box).
We put one sheet in the middle and 4 by placing on its parties. We leave a small gap between the sheets (about 3-4 mm) so that the side of the box is fluently unfolded.

4. With paper scotch, we glue all the joints of the sheets on the one hand, turn over the workpiece and do the same on the other side. Thus, we get a blank of 5 sheets, cursed at the joints on both sides.

5. We are now working with the biggest, external box, so you need to push the outdoor bottom so that the box looks decent outside the box.
Cut from wrapping paper square size 35x35 cm (it should be a bit more cardboard bottom).

6. We glue into the cardboard bottom of the strip of fine bilateral tape is not too often and is not too rare so that the paper glued exactly.

7. Remove the protective paper from the scotch and glue the leaf of the wrapping paper, which we cut out in advance.

8. In the corners of the protruding parts of the paper, we make cuts at an angle of 45 degrees.

9. We turn the bottom harvesting, bend the corners and glue them to the base.

Extra centimeters bend and glued to the base. It is better to use glue here, as it is necessary to miss quite large paper areas.
Before sticking the side of the sides, you need to adjust the corners of the paper so that the corners of the base looked decently.

So we should look like the inner part of a large box after sticking the paper outside:

13. The basis of the largest box is ready for us, now you need to make the lid. We know that the size of a large box we have 30x30 cm, so the size of the lid should be on a centimeter more. Cut from cardboard Square 31x31 cm and 4 strips with a size of 31x5 cm. Here are 5 cm - this height of the cover, I took this size in particular because of the paper tape (it was wide, 5 cm) so that it was convenient to shit and do not need It was constantly cut off an excess width. You can make the height of the cover less, customizing it under your needs.
The cut parts are expanding the same way as when creating the base of the box, but in bulk to the middle sheet (that is, do not make the gaps between the details)

14. Purchase paper scotch joints of parts only on one side of the workpiece

15. It turns out this design (glued joints in our inside)

16. We fold tightly angles and glue them outside the strip of paper tape. It is important to ensure that the parts are glued smoothly and tightly - the appearance of the lid directly depends on this.

We get such a pretty workpiece. By the way, it is possible to "learn" to "learn" in the mail - watch how you pack the box with a package with a package, the principle will immediately become clear.

There should be such a neat lid:

The cover of the cover I successfully forgot to take a picture, but in principle it is worthy of a separate workshop, as the process is interesting, but to have at least something, laying out the process of glue covers from corrugated cardboard.

First, it is necessary to cut a sheet of wrapping paper, taking into account the height of the cover, that is, if the base of the cover is 31x31 cm, the height of it is 5 cm, then cut the sheet at least 42x42 cm so that it is possible to take the external and internal height of the cover:

19. Ufff. Tired?)) And this is just we made the first, the biggest box! Go ahead. Each subsequent box should be made by 3 cm less, that is, we cut 5 sheets of cardboard in size 27x27 cm.

We put sheets:

Purchase from two sides of the workpiece with scotch

There should be such a workpiece without leaning paper bottom:

20. Now we glue a smaller box to more. To do this, we put on a flat surface of the basis of a large box, we absorb the glue of the bottom of the smallest box and gently glue it exactly to the center of the inside of the bottom of the large box. Like this:

21. We further repeat all the procedures described several times with a corresponding reduction in the size of the boxes. That's what I did:
1 box - 30x30 cm, cover 31x31 cm
2 box - 27x27 cm, cover 28x28 cm
3 box - 24x24 cm, cover 25x25 cm
4 box - 21x21 cm, cover 22x22 cm
5 box - 18x18 cm, cover 19x19 cm
6 box - 15x15 cm, lid 16x16 cm

Less than a box I did not do, because It was necessary to put an envelope with a gift card, and 15x15 - the smallest box was just very convenient for this.
In general, you can make a larger number of boxes, increasing them, for example, up to 9 pieces. Then the box with a ring or any other small gift is made to the smallest one.

22. Now you need to decorate all the boxes of our packaging.
We start with the smallest, and we are lying in front of us:

Decorate with congratulatory inscriptions, landscapes and other decor, put the converter immediately!

We close the box with a lid (on the lid also need to make the decor) and proceed to the decor box more.

We again close the lid and decorate the following:

And finally, our big box!

To make the box not revealed before, it must be tied up with a beautiful ribbon and solemnly present the addressee. Delight and tears of happiness are guaranteed!

Here is another little gif, where you can briefly see the process of creating a similar box-folding box:

You chose a gift, it remains only to packed it beautifully. But you know that the standard gift packaging is not very original, and often even tasteless. But the gift should be delighted immediately, even when he is not open yet! Let's try to make a beautiful gift box with your own hands, and pack a gift with taste, original and unusual. Moreover, it is simple!

IMPORTANT: To pack the gift with your own hands, you will have to fantasize. Make a gift box is very easy, but adding it originality and uniqueness, it can only yourself. Do not be afraid to fantasize and create! Add the decor, the most unexpected and unusual, use threads and ropes instead of simple tapes, attach to toys, flowers, candy boxes - in general, create! You will receive pleasure from this creative process, and the one who is intended a gift will be delighted!


These schemes will suit you if you have prepared something miniature as a gift. For example, jewelry or jewelry, miniature gadgets or, maybe the keys from the new car? Let's see how it all is interesting to pack your own hands.


For medium-sized gifts, you need more boxes, and their design is slightly different. For them, use more dense paper or cardboard, and choose the shape and design of the package to your taste.


For a big gift you need a big and beautiful box. Let's try to make it yourself! Choose a very dense cardboard so that the package is reliable, and strong glue that will not give the seam packaging to break.

Choose an option to your taste, and do not forget - this is a creative process, which means there are no strict rules here. You can change the dimensions yourself and even experiment with forms, let the will of fantasy! And your gift will immediately cause delight, from one of his appearance.

What to give an expensive person to the celebration? Many are asked a similar question. An ideal solution can be boxes with surprises. Do with your own hands make such a gift will not be much difficulty. It is enough to turn on the fantasy and make a little effort. As a result, not only beautiful and spectacular packaging will be obtained, but also a very original present. You can give such a product for any holiday. How to make a box with a surprise?

What is it?

Magic Box is a small box, inside which surprise is hidden. It can be seen immediately after removing the lid. You can decorate such a souvenir in any available way. It can be paper flowers, ribbons from satin, rhinestones and so on. You can use almost any accessories.

To make boxes with surprises with your own hands? It will take several sheets of paper, a variety of decor elements, as well as a free evening. This product will become an original gift. The main thing is to decorate the box so that it corresponds to the subject of the event.

Birthday gift

Make the boxes with a surprise with their own hands from the girlfriend. The choice of their design depends only on your imagination. Such a souvenir can be an excellent birthday gift. After all, it is not just a packaging. To make a box with a surprise of paper and cardboard, you will need:

Getting to work

Bird with a surprise for a birthday is the perfect gift. To begin with, it is worth making a souvenir frame. Box template can be made independently. This will require white paper. It must be drawn, and then cut the square with the sides of 18 centimeters. After that, horizontal and vertical lines should be carried out at a distance of 12 and 6 centimeters from the edge. As a result, a sheet should be turned out, which marks 9 faces. The length of each side of the future box will be equal to 6 centimeters. Corner squares need to be cut, and the rest bend in places of folds.

The circuit of the paper box should be neat. The parties are recommended to be carefully measured. Otherwise, the surprise will not work.

Gift boxes with a surprise are usually decorated with paper products. To begin with, it is worth cut from scrap-paper 10 squares. Their parties should be less than 6 centimeters. Billets should be fixed using glue outside and inside the box.

Making the cover

Finally, you need to make covers for boxes with surprises. You can create a real masterpiece. From the sheet of ordinary paper it is worth cutting the base for the roof. You should consider the size of the box, as well as leave some paper on bends. On such a workpiece it is worth the line by retreating from the edge of 1 centimeter. After that, the paper must be carefully hooked. From paper designed for scrapbooking, it is worth cutting a few squares and glue them to the lid.

At the edges of the workpiece you need to do several cuts diagonally. Corners need to be removed, and the remaining tails lock on the sides. For these purposes, you can use the "moment" glue. To keep the tails well, you can use paper clips. When the adhesive will dry, they can be removed.

How to decorated

How to decorate such origami? Box with a surprise must be decorated. To do this, connect fantasy. With a twine, you can decorate the souvenir cover by fixing the material along its perimeter. Figures can be made of polymer clay. They should be glued on the box cover.

From the sheet of paper, cut the square and roll in the tuba, and then wrap it with a twine. Lock at the bottom of the box the holder for money. The gift is ready. It can be decorate from it outside with volumetric applications, such as flowers and butterflies. Inside on each side of the box it is worth writing wishes.

You can decorate such a gift and a photo of the birthday girl. What to put in such a box? In such a gift, you can put money, carefully folded and tied with a ribbon, a certificate of a salon or cosmetic store, all sorts of jewelry.

Romantic souvenir

You can make boxes with surprises with your own hands in honor of the romantic holiday. It is not necessary to visit the stores and buy expensive gifts. Cardboard box, made in gentle colors, will certainly like your second half. For the manufacture of souvenir will be required:

Manufacturing process

The template of the box will make it much faster to make a beautiful gift for a loved one. For its manufacture, it is necessary to cut the square from the color cardboard, the sides of which are 27 centimeters. After that it is worth dividing it into 9 zones. These will be neat squares with 9 centimeters. Corner parts should be cut off. After that, the workpiece is recommended to be bought over the lines using a conventional line.

On the second sheet of red cardboard format A3 it is worth drawing a square with the sides of 21 centimeter. It should also be divided into 9 parts. Squares in this case will have parties whose length is 7 centimeters. The angular parts should be removed and get all over the lines.

From the third sheet of red cardboard it is worth making another workpiece. It needs to draw a square with the sides of 18 centimeters, and then divided by 9 squares with a side of 6 centimeters. After that, it is worth making one more workpiece. The initial square should be drawn with the sides of 15 centimeters. With it you need to do all the manipulations, as with the previous billets.

How to make a cover

How to make a box with a surprise? To keep the blanks well and did not open up ahead of time, you need to collect the lid. Since the side of a large box is 9 centimeters, then a red cardboard sheet will be required for the manufacture of the last detail, on which you can draw a square with a side of 14 centimeters. From each edge of the obtained part, you need to retreat 2 centimeters and cut lines.

Corner squares should be cut off. The sheet should be bandaged in the marked lines. The caps of the lid must be fixed by rebuilding inside and sticking.

Decorating a romantic gift

Cardboard box is ready. However, it needs to give a more original and beautiful appearance. It is necessary to decorate all the blanks. If we consider that the gift is intended for your loved one, then the main decorations should serve hearts, photos, valentines.

Starting standing with the smallest blank. After decorating it, you can begin next. For each of the sides, you can stick together the joint photos or the image of those places where you were together. Gentle phrases and love quotes are also suitable.

Finishing stage

The outer side of the box with a surprise is worth saving a self-adhesive film of red or paper. When each billet is decorated, you can proceed to the collection of the entire structure. Each box must be fixed on the principle of matryoshki. To do this, it is better to use superclauses. To be visible all the decorations, placing the boxes at an angle. At the end, collect the blanks together and cover the design with the lid. A gift for Valentine's Day is ready.

Gift for mom

A box with a surprise, made with your own hands, may be for your mother the most expensive gift. In addition, such a gift can be placed anything. For manufacture, you will need:

How to make a blank

From the cardboard of lilac color it is worth cutting the base. To do this, draw and cut the square with a side of 30 centimeters. It is necessary to divide into 9 equal parts. Corner squares should be removed. Such a workpiece should be carefully bandaged along the lines, and then spend an acute object on them, for example, a tweezers or a nail file. This will save the shape of the workpiece.

From paper for scrapbooking lilac color, 9 squares should be cut. The length of their parties should be no more than 8.6 centimeters. From office paper you also need to cut 4 squares. The length of their parties should be 9.3 centimeters. The edges of white paper must be painted under the color of the base.

Decorations for the box

After that, you can proceed to the decor. On the outer sides of the box, it is worth sticking the squares of white, and on top of them square paper squares. The inner can also be decorated. Each of the parties is to stick a square from scrap paper. In this case, it is better to use adhesive pencil. Otherwise, the side of the box can be deformed.

Now it is worth preparing wishes. They can be printed on the printer, and then cut with curly scissors. In this case, such wishes are suitable as "Let all your dreams are forgotten", "smiles and goodness", "Let every day brings joy" and so on. The edges of one paper can be turned on the toothpick, and the second is slightly awaited and adjusted. This will create the effect of aging.

Volume decoration

To decorate such a gift, you can use bulk decorations. From salad paper with curly holes it is worth making leaves. Each of them needs to draw a streak. To do this, it is better to use a gel handle. With the help of a second figured hole, it is worth to make small flowers. You can connect several such billets into one large bud. It is also worth making butterflies. So that they seem voluminous, you should slightly bend them in the middle.

How to close a mum box

Finally, it is worth making a lid for the box with a surprise. To do this, cut the square, the length of each side of which is 15.5 centimeters. From each edge you need to retreat. It will be enough 2.5 centimeters. Retreating, should hold lines. The squares formed in the corners should be cut, and the edges gently bent and glued their ends to the inside of the cover.

This part of the box is also worth decorating. You can stick a beautiful bow and a piece of paper with the inscription "Let every day begins only with a smile." On the inside of the lid it is worth placing several flowers and leaves, butterfly. You can also stick another wish.

It is worth noting that such a box with a surprise can be given not only to mom, but also grandmother, sister, tet. Inside, you can put a certificate of beauty salon or cosmetic store. A good gift can be a jewelry. In a word, such a box with a surprise will be the perfect souvenir for the representatives of the weaker sex on March 8.

Other holidays

The box with a surprise can become an original gift for the wedding. It can also place joint photos of newlyweds, while taking a small pocket inside the design. In such a box, you can place many notes with wishes, rolled into the tubes and tied ribbons.

Such a gift can be presented for the New Year. In this case, the box can be decorated with pictures with images of winter landscapes. It all depends only on your imagination.

Simple version of paper box. This is my first instruction here and I tried to make it as clearer and understandable as possible. Some steps it was difficult for me to explain so that it was clear, but I think that the photos will be all clear. If you have any problems, write in the comments, and I will try to explain better.

I know that there are several versions of paper boxes from A4 sheet, but here I have not seen my way, so I hope he will be useful. Enjoy!

Step 1: Materials

You will need:

  • 2 sheets of conventional office paper (box + lid)
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Rule

You may also need a little glue.

Stage 2.

We fold a sheet of paper as shown in the photo.

Stage 3.

Paint the line with a pencil, rubbing one of the sides of the resulting triangle.

Stage 4.

Cut the sheet of paper along the line.

Stage 5.

Now you have a square (an extra piece of paper can be thrown out).

Stage 6.

Now you must fold the square on another diagonal and deploy it again.

Stage 7.

Then we fold all 4 square angle to the center.

Stage 8.

We fold one of the sides of the square to the center (as shown in the photo), then fold the opposite side in exactly as well.

Stage 9.

Now flexing just bent sides of the square. We deploy it 90 degrees and bend the two other sides of the square.

Stage 10.

Make cuts as shown in the photo. Cuts should be only on top and bottom, they should not be too deep or short.

Stage 11.

Expand the upper and lower part as shown in the photo. Two other parties bend in such a way that the box could be opened.

Stage 12.

Final stage assembly box. Canceling the remaining two sides. Ready!

Stage 13.

Now if you have a desire you can make a bottom for our box, i.e. The box made by us at previous stages will cover the lid (it will be difficult to insert one box to another if their size will match). In order for the lid easily put on the box, we need a ruler.

It is quite simple. First, execute the steps 1 to 5, and then measure and draw a pencil with a pencil with an indentation of 5 mm from the upper and right edge of the square. After that, cut these thin stripes. Now the bottom and the lid will fit perfectly in each other.

It remains to repeat steps from 6 to 12 and the box with a paper lid is ready!

Stage 14.

If the top of the top will be fed down internal triangles, then they can be fastened with glue.

Stage 15.

All that remains to do is connect the boxes together.